A Comprehensive Evaluation of The International Competitiveness of Startegic Minerals in China - Australia - Rusia - India - The Case of Rare Earths

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Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

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A comprehensive evaluation of the international competitiveness of

strategic minerals in China, Australia, Russia and India: The case of
rare earths
Qing Guo *, Wenlan You
School of Economics and Trade, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies, Guangzhou, 510006, China


Keywords: Rare earths serve an irreplaceable and vital role in the development of many strategic and prospering high-tech
Rare earth resources sectors as a key raw ingredient for the creation of high-tech products. The continued rise in global demand for
Competitiveness rare earths is putting enormous pressure on the existing rare earth supply chain. The rare earth reserves of China,
Australia, Russia and India are among the world’s leading countries. To systematically evaluate the competi­
Combinatorial empowerment method
Projection pursuit method
tiveness of these four countries’ rare earth industries, this paper uses the projection pursuit method and the
improved TOPSIS (Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to an Ideal Solution) model to create a new
multidimensional evaluation index to assess the international competitiveness of rare earth resources exported
by these countries.The findings revealed that: (1) China is the most competitive in rare earths, Australia is the
fastest growing competitive, and Russia and India are less competitive; (2) there are differences in the compo­
nents of rare earths competitiveness among the four countries: China’s economic accumulation and trade are
firmly in first place, while Australia’s infrastructure is its main driving force to improve its rare earths
competitiveness, Russia is more competitive in science and technology innovation, and India lags behind the
other three countries in terms of competitiveness in most dimensions. In response to the above findings, this
paper put forward corresponding policy recommendations.

1. Introduction competitiveness (Li et al., 2005). In recent years, several global mining
companies have been working to establish sustainable value-added rare
As an important material basis for the survival and development of earth element (REE) supply chains to compete with China (Barakos
human society, strategic mineral resources are an important support for et al., 2022), and some countries may be displacing China’s exports of
national economic development and occupy an extremely important rare earth products (Sanyal et al., 2013). Therefore, it is essential to
position in national security, while rare earths are one of the most analyze the competitiveness of China’s rare earth industry. The impact
important strategic minerals in the world today (Zhang, 2022). Since of the COVID-19 pandemic on the trade environment has to some extent
2008, the United States, the European Union and Japan have issued cut off the world’s original rare earth supply chain and may facilitate the
reports that rare earth elements have been identified as the key materials restructuring of the original competitiveness pattern. According to the
for the development of strategic emerging industries. With the rapid United States Geological Service (USGS), Australia ranks third in the
growth of the green energy market and the widespread adoption of new world in terms of rare earth production, closely followed by India and
products and technologies in the global market, the global demand for Russia. In terms of rare earth reserves, these three countries rank fifth,
rare earths will continue to rise, which puts great pressure on the fourth, and third respectively. In recent times, the Australian federal
existing rare earth supply chain (Zhou et al., 2017). China is a major government has implemented a series of new national mineral resource
country in the rare earth industry and its rare earth industry has shown policies and specific initiatives. The objective is to uphold the global
strong competitiveness, but much of this competitiveness is based on competitiveness of the rare earth industry and maximize the utilization
comparative advantages in natural resources and production costs and of resource wealth. In 2019, Australia released a list of 24 key minerals
will not provide long-term momentum for growth in the industry’s with significant resource potential and production capacity for the

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: guoqing@gdufs.edu.cn (Q. Guo).

Received 4 February 2023; Received in revised form 23 May 2023; Accepted 13 June 2023
Available online 17 June 2023
0301-4207/© 2023 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

