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In the travel article about the Isle of Skye entitled, “Where to find warrior

queens, fairies, and castles in Scotland” the author, Connor Mcgovern,

takes the reader on a journey through the rugged and beautiful landscape
of the Scottish island. Throughout the article, the author emphasizes the
unique character and history of Skye, inviting readers to come and
experience it for themselves.

The author first gets the reader's attention by using vivid and descriptive
language to paint a picture of the “forbidding” Dunscaith Castle, the
surrounding landscape of Loch Eishort and the Cuillin mountains, and the
legendary Scottish warrior Scáthach. The author uses powerful adjectives
such as "forbidding," "haunted," and "impenetrable" to create a sense of
mystery and intrigue. The use of phrases like "tucked-away-from-the-world
spot" and "perhaps the greatest fighter the Celtic realms have ever known"
add to the aura of mystery and excitement.

Overall, I think the author's method is effective in getting the reader's

attention. The vivid descriptions and the use of powerful adjectives create a
sense of drama and intrigue that draws the reader in. The reference to the
warrior queen Scáthach adds a sense of myth and legend to the story,
making it all the more compelling. By painting a picture of a place and a
person that are both mysterious and intriguing, the author successfully
captures the reader's attention and leaves them wanting to know more.

In the travel article about Skye, Mcgovern provides background information

about the island's location, history, and geography. The author mentions
that Skye is part of the Inner Hebrides, an archipelago off the west coast of
Scotland, and that it has a long history of human habitation, including the
presence of Neolithic and Viking settlements. The author also highlights the
island's rugged terrain, diverse wildlife, and popular attractions such as the
Cuillin Mountains and the Fairy Pools.

This background information is necessary because it sets the stage for the
rest of the article and provides context for the reader. It helps the reader
understand why Skye is an important and interesting place to visit.
However, one thing that the author could have included is more detailed
information about the culture and traditions of the local people, as this
would have provided a deeper understanding of the island's unique

The author describes the setting of Skye in great detail, using sensory
language to evoke the island's natural beauty and rugged terrain. The
author describes the jagged peaks of the Cuillin Mountains, the
crystal-clear waters of the Fairy Pools, and the misty glens that stretch
across the island. The author also provides information about the island's
climate, noting that it can be unpredictable and that visitors should come
prepared for all kinds of weather.

The author's descriptions are effective in creating a vivid picture of Skye for
the reader. However, one thing that the author could have mentioned more
explicitly is the impact of tourism on the island's landscape and
environment, as this is an important issue for many travelers.

The author describes several people in the article, including local residents,
visitors, and tour guides. The author provides details about their
personalities, interests, and experiences on the island. For example, the
author describes a local resident who has lived on Skye for many years
and has a deep knowledge of the island's history and culture.

Comparing the details about people with the way the author describes the
location, we can see that both are described in terms of their character and
history. The author emphasizes the rugged and wild nature of Skye, and
this is reflected in the personalities of the people who live and work there.
However, there are also some differences between the two. While the
location is described in sensory detail, the people are described more in
terms of their personality traits and experiences.

The author also uses dialogue and photos in the article. Dialogue can add
a more lively and engaging element to travel writing. For example, the
author included quotes from local residents or visitors about their
experiences on Skye. This added a more personal and intimate perspective
to the article.

Photos, on the other hand, add details that one cannot simply convey
through words. The photos also help in capturing the essence of what the
entire article is all about. Those used in “Where to find warrior queens,
fairies, and castles in Scotland” help in capturing the reader's attention and

In conclusion, Connor Mcgovern's travel article about the Isle of Skye

effectively captures the unique character and beauty of the Scottish island
through vivid descriptions, historical context, and personal anecdotes. The
author's use of powerful adjectives and sensory language creates a sense
of mystery and intrigue that draws the reader in, and the inclusion of
dialogue and photos adds a more personal and visual perspective to the

While there are some areas where the author could have provided more
information, such as the impact of tourism on the island's environment,
overall the article effectively entices readers to visit and personally explore
the Isle of Skye.

How To Use Dialogue in Your Travel Writing. (n.d.). Wanderlust.

McGovern, C. (2022, January 26). Where to find warrior queens, fairies, and castles in Scotland. Travel.

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. (1998, July 20). Inner Hebrides | islands, Scotland, United
Kingdom. Encyclopedia Britannica.

Using Images in Publications | Georgetown University Library. (n.d.).

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