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Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296

Screening of Chinese medicinal herbs for bioactivity against Sitophilus

zeamais Motschulsky and Tribolium castaneum (Herbst)
Zhi Long Liua,, Swee Hock Gohb,c, Shuit Hung Hob
Department of Entomology, China Agricultural University, Yuanmingyuan West Road, Haidian District, Beijing 100094, PR China
Department of Biological Sciences, National University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543, Singapore
Department of Chemistry, National University of Singapore, 14 Science Drive 4, Singapore 117543, Singapore
Accepted 7 June 2006


Extracts of 40 species of Chinese medicinal herb from 32 different botanical families were screened for contact, fumigant and feeding-
deterrent activities against the two stored-grain insects Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum. Thirty Chinese medicinal herbs
exhibited insecticidal or feeding-deterrent activities against the two species of insects. Extracts of Artemisia argyi, Dictamnus dasycarpus,
Evodia rutaecarpa, Litsea cubeba, Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, Polygonum aviculare, Rhododendron molle, Sophora flavescens, Stemona
sessilifolia, Tripterygium wilfordii, and Torreya grandis were most active.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Chinese medicinal herbs; Contact toxicity; Fumigant toxicity; Feeding deterrency; Sitophilus zeamais; Tribolium castaneum

1. Introduction medicinal herbs against insects (Chiu, 1985, 1989). In

addition to plants collected from the wild, traditional
There is a long history of the use of Chinese medicinal medicinal plants provide another good source for screen-
herbs against pests in China. Since time immemorial, ing. The advantage of using traditional medicinal herbs is
people have known how to use plants against insects (Yang that they are readily available in herb shops and they have
and Tang, 1988). Even today, in the rural areas of China, been used extensively for medicinal purposes, implying
farmers are still using the leaves of Chinaberry (Melia their low/non-toxicity to humans. For example, Park et al.
toosendan Siebold et Zuccarini), dried flowers of yellow (1997) screened the methanol extracts from 77 oriental
azalea (Rhododendron molle G. Don) and the grass medicinal plant species in 42 families for their larvicidal
Euphorbia helioscopia L. to control the larvae of flies in and antifeedant activities against gipsy moth larvae
manure pits. These practices are labor intensive, but often (Lymantria dispar L.), the black-tipped sawfly (Acantholy-
economically and ecologically sound. They do not require da posticalis Matsumura), the fall webworm (Hyphantria
sophisticated technology. A good botanical insecticide, cunea Drury), and the pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus
toosendanin, was derived from the bark of Chinaberry and spectabilis Butler). Sener et al. (1998) also screened some
is used against a broad spectrum of fruit and vegetable Turkish medicinal plants for their insecticidal activities
pests in China (Zhang et al., 1992). Yang and Tang (1988) against milkweed bugs (Oncopeltus fasciatus Dallas) and
reviewed and listed plant species with insecticidal proper- mosquitoes (Aedes aegypti L.), while Mackeen et al. (2000)
ties used in China. Out of 267 plant species listed, more screened 40 Malaysian medicinal plants belonging to 25
than 100 are Chinese medicinal plants. However, very few families for their brine shrimp toxicity.
systematic studies have been conducted to evaluate Chinese The present study was initiated to screen some Chinese
medicinal herbs for bioactivity against two stored-grain
Corresponding author. Tel.: +86 10 62731306; fax: +86 10 62732974. insects, the maize weevil Sitophilus zeamais Motschulsky
E-mail address: (Z.L. Liu). and the rust-red flour beetle Tribolium castaneum (Herbst).

0022-474X/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Z.L. Liu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296 291

