Perrycollins,+84-90 (WALKER)

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The Canning of Grapefruit

Seth S. Walker, Exchange Supply Compdriy, Tampa

For a number of years those who are ticle is not available; grapefruit is actually
interested in the citrus fruit industry of improved when properly canned.
Florida have been seeking an outlet for Canned grapefruit is a quality product,
the off-grade fruit, particularly grape and this is no doubt the chief factor in
fruit. Much experimentation has been its phenomenal success. But there are
done and a good many commercial vent other features which differentiate it from
the juice and marmalade which were the
ures have been launched along the lines of
chief citrus fruit products formerly man
marmalade and juice manufacture, but
ufactured. In comparing the canned fruit
these have usually resulted in failure or,
with juice it might be argued that the
at most, a rather indifferent success. So
juice constitutes the real essence of the
many hopes have been blasted and so many
fruit, containing all the flavor and food
thousands of dollars lost in these ven value; that the flavor and freshness may
tures that the entire subject of citrus fruit be preserved in the juice just as well as
products fell into disrepute. In view of in the meat of the fruit. There is more
this situation nothing but a very unusuaJ or less truth in this, but nevertheless it
product could arouse the slumbering in seems much more feasible to market this
terest and revive activity in the fruit prod flavor and freshness in solid form rather
uct work. than as a liquid. The public is so used to
Such a product is canned grapefruit. being duped with artificial fruit drinks
Seldom has a food product of any kind that they are skeptical regarding the gen
been introduced to the consuming and the uineness of any liquid product; when the
investing public that has met with such solid meat of the fruit is offered to them
immediate and universal approval; and its genuineness is obvious and no argu
in the realm of canned fruits grapefruit ment is needed. Moreover, it requires a
is unique. Not only is it more like the relatively small amount of juice to satisfy
natural fresh fruit than any of its com the average consumer's thirst, but that
petitors, but good authorities state that same consumer will develop an almost un
it is the only canned product which is limited capacity for the canned article.
liked by everybody at first acquaintance, Go home and try it on yourself! The juice
and which nearly everybody likes better is, at most, a beverage—to be taken at
canned than fresh. In other words, most soda fountains or incidental to a meal; the
canned fruits are looked upon as a substi solid fruit meat, with a few simple acces
tute, to be used only when the fresh ar sories, constitutes the meal itself.

Marmalade is even less attractive than that tin cans were not introduced into the
juice as a quantity outlet for our off- citrus fruit products industry long ago.
grade fruit. A very few carloads of fruit At any rate, the honor of making that
will make all the marmalade that can prof introduction went to our neighbor to the;
itably be sold in competition with the flood south of us, Porto Rico. Porto Rico was
of apple-base jams and other concoctions in somewhat the same situation with her
now on the market. grapefruit that Hawaiia was with her
pineapples some twenty years ago. Being
A very great handicap to both the juice
an island, located far from the consuming
and the marmalade industries has been the
centers which could be reached only by axi
cost of glass containers. The tins which
uncertain water haul, she had many dif
are used for canning are much cheaper
ficulties in marketing the fresh fruit. She
than glass both in price and in freight
was not burdened by Florida's handicaps
of expensive labor and too much expert
Summarizing what has been said so far, knowledge. And so, not knowing that
it appears that the chief points which dis the thing couldn't be done, she went
tinguish canned grapefruit from other cit ahead and did it and got away with it
rus fruit products are its physical form— splendidly!
being the solid meat, free from bitter rag The first grapefruit canning was done
—and the fact that it is marketed in tin in Porto Rico in the season of 1919-20,
rather than in glass. One naturally asks, by a concern known as the Yankee Prod
"Why were these points so long in being ucts Co. This company operated for two
developed?" years and then changed its name to "The
In the first place, to those of us who Arecibo Grapefruit Co." Their lead was
were experimenting with fruit products quickly followed by the Spanish American
it did not seem possible that the grapefruit Fruit Co., and in the early part of 1922
meats could be removed from the bitter several other companies began operation.
membranes without so much expensive Still other factories were opened the fol
hand labor as to make it prohibitive. As lowing year, and it is said that there will
regards the tin cans, we, in our great wis be at least nine factories in operation in
dom (!) were positive that it would be Porto Rico during the 1923-24 season.
ridiculous to use tin for such an acid The Porto Rican production has grown
product as grapefruit. As recently as from a very small beginning in 1919-20
October, 1921, one of the foremost chem to six thousand cases in 1920-21, forty or
ists connected with the canning industry fifty thousand cases in 1921-22, and about
in America advised me that, although he two hundred thousand cases in the season
had had no experience with grapefruit just closed.
canning, he was sure the product was too In Florida the first successful grape
acid to be kept in tin for any length of fruit canning was done by the Polk Com
time. It was largely because of these two pany at Miami two or three years ago.
factors—expensive labor and the belief This was the only factory operated in
that citrus fruits were too acid for tin— Florida previous to the present season

