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Boston by Night

A sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade – Swansong and the

Vampire: The Masquerade TTRPG.
Author: Matthew Dawkins

What is Vampire:
The Masquerade?
There are monsters out there. your friends, your job, your
Real monsters. Ours is a World social status like a false skin to
of Darkness, and behind closed disguise what you truly are:
doors and the sounds of muffled a blood-drinking predator.
screams, staring you right in You might fool yourself into
the eyes over an office desk, believing you’re moral by
over drinks at an exclusive bar, feeding only from lovers or
or over the body of the person criminals. You might try to
they just drained of blood, form real attachments with
you’ll find real monsters. the mortals in your unlife. You
might even masquerade as a
In Vampire: The Masquerade, caring partner with a night shift
you play one of these monsters. and an odd dietary disorder…
As a vampire — known as But the truth is, you’ll never go
Kindred to others of your kind out in daytime, you’ll never eat
— you hide yourself among another solid meal, you’ll never
mortals, wearing your family, produce living offspring, you’ll

never age, and you’ll always — the sire who drained them
need blood. and made them into an undead
monster, the childer they create
And so, you, as a vampire, in turn, their brothers, sisters,
must find your own company. and distant kin connected via
Some come together as invisible strings of vitae, the
coteries — groups of vampires Blood stagnant but potent in
who share common interest, their veins.
territory, feeding habits, or
mutual enemies. Others align Whether you try to hide among
for sectarian, political, or the living or climb the slick
philosophical reasons, forging ladder of Kindred hierarchy,
alliances with vampires of or focus on your development
similar persuasion, and making of vampiric gifts — your
enemies of those on the other Disciplines — and become the
side of the line. Meanwhile, monster you know yourself to
some Kindred organize by be, the decision is between you
clan — their family of Blood and the Beast within you.

What is Vampire:
The Masquerade — Swansong?
Welcome to the world of the the players to connect the dots to in the name of influence and
narrative RPG. Developed by and realise the depths of the the all-important Masquerade –
a passionate and experienced conspiracy at Swansong’s core. the global conspiracy that hide
studio in the form of Big the undead from the mortal
Bad Wolf, Vampire: The In Vampire: The Masquerade world .
Masquerade — Swansong is — Swansong, the player takes
a game of social drama and high on the roles of three vampires Swansong explores a setting
stakes, peaks and plummets — Galeb, Leysha, and Emem —
already established in Vam-
of emotion, and presents a within the domain of Boston.
pire: The Masquerade, now
gripping story set in the World Each vampire belongs to a
presented for the first time in
of Darkness. different clan of the elite Kindred
the game’s present edition. The
sect known as the Camarilla,
Swansong is a consequences- and each has their own personal events in this game will affect the
based game, where the players motivations for participating world beyonsd Boston and New
are presented with choices with in the story. As you play each England, and depending on the
sometimes subtle, other times protagonist, you confront their players’ actions, might see to the
devastating consequences. pasts, their ambitions, and the downfall or the ascendance of
Behind the game’s surface plot dreadful truth of what lengths their domain, their Prince, and
hides a mystery, waiting for the vampires of Boston will go their own status.

What is Boston
by Night?
This book provides details, shape the domain in which we Despite its name, Boston by
mysteries, and tales beyond what’s play tonight. It also provides Night content can be extracted,
presented in Vampire: The detail of some of the intriguing manipulated, or skinned,
Masquerade — Swansong, characters within the setting, renamed, and repurposed for
acting as both a companion to including who you play as in your own games regardless of
the Swansong experience and Swansong, and who you might
their setting. This book acts as a
a sourcebook for the Vampire encounter. Further, Boston by
toolbox of enthralling lore and
storytelling game. Night provides an array of plot
fun mechanics for Storytellers
ideas for Storytellers looking to
Boston by Night contains start chronicles in this domain, and players to use as they see fit.
insight into the Kindred history and Loresheets for players Every section has potential stories
of Boston and New England, wanting to tie their characters to layered within it, and is closed
exploring the domain’s past and the events of Swansong and the with a handful of story hooks for
the important figures who helped book’s eponymous location. Storytellers to use.

What’s Past
is Prologue
Vampires may be unaging, In New England, the elders and everything falls or adapts
but they’re not fixed in amber. are all gone. Kindred in this to survive the outcome.
When vampire Princes fall, corner of the United States are
and the eldest of Kindred left without the hoary, tyrant To understand why Boston
start disappearing all around masters of old, leaving spots and New England are as
the globe, these events cause for well-placed, clutching they are tonight, one might
ripples. Ripples swiftly turn to vampires to seize power. benefit from looking back at
waves. These waves crash into What’s more, the monstrous the domain’s past events and
every city and roll over every death cult known as the Sabbat f igures of prominence. This
vampire, changing everything — a shadowed army of fanatical domain has rarely experienced
and destroying much, as vampires believed to practice peaceful, harmonious
bloodlines collapse, ambitious cannibalism and terrible blood existence, with one threat or
Kindred stake their claims on rites — disappeared from New other clawing at its edges while
vacated cities, and vampires England seemingly overnight. precarious Princes struggle to
use upheaval as a method to balance atop their crooked and
humiliate, ruin, or assassinate With each change, ripples broken thrones.
their rivals. expand, they become waves,

Story Ho ok:
The Absentee
A power vacuum — the protago
always facilitate nists, as it prov
high intrigue. s characters w ides the
In your chronic ith an investmen
it n ee d n ’t b e le, their wher t into
th e S abb a t w eabouts, what h
disappeared fr h o to make th a pp ened
om the domain em leave, and w
could be any in ; it become of h a t will
fluential figure their people, te
cult, sect, or even , an d p os se ss rritory,
an entire clan’s io n s. Tyin g su
pr es en ce . A st or story hook to th ch a
y h ook lik e th e Beckoning, wh
works particula is many vam ere
rly well after th pires of age disa
gr oup h a s b ee is overnight, pp ea re d
n es tabl ish ed is a way of intr
enemies, rivals a s this plot element od uci n g
, or even allies from Vampire to
of group of new a

H o o k: e —
S t o r y r i n c
y i n
The De c a s h er, all w
c r o s
ose who s t ic , o r e
h a p p ens to th c h r o n i
ll ana ge .
n d e l d ers of a eh a v i n g in an e ir i m p re s s i v e a
en, a ith b e to th ht
i n c e s , P r im o g t o in fl uence w l ie n fa shion du s K i n d red mig
P r g on f ir s t a e city ’ n
ave clun n c e th e a l l y , th pire dow
s t r ip e s h d g r e e d s i
o m ai n E v e n t u
to put t h i s v a m
t i o n an s in a d s of decide it’s time charact
despera p r a x i p l a y e r
claimed uish the
r e in
d , an d
th e
e task. B
v am p i r e r e l i n q i o u s f o r g o o e n f o r t h
used to es var chos a
and ref e , h o w e ver, com p ir e s c o t e r ie i s the one l d e r m a kes them
ith ag ile vam if the e port
power. W radation. Wh m e w a y what happens t h e c o t e r ie s u p
deg he sa Does hat she h
kinds of e to senility in t d e d , o u t- counter offer? i r e i f w
aren’t p
ro n e ja vamp ty’s
s , th e y c an becom l as their this dangerous n t h a t of the ci
as mort
al y c r ue dred to offer is great
er tha hen
, a n d c al l o u s l e r K i n w h a t h appens w
o f - t o u ch o m th e y o u
a much other Kindred?
e B e ck o n i
ng ,
n f r i c l e , t o t h
i s ol a t i o y o u r ch
f power this elder resp
a s e s . I n s i t i o n o t a p at ro n ?
in c r e in a p o th a n em w i t h o u
d elder p r ic io u s aving th
resp ecte m o r e c a
of wh a t l e
e a c t in g xamples
could b r r ib l e e
tting ho
usual, se

Six States
at War

aine, Vermont, New Hampshire, this pocket of the thirteen colonies-turned-
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, United States, on more than one occasion utterly
and Connecticut make up the gutting Vermont of its Camarilla and Anarch
American region known as populations.
New England. Its northeastern position, its
long coastline (only Vermont doesn’t touch The onslaught of monsters and inhospitable
the ocean), and historic significance make it a environment improved little until the 19th
sought-after domain among kine and Kindred century reached its end. The Sabbat, who
alike. Naturally, when something or somewhere long held a cruel gauntlet over any Kindred
is desired by many, conflict arises. daring to cleave to another sect — or even
more dangerous, to independence — found
So it is with New England. themselves in a defensive war against invaders
from across the ocean. British Kindred under
Revolt in Boston ignited the fuse that led to the yoke of the Camarilla Prince of London,
the American War of Independence, but New the god-emperor Mithras, arrived, but not as
England was a source of anarchy and strife for allies to the few Camarilla in New England;
more than just mortals. As far back as the 18th they came to seize the territories for their
century, fierce packs of werewolves — known master a century after they’d fallen from mortal
to the colonist Kindred as “Lupines” — bit and Britain’s grip.
tore at any vampire bastion in the area, isolating
vampires to their towns and cities like castaways What followed was a three-way war between
on islands in an unstoppably tempestuous sea. the New England Camarilla, the Sabbat, and
The severe winter time became one of extreme the British Camarilla, the latter of which was
famine for vampires in the region, forcing many led by a coterie known as the Triad. While
to cannibalism or the sleep of torpor, as the no side definitively won the war, by the 20th
kine population rarely surged outside spring or century the respective sides had carved out
summer. The Sabbat routinely sent war packs domains and buried themselves deep, with
to terrorize and subjugate Kindred throughout borders rarely shifting.

pen f ighting in the streets, The New England Camarilla never existed
the docks, and more rarely, in great numbers (in large part due to
the forests and mountains Sabbat abductions, murders, and raids on
(still the Lupines’ province), poorly protected domains), leading to their
had become a bygone activity only the existence as two underground movements:
Sabbat favored. Now, warfare was a the Kindred of Liberty in Massachusetts,
matter conducted via assassinations, who through sabotage and politicking
economic persecution, property sabotage, attempted to undermine and oust Quentin
and exploiting or threatening an enemy’s King and his Triad supporters; and a coterie
mortal associates. named the Gemini League in New Haven,
Connecticut, who through a combination
The primary Lord of the British Triad was a of Ventrue financing and Tremere rituals
vampire under the epithet of “Pendragon,” protected their domain, but increasingly
and for much of the 19th century, Pendragon isolated themselves. Behind all of them, a
focused his war efforts on Maine, New large coterie previously known as the Web
Hampshire, and Vermont, much to the joy (believed to be an exclusively Nosferatu
of the notoriously combative Sabbat in those affair, though they never declared their
states. The New England Sabbat — known numbers and membership) spied on their
as the Crimson Tide — met Pendragon’s peers and enemies. To this night, few could
challenge with a combination of brutality make an informed guess as to the network
and adroit subtlety. Massachusetts fell to the allegiances and objectives, though some
Triad early, with the Malkavian Prince of believe they were an oversized Anarch gang
Boston — one Quentin King — becoming looking to set every faction against the
one of Pendragon’s puppets. While the other for as long as it kept everyone beyond
thought of a puppet state under foreign itself weak.
rule pleased few New England Kindred,
few could deny the relative peace Boston The wars raged on, and only in recent years
was able to maintain, unlike the domains in have the scales of power tipped.
Massachusetts’ sister states.

Story Hook:
Fresh Blood —
It’s rare for a va
mpire hierarch
fresh in the d y to retain its st
omain, all un ability when a
rule via the “d ified against the re sizable force a
ivide and conq sident Kindre rrives
attackers seek uer” method, d. Many Prin
to destabilize which does litt ces
and New Engl or overrun a d le to help when
and with the omain. Such w united
your stories. C arrival of the as the case wit
onsider the kin Triad, and th h B oston
spies? Maybe th ds of Kindred e same might
ey’re migrants arriving. Are oc cu r in
do your prota fleeing a catast they invaders?
gonists deal w rophe in the nex Are they
time to feedin ith this influx t domain over
g, preserving th of new vitae, es . How
the stories from e Masquerade, pecially when
the real world and doling ou it co mes
and kill the peo ’s headlines, w t territory? Con
ple in them, wh h ere aggressive n sider
to find cold wel ere desperate re eighbors annex
comes, or a peo fugees arrive se lands
Kindred arriv ple willing to d eking sanctuary
ing in Elysium rive them back , only
become a cause is a curiosity, a into the sea. O
célèbre. Ten new nd among som n e new
Kindred arriv e vampires, cou
ing is a crisis. ld ev en
Sto ry Hook: The
Changing M
ap —
Though the in
formation in B
England, it d oston by Nigh
oesn’t need to t largely perta
can be moved d o so in your ch ins to Boston a
to take place in ronicle. Any of nd New
and secrets can your domain. the events in th
now be the plo Characters ca is book
regularly enco ts a n d secrets of the n b e u p rooted, plots
unter in Elysi Kindred your
domain is on th um. Consider player charact
e coast, for inst what fits well ers
and have it ta ance, you can with your stor
ke place in you pull the events y . If your
your game tak r story, at any of the Triad’s
es place in a d time. This wor a rrival
of another cou omain that w ks especially w
ntry or politic as once under ell if
a mortal legacy al regime, as v the colonial d
. If your doma ampires may st ominion
it, consider th in is deep in th ill act in servic
e threat Lupin e mountains or e to such
than having th es m ight pose to tra fo re st s surrounding
em simply as vel to and from
unlucky enough random threa the area. Rath
to take a wron ts, waiting to er
the train stati g turn, give th bushwhack va
on, and docks, em control over th m p ir es
by land and making vamp e private airpor
risking car bre ires have to ch ts,
of Second Inq akdown or pol oose between tr
uisition scruti ice stop, or bra a v el li ng
through a ma ny by travelli ving the possi
jor airport. B n g via a commer b il it y
limited to seei oston by Nig cial airline, a
ng them in an h t p re sents many id cc es se d
d around Bosto eas, but don’t
n. feel

