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Protein Synthesis Relay Analysis Answer Key

Copy DNA Mark

DNAcodons Transcribe Translate

1. Why did you go to the nucleus to copy DNA? DNA stays in the nucleus.

2. Define Codon: three nucleotide bases (DNA or RNA) that code for one amino acid

3. Where does translation occur? Ribosome

4. What are 3 mRNA stop codons? UGA, UAG, UAA

5. Where do ribosomes occur in the cell? Cytoplasm, on Rough ER

6. When can mutations occur? Copying DNA, transcribing DNA, translating DNA

7. How many amino acids are in strand 4? 13

8. What process in the cell copies DNA? Replication

9. What was the greatest challenge for your team? Answers will vary

10. List a few human proteins. Insulin, hemoglobin, collagen, actin, pectin

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