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A) Projected sales of the first year

Weight less than or equal to 3 Kg - 9.8 % of the product price

Weight > 3kg 12.8% of the price
Laundry (Round trip) any type of cloth -30 ETB

Month 1: 6,000 ETB

Month 2: 7,500 ETB
Month 3; 10,500ETB
Month 4: 14,000 ETB
Month 5: 18,000 ETB
Month 6; 15,000 ETB
Month 7; 17,000 ETB
Month 8; 20,000 ETB
Month 9 ; 20,000 ETB
Month 10; 21,000 ETB
Month 11; 24,000 ETB
Month 12; 27,000 ETB







Sep Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug

Projected sales
B) Projected income and expenditure statement
Business name -MerkaDorm
Year : 2024/25
Projected income statement:
• Delivering fast foods (like ertib, felafil…) from partner sellers- 73,000ETB
• Delivering clothes, cosmetics, and other products- 122,200 ETB
• From laundry (taking clothes to laundry and bringing them back to customers)-4800ETB

Total revenue- 200,000ETB

- Bicycle price- 5 second-hand bicycles –
=(5 X 7500=37,500ETB)
- Technology development= 30,000 ETB
- Marketing and advertisement-
=12,000 ETB
- Equipment and vehicle maintenance- =12,000 ETB
- Miscellaneous expenditure=5000 ETB
- Total expenditure=96,500 ETB

Net Income (Total revenue- total expenditure)

200, 000 ETB – 96,500 ETB=103,500 ETB
C) Projected break-even point (In deliveries)
Fixed cost- Vehicle maintenance and equipment-1000 ETB/month
Variable costs- 5 ETB/delivery
Average delivery fee- 10 ETB/delivery

Contribution margin /delivery=Delivery fee-variable cost per delivery= 5 ETB

BEP= monthly fixed cost/contribution margin per delivery
1000/5 =200 delivery

D) Projected Ratio
Projected ratio= Annual Profit/Annual Revenue
103,500/ 200,000
=0.518 or 51.8%
Based on our calculation, our projected profit ratio is approximately 51.8%.
This implies that for every 1 ETB of revenue generated, our business is
projected to make a profit of around 0.518 ETB.

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