The Reign of
Prince Quentin
King’s century and a half reign they were not all men, nor were
over Boston is considered they all British (and the Kindred
remarkable among the Kindred outside of Quentin’s set referred
who know of it. By rights, this to them by far less impressive
puppet Prince with his talk of names, such as Praxis, Pro Bono,
being “King Arthur reborn” Cum Laude, Sine Die, Dine Qua
should have been ousted in the Non, and Probus). King, for that
early nights of his rule, yet he matter, was a New York police
persevered with a combination inspector in his mortal days,
of fanatical and clandestine but that mattered little to the
support, as well as being aided devoted coterie.
by the wars surrounding his
domain, as they kept his potential The Arthurian and his knights
enemies weak. The Arthurian attempted to bring an air of
clung to power, and the Kindred pageantry and pomp to Boston,
in his domain enjoyed an uneasy including tourneys in Elysium
peace under an unstable, yet involving the blatant use of
conservative praxis. powers that frequently violated
the Masquerade. Their presence
King’s most fervent support kept morale high, in the sense
came in the form of his “questing that Boston was a novel domain
knights.” Some were childer with an eccentric rulership
he Embraced, others flocked always worthy of gossip, which
to Boston to kneel before him only avoided the attention of
and offer their services and Camarilla Justicars due to the
fealty. Blood scholars theorize chaos in neighboring cities
a collective delusion imposed and states. Quentin King was,
by an elder of Clan Malkavian, by most Camarilla standards,
for reasons unknown, but the more a Keeper of Elysium than
result was a Prince who was effective Prince. Without a rival
referred to as “the Arthurian” offering something better, and
and a willingly Blood Bound with the support of his coterie
coterie known collectively as and his more clandestine backers,
“the knights.” Some Kindred he adhered to praxis.
knew these knights as Lancelot,
Sagramore, Galahad, Gawain, King’s more discreet support
Percival, and Lamorak, though came in the form of an elder

from his clan, named Biltmore. the Mithraists’ ambitions, he
Unlike the knights, this vampire lacked the wisdom and allies to
was British, and represented form an alternative.
one third of the invading Triad,
with Pendragon (a Brujah, des- With his domain pulled between
pite the eponymous Arthurian rival forces and his sitting upon a
connection and many supposi- fragile throne, it took until the late
tions as to his manipulation or 20th century for Quentin King
lineage ties to Quentin King) to start imposing his will, such
and the crushed-faced Nos- as it was. Biltmore’s Redcoats
feratu Stanford Warwick for- were established as the domain’s
ming its remaining leadership. enforcers, the Web was so deeply
It was through Biltmore and embedded as to be unseen by
his Redcoats — largely mortal this point, and the Sabbat were
retainers and fierce ghouls, but a rare presence in Boston with
with some Kindred among their Pendragon’s forever-war raging.
number — that the Mithraist To demonstrate his praxis, King
Triad enforced their hegemo- made a choice that would alter the
ny through Boston. Pendragon balance of power in his domain:
focused on leading his war, no- he invited the Giovanni — now
minally against the Sabbat, but part of the Hecata — to act as a
destroying any Kindred in his fully acknowledged Camarilla
path. In one notable part of the clan within his domain. They’d
campaign, Pendragon’s ghouls held a presence there for many
successfully salted the earth in years through their cadet family,
every major cemetery in New the Milliners, but King was
Hampshire through use of determined to extend a formal
Blood rituals, thus entombing hand and offer to the Giovanni in
all sleeping Sabbat, who used the interest of gaining allies who
the cemeteries as a matter of weren’t attempting to control
habit. Meanwhile, Warwick es- him. This was, in King’s mind,
tablished the Web throughout his way of exerting independence
New England. Quentin King, from the pathological knights
for his part, was aware of the and Biltmore’s grip.
Triad’s activities, but was too
weak and prone to fits of mania It was a plan that went horribly
to do anything about it. Even if wrong.
he could have interfered with

Story Hoo
k: The E
Quentin K
vampires. W (arguably) benefite
lite —
hile his so-c d from an
quests of th alled knigh entourage
eir own (or ts occasiona of fanatic
side, and th their maste lly left the ally loyal
erefore resi r ’s) design, he d omain to em
century. A sted dozen always held bark on
s far as any s of assassin a handful
stage, but so one knows, ation attem close to his
me of his kn Quentin K pts over th
King’s com ights — his in g’s no longe e co urse of a
pany — stu elite bodyg r a player o
only recentl ck around u a rd, rarely ta n th e Boston
y faded into in Boston lo ken seriousl
how much the backgr ng after K y outside
influence th ound. The ing’s absen
a hot topic ey impose o lasting pre ce , and have
at Elysium ver the nigh sence of the
served him , with man t- to-night ru k n ig hts and
as claimed y wonderin nning of th
defense if g . These vam g if K ing was the e d o m ain is
iven a new pires would ir puppet, o
Arthur, th ta rget to whom b e ric h sources of r if they
eir existence they could p informatio
Die” have s lack mean ledge fealty n and
recently be ing. Sirs “P . Without th
several of th en confirm ro Bono,” “Cu e ir King
eir number ed as meeti m Laude,”
could be an unaccounte n g fi n al death, b a n d “ Sine
opportunit d for. Enco ut that stil
Blood Bon y , o r it could b u n te r ing one of l le a ves
d warps th e the equiv the fallen k
Quentin K e mind of a len t of kicking n ig h ts
ing’s vitae the drinke a wasp nest
for a long, r, and these . The
long time. knights we
re addicted

tring s— f ro m t
p p e t S of p o w e r s
o o k : Pu th e levers ill the pla l
H g t how w
Story pl o t s
and pu c nature. Bu ated across se th
ng iri ul wi
o r ch estrati a r t o f vamp e been manip ldn’t be left te.
e d p v u s
Kindr s an expected realize they’ a r a c t ers sho eave a bad ta e
si ey r ch nl av
shadow s feel when th s? The playe p p e t e ered ca ers’ moves h e
ter nicle ng p u rac s th
charac e v e n chro feeling of bei e r e the cha re or perhap ng
o r w h o
t u r n , as the u n a story
e l ik e Biltm way of striki
re to to r pir ha ge s ,
nowhe f you decide on by a vam tagonists wit ronicle chan s
r, i
in a directi quip the pro a r c o f the ch acters such a
ushed mediately e w th e har ue
b een p i e , i m n o r w ay. No nipulator. C gland now, d
ter mi ma n t’s
Web co en only in a heir former f r o m New E bverting it, i
v t e s u s,
back, i
r s f o c us on r e l ik ely gon ing ways of n d th e s ce n e
playe on a find ehi sh
as the n d P endrag s o m e elders r i a d from b a.” The Briti
re a with the T aril l e is
Biltmo koning, but e o p e r ating B r i t i sh Cam ts, so someon e
ec lb he gh th
to the B ne could stil erred to as “t he present ni use some of s,
e o re f f t ’ ll er
possibl s now simply the Boston o y l i k e ly they ng of enforc s
it’ in ver isti cer
though la still exist in , a nd it’s d in g the enl e, these enfor f
ril a c o
Cama k e th e dom c e s s o r s, inclu nowing. On all manner
to ta re d e eir k o by
trying ics as their p ts without th ights, they g ystery.
act jec en m
same t ing their sub coats.” Thes a l e a der is a
sh ed ril l
and pu wn as “the R ritish Cama
n o sent B
w e re k h eir pre
t s . T
King’s Gambit
The libertine Andreas Giovanni clanmates to Boston and began at the turn of the 21st century,
and his clanmates, the cautious establishing it as a necromantic he declared in Elysium that he
Stephano Giovanni and the bastion in the United States. would abandon his role and
ambitious Jason Milliner, Ceremonies took place in his- voluntarily adopt an unlife of
seized the opportunity to exert toric buildings, invoking old exile. It’s possible he expected
influence in Boston. They’d ghosts, capitalizing on the city’s his statement would provoke
been given territory, feeding spirit of revolution. The Fami- sympathy, or calls for him to
rights, a say in the domain’s glia Giovanni found their posi- remain, but the Giovanni pre-
war with the Sabbat, and a vote tion stronger than in any other sent mocked, the American
in the (admittedly ineffectual) U.S. domain, with the Milli- Camarilla in attendance reco-
city council. What’s more, they ners as their front-of-house gnized an opportunity for
had what so many of the other financiers and money launde- one of their own to ascend to
clans in the domain lacked: rers, while Andreas, Stephano, power, the Redcoats blistered
unity. Clans aren’t factions and others worked tirelessly to at the unexpected move, and
at the best of times, but the further their family’s agenda. the Prince’s knights ran King
proto-Hecata always displayed through with their ceremonial
remarkable capability for acting As the Necromancers’ plan wooden swords.
as a coordinated unit. proceeded, Quentin King
openly despaired. He brought Assault on a Prince in Elysium
Taking advantage of Quentin these mercenaries into the fold is not an unknown maneuver
King’s weakness, Andreas in- to serve him; not to sabotage his in Kindred society, despite the
vited increasing numbers of his domain. In an infamous event assumption of peace and neu-

trality in such locations. The Arthurian that the knights were worry about than a brief period
mirth, outrage, and hunger in his thrall, and had long been of impalement.
for influence abruptly ceased mentally conditioned to stake
with the knights’ attack on the Prince if he did something Bereft, realizing his faithful
their Prince, however. Nobo- stupid and chaotic, like trying
bodyguards were — knowingly
dy — not even the knights, it to flee his responsibilities.
or unknowingly — actually
seemed — could explain why King couldn’t understand
they did what they did, but how Biltmore’s conditioning his captors, Quentin King
his honor guard-turned-be- somehow superseded his returned to power. He watched
trayers quickly ferried King’s Blood Bond with the knights, as the Hecata powerbase grew,
paralyzed body from Elysium, but Biltmore was less than driving the Kindred of Liberty
leaving the domain in a brief forthcoming with the details. further underground. This
period of disarray. The elder Malkavian instead American Camarilla subsect
advised King to be a good boy, found themselves forced to
While Boston’s Kindred retake his throne, and allow the violence against Andreas
recognized Quentin King’s Redcoats to run the domain
Giovanni’s family, and the
return one short week later, few through him as they’d done
New England war moved
were aware of what transpired since the British Camarilla
during his disappearance. arrived. The knights were there from three fronts — Sabbat,
For the first time in over a for “his protection,” but the American Camarilla, and
century, King was introduced to next time King did something British Camarilla — to include
Biltmore, who explained to the foolish, he’d have more to a fourth — the Necromancers.

The conflict between each group hothouse of mental domination. just gave — information to
took differing forms as the new Through these methods, the Sab- the Sabbat regarding Redcoat
century dawned. The Sabbat bat successfully struck Camarilla safehouses. The Kindred
had been embroiled in a conti- vampires in their daysleep, their of Liberty also assassinated
nent-wide war with the Cama- ghouls turned into rogue agents. some of Pendragon’s agents in
rilla and Anarchs, and just as the By the time any hypnosis or vi- Boston, unknowingly pushing
Sword of Caine in New York and tae-fuelled loyalty wore off, in the King closer to the freedom
Atlanta had to form new strate- cases where it did, the retainers he sought. This move sent
gies to combat their enemies, the were without their domitors, shockwaves through the domain,
New England Crimson Tide and many — in an act the Sabbat as Camarilla fought Camarilla
did likewise. The Sabbat with didn’t intend, but greatly appre- despite the Sabbat assault, but
interest and influence in Bos- ciated — then assaulted other it was swiftly forgotten as the
ton commenced campaigns of Camarilla Kindred in efforts to British redoubled their efforts to
mass Embraces in the villages access more of the precious vitae control the Arthurian. What the
and smaller communities out- they required. American Camarilla did achieve
side the city, sending rampaging, was, at least for a time, open
blood-starved fledglings into the The American Camarilla communication between the
domain as shock troops, while acted with less unity, but no Kindred of Liberty and the long-
the experienced Crimson Tide less aggression. Frustrated at isolated Gemini League. Though
Cainites abducted Camarilla the British presence in New it wasn’t to last, the two worked
ghouls and put them through ra- England, some vampires together to protect themselves,
pid indoctrination, combining among the Kindred of Liberty hunkering down to weather the
the forced intake of vitae with a sold — and in some cases, fallout of the war above.

For their part, the British Cama- Finally, the Famiglia Giovanni pennies on the dollar. Suddenly,
rilla again campaigned against and Milliners at their side the law was interested in this
their enemies in a coordinated, scoured every battle site for vampire’s fake ID, or their haven
effective manner, increasing the precious vampire remains and being registered in the name of
numbers of mortals and ghouls the tormented wraiths of dead someone long dead. The Hecata
in their service so as not to be servants. Their vulture-like played a dangerous game with
reliant on night-time assaults. practices were however a happy the Masquerade, putting every
They used the Web to discover result of war rather than a vampire in Boston on edge.
nuggets of information regar- means to secure the domain of
ding their enemies, subjects, and Boston. Ghosts were helpful for The 21st century war for Boston
collaborators, waging a war of in- reconnaissance and tormenting had turned dirty, and once again,
formation where the Sabbat and victims, but the Clan of Death’s there was no clear victor in sight.
American Camarilla increasingly preferred method was financial That is, until the event known as
leaned on violence. The Triad’s and legal. Through the Milliners, the New England Gehenna.
intention was to blackmail and vampires who opposed them
humiliate their opponents, rather found their havens and
than running the expensive risk belongings suddenly subject
of destruction. It wasn’t through to tax inspection or marked
fear of loss or an attachment to for repossession. Their mortal
humanity that they acted this way, associates were threatened with
but due to the knowledge that debts and court summons, as
spilled vitae draws Sabbat like flies the Kindred found businesses
to a puddle of excrement. in their name bought out at

e rc e n ar ie s —
Stor y Hook: M n d re ly in g o n one to o m
ue to
y o n ly g o es so far, a a m p ir e s remain tr
mily loyalt Most v do so.
Sect and fa n d a t io n al cracks. , o r th e ir coterie, to
u m
can highli
ght its fo
g a s it b e nefits them tside help in the for
lon ek ou the
nly for as rt must se o w o r k fo r
their sect o so f th e C o u
e d Au t a r k is , w h
s, vampire etimes call the checks
Sometime r e d , so m y e r w h e n
dent Kind ir emplo ins and
of indepen le a v e o r betray the r e th e ir loyalty beg d
highest bid
der and
a r ie s, y o u know wh e
se e n a s v u lnerable an
With mer
cen always all of a sud
bouncing. , p e r h a p s a vampire t h is si d e ,
ur chronic
le d help a tell a story
ends. In yo r s in co u r t with hire u w a n t t o o
ith o u t a ll ies appea r p o w e r . M aybe, yo
r m e r e m ployer wh
w yf o st a f o to
make a pla rind again assistance
wanting to an a x e t o g
layer c h a r a c t e r s’
e role
e rc s h av e quire the p an play th
vampire m d th e y r e a r a c t e r s c
f t th e m unpaid, a
r h a p s th e player ch e x t , w o r k ing for the
le t . Pe to the n
their targe e domain s just thro
get close to n g f r o m o n
er in d o m a in
ries, traveli n shift pow n d H e c at a
of mercena e n a r ie s c a
im, R a v n o s, a
all be
der. Merc Banu Haq they can’t
highest bid G a n g r el, a s sh o w n of
e ir p r e se nce — the r o le s — but time h th m o r t a l soldiers
such As w i the
k n o w n fo r t o th e ir contracts. il e o th e r s abandon
ru e ht, w h
n to stay t price is rig
relied upo d e s if th e .
t un e , so m e switch si d s a r e a gainst them
fo r the o d
entirely if

