An Epilogue - Chapter 2 - Spamisspecialham - Voltron Legendary Defender (Archive of Our Own)

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F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Voltron: Legendary Defender

Keith/Lance (Voltron), Curtis/Shiro (Voltron),
Hunk/Shay (Voltron), Acxa/Veronica (Voltron),
Kolivan/Krolia (Voltron)

Keith (Voltron), Lance (Voltron), Shiro (Voltron),
Pidge | Katie Holt, Hunk (Voltron), Coran
(Voltron), Lance's Family (Voltron), James Griffin
(Voltron), Romelle (Voltron)

Additional Tags:
Past Adam/Shiro (Voltron), Past Allura/Lance
(Voltron), lance in denial, Pining!Keith,
Weddings, Post Season 8, Lance realizes his
dreams, Past Krolia/Texas, Kissing, Bonding
Moments, Soulmates, Mating Bond, things will
get spicy, Swearing, Pidge swearing, team punk,
Un poco Espanol, Korean!Keith, Cuban!Lance,
Lance will have a Spanish last name, Status:IT'S
COMPLICATED, Jealous!Lance, Possessive!Keith!,
Love Triangles, Misunderstandings, There may
be... singing, Grand Gesture, Galran culture,
altean culture, courting, Loverboy Lance, touch
starved!keith, Bilingual!Lance, Bilingual!Keith,
Awkward Flirting, Keith's Wolf - Freeform, Kosmo
the Space Wolf - Freeform, Romelle is best
wingwoman, Keith as a Hot Topic boi is canon,
Dancing, Dirty Dancing, Dating, Bachelor Party,
Eventual Smut, Slight Omegaverse, Bottom Keith
(Voltron), Dirty Talk, Daddy Kink, Lotura -
Freeform, Merla (OC), Alternate Universe
Crossover, Alfor (Voltron) - Freeform
Published: 2018-12-23 Updated: 2021-05-15
Words: 48729 Chapters: 27/? Comments:
178 Kudos: 829 Bookmarks: 120 Hits:

An Epilogue

Chapter 2: New Dreams

“Lance, please, put that down.”

“But everything has to be perfect!”

Lance set the vase of roses down

on the coffee table for the fifth
time that day, deciding that it was
a better place than at the side
table. He then shot Hunk, who
had taken over his kitchen, a
playful grin.

He, Hunk, and Pidge were all at

his apartment because they were
having a little reunion before the
week of events leading up to Shiro
and Curtis’ wedding.

It was also sort of a

housewarming party for Lance, as
he had decided to come back to
Earth a few months ago after
making sure that everything with
the Alteans had been set up.
While Lance had enjoyed his time
with them and with Coran…

He missed the Earth more.

He missed Varadero… his family…

hell, he even missed the Garrison.

Thank you so much for all of the
kudos and views. I've also
received some great feedback
from my fave Insta artists from
the Klance community!

Again, I haven't seen season 8,

but I feel like this would happen. I
wanted to hear a little bit more
from Coran Coran the Gorgeous
Man. He deserves to be
appreciated. Not to mention some
appreciation for Team Punk!

Merry KLANCEMAS everyone!

(See the end of the chapter for more

“Lance, please, put that down.”

“But everything has to be perfect!”

Lance set the vase of roses down on the coffee

table for the fifth time that day, deciding that it was
a better place than at the side table. He then shot
Hunk, who had taken over his kitchen, a playful

He, Hunk, and Pidge were all at his apartment

because they were having a little reunion before
the week of events leading up to Shiro and Curtis’

It was also sort of a housewarming party for Lance,

as he had decided to come back to Earth a few
months ago after making sure that everything with
the Alteans had been set up. While Lance had
enjoyed his time with them and with Coran…

He missed the Earth more.

He missed Varadero… his family… hell, he even

missed the Garrison.

It was Coran’s suggestion that Lance moved back.

The elderly man had been so kind to be such a
guiding force when Lance felt so lost after Allura’s
death and Keith’s departure with the Blade.

“Lance, my boy.”

Lance turned to see Coran standing next to him,

not noticing his presence because he was
engrossed looking at one of the flowers he was

“Yeah, Coran? What’s up?”

Coran placed a hand on his shoulder, “Do you have

dreams, Lance?”

“Uh, I think I do?” Lance shrugged as he placed the

flower in his breast pocket, “I mean, I had a dream
that Kaltenecker was piloting the Atlas and we were
all dressed up as Teletubbies…”

Lance didn’t want to mention the part where he

dreamt that Keith was dressed up as an adorable
red Teletubby who would cry every time he was
away from Lance…

Or that Shiro was the purple one and tried to fight

some nasty looking Robobeasts while using his
purse like num-chuks.

