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Course Assessment Tasks &

1. Forum Discussion (15%)

 Students are expected to contribute to the weekly online discussions which should be in‐depth
and should contribute towards learning to each modules.
 Marks will be allocated for the content and depth of discussion rather than just “agreeing” or
“disagreeing” with contribution made by other students.
 The assessment is based on your individual participation.
 The question is designed to align to the topic.
 Resources will be provided as a guide to the task.


Criteria Unsatisfactory Satisfactory Excellent

(1) (2) (3)

Quantity and Does not submit Submit at least Submit one
timelines at least one one initial initial response
initial response response early in early in the
early in the the session and session and two
session and does at least two peer or more
not submit at responses closer thoughtful peer
least two peer to the end of the responses early
responses closer session. in the session
to the end of the and more than
session. two peer
responses closer
to the end of the

Spelling and Does not submit Submit posts Submit posts

mechanics posts that are in that have one or that contain
complete more grammatically
sentences or two grammatically correct
or more incorrect sentences
complete sentences and without any
sentences are two spelling spelling errors.
grammatically errors.
incorrect and
have greater
than two spelling

Demonstrates Post and Post and Post and

knowledge and responses show responses show responses show
understanding of little evidence of evidence of evidence of
the task content knowledge and knowledge and knowledge and
and applicability understanding of understanding of understanding of
to professional the task content the task content the task content
practice. and applicability and applicability and applicability
to professional to professional to the
practice. practice. professional
practice and
include other
resources that
extend the
learning as cited
from other

Generates Posts do not Posts attempts Posts elicit

learning within attempt to elicit to elicit responses from
the community responses and responses and other learners
reflections from reflections from and responses
other learners other learners build upon and
and/or and responses integrate
responses do not build upon the multiple views
build upon the ideas of other from other
ideas of other learners to take learners to take
learners to take the discussion the discussion
the discussion deeper. deeper.

2. Food Service Management: Major Report (15%)

Select any topics below:

I. Menu Evaluation
 Select a menu from the facility and evaluate.
 Get checklist that are available in the text or formulate one of your own.
 Suggest ways of improving the menu based on your evaluation.
II. Food Safety
 Collect baseline information on the standard of production of safe food in the institution.
 Design a food safety program that you might want to implement in the institution.
 Select any point of the food production process that you will want to implement this
 Monitor and evaluate the program.

III. Existing programs Evaluation

 Select an existing program that is been implemented in the institution.
 Design a tool of evaluating the program.
 Collect, analyse and report the findings.

Outline of Report Writing.

i. Introduction
ii. Methodology
iii. Discussion
iv. Recommendation/conclusion.
v. Writing should be within 1000‐1500 words.

Criterion Excellent Good Average Poor
(4/4) (3/4) (2/4) (1/4)
 Background information.
 Purpose & aim clearly stated.
 Brief description of how data
was collected.

 Presentation in tables, charts
and graphs with brief discussion
on findings.
 Ability to interpret findings well.
 Ability to relate to what is being
taught in theory and how
applicable to the discipline
 Identify limitation (strengths
and weakness) of the program.
 Ability to recommend for
appropriate action to problem
been identified from the
 Writing was well organized,
Legibility & layout, logical flow
 Clear & concise explanations of
the terms used.
 Standard of writing (grammar,
spelling) & style of writing is
well understood.
Reference‐ Referencing & citation
style was correct, consistent &
recent citations.
Less than or Greater
Similarities detected equal to 20% 21‐30% 31‐40% than 40%


3. Clinical Case Study Presentation (15%)

Task: Select a clinical case from the hospital setting and do the following:

i. Discuss the physiology and pathophysiology of the diagnosis.

ii. Follow the nutritional care process (NCP) of the practise.
iii. Prepare 10‐15 slides.
iv. Presentation will carried out in class.

