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College of Teacher Education

First Trimester, SY 2022-2023

Course Name: Mathematics in the Modern World

Course Code: Math 100N
Course Credit: 3 units
Course Description:
This course deals with nature of mathematics, appreciation of its practical, intellectual, and
aesthetic dimensions, and application of mathematical tools in daily life.

1. Mathematics in Our World
a. Patterns and Numbers in Nature and the World
b. Fibonacci Sequence
c. Golden Ratio
d. Figurate Numbers
e. Arithmetic Sequence
f. Geometric Sequence
2. Mathematical Language and Symbols
a. Basic concepts of mathematical language
b. Set Operations
c. Mathematical Logic
d. Variables and Functions
3. Problem Solving and Reasoning
a. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning
b. Problem Solving Strategies
c. Heuristics

4. Basic Statistical Tools
a. Measures of Central Tendency
b. Measures of Variability
c. Measures of Position
d. Data Management
f. Regression Analysis
5. Coding Theory
a. Modular Arithmetic
b. Cryptography
6. Linear Programming
a. Inequalities
b. Simplex Method
7. Graph Theory
a. Graphs and Euler Circuit
b. Graph Coloring

Main References:
Aufmann, et. al(2018) Mathematics in the Modern World. Manila: Rex Book Store
Baltazar, (2018) Mathematics in the Modern World
Earnhart, T and Adina, E (2018) Mathematics in the Modern World

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