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Exercises Q — Cntoose tHe Correct Answer 1. Conventions used in engineering drawing are (a) title block (c) flag notes A3n.@ © © @ 2. Drawing sheet are folded for filing : (a) such that the title block is on top (b) any where © in 4 folds (@ ata distance of 400 mm An. @ © © © 3. A T'square is used for drawing ¢ (b) revision block (@) all of the above (@) horizontal lines (b) inclined lines (©) vertical lines (@ lines at any angle 4. A drawing board is made of : (a) hard wood (b) plastic (©) soft wood (d) mild steel 46.®@ © @ @ 5. A drafter helps in drawing : (a) concentric circles (b) smooth curves (c) parallel and perpendicular lines (d) all of the above 43.® © @ @ 6. A drafter consists of a: (@) Protractor (®) Scale (©) Tsquare @) All of the above ane. ®O0e@® A set square can draw lines with procision, inclined with the horizontal at an angle in multiples of * (a) 10° (c) 15° An.©@ © @ @ (b) 5° @ 20° 8. Set square is used for drawing * (@) vertical lines __(b) inclined lines (©) parallel lines —_() all of the above An@ © © @ 9. Tb draw or measure angles, which instrument is used? (a) Protractor (©) Set square An@ © © @ 10. Usually, 2 bow compass is used to draw circles and arcs of diameter : (a) greater than 50 mm (b) less than 50 mm (©) in steps of 10 mm (@) in steps of 5 mm An@ @© @ 11, Parallel listes are drawn with the help of a: (a) Tsquare (b) mini drafter (©) pair of set square (d) all of the above an.@ © © @ 12. A compass is used for : (@) drawing circles (b) drawing arcs of circles () drawing parallel lines (® both (a) and (b) An.@. © @ © 13. A lengthening bar is used to: (a) draw a big circle (b) extend the line (©) draw a very small circle (@ extend any component A.@ © © @ 14. A divider is used to : (a) mark equal distance () measure distances (©) measure and mark equal distance @)_ none of the above An.@ © © @ (b) Tsquare @ All of the above Tetmopucrion ro Enomesnine Deawora | 15 Which of the following is not served by dividers? @) 16. Divide lines or curves into a number of equal parts, (b) Transfer measurement from one part of the drawing to another part. (©) Make full size, reduced size or enlarged size drawing. @ Step-off a series of equal distance on the drawing. An.@ © @ © 16. Which of the following is used for setting- off equal distances? (@) Compass (b) Bow divider (©) Scale (@) None of the above An.©@ @ © @ 17. Cross-section of a scale is : (@) flat () triangular (©) hexagonal (@) both (a) and (b) 43.© © © @ 18. Which of the following drawing instrument is used for sharpening the pencil ? (a) Pencil cutter (b) Blade cutter (c) Sharpener (d) All of the above An.©@ ® © e 19. An eraser is used : @ O) (©) to spoil the surface of paper (a) both (a) and (b) An © © @ 20, French curves are used for drawing : (a) straight lines (b) non-circular lines (c) special type of lines @) circular shapes A3.©@ @ © @ to erase unnecessary lines to remove soiled spots 16 | Exoorermo Drawna 21. To draw a smooth curve of any nature the drafting instrument used is a/an : (a) french curve (b) mini drafter (©) template (@) eraser shield An.@ ®@ © © 22. Which of the following lead is hardest? (@®) HB () H © B @F An.@ @ © © 23. A chiseled edge pencil is used to draw * (a) straight lines (b) ares (©) circles (@ thick curved lines 43.@ ©@ © @ 24, Which of the following pencil is hardest? () HB (b) 9H (©) 9B @ 6B An.@ @ © @ 25. Which statement is true? (@) 2H pencil is harder and lighter than 2B. (b) 2H pencil is harder and darker than 2B. (©) 2H pencil is softer and darker than 2B. @ 2H pencil is softer and lighter than 2B. ®OoO Ans 26. Which of the following pencil is the softest ? @B (®) HB (©) 4H @) 7B 423® © © @ 27, Final drawing is made by which of these grade pencil? @ 5B () 3H © B @ 8B An@®@ @ © @ 28. Generally lettering is done by which of these grade pencil? (@) TH () 6B (©) 3H @H An.®@ © @ © 1 29. Free hand sketching is done by which of these grade pencil? (a) 4H (b) 3H () 3B (@) HB An.@ © © @ 30. Which of tho following drawing instruments is used for fixing the drawing paper on drawing board? (@) Drawing pins (©) Adhesive tapes an®@ © © @ 31. Jo layout an angle from a given line what moves on protractor should you align for a higher accuracy? (a) 0° and 180° marks only (b) 0°, 180° and centre marks (©) Centre mark and 0° mark only (@ 0°, 90°, and 180° marks An.®@ @ © @ 82. What is the size of w sand paper block generally used in drawing? (@) 150 150 x 12 mm? (b) 20% 10 x 150 mm? (©) 160 x 100 x 50 mm? (@) 150 10x 20 mm* An.@ ® © @ 33. Which of the following drawing instrument 48 used for drawing curves, which cann0t be drawn by a compass ? (@) French curve (b) Divider (c) Protractor @) None of the above An.@ ® © @ 34. Which of the following drawing instrument used to draw circles of different radius quick” (a) Circle templates (b) Lettering template (c) Compass (d) None of the above (b) Drawing clips (@) All of the above An.@ ® © © 35. Which of the following is used to clean|Q drawing instruments? (a) Duster (&) Handkerchief (©) Sand paper block (@) Both (a) and (b) an.@ © © @ 36. Roll-n-draw ruler is used for drawing: (@) vertical lines (&) horizontal lines () angles (d) all of the above s.@ © © @ 37. Which of the following drawing board is used by engineering students? (@ D2 @ D1 (© D3 @ D4 An.