Assessment Criteria 1 2 3 4

1.Introduce topic well

2.Content – Nutrition Care Process

i. Nutritional Assessment
Appropriate and Relevant.
ii. Nutrition Diagnosis
A statement/outline of what is evidence from
Nutritional Assessment at what needs to be

iii. Intervention
An outline of the dietary strategy.

iv. Evaluation & Monitoring

An outline of all indicators and how it will be
monitored and evaluated.


 Eyes and Body

Keeps eye contact with audience most of the

Looks poised and confidence.

Uses natural gestures and movement.

Wears appropriate clothing for the occasion.

 Voice
Speaks clearly; not quickly or slowly.

Speaks appropriately for the context and task.


Ability to respond to question/queries/


Ratings: 1 – Poor; 2 – Average; 3 – Good; 4 – Very Good.

4. Seminar Presentation 10%
Task: Imagine that you are been invited into a seminar to present on any nutritional issues. Select
any topic of interest. Prepare a 10 slides presentation to highlighting or defend your points on any
issue of concern now in the region or globally.


Criteria Beginning Developing Proficient Mastery Marks

1 2 3 4

A. Content Presentation Presentation Major facts are Presentation

Accuracy of facts. contains contains some accurate and contains
multiple fact fact errors or generally accurate
errors. omissions. complete. information
with no fact

B. Organization/Clarity Ideas are not Some ideas are Most ideas are Ideas are
Appropriate introduction, presented in not presented in logical order presented in
body & conclusions; logical proper order; in proper with adequate logical order
ordering of ideas; transition transition are order; transitions with
of major points. lacking transitions are between most effective
between major needed major ideas; transitions
ideas; several between some presentation is between
parts of ideas; some generally clear major ideas;
presentation parts of the and presentation
are wordy or presentation understandable. is clear and
unclear. may be wordy concise.
or unclear.

C. Completeness Presentation Additional Presentation Presentation

Level of detail, depth, does not depth needed provides provides
appropriate length, adequate provide in places; adequate good depth
background of information adequate important depth; few and detail;
depth; key information needed details ideas well
details are omitted or not are omitted; developed;
omitted or fully major ideas facts have
undeveloped; developed; adequately adequate
presentation is presentation is developed; background;
too short or too too short or presentation is presentation
long. too long. is within
within specified specified
length. length.

D. Grammar/Mechanics Presentation Presentation Presentation Presentation

Correct grammar & usage contains may contain has no serious contains no
that is appropriate for several major some grammar grammar grammar
audiences. grammar/usage or sentence errors; errors;
errors, errors; sentences are sentences
sentences are sentences may mostly jargon‐ are free of
long, contain jargon free, complete jargon,
incomplete or or are too long and complete
contain or hard to understandable. and easy to
excessive follow. understand.

E. Documentation Little or no Some message Adequate Effective

Proper support & sourcing message support message message
for major ideas, inclusion of support provided by support support
visual aids that support provided for facts and provided for provided in
message. major ideas, visual aids; key concepts by the form of
little or no sourcing may facts and visual facts;
sourcing be outdated. aids; sourcing is sourcing is
provided. generally current and
adequate and supports
current. major ideas.

F. Delivery Low volume, More Adequate Good

Adequate volume, pace too slow volume/energy volume and volume and
appropriate pace, personal or too fast, needed at energy; energy;
appearance & enthusiasm. distracting times; pace generally good proper pace
gestures or too slow or pace and and diction;
posture, fast; some expression; few avoidance of
unprofessional distracting or no distracting
appearance. gestures or distracting gestures;
posture; gestures; professional
adequate professional appearance;
appearance. appearance; visual aids
visual aids used used
adequately. effectively

G. Interactions Little or no eye Additional eye Fairly good eye Good eye
contact with contact contact with contact with
audience, poor needed at audience; audience;
Adequate eye contact with listening skills times; better displays ability excellent
audience, ability to listen & expression, listening skills to listen; listening
and/or answer questions. uneasiness or needed; some provides skills;
inability to difficulty adequate answers
answer answering answers to audience
audience audience audience questions
questions. questions. questions. with

5. Community Project Proposal (15%)

Task: In your attachment at any public health setting (School, SOPD, MCH, village or settlement)
you will identify nutritional problems from the nutritional data that have been collected as part
of the work that you are doing with the Dietitian. In this task you are required to assess the
nutritional status of the population to provide an understanding of the health status of the
You are then required to formulate an intervention that should be implemented. As the
implementing officer, you are required by your supervisor to write a grant project proposal to
support you and your health team members to deliver the programme.