“Not like those dreams,” Coran shook his head, “I

mean like dreams for the future.”

“Isn’t this my future?” Lance asked, gesturing to

the lands that he and the Alteans were cultivating.
The land was full of life, all rolling green and in

Coran smiled sympathetically, “My boy, I know that

they say Hunk is the most kind-hearted, but I have
always thought you were the kind-hearted one.”
Coran gestured to a bench under one of the trees
and the two men sat down.

“Coran, I’m not…”

“Lance, you have dedicated these past few years of

your life to ensuring that Allura’s dream came true.
You have nothing else to prove… to me… to the
Alteans… no one.”

“But Coran, I like being here… I like my work. I

have a purpose…”

“The Lance I met when he was a lad talked about

how he wanted to be the best space pilot in the
history of the universe,” Coran shook his head, “He
was a loverboy, yes… but he also wanted to be
loved and needed… and chosen first for once, over
duty and over responsibility.”

Lance stared at the other in surprise, not realizing

that Coran had remembered all of the things that
he himself had forgotten.

“When you close your eyes,” Coran continued,

“What do you see?”

Lance was about to ask if Coran had seen many

motivational speaker videos because it sounded
sort of gimmicky, but Lance obliged.

“I see…”

The warm, rough sand…

The bright blue ocean…

His island, El Cocodrilo…

The smiling faces of his family…

The sunset…


A pair of eyes that shined brighter than any star in

the universe…


Lance’s eyes flew open, realizing that last one had

slipped out. He looked at Coran.

“I mean, beating Keith in a race!”

Coran gave a brief dubious look before guffawing,

slapping Lance’s arm, “Sure. That’s what it is. You
know, King Alfor and I used to race all the time.”

“Oh, who would win?” Lance asked.

“We were tied… and then he died,” Coran shrugged,

“So I guess we’ll never know.”


Lance felt bad. He didn’t want to bring up anymore

sad memories for Coran… He had lost more than
enough in a lifetime.

“Hey,” Coran said as he placed a hand on the man’s

shoulder, “I’ll be fine here. You are always welcome
to visit. However…”

Coran got up and offered Lance a hand, “I think it’s

time you go after your own dream… your own
future. It won’t just wait for you… you have to take
it by the hand and never let go.”

Lance was brought back to the present when his

cat, Blue (named after his other beloved cat, of
course), attempted to play with the roses. He
picked her up and chastised her with a boop to the

“Mi Azul, no. You naughty gatito,” Lance said and

then set the cat down on the floor and on the plush
shag rug, away from the temptation of the red

“Hey, Hunk! Is all the food good? You know that

Keith likes his meat… Texan and all… Oh, should we
have gotten some bulgogi? Wasn’t his dad part

Hunk sighed, wiping his hands at the front of his

apron, “Look, I’m sure Keith won’t notice or even
care about the food on the table. He’ll just be
happy that there’s food. That’s the kind of person
he is… unlike you and Pidge, who make requests all
the time. You’re lucky that Shay has been working
miracles for the delivery portion of our business.”

You mean “empire,” you modest dork, Lance

thought to himself, feeling proud of his friend. Hunk
had built a culinary empire that spanned the
galaxy. His cook books were translated into
hundreds, nay, thousands of languages.

But Hunk’s crowning achievement, of course, was

starting his family with Shay, who was pregnant
with their first child, a daughter.

No, Lance had no idea how that worked and wasn’t

sure he wanted to know.

However, back to the present.

“But, Hunk…” Lance whined as he sat down on his

plush couch and hugged one of the navy throw
pillows to his chest, “It has to be perfect. I mean,
we haven’t seen him in four years… and… I just
want to see the look on his annoyingly pretty face
when everything is set up…and…”

Hunk raised his eyebrow, “Lance… stop. Seriously,

bud, what has gotten into you? I know that you had
a thing for Keith once… but…”

Lance blushed, “Asere, I didn’t have a thing for


Hunk rolled his eyes, “You called his face pretty…

you’re worrying about if he’ll be happy about the
set up. You even cleaned his shack. Not to mention,
you ordered Earth clothes for him that you think he
would look good in (and I don’t even want to know
how you know his measurements…). Lance…you
know what… I take that back… you HAVE a thing for
Keith and you’ve got it bad.”

Lance turned bright red, “WE’RE RIVALS! I WANT


Hunk groaned and looked at Pidge, who had

cocooned themselves into the couch, “PIDGE.

