Warhammer 40k Codex Mercator Syndictus Aka Codex Squats

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This section contains all of the Data Sheets that will need in order to fig ht battles with your Mercator Syndictus miniatures. E ach datasheet includes the
characteristics profiles of the unit it describes, as well as any Wargear and abilities it may have. Some rules are common to several Mercator Syndictus
units these are described below and reference on the datasheets.

The following is an ability that is common to several

Mercator Syndictus units.
Squats either belong to a specific loyalist Stronghold or
have fallen to the dark powers of chaos or worst. For Brothers in Arms
simplicity, all factions of squats will be refer to The unit increases its Leadership by +1 for every
Strongholds. allied infantry or biker unit with the <Stronghold>
keyword within 6" of them, to a maximum of +2
Some datasheets specify what Stronghold the unit is
drawn from (e.g. The Rider is from Stronghold Fefnir
keyword, so is from Stronghold Fefnir.).If a Mercator
Syndictus datasheet does not specify which Stronghold it is
drawn from, it will have the <Stronghold> keyword. When Mercator Syndictus
you include such a unit in your army, you must nominate
which Stronghold that unit is from. You then simply
Wargear list
replace the <Stronghold> keyword in every instance on
that unit’s datasheet with the name of your chosen Heavy Weapons Special Weapons
 Auto Cannon...20pts  Neo-Plasma Carbine…7pts
 Lascannon…25pts  Neo-Plasma Rifle…9pts
 Neo-plasma Cannon…19pts  Electroblast er…5pts
For example, if you were to include a High King in your  Heavy Flamer…17pts
army, and you decided he was from Stronghold Thor, his  Heavy Bolter…10pts
<Stronghold> Faction keyword is changed to Stronghold
Thor and his Voice of the High King ability would then Melee Weapons
 Chain-Hand axe…0pts
read:” Once per battle, during any morale phase, all  Power Axe... 5pts
friendly Stronghold Thor units within 6” of the High King  Maul…5pts
Power Maul…5pts
do not take any morale tests.

Note that two Strongholds have some additional

Ranged Weapons
restrictions that apply to them. These Strongholds ar e  Neo-Plasma Pistol …5pts
Followers of Malice and Genestealer Cultists. No unit with  Neo-Plasma Carbine…7pts
 Bolt Pistol…0pts
the Imperium keyword can be from either of these two
 Bolt Carbine …0pts
Strongholds. In addition, any unit with Orphan Legion  Master-Crafted Bolt Carbine…3pts
Stronghold can be taken by any other Imperium
stronghold in the same detachment.

While many of the Mercator Syndictus are fully dedicated
to the shepherd and the ancestor, others through the
most extreme of circumstances end up worshipping much
more horrifying gods.

Some datasheets specific the Alignment for a unit (e.g. The

Master Engineer has the Imperium keyword). Those that
do not specify the alignment a unit has, will have the
<Alignment> keyword. When you include such a unit in
your army, you must nominate which Alignment that unit
has. You then simply replace the <Alignment> keyword i n
every instance on that unit’s data sheet with one of the
following: Imperium, Chaos, or Tyranids.

Ancestral Discipline
Foresight has a warp charge value of 7. If
Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers
manifested choose a friendly Mercator
that can use powers from the Ancestral discipline using
1 Syndictus unit within 24” of the psyker. Until
the table below. You can either roll a D3 to generate their the start of your next Psychic Phase, you can re-
powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), o r you can roll either all failed hits, all failed wounds, or all
select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have. failed save rolls once for that unit.
Spirit Ward
Spirit Ward has a warp charge value of 7. If
Manifested choose a friendly Mercator
Syndictus unit within 12” of the psyker. Until
2 the start of your next Psychic Phase, that unit
gains a 6+ invulnerable save. If the unit already
has an invulnerable save, it increases by +1 to a
maximum of 4+.

Grand March
Grand March has a warp charge value of 8. If
Manifested choose a friendly Mercator
3 Syndictus unit within 12” of the psyker. That
unit does not remove any casualties suffered
until the end of your fight phase. This lasts until
your next Psychic Phase.

Unit Datasheet Key
A- Power: 17 Hearthguard Breacher Kindred B- Point Cost: 210
Hearthguard 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 2+
Hearthguard Champion 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 8 2+

D- This unit contains 1 Hearthguard Champion and 4 Hearthguards. It can i nclude up to 5 additional Hearthguards. (Power Rating +17)/(42
points per model )
 The Hearthguard Champion is armed with a Thunder Hammer and Wrist mounted Autocannon
 Each Hearthguard is armed with a Thunder Hammer and Wrist mounted Autocannon
E- Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Thunder Hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll
Wrist mounted 12” Heavy 1 7 -1 2 -
F- WARGEAR OPTIONS  For every 5 models, one Hearthguard may swap their Wrist mounted Auto cannon from an option
from the Mercator Syndictus Heavy Weapons list.
G- ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.
H- Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Hearthguard, Hearthguard Breacher Kindred

A: Power rating and Battlefield Role. E: Weapon profile. Shows range, type,
Strength of the weapon, it’s AP, the damage
-H -Fast Attack -Heavy Support it inflicts and any abilities attached to that
wea on.
-Elite -Flyer - Lord of War

F: Any wargear options the unit may

- Tr
Troo -Dedicated purchase with point cost.

B: Point cost (includes units initial wargear) G: The unit’s abilities. Will state if only in
effect if an upgrade is purchased.
C: Unit Characteristic

D: What each model is equipped with H: Keywords. Some abilities are attached to
in the unit and the price to add more these specific keywords.
models. First is power rating, then is
the point cost (includes units initial

Power: 13 Exalted King Point Cost: 245

Exalted King 5” 2+ 2+ 3 4 7 6 10 2+

Exalted King is a single model armed with hellbreaker, a titan shield, and a wrist mounted autocannon. Only on e of this model may be
included in your army.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Hellbreaker Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 On wound rolls of 6, this weapon inflicts D3
additional wounds.
Wrist mounted autocannon 12” Heavy 1 7 -1 2 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (Pg.2) Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can
Titanshield: Models equipped with a titan shield,
set up this model in a teleportarium chamber
during the shooting phase, give any friendly Mercator
instead of placing it on the battlefield. At the
Syndictus units within 3” of them the ability to
end of any of your Movement phases this
ignore damage from unsaved wounds on a 5+ after
model can teleport into battle – set it up
saves have been rolled.
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than
Chosen of the Ancestors: This model has a 4+
9” away from any enemy models.
invulnerable save. In addition, all damage suffered
by the Exalted King is halved (rounding up).
Warlord of the Syndictus: The Exalted King Survivor of Thor: The Exalted King rerolls all
may be taken by any Imperium Stronghold. In failed hit and wound rolls against Tyranid and
addition, friendly Mercator Syndictus units Ork units.
within 12” of the Exalted King gain a +1 bonus
to their Leadership characteristic.

Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, Stronghold Yggdrasil

Keywords Character, Infantry, Exalted King

Power: 7 The Master Engineer Point Cost: 65

Master Engineer 5” 3+ 2+ 3 4 4 2 8 4+

Master Engineer is a single model armed with Ole’ Gilda, a chain hand axe, frag grenades, and krak grenades. Only one of this model may
be included in your army.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Ole’ Gilda 24” Heavy 2 6 -3 D3 If the Targets within half range, add 1 to this
weapon’s Strength.
Hand chain axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may
make one additional attack with them in the
fight phase.
Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (Pg.2)

This is my BOOM STICK!: The Master Engineer treats Ole’ Gilda as a Pistol weapon as well as a Heavy

The Master of Engineering: At the beginning of the players turn, the player may choose one of the
following benefits to affect any friendly Engineers Guild units within 6” of The Master Engineer.
 Increase range of Assault weapons by 6”
 Vehicles recover D3+1 wounds
 Increase Strength of Heavy weapons by +1(Including his own)

Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, Engineers Guild

Keywords Character, Infantry, The Master Engineer

Power: 9 The Mad King of Hel Point Cost: 125

Mad King of Hel 6” 2+ 3+ 3 4 5 1d6+1* 8 3+
The Mad King of Hel is a single m odel armed with a Dismembered Bone Mace. Only one of this model may be i ncluded in your army.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Dismembered Bone Melee Melee +3 -1 D3 -
ABILITIES Touch of Madness: This model must roll a d6+1 to determine the amount of attacks it has for each turn it’s in
close combat adding any bonus attacks from any source.

We are the Hive: Before deployment, the owning player may give D3 friendly Mercator Syndictus Genestealer
Cultist units from the same detachment t his rule. All models from those units which are removed as casualties
in the fight phase immediately inf lict D3 S3 AP0 Damage 1 hit, for each mo del lost, on the enemy unit that
inflicted the wound as a host of Rippers and other tiny tyranid organism’s bursts out of the corpse.

Graft of the Great Devourer: After saves are rolled, any unsaved wound can be ignored on a 4+.
PSYKER The Mad King of Hel can manifest one psychic power in each friendly psychic phase and attempt to deny two
psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite psychic power.
Faction Keywords Tyranids, Mercator Syndictus, Genestealer Cultists

Keywords Character, Infantry, Psyker, The Mad King of Hel

Power: 8 The Rider Point Cost: 110
The Rider 12” 2+ 3+ 3 4 5 3 8 4+
The Rider is a single model armed with a thunder hammer, neo-plasma pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades. His Hornet is equipped with
twin bolt carbines. Only one of this model may be included in your army.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll
Neo-Plasma pistol 12” Pistol 1 6 -3 1 -

Twin bolt carbines 18” Assault 4 4 0 1 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (Pg.2)

Hope Rides Alone - During deployment, you can set up The rider around the flanks instead of placing him on the
battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases the Rider can join the batt le– set it up so that The rider
is within 7” of a battlefield edge of your choice and more than 9” from an enemy model. On the turn The Rider
arrives from reserves and successfully charges a unit, double his attacks until the end of your fight phase.
Turbo-Boost: When this model Advances, add 6” to its Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of
rolling a dice.
Speedline-“ There’s mah nam in yer gob an' mah doost in yer lungs.” Whenever this model Advances, all enemy
units within 3 inches of this models b eginning position and ending position suff er a -1 penalty to their BS until
your following turn as a cloud of dust clouds their vision.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, Stronghold Sleipnir

Keywords Character, Biker , The Rider

Power: 10 High King Point Cost: 105
In Exo-Armour
High King 5” 2+ 2+ 3 4 5 3 9 2+
A High King is a single model arm ed with a Wrist mounted auto cannon, thunder hammer, frag grenades, krak grenades and equipped with
a titan shield.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must
subtract 1 from the hit roll
Wrist mounted auto 12” Heavy 1 7 -1 2 -
Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Voice of the High King: Once per battle, during any morale phase, all friendly <Stronghold> units within 6” of
the High King do not take any morale tests.

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Titanshield: Models equipped with a titan shield, during the shooting phase, give any friendly Mercator
Syndictus units within 3” of them the ability to ignore damage from unsaved wounds on a 5+ after saves have
been rolled.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Hearthguard, High King

Power: 7 Living Ancestor Point Cost: 80
Living Ancestor 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 3 2 9 4+
A Living Ancestor is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, force staff or force axe, frag grenades and krak grenades.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Force stave Melee Melee +2 -1 D3 -

Force axe Melee Melee +1 -2 D3 -

Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Ancestral Wrath: The Living Ancestor may increase the result of their Deny the witch roll by +1,for
+1,for each
friendly Mercator Syndictus unit within 6” of the Living Ancestor, to a maximum of +2.

Protection of the Ancestors: This model has a 6+ invulnerable save.

Psyker This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny
two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite Psychic power and two psychic powers
from the Ancestral discipline (pg.2)
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Psyker, Living Ancestor

Power: 9 Living Ancestor Point Cost: 95
In Exo-Armour
Living Ancestor 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 4 2 9 2+
A Living Ancestor is a single model armed with a master-crafted bolt carbine, force staff or force axe, frag grenades and krak grenades.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Force stave Melee Melee +2 -1 D3 -

Force axe Melee Melee +1 -2 D3 -

Master-Crafted bolt 24” Assault 2 4 -1 2 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Ancestral Wrath: This unit may increase the result of their Deny the witch roll by +1, for each friendly Mercator
Syndictus unit within 6” of the Living Ancestor, to a maximum of +2.

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.
Psyker This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny
two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite Psychic power and two psychic powers
from the Ancestral discipline (pg.2)
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Hearthguard, Psyker, Living Ancestor

Power: 5 Militia Commander Point Cost: 50
Militia Commander 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 3 2 8 4+
A Militia Commander is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, c hain hand axe, frag grenades and krak grenades.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase.
Bolt carbine 24” Assault 2 4 0 1 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

WARGEAR  The model may replace its chain hand axe with an item from the Mercator Syndictus Melee Weapons
 The model may replace its bolt pistol with an item from the Mercator Syndictus Ranged Weapons list.

