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Unit 2 Short Test 1A

1 Write the second sentence, using the 2nd, 3rd or mixed conditionals.
1 Why didn't you study more? _________________________________________ (if you / work / a bit harder / you / get /
into university)
2 We're protesting about the election last month. _________________________________________ (this government /
not be / in power today / if / they / not cheat / in the election)
3 Of course we want you to come to the party next week. _________________________________________ (we / not
invite / you / if / we / not want / you there)
4 Arsenal have got a really good football team this year. _________________________________________ (it / not
surprise me / if / they / win the cup)
5 Danny stopped being the band's manager months before they became famous.
_________________________________________ (if / he / not left / them / he / be / rich now)

Mark: ___ / 5

2 Complete the sentences with the words below and the correct form of the verbs in brackets.
had in case provided what were

1 ________________ if you had a really big problem, who ________________ (you / go) to for help?
6 ________________ Tom realized how boring this job was, he ________________ (not apply) for it.
7 I ________________ (take) my passport with me _______________________ they ask me to prove my identity.
8 We told them they could use our house for the party ________________ that they ________________ (not make) a
9 ________________ I very wealthy, I ________________ (buy) a private island to live on.

Mark: ___ / 5

3 Choose the correct words to complete the mini-dialogues.
Matt Have you ever read the Hunger Games 1novels / poems or seen the films?
Rachel Both actually, but I prefer the books because the characters are more 2realistic / evocative and believable.
The hero, Katniss Everdeen, is a character I can really 3identfiy / believe with because like her, I'm very
interested in archery and survival games.

Lyra Are you reading Stephen King? I find his books very 4macabre / natural and frightening!
Pete Yes, they can have quite 5chilling / tedious descriptions in them. But I'm used to reading horror, and I enjoy
it. I don't really like very 6light-hearted / nail-biting stories.

Mark: ___ / 5

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Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 1 Unit 2 Short Test 1A
4 Rewrite the sentences using words and phrases in brackets and making any other necessary changes.
There is one extra item in the box which you do not need.
cut a long story short hinge point of view touching unconvincing

1 Mark Haddon's novel is told through the eyes of a young boy with a disability.
10 I didn't find the story very believable.
11 Summing up, I'd really recommend the book.
12 It's certainly a book that will make you very emotional.
13 The whole plot is built around a case of mistaken identity.

Mark: ___ / 5

Total: ___ / 20

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Solutions Third Edition Advanced Tests 2 Unit 2 Short Test 1A
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