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CHEMISTRY vel. 261, No. 11, Issue of April 15,pp. 5104-5110,1966

Printed in U.S.A.

The Purification and Characterizationof CTP:Phosphorylcholine

Cytidylyltransferase from Rat Liver*
(Received for publication, August 26, 1985)

Paul A. Weinhold, MaryEllen Rounsifer, and Douglas A. Feldman

From the Veterans Administration Medical Center and the Department of Biochemstry, University of Michigun,
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48105

We have purified CTP:phosphorylcholine cytidylyl- stimulation (15). Translocation of enzyme activity from cy-
transferase from rat liver cytosol 2180-fold to a spe- tosol to microsomal membranes is correlated with an increase
cific activity of 12,250 nmol/min/mg of protein. The in the intracellular conversion of phosphorylcholine into
purified enzyme was stable at -70 “C in the presence phosphatidylcholine (16-22) and suggests that membrane-
of Triton X-100 and 0.2 M phosphate. The purified bound enzyme may be the active form (23). Translocation is
enzyme gave a single protein and activity bandon promoted by freefatty acids (20-22), byapparent modification
nondenaturing polyacrylamide electrophoresis. Sepa- in membrane composition (16-19), and by 12-0-tetradecanoyl
ration by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide elec-
trophoresis indicated that the purified enzyme con- phorbol 13-acetate (24). Furthermore, evidence suggests that
tained subunits with M , of 39,000 and 48,000. Gel phosphorylation of cytidylyltransferase also may alter the
filtration analysis indicated that the native enzyme activity and properties of cytidylyltransferase (25).
was a tetramer containing two 39,000 and two 48,000 Insightinto the relative importance of these enzymatic
subunits. The purified enzyme appeared to bind to properties and their relevance to different physiological and
Triton X-100 micelles, one molecule of tetramerlmi- metabolic processes would be greatly facilitated by the avail-
celle. Maximal activity wasobtained with 108 PM phos- ability of purified enzyme. Although attempts to purify cyti-
phatidylcholine-oleic acid vesicles (8-10-fold stimu- dylyltransferase have been reported (26, 27), a reproducible
lation). Phosphatidylglycerol produced a 4-5-fold in- procedure which gives highly purified stable enzyme has not
crease in activity at10 p ~ The
. pH optimum and true been obtained. In thispaper we describe the purification and
K , values for CTP and phosphorylcholinewere similar properties of cytidylyltransferase. The procedure is reproduc-
to those reported previously for crude preparations of ible and yields highly purified enzyme which is stable for at
cytidylyltransferase. The overall behavior of cyti- least 2 months when stored at -70 “C in the presence of
dylyltransferase during purification and subsequent Triton X-100.
analysis suggested that it has hydrophobic properties
similar to those exhibited by membrane proteins. EXPERIMENTALPROCEDURES
Materials-Female rats (200-250 g) were purchased from Holtz-
man Company, Madison, WI. Phosphatidylcholine (type XI-E from
egg yolk), phosphatidylglycerol (from egg yolk phosphatidylcholine),
The reaction catalyzed by CTP: choline-phosphate cyti- N-octyl P-D-glucopyranoside (octyl glucoside),Triton X-100, Nonidet
dylyltransferase (EC is a principal rate-limiting step P-40, CTP, oleic acid, phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and activated
charcoal (acid washed with phosphoric and sulfuric acids) were pur-
inthe biosynthesis of phosphatidylcholine. For example, chased from Sigma. Phospho[methyE-’4C]choline was obtained from
pulse-chase experiments with hepatocytes ( l ) , isolated Type New England Nuclear. DEAE-Sepharose CL-GB was from Pharmacia
I1 pneumonocytes from adult (2) and fetal (3) lung, a myoblast Fine Chemicals. Hydroxyapatite and Bio-Gel A-1.5m were obtained
cell line (L,) (4),and HeLa cells (5) indicated thatthis from Bio-Rad.
reaction was the rate-limiting step in the incorporation of Cytidylyltransferase Assay-Cytidylyltransferase activity was de-
radioactive choline into phosphatidylcholine. Furthermore, termined as follows. Each reaction contained 1.6 mM phospho-
ryl[’4CH3]choline (1200dpm/nmol), 3.0 mM CTP, 10.0 mM ME?+,2.0
variations in the rate of phosphatidylcholine synthesis, pro-
mM EDTA, 45 mM NaCl, 0.2 mM phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid (1:l
duced in cell cultures by a variety of agents and conditions, molar ratio), and 65 mM Tris, pH 7.5. The phosphatidylcholine-oleic
have been correlated with alterations in the rate of cytidylyl- acid vesicles wereprepared by sonication as described previously (15).
transferase-catalyzed reaction (5-12). The reaction was stopped by the addition of 0.5 mlof charcoal
The mechanisms which regulate cytidylyltransferase activ- suspension (6% charcoal in 20 mM phosphorylcholine). Water (7 ml)
ity are not understood. However, the results from a variety of was added and the mixture vortexed briefly. The charcoal was sedi-
studies have produced some insight into the regulatory prop- mented by centrifugation and the water decanted. The charcoal pellet
was suspended in 7 ml of water, vortexed, and the contents poured
erties of the enzyme. The activity of soluble forms of cyti- onto aMillipore filter (0.45 ,A,25-mm diameter) which waspositioned
dylyltransferase is stimulated by anionic phospholipids and in a vacuum-filtering manifold (AmiconCorp.). The charcoal was
by phosphatidylcholine fatty acid vesicles (13-15). Binding of collected by vacuum and washed on the filter with 3 volumes of 7 ml
the enzyme to the vesicles appears to be associated with the of H20. Scintillation vials were placed under the filter andthe
charcoal extracted four times with 1.0 ml of extraction solvent
* This work was supported by the Veterans Administration and by (ethanol/ammonium hydroxide/water, 19O:ll:llS). Each round of
grants from the National Institute of Child Health and Human extraction involved a 5min incubation before the vacuum wasapplied.
Development and from the Biomedical Research Council, University This method resulted in 64-68%recoveryof CDP-choline anda
of Michigan. The costs of publication of this article were defrayed in background of 60-100 dpm. The recovery of CDP-choline was deter-
part by the payment of page charges. This article must therefore be mined in each set of assays by adding a known amount of radioactive
hereby marked “advertisement” in accordance with 18U.S.C. Section CDP-choline to a complete assay mixture. All assays were corrected
1734 solelyto indicate this fact. for recovery of CDP-choline.