@ © © @ Q = Marcs tue Fourowinc 1. According to BIS specification match the designation of drawing board to their “corresponding size. Designation Size (mm) (a) Do_ @ 500x300 () Di Gi) 920 x 650 (©) D2 (ai) 650 x 470 @) D3 (iv) 1270 x 920 Ans. (A) (iv), (B) Gi), (©) Gi), (D) @ 2. Match the designation of Tsquare to their corresponding length of working edge ? Designation | Working Edge in mm (a) To @ 50046 ® T1 Gi) 1000 10 (© T2 Gii) 700+ 6 () T3 iv) 15004 10 Ans.(A) (iv), (B) (ii), (C) Gi), @) Ans. Inrnopvcrion To Enouzenmo Daawnno| 17 Stare Wuerner ‘TRUE’ on “Fase” The length and width ratio of drawing sheet ig 1:2. False Drawing boards are used to support drawing sheets. ‘True The Tsquare is used to draw horizontal lines. True The mini drafter is always mounted on top right corner of a drawing board. False A set square is used to draw parallel lines. True The lengthening bar is used to draw circles of large diameter greater than 150 mm. True An eraser is used to erase unwanted lines. True Drawing pins are used to fix drawing sheets on drawing boards. True The lettering template is used only for double stroke Gothic letter. True Fie In THE BLANKS: The edge of the board on which the T-square is made to slide is called its .working edge To prevent wrapping of the board __ are cleated at its back. -battens A Tsquare is used for drawing __ lines. horizontal The two parts of the Tsquare are and — .stock, blade Equal distance can be marked by 4 .divider a 18 | Exoomesixo Deawnna 6. Circles of small radii are drawn by means of a Ans. bow compass 1. Uses of T-square, set squares, scale and protractor are combined in the ___ Ana. drafting machine 8. The softest grade of pencil is___ and the hardest grade of pencil is Ans. 7B, 9H 9. Pencil of ___ grade sharpened in the form of ___ is used for sketching and lettering. Ans. soft, conical point 10. For drawing thin lines of uniform thickness the pencil should be sharpened in the form of __ Ans.chisel edge 11. Needle part of the pin is.generally made of Ans.steel Q Snort Answer Trre Questions 1. What is the length, width ratio of a drawing sheet? Ans. v:1 : 2. What is the meaning of HB in an HB pencil? Ans.Hard bond 8. Give the name of two parts of a Tsquare. Ans.(a) Blade (b) Stock 4. What is the shape of a drawing board? Ans.Rectangular 5. What is the shape of a Tsquare? Ans.T 6. What is the use of an eraser? ‘Ang.To remove unnecessary lines from a drawing sheet 1. Which material is used for making drawing pencil? Ans.Graphite and clay “1 8. Give the name of two types of dividers, Ans.(a) Large divider (b) Small bow divider 9. Give the name of two types of compass, Ans.(a) Large compass (b) Small bow compass 10. Which instruments is used to fix the drawing sheet on a drawing board? Ans.Drawing pins, clips and adhesive tapes ll. Which grades of pencils are used for lettering? Ans.2H and 3H 12. Which grade of pencil is used for layout work? Ans.4H, 5H and 6H 13. Give uses of a minidrafter. ‘Ans.(a) For drawing parallel, inclined and perpendicular lines () For drawing angles. 14. List the instruments which are used in drawing. Ans.(a) Drawing board ©) Tsquare (© Set square (a) Scale (e) © &) (h) @ Pencil Eraser Protractor Drawing sheet French curve @ Drawing pin, clips or adhesive tapes () Circle template What is the angle between working edge of stock and blade of a T-square? Ans. 90° 15. 16. Identify the drawing instrument which is shown in the figure and the label parts A and B Inrnopucrion ro Examrrnno Daawixo | 19 11. What is the name of part ‘X’ of a drawing | 22. What ia the name of labelled part ‘A’ of board, which is shown in the figure? inking pen shown in the figure? Ans. Batten 18. What are the uses of Set squares? ‘Ans. (i) To draw horizontal and parallel lines (i) To draw vertical lines (ii) For division of circles in equal parts Which part of a T-square is used for drawing parallel lines? ‘Ans. Working edge 20. What is the main difference between a compass and a divider? 19. Ans. In the compass one leg have pencil and other leg is needle pointed. In the divider pencil leg is replaced by needle point so in the divider both leg contains needle point so it is used to mark equal distances. 21, What is the use of a French curve? Ans.A french curve is used for drawing curves which can not be drawn with a compass. Ans.Screw 23, Why a drawing board is made on wooden plates? ‘Ans.To prevent expansion and contraction of the drawing board which is caused by moisture. 24, Which type of pencils are used for art work? Ans.7B, 6B, 5B, 4B, 3B, 2B and B 25. What is the disadvantage of drawing pin? Ans. These pins make holes in the drawing paper and spoil the surface of the board. 26. What are the uses of a divider? ‘Ang.(i) To transfer distance (ii) To divide spaces into equal divisions. aoa Q Cnooss tae Correct Answer 1. An extension line is used to draw- 4. Which of following publications made by the Indian standards includes (@) extra li ject tandard techniques for _ Line w ne projecting out of the outline conventions and Tettering in détail? ) an extra polated continuous full line (@) BIS 9609 ~ ©) the size of an object with dimension (b) SP 46 (© ASME V 142M (@) None of the above An.®@ @ © @ &. A lJong-dashed dotted narrow line is used to represent (a) centre line (6) line of symmetry (©) pitch circle of gears and holes (@) all of the above An.