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Command Squad: Before deployment, pick a single Mercator Syndictus Infantry unit. As long the militia
commander is within 3” of that unit, that unit uses his leadership f or morale tests and receive a +1 bonus to hit
rolls. This ability cannot be used on Hearthguard, Warp Wardens, or Valkyrie Oathsworn.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Militia Commander

Power: 6 Engineer Guild Master Point Cost: 60
Engineer Guild Master 5” 4+ 3+ 3 4 2 1 8 4+
An Engineer Guild Master is a single mo del armed with a mercator syndictus las gun, chain hand axe, frag grenades and krak gr enades.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase.
Mercator syndictus 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -
Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

WARGEAR  The model may take Cybernetic Augments (Power Rating +1) for 15 pts
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)
Cybernetic Augment: A model with this upgrade increases their save to 3+ and has +1 Wound, Attack, and
Engineering Genius: Any friendly Mercator Syndictus vehicle within 3” of an Engineer Guild Master recovers D3
wounds at the beginning of your Movement phase.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Engineer Guild Master

Power: 8 Engineer Guild Master Point Cost: 75
On Hornet
Engineer Guild Master 12” 4+ 3+ 3 5 2 1 8 4+
An Engineer Guild Master on Hornet is a single model armed with a bolt pistol, chain hand axe, frag grenades and krak gr enades. The
Hornet is equipped with twin bolt carbine.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Twin bolt carbine 18” Assault 4 4 0 1 -

Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase.
Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

WARGEAR  The model may take Cybernetic Augments (Power Rating +1) for 15 pts
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)
Cybernetic Augment: A model with this upgrade increases their save to 3+ and has +1 Wound, Attack, and
Engineering Genius: Any friendly Mercator Syndictus vehicle within 3” of an Engineer Guild Master recovers D3
wounds at the beginning of your Movement phase.
Turbo-Boost: When this model Advances, add 6” to its Move characteristic for that Movement phase nstead
i stead of
rolling a dice.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Biker , Character, Engineer Guild Master

Power: 12 Hearthguard Kindred Point Cost: 110
Hearthguard 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 2+
Hearthguard Champion 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 8 2+
This unit contains 1 Hearthguard Champion and 4 Hearthguards. It can i nclude up to 5 additional Hearthguards. (Power Rating +11)/(22
points per model )
 The Hearthguard Champion is armed with a master-crafted bolt c arbine and thunder hammer
 Each Hearthguard is armed with a master-crafted bolt carbine and power maul or power axe
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Master-Crafted bolt 18” Assault 2 4 -1 2 -
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll
Power maul Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -

Power axe Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -

WARGEAR  Up to 5 models including the Hearthguard Champion may replace their master-crafted bolt c arbine
OPTIONS with options from the Mercator Syndictus Special Weapons list.

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Hearthguard, Hearthguard Kindred

Power: 10 Hearthguard Guardian Kindred Point Cost: 95
Hearthguard 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 2+
Hearthguard Champion 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 8 2+
This unit contains 1 Hearthguard Champion and 4 Hearthguards. It can include up to 5 additional Hearthguards. (Power Rating +9)/(19
points per model )
 The Hearthguard Champion is armed with a thunder hammer and titan shield
 Each Hearthguard is armed with a power maul or power axe and titan shield
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll
Power maul Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -

Power axe Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.

Titanshield: Models equipped with a titan shield, during the shooting phase, give any friendly Mercator
Syndictus units within 3” of them the ability to ignore damage from unsaved wounds on a 5+ after saves have
been rolled.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Hearthguard, Hearthguard Guardian Kindred

Power: 17 Hearthguard Breacher Kindred Point Cost: 210
Hearthguard 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 2+
Hearthguard Champion 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 8 2+
This unit contains 1 Hearthguard Champion and 4 Hearthguards. It can include up to 5 additional Hearthguards. (Power Rating +17)/(42
points per model )
 The Hearthguard Champion is armed with a thunder hammer and Wrist mounted autocannon
 Each Hearthguard is armed with a thunder hammer and Wrist mounted autocannon
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll
Wrist mounted 12” Heavy 1 7 -1 2 -
WARGEAR OPTIONS  For every 5 models, one Hearthguard may swap their Wrist mounted Auto cannon from an option
from the Mercator Syndictus Heavy Weapons list.
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Hearthguard, Hearthguard Breacher Kindred

Power: 6 Combat Engineer Squad Point Cost: 50
Engineer Initiate 5” 4+ 3+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+
Engineer Elder 5” 4+ 3+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Engineer Elder and 4 Engineer Initiates. It can include up to 5 additional Engineer Initiates. (Power
Power Rating +5)/(10
points per model )
 The Engineer Elder is armed with a chain hand-axe and mercator syndictus lasgun.
 Each Engineer Initiate is armed with a Mercator Syndictus Lasgun.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase.
Mercator syndictus 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Fortification Experts : During deployment, for each Combat Engineer Squad the player owns pick one piece of
terrain that’s in the player’s deployment zone or within 12” of the edge of it. All Friendly <Stronghold> units
when inside that terrain receive a +2 bonus to saves against shooting attacks i nstead of +1 and receive a +1
bonus to their save in the fight phase on the turn an enemy unit charges them.

Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Engineer, Combat Engineer Squad

Power:4 Demolition Engineer Squad Point Cost: 65
Engineer Initiate 5” 4+ 3+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+
Engineer Elder 5” 4+ 3+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Engineer Elder and 4 Engineer Initiates. It can include up to 5 additional Engineer Initiates. (Power
Power Rating +8)/(12
points per model )
 The Engineer Elder is armed with a Chain Hand-Axe, Mercator Syndictus Lasgun, Frag Grenades, and a Melta Bomb.
 Each Engineer Initiate is armed with a Mercator Syndictus Lasgun, Frag Grenades, and Krak Grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Chain Hand Axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase.
Mercator Syndictus 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -
Electroblaster 48” Heavy 1 3 -4 D6 On hit rolls of 6+ with this weapon, you immediately
hit another enemy unit within 6” of the original
target. If no such target exists, then t his ability has no
Frag Grenades 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak Grenades 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

Melta Bomb 4” Grenade 1 8 -4 D6

WARGEAR OPTIONS  For every 5 models, one Engineer Initiate may replace their Mercator Syndictus Lasgun with an
Electroblaster for 5pts each
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)
EMP Charge: If a model in this unit equipped with an electroblaster rolls a 6+ for to wound against an enemy
Vehicle in the shooting phase, that Vehicle immediately takes 1d3 mortal wounds.
Demolition Experts: A Demolition Engineer Squad may throw a grenade at an enemy Vehicles or Monsters
within 1” of its own unit. In addition, during the Fight phase one model in the unit may treat any Grenade type
weapon as a melee weapon making one attack using the weapons profile against enemy Vehicles or Monsters.

Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Engineer, Demolition Engineer Squad

Power: 4 Warp Wardens Point Cost: 65
Warp Warden 5” 2+ 2+ 3 4 3 3 9 2+
This unit contains 1 Warp Warden It can include up to 2 additional Warp Wardens. (Power Rating +16)/(65 points per model )
 Each Warp Warden is armed with a power maul or power axe, twin bolt carbine, frag grenades, and krak grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Power axe Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -

Power maul Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -

Twin bolt carbine 24” Assault 4 4 0 1 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

Thunder hammer Melee Grenade 1 x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll.
Assault cannon 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1 -

Heavy flamer 8” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits its target

Melta gun 24” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll
two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard
the lowest result.
Neo-Plasma carbine 18” Assault 2 6 -3 1 -

WARGEAR OPTIONS  Each model may replace their twin bolt carbine for
-An assault cannon for 18pts
-An heavy flamer for 14pts
-An melta gun for 14pts
-Or a neo-plasma carbine for 4pts
 Each model may replace their power maul or power axe for a thunder hammer for 15pts
ABILITIES Bane of the Deep: Warp wardens re-roll wound rolls of 1 against Orks, Tyranids, Chaos, and Necrons

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.

Warp Warden Armour: All models in this unit have a 5+ invulnerable save.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Hearthguard, Warp Warden

Power: 9 The Huntress Point Cost: 85
The Huntress 5” 3+ 2+ 3 4 3 1 9 4+
The Huntress is a single model armed with Augmented Neo-Plasma Rifle, and a chain hand axe. Only one of this model may be included
in your army.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase
Augmented neo-plasma 36” Heavy 1 6 -3 D6 A model firing this weapon can target an enemy
rifle Character even if they are not the closest enemy
unit. If you roll a wound roll of 6+ for this weapon, it
inflicts a mortal wound in addition to its normal
ABILITIES Aw heel nae heem again!: If any enemy detachment has Old One Eye, then The Huntress can only shoot and
charge Old One eye until the mo del is slain.

The Most Dangerous Game: Any Character or Monster that The Huntress attacks in your shooting phase does
not gain any bonuses to its saving throws for being in cover.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, Orphan Legion

Keywords Infantry , Character, The Huntress

Power: 4 Militia Squad Point Cost: 70

Militia 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+
Militia Elder 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Militia Elder and 9 Militia.
 Each Model is armed with a mercator syndictus lasgun and chain hand axe
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase
Mercator syndictus 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -
WARGEAR  For every five models in the unit one model may replace their mercator syndictus lasgun with options
OPTIONS from the Mercator Syndictus Special Weapons list.
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Militia, Militia Squad

Power: 5 Warrior Kindred Point Cost: 70
Warrior 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+
Warrior Elder 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Warrior Elder and 9 Warriors.
 Each model is armed with two bolt pistols.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

WARGEAR  Two models in the unit one model may take options from the Mercator Syndictus Melee Weapons list.
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)
Spiritual Connection: Any Friendly Living Ancestor
within 12” of this unit may measure from this units
Warrior Elder when determining valid targets for
their psychic powers.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Warrior, Warrior Kindred

Power: 5 Merchant Guard Squad Point Cost: 40

Merchant Guard 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+
Merchant Sgt. 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Merchant Sgt. and 4 Merchant guards. It can include up to 5 additional Merchant guards. (Power
Power Rating +7)/(8 points
per model )
 Each model is armed with a bolt carbine, bolt pistol, and a chain hand axe
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 -

Bolt carbine 18” Assault 2 4 0 1 -

Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

WARGEAR  For every five models in the unit one model may replace their Bolt Carbine with options from the
OPTIONS Mercator Syndictus Heavy Weapons list.
 Merchant Sgt. may replace their bolt carbine wit h options from the Mercator Syndictus Ranged
Weapons list
 Merchant Sgt. may replace their chain hand axe with options from the Mercator Syndictus Melee
Weapons list
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2) Combat Squad: Before any models are deployed at the
Suppressing Fire: During your Shooting Phase, this start of the game, a Merchant Guard Squad containing 10
unit may choose to reduce their Ballistic skill to 6+ models may be split into two units, each containing 5
and reduce their weapon strength by 1. If they do so,models.
any enemy unit they successfully wound can only
shoot and charge this unit.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Merchant Guard Squad

Power: 5 The Gunslinger Point Cost: 70
The Gunslinger 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 3 3 8 4+
The Gunslinger is a single model armed with The Faithful, a chain hand axe, frag gr enades, and krak grenades. Only one of this mod el may
be included in your army.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
The Faithful 12” Pistol 2 4 -1 2 -

Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase
Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Spirit Kindred: During the morale phase, pick one of
the following: A single friendly Orphan Legion
Infantry unit within 3” of the Gunslinger does not
take any morale tests or any friendly Mercator
Syndictus Infantry unit within 3” of the gunslinger
rolls two dice for a morale test and take the lowest

PSYKER The Gunslinger can manifest one psychic power in each friendly psychic phase and attempt to deny two psychic
powers in each enemy psychic phase. He knows the Smite psychic power and one psychic power from the
Ancestral discipline.
Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, Orphan Legion

Keywords Infantry , Character, The Gunslinger

Power: 5 Grub Point Cost: 85 DAMAGE
Some of this model’s characteristics
characteristics change as it suffers
NAME M WS BS S T W A LD Sv Damage, as shown below.

* 6+ * 6 7 12 * 7 3+
7-12+ 12” 4+ 3
A Grub is a single model equipped with a heavy bolter, two bolter arrays, and o ne option from the
4-6 8” 5+ D3
Mercator Syndictus Heavy Weapons list.
Weapon Range
Ra nge Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es 1-3 5” 6+ 1

Heavy bolter 36” Heavy 3 5 -1 1 -

Bolter array 18” Assault 6 4 0 1 This weapon can only be fired if a unit is embarked upon the vehicle
equipped with it.
Multi-melta 24” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when
inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.
WARGEAR  The Grub may replace its heavy bolter for a Multi-melta…12pts
ABILITIES Explodes: If this model is reduced t o 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before a ny embarked
models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use it’s smoke
launchers; until your next Shooting phase your opponent must s ubtract 1 from all hit rolls for ranged weapons that targ et
this vehicle
TRANSPORT This model can transport 12 Mercator Syndictus Infantry models. Each Hearthguard or Jump Pack model takes the space
of two other models.
Faction <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>
Keywords Vehicle , Transport, Grub

Power: 5 Termite Point Cost: 125 DAMAGE

Some of this model’s characteristics
characteristics change as it suffers
NAME M WS BS S T W A LD Sv Damage, as shown below.
Warrior * 5+ * 8 7 12 * 7 3+
7-12+ 9” 4+ D6
A Termite is a single model equipped with a melta cutter. 4-6 7” 5+ D3
Weapon Range
Ra nge Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es 1-3 6” 6+ 1
Melta Cutter 12” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when
inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.
ABILITIES Explodes: If this model is reduced t o 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before a ny embarked
models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Melta Cutters: All melee attacks with this model has a n AP value of -4 and does D6 damage.