The T
The m
ost mu axma
Vamp nd
ire bac ane threats
k to th a
to follo
w, esp e e realm re sometime
ci of mor s th
up to e
vict a m ally when th tal hor e most threa
e land ro tening
these k ortal a lord, t r is a strong .B
task: s
inds o
f mort
e, or ev h e taxm path f ringing
al a en th a n, or th o r a
Blood y the landla gencies the fi e players’ va e repo ny tale
Bo dy and rs mp m en s
h av e t n d s o m e o n e persua t time migh ires. Dealin how
h e re p
and th o men at the tax o de her you’v t be a simpl g with
on you ffi e ee
e debt
collect r payr ce so your a already paid nough
re o rs k ol l. B c c ount s th
doing looking to m eep knocking ut eventual tays to e bill;
the ak . Are t l pp e
a good ir jobs? Brin e your existe hese m y, the bills s d up;
examp g n ort tack u
le of h ing the stori ce an unlivin als in the thr p,
ow vam es dow g h ell, al l o fa
n to th
piric p
owers is level or are they ju
can’t s o
olve ev f mundani st
ery iss ty is

The New England Gehenna

ehenna is an apocalyptic event, before departing the American East Coast. The
foretold for centuries by Kindred sheer volume of Sabbat in attendance could have
with a penchant for such doomsaying. spelled a massacre, but it appeared they were
The Gehenna that arrived in New keen only to abduct the food they’d need for the
England was far from Armageddon, but created journey, before abandoning New England.
chaotic fractures throughout the region, from
which the Kindred of Boston and beyond have The remaining vampires in New England were
yet to recover. unhappy to not know why the Sabbat had flown
the coop, but they celebrated the sect’s absence
The first sign was the Sabbat’s disappearance. nonetheless. Their revelry lasted two nights, the
Around the world, the Sabbat were vacating their New England Truce ending almost as soon as it
ancient strongholds on what was dubbed in some was agreed upon, as old enmities flared and the
places, “the Gehenna Crusade.” This was the war was rejoined.
purpose for which the sect was built, according
to some, and the time had finally come for the The New England Gehenna wasn’t over. Within
murderers and monsters of the Sword of Caine months of the Crimson Tide’s departure, the
to take their fight to the eldest of Kindred. The British Camarilla began acting erratically.
exodus was sporadic, hitting different domains at Redcoats stopped hearing from their masters.
different points, but New England was one of the Quentin King’s knights were sometimes absent
first American regions to keenly feel the Sabbat’s from court, and when they were there, they
sudden absence. appeared confused. Pendragon’s armed assault
against his enemies — now having been pursued
At first, the Triad, American Camarilla, and for over a century — abruptly ceased. Much as
Hecata all suspected each other of having dealt with the Sabbat’s disappearance, the remaining
a crippling blow to the most homicidal of New Kindred viewed the entire event with a sense of
England’s Kindred factions. Word hadn’t traveled apprehension. Surely, the same thing couldn’t
that this same phenomenon was taking place in happen twice? Word spread that Pendragon’s
cities around the world. The war fell into an uneasy tactics had changed, and recognizing the
ceasefire as each competing side shared tidbits of destabilizing effects from the Crimson Tide’s
intelligence, culminating in the Breakers Truce, absence, he decided to emulate it with his elite
where each group sent three representatives to coteries, and put his enemies on unsteady terrain.
plead their case, and ignorance to the Sabbat’s Everyone prepared for Pendragon’s British
vanishing. Working together, albeit uneasily, Camarilla to spring from the shadows with a
they discovered the Sabbat of New England had coup d’état against their American cousins.
carved a bloody swathe through Portland, Maine,
and taken over two ships in the Portland Port, It never came.

he event known as “the Beckoning,” names off property deeds, company boards,
had gripped Pendragon, Biltmore, and in the extremely overt cases (most common
and other elders around the world, among the Brujah and Toreador artistic types),
and much as the Gehenna Crusade started performing via mortal proxies. He was
made its march toward destiny, as did many of on borrowed time, however, with the Kindred
those vampires who felt their ancestors’ summons. of Liberty never forgetting his role as the British
The Redcoats were left without leaders, and Camarilla’s puppet.
now, the Kindred of Liberty and Gemini League
— depleted of old, potent vampires — took Quentin King disappeared, just like his masters.
advantage of the chaos without any kind of Whether this was due to the Beckoning reaching
investigative truce to allow the Redcoats to gain his ears, Biltmore’s threat against his free will
their bearings. coming to fruition, or the Kindred of Liberty
finally snuffing him out, none can say. One
The British Camarilla were not eliminated. The night he was in court; the next, he wasn’t. 2014
Web remained intact, with some believing its spelled the end of Quentin King’s surprisingly
master Warwick found a method of staving off lengthy praxis.
the Beckoning (popular rumor had him staking
his sire and grandsire and retaining them in his By the time King’s reign ended, the only
haven beneath Boston), and there was talk of meaningful warring factions were the American
others allied to the British hiding in isolation, Camarilla and the Hecata, the latter of which
or forming small coteries across New England. losing their taste for the conflict when the British
Nevertheless, as a force, they were neutralized. Camarilla broke down. The Famiglia Giovanni
had undergone their own internal problems in
For a brief moment in vampire terms — a few the preceding decade, with Andreas hollowed
months, at most — King held praxis over Boston out after a necromantic ceremony gone horribly
without the British Camarilla manipulating wrong, and the clan undergoing significant
him. He only held it for that long because the strife in its home domain of Venice. With King’s
Kindred of Liberty and Gemini League were busy removal of Kindred from Milliner grasps, the
scouring the domain for Hecata and still, in some Hecata stepped back from the conflict entirely,
cases, waiting for the other shoe to drop with leaving the Milliners in Boston to maintain their
Pendragon returning, or the Sabbat invading financial affairs and diplomatic negotiations, but
from the south with thralls or leaderless packs. dropping their council vote and all Giovanni-
King’s free reign was unremarkable, except held territories, as the clan reduced to a handful
for its contribution toward strengthening the of influential members in the domain. They still
Masquerade in New England. His goal, which observe and subtly manipulate from the fringes,
he communicated eloquently to the few subjects but have no desire to determine the outcome of
who listened, was to fabricate mortal reasons for the next plays for power.
the carnage in Maine surrounding the Sabbat’s
exit via Portland, and to diminish the visibility The New England Gehenna was a multi-part,
of Kindred in positions of influence. Despite segmented apocalypse. Within the course of a
his faults, King achieved what he set out to do, decade, the status quo had completely changed,
and in doing so weakened the Hecata’s leverage with the American Camarilla ascendant by virtue
over high profile vampires, as they took their of its youth and its members’ dogged tenacity.

Story H
ook: Th
e Missin
Two carg g S h ip s
o sh ip s d
re, and s
on’t just
go m —
vessels du u ch was th issing without a
ring the ec new
vampire Gehenna ase with the Crim s story to cover th
s like Qu Crusade s o n T id e eir
B r i t i sh a e n t in K i ’s openin ’s theft o
nd Ame n g and we g migratio f two
Islamic f rican Ca ll-placed n. At the
undame m arilla tr m e dia influ t i m e,
the time ntalists ie d t o m e n c e r s in
) seizing (as they anufactu th e
g o t in v o the vesse were ver re a stor
lved and l s, and th y m uch all o y a b out
involved d i s co v e r e is worke ver the n
d d t o a degree e w s ,
Mo r o cco
. T h e sh i
ps were t
n o e v id e
n ce o f A , until th at
, and we r a c ked to th l - Q aeda or e FBI
th e i r l e a re board e Atlant D a e sh b
ed by the ic Ocean e
wh o h a d
v in g P o r
tl a n d . D U.S. Na , o n a c o u in g
lost rela eta v y w ithin a w r s e for
dead, or tives to t ils after that po eek follo
d ie d in h e h i j a ck i i n t were v i n g
th e M a s the firefi ngs were a g ue . P e
querade gh t t o r e t o l d th e y o pl e
, no new t ak e th e w
s up p o s e d
v am p i r e s rep orts v e s s el s . T e r e a l r e a d y
K in d r e d s were i , b logs, or e h a nkfully,
and the n v ol v e d v e n co n s for
wh a t b e c k in e , s ur . D i s t in c t m p i ra c y th e o r i
am r o un d in y s t e r ie s st
Navy fin e of the Crimson g the tw
o exist for s
sh ip s . F o
d e v id e n
c e o f th e
T id e o n
board th r the vam th e
e d wh o h i r e t w o sh ip p ir e s ,
t e r ro r i s t i j a ck e d t e x i s t e n c e ? F o r t h s, and di
d the
s ” wh o r e h e sh ip s , e morta
Therefor mained b e in g a t ls, it wa
e, k unname t ributed s n ever
case of th ine still flock to P d for the
r e a s o n o f n at
t o “ in d e
p e n d ent
e hijacke ortland ional sec
the myst d vessels, t o a sk q u u r
e r io u s e v w ith man e s t i o n s s ur i ty.
e n t s s ur r y a docu r o un d in
o un d in g mentary g the
their dis filmed to
appeara c over
n ce .

Story Hook: V
acated Territo
Few Kindred re
r ie s —
alize what a go
wider New En lden opportunit
gland represen y Boston and
from little hun t tonight. The
ter scrutiny, a region benefits
vacated havens new model cou
and feeding grou rt , and a lot of
vanished overn nds. When pow
ight, the remain erful Kindred
plug the gap. In ing vampires d
some cases, they idn’t rush in to
to the absent K held off out of lo
indred (and fo yalty or fear
map remain un r that reason, so
taken). In other m e sp aces on the
held what und cases, nobody kn
er Quentin Kin ew for sure who
likely to find ou g, and with him
t for fear of trea gone, nobody’s
century and m ding on toes. N
ore of hostility ew England’s
the six states com led to empty te
prising the regi rr it ories all over
coterie makes fe on. Providing a
w waves, and w newly arrived
Prince (former orks in concert
ly of the Kindre with the new
Tremere (form d of Liberty) or
erly of the Gem the Hartford
become a haven ini League), th
in both senses of e place could
the word.

Empty Throne
King’s throne wasn’t going to remain empty power grab occurred among Boston’s vampires,
for long, but the Kindred of Liberty were not for praxis, but for positions on the Primogen
determined to organize the Boston Kindred Council. Some members retained the positions
differently than before. The council under King they held previously, under King, while others
was a form of Duma with no meaningful say ascended to new seats of power.
over the domain. This would change. A hasty

Berel Underwood — Jara Drory —

One of the most influential, wealthy, and Once occupying a dual-identity within the
longstanding Ventrue in the city kept hold of the Kindred of Liberty and British Camarilla, and
seat for his clan. A former Primogen under King, one of the few dissenting voices as Primogen
Underwood seamlessly shifted loyalty to the new during King’s reign, the widely unpopular Jara
Prince when she took power. never lost her seat on the council, despite all
questions surrounding her loyalty.

Hilda MacAndrews — Richard Dunham —

A backroom-dealing, widely connected Diva Another Kindred who served as Primogen under
with a background in artistry, unusually Quentin King, but avoided much of the backlash
academic and discreet for a member of her clan, against the British Camarilla due to his reclusive
seized her place. MacAndrews took the initiative behavior, Dunham represents the domain’s
and receives the respect of all culture-addicts and thinkers and planners on the council.
creative types for her power grab.

s far as the council were concerned, The three Primogen instead conspired to
they had no need for additional manipulate another vampire into the role of
Primogen. Some Malkavians of Prince, ideally someone young, who could act
Boston protested their lack of as the lightning rod should disaster ever come
representation in court (Dunham had always crashing down again. In doing so, they secured
been a quiet voice, representing his faction of their own power without taking on risk or
theorists more than a family of blood, and they constraint. The three, proving themselves the
were used to King speaking for their clan too), most influential vampires on the council, selected
resulting in the council’s first statement, to which Hazel Iversen of Clan Ventrue. She wasn’t their
Prince Iversen acceded, once she’d taken power: first choice: initially Underwood offered the
Malkavians would never again be permitted position to his sire, Galeb Bazory, known as “the
praxis in New England. Rightly or wrongly, Diamond.” Berel was surprised when Galeb
King’s chaotic reign and his chief manipulator, refused, having been certain his sire would take
Biltmore, were castigated post-departure not for the throne and be grateful to his childe for the
their actions, but for being Malkavians. The sharp offer. On the contrary, Bazory rebuked the
slap on the wrist for questioning the council sent offer harshly in the middle of Elysium, telling
a clear message: the new order wasn’t going to be Underwood exactly what he thought of the role
as weak or forgiving as the last. and his childe, before declaring his desire to leave
town ahead of a new reign of chaos.
The lack of a Prince was telling, in Boston, and
reflected an unstable domain. Either nobody Hazel Iversen, domain Seneschal and new perfect
wanted the throne because of the mess King puppet, assumed the throne. Nobody tried to
left behind, or nobody was bold enough to be take her down, or not openly. In fact, Iversen
the first to step up, only to get struck down by saw this opportunity coming and made efforts
their rivals. to hamstring potential opponents to power,
though they were few. As soon as the Ventrue
The neonates of Boston expected Berel, Hilda, took praxis, she supported two new Primogen —
or Richard to take praxis as some of the eldest Delsin Coates, a Gangrel fanatically loyal to her
Kindred remaining in the domain, or at least, the and more than capable of acting as her warlord
eldest vampires anyone knew about. The three and line to the council, and Dajan Siaka, a friend
refused the poisoned chalice however, passing of the Salem Chantry and diplomat who reaches
it between themselves with various reasons for from Boston to other New England Kindred, as
their declining the role. Richard cited his clan, the occult representative for Boston and domains
justly, due to the council’s ruling on Malkavians. beyond — and began her rule. Primogen tend to
Hilda leaned on her unfamiliarity with domain exist as a balance against a Prince’s power, so many
governance, always having performed best out of of the existing council view these “appointees” as
sight. Berel had a harder time persuading anyone weak puppets more than true peers.
he was unfit, until he reasoned in court that “the
Anarchs would reignite old wars were a Kindred Of course, the new Boston Primogen found, to
like myself to assume power.” Nobody wanted a their frustration, that as soon as you put someone
return to the way things were. in the seat of power, they start using it.