Therefore, you are required to write a project proposal of the planned intervention which will be
addressed to funders to provide the funding required.

The required items in the project proposal will included the following:
i. Background or problem definition
ii. Solution to the problem/intervention
iii. Deliverables and success criteria/indicators
iv. Plan/approach of deliveries
v. Project schedules and budget


Sections Marks Allocated Marks attained

Project overview 6

 Problem definition
 Background information of the
problem identified.
 Supporting evidence

Project goals and objectives 6

 Description of the intervention

with goals and objectives.

Project implementation 8

 Project delivery strategies defined

 Personnel involved stated
 Success criteria/indicators stated
in line with the goals and
objectives of the project.
 A reasonable and balance budget.

Project Evaluation 4

 Description of how the nutritional

indicators will be monitored or
evaluated for the expected project

Total 24

6. Practical Handbook Book – 30%

The practical handbook captures specific competencies in the three discipline area of the
practise as;
 clinical dietetics
 food service management
 public health nutrition

You will be having a copy of this handbook and you will be attached in the three areas to
carry out the task defined in the handbook. On carrying out the task, the field supervisors will
be monitoring and assessing you on the skills and knowledge demonstrated.
Guide for Rating Skills
Criteria Description
Quality of wok  Accuracy, thoroughness and efficiency with which the student
accomplishes the assigned work.
 Does the student approach the work methodically?
 Sound assessment and judgment skills and display initiative.
 How consistent is her/his performance? Standard of performance.

Quantity of work  How much of the practical work is the student able to carry out or
complete during the period of attachment for each area (i.e. public
health, clinical dietetics, food service) and efficiency in the use of
 Consider student’s attitude towards work.

Dependability and reliability  The extent to which the student can be depended on without relying
on the supervisor.
 Does the student require supervision all the time?
 Is the student confident?
 Attending to work, when and where scheduled, punctuality.
 Does student follow instructions?
 Does the student display honesty and leadership qualities?
Knowledge and skills  Does the student have sufficient knowledge to be able to carry out
the practical work she/he is required to do?
 Is this knowledge being applied appropriately, e.g. using portion
control in the serving of meals and special diets?
 Is there any observed knowledge gap that may be preventing the
student from performing satisfactorily?

Professionalism  Being responsible, co‐operative and acting as a role model, enjoying

the work or finding difficulty in adapting to new environment.
 Relationship with other professional staff, kitchen GWE staff and the
public in general (polite, professional, diplomatic, fair)
 Relationship with patients – having the patience, understanding,
respect of privacy and other personal needs of the patient, being
culturally sensitive.
 Conformity to rules and regulations, e.g. of the unit area, health
center or hospital where being attached.
 Appearance, personal cleanliness ( being neat, wearing proper shoe
and dress code, ID card)

Initiative  Is the student a self‐starter who makes practical suggestions or

 Does the student carry out assigned work voluntarily and readily
accept suggestions or instructions?
 How much does the student rely on others in getting started on
the assigned work?
Safety  The extent to which the student is aware of unsafe practices and
conditions in the work setting.
 Is the student quick to sense possible hazards and then report
them to supervisor or person in charge?
 How careful is the student in as far as work practices are
concerned with regard to work assignments?
 Does the student follow the established work procedure for
assigned task?

Rating Scale  0 ‐ 3: Unsatisfactory/marginal performance (poor)

 4 – 6: Successful performance (satisfactory/good)
 7 – 8: Exceptional performance (very good)
 9‐10: Outstanding performance (excellent)

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