Purification 5105
Electrophoresis-Polyacrylarnide gel electrophoresis was per- tant was discarded, and the precipitate was resuspended in
formed on 150-mm thick gels using the buffer system described bybuffer A (two-thirds the volume of the original cytosol) by
Laemmli (28). Electrophoresis under nondenaturing conditions washomogenization with a motor-driven Teflon pestle glass ho-
performed in 7% gel.which contained 0.1% Nonidet P-40.
mogenizer. The pH of the mixture was 7.2. The mixture was
Electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDSl)
was performed on 12.6% gels with a 4% stacking gel. Samples werecentrifuged at 20,000 X g for 20 min, and the supernatantwas
prepared by dialysis against 10 mM Tris buffer, pH 6.8, and dried in
a Savant Speed Vac concentrator. The dried samples were dissolved The pH 5.0 precipitate was suspended by homogenization
in 60 mM Tris, pH 6.8,containing 2% SDS, 5% P-mercaptoethanol, in 20 mM octyl glucoside dissolved in buffer A (7 ml of octyl
and 10% glycerol. After electrophoresis, gels were fixed for 1 h in
glucoside solution/100 mg of protein in the original cytosol).
20% trichloroacetic acid, stained overnight in 0.1% Coomassie R-250
Phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride was added to obtain a 0.5 mM
in 10% acetic acid, 50% ethanol, and destained by diffusion in ethanol,
5% acetic acid mixtures. concentration.
After stirring at room temperature for 20 min the mixture
In order to determine cytidylyltransferase activity after nondena-
was centrifuged at 20,000 X g for 20 min. The supernatant
turing electrophoresis, 3-mm slices of gel were extracted in 100 pl of
50 mM Tris, 0.15 M NaCl, 1.0 mM EDTA, pH 7.5,overnight at 4 "C. was removed for subsequent fractionation on DEAE-Sepha-
The liquid was separated from the gel, and 100 p l of reaction ingre-
rose. The octyl glucoside extract contained 0.64 k 0.13 ( N =
dients were added to theextract. The mixture was incubated at 37 "C
5) nmol of phospholipid/mg of protein or 59.8 k 10 pmol of
for 2 h. The reaction was stopped and processed by the usual charcoal
method. total phospholipid. Since 225-250 pmol of phosphatidylcho-
Analytical Methods-Protein was determined by the Bradford line had been added to thecytosol before the pH 5 precipita-
method (29) using reagent purchased from Pierce Chemical Co. tion, about 25-30% of the phospholipid was extracted by octyl
Bovine serum albumin was used as standard. Standards were prepared
with the same concentrations of enzyme buffer ingredients that wereA DEAE-Sepharose column (1.6 x 12 cm) was equilibrated
in the sample.
Phospholipid was quantified by total phosphorus as described with buffer A (300ml of buffer at 40 ml/h). All elution
previously (30).Phospholipid was extracted from enzyme prepara- solutions were prepared in buffer A. The octyl glucoside
tions and column fractions using the Bligh and Dyer method (31).extract was applied at a flow rate of 25-30 ml/h followed by
100 ml of buffer A. The column was sequentially eluted with
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION equilibration buffer, a 200-ml gradient of0.15-0.3 M NaC1,
150 ml of 0.3 M NaC1, and 50 ml of 0.4 M NaCl containing 50
Purification of Cytidylyltrurzsferase-Female rats (200-250 mM octyl glucoside.
g) were anesthetized with chloral hydrate and the liver per- Cytidylyltransferase activity was eluted by 0.4 M NaC1, 50
fused thoroughly with 0.9% NaC1. All procedures were per- mM octyl glucoside. The activity was eluted in two overlapping
formed at 4 "C. Liver (90-100 g) was homogenized at 5 ml/g peaks (Fig. 1).A large amount of phospholipid was eluted
tissue in buffer A (150 mM NaC1,50 mM Tris, 1.0 mM EDTA, with the first peak. Other experiments indicated that elution
2 mM DTT, 0.025% sodium azide, pH 7.4). Phenylmethylsul- of the enzyme using a 0-50 mM octyl glucoside gradient in 0.4
fonyl fluoride, dissolved in isopropyl alcohol, was added im- M NaCl separated the two peaks. Subsequent purification of
mediately to the homogenates to achieve a 1.0 mM final each peak separately gave purified cytidylyltransferase with
concentration. the same specific activity and electrophoretic profile. Thus,
Cytosol was isolated by sequential centrifugation at 10,000 the two peaks apparently are not due to separate enzyme
X g for 10 min and at 125,000 x g for 60 min. A phosphati-
species but probably result from co-elution of enzyme with
dylcholine-oleic acid suspension (5 mM phosphatidylcholine, different amounts of phospholipid. We routinely combined
10 mM oleic acid) was prepared by mixing the appropriate both peaks for further chromatography on hydroxyapatite.
volumes of stock solutions of phosphatidylcholine and oleic The pooled enzyme contained 1.22 & 0.2 (n = 5) pmol of
acid in a round-bottom flask. The solvent was evaporated phospholipid/mg of protein or a total phospholipid of 13 k 4
under vacuum in a rotaryevaporator. Buffer A was added and pmol. This was about 22% of the phospholipid in the octyl
the mixture was sonicated with a probe sonicator for 60 min glucoside extract.
at 4-10 "C. This mixture was added to thecytosol to produce A column of hydroxyapatite (1.6 x 7.5 cm) was equilibrated
a phosphatidylcholine to protein ratioof 80 nmol/mg protein. with 150 ml of buffer A at a flow rate of 20 ml/h. The pooled
The cytosol-lipid mixture was stirred at room temperature for
20 min. The addition of phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid sig-
nificantly increased the yield of enzyme through the subse- I r n B C D I
quent acetic acid precipitation and octyl glucoside extraction.
Preliminary experiments indicated that maximal yields were
obtained with 1:2 molar mixture of phosphatidylcholine to
oleic acid at thedesignated lipid to protein ratio.
The pH of the cytosol-lipid mixture was reduced to 5.0 by 2.52-
the addition of 1.0 M acetic acid. The mixture was placed on GO8- 2.00a
ice for 10 min. The mixture was centrifuged at 20,000 X g for f 0.6 - 1.5 %
20 min. Cytidylyltransferase activity wasrecovered in the 204- 1.0 E
precipitate. The supernatant contained no detectable cyti- &02- 0 5 1:
01 0 2
dylyltransferase activity. Approximately 53% of the cytosol 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 180
160 200
activity and 14%of the protein were recovered in the precip- FRACTION NUMBER
IC"----------3.0 ml .:- l.Ornl4
itate. The activity measurements with the precipitate may
not be reliable since the activity recovered in the octyl glu- FIG. 1. Chromatography of octyl glucoside extract on
coside extract was 72% of the cytosol activity. The superna- DEAE-Sepharose. The column was equilibrated with 0.15 M NaCl,
50 mM Tris, pH 7.5,2 mM EDTA, 2 mM dithiothreitol and eluted
-~~ ~~ ~