Story Hook
I Need a Vo :
I t’ s to u gh
b e in g a K
w ith n o v in dre d th
o ic e in th e Boston Ca
court. In su e c it y a marilla. Fin
The Red Salon
ch cases, va vampire to

might nom mpires co speak for yo
inally alig urt is an u in
Kindred of n with el imp ortant f the Kindred of Boston were
other faction ement. Few story
Primogen sp s so one th Primogen o expecting a quiet Prince without
eaks for mu eir services ffer
lin e s, o r f ltiple som for free ou drive, they didn’t know Iversen as
in d a P r im e nebulous t of
who represe o g e n and “Blood duty well as they thought. Prince Iversen
nts their in expect somet ,”
rather than terests for hing in retu immediately took to examining weaknesses
the Blood. W vouching. T rn
most spies hile is a he Camaril in her domain, and she identified
and inform lay e re d h ie la
brokers seek ation vam rarch y , an Boston’s major vulnerability as its Kindred
ing territor pires don’t d
right to Em y, the ha automatica population. This was no surprise, but
brace, or re ve access to lly
from the Pr prieve eve the Prince, when competing against a city with a rapid
ince’s punis n the Prim or
go to Jara D hment p e ogen, with response police force, a surfeit of privately
rory, any K r f o r m in g o ut
on the outs indred K fa v o r s f o r owned cameras in stores, houses, clubs, and
ide of the d in dred above th th e
o r wh o h a omain, D eir heads fir vehicles, and a vast difference between the
ve newly a espite their st.
commonly u rrived, K name, Bost densely packed city center and an incredibly
se Dajan Sia indred of on’s
their mouth ka as diff Lib erty we sparse suburbia, it equaled a problem: the
piece (for th erent in this r e no
h e se ts ). R e price m regard, and mortals would realize they were being
ich ar d D u ore nebulou the
f in d s h im n h a m Ca sly titled B hunted. The lessons from domains such
self r e p r e se marilla, wh oston
vampires m n ti n g the o emerged fr as Vienna and London, both of which
aking their Kindred of om
from the Br way up co Liberty’s br were hit hard in the Second Inquisition
itish Cama terie, aren’t ok en
rilla to giv in the habit (though some question how much of that
ing charity of
to fledgling was Kindred-directed, especially in the case
of Vienna), were fast learned.

Story Hook:
Duplicitous Dealings —
Not all Primogen have their faction’s Berel, Hilda, and Richard the eldest and
best interests at heart. Indeed, some most dominant. This leaves a lot of room
of them may not serve the Traditions, for the lesser Primogen to hire the services
only looking out for their personal gain of an ambitious coterie to dig up dirt
or working for some outside interest to on their rival council members, or for
destabilize the city. Boston’s a strange
the greater Primogen to do the same in
domain with its Primogen Council
efforts to secure their positions. This kind
consisting of former enemies, former
of investigation could lead to all manner
loyalists, and new arrivals, meaning
few have truly stood the test of loyalty of revelations, from loyalties to another
and time. Despite their supposed united faction, such as Hartford Chantry, the
front, the Primogen are always pecking Edinburgh Mithraists, or the British
at each other for greater influence, with Camarilla.

rince Iversen’s first domain-wide action as Iversen’s coteries corralled homeless people (of which
Prince, kept from the wider court during Boston has over 20,000, but Iversen suggested taking
its establishment, was establishment the homeless from other domains first), migrants, sex
of the Red Salon with the aid of Clan workers, orphans, independent gangsters, psychiatric
Malkavian’s Dr. Richard Dunham. In Iversen’s outpatients, departures from VA hospitals, and so on.
case, she recognized the Circulatory System’s efforts Doing so meant no more hunting for a meal in an alley,
in Chicago and the Midwest, and agreed that blood no more breaking into a house to feed on a sleeping
trafficking was the way to sustain a domain. Rather victim, and no more risk of being caught.
than relying on haphazard “meals on wheels” coming
in at a premium cost, it was Richard Dunham who Iversen and Dunham’s Red Salon was a VIP super-
instead proposed the establishment of a blood market for vampires, and buying into the conspiracy
farm, of sorts, in Boston. Ever since the 1950s he’d to gain access to it is a way of agreeing to their me-
been experimenting with inducing resonance in his thods. The bar was spruced up, advertised to Kindred,
vessels, introducing his prey to chemical cocktails to and then put behind a firm invitation-only list.
significantly amplify their emotions before selling
them on. He told Iversen about this, and suggested
Iversen dreams that over time, the Red Salon human
they pool resources and research to help fuel the
trafficking network will criss-cross the entire country.
Boston Kindred.
She’s concerned it’ll come into conflict with the
Circulatory System, and is divided on whether to
When Iversen learned about Dunham’s experiments,
sabotage the competition or attempt to work along-
she agreed to give him the means to carry out his research
side them. Where the Circulatory System delivers
and negotiate an alliance with the Hartford Chantry to
gourmet meals, or so they claim, the Red Salon allows
gain the assistance of the Warlocks for blood and reso-
you to dine as if in a restaurant on your chosen kine.
nance preservation. She realized the opportunity Dun-
ham’s work presented for Boston: maintained proper- The two could see each other as rivals, though they’ve
ties of “enhanced” blood, available in a contained yet to openly conflict, due to how exposure could kill
form, cornered an aspect of the blood market and made their businesses and lead to the destruction of hun-
for a unique boon within her domain. dreds of Kindred.

Iversen’s first suggestion was to sacrifice the surplus The Red Salon production line is designed to extract
of city neonates who’d come flooding in once the war as much blood as possible from each subject in a very
ended, but the Primogen firmly shut her instruction short period of time. The subjects are kept asleep
down. Dunham proposed an amended initiative, and on antibiotics to help them withstand their
more palatable to the city’s Kindred, to shepherd journeys, repeated draining, and deeply unpleasant
the “invisibles” from cities outside Boston, as well living conditions.
as those within the domain, to a low-key bar he’d
invested in some time ago, built in a warehouse in Though to call it living would be a lie, and to claim they
the Boston Docks. Utilizing the city’s firm Nosfera- always remain sedated would also be untrue. Some
tu base for information and underground trafficking, vampires like to feed from a meal with a little kick.

ce’s P lans — The Ambitious Advisor
Story Hook: The Prin

her domain
az el Iv er sen ha s m an y ideas regarding how for erel Underwood is closely in-
e fo r he r, fo r th e Ca marilla, and latterly, volved in the running of the
might improv e kine,
s. M an y of th ese id ea s are cruel or callous to th Red Salon. Ever since its setup,
her subject survival is
sh e see s th in gs th ro ug h a pragmatic lens, and Underwood has understood the
though preserve Boston
e be -a ll en d- al l in he r mind. If an idea might ten long-term benefits of these flesh and blood
th ted, she’s prepared to lis
In qu isi tio n’ s ey es av er factories, and he’s been disappointed since
and keep the th Prince
am bi tio us co ter ie m ight seek an audience wi the start that the vampires have focused
to it. An vest in or
to pr ese nt an id ea to her, which she might in only on the blood, when the flesh is just
Iversen er on a project
sm iss , an d th en ste al . Having Iversen as a back e as profitable.
tly be ne fic ia l in Ki nd red society, though to th
would be grea ’s other
s wh o fin d th e id ea of th e Red Salon (and Iversen
vampire an Iversen Underwood received permission from
at iv es) wh oll y gr oss an d unethical, being seen as
initi rehead. Sadly, the Prince to explore ways of making the
wn is a go od wa y of ga ining a target on your fo uch
pa ideas doesn’t provide m operation lucrative. Dunham doesn’t care
in ce ste al on e of yo ur
having the Pr the idea
ity . Th er e’s no re co ur se to complain, and if much about Berel’s activities, as long as
opportun s silenced. If
we ll, sh e’s lik ely to wa nt the plan’s originator it doesn’t limit his research and that it
goes plan in Boston,
e ca n fin d th e m id dl e ground of initiating a n,
remains untraceable.
en ou gh th at Iv er sen can’t claim it as her ow
taking it fa r t of other
ga in in g he r su pp or t (and ideally, the suppor
and then fortuitous
re d to o) , it co ul d re su lt in a coterie in a very
to Boons and alliances.
position when it comes

Story Hoo
Escaping thk:
e Salon
To be a mor
tal in one o

Salons is a f the Red
n utterly m direction
existence, iserable of where th
b u t wh a t found. And ey were
them were if one of if they don
to escape, ’t reach
first perso and the the cops, the Prince is
n they run definitely
one of the into is going to have loya
player cha l servants
mortal ass racters’ search for them
o ciates, or , and hire
player cha even a coterie or two a
racter the to do the sa
The victim m selves? One of those m e.
is likely ba coteries cou
c o n f u se d , b bling, that of the ld be
d e h y d ra t e player cha
possibly ne d , an d puttin racters,
ar death, b g them in
communic ut they’ll posi an awkwa
ate enough tion if one o rd
th e co p s g to make fr f their mor
o lo ok in g iends, or if tal
in th e they’re givin
escapee san g this

r. Mo reau —
o ok : D th e b a s
Sto ry H on go b e y o n d
ytellers ost
c e i n B s . T h e re fo re , S t
l a l
n t s t ak i n g p
i r e g a me i t s i n dustria
p e r im e amp r, o n re
The ex r o r o f many V ing this horro o th e g ame’s co
l ho r r o d uc in t ply
p ersona c a u t i o u s in t th e m bedding starts with sim
be head o f tha t them
should w g r o up s a o a c o nspiracy erwood, one of
n e i n t d her
scale, to wever, digging l s t o B erel Un c a r t o n, anot
Ho morta milk ties,
themes. f e w h omeless p e r s on on a r w o o d ’s activi y
a s in g Und e pirac
ferrying ring as a mis i c io n s about e s f o r a cons
e a s p a k ot
then ap ntact raising s
R e d S alon, m Be cautious to n
e co g the o re . not.
vampir h e n d iscoverin e chronicle or m entists. They’re y,
ie t ntir d sci anit
the coter r u n for an e c a c k ling ma th e ir Hum
c a n t o o m ve
arc that e s l i k e these in i n g d i v orced fr , a n d th e y h a
mpi r ecom e o pl e sa
make va e v e r s t eadily b i n s t e ad of p e l t y t h at s e r v e
how asset s s cr u ound
T h e y ’ re r s u b j ects as h e ir m inds, it’ e n t s might s
i t im y
s e e in g t
s c r u el , but in u s e th e ir exper b l in g p ossibilit
ns. It ’ t b eca e t ro u fo r
ambitio d i t i o n ally, jus g t o p r esent th t i s t in contact
. Ad restin scien mits
, i t ’ s m ore inte in g . P e rhaps a a s t o n i s hed, ad
far-fetch am is onto som
e s e a r ch and, o p e r m anently
nh ham’s r way t n
that Du examines Dun e t o fi nding a m e d T rajaX. I
rie ’s clo s e’s n a the
the cote v i a n P rimogen m of a serum h itch sides to aid
the Ma
lka h e fo r ven sw
r e s o n a nce, in t s contact may e
amplify s of progress, th n g t he coter
r e s t b etr a y i
the inte P r imogen,
r in g

Story Hook:
The Leak —
The vast majority of scientists hospital or morgue, and there’s
follow a code of ethics. One no identifier to say it’s human,
MIT student working in a despite the fact it clearly is. This
Dunham-funded laboratory student shares her findings
is new to the job and given her with her friends at a bar in
first flesh sample for testing. downtown Boston that night,
She thinks it’s going to be a pig’s and though they laugh it off,
trotter, but gets a lump of flesh gossip spreads, and suddenly,
very much resembling a human Dunham needs help in cleaning
calf muscle. “No big deal,” up operations. This is where an
she thinks. It was probably ambitious coterie enters the
donated for medical testing scene, to locate the leak, plug
through appropriate channels. it, and ensure experiments can
But no, she can’t find records get back on track without loose-
tying this human tissue to any lipped kine ruining things.

Hazel Iversen has been any internet-based networks,
Boston’s Prince for under a de- and other Kindred within the
cade, and already the domain’s sect follow their unique brands
seen remarkable changes. They of elitism, which they claim is to
can’t all be laid at the Prince’s the betterment of the domain.
feet, but she takes credit for the Multiple clashing Anarch packs
good ones, all the same. represent the sect, but do so
courting different philosophies
Iversen’s a popular Prince and no unity. Outside forces
compared to her predecessor, still desire Boston, New Haven,
but factionalism continues
Worcester, and Providence, and
unabated even with the New
believe Iversen’s brief tenure as
England wars ending. The
Prince is one ripe for toppling.
Camarilla breaks into lines of
Meanwhile, mortal hunters
allegiance, with the Kindred of
wait, studying the domain for
Liberty and Gemini League now
gone, roughly replaced by the signs of Kindred activity.
Boston Camarilla and Hartford
Chantry. The Triad no longer Boston and New England
lead the British Camarilla (or if feel safe for the first time in
they do, they’re doing so from over 100 years, but they’re on
a place of great secrecy), and the edge of a precipice. The
the Redcoats disintegrated as a illusion of safety is just that.
force. The Web muted in the All the domain needs is one
post-SchreckNET debacle, little push to send everything
vampire society getting rid of crashing down.

The Boston Camarilla The Primogen
The Boston Camarilla took over where the The Primogen Council could help stabilize the
Kindred of Liberty broke apart. As the Kindred domain, or could act as Boston’s quick burning
of Liberty’s successor, they’re New England’s fuse. While they give nominal voice to Boston’s
oldest Camarilla faction, originally consisting Kindred, they’re selective over who they listen to
of Native Americans and those who wanted to and advocate for, and are largely bound up with
break free from the British, but now co-opted their own aspirations. Their desire to listen to
by Prince Iversen as a flag with which to rally all neonate coteries who want the right to Embrace,
Kindred in her domain. The word “Camarilla” is or who wish to risk the Masquerade to force a
used seldomly in Boston, with younger vampires mortal into thralldom, are far beneath their
citing “the Bostonians” and “the Cam,” while spheres of interest.
those stuck in the past still refer to “the Coals” as
their sect, when it’s relevant. The council has greater purpose and grip on the
domain than in Quentin King’s time, but now
that they have the power, without external foes
The Prince threatening the city they fixate on their own
localized concerns. It’s arguably a good problem
Prince Iversen’s position seems stable to the to have, except respected Primogen such as Hilda
average Boston Kindred. She rules with elegance, MacAndrews and Berel Underwood work to
hosts exquisite soirées, appears even-handed, and enrich themselves at the potential expense of
routinely takes counsel from the city’s Primogen. the Masquerade. Richard “call me Richard”
In reality, however, her reign is built on a house Dunham spends his time courting the city’s
of cards. The Primogen routinely jockey for more Malkavians with one hand while expanding
influence over her, the domain, or each other, and his laboratory experiments with another.
her far-reaching goals involving the Red Salon, Meanwhile, Jara Drory — a silent contributor to
sacrificing fledglings up for diablerie to satisfy Dunham’s research — attempts to fix her image
hungers and lessen the feeding stress on the Boston due to her reputation as a former Triad agent.
population, her plot to annex Worcester as part of
the Boston domain by bending or breaking its In the background, Dajan Siaka and Delsin
current rulers to defer in all things to Boston, and Coates do their best to respond to the city’s more
the goal of unification under the Boston Camarilla administrative demands, enforcing the Traditions
banner, all place her on precarious ground. where required, representing their sides and
the Prince to the best of their ability, but they
Iversen believes she earned her position and remain overshadowed by their more ambitious
success, and listens to her advisors carefully, counterparts. Siaka’s personal attachments to
especially Richard, Hilda, and Berel. She plans to Salem and Coates’s single-minded devotion to the
consolidate her support, to guarantee her praxis Prince only impede matters.
lasts for decades, or centuries, rather than a handful
of forgettable years. To do that requires making
common cause with Anarchs and fledglings,
which is one of the places where her relative youth
as a vampire assists her.