which ba$ witnessed the entry of at least of a knife.., Of course the object in all of
five additional companies into the field these methods is to separate the segments
and the establishment.of about seven fac of fruit a& whole as possible from the
tories, with a total output of approximate bitter parts and seeds, and to do this with
ly 150,000 cases. The indications are that a minimum of waste and hand labor.
this number will be more than doubled The fruit segments are either packed
next season. directly into the cans by the same girls
California, has also produced some who do the separating, or they are passed
canned grapefruit for the first time this on to other girls who inspect them and
year, but I am not familiar with the de carefully pack them by hand. So far as
tails of the situation there. I know, none of the factories is using
Naturally in a jiew industry such as a filling machine since the fruit segments
this, with no precedents or standards for are too delicate and easily broken to be
guidance, there is great variation in the handled by machinery.
factory, methods employed. In fact it Nearly all of the factories are using
may be said that there are almost as many more or less sugar in the canned grape
methods as there are factories. As al fruit. Some of them add the sugar in
ready stated, one of the chief difficulties dry form, depending upon the juice which
to be overcome is the separation of the "bleeds" from the fruit to furnish the
segments or meats of the fruit from the necessary liquid; others add a syrup made
peel and bitter membranes. This has been from juice and sugar; and others use a
accomplished in a number of different plain water syrup.
ways. In some factories the thick skin, After the cans are packed and syruped
together with the circumferential mem they are exhausted either by heating in
brane, is sliced off with a sharp knife; in a water bath or in a steam box. The ob
others the same result is accomplished by ject of the exhaust, of course^ is to drive
means of a curved knife which fits the the air out of the can and expand the con
contour of the fruit and removes the peel tents so that when the can is sealed and
practically in one piece; in still others the afterwards cooled to room temperature it
fruits are cored and quartered and the will contain a partial vacuum. The ex
curved knife is applied to each quarter haust is recognized as an important step
separately. In some cases the peeling is in practically all canning operations, but
done in two operations, the thick peel it is perhaps of unusual importance in
being* first removed by various devices, the case of grapefruit.
and the thin circumferential membrane The exhausted cans are sealed ^vhile
then removed either by a knife or chem still hot and are then given another heat
icals. ing, known as the "process." The va
After peeling, the fruit is sometimes rious grapefruit canning factories are us
cored in order to separate the segments ing a number of different types of process
from each other more easily with the fin ing equipment. Some have the old style
gers, and sometimes the segments are re open kettles into which baskets filled with
moved from the uncored fruit by means cans are dipped; at least one is using a