Subterranean Assault: During deployment, you can set up this model, along with any units embarked within it,
underground instead of placing it on the battl efield. At the end of your Movement phases the unit can come up from
underground and destroy anything in its path as it surfaces – set it up anywhere on t he battlefield. If on an enemy u nit,
that unit immediately takes 1d6 mortal wounds and moves 6” away from where the Termite was placed.
TRANSPORT This model can transport 10 Mercator Syndictus Infantry models. Each Hearthguard or Jump Pack model takes the space
of two other models.
Faction <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>
Keywords Vehicle , Transport, Termite

Power: 4 Hornet Bike Squad Point Cost: 39
Hornet Rider 12” 4+ 4+ 3 5 2 1 6 4+
Hornet Sgt. 12” 4+ 4+ 3 5 2 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Hornet Sgt. and 2 Hornet Riders. It can include up to 4 additional Hornet Riders. (Power Rating +5)/(13 points per
 The Hornet Sgt. is armed with a chain hand axe and bolt pistol.
 Each Hornet Rider is armed with a bolt pistol.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Chain hand axe Melee Melee +1 -1 1 A model armed with a chain hand axe may make one
additional attack with them in the fight phase.
Bolt pistol 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -

Twin bolt carbine 18” Assault 4 4 0 1 -

Assault cannon 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1

Meltagun 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll
two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard
the lowest result
WARGEAR  Up to 3 models in the unit may replace
OPTIONS their twin bolt carbine for an
-assault cannon…19pts

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Turbo-Boost: When this model Advances, add 6” to its Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of
rolling a dice.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Biker , Hornet Bike Squad

Power: 8 Valkyrie Oathsworn Point Cost: 180
Valkyrie Oathsworn 8” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 6 3+
Valkyrie Champion 8” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 7 3+
This unit contains 1 Valkyrie Champion and 4 Valkyri e Oathsworn. It can include up to 5 ad ditional Valkyrie Oathsworn. (Power
Power Rating
+7)/(36 points per model )
 The Valkyrie Champion is armed with an oathblade and bolt pistol.
 Each Valkyrie Oathsworn is armed with an oathblade.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Oathblade Melee Melee User 0 1 This weapon always wounds on 2+ .
Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

Meteoric Descent: During deployment, you can set up this
Spiritual Connection: Any Friendly Living Ancestor
unit in high orbit instead of placing it on the battlefield. At
within 12” of this unit may measure from this units
the end of any of your Movement phases this unit can use a
Valkyrie Champion when determining valid targets
meteoric descent – set it up anywhere on the battlefield
for their psychic powers.
that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.

Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry, Jump Pack, Fly, Valkyrie Oathsworn

Power: 5 Wasp Point Cost: 75
Wasp 15” 6+ 4+ 5 5 6 1 7 3+
This unit contains 1 Wasp It can include 1 additional Wasp (Power Rating +5) or 2 additional Wasps (Power Rating +10) (75 points per
model) Each model is equipped with an assault cannon and two heavy bolters.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Assault cannon 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1 -
Heavy bolter 36” Heavy 3 5 -1 1 -

Twin lascannon 48” Heavy 2 9 -3 D6 -

Warp core missile 36” Heavy D6 10 -4 D6 Each Warp Core missile can only be fired once
per battle.
WARGEAR  Each Wasp may take up to 2 warp core mi ssile…8pts each
OPTIONS  Each Wasp may replace the assault cannon with twin lascannon…15pt
ABILITIES Vehicle Squadron: The first time this unit is set up, Hard to Hit: Your opponent must subtract 1 from hit
all models in this unit must be pl aced within 6” of rolls for attacks that target this model in the Shooting
each other. From that point onwards, each phase.
operates independently and is treated as a
Hover Jet: Before this model moves in your Movement
separate unit for all purposes
phase, you can declare it will hover. It loses the
Airborne: This model cannot charge, can only be Airborne and Hard to Hit abilities until t he beginning of
charged by units that can Fly, and can only attack or your next Movement phase.
be attacked in the Fight phase by units that can Fly.

Crash and Burn: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds,

roll a D6 before removing the mo del from the
battlefield; on a 6 it crashes and explodes, and each
unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Faction Keywords Imperium, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Vehicle, Fly, Wasp

Power: 5 Thunderer Kindred Point Cost: 75
Thunderer 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 1 6 4+
Thunderer Champion 5” 4+ 4+ 3 4 1 2 7 4+
This unit contains 1 Thunderer Champion and 4 Thunderers, each model is equipped with an option from the Mercator Syndictus Heavy
Weapons list, bolt pistol, frag grenades and krak grenades.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)

The Sound of Retribution: In your Shooting phase, each time you r oll a wound roll of 6+ for a model in this unit,
it inflicts a mortal wound in addit ion to its normal damage. This ability does not apply to any model in this unit
that is shooting with a pistol or grenade weapon.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Infantry , Thunderer, Thunderer Kindred

Power: 5 Black Widow Trike Squad Point Cost: 55
Black Widow Team 10” 4+ 4+ 3 5 3 2 7 3+
This unit contains 1 Black Widow Team. It can included 1 additional Black Widow Team (Power Rating +4) or 2 additional Black Widow
Teams (Power Rating +8) (55 points per model). Each model is equipped with twin heavy bolters and a electroblaster, and is cr ewed by
two squats armed with bolt pistols.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Twin heavy bolter 36” Heavy 6 5 -1 1 -

Multi-melta 24” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll
two dice when inflicting damage with it and discard
the lowest result.
Electroblaster 48” Heavy 1 3 -4 D6 On hit rolls of 6+ with this weapon, you immediately
hit another enemy unit within 6” of the original
target. If no such target exists, then t his ability has no
Lascannon 48” Heavy 1 9 -3 D6 -
Neo-plasma cannon 48” Heavy D6 6 -3 1 -
Bolt pistol 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -

WARGEAR  Any model may replace its twin heavy bolter for two Multi-meltas…40pts
OPTIONS  Any model may replace its electroblaster for a
-Neo-plasma cannon…14pts
ABILITIES Brothers in Arms (pg.2)
Turbo-Boost: When this model Advances, add 6” to its Move characteristic for that Movement phase instead of
rolling a dice.
Gunner and Driver: This unit counts each wound taken as casualties when rolling for morale tests.
Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Biker , Black Widow Squad