The Wild Cards
At least three of New England’s vampires may The third is Emem Louis, errant childe of Hilda
enable Iversen’s plans for New England to come MacAndrews and until recently, a subject of
to fruition, or cut it off at the knees, and send the Quentin King’s strain of brutality. During
six states into anarchy. King’s reign, Emem often fell afoul of King’s
capricious nature, and that of his knights, who
Leysha, childe of Richard Dunham, is the first. took their ire out on Emem for wrongs both
Something of an oracle, or seen as such among real and imagined, from Masquerade breaches
many of the domain’s Kindred, this Malkavian to violations of court etiquette, from being
served Quentin King as a seer and prophesied the reincarnation of the Arthurian Morgana
to Hazel Iversen that her praxis would end in to slaying several of King’s knights. Though
a terrible explosion, and soon. Prince Iversen’s she’s on amicable terms with many Kindred
scared of Leysha, but also enchanted with the in the domain — her closest confidante being
idea of premonitions that might aid her reign. Journey Atkins, the city’s Keeper of Elysium
— Emem feels her Beast raging within at all
The second is Galeb Bazory, one of the eldest times, and knows it won’t be long before it
vampires remaining in New England following explodes into action.
the Triad’s departure. A Ventrue lacking the
pride of most members in that clan, Galeb was Notable Kindred: Hazel Iversen, Jara Drory,
encouraged to take the role of Prince by his Hilda MacAndrews, Dajan Siaka, Delsin Coates,
childe Berel Underwood, and harshly declined. Berel Underwood, Richard Dunham, Galeb
Despite Galeb’s overt self-removal from city Bazory, Emem Louis, Leysha, Journey Atkins,
politics following Quentin King’s disappearance, many more.
many among the Boston Camarilla retell the
tales of Bazory’s industriousness and vicious Spoiler Warning
nature, and wait for the moment this potent
vampire regains his spark of ambition. With The following coterie chart details some
some Boston Kindred unhappy to serve such a of the relationships within Vampire: The
young Prince, Bazory seizing praxis would be a Masquerade — Swansong. Avoid this chart if
great improvement to their moods, and in their you want every relationship in the game to come
view, their city’s status. He’s demonstrated no as a surprise to you, as the chart contains clues as
desire for such a role, however. to characters’ true feelings and motivations.

The Hartford Ch
These nights, the major center of Tremere activity
in New England is Hartford, Connecticut.

Since their inception, the Gemini League were

a reclusive coterie led by fiscally-minded Blue
Blood and studious Warlocks of New Haven and
Hartford, Connecticut, named after the Gemini
Club in which they formed. Even now, the Hartford
Chantry — as its chief successor — attempts to keep
its affairs discrete from the rest of the American —
and in particular, the Boston — Camarilla.

The Hartford Chantry may appear weak next to

the Boston Camarilla, but shrewd decisions keeps
the coterie going. Their Regent Deneb Osborne
outlasted the Triad and most of the eldest Kindred of
Liberty, so he has good cause to feel smug. Though
Osborne’s Warlocks have been roundly mocked
for their paranoia regarding the Web, they’ve been
revitalized through their endurance, and now target
the Kindred who spent so long belittling them, with
Hilda MacAndrews and her offspring Emem Louis
at the top of their list.

The Warlocks would be content to remain quietly

successful in Connecticut, but Hazel Iversen —

independent of her Primogen — has invited them
to send representatives to Boston and take a seat
to counsel the city advisors. Having only recently
learned of this, the Boston Primogen are outraged.
They are the Boston Camarilla. These newcomers
are cockroaches who managed to withstand a blast;
not respectable Kindred, and especially not equals.

The Hartford Chantry cautiously approaches

the offer, having swiftly discovered this is part of
Iversen’s play to unite all Boston’s Kindred, and
spread this plan to New England. The Chantry
don’t want any leadership other than their own, but
they’re content to play nice in efforts to pay off their
debt to the Boston Camarilla, all the while keeping
their eyes open for old enemies spies. They’ve
reached out to the Tremere Primogen, Dajan Siaka,
in efforts to create a secure passage of information
between the cities.

Notable Kindred: Deneb Osborne (Regent),

Lynn Vance, Maddox Samuels, Graham Flemming,
Janis Wakefield, Clyde Moses, Mildred Woods,
Everett Green, Upton Rowlands, Jeremy Skelton,
several other Ventrue and Tremere of Connecticut.

ith the century-long hostilities small group of Anarch hackers with a “Massachusetts
between New England’s sects and First’’ attitude. In the opening nights of Iversen’s rise,
factions, the Anarch Movement the Patriots coterie collective removed one of King’s
has always been a background few remaining allies from Worcester. They installed
concern, acting as a drip tray for those Kindred whose themselves as an advisory council for the city’s Kindred,
coteries cast them out, whose sires spurn them, or nominating Thane as Baron. In normal times, such an
vampires who find themselves alone in the region action would provoke reprisals, but war weary and
without a Mawla or an ally. The Anarchs of New hoping for a new day under Iversen, the Kindred of
England have always struggled to unify, with the brief Massachusetts shrugged and waited to see how the
periods of joint cause disrupted when they discover Patriots’ leadership played out.
they’re being manipulated by the Triad, the K.O.L.,
or the Web. Discovery of this kind breeds suspicion The Patriots have long advocated for an end to callous
and paranoia, and eventual infighting among the hunting through the streets and picking up vessels
Anarchs who don’t split off and form new coteries. in nightclubs, considering the tradition selfish and
harmful to other Kindred in the domain. The Patriots
It’s only since the wars died down and Prince Iversen instead advocate for what they call “a feeding trough,” at
took the throne that the Anarchs have started meeting which all Kindred — no matter their station — can feed
and discussing their plans for the domains of New without fear or harm. The Patriots therefore cautiously
England, led by the self-titled Baron Randall Thane. back Iversen’s play for the Red Salon, as a result.
They’re helped by Iversen’s intention to bring all
New England Kindred under her banner, as it means These nights, the Patriots expect any Kindred who
there’s less open hostility toward their Movement, make their havens in Worcester to seek their counsel.
but several Anarchs want to take advantage of the They don’t believe in the imposition of law, but abide
opening, Thane included. by “the Worcester Contract,” which says:

Collectively, New England’s Anarch coteries are known • I will not impose my will over any other Kindred.
as “the Patriots,” but individually three prominent • All my feeding will take place indoors, ideally in a
Anarch coteries jockey for primacy. None are yet seen place the Patriots deem preferable.
as a threat to Iversen or the Boston Camarilla. Prior • I will take up arms in the event of external takeover
to Iversen’s praxis, all New England Anarchs existed of our domain.
as a loose underbelly of Anarchs called “the SRs,” or • I will encourage diplomacy, negotiation, and
socialist revolutionaries, who occasionally reared their compromise in the event of internal antisocial
heads to extol the virtues of communal feeding areas, behavior.
cooperation on the subject of the Masquerade, but
independence from any Prince-ordained laws or Sheriff- Though it could be argued the Worcester Contract is
delivered punishments. The SRs’ only achievement was just another set of laws, the Patriots never directly punish
assassinating three of Quentin King’s Sheriffs and one vampires who breach the contract. Instead, they expect
of his knights with bombs, until the position of Sheriff the Kindred in domain to regulate themselves, which to
was dropped in Boston (and then Hazel reinstated the date, has proven to be a successful (if sometimes petty or
role with her ascension to praxis). excessive) method of domain governance.

Many Anarchs of the SRs reformed as the Dead Ferals Notable Kindred: Randall Thane (social idealist),
— a biker gang led by a Gangrel named Saule — who Viola Anderson (cold pragmatist and Iversen’s contact),
are still predisposed toward explosive revolution, and Saule (violent revolutionary), Rafa (hacktivist), Cerys
Cerys’s Militiamen, who act as Randall Thane’s honor (bodyguard), Joey Patriarca (New England gangster),
guard. Beyond them, a vampire named Rafa leads a Yong-Sung (Camarilla defector).

Other Factions and Coteries
New England’s a broad The Special Affairs Division king to protect and the direct
region, and plenty of Kindred arrived in Boston in 2016, manipulations of Biltmore
refuse to subscribe to any occupying a disused, Cold (who, while possibly active
of its sectarian politicking. War-era base on Long Island. and alert, unlike his fellow
Indeed, many have existed in They swiftly discovered Triad members, is no longer
the region for several lifetimes, proof of supernatural activity in New England), they rove
keeping themselves aloof from throughout New England, around New England looking
the wars and philosophical including werewolves and for portents they can tie to
debates consuming Boston vampires, and due to the their Arthurian delusions and
and its neighboring cities. severity of the infestation skirt the line of falling into
Some of these smaller groups called upon consultants in wightdom as they embark
and powerful individuals the Society of St. Leopold upon pointless “quests'' to keep
have the capacity to sway to establish a large-scale themselves from frenzying.
situations to the advantage elimination operation.
of one player or another, if
These Kindred are sad exa-
they lend their weight to a The mortals who know of
mples of what happens when
cause. Independently, they’re blankbodies aren’t naive. All
a vampire’s been held in thrall
curiosities. As kingmakers, it’ll take is one Kindred getting
for decades, or even centuries,
they’re each a potential danger. sloppy, word getting out from
and all of a sudden the cord
the Red Salon, or a vengeful
Hunters of the Second vampire trying (as many between slave and master
Inquisition: Not a coterie, have tried before) to use the snaps. It’s possible they could
naturally, but a presence Inquisition as a cudgel against be rehabilitated and reinte-
throughout America in the their enemies, for the Special grated into Kindred society,
form of FIRSTLIGHT and Affairs Division to fix its beams but they were never truly a
to a lesser extent, the Entity, on the Boston Kindred. In part of it, and it’s more likely
along with fringe divisions fact, they’re already planning Iversen will quietly command
of government agencies a clandestine mission titled their destruction should she
and localized paramilitary Operation Swansong... hear of them wandering the re-
cells of hunters, the Second gion. Of course, if the knights
Inquisition is here and it’s not The Knights: Quentin King do find a new Arthur, they
going away. may be gone, but some of his could become valuable body-
knights remain. Lacking a guards and hired killers.

he Circulatory years, the British Camarilla argue against a return to the
System: Newly influence on New England, old ways, and many nightly
aware of Prince exerted through a coterie plan Iversen’s Final Death and
Iversen’s and known as the Triad, was an a return to a war-footing for all
Richard Dunham’s Red Sa- anachronism representing of New England.
lon enterprise, the Circulatory something historic and best
System has dispatched agents forgotten. The American Despite this, no Triad resusci-
throughout New England to people had moved on from a tation has taken place to date as
locate and disrupt the threat desire for rule from a far-off far as is known, with Iversen’s
to their prized market. They’re monarch, so the American Kindred warily eyeing all co-
not so foolish as to want to Kindred should do likewise. teries for signs of disloyalty to
expose any Red Salons to the For vampires Embraced over the Boston Camarilla.
mortal gaze (increased scruti- 30 years ago, however, the
ny isn’t good for anyone in the Triad stood for aggression, The Web: A coterie formed
blood trafficking industry), but dominance, and imposition for the express purpose of
they’re content to sabotage and of will. To many, especially information gathering,
make the business more costly those raised in the traditions scrutinizing, and implementing,
than it is beneficial. of Clans Ventrue, Lasombra, the Web was one of the most
Tzimisce, and Tremere, the flexible of the Triad’s weapons
A coterie without allies might Triad holds great appeal, during the New England
find themselves approached especially when compared to wars. Perhaps its greatest
by Circulatory System agents, Iversen’s apparently open- asset was how commonly it
offering them a chance for minded, unity-driven praxis. was believed to be an Anarch
quick money and all the blood enterprise. Its head — the
dolls they can eat, if they can Further, the Triad’s fighting Nosferatu Stanford Warwick
perform some undercover coteries — the Redcoats — — was an unknown on the
work. Doing so would make still exist with largely the same political scene until he took
an enemy of the Kindred of membership. They pledged Providence, Rhode Island as
Liberty, however. allegiance to the new Prince, his domain, and even then his
forswore old loyalties, and attachment to the Web was
The Triad: To vampires now abide by Prince Iversen’s one of New England’s best
Embraced within the last 30 rule. But, few of them would kept secrets.

arwick’s style was while the Triad benefited from perma-
to send forth loyal nently reliable intelligence.
spies, all Nosfera-
tu, in what he called Warwick vanished along with the other
“web strands.” Four strands stretched members of the Triad and most other
across New England in different di- elders in New England, but Providence
rections, with each strand picking up soon gained a new Prince in the form
other Nosferatu for the cause. As far as of one of his childer and Web spy, Kurt
most Nosferatu knew, they were part Densch. With the Triad disintegrated,
of a spy network opposing the Sabbat. Densch led the Web as a formal Anarch
The truth was the Web was a force of concern. The few spies who knew the
misrule designed to oppose anyone Web was a Triad operation don’t know if
not aligned to the Triad. Through Densch was wilfully redirecting the Web,
Warwick’s agents, the Web sold intelli- or whether he always believed it was an
gence to the American Camarilla, the Anarch coterie, but affiliations changed
Sabbat, the few Anarch enterprises of overnight without fuss.
note in the region, the Hecata, and
even outliers among the proto-Mi- In turn, Densch vanished. Kindred
nistry and few Ravnos holdouts in the in the Web are even now investigating
region. They constantly tipped scales whether he went to ground to better run
when one side appeared dominant his secretive coterie, or whether he was
in the war, to keep every enemy weak “Beckoned” like so many other vampires.

