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mercredi 10 mai 2023 14:30

Noémie Seechurn

1. Winter study is a text written by Anna Pigeon, published in 2008. It's a third person narrative. The text talks about a lady, Anna, going on a research trip to Royale Isle during a heavy
snowy winter so as to study about the wolves and the moose. She is accompanied by her assistant Robin Adair and they are travelling by plane, on The Beaver.

2. Anna seems at first as scared and insecure in the 2nd line of the text. It seemed like she was not in her comfort zone and thus she didn't feel safe. However, throughout the text she
seems like a very courageous and brave lady. It's not her first time in Isle Royale as it was one of her first duty stations so she knows what to expect. We can see that Anna does not like
change as she does not feel safe and has a gut feeling with the new gear in line 9. Anna also seems to be very curious and thirsty of adventure as she is not sacred of the "blood-fat ticks
and moose piss". She was excited to know more about the wolves and the moose management. She can be a person that loves animals and wildlife as she has spent years studying them
and flown on search and rescues as mentioned in line 27. we can also say that Anna is a person with experience.

3. We can observe the sense of community through the interaction of Anna and the pilot who's offering help to put on the seat belt. Here there's the sense of community and kindness
where the pilot could eventually leave the buckling up to Anna and not help her but he did not. After trying by herself, Annafinally let the pilot help her to buckle the safety harness. We
can also see the sense of community in the fact that Anna does not travel alone, she is accompanied by Robin Adair who also is her long-legged research assistant. The sense of
community is very present as the character could have travelled alone to Isle Royale but preferred to travel with someone whoalso is very helpful for the research study. Robin will be
there to help Anna understand more about the wolf crisis. Furthermore, we can observe the sense of community in the fact thatAnna is travelling to another station so as to offer help
in the research; she is leaving her actual spot to help others and specially helping the animals. At the end of the text, thepilot talks in the microphone trying to start a conversation with
Anna and Robin and this shows the sense of community where there is the sharing of experience and information. However, we can also see that Anna in the beginning refuses the help
of the pilot to buckle up the harness, she wants to be independent and do it by herself.

4. We can observe the theme of wilderness in the whole text as it talks about rescues of wolves and moose. Wolves have been reinhabited for their safety and they are living in the park.
The text also mentions pups meaning that the wolves are reproducing and growing cubs in the wild, this is helping in the expansion of the wilderness. Wilderness is also present in the
fact that the rescues are in nature; Anna is travelling from one station to another so as to save the wild animals. We can also see wilderness in the weather and the temperature, as from
the beginning of the text, it is mentioned that the hangar is heated in the first line; this reveals that the temperature must be very low and cold. It is also mentioned in line 5 that it's
winter and the artic temperature of January was very snowy. The theme of wilderness is present with the words rescues, forest fires and animal surveys in line 27; wilderness regroups
fauna and flora and we can see that it is a harsh reality. We also have a description in the last paragraph of the weather again, there is frozen moisture particles, lakes and trees were
covered in snow.

5. We can observe the confidence in the text where they trust Anna enough to ask for her help and support in the rescue of the animals. As she is experienced, they trust and rely on her so
as to bring out her knowledge so as to save the wild. Anna is also confident as she is accompanied by a research assistant and is reassuring. As the airplane is clean, this increases the
confidence of Anna where she knows the flight will be fine. We can also consider that confidence is present in the fact that the wolves and reproducing and are living in the park, they
feel safe in that station. However we can see in the text that confidence is not present, especially in the beginning where Anna feels insecure and frail in the 2nd line. She does not feel
safe as the last time she went to Isle Royale it was summer and now it seems to be a harsh winter. She also does not feel safe in her new gear and has a gut feeling when walking in the
boots which are sinking in the snow. Furthermore, we can see that she does not have trust in the pilot as she wants to put her harness herself but finally resorts herself to let him help

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