sequentially with equilibration buffer ( A ) ,a linear gradient of 0.15-

The abbreviations used are: SDS, sodium dodecyl sulfate; DTNB, 0.3 M NaCl ( B ) ,0.3 M NaCl (C), and 50 mM octyl glucoside, 0.4 M
5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic acid);NEM, N-ethylmaleimide; NaCl (Dl.All elution solutions were prepared in the equilibration
pCMB, p-chloromercuribenzoate; DTT, dithiothreitol. buffer. CT, cytidylyltransferase.
5106 CTP:Phosphorylcholim Cytidylyltransferase Purification
enzyme from the DEAE-Sepharose column was diluted with the protein in the cytosol was removed by the combined pH
buffer A to 20 mM octyl glucoside and applied to thecolumn 5 precipitation and octyl glucoside extraction. The use of
at 15 ml/h. Preliminary experiments indicated that the elu- detergents to solubilize and elute cytidylyltransferase from
tion of cytidylyltransferase activity depended upon both the the columns was critical in thepurification process.
phosphate concentration and the type and concentration of The purified enzyme has been stored at -70 "C in 0.03%
detergent. Purification was achieved by washing the column Triton X-100, 0.2 M potassium phosphate-buffer A for 2
with potassium phosphate and detergentconcentrations months without loss of activity. Approximately 30% of the
whichremoved contaminatingproteinsbut did not elute activity was lost after 2 weeks at 4 "C. A decrease in NaCl
cytidylyltransferase activity. We washed the column with 150 below 75 mM led to rapid loss of activity. The presence of 0.2
ml of 0.15 M potassium phosphate in buffer A followed by 75 M phosphate and Triton X-100 was important in order to
ml of 0.2 M potassium phosphate. All phosphate-buffer A retain enzyme activity during storage. In fact, dilution of the
mixtures were adjusted to pH7.5. An octyl glucoside gradient, phosphate and Triton X-100 concentrations 10-fold resulted
150 ml of 0-50 mM octyl glucoside in 0.2 M potassium phos- in 50% loss of activity within 1 h at 4 "C.
phate-buffer A, was applied. This was followed by sequential Electrophoretic Characterization-Purified cytidylyltrans-
washes with 75 ml of 50 mM octyl glucoside, 0.2 M phosphate- ferase gave a single band on nondenaturing polyacrylamide
buffer A, and 60 mlof 100 mM octyl glucoside, 0.2 M potassium electrophoresis (Fig. 3). Enzyme activity coincided with the
phosphate-buffer A. Cytidylyltransferase activity was eluted single protein band. When electrophoresis was attempted
with 0.03% Triton X-100, 0.2 M potassium phosphate-buffer without Nonidet P-40 in the gels, the protein did not enter
A (Fig. 2). the gel.
Several peaks of protein andphospholipid were eluted prior Comparison of the migration of cytidylyltransferase to pro-
to the Triton X-100 elution of cytidxlyltransferase. More than tein standardsgave an estimated molecular weight of 240,000.
98% of the phospholipid applied to the column was eluted Since the electrophoretic migration of native proteins depends
prior to theenzyme. We could not detect phospholipid in the on both the charge and size of the protein, this molecular
final enzyme preparation. However, the limit of detection was weight is an approximation.
such that phospholipid content below 300 nmol/mg protein Gel electrophoresis in the presence of sodium dodecyl sul-
would not have been measurable. fate indicated that thepurified cytidylyltransferase contained
A summary of the purification is shown in Table I. This two subunits which appeared to be present in equal amounts
data is the average of five preparations. More than 96% of (Fig. 4). The molecular weights of the two subunits were