2. Material and methods for 24 h to obtain the non-polar fraction. This was followed
by further extraction with methanol for another 24 h to
2.1. Chinese medicinal herb extracts produce the polar fraction. Both solvents were removed
from the extracts in a rotary evaporator.
Table 1 shows the 40 species of Chinese medicinal herbs
from 32 families screened in this study. Selection of the 2.2. Insects
herbs was based on two criteria: (1) their availability in
Singapore and (2) presence of insecticidal properties Sitophilus zeamais and T. castaneum were obtained from
recorded in the literature (Jiangsu New Medical College, laboratory cultures maintained in the dark in incubators at
1977; Yang and Tang, 1988). The herbs were purchased 3071 1C and 70–80% r.h. Tribolium castaneum was reared
from a Chinese herbal shop, and ethanol extracts of on wheat flour mixed with yeast (10:1, w/w) while
three Hypericum species were provided by Dr. L.H. Hu S. zeamais was reared on whole wheat at 12–13% moisture
(Shanghai Institute of Materia Medica, Chinese Academy content.
of Science). They were identified and ground to a powder
using a mill. Two types of solvents (n-hexane for non-polar 2.3. Flour disk bioassay
and methanol for polar fractions) were used to extract the
herbs. The herb powder (50 g) was put into a thimble in a Flour disks were prepared according to the method of
Soxhlet apparatus and extracted with n-hexane (500 mL) Xie et al. (1996) with some modifications, using a mixture

Table 1
List of screened Chinese medicinal herbs

Plant species Family Common name Pharmaceutical name Parts used

Alangium chinense (Loureiro) Harms Alangiaceae Chinese alangium root Radix Alnagii Leaves
Narcissus tazetta L. var. chinensis Roemer Amaryllidaceae Bulb of Chinese Narcissus Bulbus Narcissi Chinensis Bulb
Quisqualis indica L. Combretaceae Rangoon creeper Fructus quisqualis Fruit
Artemisia argyi Leveille et Vaniot Compositae Mugwort Foliun artemisiae argyi Leaves
Pharbitis nil (L.) Choisy Convolvulaceae Pharbitis seed Semen Pharbitidis Seed
Momordica charantia L. Cucurbitaceae Balsampear Caulis Momordicae Charantiae Vine (leaves)
Cyperus rotundus L. Cyperaceae Nutgrass galingale rhizome Rhizoma Cyperi Rhizome
Dioscorea hypoglauca Palibin Dioscoreaceae Hypoglaucous collett yam rhizome Rhizoma Dioscoreae Hypoglaucae Rhizome
Dryopteris crassirhizoma Nakai Dryopteridaceae Basket fern Rhizoma Dryopteris Crassirhizomae Rhizome
Ricinus communis L. Euphorbiaceae Castor seed Semen Ricini Fruit
Rhododendron molle G. Don Ericaceae Yellow azalea flower Flos Rhododendri Mollis Flower
Hypericum ascyron L. Guttiferae Giant St. John’s wort herb Herba Hyperici Whole grass
Hypericum japonicum Thunberg Guttiferae Japanese St. John’s wort herb Herba Hyperici Japonica Whole grass
Hypericum sampsonii Hance Guttiferae Sampson St. John’s wort herb Herba Hyperici Sampsonii Whole grass
Tripterygium wilfordii Hook f. Guttiferae Common threewingnut root Radix Tripterygii Wilfordii Root
Scutellaria baicalensis Georgi Labiatae Baical skullcap root Radix Scurellariae Root
Litsea cubeba (Loureiro) Persoon Lauraceae Mountain spicy fruit Fructus Listeae Fruit
Gleditsia sinensis Lamarck Leguminosae Chinese honey locust spine Spina Gleditsiae Spine
Sophora flavescens Aiton Leguminosae Lightly yellow sophora root Radix Sophaorae Flavescentis Root
Melia toosendan Siebold et Zuccarini Meliaceae Szechwan Chinaberry fruit Fructus Toosendan Fruit
Morus alba L. Moraceae White mulberry root-bark Cortex Mori Root bark
Areca catechu L. Palmae Areca seed Semen Seed Seed
Pseudolarix kaempferi Gordon Pinaceae Golden larch bark Cortex Pseudolaricis Root/stem bark
Phryma leptostachya L. Phrymataceae — Herba Phrymae Whole grass
Phytolacca acinosa Roxburgh Phytolaccaceae Pokeberry root Radix Phytolaccae Root
Polygonum aviculare L. Polygonaceae Common knotweed Herba Polygoni avicularis Whole grass
Punica granatum L. Punicaceae Pomegranate rind Pericarpium granati Fruit pericarp
Clematis armandii Franchet Ranunculaceae Armand clematis stem Caulis Clematidis Stem
Agrimonia pilosa Ledebour Rosaceae Hairyvein agrimonia herb Herba Agrimoniae Whole grass
Prunus mume (Siebold) Siebold et Zuccarini Rosaceae Smoked plum Fructus Mume Fruit
Clausena lansium (Loureiro) Skeels Rutaceae Root of Chinese Wanpee Radix Clausenae Lansii Root bark
Dictamnus dasycarpus Turcaz Rutaceae Densefruit Pittancy root-bark Cotex Dictamni Root bark
Evodia rutaecarpa Hook f. et Thomas Rutaceae Medicinal evodia fruit Fructus Evodiae Fruit
Brucea javanica (L.) Merrill Simarouloaceae Java brucea friut Fractus Bruceae Fruit
Stemona sessilifolia (Miquel) Miquel Stemonaceae Stemona root Radix Stemonae Root tuber
Torreya grandis Fortune Taxaceae Grand torreya seed Semen Torreyae Seed
Daphne genkea Siebold et Zuccarini Thymelaeaceae Lilac Daphne flower bud Flos Genkwa Flower buds
Stellera chamaejasme L. Thymelaeaceae Chinese stellera Radix Stellerae Root
Daucus carota L. Umbelliferae Wild carrot fruit Fructus Carotae Fruit
Alpinia galanga (L.) Willdenow Zingiberaceae Galanga galangal fruit Fructus Galangae Fruit
292 Z.L. Liu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296