@ © © @ 6. The type of letters used in drawing ate’ (d) an extended Part Ans.©@ © @ @ 2. A section line is used to show- (a) rolled sections of steel (b) the part cut by a cutting plane (©) a small section of the main object @_ none of the Above An.@ @ © © 3. The inclination of letters as recommended by BIS is @w (b) 75° (a) Gothie (b) Roman © 6° @ 6” (©) Italic (@) All of the above An.©@ © © @ An.@ @ © ® Loves ano Lerrenme | 31 13. Identify the line which is shown in the figure. _ aoa 7. Centre line is drawn as- (2) long-dashed dotted narrow lines (b) continuous narrow lines ()- dashed narrow lines (a) Extension line (b) Dotted line (c) Centre line (4) Continuous thin line with Zig-Zag An.@ © © @ 14. Which type of line is used to represent the dimension of drawing? (@) dimension line (6) outline (©) long break line (d) short break line An.@ © © © 15. Identify the line which is shown in the figure. (@) long-dashed double dotted narrow lines An.-@ © © © 8. The short-dashed medium line is used for~ (@) hidden outline and edge (b) cutting plane lines (©) centre line (@ irregular boundary An.@ © © @ 9. Bold face of the letters means- (a) more width of letters (®) letters with dark shading (©) more height (a) Dashed thick line (6) Dashed thin line (© Chain thin line (@ Continuous thick line An.@ © © @ 16. Identify the line which is shown in the @) more line thickness of letters An.@ © © @ 10. Hatching lines are drawn at an angle to the axis or to main outline or sections- or 45° figure. ©3 . @ 90° Ans. ™©@@8©@ (a) Centre line ll. “Gap between characters during lettering (b) Continuous thin line should be- (©) Dashed thick line (@) unequal @ Chain thick line (b) equal An.@ © © @ 17. Identify the line which is shown in the figure. CT eer atigaR (@) Continuous thin line (b) Continuous thick line (©) Dashed thick @ Dashed thin An.@ ©® © @ (©) appear to be equal (@)_ none of the above A.@ © @ @ 12. Which type of line is used to represent the hidden part of drawing? (@®) Thin line (b) Hidden line (©) Centre line (d) Extension line 32 Exomeznmo Drawona 18. Identify the line which is shown in the figure. 24. Long breaks are shown by" (a) dashed line of medium thickness (b) thin ruled line with short zig-zags wip, in them (©) alternately long and short dashes (a) all of the above (b) continuous thin line (c) continuous thin line with Zig-Zag An.@ @ © @ 25, Irregular boundaries and short break, (a) continuous thick line (@) chain thick line ruler bo are shown by = id ® Qe s (a) dashed line of medium thickness 19. identity the line which is shown in the () alternately long and short dashes al (©) thin continuous lines ae (@) none of the above a An.@ @ © @ (@) Hidden line (b) Centre line 26. Dashed line of medium thickness i: (©) Chain thick line (d) Chain thin line made up of- Ans. (a) Jong and thin chain line e ® © ® (b) thin Continuous line 20, Leader lines are- (@) continuous thin line (©) short dashed of approximately equa lengths (®) hidden line (@) none of the above (©) centre line An.@ © @ @ @ none of the above 27. Thin and long chain lines are mado ut of Anw.@ © © © 21. Spacing between hatching line is- (&) 3mm to4 mm @ 5mm to6mm (a) alternate long and short dashes (>) dashed line of medium thickness (©) thick continuous line (@) all of the above An.@ ® © @ 28. Centre lines, and pitch circles 8 drawn as- (@) 1mm to2 mm (©) 4mm to5 mm An.@ © © @ 22. Which line is used to indicate the axis of cylindrical and spherical object? (a) Centre line () Border line (a) long dashed dotted narrow line (©) Extension line (d) Margin line (b) thick continuous line An.@ © © @ (©) thin continuous line 23. The position of cutting plane line is @ continuous, thin and wary lines, éra¥? dive a free hand (@ thick and long chain lin, thick ends only | 42° @ © © @ 29. According to BIS (SP : 46-2003) stands iti " (®) thin continuous line which height of letters is used- (©) long and thick chain line (a) 7mm @®) 10mm (@) none of the above (©) 14mm (@) All of the above An.@ © © @ An.®@ © © @ Loves ano Lerrenino] 33 30. Identify the line which is shown in the figure. (a) Dashed narrow line (b) Dashed wide line (c) Continuous wide line (@) Continuous narrow line An.®@ @ © © 81. Usually lettering is done by- (a) capital letter (b) lower case letter (c) medium size letter (@ alllof the above An.@ © © @ 32. The preferred line width for letter group of 7 mm is- @) 0.5mm () 0.25 mm (©) 0.7mm @ 1mm An.@ © © @ 38. Lettering template is used for- (a) Free hand lettering (b) Single stroke lettering (© Double stroke lettering @ Cursive lettering An.®@ © @ © 34. The preferred line width of letter group of 10 mm is- @) 0.5mm (b) 0.7 mm (©) 0.25 mm @ Imm An3.©@ @ © © 35. The preferred line width of letter group of 6 mm is- @) 035mm © 07mm 4An.@ © © © (b) 0.5 mm () lmm 36. The height to width ratio of most of all capital letters is- (a) 7:5 () 7:6 (©) 7:8 (d) Both (a) and (6) an.@ © © @ 37. Which of the following is the widest letter in lettering? @ M (&) W () L @K An.@ @ © © 38. In double stroke vertical Gothic Jettering the line width varies from- (@) 0.1 to 0.2 of the height of letter (b) 0.4 to 0.5 of the height of letter (©) 0.6 to 0.7 of the height of letter @ 0.8 to 0.9 of the height of letter An.