The pride of New England, of Massachusetts, community, including Kindred from Black
and one might argue, one of the brightest jewels communities. Anarchs in Boston sometimes
in the Camarilla crown, Boston stands tall as use the Meeting House for its original purpose
a city for mortals and a domain for Kindred. or worship, or to pass conspiratorial messages
Boston is rich with commerce, tourists, politics, back and forth to each other in a location lacking
and finance. It looks out onto the Atlantic, bears Camarilla scrutiny.
a rich history for the entire nation, and sees
copious traffic passing through it. Its architecture The Black Rattlers: Some of the most sought-
and city design stands out among other cities of after lounge clubs around Boston, numbering
its size, and it houses some of the finest seats of three in total (but likely to expand in number,
learning in the nation. due to their popularity), these nightspots fall
under the control of the Toreador Emem.
Boston is the heart of Vampire: The She makes good on her claims to book only
Masquerade — Swansong, the home of our delightfully curated jazz women and DJs from
protagonists, and a domain thick with potential around the world, making the Black Rattlers
stories and encounters. The below sites in Boston places of pilgrimage for any fans of a fusion of
are but a small collection of places a coterie might house, downtempo and jazz.
explore or find introduction to, in this great city.
Emem forbids hunting in her clubs, but there’s
The African Meeting House: The oldest Black talk of an underground line of rule-breaking
church in the United States stands in Boston, Kindred who use the Black Rattlers as their
once being a place for segregated peoples to preferred feeding grounds, due just to the music
come together in worship. These nights, it exists quality and the sheer number of people who visit
as a museum like so many of the other historic and then leave Boston in the days that follow.
buildings in Boston, but the African Meeting The Black Rattlers venue has a friendly rivalry
House (sometimes known as the First African with Iversen’s preferred club, the Grand.
Baptist Church or Belknap Street Church) has
a deep cultural value to many of Boston’s Black

Combat Zone:
In downtown Boston, centered on Washington Street, you’d have once found
the Combat Zone. The area was a haven of adult entertainment, sex work,
bathhouses, and more depraved activities, before the city renovated the area,
removing or relocating its more questionable businesses. For Kindred, howe-
ver, the Combat Zone never went away. Just because the Hayden Building’s
porn theater and bathhouse was changed into luxury apartments, doesn’t
mean vampires don’t use those apartments for hookups with blood dolls and
to literally pit ghouls against each other in combat sports. The veneer changed,
but the content remained the same. Iversen’s concerned the Combat Zone
will draw mortal police attention, but Berel Underwood’s assuaged her, to
date, ensuring police commissioners and politicians enjoy the Combat Zone’s
offerings and filming them in the process.

Faneuil Hall:
Faneuil Hall was built in the 18th century as a market hall
co-opted for public meetings, colonists protesting British taxes, and by the
mid-19th century, anti-slavery rallies. It’s a building with great historical si-
gnificance to many Kindred and kine, with the few vampires present in New
England at that time sometimes spending hours basking in its history, remem-
bering an earlier time with nostalgia, guilt, or loathing. Faneuil Hill still plays
host to markets that spill out into the streets, day and night, and is often used
as a place for Kindred to conduct business in front of witnesses.

Fenway Park:
Fenway Park is beloved by baseball fans all over, but it’s the New Englanders and Red Sox
fans who make up the crowds. Ever since 1912, Fenway Park has hosted baseball games, and
while some cities build larger stadiums, Boston has clung to Fenway. Kindred aren’t made
of stone, and a vampire who loves baseball in life will probably go on to love it in unlife.
This includes Delsin Coates, who insists on hiring an exclusive box for him and anyone he
wants to impress or placate. Unofficially, the grounds are Coates’s territory.

The Grand:
Boston has no lack of nightclubs and bars, but the domain’s Kindred see the Grand as
a special kind of venue. It has a Vegas atmosphere, with an excessive number of bulbs
illuminating the club in iridescent colors. A regal glass staircase leads down the dance
floor. The furniture’s all of gold, leather, and velvet. VIP lounges exist for people
who book and pay in advance. Celebrity DJs come in weekly to work the turntables.
There’s little the Grand can’t offer. Almost as if catering for Kindred, the Grand’s
website states “It’s your time to live, so hang on for dear life.” Iversen uses the club as
her personal court for leisure activities, and unless specifically given permission, none
but her are allowed to feed on the premises. Historic punishments for doing so have
been harsh indeed.

Harvard University:
One of the world’s leading academic centers, around, hood up to conceal her smashed and
f illed with museums, stores, buildings of splintered appearance. Drory once claimed she
historic interest, and of course, students. Hilda was responsible for the crafting of Harvard’s
MacAndrews often holds court in the Fogg immaculate 3,000+ glass flowers and plants,
Art Museum due to her love of Italian early- which she stated she made during an extended
Renaissance art. Meanwhile, Jara Drory used period of meditation. Nobody has been able
to spend much of her time in the Botanical to refute the claim, as the process behind their
Museum, inviting fledglings there as she stalks creation has never been copied.

The Massachusetts Institute of Technology to win awards, create lasting inventions and
was built in the 19th century, and since its pioneering drugs, and even go into space. For
establishment has played an important role most Kindred, it’s just another university, but
in the study and development of sciences, for Richard Dunham, it’s a recruiting ground
engineering, mathematics, and technology. for aspiring scientists prepared to get their
Many of its graduated students have gone on hands dirty with his questionable experiments.

Museum of Fine Arts and the Isabella
Stewart Gardner Museum:
These two museums contain The revolt from Bostonian
a hugely impressive collection Kindred was so loud that King
of impressionist paintings, rapidly overturned his decree,
fine arts from Iran, East Asia, and declared the Museum
Greece, and Egypt, original of Fine Arts a permanent
Rembrandts and Vermeers, Elysium. While Journey
a Venetian-style palace, and Atkins — the domain’s
even a glass-encased building Keeper of Elysium — prefers
for contemporary art. hosting parties in privately
Boston’s thriving art scene owned buildings, penthouse
uses these museums as its hub, apartments, and clubs firmly
and the domain’s Kindred lose within a vampire’s control,
themselves in the wonder of the Primogen insist on still
both. During Quentin King’s using these museums as their
reign, Quentin once forbade personal meeting grounds.
his subjects from ever stepping This is despite rumors of the
foot in either museum, Web having infiltrated both,
claiming to do so was to insult with at least three curators in
the glorious art on display. thrall to the Nosferatu.

One of Boston’s most hotly frequented market Kindred of Liberty were formally (and amicably)
complexes, popular among residents and tourists, dissolved in Quincy Market, the Boston Camarilla
Quincy Market doubles as a neutral meeting emerging in its place as the vampires who agreed
ground for Kindred of the Boston domain. The to the change went their separate ways.

The T:
Boston’s subway system is officially named a permanent police force remains present
the Massachusetts Bay Transport Authority at all the major stations. For this reason,
subways, but the locals call it “the T.” Kindred rarely feed on the T, any Lasombra
Despite being regarded as a subway, the in the domain avoid it entirely due to the way
vast majority of the system is above ground, they interfere with technology at advanced
therefore avoiding some of the underground age and potency, and it’s something of a safe
undead population problems experienced haven for mortals to escape into. Though
in domains such as New York and London. there are tales of one of the Web’s Strands
The T has its faults, with stoppages every using the T as an information trafficking
day, delays, and a trend of minor crimes, system, utilizing graff iti and mortal
but for the most part, it’s considered one messengers riding the train from one line
of the better run transit systems in the U.S. to the next, neither King nor Iversen have
Security cameras monitor everywhere, and been able to root out any such spies.

of Boston
New England contains a broad plethora of Kindred, too many to list in
this book. Here we present the unique biographies and traits for four of
the primary characters in Vampire: The Masquerade — Swansong.

Galeb Bazory
Epitaph: The Jaded King
Quote: “I would see the back of this city and all Kindred. I would.
Just give me a reason.”
Clan: Ventrue
Embraced: 1745 (Born 1710)
Mortal Days: The Sultan’s Bastard

mother and father named him
Asking questions about my
Şehzade Süleyman. His young
sire isn’t always wise. He’s a…
life was one formed in a gilded
private individual. Prone to
cage, as his mother Jeannette de
periods of brooding silence and
. Bazory — a concubine to Sultan
cold stares. Believe me, I know
and Ahmed III of the Ottoman
Nevertheless, here you are,
Empire — was kept well, but
so I’ll share the history of the
cloistered, by her master, or so
great disappointment that is
Galeb told me. My sire knew
Galeb Bazory.
only palaces and the harem of
women who acted as his aunts
My sire hasn’t always been
and sisters, always receiving
kn ow n by that name , of
care, always treated as a son by
course. When he was born in
the palace’s people.
Constantinople, in 1710, his

h o w e v e r, w
to know a as no fool.
Sultan’s b She knew
legitimate a st ards would enough ab
heir arrive meet violen out history
again, onc d. Though t ends as so
e he reache she feared on as a
of the pala d his teena she’d never
ce convince g e years she a se e h er son
Europe. H d him to se nd the oth
e protested crete himse er women
— but his m — this wa lf onto a sh
other insist s his home ip bound f
ed, as moth , h is family, a or
tragically co ers do. Jean nd his life
rrect. Soon nette’s susp
was dead, after Galeb icions were
his young, ’s departur
believed (a and belove e, Jeannett
nd may stil d brother M e de Bazory
grief, but l believe to ustafa mis
my research this night) si n g. Galeb
who would tells me sh that his m
silence bast e was murd o th e r died of
appears. A ards would e re d . T h e
prudent co silence their J a n is saries
urse, if you mothers as
ask me. well, it
Galeb Baz
ory’s voyag
ship’s capta e into matu
in decided rity had on
his family Galeb was ly just begu
and renam a good wor n. When th
e d h k e r, h e a e
longing fo im. Now a dopted him
r home, Ga p a rt of a new in to
he carries to leb adopte family, bu
day, I can d a detach t st ill
a rise from assure you ed persona
him) as he , n o matter h (a d e m e anor
the barbs a toiled dilig ow much I
imed at his ently and try to get
in good ste mixed her at t e m p t e d
ad in the h itage. His a to ignore
negotiated alls of trad lo of demean
their way e, where he or set him
the domin into the dia and his fa
ions that w mond busi ther crisply
course of se ould becom ness, sailin
veral years. e Canada, g between
imagining His sailing and Antw
s, and a ba fam erp, over th
Constantin rony, but G ily gained riches beyo e
ople. Wealt aleb alway nd their
his mother h meant li s felt the p
, and didn ttle to the y ull back to
’t yet know oung man
her fate. w ho missed

It was in 1740 that my sire encountered a navigator and vampire
named Jean Baptiste Tavernier. This Tavernier was a vampire of Clan
Ventrue, and he watched, admired, and groomed the man who would
come to Embrace me at a later time. Within five years, Tavernier gifted
the Embrace to Galeb, promising immortality, riches untold, and a new
family closer than any mortal kin. Tavernier wanted Galeb focusing
on reclaiming (or at least, controlling) the throne that should have
been his, in Constantinople. He, however, wasn’t prepared for Bazory’s
hasty departure in one of the family’s ships. His adopted family and
his sire mourned, confused at why Galeb had left them. Though Galeb
retained a patchwork correspondence with Tavernier, it was fair to
say his unwillingness to embrace that which made him Ventrue — a
destiny to rule — only made his departure more hurtful.

Trust me, Kindred; when you come to know my sire, you’ll realize
abandonment is part of his M.O.

Kindred Nights: Bitter Disappointment

Galeb’s unlife took him from North Africa, to Europe, and again
to North America, and in the midst of these travels encountered
my father in… oh, 1806. James Underwood was a key player in the
refined sugar trade — more cutthroat than it sounds — and his
business was on its backside due to the Napoleonic Wars, embargo
on America, and so on. I’ve long assumed Galeb took an interest in
him because he saw a possibility for profit, but I wonder how much
of his attraction to my father was due to the adventurous appeal of
a grand smuggling operation breaking the ennui of his existence.
I was born in 1807, and yes, I know this story isn’t mine, but I
play a central role. After my father’s death, Galeb transferred
his affections and patronage to me. When I asked him to enter
business with me at the age of 26 (to the best of my recollection — it
was some time ago), he agreed. e go o d
t o b e d o ne for th e.
o r w h at n e e d s n d th e b ottom lin
hon ness a i s un a g i
t h i s sense of w l y o f the busi t i o n e d h
I suspec his ne q ue s me fran
kl y ,
d h i m d eparting y o u When I n s w e r e d e
e f a
p re v e n t
m i l y ( a nd yes, i d n a t ur e , h e I j u m p e d a t th
fa ing an r u th . ce , b u t m
t r e n d of adopt ’r e w i th th e t E m b r a
you o r th e He’d
i n g n e w w i th ch a n c e f e w a s r e luctant. t
abandon o w m y sire), but e s o o n -to-be sir e b e f o r e, and pu
o kn t (th chil d
getting t n ie r ’s agreemen he never sired a until 1869. I gre
av e r ntact) ion off ned
his sire T t s p oradic co the decis e n i t h ap p e
k e p o r l d t, so w h I
two had t l e in the N
ew W im p a t ie n n e d quickly —
t o s e t r n i e r a p p e w
a g re e d e Ta v e — and i
o using m s to
y ne
a n e n t l y , w h il n t e re s t s e l y s e t t
perm ing i e d i at sines
d i a m ond min o th e r imm y fa mily’s bu
purs u e d r a n k e m ition
A f r i c a . A story fo gifts to ta r u sh in g the oppos
in South s . n ew heights, c
s t o o d in my path.
rha p who
night, pe a n d anyone ssed.
a l e n t e d th a n
b … w a s unimpre
e t Gal e
m… mor ed to do
I was… a p r e p a r
e r. M o r e
my fath
He wanted a cautious, studious childe; not to heal the rift between us (or at least, get him off
an ambitious son of a bitch (God rest my my back). Galeb declined, calling it “a poisoned
mother’s soul) like me. When he discovered my gift” (which held some truth), but then threw in
involvement in plots stretching all the way down with the newly elevated Hazel Iversen, offering
the East Coast, as early as ten years into my himself as an advisor, albeit at a distance from
unlife, he grew disenchanted and — you know night-to-night affairs. Oh, Iversen was elated,
how this goes — distanced himself from me. but I looked like a total imbecile for his public
rebuttal of my offer.
Would you believe, this vampire — Galeb Bazory
— would claim in court that he’d created a Galeb is a disillusioned Kindred. He sees himself
monster, a threat to all Kindred, when referring as a monster, but a more controlled monster than
to me? Quentin King actually believed him, and most. When he has an ambition, he’s determined
offered my sire the role of domain executioner, and sharp, but when he lacks one, he wonders at
which he accepted with the hope I’d one day fall what he could have achieved if only he returned to
to the headsman’s block, where he could correct Constantinople earlier, if only he’d found love as
his mistakes with “legal acceptance.” Galeb a living being, and if only he’d aspired to political
would hunt down anyone who threatened position, he might have an eternal purpose.
Boston, never becoming one of those fool knights I understand he recently made a young mortal
(I couldn’t have lived that down), but acting as from MIT into his ghoul, perhaps grooming
one of King’s most deadly instruments. And you her as another possible childe, but in my honest
know, Galeb enjoyed his bloody work. For all his opinion, were he to do so, she’d find herself facing
assumed destiny to rule, his inherited nobility, an eternity of disapproval combined with an
his business savvy, his personal power, he was absence of any kind of mentorship.
most comfortable following the commands of
another, wielding the axe or the gun even when The Beckoning can’t come soon enough for my
the person instructing him was an oaf like sire. He would be best off following the Call and
Quentin King. He’d found his harmony. leaving my domain and our unlives for good.