global market. In 2008, Russia adopted a rare earth policy that banned 2.2. A study of the factors influencing the competitiveness of rare earths in
foreign investment in the development and production of special metals China
and alloys, including rare earths. In 2019, the Russian government
reduced the tax on rare earth mining from 8% to 4.8% to stimulate Studies on the factors influencing China’s rare earth competitiveness
companies’ enthusiasm for rare earth development, and the Russian rare have mainly focused on national policies. Zhang et al. (2015) found that
earth industry is expected to compete with China in the context of the a series of rare earth export policies introduced by China have effectively
global energy transition (Cherepovitsyn and Solovyova, 2022). Ac­ improved the market dominance and price sensitivity of Chinese rare
cording to statistics, India ranks fifth in the world in terms of rare earth earth resources; Yu and Yi (2013) and Pan et al. (2021) showed that
reserves in 2021 with the capacity to supply countries such as the US on environmental regulations have a greater role in promoting China’s rare
a large scale. India has announced plans to build up rare earth reserves earth export competitiveness. Pan and Wei (2013) analysed data on
in its eastern region in 2020. However, the Indian rare earth industry China’s rare earth trade with 18 countries and found that different types
suffers from a disconnect between the research community and the in­ of institutional distance will have different effects on China’s rare earth
dustry, and lacks the support of a national strategy that would extend exports. Furthermore, certain studies have delved into the analysis of
the rare earth value chain (Chandrashekar and Sundaresan, 2016). For costs and subsidies. For instance, Zhao et al. (2016) discovered that
China, India, Russia and Australia are strong rivals in terms of rare earth Chinese rare earth firms possess a competitive advantage over their US
reserves and high technology, and they are at the center of a geopolitical counterparts in terms of cost structure and revenue profile.
quagmire like China. For example, China-Australia relations have
experienced a gradual deterioration in recent years. In 2018, Australia 2.3. Research on the rare earth industry chain
made a significant move by opting to exclude Huawei and ZTE from
participating in the development of 5G technology in the country. This Some scholars based their analysis on global or multi-country chains.
decision was influenced by trade frictions between China and the United For example, Tang et al. (2022) discovered that Pacific Rim countries
States; the China-india border conflict has a long history; the like China, the United States, and Japan dominate the trade network of
Russia-Ukraine conflict is the most significant event in the international rare earth resource-based products. Salim et al. (2022) offered four
geopolitical and security arena since the end of the Cold War, and it has measures to increase the supply security of rare earth resources: circular
also propelled the China-Russia relationship into a new phase. Rare economy techniques, supply chain agility, domestic supply building,
earths are essential for many military and weapons manufacturing and and investigating resources outside land-based mining. Klossek et al.
are closely related to national defence security. The political environ­ (2016) investigated a variety of distortions in rare earth markets,
ment of each country will largely affect the demand for rare earth including conflicting political and economic models, resource nation­
products in each country, and thus the development of the rare earth alism, market opacity, lack of trust, and inadequate collaboration,
industry. Therefore, an analysis of the international competitiveness of among others. Feng et al. (2012) compared the differences in industrial
rare earth industry in these four countries is conducive to a deeper un­ competitiveness between China and Japan, suggesting that China’s in­
derstanding of the international status of each country’s rare earth in­ dustrial upgrading and R&D of high value-added products should be
dustry, and also helps to understand the changing trends of the further strengthened. Zhu and Hou (2017), Liu (2016) argued that rare
international competitiveness of each country’s rare earth industry. earth permanent magnet materials are an important component, but
there exist differences between China, the US and Japan in terms of
2. Review of the literature high-end applications and R&D of rare earth materials.
There were also scholars who analysed the industrial chain of indi­
The search reveals that the existing related research directions vidual countries in depth, For instance, Yu et al. (2017) conducted an
mainly include the international competitiveness of rare earth resources, input-output analysis to examinethe relationship between rare earth
the factors influencing the competitiveness of Chinese rare earth re­ mining and other sectors of the national economy. The results showed
sources and the rare earth industry chain. that rare earth mining operates as an upstream raw material industry,
exerting a relatively limited demand-driving effect on most industrial
2.1. Research on the international competitiveness of rare earth resources sectors in China. Nguyen and Imholte (2016) found that China’s illegal
rare earth industry has increased its market share, accounting for
A number of scholars have focused on analyzing the potential 22–25% of China’s rare earth supply. Massari and Ruberti (2013)
competitiveness of rare earth resources in specific countries. For showed that China has reduced exports of rare earth metals due to
instance, Pimenova et al. (2022) argued that while China currently environmental needs, leading to a tight supply of rare earth raw mate­
dominates about 60% of the rare earth metals market, Russia possesses rials for the European high-tech market. Singh (2021) argued that the
significant potential to compete in this field. Shi (2012) employed Por­ future development of India’s rare earth industry can be achieved
ter’s diamond framework to analyze the competitiveness of China’s rare through the planned and rational use of different natural resources.
earth industry and concludes that it is not competitive. Kryukov et al. The literature review showed that more scholars have analysed the
(2020) suggested that the COVID-19 pandemic may facilitate a competitiveness of rare earth products and its influencing factors, but
restructuring of the existing competitiveness pattern, presenting an most of this literature is based on national policies. When studying the
opportunity for Russia to shape the competitiveness of its rare earth competitiveness of the rare earth industry in each country, most scholars
industry. Bao (2019) utilized the trade competitiveness index to mea­ only referred to the trade volume of rare earth products in one country
sure the trade competitiveness of rare earth resources in China, India, for research and analysis. Therefore, this paper uses the projection
Canada, Russia, and South Africa. The results indicated that China ex­ tracing method and the modified TOPSIS model to analyze the inter­
hibits much higher rare earth trade competitiveness compared to other national competitiveness of the rare earth industry in these four coun­
countries. Zhang et al. (2022) examined the evolution of the global rare tries, in order to understand the changing trend of the competitiveness of
earth competition landscape and observe that competition is most the rare earth industry in each country, and to enrich the theoretical
intense in downstream industries, with China and Germany displaying research on the competitiveness of rare earth to a certain extent.
significant competitiveness in the downstream chain.

