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Gypsum/anhydrite: some

engineering problems
Işık Yılmaz

spontaneous collapse of individual caverns allows upward

Abstract The engineering properties of gypsum/ migration of voids, either by gradual caving of thinly
anhydrite change as a consequence of groundwater, bedded strata or (occasionally) by the sudden failure of
pressure and heat. Gypsum and anhydrite may more competent, thickly bedded rocks, leading ultimately
experience dissolution in the near-surface zone and to subsidence of the overlying ground surface (Thompson
along the discontinuities, creating karst terrain to et al. 1998). As a foundation material, gypsum differs from
depths related to present and/or past groundwater other rocks in that voids may be found at almost any depth
levels. This paper reviews the problems of con- within the rock mass. They may result directly from solu-
structing on gypsum/anhydrite and their engineering tion weathering near the surface and along discontinuities,
significance and provides short case histories to or as specific cave systems at depths related to present or
illustrate some of the problems encountered. past groundwater levels.
Problems caused by the presence of the gypsum/anhydrite
Résumé Les caractéristiques mécaniques du gypse rock and their engineering significance are outlined in this
et de l’anhydrite varient en fonction de la présence paper. The two basic problems that occur are subsidence
d’eau, de la pression et de la chaleur. Le gypse et due to the solubility characteristics of gypsum and heave
l’anhydrite peuvent être soumis à des processus de due to the hydration of anhydrite (to form gypsum).
dissolution à proximité de la surface et le long de Calcium sulphate is found throughout the world and hence
discontinuités, permettant ainsi le développement de the problems discussed in this paper are relevant to most
réseaux karstiques en profondeur, dans des zones en countries.
rapport avec les niveaux piézométriques actuels ou This paper uses short case histories to illustrate some of
anciens. L’article analyse les difficultés techniques the problems that may be encountered during construction
liées à la construction sur les formations de gypse ou in areas of gypsum/anhydrite bedrock.
d’anhydrite et présente quelques courtes études de
cas pour illustrer certains des problèmes rencon-
Engineering problems associated
Key words Gypsum 7 Anhydrite 7 Dissolution 7
Karst 7 Heave
with gypsum and anhydrite
Mots clés Gypse 7 Anhydrite 7 Dissolution 7 Dissolution
Karst 7 Gonflement As noted above, gypsum is susceptible to rapid dissolution
wherever there is active circulation of groundwater that is
undersaturated with respect to calcium sulphate. Gypsum
is more soluble than limestone: 2.5 kg of gypsum can be
dissolved in 1 m 3 by water according to the following
Introduction CaSO472H2OcH2O ] Ca c2cSO P2
4 c3H2O

As gypsum is susceptible to rapid dissolution wherever Chemical solution tends to occur along existing discontin-
there is active circulation of groundwater that is undersa- uities, e.g. joints and faults. Thus, until a late stage of
turated with respect to calcium sulphate, substantial development, karstic gypsum terrains usually have cavity
underground voids and cave systems may develop. The patterns related to the discontinuity geometry. In a closed
system the water quickly becomes saturated, hence both
dissolution and precipitation are possible.
Received: 19 February 2000 7 Accepted: 13 May 2000 Karst features in the gypsum usually consist of a network
I. Yılmaz (Y) of small-diameter passages (Culshaw and Waltham 1987).
Cumhuriyet University, Faculty of Engineering, If the gypsiferous rock is massive and jointed, large open-
Department of Geology, 58140, Sivas, Turkey ings are created along preferential flow paths. Culshaw and

Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 59 : 227–230 7 Q Springer-Verlag 227