@ © © © 39. Which of the following 1s the narrowest Jetter in lettering? @l (o) I @©L (@) Both (a) and (b) An.® © © @ 40. In single stroke vertical Gothic lettering the line width of letter is (@) 02mm (b) 0.5mm (©) 0.7mm @) 0.8mm An.@ @ © © 41. In single stroke vertical Gothic lettering, the height of letter is- @ 7mm (6) 10mm (©) 12mm @) 2mm An.@ © © © 42. The line which is perpendicular to horizontal line is called” (a) inclined line _(b) horizontal line (c) vertical line (4) none of the above An.©@ © @ © a Q == Marcu THE Fo.iowine 1. Match the name of line with their indication 8. The inclination of letters as recommends, by BIS is 75° Ans. True Name of Line Line 1. Centre Line (a) ------ 9. The size of letter is described by its heigh, 2. Long Break Line — (b) —— ‘Ans. True 3. Hidden Line OQ — 10. Lettering is usually done in small letter, Ans. False 11. Usually 4, Out Line @ AA" height to width ratio of capital let, Ans.1.@ 2@ 3@ 40) val 2, Match the name of line with their application oe Name of i “Applies Ans.True jame of Line plication 12. Large siso letters are used for heading 1. Centre line (@ Show irregular bare in title in drawing. / boundaries ‘Ana.‘True 2, Short break line (6) Toindicate axes cf | cy Fz mv THE BLANKS 1 cylindrical object . - 1. Main outline is drawn by line. 3, Cutting plane line (c) Indicate special : , aaareaet on the | ABs-Thick continuous es are draw: Projection and dimension lin as Jines. surface 2. Ans.Thin continuous 3. Centre lines are drawn as Ans.1.(o) 2.(a) 3 QO Stare Waerer ‘TRUE’ OR “Faise’ 1. The centre line should end at the outline of the drawing. Ans. Thin lines 4, Hidden lines are represented by —— lines. Ans. False 2. Dimension may be marked with hidden lines) ane dotted ” Ans. False 6. Writing of titles, notes etc. on a drawitt 3, Extension lines showld end at the dimension ig called dine. Ans. Lettering Ans. False 6. Main title of inked drawing is gener#!! 4, Centre'lines are drawn by thick lines. written in ______ letters. Ans, Gothic thib Ans.False 5. Dimension lines should not cross each 7. For maintaining uniformity in size, other. ‘and light ___ may first be drawo- ‘Ans. True ‘Ans. Guide line 8, The two types of single stroke letters an 6. Leader lines are drawn as thick lines. and Ans. vertical, horizontal 9. Dimension lines, hatching lines are drawn a3 Ans. Thin continuous line Ans. False 7. Cutting plane line is shown as thin continuous line. and extensi™ Ane. True O Suorr Answer Tyre Questions 1. What is the typical angle of inclination of slanting letters? Ans.The slope of inclined letters is 75° with the horizontal. 2. Which type of line is used to indicate that a portion of a surface or feature will receive a specific treatment? Ans.Chain thick line. 3. What do hidden lines represent on drawing? Ans. Hidden lines are used to represent the hidden object of drawing. 4. For which purpose extention lines are used ? ‘Ans. Extension lines are used to extend dimension line beyond 3 mm. 5. What do centre lines represent on drawing? Ans.Centre lines are used to indicate axes of cylindrical, spherical and conical objects. 6. What is the use of leader line? Ans.Leader line is drawn to connect a note with the feature to which it applies 1. Explain hatching line in short. Ans.These lines are drawn to make the section evident. They are continuous thin line and are drawn at an angle of 45° to the main outline of the section. 8. What do you mean by lettering? Ans. Lettering is an art of writing text on a drawing by using alphabets, numerals and symbols. ‘Text is necessary to provide specific information like dimension, notes specific instruction so lettering is necessary in drawing. 9. Identify the line ‘X’ which is shown in the figure. Ans.Centre line 10. Ans. Lares axp Lerrenina | 35 Write all lower case letter of 5mm size in vertical style. i. Ans. 12, Ans. Ans. in inclined figure. 13. Identify the lines abcdefghijkim_ nopqrsftuvwxyz Write all upper case letters of 10 mm size in vertical style. Write all upper case letter of 10 mm size which are shown in the figure. THe 1. \4—\- A—'- Ar Ar ’ = Long breakline “"Y’ = Cutting plane line Fig.s9 Sols Draw a ‘Square by free hand. Exercises QQ Cuoose tax Correct Answer 2. Which diagram below shows a corre ical construction of bisecting an angle | 1. Ifa line intersects a circle at two points and geometrical does not pass through the centre, the line ~ segment inside the circle is referred as = 6 w & _ @ Chord (&) Quadrant (©) Segment @ Radial line Au.