Of course, his blade never found me. I was too

smart, by half.
- B.Underwood
For all Galeb’s successes in international business,
imports, exports, the diamond and ruby trade,
the recognition he received from courts across the
western world, and his skill at murdering others,
Sire: Jean Bapti
he longed for a mortal life to which he could ste Tavernier
never return. He was recognized as one of the
Ambition: I wil
few reliable patrons to neonates, and counsels for l find a purpose
for my existenc
elders, in our domain of Boston, but outside of his in the earth
executioner role, he remained aloof from politics.
When King fell, I backed him for Prince, hoping Convictions: N
ever permit anot
her to engage in
Touchstones: S
ara Chandler, em
ployee in Galeb’s
who he raised from sh
the street to corp
Humanity: 5

Generation: 10
Blood Potency:
ce or bury mysel

wanton cruelty

hipping business
rate success

Emem Louis
Epitaph: The Eternal Survivor
Quote: “This city’s rot goes all the way to its heart. I’ve seen it and tasted it.”
Clan: Toreador
Embraced: 1929 (Born 1901)
Mortal Days: Poverty and Opportunity

ow best to describe my friend, that turned her into the amazing performer
Emem? I guess one must go back to she became. She didn’t end up in France
the start to know the person, but I by accident: her father joined the Harlem
didn’t know her way back then. All I can share Hellfighters in 1917 and participated in the
are the stories she’s told me; my reasons for lo- liberation of France soon after. He joined a
ving and worshiping this goddess of a woman. jazz band that became a phenomenal success
after the war ended, because you know, not
You know, growing up in poverty comes with its much of his kind of music made its way to
share of challenges. Growing up Black and in Paris before the war. Pathé Studios — you’ve
poverty, in early 20th century Harlem, tightly heard of them, right? — recorded an album
molds a person or breaks them down. Emem with him as one of the performers, and buoyed
came out of that mold tough, smart, and with success, he brought his family over to
gifted. So many of her peers did not, and she’s Paris to turn his musical talents into a full-
never forgotten their names or faces. I guess time gig.
she learned how to make do with little, succeed
without the aid of the Man, and stand up for This tale isn’t all about the successes of Emem’s
herself and her people. It was that, or break. father. Something Emem’s always said to
me is “a man’s quicker to steal a woman’s
For all of Harlem’s cultural brilliance and achievements than make his own” and don’t
vibrant community, it was a zone segregated start thinking she only came into her own
from the rest of the city. Yeah, other minorities because of Mayson Louis’s jazz records. No, at
made their presences known, especially those 17 years old, Emem was already auditioning
arriving in New York with no place to stay. as a dancer for the exclusive, renowned, Folies
Yeah, white dilettantes visited looking for an Bergères, and though it took grit, by the time
“exotic” evening, knowing they were a ticket she turned 21 years old she was a headline act,
away from going back home. But for Emem, touring Europe and dancing to packed houses.
Harlem was her life. Black, proud, and
defiant in the face of persecution, she became Emem was an ambitious woman and
known in the community as a headstrong punched above the weight class society gave
young woman, following in her mother’s her. As a talented singer and dancer, she
and grandmother’s footsteps as a girl who’d wanted to go where the big money was, and
take shit from nobody and give her being drink champagne with the stars. She had
to her community. Her father Mayson was no problems taking a white man’s money
a musician by night and window washer if it went back home, and took shit from
by day, but his talent never found any real nobody, developing a reputation as a fiery
success in the States. Her mother Clara was a celebrity, and channeling that energy into
singer when not caring for her four children. her burlesque performances. She saw ever
Life was, in a word, tough. capital worth visiting in Europe, and rubbed
shoulders with muckety mucks all over the
Let’s take a tangent here, because while I think continent. The abuse she had to endure was
that if you cut Emem, she’d bleed Harlem, it obscene, but she kept her head high, attracting
was mixing Harlem into a cocktail with Paris the attention of the Divas.

r e d N ig h ts: The Ord
, in D e ce m b er 1923, a H il da acted a
a sh o w t o w e d ,
llowing ro o m a at foll
, and collea
One night fo e r o u ts id e her dressing sh e I n th e years th
, co n fi d a n te
p ed h white, , lover em’s
woman stop h e a te r . S he was pale d to E m em’s patron si r e . S h e adored Em
lt r
the Vienna
se v e r e lo o k . Emem tr ie
a n d u lt imately, he p e r f o r m every night.
n d b o re a . Emem ed he r th,
said little, a n st o p p e d her again ta le n ts and watch h e n e n te ring undea
the wom a more, th e st fear, w but
get past, but lf , p o li te ly, but once e r E m em’s greate ch m e n t to her family,
se he r se raised h her att a them
tried to excu ck e d h e r path. Emem r ok e . w as she’d lose : “ Y o u ca n always send y
lo b r by once ever
white woma
a ll y , th e obstruction H il d a r eassured he s, a n d st o p
er fists. F in d into a m letter ing
voice, and h sh a p p e a r ance melte ic m o n e y, write the m e .” I t w as a kind th
n’s har angel ight-ti d re d
The woma io n a te sm ile with an to fe w months at n p o p u la r it y in the Kin
mpa ss d ’s e
generous, co e x p la in e d she wante to sa y , b ut as Emem se r to h e r si re and mor
ghter. Sh e , and me clo t, I
peal of lau h t E m e m had in her sc e n e g rew, she beca p e o p le . T o this nigh
much fi g for som e r own
know how a tc h in g her shows e m d is ta n t f rom he g le greatest reg
b e e n w it e d E m e m ’s si n
that she’d d miration. S
he inv
, on believe
it’s Em
a d
time wit h g r e a t
y b a r . E m em d e cl in e
s in V ie n n a since their
at a near b e hour. h av e n da
to a drink a n d th e lateness of th s H a v in g made their a te r , E m em and Hil
er skin t my ba r Carlth e e au x ,
account of h e d : “ T h e r e’s nobody a l r ip m e e ting at the fo r P a r is , then Bord
insist y try, I’l in 1934 ge in
The woman , E m e m . And if the le ft Austria a z is a n d taking refu
o u N s
who will de
ny y
o u t. ” b e f o r e fleeing the 0 s. Q u e n ti n King wa
g tongue s rly 19 4 but
their fuckin a t B o st o n in the ea e tw o r ef u g ee Kindred,
king wh ke in thes ction for Em
la u g h e d , Emem thin il d a r el uctant to ta e v el o p a ff e
The two wo
men joke; H ng to d erform
d r e w s sa id was a dark
n e g o t d idn’t take lo e . H e d e m anded she p g
r even invitin
Hilda MacA
e x a ct ly th at if someo t fl a m b oyant natu to u r n e y s,
e’d do two spen omain rty to
thinking sh h e r ch il d e-to-be. The r ie s a t o ne of the d th e K in d red of Libe
between her
and ging sto e s f ro m ts, ever
ll o w e d in bars exchan s a n d r e presentativ q u e e n .” K ing’s knigh ly
at fo their passio
n his “new mance close
the nights th th e ir a r t, sh o w o ff m ’s p e r fo r
lives and ismatic, d Eme and
about their a w a s cu ltured, char g b y h is side, watche d , Q u e n ti n cheered,
les. Hil d ngthenin pplaud e cooled
their strugg e n g a g e d in the stre w el l w h ile Hilda a e tw o o p p osing forces .
and politica ie sweeping the world
, as
h o st il it ies between
e li g h tf u l entertainer
mov omen a d ts
suffragette u n it y e n co mpassing w in th e face of such to co n sp ir e, the knigh
ic comm under he r ere rare ther
as an artist lt u r e s. Emem fell n T h o ugh they w th o u g h ts with each o
of all cu attract io ed the ir ake
and people to th e irresistible A m u st have shar v in g th is Toreador sn
in t. ie
spell and g
a w ie ld s even tonig
th a t n ig ht, each bel u ld b r in g Camelot low
irm Hild the two d she w o else
I can conf sh ip f o r m e d , an d w a s M organa, an o r I d o n ’t know what
relatio n remain , h av e
passionate le . if p ermitted to th in k in g . They must
para b n w e re and so
became inse th ese madme ch e d th e ir Arthur,
g re e . e’d bew it
a n ce , I ’m sure you’ll a suspected sh
lr o m lot.
A beautifu hatched a p

I don’t know much m
ore than that, and th
Emem went missing at and more once th
for a few nights... A e midnight bell tolled.
that, Emem attitude fter
changed entirely, ente
depression for close to a ring It was in the ye
year, where even I coul ars leading up to Que
reach her. When she ca dn’t disappearanc ntin King’s
me back, she claimed e that I first introduc
did not fit in Boston co she to Hazel Iverse ed Emem
urt anymore, and ende n. I won’t deny, I fe
up hating it, and even d jealous at the ea lt a little
splitting up with Hild se by which Iversen ch
The two would occasio a. my friend, but armed
nally exchange curt wo the two shared a hi
and brief glances acro rd s being second-gue sto ry of
ss Elysium, but neith ssed, underappreciate
could forgive the othe er underestimated. d, and
r for something I’ve ne When Iversen claimed
dared to ask. Emem ver everyone expecte th e city,
distanced herself with d Emem to return to
court, making a ne the but she sticks to Elysium,
w haven in the Ana her own clubs. She’s sti
influenced suburbs. It rch- attended Iversen ll never
was there that she ca ’s court.
up with her next vent me
ure: the Black Rattlers
. I can only imagine ho
w that must stick in Pr
Away from the court, Iversen’s craw. She m ince
with only myself as he ust be aware of the Bl
regular visitor, Emem r Rattlers’ popula ack
spent her time renovatin rity among young va
a small theater, tran g but here’s Emem m pires,
sforming it into the , refusing to join in
Black Rattlers, named fir st Prince’s grand unity wi th the
in homage to her fath experiment. Will th
Great War battalion. er’s mutual apprec eir
The success of her fir iation supersede their
nightclub, into which st popularity? I supp ri va lr y for
she poured the fortun ose time will tell.
she’d accumulated for e
close to a century, brou
renewal to the surrou ght I count myself
nding neighborhood as one of Emem’s closes
attention from Boston’ an d but wonder at the t friends,
s youth. Outsider Kindr state of her mind. She
visited the Black Rat ed wrestling with wh must be
tler as one of the cool ether she wishes to rem
nightspots in Boston est this domain that ain in
outside Quentin Kin rejected her and that
purview. Success followe g’s hates and despise she now
d success for Emem as s, or whether moving
expanded the number she bring her more on will
of Black Rattlers arou peace of mind.
Boston to three — ty nd
pically a silly idea fo
single nightclub fran r a I know I’ll be by
chise, but Boston’s a la her side no matter wh
city and its youth popu rg e at.
lation ever growing. Fo
we Kindred, Emem ha r
d created in ten year
zone of “peace” where sa
fledglings and thin-blo
could sit together and
listen to the finest jazz
od s - Journey Atkins
the early evening, an in
d move into house, da

Sire: Hilda M
Ambition: I
need to decide whet
than vengean her forgivenes
ce s is a better co
Whenever som
eone breaks m
them in turn e down, I mu
st break
D olores Harris,
great-niece, te
Matter activis acher, and Bla
t ck Lives
Humanity: 7

Blood Potency

Hazel Iversen
Epitaph: The New Prince
Quote: “We all survived the madness so we might thrive under order.”
Clan: Ventrue
Embraced: 1941 (Born 1901)
Mortal Days: Headed for Greatness

Usurper. Snake. Traitor. I recite the
names by which I know thee, Hazel
I could make God weep were He to Iversen, and find
hear me. Alas, none can, where I am
God Almighty — but still I think now — not even
of you, your story, and your suppla
nting of my praxis.
Would it be a double or triple neg
ative to say I very much doubt the
occasions where Hazel Iversen felt re have been few
she couldn’t succeed?
Whatever the case, she’s always bee
n ambitious and proud.
As a daughter of immigrants arr
iving in the United States in the
she should have been on the back early 20th century,
foot. Instead, she thrived within
migrant community of my city, the Scandinavian
and even as a child was helping
work at the Port of Boston. her parents in their

