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English as language Is international in the entire world.

In our country is the most spoken after our

native language As a kid nowadays is hardly to find someone who don’t understand English by seeing
TV ,phones, and listening people in his circle dropping a word like HI-BYE. Learning English as a foreign
language in school is very important. In this modern era they should be learned grammar and speak
because when they teach they try to speak well words, in our country the teachers who teach the
subject and dealing with the grammar should be more carefully how they transform their knowledge to
pupil’s ,this subject it’s not easy for pupils in senior school but they can give by learning and giving more
explonation and written exercise it can help the pupils in learning how the process is gone. In most
school-level grammar classes, students are only taught about individual word classes, such as nouns,
verbs, and adjectives. That is better than nothing, but it fails to show how words combine with each
other to form phrases, and how those phrases combine to form clauses and sentences. In some second-
language classrooms, grammar has been removed altogether from the curriculum, in favour of a
‘communicative’ approach. In that approach, students do not study grammar at all. Instead, they are
expected to communicate orally in English through parrot-like repetition in the classroom.

The Teachers should know that they need to explain the subject in a easy way for the pupils to try to
understand the process after it starts to go in primary school , especially from the 4th grade it starts
from there where the kids start to know and teach English starting from grammar and trying to create a
space of knowledge to teach and speak . Teaching a language without teaching the grammar is rather
like asking someone to build a replica of your house without ever showing them the plans. when we try
to speak and read we focus on its forms and look at its parts and how its divided like parts of speech
they are 9 words :


In this study we will try to focus in adjectives how they are formed and do a case study about
their form and do an exam on elementary school by looking how much they know about the
adjectives and

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