Power: 5 Scorpion Artillery Support Battery Point Cost: 55
Scorpion Artillery Gun 5” 4+ 4+ 3 6 4 2 7 3+
This unit contains 1 Scorpion Artillery gun and 2 crew, one manning the weapon and one standing alongside. It can include up to 2
additional Scorpion Artillery Guns and their crews (Power rating +5 per Scorpion Artillery Gun)(55pts per model). Each Scorpion Weapon is
equipped with an eclipse flare launcher. In addition, o ne of its crew can attack with a bolt carbine.
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Eclipse flare launcher 60” Heavy D6 4 0 1 Enemy units hit by this weapon suffer a -1 penalty to
all to hit rolls until the end of their following turn.
Stormbreaker cannon 60” Heavy 4 8 -4 D6 This weapon hits on 2+ against models with the Flyer
Thudd gun 60” Heavy 2D6 6 -4 D6 Roll four dice for number of attacks for this weapon,
discarding the two lowest
Mole mortar 60” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 Any enemy units hit by this weapon reduce their
Movement characteristic by 2 until the end of their
following turn.
Dust storm cannon 60” Heavy D6 4 0 1 Each wound roll of 6+ is treated as a mortal wound
and the enemy unit suffers a -1 toughness penalty
until the end of the turn. This abi lity has no effect
against units with the vehicle Keyword.
Bolt carbine 18” Assault 2 4 0 1 -

WARGEAR  Each Scorpion Artillery Gun may replace its eclipse flare launcher for a
OPTIONS -Stormbreaker cannon…25pts
-Thudd gun…75pts(Power
75pts(Power rating +4 per model)
-Mole mortar…15pts
-Duststorm cannon...10pts
ABILITIES Artillery Support: A Scorpion Artillery Support Merchant Guard Crew: Each Scorpion Artillery
Battery must be deployed as a single group with gun and its crew are treated as a single model for
each Scorpion Artillery Gun within 3” of at least all rules purposes. The crew must remain within
one other Scorpion Artillery Gun from their unit, 1” of their Scorpion Artillery Gun and cannot be
and with each crew within 1” of their Scorpion targeted or attacked separately. The range and its
Artillery Gun. From that point on each Scorpion crew are measured from the Scorpion Artillery
Artillery Gun acts as a single unit. Gun, not the crew.

Faction Keywords <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Vehicle, Artillery, Scorpion Artillery Support Battery

Power: 21 Land Raider Point Cost: 356 DAMAGE
Some of this model’s characteristics
characteristics change as it suffers
NAME M WS BS S T W A LD Sv Damage, as shown below.


* 6+ * 8 8 16 * 9 2+
9-16+ 10” 3+ 6
A Land Raider is a single model equipped with a twin heavy bolter and two twin lascannons
5-8 5” 4+ D6
Weapon Range
Ra nge Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es 1-4 3” 5+ 1

Twin heavy 36” Heavy 6 5 -1 1 -

Heavy flamer 8” Assault D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits

Twin 48” Heavy 2 9 -3 D6 -

Multi-melta 24” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice when
inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.
Neo-plasma 48” Heavy D6 6 -3 1 -
Warp core 36” Heavy 1d6 10 -4 D6 Each warp core missile can only be fired once per battle.
WARGEAR  This model may take a Multi-melta…15pts
OPTIONS  missile…10pts
This model may take a warp core missile…10pts
 This model may take a Neo-Plasma Cannon…20pts
 This model may replace its twin heavy bolter for 2 Heavy Flamers…free
ABILITIES Explodes: If this model is reduced t o 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before a ny embarked
models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6” suffers D3 mortalwounds.

Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use it’s smoke
launchers; until your next Shooting phase your opponent must s ubtract 1 from all hit rolls for ranged weapons that target
this vehicle

Power of the Machine Spirit: This model does not suffer the penalty to hit rolls for moving and firing Heavy Weapons.

Finely-crafted Machinery: At the beginning of your turn, while this model is at eight wounds or less, roll a D6. On a 3 or
less nothing happens, on a 4 or higher this mo del counts as its number of wounds being 9+ for the purpose of Movement,
Ballistic skill, and number of Attacks for the remainder of your turn.
TRANSPORT This model can transport 10 Mercator Syndictus Infantry models. Each Hearthguard or Jump Pack model takes the space
of two other models.
Faction <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>
Keywords Vehicle , Transport, Land Raider

Power: 13 Beetle Point Cost: 160 DAMAGE
Some of this model’s characteristics
characteristics change as it suffers
NAME M WS BS S T W A LD Sv Damage, as shown below.

* 6+ * 7 8 14 * 7 3+
8-14+ 10” 4+ 3
This unit contains 1 Beetle. It is equipped with a battle cannon.
4-7 7” 5+ D3
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities 1-3 4” 6+ 1
Battle cannon 36” Heavy D6 8 -2 D3 -

Guild melta 36” Heavy 3 8 -3 D6 If the target is within half range of this weapon, roll two dice
cannon when inflicting damage with it and discard the lowest result.
Distortion 24” Heavy D3 10 -4 D6 -
Electromagnetic 72” Heavy D3 6 -4 D3 On hit rolls of 6+ with this weapon, you immediately hit another
cannon enemy unit within 6” of the original target. If no such target exists,
then this ability has no effect.
Heavy neo- 48” Heavy D6 7 -3 D6 -
plasma cannon
WARGEAR  This model may take two of the same options from the Mercator Syndictus Heavy Weapons list
OPTIONS  This model may take another option from the Mercator Syndictus Heavy Weapons list
 This model may replace its Battle Cannon for a
-Guild melta cannon…25pts
-Distortion cannon…28pts
-Electromagnetic cannon…10pts
-Heavy neo-plasma cannon…13pts
ABILITIES Explodes: If this model is reduced to 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before any
embarked models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit within 6” suffers D3 mortal wounds.

Smoke Launchers: Once per game, instead of shooting any weapons in the Shooting phase, this model can use it’s
smoke launchers; until your next Shooting phase your op ponent must subtract 1 from all hit rolls for ranged weapons
that target this vehicle

Grinding Advance: This model does not suffer the penalty to turret weapon hit rolls for shooting a Heavy weapon on a
turn in which it has moved. The follo wing weapons are turret weapons: battle cannon, guild melta cannon, heavy neo -
plasma cannon, distortion cannon, electromagnetic cannon, and Vulcan mega bolter.