determined by RF versus logM , plots to be 38,900 and 47,800
(referred to as 39,000 and 48,000 subunits)..Lane B contains
fi approximately 5 times more protein than lane A . The smaller
subunit does not band as sharply when large amounts of
P I protein are applied. However, the larger sample enables a
1 300 better estimate of the purification. Two faint protein bands
can be seen in lune B in addition to thetwo major bands. We
estimated that the faint bands contributed no more than 1-
2% of the total protein.
Although we included phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride in the
f 150 0.6 preparation buffers to inhibit protease activity, the possibility
E still exists that the subunits mayhavebeen produced by
-2 E0.2
0.4 - protease activity. Therefore, a separate experiment was con-
t 100
V Ea
- ducted in which cytidylyltransferase was purified in the pres-
50 0.2 g ence of a mixture of protease inhibitors. The mixture was
2 added immediately following homogenization and again dur-
0 o n ing the octyl glucoside extraction. Thus, thehomogenate and
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160
FRACTION NUMBER the octyl glucoside extraction buffer contained 0.25 mM phen-
FIG. 2. Chromatography of the DEAE poolof cytidylyl- ylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, 1.0 mM diisopropyl fluorophos-
transferase (CT) on hydroxyapatite. The column was equili- phate, 5 pg/ml pepstatin A, 0.1 pg/ml p-tosyl-L-lysine chlo-
brated in the same buffer as described in the legend to Fig. 1. The romethyl ketone, 5 pg/ml soybean trypsin inhibitor, and5 pg/
column was eluted sequentially at a flow rate of 15 ml/h with 0.15 M ml antipain. The final purified enzyme had the same specific
phosphate (A),0.2 M phosphate ( B ) ,a linear gradient of 0-50 mM activity and yield as the routine preparation. More impor-
octyl glucoside in 0.2 M phosphate (c),50 mM octyl glucoside, 0.2 M
phosphate (D), 100 mM octyl glucoside, 0.2 M phosphate ( E ) ,and 0.5 tantly, SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis
mM Triton X-100, 0.2 M phosphate ( F ) . All solutions were made in showed the same two subunit bands. Furthermore, enzyme
equilibration buffer. prepared in the absence of any protease inhibitor also con-

Summary ofcytidylyltransferase purification
The results are the average f S.D. of five separate preparations using 95-100 g of rat liver for each.
Specific Purification Yield
Step Protein Activity activity
mg min" nmol nmol min" mgprotein-I -fold %
Cytosol 3,129 f 168 17,510 f 1,677 5.7 f 0.07 1 100
Octyl glucoside extract 87 f 6 11,920 f 822 139 -C 14 25
69 k 2 f 2.5
DEAE-Sepharose 117,080
f 1.3 f 560 639 f 53 115 k 9 42 f 5
Hydroxyapatite 0.09 f 0.03 1,043 f 260 12,250 f 1,390 2,180 k 160 6.4 f 2
Purification 5107
(dpm CDPcholine)

IO00 -
FIG. 3. Polyacrylamide electrophoresis of purified cyti-
dylyltransferase under nondenaturing conditions. A 7% poly-
acrylamide gel with a 3% stacking gel, both containing 0.1% Nonidet I.0
P-40, was used. Ten micrograms of protein was applied.
0 0.I

