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ADVANCED PATIENT CARE THEORY 1 ___________________________________
UNIT 1, PART 1: Introduction to ACP Practice
Rob Theriault BHSc., EMCA, RCT (Adv.), CCP(F)
Professor, Georgian College
© Copyright 2010, 2009, 2007 ___________________________________

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Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of unit 1, the student will

demonstrate the ability to:
 Discuss protocols, standing orders and directivesNOCP ___________________________________
 Discuss reasonable and prudent judgmentNOCP
 Discuss effective problem solving [ critical thinking]NOCP
 List the components of a patient historyNOCP ___________________________________
 Define common medical terminologyNOCP
 Discuss triage and identify circumstances under which triage is
 Describe methods of discovering an incident history4.2.c
 Describe common components of an incident history4.2.c ___________________________________

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Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of unit 1, the student will

demonstrate the ability to:
 List methods of discovering a patient’s medical history4.2.d ___________________________________
 Describe common components of a complete medical history4.2.d
 List situations when information about a patient's last oral intake
may be required4.2.e ___________________________________
 List methods of discovering information regarding last oral
 Describe methods of discovering incident information4.2.e ___________________________________
 Explain primary assessment4.3.a
 Distinguish between trauma assessment and primary medical
assessment4.3.a ___________________________________
Slide 4 ___________________________________
Learning Outcomes

Upon successful completion of unit 1, the student will

demonstrate the ability to:
 Evaluate life threatening findings from primary assessment4.3.a ___________________________________
 Analyze initial assessments to determine patient's level of distress
and severity of illness or injury4.3.a
 Infer a provisional diagnosis4.3.a ___________________________________

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Medical Direction

 Must be an emergency room physician who

continues to work in the ER
 The medical director extends his/her license in order
that paramedics may performed controlled acts
 The medical director, through the base hospital is
responsible to ensure:
 paramedics receive adequate continuing medical
education (CME)
 Quality assurance measures are in place - e.g.
chart audits, remedial education.
 has the authority to deactivate/reactive or
decertify/recertify ___________________________________

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Standing Orders

 Pre-authorized medical orders

 Do not require contact with a BHP
 drug, dose, timing, route ___________________________________
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 Broader than a standing order

 Standardized approach to a patient condition
 Describes the sequence of events under which a
standing order is to be carried out
 Incorporates indication(s), conditions, standing
orders, vital sign parameters, etc ___________________________________

Slide 8 ___________________________________
Medical Directives

 Encompasses standing orders, protocols

 Overall direction for a given condition or
 May not necessarily contain a standing order, but a
directive to call a BHP for online direction
 May include policies and procedures – e.g. field

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Reasonable and Prudent Judgment

 Paramedics, like other health professionals, are held

to a set of standards
 ALS Patient Care Standards
 BLS Standards
 Medical Directives (provincial/local)
 “the legal test for negligence (i.e., that of the ___________________________________
reasonable or prudent man having regard to all of the
circumstances) is based on the legal reasoning in
Donoghue v. Stevenson” (Theriault, 2007) ___________________________________
 exercise the care that a reasonable and prudent
paramedic in similar circumstances would have
taken (Theriault, 2007) ___________________________________
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WORKING IN A ACP-PCP CREW ___________________________________

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 Follow a routine
 Treat your PCP partner with respect – as a
colleague, not a subordinate
 Discuss who will do what in advance

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ACP-PCP Roles (e.g. chest pain call)
ACP Lead PCP (non-lead)
 Introduce you and partner  O2
 Ascertain ABCD, c/c, HPI
 Auscultate chest
 Vital signs
 ECG, SpO2 ___________________________________
 Head to toe exam  Start IV (if certified)
 Administer ACP Rx (if  Elicit/gather medications
 Patch to BHP prn
 Elicit Hx from family/bystanders ___________________________________
 Administer ASA & NTG (if ACP
hasn’t done so)
 Prepare stretcher
Slide 13 ___________________________________

When does ACP attend?

 Any time an ACP intervention may be anticipated en
route – e.g. need to IV fluids or medication beyond
simply relief of symptoms
 General rules
 All CTAS 1 ___________________________________
 99% of CTAS 2 (or all CTAS 2 if local policy

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ALS Pre-course Manual

Provincial PCP IV Program Package

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