Faction <Alignment>, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Vehicle , Beetle

Power: 28 Hyperion Point Cost: 445 DAMAGE
Some of this model’s characteristics
characteristics change as it suffers
Guardian Damage, as shown below.
14-26+ 12” 3+ 3+
Hyperion * * * 8 8 26 9 9 3+ 7-13 6” 4+ 4+
A Guardian is a single model equipped with twin heavy bolter, a drill hammer, and a vulcan me ga 1-6 3” 5+ 5+
Weapon Range
Ra nge Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Drill Hammer Melee Melee +2 -4 D6 When rolling for damage with this weapon, roll a dice and discard the
lowest result.
Vulcan mega 60” Heavy 20 6 -2 2 -
Twin heavy 36” Heavy 6 5 -1 1 -
Neo-plasma 48” Heavy D6 6 -3 1 -
Autocannon 48” Heavy 2 7 -1 2 -

WARGEAR  This model may replace its Vulcan mega bolter for a Shield of the Shepherd…50pts
Shepherd…50pts (Power rating +3)
OPTIONS  This model may replace its twin heavy bolter for
-2 Neo-Plasma Cannons…30pts
-2 Autocannons…20pts
 This model may replace its Drill hammer for a vulcan mega bolter…250pts
bolter…250pts (Power rating +13)
ABILITIES Explodes: If this model is reduced t o 0 wounds, roll a D6 before removing it from the battlefield and before a ny embarked
models disembark. On a 6 it explodes, and each unit wit hin 2D6” suffers D6 mortal wounds.

Shield of the Shepherd: Any friendly Mercator Syndictus unit within 6” of a model with this equipped adds +2 to their
saving throws to a maximum of 2+. The Hyperion Guardian itself increases it’s armor save to 2+ and gains a 5+
invulnerable save.

Runic Protection: Any enemy psyker attempting to manifest a psychic power within 12” of this model adds +2 to the warp
charge of any psychic power they try to manifest.

Super Heavy Walker: This model can Fall Back in the Movement phase and still shoot and/or charge in the same turn.
When this model Falls Back, it can move over enemy Infantry models, though it must end its move more than 1” from any
enemy units. In addition this model can move and f ire Heavy weapons without suffering the penalty to its hit rolls. Finally,
this model only gains a bonus to its save for being in cover if at least half of the model is obscured from the firer.

Faction Imperium Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Vehicle , Titanic, Hyperion Guardian

Power: 15 Goliath Mega Cannon Artillery Point Cost: 300
Goliath 0 4+ 3+ 3 8 25 5 9 2+
This unit contains 1 Goliath Artillery and 20 crew, five are manning the weapon, and the rest are standing alongside. The weapon is
equipped with a Mega Cannon, its crew is equipped with mercator syndictus lasguns.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Mega Cannon Unlimited Heavy 10 -4 D6 Any enemy unit hit by this weapon reduces its leadership by 1 until
2D6 the beginning of your next Movement phase
Mercator 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -
ABILITIES Combat Engineer Crew: The Goliath Artillery and Slow to Fire: At the beginning of your shooting
its crew are treated as a single model for all rules phase roll a D6. On a 5+ the weapon is armed and
purposes. The crew must remain within 1” of ready and can shoot this turn. On a 4 or less it
their Scorpion Artillery Gun and cannot be can’t fire this turn, but on the turn follo wing it
targeted or attacked separately. The range and its can shoot.
crew are measured from the Goliath Artillery, not
the crew.

Immobile: The Goliath Artillery cannot move for

any reason.

No Kill Like Overkill: Before shooting with the

Goliath Artillery, roll a d3, that is the number of
times it may shoot in the Shooting phase.

Faction Imperium Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Vehicle , Artillery,Titanic, Hyperion Guardian


Before the battle, generate the psychic powers for Psykers

that can use powers from the malefic discipline using the
table below. You can either roll a D3 to generate their
powers randomly (re-roll any duplicate results), o r you can
select the psychic powers you wish the psyker to have.

Sanctic Discipline
Purge Soul
Purge Soul has a warp charge value of 5. If
manifested, pick a visible enemy unit within 12”
1 of the psyker. Both controlling players roll a dice
and add their respective unit’s highest
Leadership value. If the target’s total is equal to
or greater than the psyker’s total, nothing
happens. If the psyker’s total is greater than the
target’s total, the target unit suffers a number
of mortal wounds equal to the difference.
Gate of Infinity
Gate of Infinity has a warp charge value of 6. IF
manifested, pick a friendly Follower of Malice
unit within 12” of the psyker. Remove that unit
2 from the battlefield and immediately set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9”
from any enemy models.

Hammerhand has a warp charge value of 6. If
manifested, pick a friendly Follower of Malice
3 unit within 12” of the psyker. Add 1 to any
wound rolls you make for that unit’s Melee
weapons until the start of your next Psychic

Power: 10 Void Blessed Point Cost: 115

Void Blessed 5” 2+ 2+ 4 4 4 3 9 2+
A Void Blessed is a single model armed with a master-crafted bolt carbine, force axe, frag grenades and krak grenades.

Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities

Abiliti es
Force axe Melee Melee +1 -2 D3 -

Master-Crafted bolt 24” Assault 2 4 -1 2 -

Frag grenade 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -

Krak grenade 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -

ABILITIES Mark of Malice: This model rerolls results of 1 for all hit and wound rolls.

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up t his model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.

Lord of Anarchy: You can re-roll hit rolls of 1 made for friendly <Stronghold> units within 6” of this model
Psyker This model can attempt to manifest two psychic powers in each friendly Psychic phase, and attempt to deny
two psychic powers in each enemy Psychic phase. He knows the Smite Psychic power and two psychic powers
from the Sanctic discipline (pg.32)
Faction Keywords Chaos, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Hearthguard, Psyker, Void Blessed

Power: 12 Nemesis Kindred Point Cost: 110
Nemesis Guard 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 2 7 2+
Nemesis Champion 5” 3+ 3+ 3 4 2 3 8 2+
This unit contains 1 Nemesis Champion and 4 Nemesis Guards. It c an include up to 5 additional Nemesis Guards. (Power
Power Rating +11)/(22
points per model )
 The Nemesis Guard Champion is armed with a master-craft ed bolt carbine and thunder hammer
 Each Hearthguard is armed with a master-crafted bolt carbine and power maul or power axe
Weapon Range Type S AP D Abilities
Abiliti es
Master-Crafted bolt 18” Assault 2 4 -1 2 -
Thunder hammer Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this weapon, you must subtract
1 from the hit roll
Power maul Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -

Power axe Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -

WARGEAR  Up to 5 models including the Nemesis Champion may replace their master-crafted bolt carbine with
OPTIONS options from the Mercator Syndictus Special Weapons list.

ABILITIES Mark of Malice: This model rerolls results of 1 for all hit and wound rolls.

Exo-Armour: This model has a 5+ invulnerable save.