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

3. Data sources and determination of the weights of evaluation identifies the infrastructure dimension(indicators: container port traffic,
indicators railway lines, railways, and cargo transportation). Additionally, it is
worth noting that relying solely on quantitative analysis of a country’s
3.1. Data sources industrial development may overlook certain details. Therefore, this
paper takes into account the approach adopted by Su (2004), who
This paper covers the major rare earth exports from China, Australia, combines qualitative and quantitative methods to evaluate the
Russia and India. In this study, we have selected rare earth data covering competitiveness of the rare earth industry. Taking into consideration the
the EU28 and the rest of the world. As the 6-digit codes may contain availability of data, this study also refers to Xia (2019), who selected the
other mineral products that are not rare earth products, in order to industrial environment as the sixth dimension for measurement,
reduce the interference in the study results due to the type of com­ encompassing qualitative indicators (16) to (18). In summary, this paper
modity, we have chosen 8-digit commodity codes in collecting trade finally selected six dimensions of STI, factors of production, economic
data of rare earth products from each country. The HS codes of rare earth accumulation, industrial environment, infrastructure, and trade situa­
products are shown in Table 1. The HS codes used in this study and the tion, with a total of 18 indicators. The specific division of dimensions
trade data collected were sourced from the CBC Metals website. The and indicators is shown in Table 2. Among them, the data of rare earth
study period is from 2006 to 2020, covering the international financial reserves and rare earth production are from the USGS; RCA, TC, Rare
crisis in 2008, the continuous reduction of China’s rare earth export earth exports are from CBC Metals; the data of the remaining quantita­
quota from 2006 to 2010, the abandonment of China’s rare earth quota tive indicators are from the World Development Index (WDI). To
policy in 2014, and the Sino-US trade war in 2018. quantify the qualitative indicators, this paper employs the Delphi
method, which involves conducting empirical analysis through expert
3.2. Evaluation indicators consultation questionnaires. A total of 15 industry authorities were
invited to participate in 2–3 rounds of expert consultation and evalua­
To study the competitiveness of the rare earth industry in China, tion, ensuring a more consistent set of responses.
Australia, Russia and India, this paper selects rare earth reserves, rare In order to verify whether the selected indicators have validity, this
earth production and rare earth product exports as individual indicators study used SPSS 25.0 to conduct KMO and Bartlett’s test on the selected
of production factors and trade situation. Economic development pro­ indicators, the results are shown in Table 3, the KMO of the data used is
vides financial support for rare earth development and is an important 0.786 (>0.5) and the p-value of Bartlett’s sphericity test is 0.000, indi­
factor affecting the competitiveness of rare earths (Zhao et al., 1998), cating that the data set is very suitable for factor analysis.
and rare earth market consumption receives the influence of industrial
growth rate (Du et al., 2020); the development of social environment 3.3. Determination of weights
reflects whether the environment is suitable for the sustainable devel­
opment of rare earth industry (Yan et al., 2009); production factors are 3.3.1. Entropy method
the basic elements and important guarantee for the development of rare The entropy method determines objective weights based on the in­
earth industry; the core of rare earth industry competitiveness lies in formation entropy of the indicators, which is negatively correlated with
technological innovations (Leng et al., 2021). With reference to the the amount of information it provides. The entropy value method is an
above scholars’ selection of indicators, this study selects relevant in­ objective assignment method with objective advantages, but it does not
dicators involving four dimensions: technological innovation, produc­ reflect the degree of importance attached to different indicators by the
tion factors, economic accumulation, and industrial environment. In participating decision makers. When assigning weights to indicators, the
addition, infrastructure is particularly important in the competitiveness inherent statistical laws and authority values between indicator data
evaluation system of the rare earth industry, and its absence may lead to should be considered. Therefore, this paper adopts a combined assign­
low competitive assessment results (Silva et al., 2018), so this paper ment method that combines entropy value method and projection pur­
suit method to make up for the shortage brought by single assignment.
Table 1 In this study, this paper uses Python for the calculation of entropy
Product names and their HS codes. method weights. The main steps are as follows.
Product name HS Code Product name HS Code
A. Standardization of data across indicators
Rare Earth Ore 25309020 Chlorinated rare earths 28469029
Scandium metal 28053019 Mixed chlorinated rare earths 28469028
Neodymium 28053011 Lanthanum chloride 28469023 Table 2
metal Classification of evaluation dimensions and indicators.
Dysprosium 28053012 Lanthanum carbonate 28469041
Dimensionality Indicators
Terbium metal 28053013 Cerium carbonate 28461030 Economic accumulation (1)Gross Domestic Product
Yttrium oxide 28469011 Dysprosium carbonate 28469043 (2)Population
Lanthanum oxide 28469012 Rare earth carbonate 28469049 (3)Industrial Value Added
Cerium oxide 28461010 Mixed rare earth carbonate 28469048 Factors of production (4)Total Labor Force Participation Rate
Neodymium 28469013 Other cerium compounds 28461090 (5)Rare Earth Production
oxide (6)Rare Earth Reserves
Dysprosium 28469015 Rare earth permanent magnets 85051110 Science and Technology (7)Rare Earth Patents
oxide Innovation (8)Rare Earth R&D Expenditure
Terbium oxide 28469016 Uncut formed cerium iron and 36069019 (9)Non-ferrous metal research employees
other ignition alloys Infrastructure (10)Container port traffic
Cerium 28461020 Cerium iron and other ignition 36069011 (11)Railway lines
hydroxide alloys that have been cut to shape (12)Railroad, cargo transportation
for direct use Trade situation (13)RCA
Rare earth oxide 28469019 NdFeB magnetic powder 72029912 (14)TC
Praseodymium 28469017 Other NdFeB alloys 72029919 (15)Export value
oxide Industrial Environment (16)National Will to Develop Rare Earths
Dysprosium 28469022 Quick-set permanent magnets 72029911 (17)Strength of rare earth backbone enterprises
chloride (18)The degree of perfection of rare earth business
Terbium chloride 28469011 Thorium ore and its concentrates 26122000 environment