As a student, she should have struggl

ed to communicate, as the majority
spoke a mix of Swedish, Norwegia of her community
n, and Danish. Instead, she adapte
struggled, and learned English rap d where her parents
idly, and fluently. Oh yes, I was aw
early age. She was always prophesize are of her from an
d to ascend to some kind of greatness…
As a young woman in the 1920s,
she should have never got into Ha
so, and excelled in finance and eco rvard. Yet, she did
nomics, advising her father on inv
property and industry, and rarely estments in local
making a poor guess. Her family
the Great Depression through her even weathered
canny ability of knowing when to
identifying the industries robust buy and sell, and
enough to survive that terrible per
Hazel Iversen had no time for per
sonal relationships outside of her
was dedicated to investing her ow own family. She
n money in high-risk, high-grow
performed incredibly well, her eye th markets, and
s always fixed on the newspapers,
her ear as she instructed brokers to a pho ne always to
buy and sell. The excitement. The
Playing with dollars as if they wer thrill of the deal.
e marbles to be rolled for her enjoym
I’ve never understood. ent… A language

g a Name
Kindred Nights: Makin
one of Boston’s female
Her rocketing ascent as r
a sudden halt when he ths following Iversen
success stories came to The nights and mon
ed he was murdered by affairs. She struggle d to
father died. She suspect e Embrace were desperate
st, they commissioned th her vampiric needs, an
rival investors, or at lea grasp her undead state,
al system of which I was lnerabilities. She cut tie
hit. But the police and leg t her new strengths and vu
unkind to immigrants no shing to endanger th em
once a part were always ple with her family, not wi
concluded it was a sim r nightly pursuits purely
of their own tribe, and s further, and dedicated he
had toppled in one of hi ood: speculation, finan
accident: a metal crate to a world she underst
his skull.
warehouses, and crushed and managing her inve
stment bank.
s thrust to the head of th dn’t go easy on her. Sh
At 38 years old, she wa , an d Hazel’s undead peers di
s Hazel’s specialty that occasionally com es
Iversen empire. Risk wa d wasn’t given the respect
her time at the top woul e Appleton had neve
without allies, she knew eet with her clan, becaus
ctant, she agreed to m court! He intended only
be short. Although relu presented her to me in
l magnates to ease the
with a group of financia response, Iversen worked
her family business an
d to destroy her pride. In lf
tense situation between make a name for herse
med to go well, wi th th e harder than others to
theirs. The meeting see t. The greatest court in
r to meet one of the most in my extravagant cour
fat cats encouraging he termination and ability
s behind multiple Boston North America. Her de
influential silent partner ch were, I imagine, ruses
s mansion, that night. to resolve conflicts (whi
investment firms at hi d her investment advice
, she did just that. to manipulate others) an
Uneasy, but determined with time, she became an
served the court well, and ing
m ad e he r wa y th ro ugh the unofficial Seneschal, distinct from each warr
After she’d arrived, an d was left faction and apparently concerned only wi
th the
rk en ed co rr id or s,
mansion’s da id her in cash,
th th is in tri gu in g m an, she realized she enrichment of every Kindred who pa
alone wi
r studies at university: favors, and respect.
recognized him from he
England textile tycoon,
Nathan Appleton, a New Iversen had
pp ose dl y de ad , at th at. He began talking Three decades after her Embrace,
and su
th ou t em ot ion , in a tone that e en ou gh con ta cts at court to request — and
quickly and wi m ad e. She
no re sp on se. Sh e un derstood certain have granted — a Blood Hunt against her sir
expected s trading
rd s, wh ile ot he rs sim ply meant nothing to showed evidence to me that Appleton wa
ue,” “the Masters…” H
e to expose my own
her: “Kindred,” “Ventr wi th th e Triad. Not wanting Hazel
oa ch ed , an d sh e fo un d she could no longer loyalties, I was obliged to condemn him.
appr r n Appleton at
his face as he studied he nchpeople seized Natha
move, her eyes following , an d he r he e took
. She wanted to scream his haven and once he was overpowered, sh
wrists, her legs, her neck d , she
t no sou nd em er ge d as she was being draine he r tim e wi th him . Methodically, painfully
bu e
e. her father’s saber, on th
and received the Embrac decapitated him with the Embrace
d sa m e Pe rsi an rug where she’d had
explain his actions, an ard’s
Appleton felt no need to fo rc ed up on he r. She spared his bodygu
ared to disgust him. Th this Gangrel — Delsin
Coates —
Hazel’s bloody tears appe d un lif e, m ak ing
r away and left her daze e.
men she met earlier took he the m an sion. her shadow in years to com
nt steps of
and abandoned on the fro

I admired her poetic sense of justice, and to be She also restored order to Boston, curtailing
fair, I always thought Appleton a weasel of the Embraces for a time, and launching a new
lowest order. initiative to purge fledglings — especially
among the Anarchs. Though the policy was
The Beckoning took Iversen utterly by surprise, unpopular and short-lived, dozens of new
as it did most of us. Spying an opportunity in vampires were rendered to ash.
my unnatural absence, she seized the title of
Prince and was unnerved to find the Primogen Hazel now pursues research on feeding my
Council supporting her claim. She’d suspected people without attracting the hunters of the
a fight, rival claimants to the throne, and Second Inquisition’s attention. The fall of
had arrayed her ghouls and mortal servants London was a warning, so she’s attempting
to protect her in such a situation. There were to unify all Kindred in New England
few, and those who tried were easily put down. — starting with bringing in Hartford’s
Power came to her easily, which I can say from Tremere — to prevent such an event befalling
experience, implies a hidden hand at work. their domain. To celebrate their intended
collaboration, she’s requested Journey, my
Prince Iversen’s pride in taking praxis didn’t domain’s Keeper of Elysium, arrange a party
last forever. Problems and opponents emerged for the most important courtiers to meet and
in the successive years. She tirelessly demanded forge a deal.
the respect owed to her, and brutally
removed heads, launched Blood Hunts, and It’s a new night for Boston, I’m told. It’s just
manipulated Kindred opinion from the tragic I won’t be there to see it.
shadows. Wanting to ensure the Primogen
Council was working in her favor, she courted
Delsin Coates, Jara Drory, and Dajan Siaka, Q. K.
so the older Underwood, MacAndrews,
and Dunham wouldn’t have all the power.

Sire: Nathan A
y rule
un if y N ew E n gland under m
Ambition: I w e
I’ m ta k in g my opponent with m
I’m going to lose
Convictions: If
Iv er se n , gra n d-nephew and
Touchstones: C
ersen Bank
of the mortal Iv

Humanity: 6
Generation: 1
Blood Potency 3,
ty 2 , S ta m in a 4; Charisma
ength 2, Dexte , Wits 3, Resolve
Attributes: Str ; In te ll ig en ce 4
5, Composure 4
Manipulation Health 7, Willp
ower 8
ry A tt rib u te s:
Seconda elee
rm s 1 , L a rcen y (Fraud) 3, M
1, Drive 2, Firea ation 3, Leader
Skills: Athletics t 2 , In ti m id
uette 3, Insigh Academics (Eco
(Saber) 3; Etiq , S u bt er fu ge 2 ; s
Persuasion 3 ation 1, Politic
(Boardroom) 4, stmen ts ) 4 , In ve st ig
, Finance (Inve
3, Awareness 2
erty, Triad) 3
(Kindred of Lib
or ti tu d e 2 , P ot ence 2, Presence
ominate 4, F
Disciplines: D
lties: 8/4
General Difficu
Epitaph: Doomsaying Prodigy
Quote: “Set me free and let me in.”
Clan: Malkavian
Embraced: 1939 (Born 1911)
Mortal Days: Locked In



rs only.
“ L ey sh a .” For your ea
t I call
B io gr a p h y of the patien r past is larg
ely an
r ’s lo g . e n t. H e
Doct o
m o st cu r io us experim te n t. N o te that down;
a is my nable co n
tie n t k n o wn as Leysh ng fl a v o r s and questio
The p a interesti future.
kn o w n ; a b roken pie of es cr ib e m o re things in m
se th a t m etaphor to d r. R ic h a r d Dunham, a
I shall u lly. I, D t H…
F ra n ce . L yon, specifica … we’ll call them Patien or
is from a and fe harb
h a t is k n own? Leysha ha ve b ee n . I saved Leysh ing, a cousin, to seek sa
W ys r. K
ist and alwa vor with M
her psychiatr 1939, and used my fa
r in
from the wa and though
ts of
o n . es , st o r ie s,
in Bost ws nam g and
d sh a d o w . Leysha kno h e r em em b ers Mr. Kin es
t is n a u g h t but light a
ex a ct ly h ow or why.
e to g et h er . What mak
The res nowin g their ti m ndly.
a r o u n d h er without k u n d er sta n dable, given w h y sh e th inks of her fo
those This is ell, and
g en d a r y obsessions. w s M s. Iversen so w
h is le e k n o alysis
n se , lo g ica lly, is how sh r e, r eq u ir ing more an
less se
p r es en t, p a st, and futu sh e ca n ca re for Patient
mix of er gift so efer
’s v is io n s a re a complex n a r ea l d es ire to fight h M s. I v er se n would pr
Leysha he’s show ’s plans. ns.
I a lo n e ca n provide. S n ’t se r v e Ms. Iversen b o lste r h er own ambitio
tha n is do es te and
less to say, th , to master fa
H, but need rr en t ca p a ci ty
used in her cu
Leysha was in ated, for no
o g te rm
gain. L
. S h e’ s m aking noise a
Dr. Dunha

Sire: Richard Dunha
Ambition: I need to
decide whether forgiv
eness is a better course
than vengeance

Convictions: Always
listen to Richard
Touchstones: Halsey
, Leysha’s child
Humanity: 6

eneration: 12th

ood Potency: 3


Loresheets add distinct and often dramatic background elements
to a character, expanding their past with events or relationships that
can grant unique boons and abilities. The Loresheets found here tie
characters to factions and characters in the New England region, to
root characters in Vampire history.

The Hartford
The dominant Kindred in Hartford and New Haven were the Gemini
League, an elected consortium predominantly consisting of Ventrue
and Tremere, who manage the domains of Connecticut, engage in the
cryptic passwords, handshakes, and rituals of mortal secret societies,
and wish for nothing more than splendid isolation away from the
Kindred politicking of “lesser vampires.” When dragged into events
beyond their realm, they respond with ferocity and frustration. In
these nights, the Gemini League’s natural successor is the Hartford
Chantry, though links between the Tremere of Hartford and Ventrue
of New Haven remain strong.

• Arcane Authority:
Once per story, you may select an object, and tell the Storyteller
you want to discover if it was constructed through mundane or
sorcerous means. You gain three bonus dice to an Intelligence
+ Occult roll to determine the object’s makings, with a critical
success conveying exactly the manner of sorcery involved
(if present). Revealing this knowledge can of course make this
item highly sought-after, such as by an Enemy or Adversary.

•• Cryptic Politics:
Once per session, during a social conflict you are a part of or
observing, you gain two bonus dice in an attempt to determine
whether one of the participants is a member of a mortal secret
society, such as the Freemasons, Rosicrucians, or Skull and
Bones Club. Revealing this information at the wrong moment
could put a target on yours, or the target’s back. You need to
know of the society to identify it, otherwise your roll just tells
you the participant/s belong to a society with coded gestures
and cryptic sayings.

••• On The Square:
You benefit from a four-dot Ally from remainder of, or at the start of the next
a secret society, such as the Knights story) in the form of an arcane artifact or
Templar or a tradition of mages. intelligence. This Lore also provides you
However, to maintain this alliance with token membership in this society,
you must attend a meeting with this though if you wish to join fully, it requires
ally at least once per story, and provide a greater expenditure and should be
the society with one dot of Resources handled under the Backgrounds of
(deducted from your Resources for the Contacts and Influence.

•••• The Chantry:

You may use the Hartford Chantry Sorcery Ritual ×3 (−1). In order
as a three dot Haven with access to to maintain this benefit, you must
the library, which in turn reduces be a member in good standing of
the cost of learning new Blood your faction. This benefit applies
Sorcery Rituals to new Blood regardless of your clan.

••••• Mr. President:
You’ve been elected to a position of on anyone in the financial industry of
authority in your faction, conveying New England (or appropriate locality),
four dots of Status in all domains within and all subordinate members of the
New England (or wherever your faction faction. In order to maintain this Lore,
is present), and a two dot Retainer of you must court votes from other vampires
complete loyalty. You gain a two dice in your faction and not embarrass the
bonus on attempts to use Intimidation, faction. If you are seen to frenzy, your
Leadership, and Persuasion-related rolls position is stripped immediately.

The Boston

The Kindred of Liberty fought a long series of wars against the British
Camarilla, the Sabbat, and the Hecata, and whether through skill or
just being the last faction standing, they survived. They dissolved in
recent nights, abandoning their factional name and becoming the
Boston Camarilla, though many “coals” still cling to the memory
of the K.O.L. Now they govern Boston and intend to reach beyond
the domain, absorbing the other cities of New England into their
widening praxis. They do not suffer attempts to manipulate them
or take what they’ve spent so long trying to capture.

• Comrades in Arms:
You’re strengthened of your faction among
when alongside your your fellow factioneers,
comrades. Once per you may add three dice to
story, when announcing a Resolve, Composure,
your identity as a member or Willpower-based roll.

•• Sic Semper Tyranis:

The Kindred of Liberty fought by sight an enemy of your
against tyrants and foreign coterie, you may make a staking
invaders for over a century maneuver in combat without
(despite themselves being, in the traditional −2 called shot
large part, foreign invaders). penalty. You must have a staking
Once per story, after identifying device on you to fulfill this Lore.

••••• Unification:
You just have a way of drawing people a Prince or Baron. Additionally, once
to the negotiating table. Once per story, they’re in your presence, you gain a once
you can send out invitations to courts per story two dice bonus to an attempt at
in up to four neighboring domains, diplomacy or negotiation with this group,
and expect them to send a high-ranking even if what you’re selling is bunk. On
representative to your domain for a sit-
the flipside of this Lore, if you fail in your
down, even if they don’t like or respect
you. You must succeed on a Manipulation negotiations with any of the attendees,
+ Etiquette roll when crafting this the same individual won’t return to
invitation, with Difficulty 6 succeeding in your domain, and could become your
attracting a Herald, Difficulty 7 attracting Adversary (variable dot rating, depending
a Primogen, and Difficulty 8 attracting on the individual) as if you offended them.

••• Heart is Where the Home Is:
Your territory (agree with the as a Touchstone character you must
Storyteller beforehand over what name and choose who lives on your
location constitutes your territory) territory, you gain a two dot Contact
is vitally important to you, as are from persons on your territory (who
the people who live there. You have
may also be your Touchstone).
a Conviction as follows: Suffer no
This Lore also creates a one or two
crimes against the people of my
territory. This Lore enables you dot Adversary, in the form of an
to enact violent reprisals against intruder’s domitor, sire, or coterie-
violators of this Conviction without mate, if you destroy them just for
fear of accumulating Stains. As well stepping on your turf.

•••• Levers and Pulleys:

You benefit from a three dot secure — as they’ll divulge a lot of
Retainer in the midst of the information about you, if they’re
domain’s political backroom caught ratting people out. At any
dealings, both mortal and time, you can pull this individual
undead, who regularly supplies
from their position and just keep
you with information as a two
dot Contact. However, this them as a three dot Retainer,
individual needs to be kept sweet providing you keep supplying
— or they might reveal your them with cash, vitae, or whatever
identity as their master — and their need happens to be.

Boston by Night is a micro sourcebook for Vampire: The Masquerade
— Swansong and the Vampire: The Masquerade TTRPG.
Boston by Night was written by Matthew Dawkins.

©2022 Nacon. ©2022 Published by Nacon and developed by Big Bad Wolf.

Paradox Interactive, Vampire: The Masquerade® Copyright© 2022

Paradox Interactive AB (publ) All rights reserved.


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