I. Yılmaz

Waltham (1987) describe the gypsum beds in the Podolie the left abutment. The damage and associated costs were
region of the Ukraine (Russia) which include hundreds of considerable, but, more importantly, 400 people died as
kilometres of joint-controlled caves/passages greater than the result of this disaster (Ransome 1929).
5 m in height and width. Karacan and Yılmaz (1997) also The oldest dam known to be affected by gypsum karst is
reported similar networks of joint-controlled caves/ the McMillan Dam in New Mexico. Seepage and collapses
passages in gypsum in the south-west Sivas area of occurred on the left side of the dam, following which
Turkey. springs with a high discharge developed downstream of the
Collapse passages are a characteristic feature peculiar to dam. Despite considerable efforts in 1909, the seepage in
gypsum karst. Cover rocks start to collapse slowly, as a the left abutment could not be stopped (Brune 1965).
result of dissolution of the rocks (Bögli 1980; White 1988). In England, Ripon (North Yorkshire) suffers the worst
According to White (1988), collapse passages and are subsidence caused by gypsum dissolution. Here, at least 30
developed longitudinally may be 100–1000 m in width and major collapses have occurred in the past 150 years and
1–15 km long. further collapses are likely. The subsidence hollows are
Massive gypsum covers a large area around Sivas, Zara and commonly 10–30 m in diameter and reach 20 m in depth;
İmranlı which is extensively karstified with numerous sink east of the city they attain dimensions of up to 80 m diam-
holes and depressions. Hafik Lake to the east of Sivas, eter and may be 30 m deep. Numerous sags and small
Tödürge Lake to the west of Zara and Ulaş Lake to the collapses on farmland go undetected, but careful analysis
south of Sivas now occupy the karst depressions. Most of of historical levelling data suggests some areas of general
the sink holes were formed along fault traces and ground- ground lowering. Many of the subsidence features at Ripon
water discharge to the river can be observed in some places have a reticulate pattern related to the intersections of the
(Alagöz 1976; Karacan and Yılmaz 1997). In addition, joint systems in the rock. In the urban area of Ripon, the
dolines and collapse passages play an important role in the catastrophic subsidence has caused about ^1,000,000
groundwater flow system (Karacan and Yılmaz 1997). worth of damage in the last 10 years and has generated
Subsidence can be regarded as the vertical component of problems for both planners and engineers (Cooper 1998).
ground movement and clearly has serious effects on build- The Marchalico Viicas landslide is a marl debris flow
ings, services and communications. It may take place grad- carrying numerous large gypsum blocks. The flow, 3 km in
ually, almost imperceptibly, or it may occur quite length, is traversed by the motorway and reaches Rio
suddenly, affecting areas as small as a few square metres or Aguas, where groundwater springs and resurgences emerge
as large as many square kilometres (Lundgren 1999). from the base of the gypsum escarpment. These egresses
Gypsum is more soluble than limestone: 2100 mg/l of were the water source for the now abandoned hamlet of
gypsum can be dissolved in non-saline waters compared Marchalico Vinicas (Eyers et al. 1998).
with 400 mg/l of limestone; hence sinkholes and caverns
can develop in thick beds of gypsum more rapidly than in Heave problems
limestone terrain. Being weaker than limestone, gypsum Calcium sulphate occurs naturally in two different forms:
does not have the same arching potential and hence as anhydrite (CaSO4) and as gypsum (CaSO4.2H2O). The
collapses more readily. Once passageways have developed stability of both is a function of temperature, the amount
in massive gypsum, seepage flow rates increase such that of water available and pressure. Only anhydrite is stable
the dissolution proceeds in a rapidly accelerating manner above 58 7C at a pressure of about 100 kPa. Generally, only
(Bell 1993). gypsum is stable below 38 7C, although when water is not
Even in areas where active dissolution of gypsum is taking present, anhydrite may still occur but in a metastable form
place, the nature and the time scale of any associated at these lower temperatures. When water can react with
subsidence will vary according to both the size of the indi- anhydrite, the difference in specific volume between the
vidual cavities and the thickness and geotechnical proper- initial anhydrite and the subsequent gypsum is as shown in
ties of overlying strata. Cooper (1988), however, has shown the equation below (Wittke 1990):
that in the Ripon area of the UK, cavities from the rela-
tively shallow gypsum deposits can eventually migrate to
CaSO4 c 2H2O ] CaSO42H2O
the surface if the thickness of the overlying non-soluble (46 cm 3) (36 cm 3) (74 cm 3)
material is not sufficient to choke the migrating void.
If the foundations of a dam contain soluble minerals, water A comparison of the specific volumes indicates that the
seeping through the gypsiferous rocks may create voids specific volume of crystallised gypsum is greater than that
and any previously dry fissured material under substantial of anhydrite by DVp[(74P46/46)!100]p61%. In
hydraulic gradients will suffer dissolution and increasing contrast, as shown by the above equation, anhydrite with
seepage losses. Conglomerates cemented by soluble mate- two molecules of water possesses a volume 11% greater
rial will clearly also suffer significant loss of strength such than that of crystallised gypsum.
that the integrity of the foundations is compromised The anhydrite is metastable especially at shallow depths
(James and Kirkpatrick 1980). and tends to rehydrite to gypsum as it comes into contact
The St. Francis Dam, for example, was constructed in Los with circulating groundwater within the near-surface zone
Angeles in 1926 but by 1928 had been destroyed due to the (Murray 1964; Holliday 1970; Mossop and Shearman 1973).
dissolution of the conglomerate with gypsum cement in This involves a volume increase of between 30 and 58%