FIG.5. Gel filtration chromatography of cytidylyltransfer-

ase. Purified cytidylyltransferase (U cytidylyltransferase
), at
the DEAE-Sepharose stageof purification (M), and liver cytosol
in the presence of Triton X-100 (W-- 4)and liver cytosol without
Triton X-100 (E- - - 0 ) were analyzed on a Bio-Gel A-1.5m column.
The column was equilibrated and eluted with 0.15 M NaCl, 50 mM
Tris, 2 mM EDTA, 2 mM DTT, 0.5 mM Triton X-100, 0.2 M phos-
phate, pH7.5, for standards andsamples exceptin thecase of cytosol
inthe absence of Triton X-100, in which case the column was
equilibrated in the same buffer without Triton X-100. The column
was calibrated with a Bio-Rad standard protein mixture containing
thyroglobulin, 570,000; aldolase, 153,000;ovalbumin, 44,000; and my-
oglobin, 17,000. The void volume (76 ml) and internal volume (187
ml) were determinedwith 0.06-pm polystyrenebeads and3H20,
respectively. Four separate calibration profiles were obtained and the
Kd values averaged. The K d values for standards were the same with
or without Triton X-100. The plot of log M,uewus K d is shown in
the inset with the symbol (X) marking the position of cytidylyltrans-
ferase. The Kd values from each run varied by no more than +5%.

