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1) From your point of view, is the royal family a relic of the past or, on the contrary, an

anchor on which society is held?

2) Is racism really part of British high society?

Yes, it is, but as time passes, the racism topic just goes away. “The British like to think of
themselves as quite liberal and the British get quite offended if they are accused of racism” -
they say, but they also mention next: “There is something about Black women that people in
this country find particularly triggering, “I don’t know why, but it’s a combination of racism
and misogyny and Meghan came in for that in spades.”

3) Is it possible to consider suicide as a member of the British royal family?

A year after Meghan Markle married Prince Harry in a fairy-tale wedding, she said in an
extraordinary interview broadcast on Sunday night, her life as a member of the British royal
family had become so emotionally desolate that she contemplated suicide. Meghan said that
while her husband was deeply concerned about her emotional fragility — gripping her hand
tightly at public events — her efforts to seek medical help were rebuffed by palace officials,
who worried about the impact on the monarchy. She described herself as a sort of prisoner
in Kensington Palace.

4) The royal family did not stop gossip in the press, but should they?
In my opinion I think they’ve done the right thing. They should’ve explained the situation to
the press and people. It is important to know about the racism and conspiracy of the royal

5) Do you think the Royal Family should be funding the Dukes of Sussex now that they
have stepped back from their royal duties? Give reasons for your answer.
I think on one hand, they should be financially supporting their biological family member,
because they are still his relatives and they have family ties. But on the other hand, the
shouldn’t be funding him as a part of royalty, because he stepped back from his duties.

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