patented continuous cooker of standard gressed beyond the experimental stage, it

type; and still others are passing the cans is still very young and no doubt is still
oft conveyors through open tanks of hot far from that degree of perfection which
water. There is said to be a considerable will come with experience. It will be nec
difference in the time and temperature essary to go through a period of trials
of processing, as well as exhausting, used and vicissitudes before this new infant,
at the various factories. husky though he may be, finds his stride
After processing, the cans are cooled in and takes his rightful place along side of
cold water and are ready to be labeled and his close relative, canned pineapple. In
sold. Just as with all canned goods, they the meantime it behooves us to treat the
should be stored for a week or more be infant with every consideration. We must
fore shipping so as to sort out any leakers not impose unduly upon his apparent
or swells that may develop. strength, but must coddle and foster this
Up to the present time practically the strength lest we nip it in the bud. "Qual
only size of can used for grapefruit has ity first" should be the slogan of every
been the standard No. 2, which holds one who contemplates taking a part in the
twenty ounces net. A few attempts have new industry. It is here to stay in spite of
been made to use No. 10 (so-called gallon all adversities, but the speed of its growth
size) cans, but these have not been very can be greatly hampered by even a little
successful. The trouble seems to have carelessness or negligence. The consumer
been that the amount of heat used to ster who has never seen canned grapefruit is
ilize these large cans through to the center going to form his opinion of the new
overheated and damaged the product. product by the first can that falls into his
In conclusion I will say that, although hands. Let us make it impossible for that
the grapefruit canning industry has pro opinion to be other than a good one!

C. E. Stewart, Jr., in chair: Are for example grapefruit, plums, apricots,

there any questions you would like to or even oranges, whenever heated to any
ask Mr. Walker? We have invited here thing like boiling point, have chemical
today seven or eight gentlemen who are changes taking place, that make the fla
associated with other canneries and a vor unrecognizable to any one that has
government man in the Food Inspection tasted the fruit. It seems to me it takes
Department, and some people who have a rather low temperature to avoid that
been to Porto Rico investigating the sys change.
tem there. I believe Mr. Walker is ready Walker: So far as I know the lowest
to answer any questions if you want to temperature is 180 degrees Fahrenheit,
ask him. but some use thq boiling temperature.
Member: I would like to inquire at It varies between 180 and 212. Each
what temperature the grapefruit is man thinks his own particular way is the
canned? So many of our acid fruits, best.

.Stewart: I want to introduce Mr. splendid outlet for this product; The
Ralph Polk who was the first one to product has all the quality, and all of the
start the canning industry ny Fldridla, promising features that ^e get from the
starting it in Miami. Hawaiian Pineapple.
Polk: Calling up the question, I want The big question is that of quality.
to say I eat fresh grapefruit every morn You know that a new business of this
ing for breakfast. On the other hand I sort has some glamour to it and it at
have three warehouses filled with canned tracts two classes of people. One is the
fruit. I don't think any one has ever promoter and the other is the man who
thought that the canned grapefruit has made a failure of everything he has
would be a competitor of the raw prod tried. If the influence of these men
uct. But it gives the women something should prevail, the industry is going to
to use at the beginning of a dinner or as have a severe jolt. I think the State
a salad in these days of dining and card really needs to consider this feature, se-:
attractions. The ladies want to save la riously, and it seems to me that in en
bor. couraging this enterprise, care should be
I am not yet convinced that the experi taken as to encourage only those who
mental stages of grapefruit canning have really understand something of canning,
been entirely passed. The business is and something of the control of a pro
absolutely in its born state up to today, duction of the product.
and many difficulties are still to be met As I drive over theState, I see many
in canning this product. One difficulty new grapefruit canning plants which are
is that of pin holing in the can. It orig going to increase in number in the next
inally developed in about five to eight four or five years. If this matter of
months after the product was in the tin. quality is maintained in these canneries,
The products we have canned in Miami, I believe the industry will be safe.
have so far shown no signs of pin hol Stewart: I am going to call upon Mr.
ing; at the same time I cannot help re Wagner of the American Can Company,
membering in 1894 that my father in who has spent a considerable time in the
curred a $60,000 loss in one year because study of quality and of the needs of the
the manufacturers of chemicals gave industry for starting right.
him impure chemicals that caused black Wagner: Before I rose, Mr. Clark
corn. The corn canning industry is hav whispered in my ear that I guess we have
ing trouble now with black corn. not left much for you to say, which is
So we feel, in so far as we are con right. It might be interesting for you
cerned, that the industry is not an indus to know something of the competitive
try which is up to date. At the present feature of canning here and canning in
time the market is not over crowded. Porto Rico. The biggest point of inter
Porto Rico packed five tons last year. est lies in the labor question. Our labor
To that California added a new variety. is higher than theirs. Women workers
I believe that ultimately there will be a receive from 4^ to 6 cents per hour, and