5)).This is the same apparent M , as that estimated by

electrophoresis. The equilibration and elution of the column
with 0.5 mM Triton X-100 and 0.2 M potassium phosphate
were essential for recovery of enzyme activity when either
purified enzyme or enzyme at theDEAE stage of purification
was applied. The elution K d for cytidylyltransferase at the
DEAE-Sepharose stage of purification differed from that of
the highly purified enzyme. The apparent M , of the DEAE
enzyme activity was 330,000. In order to gain more informa-
tion about the elution differences, we applied liver cytosol
onto the same column in the presence and absence of Triton
Cytidylyltransferase activity in cytosol eluted with an ap-
parent M , of 355,000 when analyzed in the presence of the
Triton X-100 whereas the activity eluted with an apparent
M , of 174,000 when the chromatography was performed with-
FIG.4. Separation of purified cytidylyltransferase by pol-
out TritonX-100 in the elution buffer.
We interpreted these results to mean that purified cyti-
dylyltransferase eluted as a tetramer of two 39,000 and two
yacrylamide gel electrophoresis in the presence of SDS. Lane 48,000 subunits bound to one micelle of Triton X-100. The
A contained 3 pgof enzyme. Lane B contained 15 pgof enzyme.
Proteinstandards, from the top:phosphorylase b, 92,500; bovine
concentration of Triton X-100 required for recovery was
serumalbumin, 66,200; ovalbumin 45,000; carbonicanhydrase, above the critical micelle concentration, which has been re-
21,500; lysozyme, 14,400. ported to be about 0.3 mM (31). The number of monomers of
Triton X-lOO/micelle has been reported to range from 111to
tained the same subunit composition. These results strongly 140 depending upon the conditions underwhich the measure-
suggest that the subunits are not produced by proteolysis ments were made (32, 33). The number of monomers/micelle
during the preparation. decreases with decreasing temperature (32). Since we per-
Gel Filtration Analysis-Purified cytidylyltransferase formed the gel filtration chromatographyat 4 "C, it is reason-
eluted from a Bio-Gel A-1.5m gel filtration column as a single able to use the value of 111 monomers/micelle. This gives a
uniform peak with a K d of 0.41 (Fig. 5). This corresponded to micelle weight of 66,700. Since tetramers of cytidylyltransfer-
an apparent M , of 240,000 when compared to standard pro- ase subunits would have a M , of 174,000,a tetramer bound to
teins eluted underthe same conditions(log M , versus K d (Fig. one micelle of Triton X-100 would have an apparent M , of
5108 CTP:Phosphorylcholine
240,700 which is essentially the same as the observed M , of lipid-independent activity is an inherent property of the en-
240,000 obtained with purified cytidylyltransferase. This zyme or whether it reflects a small amount of lipid associated
interpretation agrees with the generalization that theamount with purified enzyme.
of detergent bound to proteins is often that of one micelle of Kinetic Properties-The true K, values for CTP andphos-
Triton/moIecule of native protein (34). Furthermore,the fact phorylcholine were determined. Initially, velocity versusCTP
that cytidylyltransferase activity in cytosol in the absence of concentrations at different phosphorylcholine concentrations
Triton X-100 eluted from the gel filtration column with a M, and velocity versus phosphorylcholine concentration at dif-
of 174,000 supports the conclusion that the native enzyme ferent CTP concentrations were determined. The apparent
consists of a tetramer of two 39,000 and two 48,000 subunits. V,,, values were obtained by reciprocal plots. A secondary
Presumably, the higher apparent M, of cytidylyltransferase plot of apparent V,,, values versus phosphorylcholine or CTP
in the DEAE preparation and in cytosol when eluted in the concentrations were made to obtain true K,,, values. These
presence of Triton X-100 reflects the binding of other hydro- plots were linear. The K , for CTP was 0.29 m ~and , the K,
