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Comment Verification Report St.

Joseph's Catholic High School

HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Barker, Ashtyn
S1 First Mark Comment
Ashtyn is a valuable team player, always collaborating and supporting peers. He
consistently submits work on time, showing responsibility and commitment. He
Grade 77 seeks help when needed, demonstrating self-awareness and a desire to learn. I
encourage him to reflect on academic goals and set clear objectives. This can
enhance performance and take learning to the next level.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Batterham, Oliver
S1 First Mark Comment
Oliver is an exceptional student who consistently asks for help when needed.
He actively participates in class activities & brings a sense of fun and
enthusiasm to the classroom. Additionally, he demonstrates a helpful and
Grade 94 supportive attitude towards his peers, making him a valuable team player. I
would suggest that he focuses on setting personal goals for himself & striving to
achieve them. By having a clear direction, he can work towards continuous
improvement and challenge himself to reach new heights.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Beckett, Daelyn
S1 First Mark Comment
Daelyn always comes to class prepared, and submits exemplary work as
evidenced in her10 Commandments Board Game, and in her Catholic Graduate
Expectations task. She consistently asks for help when needed, and creates a
positive and enjoyable classroom environment. She is also a valuable team
Grade 94
player, always willing to lend a hand. I encourage her to take on new challenges
and push herself outside of her comfort zone to maximize her potential. Keep up
the hard work in term two Daelyn.

Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Brabant, Quin
S1 First Mark Comment

10 November, 2023 12:30 AM Page 1 of 8

HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Brabant, Quin
S1 First Mark Comment
Quin has shown great dedication to his math studies, which is evident in his
New Commandment task, and Catholic Graduate Expectations task. Next steps
for Quin include participating more in class discussions. By sharing his thoughts
Grade 92
openly, he can enhance his communication skills, build confidence, and
contribute to a better learning environment. Expressing himself more frequently
will help him develop a stronger voice and become a more engaged learner.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Commanda, Emily
S1 First Mark Comment
Due to attendance issues, Emily has struggled to submit work this term. To
optimize her learning, she is encouraged to attend class regularly so she can
Grade 30
more easily communicate her questions about course work.

Interview requested Y
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility N
Organization N
Independent Work G
Collaboration G
Initiative S
Self-Regulation S
Coules, Kinley
S1 First Mark Comment
Kinley consistently demonstrates a willingness to seek help when needed,
which is a valuable skill that will serve her well in her academic journey To
further enhance her academic journey, it would be beneficial for her to work on
Grade 91
speaking up more often during class discussions. Sharing her ideas and
perspectives will not only contribute to a more inclusive learning environment
but also provide her with opportunities to develop her communication skills.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Crow, Zak
S1 First Mark Comment
Zak consistently comes to class, which is commendable and shows his
dedication to his education. It is great to see his commitment to being present &
engaged in the learning process. To further improve, he needs to come
Grade 30 prepared to class. This includes bringing all necessary materials, & submitting
his work to demonstrate his understanding. Lastly, I encourage Zak to actively
participate in class discussions & not hesitate to ask questions when he needs
clarification or further understanding.

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HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Crow, Zak
S1 First Mark Comment
Interview requested Y
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility N
Organization N
Independent Work S
Collaboration S
Initiative S
Self-Regulation N
Curley, Easton
S1 First Mark Comment
Easton is a dedicated student who consistently comes to class & submits his
work. His sense of humor adds a positive energy to the classroom, making it an
enjoyable environment for everyone. He excels both in independent work &
Grade 61 group projects, showing great collaboration skills as evidenced in his 10
Commandments Board Game. To further enhance his academic progress,
Easton should ask questions about tasks/content to deepen his understanding.
Keep up the hard work into term two!
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Curry, Olivia
S1 First Mark Comment
Olivia is proactive in seeking help and is eager to learn and improve. She also
assists her peers and is responsible and organized with her assignments. She
can improve by participating more in class discussions and group activities. By
Grade 66 sharing her thoughts openly, she can enhance her communication skills, build
confidence, and contribute to a better learning environment. Encouraging her to
express herself more frequently will help her develop a stronger voice and
become a more engaged learner.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Dick, Ella
S1 First Mark Comment
Ella is a dedicated student who consistently comes to class and submits her
work. Her positive energy makes an enjoyable environment for everyone. She
excels both in independent work and group projects, showing great
Grade 81 collaboration skills as evidenced in her 10 Commandments Board Game. To
further enhance her academic progress, Ella should work on asking more
questions about the materials and assignments to deepen her understanding
and engagement with the topics.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)