Teleport Strike: During deployment, you can set up this model in a teleportarium chamber instead of placing it
on the battlefield. At the end of any of your Movement phases this model can teleport into battle – set it up
anywhere on the battlefield that is more than 9” away from any enemy models.

Silent Adversary: Enemy units within 6” of this unit subtract 1 from their Leadership characteristic.
Faction Keywords Chaos, Mercator Syndictus, <Stronghold>

Keywords Character, Infantry , Hearthguard, Nemesis Kindred

WEAPON Range Type S AP D Abilities
ASSAULT CANNON 24” Heavy 6 6 -1 1 -
AUGMENTED NEO-PLASMA 36” Heavy 1 6 -3 D6 A model firing this weapon can
target Character even if they are
not the closest enemy unit. If y ou
roll a wound roll of 6+ for this
weapon, it inflicts a mortal
wound in addition to its normal
AUTOCANNON 48” Heavy 2 7 -1 2 -
BATTLE CANNON 72” Heavy D6 8 -2 D3 -
BOLTER ARRAY 18” Assault 6 4 0 1 This weapon can only be fired if a
unit is embarked upon the
vehicle equipped with it.
BOLT CARBINE 18” Assault 2 4 0 1 -
BOLT PISTOL 12” Pistol 1 4 0 1 -
DISTORTION CANNON 24” Heavy D3 10 -4 D6 -
DUSTSTORM LAUNCHER 60” Heavy D6 4 0 1 Each wound roll of 6 is treated as
a mortal wound and the enemy
unit suffers a -1 toughness
penalty until the end of the turn.
This effect is cumulative. This
ability has no effect against units
with the vehicle Keyword.
ECLIPSE FLARE LAUNCHER 60” Heavy D6 4 0 1 Enemy units hit by this weapon
suffer a -1 penalty to all to hit
rolls until the end of their following
ELECTROBLASTER 48” Heavy 1 3 -4 D6 On hit rolls of 6+ with this weapon,
you immediately hit another enemy
unit within 6” of the original target. If
no such target exists, then this ability
has no effect.
ELECTROMAGNETIC 72” Heavy 1 9 -4 D6 On hit rolls of 6+ with this weapon,
CANNON you immediately hit another enemy
unit within 6” of the original target. If
no such target exists, then this ability
has no effect.
FLAMER 8” Assault D6 4 0 1 This weapon automatically hits.
FRAG GRENADE 6” Grenade D6 3 0 1 -
GUILD MELTA CANNON 36” Heavy 3 8 -3 D6 If the target is within half range
of this weapon, roll two dice
when inflicting damage with it
and discard the lowest result.
HEAVY FLAMER 8” Assault D6 5 -1 1 This weapon automatically hits.
HEAVY BOLTER 36” Heavy 3 5 -1 1 -
HEAVY NEO-PLASMA 48” Heavy D6 7 -3 D6 -
KRAK GRENADE 6” Grenade 1 6 -1 D3 -
LASCANNON 48” Heavy 1 9 -3 D6 -
MASTER-CRAFTED BOLT 24” Assault 2 4 -1 2 -

WEAPON Range Type S AP D Abilities
MEGA CANNON Unlimited Heavy 2D6 10 -4 D6 Any enemy unit hit by this
weapon reduces its leadership by
1 until the beginning of your
movement phase.
MERCATOR SYNDICTUS 24” Heavy 2 3 -1 1 -
MELTABOMB 4” Grenade 1 8 -4 D6 -
MELTA CUTTER 12” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of
this weapon, roll two dice when
inflicting damage with it and discard
the lowest result.
MELTAGUN 12” Assault 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range of
this weapon, roll two dice when
inflicting damage with it and discard
the lowest result.
MISSILE LAUNCHER When attacking with this weapon choose one of the profiles below.
-FRAG 48” Heavy D6 4 0 1 -
48” Heavy 1 8 -2 D6 -
MOLE MORTAR 60” Heavy D6 5 -1 1 Any enemy units hit by this weapon
reduce their Movement
characteristic by 2 until the end of
their following turn.
MULTI-MELTA 24” Heavy 1 8 -4 D6 If the target is within half range
of this weapon, roll two dice
when inflicting damage with it
and discard the lowest result.
NEO-PLASMA CANNON 48” Heavy D6 6 -3 1 -
NEO-PLASMA CARBINE 18” Assault 2 6 -3 1 -
NEO-PLASMA PISTOL 12” Pistol 1 6 -3 1 -
NEO-PLASMA RIFLE 36” Heavy 1 6 -3 1 A model firing this weapon can
target an enemy Character even
if they are not the closest enemy
unit. IF you roll a wound roll of 6+
for this weapon, it inflicts a
mortal wound in addition to its
normal damage.
OLE’ GILDA 24” Heavy 2 6 -3 D3 If the Targets within half range, add 1
to this weapon’s Strength.
STORMBREAKER CANNON 60” Heavy 4 6 -2 2 This weapon hits on 2+ against
models with the Flyer keyword.
THE FAITHFUL 12” Pistol 2 4 -1
THUDD GUN 60” Heavy 2d6 6 -2 1 Roll four dice for number of
attacks for this weapon,
discarding the two lowest
TWIN BOLT CARBINE 24” Assault 4 4 0 1 -
TWIN HEAVY BOLTER 36” Heavy 6 5 -1 1 -
TWIN LASCANNON 48” Heavy 2 9 -3 D6 -
VULCAN MEGA-BOLTER 60” Heavy 20 6 -2 2 -
WARP CORE MISSILE 36” Heavy 1d6 10 -4 D6 Each Warp Core missile can only
be fired once per battle.
WRIST MOUNTED 12” Heavy 1 7 -1 2 -

WEAPON Range Type S AP D Abilities
CHAIN HAND AXE Melee Melee +1 -1 1 -
DISMEMBERED BONE MACE Melee Melee +3 -1 D3 -
DRILL HAMMER Melee Melee +2 -4 2 When rolling for damage with
this weapon, roll a dice and
discard the lowest result.
FORCE AXE Melee Melee +1 -2 D3 -
FORCE STAFF Melee Melee +2 -1 D3 -
HELLBREAKER Melee Melee x2 -3 D3 On wound rolls of 6, this weapon
inflicts D3 additional wounds.
MASTER-CRAFTED CHAIN Melee Melee +1 -2 2 -
THUNDER HAMMER Melee Melee x2 -3 3 When attacking with this
weapon, you must subtract 1
from the hit roll
OATH BLADE Melee Melee User 0 1 This weapon always wounds on
POWER AXE Melee Melee +1 -2 1 -
POWER MAUL Melee Melee +2 -1 1 -


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