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

Table 3 normalized to obtain the projection weights βj . The results are shown in
KMO and Bartlett’s test. column (3) of Table 4. The final combination of entropy weights and
KMO Number of sampling tangibles 0.786 projection weights is performed using the combined assignment
Bartlett’s sphericity test Approximate cartesian 2979.655 method.
Degrees of freedom 153 Considering that there are often more indicators in the project
Saliency 0.000
evaluation and the weights generally do not differ much, in order to
Data source: authors’ calculations based on SPSS 25.0. highlight the importance differences between indicators as much as
possible, this paper selects the multiplicative combination weighting
B. Finding the ratio of each evaluation object under each indicator method, and Equation (1) is the final indicator weights ωj (j is the jth
C. Find the entropy value of an indicator indicator, m is the total number of indicators).
D. Calculation of the weight of each indicator by entropy value αj β j
ωj = ∑
m (1)
The final calculated entropy weights αj as shown in column (1) of αj βj
Table 4.

4. TOPSIS model
3.3.2. Projection pursuit method
Projection Pursuit is a class of statistical methods for processing and
4.1. Find the optimal vector and the Ci value
analyzing high-dimensional data. It’s basic idea is to project high-
dimensional data onto a low-dimensional (1–3 dimensions) subspace
TOPSIS model is called "Approximating Ideal Solution Ranking
and find a projection that reflects the structure or characteristics of the
Method" in Chinese, which is a method to rank the evaluation objects
original high-dimensional data for the purpose of studying and
according to their proximity to the idealized target, and is a distance
analyzing high-dimensional data. In 1974, Friedman and Tukey of
comprehensive evaluation method. The basic idea is to assume the
Stanford University in the US first named the method Projection Pursuit.
positive and negative ideal solutions, measure the distance between
In this paper, the projection pursuit model is constructed based on ge­
each sample and the positive and negative ideal solutions, and get the
netic algorithm, and the final calculated projection directions are shown
relative closeness to the ideal solution, and then rank the evaluation
in column (2) of Table 4. Subsequently, the projection directions are
objects. The specific steps and concepts are as follows.

Table 4
A. The standardization matrix is obtained after normalizing the data
Weighting factors for each indicator.
according to equation (2)
Name of indicator Entropy Projection Standardization of Portfolio
power direction projection weights weights x(i, j) − x(min, j)
x∗ (i, j) = (2)
αj βj ωj x(max, j) − x(min, j)

(1) (2) (3) (4) x(i,j) is the initial value of the jth (j = 1, 2, …, m) indicator for the ith
(i = 1, 2, …, n) sample; x(min, j), x(max, j) are the minimum and
Gross Domestic 0.0728 0.4010 0.7874 0.1158
Product maximum values of the jth indicator, respectively.
Population 0.1353 0.0023 0.0041 0.0011
Industrial Value 0.0945 0.4758 0.9343 0.1782 B. Multiply the normalization matrix with the combination weights
Added yields the normalization matrix R = r(i,j)n×m
Total Labor Force 0.0107 0.0340 0.0663 0.0014
C. Determine the positive and negative ideal solutions
Rare Earth 0.1068 0.4971 0.9762 0.2106 A positive ideal solution means that each indicator is the best value
Production in the sample, and a negative ideal solution means that each indicator is
Rare Earth 0.0647 0.1874 0.3678 0.0481
the worst value in the sample.
Rare Earth Patents 0.0669 0.0037 0.0068 0.0009
Positive ideal solution R+ = {r(max,1) r(max,2) … r(max,m)}
Rare Earth R&D 0.0342 0.0013 0.0021 0.0001
Negative ideal solution R- = {r(min,1) r(min,2) … r(min,m)}
Non-ferrous metal 0.1712 0.0005 0.0005 0.0002
The positive and negative ideal solutions for this study are:
Container port 0.1034 0.5092 1.0000 0.2088
Rþ = {0.9991, 0.9238, 0.9994, 0.9388, 0.9995, 0.9979, 0.9103,
traffic 0.7118, 0.7327, 0.9995, 0.8802, 0.8452, 0.9945, 0.5000, 0.9990,
Railway lines 0.0226 0.0073 0.0139 0.0006 0.8342, 0.7242, 0.8213}
Railroad, cargo 0.0364 0.0033 0.0061 0.0004 R- = {0.0009, 0.0762, 0.0006, 0.0612, 0.0005, 0.0021, 0.0897,
0.2882, 0.2673, 0.0005, 0.1198, 0.1548, 0.0055, 0.5000, 0.0010,
RCA 0.0513 0.0884 0.1732 0.0179
TC 0.0457 0.0002 0.0000 0.0005 0.1658, 0.2758, 0.1787}
Export value 0.1010 0.2495 0.4897 0.0999 D. Calculate the distance of each sample from the positive and
National Will to 0.0987 0.0012 0.0020 0.0004 negative ideal solution.
Develop Rare
The traditional TOPSIS method usually establishes an optimal posi­
Strength of rare 0.0630 0.0009 0.0013 0.0002
tive ideal solution and a worst negative ideal solution, calculates the
earth backbone distance between a study solution and the ideal solution, and thus ob­
enterprises tains the closeness of the solution to the best solution, which is used as
The degree of 0.0508 0.0020 0.0035 0.0004 an evaluation criterion. This method has no strict restrictions on data
perfection of
distribution and sample content, and data calculation is simple and easy
rare earth
business (Kou and Li, 2022). Nowadays, "Euclidean distance" is frequently
environment employed to calculate the proximity of the research solution to the ideal
solution (Luo and Pang, 2011). However, the "Euclidean distance"
Data source: authors’ calculations based on Matlab software.