10 November, 2023 12:30 AM Page 3 of 8

HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Dick, Ella
S1 First Mark Comment
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Ducharme, Serena
S1 First Mark Comment
Serena always comes to class prepared, and submits exemplary work as
evidenced in her 10 Commandments Board Game, and in her Catholic
Graduate Expectations task. She consistently asks for help when needed, and
Grade 97 creates a positive and enjoyable classroom environment. She is also a valuable
team player, always willing to lend a hand. I encourage her to take on new
challenges and push herself outside of her comfort zone to maximize her
potential. Keep up the hard work in term two Serena.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Farrell, Austin
S1 First Mark Comment
Austin consistently comes to class, which is commendable. His commitment to
attending class shows responsibility and a strong work ethic, showing that he
values his education. Austin has struggled to submit work this term, which has
Grade 52 affected his overall grade. To continue growing, Austin should seek help when
needed, contribute more to class discussions, and minimize personal
distractions by putting away his phone during class. Keep up the hard work into
term two!
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility S
Organization S
Independent Work S
Collaboration S
Initiative S
Self-Regulation S
Forstner, Alexis
S1 First Mark Comment
Due to attendance issues, Alexis has struggled to submit work this term. To
Grade 30 optimize her learning, she is encouraged to attend class regularly so she can
more easily communicate her questions about course work.
Interview requested Y
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility N
Organization N
Independent Work S
Collaboration S
Initiative N
Self-Regulation N

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HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Giroux, Aubrey
S1 First Mark Comment
Due to attendance issues, Aubrey has struggled to submit work this term. To
Grade 30 optimize her learning, she is encouraged to attend class regularly so she can
more easily communicate her questions about course work.
Interview requested Y
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility S
Organization S
Independent Work S
Collaboration G
Initiative G
Self-Regulation S
Gold, Micah
S1 First Mark Comment
Micah consistently comes to class, with a good attitude & humour. His
commitment to attending class shows responsibility and a strong work ethic,
showing that he values his education. Micah has struggled to submit work this
Grade 52 term, which has affected his overall grade. To continue growing, Micah should
ask questions so that he can submit his coursework with a better grasp of
concepts covered. With these improvements, he will enhance his performance
and become a more active participant in the classroom.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility G
Organization G
Independent Work G
Collaboration G
Initiative G
Self-Regulation G
Gravelle, Eve
S1 First Mark Comment
Eve consistently comes to class in good spirits, showing a positive attitude that
sets a great example for her peers. In addition, she participates in discussions,
sharing thoughtful insights & asks questions that contribute to the overall
Grade 56 learning environment. In order to continue her growth, she is encouraged to ask
more questions about the materials or assignments when unsure, and come to
class prepared. This will help her deepen her understanding and ensure she is
on the right track to submit all of her work.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility G
Organization G
Independent Work G
Collaboration G
Initiative G
Self-Regulation G
Greer, Piper
S1 First Mark Comment
Piper consistently comes to class in good spirits, showing a positive attitude that
sets a great example for her peers. She creates a positive and enjoyable
Grade 57 classroom environment. She is also a valuable team player, always willing to
lend a hand. Piper should focus on submitting all of her work, and on asking
questions when required to ensure understanding of curriculum concepts.
Interview requested N