@@©@ © © () Le @ a Ans. Ans. Ans. Ans. > Ana, Ans, Ans. Maximum possible exterior angle in a regular polygon is : (a) 60° (b) 90° (©) 120° @ 135° ®@2O@o@ There are two fixed points A and B, another point P moves in such 2 way that PA and PB are always at right angle. The locus of P is: (a) An ellipse (b) A hyperbola (©) Aparabola @ A circle ®@®O® A point.P moves such that it is always at the same distance from each of the two straight lines which intersect at an angle of 60°. The locus of the point P is: (a) A line which forms a triangle () An aie connecting lines tangentially (©) A bisector of the angle (@ None of the above ®@Oe@e@ The distance across the circle through the centre is called * (b) Radius (@) Tangent (a) Diameter (©) Circumference e@eoo The distance from the centre to the circumference of a circle is called * (@ Radius (b) Diameter (c) Tangent (d) None of the above e@eooo Number of diagonals that a hexagon can have: (a) 4 (b) 6 ©9 @ 10 ®©6e0 Which of the following pencil is used for sketching? (@) HB (© 3H ®@O©O® (b) 2H @ 4H Ans. Ans. Grourtmic Constaverion ano Fresitarp Sxercimg oF Puare Frouns | 61. e 10. A method used to sketch circle that requires only your hand, a pencil and a piece of paper is called : (a) Trammel method (6) Compass method (©) Hand-compass method (® Hand-trammel method ®Oe@ To draw a perpendicular from a given poing « P on line XY. Name the point where the needle of the compass should be placed first. (@ XorY () P (© A point near the mid-point of PX and PY ul. (@) Any convenient point along X¥ @@o0Oo®@ 12. Sketching is known as = (@ Free hand drawing () Art (©) Produetion drawing (® None of the above e@oao@ The distance all the way around the outside of a circle is known as < (&) Diameter (d) Radius Ans. 13. () Circumference (©) Tangent @ooo@ Which of the following actions should be your first step to construct a square geometrically when you are given only length of its diagonal ? (a) Layout. horizontal line equal to the twice the given length Layout a vertical line equal to one-half of given length Layout @ horizontal line equal to given length Layout a vertical line equal to two half of given length An.@ © © @ Ans. 14. ) © @ 62 | Exomeznma Drawina 16. The number of tangents that can be drawn to a circle from a point outside is: @ 2 (b) 1 © 8 @4 An.@ © © © 16. The best sketches are made when ? (a) Good for communicating technical concepts () Fast visual communication (©) Convenient (@ All of the Above Au.@ © © @ 17. If an octagon is circumscribed around the perimeter of a circle, which of the following statement is true? i (a) The radius of the circle is equal to the corner measurement. (b) The radius of the circle is equal to the flats measurement. (©) The diameter of the circle is equal to the corners measurement. (@ ‘The diameter of the circle is equal to the flats measurement. An.@ © © @ 18, When a circle passes through three given points its centre lies at the intersection of (a) Tangent drawn through each point (b) The perpendicular bisectors of the lines that connect the points (©) The perpendicular bisector of longest } line and the perpendicular line drawn from the end of the shortest line SS 20. An external tangent connecting ,~ circles of equal radii is * (a) (b) (c) Inclined to the line joining the cent Parallel to the line joining the centre Perpendicular to the line joining centre (a) Any of the above An.©@ @ © @ To draw a circle of given radius whjx, ig also tangent to the two sides of a giv. ‘angle, the first step is to draw : (@) ‘Two parallel lines at right angles to +: sides of the angle (b) ‘Two parallel lines as not at right angle: the side of the angle. (c) ‘Two lines that are parallel to the sides the angle at a distance equal to give: 21. radius (d) None of the above An.®@ © @ @ The circumference of an obtuse angle: triangle is located : @) ) (© @ location varies e@ooa@ Line XY is to be divided into 12 equ? parts by geometric construction. Whitl of the following statements considerit! this procedure is correct? 22. outside the triangle inside the triargle on the triangle Ans. 29; (a) The compasses should be set to spre (@ None of the above e Au.@® @ © @ awa to onertwelith of the length of S!¢ 19. A polygon having the sum of measures Oy Bay Une PY. eww fromm ig the oat of interior angle equal to the sum of length as XY. measures of exterior angle is : (©) The acute angle formed by XY and li* (@) Octagon (b) Nonagon PY should be 30° or less (c) Quadrilateral () Triangle (d) A Line should be drawn from X to ti An.®@ © @ @ 12th interval on ray line PY. 4 A3.®@ © © @ Gromermic Eccentricity of ellipse is always = (@) less than 2 (b) less than 1 (©) (d) greater than 1 As.©@ @ © @ 24, equal to 1 25. Identify the scalene triangle from the following ¢ ° IN © LX An.® © @ @ aN ® i 26. Sum of the angles of quadrilateral is equal to: (a) 360° (®) 180° (©) 90° : @ 270° An.@ © © @ 27, angles of a polygon? (a) (2n-4) x 60 (b) (2n—4) x 90 (© (@n-4)x 180 @d) (@n—4) x 80 An.@ @ © @ 28. Identify the following figure. ex (a) Rhombus (b) Parellelogram (© Scalene triangle (4) Trapezium 4.@ © © @ —_ 29. A triangle which has two equal sides is known as : (@) Scalene triangle () Isosceles triangle © Equilateral triangle @ Acute angled triangle ‘u®@ @ 0 @ What is formula for sum of the interior Consrnocrion ano Frtnano Stereum or Pane Faves | 63 30. Identify the pentagon from the following : se Ff _ QC ® (-) mn ar ° (.) ° L\ Ifa point moves in @ plane in such a way that the sum of its distances from two fixed points is constant, the curve so traced is called: (@) Parabola (©) Ellipse An.@ © @ @ 32. The eccentricity of ellipse can be defined by (a) (b) Hyperbola (@ None of the above Distance between the foci (© ~Tength of major axis Distance of the point from the f Distance of the point from the (>) Length of major axis © Distance between directices (d@) All of the above an.@ © © @ . 33. A nine sided polygon is referred to as * (a) Nonagon (b) Octagon (c) Decagon (d) Dodecagon 4n.@ © © @ 34. Which diagram below shows a correct geometrical construction of trisecting oe Be An.