BM Stake Holders Case Study 1st November 2023

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(a) In the Ecosoluciones non-profit organization case study, one internal stakeholder and three
external stakeholders can be identified:

Internal Stakeholder:
1. Employees/volunteers: The employees or volunteers working directly for Ecosoluciones are considered
internal stakeholders. They play a crucial role in implementing the organization's activities and achieving
its goals.

External Stakeholders:
1. Local communities: The local communities where Ecosoluciones operates are important external
stakeholders. They are directly impacted by the organization's initiatives and projects. Their support and
collaboration are crucial for the success of Ecosoluciones' efforts.

2. Donors/funders: Individuals, organizations, or institutions that provide financial resources to

Ecosoluciones are external stakeholders. Their contributions are critical for the organization's operations
and sustainability.

3. Government agencies/regulatory bodies: Government entities and regulatory bodies are also external
stakeholders. Ecosoluciones may need to comply with regulations, obtain permits, or seek approval from
these agencies for certain projects or initiatives.

These stakeholders all have different interests and expectations from Ecosoluciones, and their
collaboration and engagement are essential for the success and impact of the organization's work.
(b) In the Alumbre project, stakeholders may experience conflicts in two possible areas:
1. Environmental concerns vs. Economic interests:
One area of conflict could arise between stakeholders who prioritize environmental concerns and those
who prioritize economic interests. The Alumbre project aims to extract a mineral resource that may have
potential economic benefits for the region. However, this extraction process can also lead to land
degradation, habitat destruction, and pollution. Environmentalists and conservationists may oppose the
project due to its negative impact on the ecosystem, while local communities or businesses might support
it for the economic opportunities it presents. Balancing these conflicting interests and finding sustainable
solutions that minimize environmental harm while maximizing economic benefits would be crucial for
resolving this conflict.

2. Local community interests vs. Corporate goals:

Another area of conflict may arise between the interests of the local community and the goals of the
company driving the Alumbre project. The project might involve land acquisition or displacement of
residents, which can disrupt traditional livelihoods and cultural practices. Local community members may
resist the project or demand fair compensation, adequate resettlement, or alternative income-generating
opportunities. On the other hand, the company may prioritize profit margins and attempt to negotiate
minimal compensation or push forward with the project despite community opposition. Mediation and
dialogue between the stakeholders, considering community needs and aspirations, can help mitigate these
conflicts and ensure that the project aligns with the well-being of the affected communities.

Addressing these conflicts will require open communication, stakeholder engagement, and a willingness
to find compromise and shared solutions. A comprehensive understanding of the concerns and
perspectives of both parties is crucial for building trust and resolving conflicts in a mutually beneficial

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