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Reductions in light pollution and adoption of indoor air quality monitoring, limiting the use
of toxic substances, introduction of biophilic design, as well as measures to reduce the risks
of creating heat islands, would also all strengthen an airport's sustainability credentials.
Airports are large, complex and generally highly profitable industrial enterprises. They are
part of a nation's essential transportation infrastructure, which, besides providing thousands
of jobs at the airport itself, supports a much broader audience in social and economic terms. It
has been estimated that for every job at the airport, an additional one is created in the region.

To make a modern domestic Airport for the developing city to increase it connectivity with
the modern developed cities in india. Enhancing design flexibility in airport design with less
usage of space and cost .

• To study the urban context of the site & surrounding & mark distinction wherever
required .
• To study the transformation in architecture and come up with the excellence
implications in design.
• To search the latest technologies for the project .
• To study the climatic responsive design.
• To study urban fabric and distinguish the growth.
• To study the organic architecture and interpret with best possible standards.
• Study weak and strong urban structures of the city, to make out the solution by
implementing responsive design approaches.

It boosts economic activity Also, areas with airports tend to be well maintained and
welcoming of new opportunities that could bring direct and indirect positive impact to the
city. Moreover, your local airport is especially important in emergency cases such as bringing
in disaster relief, aeromedical services, and law enforcement.


• It enhances tourism .
• Focus will be limited to layout the site with detail design of various space
requirements with emphasis on AIRPORT.
• Site area is insufficient for such a large scale project and hence certain requirementsshall be comprom
ised, giving relevant reasons, to result into a more functional space

Kinetic architecture is a concept through which buildings are designed to allow parts of the
structure to move, without reducing overall structural integrity.
In the modern information society, libraries and information centres have a new
role to play. This is due to increasing use of web-based information sources and
electronic services. Libraries are also being managed in a more democratic way
due to flexible communication system and efficient work organisation. Their
services are also user-centric.
In this lesson, we will discuss the role of libraries and information organisations
in the society. We will also study the significance of libraries in education, culture
and recreation.

"To understand the role of a public library not only as a storage of books for individual
development but also in terms of community growth."
The mission of this research is to gather people of all age groups and abilities, and encourage
literacy amongst them and passion for reading, creativity and acquisition of new skills and
knowledge and encourage them to spend quality leisure time.

1. To study the activity chart of a conventional library and design it into a multifunctional
2. Provide public access to major collections of the world's literature and knowledge,
including the community's own literature, either through temporary reading or membership
by providing an opportunity for the community to develop the skills and attitudes which will
encourage usage of the space.
3. To achieve individual as well as community learning and also meet the educational needs
of children and young people.
4. To provide materials and resources that entertain and inspire as well as services offering
space for people and information to come together, as well as programs that would create
library awareness and consciousness
5. To create a research organization by providing public access to the internet as well as
information in traditional formats.

• Collect and provide books as well as other non-book materials to help the people to become
aware of the thinking of others and to think and act independently.• Foster and promote the
spread of knowledge, education and culture;
• Provide facility for formal and informal life-long self-education in the community;
Libraries play an important role in the socio-economic, cultural and educational development
of a society. Let us now study the role of libraries in modern society and education.


1. The library will help students do better in school and will give students books to
practice reading.
2. It will bring new information and knowledge into the community by preserve the
traditions, stories, music and ideas of the community.
3. It will give extension workers, health care providers and other professionals technical
information to help them do their jobs better.
4. There will be a new way of focussing on usage of a space, day-and-night
. 5. The library will connect different age groups with allied spaces.
6. To build a collection of functions which will tend to be more reliable and of higher quality
information. A more meaningful use of technology for research purposes.

I. There is no well-known accepted criteria/standard for evaluating the public libraries at
national level.
2. The evaluation of the users on the library resources and services are not always reliable as
these are based on their limited needs and views.
3. A majority of the users are not aware of the various roles of public libraries in the
community and these may indirectly reflect in their perceptions.
4. Digitalization has been overpowering the traditional outlook towards reading books.
This is a primary reason why conventional libraries are losing its importance, due to
introduction of digital formats in these libraries.


A museum is a not-for-profit, permanent institution in the service of society that researches,
collects, conserves, interprets and exhibits tangible and intangible heritage .

The research aims to understand the how light and shadow creates space qualitative and
quantitative in aspects of museum.

• The objective of this research is to address & intellect the importance of natural light
and shadow in museum.
• By understanding the daylight factors and how it directly impacting lighting design
and how humans experience the space.
• Addressing the merits of natural lighting and shadow in museum.
• Analyzing the consideration in aspect of lighting.
• Findings and discussion of different strategies of natural lighting and shadow in

Psychological, physiological and experiential components are observed in the museum
environment to analyze lighting design within its exhibits.
Design possibilities with light in museum are however not only limited to the display of art.
Research shows how light is able to upgrade exhibition spaces to become qualitative cultural
brands – ranging from the exhibition & sculpture garden to the shop & café .

The research limited to the study of light to focus on only exhibit areas .
• to study and analyse tourism in tamilnadu and design a amusement park with
luxurious stay within the place.
• to design a recreational space which aims to leave their stressful life behind
andwhisked away to the place of imagination and fun

• The objective of this research is to address the site condition and zoning accordingly
to the necessity .
• to design a complete entertainment zone
• provide hospitality for both local and foreign tourists and to promote tourism
ultimately. promote local as well as national economy through the promotion of both
internal and external tourism
• water rides and interactive adventure play structures offer diversity within a theme
park giving visitors many options to keep them in the park longer.
• our mission is to ensure ,we are above the regular amusement parks by offering all
visitors excitement, entertainment and also proving villas/cottages for their local stay.
• to understand the interlink of services.
• to provide well organised amenities within the park.
• arrangement of spaces according to the need and accessibility .

The prime objective behind the creation of this park would be to highlight the low- promotion
zones of India. In this design, it is aimed
• to generate ambiences portraying the varied cultures, consisting of recreational
elements for visitors having varied interests that would incline them to visit those
parts of India.
• To promote Indian Culture and its dimensions across the world
• To design as an escape for people from their day-to-day lives towards leisure,
relaxation and fun.
Tamilnadu has topped the popularity charts for both domestic and foreign tourists forthe
row upsetting maharashtra, goa, and kerela. the number of tourists population
haveincresed from 5.66 million to 6.52 million in past two years, as per a tourism
ministry of india.

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