©@ @ © © (b) @ . On * 64] Exomzenma Drawina 35. “What ig tho value of a in tho following figure ? Match the given figures accordi,, their names ¢ ' 2 Le © war fe) 80 © 120 & Bhombus ro) bY An.@ © © @ 36. What is the name of the angle shown in the following figure use? a ee (a) Acute angle (b) Obtuse angle (©) Straight angle (4) Right angle An.@ ® © © 37. The sum of the interior angle and the corresponding exterior angle of polggon 4s equal to ? (@) 180° () 360° (c) 120° (a) 170° An.@ © © © 38. Free hand sketching requires : (a) Pencil (b) Eraser (c) Sketch book (4) Alll of the above Au.©@ © © @ 3. Trapezoid of \ 4. Parallelogram © LEX Ans.1.(c) 2.(a) 3.(d) 4.00) 3. Match the given figures according , their names * 1. Scalene triangle 2. Obtuse angle triangle (b) A . 3. Equilateral triangle (c) Qw a . | 39. When two diameters of a circle are gc drawn at right angles to each other, 4, Isosceles triangle (4) I™ A 8 which of the following polygon will have dll of the sides at 45° to these diameters? | Ans.1.(4) 2.(c) 3.(a) 4.(b) (@) A square inscribed in a given circle O Stare Werner ‘True’ on ‘Fase’ (b) A pentagon inscribed in a given circle (© A hexagon inscribed in a given circle (@ An octagon inscribed in a given circle An.@ @ © © Q = - Marcu THE FoLlowine 1 Match the following angles according to their names * 1. An angle which measures greater tht! 90° is called acute angle. Ans. False 2. An angle which measures is 180° is call® straight angle. Ans. True (a) Obtuse angle 3. Acute triangies are those triangles in Wh? 1, Leso Bas 8 (b) Straight angle moasure of each angle is leas than 210 ar (©) Acute angle Ane. True ’ 3. 180° 0 (@) Reflex angle 4. In rectangle every angle is 90° 4, 9to 3@ 4@ Ans. True ‘Ans.1.() 2-(%) Gromernic ConstRucTION axD FrezHanp Sxrrcuina or PLaxe Fioure |65 The curve which encloses a circle is|1. The interior angle of a hexagon is__ called radius. ‘Ans. 120° 8 The interior angle of a decagon is Ans. 144° 9. The sum of interior angle of a polygon is equal to____ Ans. (2n— 4) x 90 10, All corners of a regular polygon lie on Ans.False 6. The interior angle of pentagon is 108° ‘Ans. True 1. The interior angle of undecagon is 150°. Ans. False 8. The sum of the exterior angle of polygon the is 180°. oy Ans.cirele ‘Ane. False LL. Eecentricity of ellipse is always less than 9. A straight line which is perpendicular to the minor axis is called direction. Ans.1 12. A pentagon has ___ sides. Ans.5 Q — Suorr Answer Tyre Questions 1. What is a reflex angle? Ans.It is an angle which measures greater than 180° but less than 360° 2. Differentiate between chord and secant. ‘Ans.Chord : A line which connect two points on circumference of circle, but not passing through centre is called chord. Secant : It is a straight line that intersect the circle in two parts but not passing form centre is called secant. 3. Give the name of materials which is used in free hand sketch. : Ans.(a) Drawing sheet (b) Eraser (c) Pencil 4. What is the value of interior angle of a hexagon? Ans.120° 5. What is the formula for determining the interior angle of a polygon? (n-2)x180 2 Ans. False 10. Horizontal lines are sketched from left to right direction. Ans. True 11. HB and H pencil is used for sketching. Ans. True 12, Sketching is always done by free hand. Ans. True OQ Fauve Buanss 1. Vertical lines are sketched from __ to __ Ans. top, bottom 2. Three things absolutely essential for sketch work are ___, ___ and __ Ans. pencil, eraser, paper 3. A sketch is considered to be good when its features are shown in a correct __ Ans. proportion. 4. ___ is angle which measures 90°. Ans. Right angle 5. The distance from the centre to any point on the circumference of the circle Ans. is called of the circle. Here n = number of sides Ane. radius 6. Name the part of circle which is made 6. Any part of the circumference is called of an arc and diameter? Ans.Semicircle 1. Name the polygon that contains 6 sides? of the circle. ~Ans.are Ans.Hexagon Q Cnoose THe Correct Answer 1. The line connecting a view to note is called a: (@) Leader (b) Arrowhead (©) Dimension Line (d) Projection Line An. @ © © @ 2. Chain dimensioning is done where there are: (@) ‘many same sized links (0) end points that far off (©) overlapping parts : @ many dimension in one line 405.0 © © @ 3. Which of the following is not a specified method of dimensioning? (@) chain dimensioning (b) parallel dimensioning (©) perpendicular dimensioning (@ dimensioning by coordinates An.@ © @ © 4. Ans. 6. Ans, Symbol $ before a dimension value means : (>) Radius (d) Spherical Diameter (a) Taper (©) Diameter ®®e0 The dimension can be placed by the method of * (a) the unidirection only (b) the aligned system only (©) both aligned and unidirection @) all of the above 2 OO When all the dimensions are readable only from bottom, it is called : (a) Aligned System (b) Unidirectional System (©) Perpendicular System (d) All of the above @eoo 82 | Exomzenma Drawina YS 7. Numerals for vertical lines in | unidirectional dimensioning are * (@) Aligned along dimension line H (b) Written parallel to dimension line i (©) Always remain vertical } (d) Written inclined _ An. @©@ @ © @ ) 8. A letter 'M' is prefixed to a dimension of screw thread in which stands for : (a) Metric thread (6) Diameter (©) Radius (d) None of the above An. @ © © @ o. Which of the following is an incorrect method of dimensioning chamfer? (a) = LLL, ge Ca * © An. @ @ © © 10. Identify the dimensioning technique in the following figure. 