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

evaluation solution may be close to the negative ideal solution while and the growth rate of these four countries from 2006 to 2020 in Table 6,
being close to the ideal answer (Zhang et al., 2006). To avoid this and use Fig. 1 to clearly show the trend of the Ci index values.
drawback, this study refers to Li et al. (2011) and discards the traditional In the past 15 years, Australia has demonstrated the highest growth
thinking by introducing the Chi-square test idea, assuming that the so­ rate in terms of the competitiveness of its rare earth industry, with a rate
lution set and the ideal solution are in the same set, and solving for their of 34.67%. China, India, and Russia follow closely behind with growth
expected values, and comparing the deviation of the expected values rates of 31.62%, 17.80% and 12.07%, respectively. When considering
with the solution to determine the consistency of the two solution sets. the Ci index values, China consistently maintains a higher position
The Chi-square Distances are used instead of Euclidean distances to compared to the other three countries. India exhibits the weakest
determine the extent to which the solution is close to the ideal solution, competitiveness, while the competitiveness gap between Russia and
and the Chi-square Distances of the solution from positive and negative Australia is relatively smaller. Prior to 2010, Australia was less
ideal solutions are shown in equations (3) and (4). competitive than Russia but started to decline after surpassing Russia
m { } slightly in 2010. However, the difference in competitiveness between
∑ [r(i, j) − e+ (i, j)]2 [r(max, j) − e(max, j)]2
D+i = + (3) the two countries has been diminishing since 2017. It is evident that the
international competitiveness of the rare earth industry in all four
e (i, j) e(max, j)

countries has shown a positive upward trend. Particularly noteworthy is

m { }
∑ [r(i, j) − e− (i, j)]2 [r(min, j) − e(min, j)]2 the significant growth rate of Australia, which currently ranks third in
D−i = + (4)
e− (i, j) e(min, j) terms of Ci index value but displays strong and promising development
prospects for its rare earth industry.
D+ i and Di are positive and negative ideal

solutions respectively; In order to further analyze the competitiveness of each country in
e+ (i, j), e− (i, j),e(max, j)和e(min, j) are calculated by formula (5), (6), various aspects of rare earth industry, this study further measured the Ci
(7), (8) respectively. index of each dimension of the four countries and ranked the four

n countries on these six dimensions of competitiveness in Table 7. In
r(i, j) × r(i, j) addition, in order to observe more clearly the trends in the competi­
e+ (i, j) = ∑
∑m (5) tiveness of each dimension in each country, the evolution of the four
r(i, j) + r(max, j) countries in the different dimensions is plotted in Fig. 2. As can be seen
in Table 7:
j=1 j=1

r(i, j) × r(i, j) (1) In terms of economic accumulation, China and Australia have
e− (i, j) = ∑

m (6) higher Ci index values. China’s economy has experienced signif­
r(i, j) + r(min, j) icant growth since 2006, supported by the demographic dividend
j=1 j=1
and technological learning (Fang et al., 2022). China’s Ci values

n have shown a rapid increase from 0.2517 in 2006 to 0.6251 in
r(max, j) × r(i, j) 2020. Australia’s Ci values have also increased overall, but at a
e(max, j) = ∑
m ∑
(7) slower rate compared to China. Although India’s Ci value is
r(i, j) +
r(max, j) lower, it exhibits an upward trend. On the other hand, Russia’s
current economic development does not align with its interna­

n tional status and influence (Yuan, 2020), with the lowest Ci value
r(min, j) × r(i, j) among the four countries, consistently hovering around
e(min, j) = ∑
m ∑
(8) 0.02–0.04, albeit with a slight increase. Overall, the Ci values of
r(i, j) +
r(max, j) these four countries have been consistently increasing year by
The closeness of the evaluated object to the optimal solution ac­ (2) In terms of trade, the competitiveness of China and Australia
cording to the cardinal distances obtained from Eq (9). fluctuates more frequently, while the remaining two countries
D−i show subtler changes. China has consistently held the first posi­
Ci = ( ) (9) tion among the four countries, while Russia and India have Ci
D+ + D−i
lower values. Although Russia and India rank fourth and fifth,