10 November, 2023 12:30 AM Page 5 of 8

HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Greer, Piper
S1 First Mark Comment
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility G
Organization G
Independent Work G
Collaboration G
Initiative G
Self-Regulation G
Heins, Noah
S1 First Mark Comment
Noah is a dedicated student who consistently comes to class & submits his
work. His positive energy makes an enjoyable environment for everyone. He
excels both in independent work & group projects, showing great collaboration
Grade 87 skills as evidenced in her 10 Commandments Board Game. To improve, Noah
should work on asking more questions about the material and assignments. By
seeking clarification or additional information, he can deepen his understanding
and engagement with the topics.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Hepburn, Gavynn
S1 First Mark Comment
Gavynn has recently improved in submitting work. To optimize his learning,
Gavynn can further develop his communication and critical thinking skills by
actively participating in class discussions. Additionally, he should come prepared
Grade 70
to class with all of the necessary materials and completed work to fully engage
in activities and discussions. Continued effort can lead to significant progress in
these areas. Let's start term two strong Gavynn.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility G
Organization S
Independent Work G
Collaboration G
Initiative G
Self-Regulation S
Koleshev, Anthony
S1 First Mark Comment
Anthony's positive energy makes an enjoyable environment for everyone. He
excels in group projects, showing great collaboration skills in his 10
Commandments Board Game. To improve, he should use a planner to enhance
Grade 82 his ability of staying on top of assignments. Also, I encourage him to work on
minimizing talking in class, as it can be distracting for both him & others. With
increased focus & active listening, he will be able to fully engage in discussions
and absorb the material more effectively.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization G

10 November, 2023 12:30 AM Page 6 of 8

HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Koleshev, Anthony
S1 First Mark Comment
Independent Work G
Collaboration G
Initiative G
Self-Regulation G
Lynch, Jadyn
S1 First Mark Comment
Jadyn consistently comes to class with a positive attitude, which sets a great
example for her peers. She also demonstrates dedication by consistently
submitting her work. These qualities reflect her strong work ethic and
Grade 85 commitment to her education. In order to further excel, Jadyn is encouraged to
actively participate in discussions to share thoughts and enhance her learning.
By voicing her ideas and opinions, she will further develop her critical thinking
skills and boost confidence in self-expression.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Macgregor-Kirkham, Bella
S1 First Mark Comment
Bella always comes to class prepared, and submits exemplary work as
evidenced in her 10 Commandments Board Game, and in her Catholic
Graduate Expectations task. She consistently asks for help when needed, and
Grade 93 creates a positive and enjoyable classroom environment. She is also a valuable
team player, always willing to lend a hand. I encourage her to take on new
challenges and push herself outside of her comfort zone to maximize her
potential. Keep up the hard work in term two Bella.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Responsibility E
Organization E
Independent Work E
Collaboration E
Initiative E
Self-Regulation E
Nicholson, Nathan
S1 First Mark Comment
Nathan consistently comes to class prepared, which shows great responsibility
and dedication to his education. Additionally, he actively engages in discussions
by asking thoughtful questions. This demonstrates his strong intellectual
Grade 70 curiosity and desire to learn. In order to further excel, Nathan could work on
refining his time management skills to prioritize his tasks and assignments
which will help him stay organized and meet deadlines more effectively. Keep up
the hard work into term two Nathan.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Independent Work

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HRE1Of Religious Education Thuemen, Laura

Nicholson, Nathan
S1 First Mark Comment
Stiller, Maeve
S1 First Mark Comment
Maeve has made great strides to consistently come to class with a positive
attitude, setting a great example for her peers. She demonstrates dedication by
consistently submitting work. In order to further excel, Maeve is encouraged to
Grade 85 actively participate in class discussions. Through sharing her thoughts and
engaging in conversations, she will enhance her learning experience. By voicing
her ideas and opinions, she will develop critical thinking skills and gain
confidence in expressing herself.
Interview requested N
Learning Skills and Work Habits (9-12)
Independent Work

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