11. 12. Ans. The recommended method of dimensio, in, of 80 mm diameter is * (a) 809C (b) > 80S (©) $ $80 (4) C980 ®@Oeo Identify the dimensioning technique ;, following figure. 13. Ans. 14. Ans. fas 55 ——+| (a) Unidirectional (©) Parallel eeoo@e When dimensions are specified from: common origin and placed parallel t one another it is called © (@) Parallel dimensioning () Chain dimensioning © Superimposed dimensioning (@) Coordinate dimensioning e®@QoO®@ The four parts of a screw thread are show! ty A, B, C and D. Which of the part is a 200 functional dimension from A, B, C, D? (b) Aligned (d) None of the above wu a Aw. © @ © © (@) Aligned © Parallel (b) Unidirectional @ Angular Ans. Tee 2eoo 15. Identify the dimansioni ique i ‘hs filler vioning technique in Durexssonna | 83 18. Identify the dimensionin i of following thi gure. figure. 1g the (a) Unidirectional (b) Aligned (©) Parallel (@) Angular unidirectional (@) Angular Aligned (b) Angular aligned 42n.@ © © @ . (c) Coordinate 16. Identify the dimensioning technique in (4) Chain the following figure. An.©@ @ © @ 19. What is the radius of plate in the following figure? wont (a) Angular Aligned (b) Aligned @ in an pI i oe @ Parallel te owe ® ;. 17. Identify the leader line in the following |4-@ © @ @© figure. 20. What is the meaning of ¢ in the following dimensioning technique? E-Baa (@) Spherical (b) Circular (© Diameter (@) Rectangular An.©@ © @ @ : YS 84] Excutenma Drawina 21. The dimension value of diameter of a circle should be : (a) Preceded by symbol d (b) Succeeded by symbol d (© Succeeded by symbol ¢ (d) Preceded by symbol > An.©@ © © @ 22. In the following figure the continuous | narrow diagonal line indicates : @ © @ © 25. Identify the arrowhead line in the ig,~ ——— | 26. Which type of dimensioning technig,, | is used in the following figure? (@) Flat surface (b) Hexagonal cross-section (c) Circular cross section (a) Coordinate (b) Progressive (d) Square cross-section (c) Functional (d) Non-functional An.@ © © @ An.@ © @ @ 23. Identify the dimension line in the figure. | 97. Which type of dimensioning techniqz: ee is used in the following figure? = 25 20.05 40.20.05 ’ [401005 _| Tigh Tolerances An.©@ © © @ (@) Coordinate (b) Functional 24. Identify the extension line in the figure. (©) Progressive (@) Non-funetional \ An.®@ © © @ 28. Which of the following is a non-functiol dimensioning in the following figure? 29. Superimposed dimen: method of : (@) Parallel dimensioning (b) Chain dimensioning (© Coordinate dimensioning @ Combined dimensioning Ans-@ ©@ © © 30. This is a line terminated by arrowheads, indicating the direction and extent of a dimension: ‘sioning is simplified (a) Dimension line (b) Extension line (©) Arrowhead line (@ Centerline An. @ © © © 31. Which of the following is tho correct statement for dimensioning a view? (@) Allof them should be placed within a view. (b) All of them should be placed close to the parts being dimensioned. (©) They should be marked from visible outline rather than from hidden line. @ Dimensions indicated in one view may be repeated in another view. Ans, ® ® e @® 82. Which of the following is an incorrect method of dimensioning ? Dotensionna | 85 33. Which of the following is a correct method of dimensioning? | 8 An. @ © © @ 34. Which of following is a correct method of dimensioning? ¥ @ ® IN] D @ An. @ © © © 35. What type of dimensioning technique is used in the following figure? (2) o eo 2 =e ae © @ .@ @ © © q2[3]4]s]e x] 5] 5 |1s/2stas| 1s |4o)15)25]40)25} 5 Hx (a) Progressive (©) Functional An.@ @ © © (b) Coordinate (4) Non-functional > 86 | Enooreenma Drawnxa 36. Which of the following is a correct method of dimensioning ? 40. What type of dimensioning techniqy, used in the following figure? Mae O--Fl4 [0 p25. (a) Parallel (b) Angular ® ) (©) Progressive (@) Aligned 2 te an.@ © @ @ 41, Identify the dimensioning technique , the following figure. Ea Sy BLY [#4 8 37. If dimensioning of a drawing is Miz x| | 8 1.2 ORH then what is the moaning of 1’? || (@ Metric thread _(b) Diameter of thread © Pitch of thread (@) Tolerance of thread | | An.@ © © @ ————— 88. Which of the following dimensioning ‘Rigaad have 2 common reference? or ee 1 ee ¢) Funes @) Parallel (&) Combined An one (angen (© Coordinate (@ None of the above ._ eo 9 ® a |. Which is auxiliary dimension o' An.@ © © © following figure? 89. If dimensioning of a drawing is M12 x 1.2 CRH then what is mean of ‘C’? @) Metric thread (b) Diameter of thread (© Pitch of thread (@ Tolerance of thread ° bey An.©@ © © @ 73. The length to width ratio of closed filled | 2. arrowhead is : (@ 21 (3:1 ‘Kaa () 1:3 (@) 1:2 3. Ans.©@ @ © @ Stare Wuetuer ‘True’ or ‘Fase’ Sg i Ans. 1. Two'dimension lines may cross but two extension lines never cross. 