Table 5 shows the results of the ranking of the competitiveness of

rare earth industries in the Australia, China, Russia and India based on
2020 data. Table 6
Ci Index for China, India, Russia and Australia in 2006–2020.
Year China India Russia Australia
4.2. Dynamic assessment of the competitiveness of rare earth resources
2006 0.5050 0.1860 0.2866 0.2295
2007 0.5372 0.1851 0.2978 0.2496
To further analyze the magnitude and dynamic trends of the inter­ 2008 0.5510 0.1863 0.3080 0.2651
national competitiveness of rare earth industries in the four countries, 2009 0.5391 0.1871 0.3042 0.2664
this paper presents the four countries’ Ci index values from 2006 to 2020 2010 0.5925 0.1886 0.3100 0.3283
2011 0.6690 0.1902 0.3176 0.2875
2012 0.6357 0.1938 0.3212 0.3039
Table 5 2013 0.6331 0.1975 0.3231 0.3046
Competitiveness Ranking of Rare earth by China, Australia, Russia and India in 2014 0.6343 0.2022 0.3270 0.3030
2020. 2015 0.6364 0.2062 0.3285 0.2979
2016 0.6421 0.2110 0.3265 0.2878
Nation D+ D- Ci Rank
2017 0.6419 0.2177 0.3344 0.2944
China 1.3769 2.7290 0.6646 1 2018 0.6600 0.2223 0.3339 0.3060
India 3.0372 0.8519 0.2191 4 2019 0.6669 0.2217 0.3270 0.3098
Russia 2.7555 1.3036 0.3212 2 2020 0.6646 0.2191 0.3212 0.3091
Australia 2.8902 1.2930 0.3091 3 Growth Rate 31.62% 17.80% 12.07% 34.67%

Data source: authors’ calculations based on formula. Data source: Authors’ calculations based on formula.

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

Fig. 1. China, India, Russia, Australia, 2006–2020 Ci Trends in indices.

Table 7
Competitiveness ranking of the four countries in different dimensions.
Year Country A B C D E F Year Country A B C D E F

2006 China 1 1 2 1 1 1 2014 China 1 1 2 1 1 1

India 4 3 4 4 3 4 India 4 3 4 3 2 4
Russia 2 4 1 3 2 2 Russia 2 4 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 3 2 4 2 Australia 3 2 3 2 3 2
2007 China 1 1 2 1 1 1 2015 China 1 1 2 1 1 1
India 4 3 4 3 3 4 India 4 4 4 3 2 4
Russia 2 4 1 4 2 2 Russia 2 3 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 3 2 4 2 Australia 3 2 3 2 3 2
2008 China 1 1 3 1 1 1 2016 China 1 1 2 1 1 1
India 4 3 4 4 3 4 India 4 4 4 3 2 4
Russia 2 4 1 3 2 2 Russia 2 3 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 2 2 4 2 Australia 3 2 3 2 3 2
2009 China 1 1 2 1 1 1 2017 China 1 1 2 1 1 1
India 4 4 4 3 3 4 India 4 4 4 3 3 4
Russia 2 3 1 4 2 2 Russia 2 3 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 3 2 4 2 Australia 3 2 3 2 2 2
2010 China 1 1 2 1 1 1 2018 China 1 1 2 1 1 1
India 4 4 4 3 3 4 India 4 2 4 3 3 4
Russia 2 3 1 4 4 2 Russia 2 4 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 3 2 2 2 Australia 3 3 3 2 2 2
2011 China 1 1 2 1 1 1 2019 China 1 1 2 1 1 1
India 4 4 4 3 3 4 India 4 4 4 3 3 4
Russia 2 3 1 4 4 2 Russia 2 2 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 3 2 2 2 Australia 3 3 3 2 2 2
2012 China 1 1 1 1 1 1 2020 China 1 1 2 1 1 1
India 4 4 4 3 2 4 India 4 3 4 3 3 4
Russia 2 3 2 4 4 2 Russia 2 2 1 4 4 2
Australia 3 2 3 2 3 2 Australia 3 4 3 2 2 2
2013 China 1 1 2 1 1 1 2013 Russia 2 3 1 4 4 2
India 4 4 4 3 2 4 Australia 3 2 3 2 3 2

Data source: Authors’ calculations based on formula. A, B, C, D, E, F represent Factors of production, trade, science and technology innovation, economic accumu­
lation, industrial environment, infrastructure, respectively.

respectively, in terms of rare earth reserves worldwide, India’s 80.53%. The Ci values of the remaining three countries show
annual mining capacity is only about 3000 tons, resulting in a low smaller changes. Australia, with its strong R&D capabilities in
international market share for rare earths. In contrast, Russia has mineral resources, world-class mining engineering schools, and
shown an upward trend. The Russian government reduced the federal scientific and industrial research organizations, is grad­
rare earth mining tax from 8% to 4.8% in 2019 to incentivize ually increasing its competitiveness and ranks second by 2020.
companies to develop rare earths due to their significant trade India’s consistent fourth-place position suggests that the country
potential. Australia’s Ci value demonstrates an overall downward still has significant room for growth in rare earth innovation and
trend, decreasing from 0.2668 in 2006 to 0.0282 in 2020. Addi­ investment.
tionally, political tensions between China and Australia may lead (4) In terms of factors of production, China holds the number one
China to restrict the import of rare earth ores from Australia, position. China is a major player in the rare earth industry,
negatively impacting Australia’s rare earth industry (Wang, leading the world in rare earth resources, production, consump­
2020). tion, and exports (Lee and Dacass, 2022). Exports from China
(3) In terms of STI, China’s growth in this dimension is the most typically account for about 80% of global demand for rare earths
significant, while Australia and India exhibit more stability and (according to USGS). Russia and Australia have lower Ci values
Russia shows frequent fluctuations but with an overall decreasing compared to China, although their rare earth reserves are not
trend. China’s Ci value has risen from 0.3529 in 2006 to 0.6371 in scarce. While Australian manufacturers have increased produc­
2020, indicating a rapid increase in China’s rare earth science tion in their pilot plants, they are still less competitive overall. In
and technology innovation strength, with a growth rate of contrast, India’s Ci value consistently ranks fourth and shows a