phobic proteins totheTriton X-100 micelles along with for phosphorylcholine was 0.14 mM. Both secondary plots
cytidylyltransferase. Whether these proteins have any meta- intersected at the same V,,, value. The maximal velocity
bolic relationship to cytidylyltransferase remains to be deter- obtained for the enzyme preparation used in the experiments
mined. was 9048 nmol/min/mg of protein. This specific activity was
The binding of cytidylyltransferase to micelles of Triton X- similar to the specific activity of 9200 nmol/min/mg of protein
100 is consistent with our previous observations that cyti- obtained by the routine assay procedure. This indicates that
dylyltransferase binds to phospholipid vesicles (15) and with the routine assay is optimal and that substrate inhibitiondoes
previous observations that lipids converted crude prepara- not occur at the concentrations used in the assay. The K,
tions of cytidylyltransferase from an apparent M, of 180,000- values are essentially the same as previously reported by Choy
200,000 to large aggregate forms (13, 35). et al. (26) for partially purified cytidylyltransferase from rat
Lipid Requirementsfor EnzymeActiuity-Phosphatidylcho- liver.
line-oleic acid vesicles (1:l molar ratio) gave the greatest The activity of the enzyme was maximal at pH 7.0 wit.h a
stimulation of purified cytidylyltransferase activity (Fig. 6). 20 and 40% decrease from maximal at pH 6 and 8, respec-
Although phosphatidylglycerol was active at lower concentra- tively. The activity at pH6.5 and 7.5 was nearly the same as
tions than phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid, it did not stimulate that at pH 7.0. Although the maximal activities obtained with
the activity to the same extent as the higher concentrations phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid or with phosphatidylglycerol
of phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid. Oleic acid alone gave min- were different, the shapes of the pHcurves were identical.
imal stimulation andphosphatidylcholine alone was inactive. Inactivation by Sulfhydryl Reagents-Purified cytidylyl-
Phosphatidylethanolamine and lysophospkatidylethanola- transferase was inactivated by 5,5'-dithiobis-(2-nitrobenzoic
mine were also inactive (data not shown). Both phosphati- acid) (DTNB), N-ethylmaleimide (NEM), and p-chloromer-
dylcholine-oleic acid and phosphatidylglycerol increased the curibenzoate (pCMB), butnot by iodoacetamide (Fig. 7).
apparent V, without changing the apparent K,,, values (data pCMB was the most potent, producing 80% inactivation at
not shown). 0.6 p ~ NEM. and DTNB apparently reacted with the same
Although the pattern of lipid stimulation for the purified type of sulfhydryl since the slope of the log % control versus
enzyme was the same as that obtained previously for crude time plots was the same, reflecting the same first order rate
enzyme preparations ( E ) , maximal stimulation of purified constants (Fig. 7). pCMB, on the other hand, appeared to
enzyme was achieved at lower concentrations of lipids. This react with the same type of sulfhydryl after short preincuba-
was particularly striking withphosphatidylglycerol which pro- tions but after longer preincubations reacted with a second
duced a 4-fold increase in activity at 2.5 pM. type of sulfhydryl.
All enzyme preparations had some activity without added The inactivation produced by the reagents was not reversed
lipid. This was between 10-20% of the maximal activity. The by dithiothreitol(20 mM) or by mixtures of dithiothreitol and
preparationsallcontainedTriton X-100. Typical enzyme
assays contained 0.002-0.003% Triton. Additional Triton X-
100 inhibited the lipid-independent activity but did not inhibit 100
the activity in the presence of optimalconcentrations of 80
phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid. We do not know whether the -
P 60
$ 40