Pidge poked out from their blankets where they had

been working on some projects for their research
that needed to be done before the wedding, “Nope.
You deal with this Hunk. You’re the nice one.”

Pidge, bless them, was still a sassy gremlin.

However, Lance had to admit, they were a very
impressive, highly-acclaimed, three PhDs and four
Masters degree owning, Nobel Peace Prize-winning
gremlin. They were still doing work on his couch for
the Garrison and had warned Lance that if he
peeked at their new project, he was going to end
up with a laser pointer to the eye.

Hunk shook his head, “I don’t always have to be

the nice one. YOU could be the nice one.”

“Pretty sure that what I said still stands,” Pidge

rolled their eyes, shifting their glasses on the bridge
of their delicate nose, “You’re the nice one… Keith is
the loner… And Lance is the goofball.”

“HEY! I’m NOT A…”


Shiro smiled as he stood at the entrance of Lance’s

living room.

Their fearless leader… the Champion… Black

Paladin… survivor… was soon going to have one
more title under his belt. Lance felt a swell of pride
and happiness knowing that out of anyone in the
universe, Shiro deserved it.

“Shiro!” Pidge said as they ran over and gave him a

hug, catching the other in surprise and almost
knocking him down, “Where’s Keith?”

Shiro chuckled, returning the embrace, “He just

told me he landed. He should be on his way here.”
Shiro inspected the place, “Lance, you’ve outdone

“Thanks,” Lance grinned, knowing it was true and

he had worked hard to make his bachelor pad
look… like a bachelor pad. Posters of his favorite
baseball players and pictures of his family were all
hung on the walls. He didn’t have a lot of furniture
yet, but it was all coming together.

“I wanna show Mullet that you don’t need to be in

Texas for some ‘Southern Hospitality.’”

Hunk rolled his eyes as he mixed the batter in the


Pidge snorted, “You just want to win him over.

Admit it Lance…”

Lance sputtered, but didn’t have enough time to

retort because the doorbell rang.

Lance stood there in place, eyes wide as he felt his

heart leap into his throat.

Shiro grinned, knowing just who it would be at the

door, “Must be him.”

Hunk and Pidge smirked and looked at each other


“I bet that Keith and Lance are going to take five

minutes before they say something that makes the
other want to run back to space,” Pidge giggled.

Hunk pouted, “Pidge, come on… it has taken so

many years to have them both home… to have all
of us at the same place.”

Pidge nodded, “I know… and about damn time too.”

They then looked at their friend, Lance fidgeting

with the red roses once more, arranging them over
and over until Lance hissed and brought his thumb
to his lips, obviously poking himself on a thorn.

Hunk shook his head, “I’m not making that bet with

Pidge looked at their friend, adjusting their glasses,

“Oh, Shiro already did.”

Hunk laughed, amused by her antics, as usual, “I

missed you.”

Pidge grinned and offered her fist, “Team Punk?”

The taller man smiled affectionately, “Team Punk.”

He then gently returned the fistbump.

“Some things never change,” Pidge said as she

leaned against the counter, hearing the soft voices
of Shiro and Keith approach from the entrance of
the apartment.

Hunk looked at Lance, who was standing in place

and anticipating to take a Polar Plunge while
waiting for Keith to come into the room.

“I hope some things do… because everyone

deserves to be happy.”

Some of the things Lance says in
this chapter:

*El Cocodrilo is what some Cubans

call their home island
*Asere is like "bro"
*Azul is Blue
*Gatito is cat



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Kudos Comments (9)

Zoefffff, Suckmybiscuits, liluger4e,

Takeiteasylife, thedarkbluerose, Nianmary,
Bibby2005, FireBug666, Tat993, aervy,
Hollow_Void, love_on_everyone,
Fandom_Valkyrie, Pigeoninspace5,
aceofspades8, Euny_retri, Lostwish_official,
Keycake, sharpshoota, Nexxia, Jellokoolio,
nanaja3min, dedonmyfeet, Spark_toad,
Astran20010, MarOfTheSeas, Bonk_Pasta,
Pepper_the_puppy_dog, Felcps, ships_of_life,
Keith_Loves_Lance, Margarete1234,
Lanceylover, Phantommass, Color_Guardian,
valxra, yaboy_skinnypenis,
Imtheaceinthedeck, Gingerbread_lady,
vio_writes, I_need_some_coffee,
Blue_jbunny, Parismuffin, akanexz,
JulieandthePhantomsJuke, XxSad_GirlxX,
Snipperrrr46, meliciousaf, roadwork_yes,
TaraG27, and 258 more users as well as 521
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