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

Fig. 2. Index trends of China, India, Russia, and Australia in different dimension.

decreasing trend. Although India possesses a significant amount earth industry consistently maintains the first position in terms of
of rare earth resources, limited technology results in low rare overall competitiveness, with a Ci value of 0.6646 in 2020. In
earth production. Additionally, despite enjoying a demographic contrast, Australia, India, and Russia lag far behind China, with Ci
dividend, India has struggled to provide sufficient employment values of 0.3091, 0.2191, and 0.3212, respectively, all less than
opportunities, resulting in a low employment rate. half of China’s.
(5) In terms of infrastructure, China consistently maintains its first (2) Across different dimensions, the competitiveness of the four
rank and has shown an upward trend, reaching a Ci value of countries varies widely. China consistently holds the top position
0.8664 in 2020. The improvement of infrastructure is a crucial in terms of economic accumulation and trade. Australia’s
factor driving the long-term development of Australian industries competitiveness is improving in the industrial environment
(Fan et al., 2018). Australia has perennially held the second rank dimension, while its trade dimension is decreasing, but its
in this dimension. However, Russia and India have lower Ci infrastructure dimension consistently ranks second. Russia’s rare
values, ranking third and fourth, respectively. Russia has a rela­ earth industry demonstrates more competitiveness in STI and
tively low proportion of investment in infrastructure, resulting in trade, although its infrastructure dimension still lags behind.
infrastructure construction lagging behind (Chang and Zhao, India consistently exhibits the lowest competitiveness in tech­
2019). India faces challenges such as aging railroad facilities, nology innovation and the industrial environment, but its eco­
stations in disrepair, and opposition from landowners and nomic accumulation is slightly higher than Russia’s.
farmers regarding the construction of railroads passing through (3) From a dynamic perspective, the trends in the competitiveness of
cultivated land. These challenges directly impact the speed of the rare earth industry differ among the four countries. China’s Ci
railroad construction. value has experienced a continuous rise from 0.5049 in 2006 to
(6) In terms of the industrial environment, the competitiveness of all 0.6690 in 2011. Although it declined in 2011, it started to rise
countries is increasing. China remains in the first position, again and reached 0.6646 in 2020. India’s competitiveness fluc­
consistently implementing various policies to promote industrial tuates more frequently, with limited improvement in the rare
governance, transformation, and upgrading in the rare earth in­ earth industry over the past decade, with Ci values of 0.1859
dustry (Zhou et al., 2020). Australia ranks second, and since (2006) and 0.2190 (2020). Australia’s Ci values have fluctuated
2017, it has introduced the National Mineral Resources Explo­ between 0.22 and 0.29 from 2006 to 2016, but since 2016, it has
ration Strategy 2017–2022 and the Roadmap for Unlocking consistently increased to 0.3090 in 2020. Russia’s competitive­
Australia’s Future Development Opportunities, indicating a focus ness has remained relatively stable, with some fluctuations in Ci
on enhancing competitiveness. India and Russia hold the third values over the years, but the changes are not significant, with Ci
and fourth positions, respectively. However, it can be seen that in values of 0.2865 (2006) and 0.3211 (2020) respectively.
2020, their Ci values are all greater than 0.5. In 2015, India
invested $450 million to develop 3 million tons of rare earth 5. Discussion and contributions
projects, aiming to reduce its dependence on China, as reported
by Rare Earth Information. Russia, on the other hand, seeks to Existing methods to measure the competitiveness of a country’s
attract Indian investors to the Far East for rare earth mining, products mainly include the CMS model, TC index, RCA index, all of
highlighting the strong determination of these countries to them only consider a country’s trade data and ignore factors such as
develop the rare earth industry. economic accumulation that play a greater influence on the competi­
tiveness of a country’s industry. Therefore, the multidimensional in­
4.3. Assessment results dicators we established break through the limitations of any single
industry evaluation indicator; in order to overcome the shortcomings of
(1) Taking a static perspective, the rare earth industry in China a single weight, this study uses the combined weights of entropy
demonstrates strong overall competitiveness, while the remain­ weighting and projection tracing method as the final weights of each
ing three countries show weaker competitiveness. China’s rare index; this study discards the traditional Euclidean distance and uses