of 1.0 g of wheat flour stirred in 5 ml of distilled water. The Manufacturing Company Ltd. England). Controls were
extracts were separately dissolved in ethanol or n-hexane to prepared using n-hexane or methanol. Both treated and
make stock solution. Aliquots of 50 ml of the stock solution control insects were then transferred to glass vials (10
were added to the flour mixture, and stirred ultrasonically. insects/vial) with culture media and kept in incubators.
The final concentration of each extract in the flour disk was Mortality of insects was observed daily until end-point
500 ppm. The same volume of ethanol or n-hexane was mortality (when the number of dead insects no longer
used for controls. Aliquots of 200 ml of this mixture were increased with time) was reached 1 week after treatment.
measured using an Eppendorf micropipette fitted with a End-point mortality (adjusted for control mortality) equal
disposable tip that was cut at the narrow end to produce an to or higher than 50% was assigned a positive designation
internal diameter of 2 mm. The aliquots were placed on the (+), indicating the presence of contact toxicity. Adjusted
bottom of a plastic Petri dish to form disks which were left end-point mortality lower than 50% was assigned a
in a fume hood overnight to air dry. They were then negative designation ().
transferred to an incubator to equilibrate at 3071 1C and
70–80% r.h. for 48 h. Each flour disk weighed between 36 2.5. Fumigant toxicity
and 39 mg. The moisture content of each disk was
determined to be 13.570.1% using the Kett’s Grain A Whatman (CAT no. 1001020) filter paper (diameter
moisture tester (Model PB-1D2, Japan). 2.0 cm) was placed on the underside of the screw cap of a
A no-choice method in which control and treated disks glass vial (diameter 2.5 cm, height 5.5 cm). The extracts
were placed individually in glass vials, was adopted in this were diluted to 50% with n-hexane or methanol (v/v), and
experiment because stored-product insects, especially 20 ml of the diluted solution was added to the filter paper.
S. zeamais, often broke the flour disks into small pieces. The solvent was allowed to evaporate for 30 s before the
In the choice method, insects were given a choice between cap was placed tightly on the glass vial (with 10 insects
control and treated disks (Nawrot et al., 1989; Xie et al., inside) to form a sealed chamber. Preliminary experiments
1996). In practice, however, in the choice method, it was demonstrated that 30 s were sufficient for the evaporation
very difficult to determine whether the small pieces came of solvents. n-Hexane or methanol was used as controls.
from the control or treated disks. Six replicates were carried out for all treatments and
All the insects were starved for 24 h before use. The disks controls, and they were incubated for 24 h. The insects were
were placed in glass vials (diameter 2.5 cm, height 5.5 cm) then transferred to clean vials with some culture media
for weighing. Ten group-weighed, unsexed adults were then and returned to the incubator for determination of end-
added to each vial prior to subsequent weighing. The point mortality, which was reached after 1 week. A positive
experimental set-up was left in the incubator for 3 days. designation (+) was given when the values of the end-point
The flour disks and live insects were then weighed again mortality (adjusted for control mortality) of insects were
with any mortality of insects recorded. Glass vials contain- equal to or higher than 50%. Readings lower than 50%
ing treated flour disks but without insects were prepared to were given a negative designation (), which indicated little
determine if any decrease in weight had occurred due to or no fumigant action.
evaporation of ethanol, n-hexane, or plant extracts. Five
replicates were prepared. The feeding-deterrence index was
calculated (Isman et al., 1990) as 3. Results