4. Ans. True 2, Extension line should extend about Smm | *"* beyond dimension line. 5. Ans. True 3. A letter R ig the prefix to the dimension | A”® of diameter 6. Ane. False Ans 4. Arrowhead is the line connecting a view | 7, to a note. Ans. False ‘Ans 5. Tho dimension value for radius of arc| , should be given by CR. Z Ans. False ‘ 6. The taper on a shaft is indicated along ns the centre line. 9. Ans, True 1. In chain dignensioning all the dimensions Ans are shown from a common base line. 10. Ans.False "8. Dimension line is a thick continuous line. Ans. False Ans. "9. The length to width ratio of an close | 11. filled arrowhead is 1°3. Ans. False Ans. 10. Arrowhead is not used to both sides of | 12. dimension line. Ans. False Ans. QO Porm rue sans 13. 1. Two types of dimensions needed on a drawing are ___ and __ Ans. size, location Ans. Dasexstommna | 87 axis, base line ‘A symbol __ is prefixed to a dimension value of diameter 6 The specified length of taper is measure along the __ in case of shaft and along the __ in case of flat piece. “ An or should never be uséd as a dimension line. - .centre line, outline Dimension lines should be never drawn at left 8 mm away from the _ and from_. -outline, each other Dimension value is written above the _ line. dimension As far as possible dimensions should be placed __ the view of drawing. outside As far as possible dimensions should be expressed in __ unit only. mm Each feature should be dimensioned __ only on a drawing. once In unidirectional method of dimensioning horizontal dimension line is _ for placing the dimension. broken Leader lines should be inclined to the horizontal at an angle greater than __ 30° A radius of 25 mm is indicated on the drawing as a__ R25 When a number of parallel dimensions are to be shown near each other, the dimensions should be staggered 88] Enomexnna Deawne Q | Snort Answer Tree Questions 1. If dimensioning of a drawing is written as CSK90° x $11, then explain all the terms. ‘Ans.CSK = Counter Sink 90° = Counter is made on 90° angle $ 11 = Diameter of hole is 11 mm 2. If dimensioning of a drawing is written ‘M12 x 1.2 CRH, then explain all terms. Ans.M = Metric thread 12 = Diameter of thread is 12 mm 1.2 = Pitch of thread C = Tolerance of thread RH = Right hand thread 3. Correct the dimensioning of the following figure. Tdentify the functional, non-functiong, auxiliary dimension in the following gyi: _§— pe pe FY E Ans.A = Functional dimension B = Functional dimension C = Non-functional dimension D = Auxiliary dimension Identify the dimensioning technique; the following figure and convert it in, an aligned angular dimensioning. 4. 62" Ans.(i) Angular unidirectional dimensionit! technique (i) Angular aligned dimensioning technia® to be used. If this is a standard material, its standard designation should be mentioned ‘i) Date of revision (iv) Brief record and initials of the person responsible for revision, Exercises Q Cuoose Tar Correct ANSWER 1, Print of margin line in a drawing sheet is : (a) trimmed size —_(b) untrimmed size (©) both (a) and(b) —_(@) all of the above An@ © © @ 2. Length to width ratio of drawing sheet is : 3. Paper size ‘A,’ has an area of © (a) 0.75 mm? (b) 1 m* © 2m* (@ 0.25 m? A3@©@ @ © @ 4. Number of orientation mark generally . : contained by a drawing sheet is : @ a © 231 (@) two (b) three (e) 1: V2 @ 3:2 (©) one @ four & @eo@o An.@ © © © 98 | Exomezame Draw 5. A typical layout of a drawing shee! not contain : (a) orientation mark (b) centering mark (©) identification mark (® trimming mark Ans.@ © e@@® 6. Grid reference on a drawing aheet provide the following information * (a) location of details, addition, modifications, revisions, ete. of drawing (b) to facilitate the positioning of the drawing when reproduced (©) to facilitate brief record and initi person responsible (@ to facilitate trimming Aw.@ © © @ 1, A title block does not provide which of the following information? (a) Name of the legal owner (b) Drawing sheet number (©) Angle of projection used (®) Explanation of eymbols used An.@®@ © © @ 8. An item list on a drawing sheet ic 1 provides which of the following information? (0) Name of the company, title of the drawi scale and angle of projection ied (b) Item, description, quantity and material (© Explanation of special 5; nat mbol abbreviations and unite of dimeneione, (d) All of the above su® @ © @ 9. In the engineering aystem of i which of the following ia 'A,’ aise Po (a) 841 mmx 1189mm (®) 594mm x 841mm (©) 420 mm x 594 mm @ 210mm x 297 mm An.©® © @ © t does jals of the a drawing sh, gion tables on a formation : 10. Revit es 01 provide following 12 (a) date of revision (b) designation of revision (@) initials of the person responsible » revision all of the above An.@ © © @ 11, The A, sizo of drawing shoot has t, following trimmed size * (a) 841 mm x 1189 mm (b) 420 mm x 594 mm (©) 594 mm x 841 mm @ 297mm x 420mm Aw.@ © @ © 12, Which of the following is preferred : certain the statement. “All dimension x in millimeters unless otherwise specified (a) Frame and borders (b) Title block (c) Item list (@) Revision table An.©@ @ © @ 13. The space for text on drawing sheet doe not provide the following information (s) Name of the company, title of the draw scale and angle of projection used. Explanation of special symbols, abbreviati and units of dimensions Instruction related to material, surf” treatment and assembly placing Reference made to and ether document ee ee An.®@ © © @ 14. Tho oi: it F ieee ae title Block for all sizes? (@) 185 mm x 65 mm (&) 185 mm x 55 mm (©) 189mm x 40 mm @ 120mm x 130 mm A2.@-© © @ @) o) © @ 4

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