8 20
0.5 I .o I .5
Time fmin)

FIG.7. The effect of sulfhydryl reagents on cytidylyltrans-

ferase activity. In the inactivation versus reagent concentration
experiments, cytidylyltransferase (40 ng) was preincubated for 15 min
at 37 "C in 50 r l of 0.15 M NaCl, 50 mM Tris, 0.2 mM DTT which
contained varying concentrations of iodoacetamide (01,DTNB (O),
NEM (O),or pCMB (m). After the preincubation, 50 pl of substrate
plus phosphatidylcholine-oleic acid was added, and a 10-min reaction
was performed. In the timed experiments, cytidylyltransferase (70
LM Lipid ng) was preincubated for the length of time indicated on the plot in
FIG.6. Stimulation of cytidylyltransferase by lipids. cyt- the presence of either 2 mM DTNB, 1 mM NEM, or 0.7 pM pCMB.
dylyltransferase activity was determined in thepresence of phospha- At the end of the preincubations, an assay for enzyme activity was
tidylcholine-oleic acid vesicles (1:l molar ratio) ( 0 )phosphatidyl- performed as described above. In both types of experiments, the %
glycerol (0),oleic acid (O), or phosphatidylcholine (=). control was calculated from the appropriate preincubated controls.
Purification 5109
TABLEI1 high concentrations of phosphate were required for inhibition,
The effect of CTP (6 mM) and phosphorylcholine(3 mM) on the we were interested in the effect of phosphate because of its
inactivation by NEM (3 mM) pronounced stabilizing effect on the enzyme.
Cytidylyltransferase (36 nmol/min/ml) was preincubated at 4 "C Cytidylyltransferase was not inhibited by ATP, CDP, or
for 10 min in 0.15 M NaCl, 50 mM Tris, 2 mM EDTA, 0.2 mM DTT CMP at concentrations up to 3.0 mM at 0.4 mM CTP.
or in the same buffer plus the additions indicated. After the 10 min, Divalent cations inhibited cytidylyltransferase activity.
50 ~1 was added to substrate mixtures that were adjusted so that the
final concentration of all substrates was the same. Enzyme activity Calcium and Mn2+at 3 mM produced 20 and 42% inhibition,
was determined a t 37 "C. The results are theaverage k S.D. for three respectively, while 3 mM Znz+completely inhibited the activ-
separate experiments. ity. Theseinhibitions were observed in the routine assay
Additions nmol/min/ml 76 Inactivation system containing 10 mM Mg2+.
31 +- 2.0
In summary, we have obtained for the first time highly
NEM 8.2 f 1.1" 73 purified cytidylyltransferase. The purified enzyme is stable
when stored at -70 "C in the presence of Triton X-100 and
CTP 37 f 2.1b 0.2 M potassium phosphate. Its pHoptimum, K,,, values, and
CTP + NEM 28 t 2.6"2*4'.' lipid requirements are similar to those observed previously
with impure enzyme. Although definite proof of the subunit
Phosphorylcholine 35 f 2.3
composition of the purified enzyme requires detailed amino
Phosphorylcholine + NEM 17 f 1.521"*'
acid analysis of the subunits, the data in this paper suggests
Significantly different values, p < 0.01. that native cytidylyltransferase contains two nonidentical
Significantly different values, p < 0.05. subunits which are associated as a tetramer. This tetramer
Significantly different values, p < 0.02.
possesses strong hydrophobic properties which is consistent
with the previous observations that cytidylyltransferase can
be induced to bind to biological membranes. Although the
mechanisms which modulate the properties of cytidylyltrans-
ferase to cause translocation of the enzyme are not under-
stood, it is tempting tospeculate that one of the subunitsmay
function in the catalytic process and theother may be involved
in the interaction with membranes. Thus, agents which pro-
mote translocation, such as fatty acids, may do so by inter-
acting with one of the subunits. On the other hand, results by
Kent and co-workers (16-19, 36) on the effects of treatment
20 of cells with phospholipase C suggest that modification of
biological membrane surfaces is an important component of
the translocation phenomena. The availability of purified
0 cytidylyltransferase will enable a more detailed analysis of
0 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 110 120
mM Phosphate this potentially important regulatory process.
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