228 Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 59 : 227–230 7 Q Springer-Verlag

Gypsum/anhydrite: some engineering problems

(Blat et al. 1980) which exerts pressures which have been even without a rise in the level of the groundwater table,
variously estimated at between 2 and 70 MPa. It is likely expansive clay minerals in the vicinity of dehydrating
that such hydration can take place relatively quickly. When gypsum can take the liberated water of crystallisation and
it occurs at shallow depths it causes expansion, but this expand to lift existing structures (Azam 1997). Dehydra-
process is gradual and is usually accompanied by the tion of gypsum is associated with a volume decrease of up
removal of gypsum in solution. At greater depths anhy- to 38%, which may lead to excessive settlement of the over-
drite is effectively confined during the process. This results lying structures. Furthermore, shrinkage in the gypsum
in a gradual buildup of pressure and the stress is finally layer and the pore pressure effects of released water from
liberated in an explosive manner (Bell 1993). the crystal structure of gypsum, change the state of stress
Transition between gypsum and anhydrite in both direc- within the sediment, which may cause significant deforma-
tions of the chemical reaction causes changes in volume tion and fracturing (Ko et al. 1995).
between the original and resultant systems on both sides of The occurrence of expansive clay minerals within evapo-
the reaction. Because this transition results in changes in rites also exacerbates the potential problems. Montmoril-
the crystalline structure of gypsum and anhydrite, calcula- lonite, illite and corensite are the most typical clay
tion of volume changes in solid phases should be based on minerals associated with evaporites. Many tunnels in Swit-
the molar volumes of gypsum, anhydrite and water. The zerland and Germany which were excavated in the Keuper
volume change due to the hydration of anhydrite is Series exhibited deformations of up to 50–60 mm. Initially,
c62.6% for open systems, whereas it is P9.0% for closed anhydrite was thought to be responsible for these deforma-
systems. Similarly, the volume change due to dehydration tions. However, subsequent research and observations
of gypsum is P38.5% for open systems and c9.9% for since 1960 have demonstrated that in addition to anhy-
closed systems (Zanbak and Arthur 1986). A closed system drite, swelling clay minerals such as corrensite and mont-
is defined as an environment where water is trapped with morillonite may also have played a part (Grob 1972; Götz
calcium sulphate minerals before and after the transition 1978; Fecker 1980; Yüzer 1982).
and an open system as an environment where free water In gypsum karst terrain, the probability of encountering
may enter into the hydration process or be released during small or large voids during tunnel construction is likely to
dehydration and leave the system. Actual volume changes be high. These hollows may cause instability and there may
are controlled by the porosities before and after the transi- be water discharge related to them. Where such hollows
tions (Zanbak and Arthur 1986). occur, there is likely to be a considerable increase in grout
Before the 1960s, structures built on anhydrite were often take in order to infill these voids. Hawkins (1979) describes
oversized. A classic example is the Czernitz tunnel the presence of such voids and the extra grout needed in
(Poland) which was excavated in an anhydrite formation in the Keuper Series of the Bristol area (UK). Where tunnels
1858 (Yüzer 1982). Redfield (1963) cites the case of the pass through gypsiferous horizons and the lining is not
Vobarno tunnel in Italy through anhydrite and gypsum impermeable, dissolution may occur outside of the lining
formations. Completed in 1931, it gave no trouble until such that the integrity of the tunnel may be compromised
1940 when it suddenly began to crack, fracture and after completion.
progressively heave, such that the concrete lining disinte- Gypsum can cause serious hazards when it acts as a
grated to rubble. cementing agent as dissolution of the cement can result in
Brune (1965) reports that one night in June 1948 a loud the breakdown of the soil structure, the leaching of the fine
boom was heard in the small town of Paint Rock, Texas. fraction and the development of soil pipes (Abduljauwad
Soon afterwards it was discovered that uplifting of the rock and Al-Amoudi 1995). Anhydrite dissolves even more
had occurred on the Smith Brothers’ ranch in the nearby catastrophically; even small fissures are enlarged, swiftly
Kickapoo Creek. The uplift extended along 300 m of the producing a rapidly deteriorating situation (James and
stream channel and reached a maximum height of 3 m Lupton 1978). The formation of cavities due to leaching of
above the previous channel bottom. gypsum and anhydrite in the subsoil may trigger the
In 1954 a similar “explosion” took place 11 km north of collapse of light structures without adequate warning
Moran, Texas. A farmer ploughing heard an explosion and (Azam et al. 1998).
saw a cloud of dust and debris at a distance. He later found For the reasons discussed above, it is essential to investi-
that about 300 m of stream channel along Deep Creek had gate the presence of any gypsum lenses that occur in the
risen by as much as 6 m, scattering rock fragments over near-surface zone where roads are to be constructed
the surrounding countryside (Brune 1965). (Livneh et al. 1998).