ðFDIÞð%Þ ¼ 100  ðC  TÞ=C; Although these Chinese medicinal herbs were chosen
where C is the consumption of control disks, and T the based on the literature listing them as insecticidal plants
consumption of treated disks (Yang and Tang, 1988), 10 of them, namely, Areca catechu,
The following criteria were adopted to categorize the Daucus carota, Gleditsia sinensis, Hypericum japonicum,
herbs: Hypericum sampsonii, Morus alba, Phryma leptostachya,
Phytolacca acinosa, Prunus mume, and Pseudolarix kaemp-
FDI%o20%  No feeding deterrence feri, did not show activities against the two insect species
50%4FDI%X20% + Weak feeding deterrence studied (Table 2).
70%4FDI%X50% ++ Moderate feeding deterrence
FDI%X70% +++ Strong feeding deterrence
3.1. Fumigant activity

n-Hexane extracts of 4 Chinese medicinal herbs, namely

2.4. Contact toxicity using topical application Artemisia argyi, Evodia rutaecarpa, Polygonum aviculare,
Quisqualis indica, were found to possess fumigant toxicity
The extracts were diluted to 50% with n-hexane or to both species of insects. However, n-hexane extracts
methanol (v/v). Aliquots of 0.5 ml of the dilutions were of Alangium chinense and Daphne genkea were demon-
applied topically to the dorsal thorax of the two species of strated to have fumigant activity only against T. castaneum
beetles using a Burkard Arnold microapplicator (Burkard (Table 2).
Z.L. Liu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296 293

Table 2
Screening results of Chinese medicinal herbs against Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum

Plant species Extract Contact toxicitya Fumigant toxicitya Feeding deterrencyb

S. zeamais T. castaneum S. zeamais T. castaneum S. zeamais T. castaneum

Agrimonia pilosa Hexane — — — — — —

Methanol — — — — — —
Alangium chinense Hexane — + — + — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Alpinia galanga Hexane — + — — — —
Methanol — — — — + +

Areca catechu Hexane — — — — — —

Methanol — — — — — —
Artemisia argyi Hexane — + + + + +
Methanol — — — — + +
Brucea javanic Hexane — — — — — —
Methanol — — — — + +
Clausena lansium Hexane — + — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Clematis armandii Hexane — — — — — —
Methanol — — — — + +
Cyperus rotundus Hexane — + — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Daphne genkea Hexane — — — + — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Daucus carota Hexane — — — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Dictamnus dasycarpus Hexane + + — — +++ +++
Methanol — — — — + +
Dioscorea hypoglauca Hexane — — — — + +
Methanol — — — — — —

Dryopteris crassirhizoma Hexane — — — — + +

Methanol — — — — — —
Evodia rutaecarpa Hexane + + + + — +
Methanol — — — — — —
Gleditsia sinensis Hexane — — — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Hypericum ascyron Ethanol — — — — — +
Hypericum japonicum Ethanol — — — — — —

Hypericum sampsonii Ethanol — — — — — —

Litsea cubeba Hexane + + — — ++ ++
Methanol — — — — + +
Melia toosendan Hexane — — — — + +
Methanol — — — — + +

Momordica charantia Hexane — — — — + +

Methanol — — — — — —

Morus alba Hexane — — — — — —

Methanol — — — — — —
Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Hexane + + — — + +
Methanol — — — — + ++
Pharbitis nil Hexane + + — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
294 Z.L. Liu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296

Table 2 (continued )

Plant species Extract Contact toxicitya Fumigant toxicitya Feeding deterrencyb

S. zeamais T. castaneum S. zeamais T. castaneum S. zeamais T. castaneum

Phryma leptostachya Hexane — — — — — —

Methanol — — — — — —
Phytolacca acinosa Hexane — — — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Polygonum aviculare Hexane — — + + + +
Methanol — — — — ++ ++
Prunus mume Hexane — — — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —

Pseudolarix kaempferi Hexane — — — — — —

Methanol — — — — — —
Punica granatum Hexane + + — — + +
Methanol — — — — + ++
Quisqualis indica Hexane + + + + + +
Methanol — — — — — —
Ricinus communis Hexane + + — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Rhododendron molle Hexane — — — — +++ ++
Methanol + + — — + +
Scutellaria baicalensis Hexane — — — — 0 —
Methanol — — — — + +
Sophora flavescens Hexane + + — — + +
Methanol — — — — +++ ++
Stellera chamaejasme Hexane + + — — — —
Methanol — — — — — —
Stemona sessilifolia Hexane + + — — + +
Methanol + + — — + +
Tripterygium wilfordii Hexane + + — — + +
Methanol — — — — +++ ++

Torreya grandis Hexane + + — — + +

Methanol — — — — — —
—, inactive, adjusted end-mortalityo50%; +, active, adjusted end-mortality X50%.
—, inactive, FDI% o20%; +, weak, FDI% 20–50%; ++, medium, FDI% 50–70%; +++, strong, FDI% X70%. Feeding deterrence index
(FDI%) ¼ 100  (C–T)/C where C is the consumption of control, and T the consumption of treated insects.

3.2. Contact toxicity contact toxicity was found in the n-hexane extract of
R. molle (Tables 2 and 3).
Both n-hexane and methanol extracts of Stemona n-Hexane extracts of 5 of the Chinese medicinal herbs,
sessilifolia demonstrated contact toxicity to both species namely, A. chinense, Alpinia galanga, A. argyi, Clausena
of insects. n-Hexane extracts of 12 Chinese medicinal lansium and Cyperus rotundus were toxic by contact to only
herbs, namely Dictamnus dasycarpus, E. rutaecarpa, Litsea T. castaneum and were non-toxic to S. zeamais.
cubeba, Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis, Pharbitis nil,
Punica granatum, Q. indica, Ricinus communis, Sophora 3.3. Feeding-deterrent action
flavescens, Stellera chamaejasme, Tripterygium wilfordii,
Torreya grandis, possessed contact toxicity to the two Both n-hexane and methanol extracts of 11 Chinese
species of insects. However, the methanol extracts of these medicinal herbs, A. argyi, D. dasycarpus, L. cubeba, M.
12 Chinese medicinal herbs did not have any contact toosendan, N. tazetta, P. aviculare, P. granatum, R. molle,
toxicity. In contrast, only the methanol extract of R. molle S. flavescens, S. sessilifolia, and T. wilfordii were shown to
had contact toxicity to the two species of insects but no have feeding-deterrent activity to the two stored-product
Z.L. Liu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296 295

Table 3
Bioactivity of some Chinese medicinal herbs against Sitophilus zeamais and Tribolium castaneum

Plant species Extract Contact toxicity (%)a Fumigant toxicity (%)a Feeding-deterrency (FDI%)b

S. zeamais T. castaneum S. zeamais T. castaneum S. zeamais T. castaneum

Artemisia argyi Hexane — 50 60 75 32.17 39.58

Methanol — — — — 22.89 25.78
Dictamnus dasycarpus Hexane 60 80 — — 84.18 89.55
Methanol — — — — 43.28 39.27
Evodia rutaecarpa Hexane 90 80 100 100 10.30 20.46
Methanol — — — — 19.43 17.65

Litsea cubeba Hexane 50 60 — — 57.04 71.76

Methanol — — — — 26.69 28.07
Melia toosendan Hexane — — — — 25.12 26.54
Methanol — — — — 32.44 36.39
Narcissus tazetta var. chinensis Hexane 55 70 — — 17.08 13.14
Methanol — — — — 45.27 68.30
Polygonum aviculare Hexane — — 55 65 32.14 23.76
Methanol — — — — 62.34 56.48
Quisqualis indica Hexane 90 80 60 70 31.25 29.21
Methanol — — — — 13.21 17.45
Rhododendron molle Hexane — — — — 85.78 68.19
Methanol 50 70 — — 45.42 39.99
Sophora flavescens Hexane 55 65 — — 23.74 24.15
Methanol — 55 — — 88.75 59.78
Stemona sessilifolia Hexane 55 65 — — 20.83 22.47
Methanol 50 60 — — 25.69 24.83
Tripterygium wilfordii Hexane 55 60 — — 28.54 26.78
Methanol — — — — 75.62 50.41
Torreya grandis Hexane 60 55 — — 32.71 21.87
Methanol — — — — 15.84 9.33
Adjusted end-point mortality (%), —, less than 50%.
Feeding-deterrence index (FDI) (%) ¼ 100  (C–T)/C where C is the consumption of control, and T the consumption of treated insects.

