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Project Management Professional (PMP) is the recognition credential to follow project

management professionals in their industry. Project managers can gain skills and abilities while

pursuing this course to succeed in their career path. According to the Project Management

Institute (PMI) survey, a PMP certificate holder can earn 16 percent higher earnings in the job

market compared to the non-PMP certificate holder. (Institute, 2021)

To conduct this survey, PMI used 40 countries between March 2021 and June 2021. This

survey shows that PMP certificate holders can increase their potential earnings compared to

nonqualified people. Even these compensation increases were not reduced in the Covid

pandemic situation. Most people in the project management field with the PMP qualification can

benefit from their compensation package.

Every organization needs project managers to succeed in their organizational goals

because project managers can handle limited resources efficiently and effectively to achieve

organizational goals. To do this, project managers apply their knowledge, skills, tools, and

techniques together, and qualified project managers can manage the project's budget,

requirements, and deadlines similarly (Williams, 2022).

Organizations seek a person with knowledge, skills, and experience to follow these

strategic processes. To ensure all these requirements, PMI follows these PMP certificate courses

to enhance the value of the project management field. This requirement guaranteed over 40

countries' salaries analysis over the past period.

Also, when project managers can update their knowledge and skills in line with their

position in the organization, they can enhance their professional development. Among all 40

countries, Switzerland, the United States, and Australia, project managers earn the highest

median salaries compared to all other countries.


Institute, P. M. (2021, November). Survey Shows Opportunity for Increased Earning Power for
Project Management Professional (PMP)® Certification Holders Across the Globe as
the Demand for Project Managers Remains High. Retrieved from Project Management
Williams, T. (2022, September). What is PMP? Project Management Professionals. Retrieved
from The Knowledge Academy:

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