Other problems Conclusions

Serious structural damage can be attributed to heaving and Problems associated with gypsum/anhydrite exist
settlement of soils containing anhydrous calcium sulphate, throughout the world. The two main types of problems
which is exacerbated when these types of soil are periodi- related to these forms of calcium carbonate which are of
cally and/or differentially exposed to wetting. Conversely, particular significance for engineering construction are

Bull Eng Geol Env (2001) 59 : 227–230 7 Q Springer-Verlag 229

I. Yılmaz

dissolution and expansion, with or without the presence of Fecker E (1980) Der Einfluss von Evaporiten auf den Bau unter-
expansive clay minerals. Dissolution is the more common. irdischer Kraftwerksanlagen
At both design and construction stages, it is important to Götz HP (1978) Auswirkung des Blahverhaltens von Gesteinen
auf die Sohlebungen im Tunnelbau. Heft 76. Veröffent D Inst
make allowance for the possible change in nature of the für Bodenmechanik und Felsmechanik, Karlsruhe
minerals as a consequence of groundwater, pressure and Grob H (1972) Schwelldruck im Belchentunnel. Veröff Int Symp
heat. für Untertagebau, Luzern
Adequate design of structures on gypsum/anhydrite should Hawkins AB (1979) Case histories of some effects of solution/
involve a comprehensive and detailed investigation of any dissolution in the Keuper rocks of the Severn Estuary region. Q
karstic features and a full appraisal of the most appropriate J Eng Geol 12(1):31–40
foundation designs in the light of these. Successful designs Holliday DW (1970) The petrology of secondary gypsum rocks:
a review. J Sediment Petrol 40(2) : 734–744
include reinforced waffle/rigid concrete slabs and rein- James AN, Kirkpatrick IM (1980) Design of foundations of
forced concrete piers with beam support. dams containing soluble rocks and soils. Q J Eng Geol
13 : 189–198
James AN, Lupton ARR (1978) Gypsum and anhydrite in foun-
dations of hydraulic structures. Geotechnique 28(3) : 249–272
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