insects. Methanol extracts of 4 Chinese medicinal herbs, extracts of N. tazetta, P. aviculare, S. flavescens, and
A. galanga, Brucea javanica, Clematis armandii and T. wilfordii (Tables 2 and 3).
Scutellaria baicalensis, were shown to possess feeding-
deterrent activity against both species of insects while 4. Discussion
n-hexane extracts had no feeding-deterrent activity.
In contrast, only n-hexane extracts of D. crassirhizoma, In recent years interest in screening plants for various
M. charantia, Q. indica and T. grandis demonstrated insecticidal activities has increased significantly and many
feeding-deterrent activity against both species of insects potent compounds have been isolated and identified
while methanol extracts had none (Table 2). (Weinzierl, 1998). Jacobson (1989) suggested that the most
Strong feeding-deterrent activity against S. zeamais was promising botanicals were to be found in the families
obtained from methanol extracts of S. flavescens and Meliaceae, Rutaceae, Asteraceae, Annonaceae, Labiatae,
T. wilfordii, as well as from the n-hexane extracts of and Canellaceae. However, in reality, screening programs
D. dasycarpus and R. molle while moderate feeding- have not been limited to these families. Pascual-Villalobos
deterrent activity was obtained from the n-hexane extract and Robledo (1999) screened 57 species from 21 different
of L. cubeba and the methanol extract of P. aviculare. botanical families from southeastern Spain for anti-insect
Strong feeding-deterrent activity against T. castaneum was activity using the stored-grain pest T. castaneum, while
obtained from the methanol extract D. dasycarpus while Wheeler et al. (2001) screened crude methanol extracts of
moderate feeding-deterrent activity was obtained from 39 plant samples from 6 species of Trichilia collected in
n-hexane extracts of L. cubeba, R. molle and methanol Costa Rica for growth inhibition activity using Spodoptera
296 Z.L. Liu et al. / Journal of Stored Products Research 43 (2007) 290–296

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further studies will be needed.
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The information on most of the Chinese medicinal herbs Systematics and Ecology 27, 1–10.
recorded as possessing insecticidal properties in Yang and Sener, B., Bingol, F., Erdogan, I., Bowers, W.S., Evans, P.H., 1998.
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taken. The screening of plant extracts for anti-insect Wheeler, D.A., Isman, M.B., Sanchez-Vindas, P.E., Arnason, J.T., 2001.
Screening of Costa Rican Trichilia species for biological activity
activity, and the isolation and purification of active
against the larvae of Spodoptera litura (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae).
compounds are often long, expensive and tedious pro- Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 29, 347–358.
cesses. Our next approach will concentrate efforts on a Xie, Y.S., Bodnaryk, R.P., Fields, P.G., 1996. A rapid and simple flour-
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from which to fractionate and isolate the active com- insects. Canadian Entomology 128, 865–875.
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Yasui, H., Kato, A., Yazawa, M., 1998. Antifeedants to armyworms,
Acknowledgments Spodoptera litura and Pseudaletia separata, from bitter gourd leaves,
Momordica charantia. Journal of Chemical Ecology 24, 803–813.
Zhang, X., Wang, X.L., Chiu, S.F., 1992. Studies on the bioactivities and
We are grateful to Dr. L.H. Hu for providing us with the
applications of Chinese botanical insecticide—toosendanin. Proceed-
ethanol extracts of three Hypericum species. We also thank ings of XIX International Congress of Entomology, pp. 750.
Dr. H.T.W. Tan for his help in identifying the Chinese Zheng, Y., Yao, J., Shao, X., Muralee, N., 1999. Bioactive compounds
medicinal herbs. from Sophora flavescens Ait. Nongyaoxue Xuebao 1, 91–93.

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