the men from 50 to 70 cents a day. Often 200,000 cases this year and hope to reach
we have thought that they were worth 500,000 next year, and in ten years
just about that much, and they are not they hope to ship one million cases.
over intelligent. You can teach them to Stewart: That may be disturbing in
do a certain thing in a certain way, but formation to you but you may be sur
if you want to change that method, you prised to know that the number of cases
surely have a job on your hands. In of canned pineapple sold in the United
1919 and 1920, cull fruit was purchased States last year was 500/200,000
for. $14.00 per ton, and during the past We will now hear from Mr. LeFevre,
season it was bought at $25.00, and went manager of the Winter Haven Fruit
as high as $28.00 per ton for graded Products Company.
fruit. There are at present eight canner Lefevre: I don't have very much to
ies and two more in readiness for next say, but will say that we have packed
year. Only two of those factories are up to date, 33,000 cases, meaning 1%
situated on the railroad; all of the other million of grapefruit. We expect to
canneries must truck to the shipping pack a total of 50,000 cases and are
dock. We do have, however, some heavy working day and night on better meth
trucks that help out. ods to improve the quality of canned
It is needless to say that the canning grapefruit. I believe with Mr. Stewart,
of grapefruit has been a wonderful thing that in the" next five years at least one
to Porto Rico. They have always had million cases of grapefruit will be canned
trouble with shipping conditions. Dur in the State of Florida. We will, how
ing the war many ships sailed, leaving ever, have to educate the people to eat
the fruit standing on the dock because grapefruit out of a can. I wish that
there was no room for it aboard. The when you people pass through our town
growers are still meeting that same con you would drop in and see what we are
dition. At the present time there is only doing. I have some very able men help
one ship that is properly equipped with ing me.
refrigeration. It is needless to say that Stewart: I will ask Mr. Moffett of
the growers are not surprised when they Orlando to say just a word.
get the news that their shipments have Moffett: Mr. Stewart says we have
arrived in New York with a high per two minutes; therefore, I shall beg your
centage of rot. At the present prevail indulgence if I refer to two points which
ing prices, the canneries provide a won have already been spoken of. One by
derful protection to the grower. If he Dr. Phillips. He has stated that not 50
cannot get $3.00 to $3.25 for fruit in per cent of the people who eat grapefruit
New York, it is more profitable to take in this country know whether it is a Flor
even his first grade to the canneries. If ida grapefruit or a California grape
the market is low he can save that fruit fruit. I agree with him thoroughly. I
by preserving it in tins. Next year Porto am interested in mentioning this because
Rico has set a goal. They packed around I happen to be a Florida product who

knows grapefruit and I am very much the citrus end. I can safely say that we
interested in seeing our State go forward are throwing away immensely more val
to the front. Until recently our fresh ues than we are ushig. I am looking for
grapefruit has been kept out by the State ward to the day when our canneries will
of California. Last summer when I went utilize the by-products.
to New York with samples of my canned With reference to canning of grape
grapefruit it was taken up by one of the fruit, there is no secret about it; it is
Journals and notice given which brought very simple. If one has clean utensils
in a flood of letters from California and a good reliable thermometer, he can
merchants and brokers and I had offers can grapefruit. I am operating a little
for more orders for Florida grapefruit factory here in Orlando. I mention it
coming from California than I could for this reason, that it will verify my
possibly turn out. statements and justify the protection
Another point which I would like to that is needed in a packitig: house. There
touch on is the question asked the gentle is scarcely a grower in the State of Flor
men over-here as to the by-products that ida who will not be able to use all of
are being thrown out. There was a time their culls by putting themN in cans and
when the canning of grapefruit in it making an A-i article, as has been said.
self required a long, close study and ap This industry is destined to be the great
prenticeship. I happened to go in with est industry in the State of Florida. I
my father when I left College and later have been enthusiastic over this because
went over to Europe and was in a busi I have predicted that things are going to
ness which brought me very closely to happen.

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