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

Chi-square Distance to calculate the distance between each scenario and enterprises, research institutions, and market transformation of research
the positive and negative ideal solutions, which takes into account the outcomes. These measures will help China avoid being overtaken by
distance between indicators and between different variables under the Western countries in high-end sectors and promote the overall
same indicator. Compared to the Euclidean distance, the Chi-square advancement of the rare earth industry.
Distance overcomes the influence of correlation between indicators
and improves the discriminatory ability of the model. In addition, this (2) Australia, India and Russia should play to their national strengths
article evaluates the competitiveness of different countries in various and become more competitive
dimensions of rare earths. However, the research findings fail to reflect
the relative competitiveness of countries in different segments of the The components of the competitiveness of the rare earth industry
rare earth industry chain (upstream, midstream, downstream) in a vary from country to country, so each country should play to its
straightforward manner. This could be considered a significant limita­ strengths and avoid its weaknesses. Australia indeed possesses better
tion of this study. Therefore, we believe that future research directions infrastructure compared to other countries, but its competitiveness in
could focus on a more detailed examination of the competitiveness of science, technology innovation, and production factors still has room for
each segment within a country’s rare earth industry chain. improvement. The early implementation of rare earth environmental
regulations in Australia has compelled rare earth enterprises to shift
6. Conclusions and recommendations their operations overseas, resulting in significant hindrances to its rare
earth production(Huang et al., 2022). Therefore, Australia should focus
6.1. Conclusion on strengthening the development of the entire rare earth industry
chain, encompassing all stages from rare earth ore mining to processing
(1) China’s rare earths are more competitive, Australia’s competi­ and application. The government can incentivize enterprises to invest in
tiveness is growing fast, Russia and India are less competitive rare earth processing facilities, enhancing local processing capacity and
reducing dependence on imports.
In terms of Ci value, China has been in the first position, is more India and Russia possess certain comparative advantages in pro­
competitive and has a high annual growth rate of 31.62%. In 2020 the duction factors and should actively pursue international partnerships.
Russia’s Ci value reaches 0.3212, ranking second, but its growth rate is This includes cooperation with other countries and regions, as well as
12.07%, the lowest among the four countries. Australia, despite having a collaboration with major rare earth consuming nations. Additionally,
current value of only 0.3090, exhibits the highest growth rate of 34.67% despite India’s low competitiveness in dimensions such as infrastructure
among the four countries. This highlights Australia’s potential for and economic accumulation, these factors alone cannot facilitate the
further improvement in the competitiveness of its rare earth industry. development of the rare earth industry. India should concentrate on
India’s value is lower than 0.30, and its growth rate stands at 17.80%, developing its economy, improving infrastructure, and enhancing its
indicating that India’s rare earth industry has low competitiveness and technological innovation capacity to establish its own rare earth in­
still has significant room for enhancement. dustry chain.
While Russia demonstrates high competitiveness in technology and
(2) Significant differences in the components of rare earth competi­ innovation, its trade situation and industrial environment exhibit low
tiveness among the four countries competitiveness. The government should formulate supportive policies
to bolster the development of the rare earth industry. These may include
China is firmly in first place in terms of economic accumulation and fiscal incentives, tax preferences, R&D subsidies, and actively expanding
trade, while Australia’s infrastructure is the main driver of its compet­ cooperation with other countries and regions to enhance the develop­
itiveness in rare earths and Russia is more competitive in terms of sci­ ment and trade of rare earth resources.
ence and technology innovation, but has declined in recent years.
Although India lags behind the other three countries on most di­ Author contributions
mensions, it still has some comparative advantage in factors of pro­
duction. Especially in 2020, India discovered high concentrations of rare Conceptualization, Qing Guo; methodology, Qing Guo; software and
earths. formal analysis, Wenlan You; writing—original draft preparation, Qing
Guo and Wenlan You; writing—review and editing, Qing Guo and
6.2. Recommendations Wenlan You; supervision and funding acquisition, Qing Guo. All authors
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.
(1) China should optimize the structure of its export products and
markets Funding

With the importance attached to the rare earth industry by various This research was supported by the National Social Science Foun­
countries, the competition faced by the export of Chinese rare earth dation (21CJL007); the Humanities and Social Science Project of China’s
industry has become more and more intense. While China currently Ministry of Education (20YJC790036); National Innovation and Entre­
holds the first place in the rare earth industry among the four countries, preneurship Training Program for College Students: "Great Power Logic
it is important to recognize that Australia has shown the fastest growth of Rare Earth Development in China: Strategic Security, Key Policies and
rate in competitiveness. Given the competition among global powers Sustainable Development";Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay
and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, China should focus on timely Area Accounting and Economic Development Research Center Project,
adjustments and optimization of the market structure within the rare Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (YGAZD2022-04); Institute of
earth industry to meet the evolving international demand and ensure City Strategy Studies Project, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
sustainable industry growth. Additionally, China’s scientific and tech­ (JDZB202104); Pacific Island Countries Strategy Research Centre Proj­
nological innovation in the rare earth industry lags behind Russia, and ect, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (2021PIC003);Institute for
the competitiveness of China’s rare earth industry is concentrated in the African Studies, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (HX-FZ2022-
upstream segment (Lai et al., 2022). To foster comprehensive industry 2); Asia-Pacific Security and Economic and Political Cooperation
development, it is recommended to increase research and development Research Centre Project, Guangdong University of Foreign Studies
efforts, encourage technological innovation among mid- and down­ (YT2022001); Guangdong Postgraduate Education Innovation Project
stream enterprises, and establish effective collaborations between (2022XSLT027); Philosophy and Social Science Development Planning

Q. Guo and W. You Resources Policy 85 (2023) 103821

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