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LESSON 5: and stickers on a variety of goods proclaim

they are “Made in China.”

They offers its cheap and huge
COUNTRIES, REGIONS, AND workforce to attract foreign businesses and
GLOBALIZATION expand trade with countries it once
considered its enemies but now sees as
Edward D. Mansfield and Helen V. Milner
markets for its goods (e.g., the United
state that economic and political definitions
States and Japan)
of regions vary but there are certain basic
features that everyone can agree on.  Other countries make up for their
 FIRST, small size by taking advantage of
their strategic location.
REGIONS- “are group of countries
EXAMPLE: Singapore and Switzerland
located in the same geographically specified
compensate for their lack of resources by
area” or are “an amalgamation of two
turning themselves into financial and
regions [or] a combination of more than two
banking hubs.
regions” organized to regulate and "oversee
flows and policy choices.”  In most cases, however countries
form regional alliance for the
saying there is strength in
 SECOND, the words regionalization numbers
and regionalism should not be
Countries form regional associations for
REGIONALIZATION- refers to the
several reasons:
"regional concentration of economic
flows”  One is for military defense.
-It is also the division of an area into The most widely known defense
smaller segments called regions grouping is the North Atlantic Treaty
REGIONALISM- is a “political Organization (NATO) formed during cold
process characterized by economic policy war when several western European
cooperation and coordination among countries plus the United States agreed to
countries.” protect Europe against the treat of soviet
union. The Soviet Union responded by
creating its regional alliance, the Warsaw
pact, consisting of the eastern European
Countries respond economically and under soviet domination.
politically to globalization in various
ways. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization
was signed in Washington, D.C. on April 4,
 Some are large enough and have a 1949, thereby establishing the North Atlantic
lot of resources to dictate how they Treaty Organization (NATO), a mutual
participate in processes of global defense treaty between 12 nations. In 1954,
integration. the Soviet Union suggested it should join
NATO to preserve peace in Europe, but the
NATO countries, fearful that the Soviet
China is home to approximately 1.41 Union’s motive was to weaken the alliance,
billion people, making it the most populous ultimately rejected this proposal. The
country in the world. The Chinese economy Warsaw Pact was created in reaction to the
thrives as a manufacturing powerhouse and integration of West Germany into NATO in
the nation's products seem to be 1955 and represented a Soviet
everywhere. The majority of tags, labels, counterweight to NATO, composed of the
Soviet Union and seven other Soviet
satellite states in Central and Eastern  To protect their independence
Europe. For 36 years, NATO and the from the pressures of superpower
Warsaw Pact never directly waged war politics.
against each other in Europe; the United
States and the Soviet Union and their Some nations band together to form
respective allies implemented strategic regional blocs in order to defend their
policies aimed at the containment of each independence from the influence of
other in Europe while working and fighting superpower politics. In order to promote
for influence within the wider Cold War on human rights, sovereignty, racial and
the international stage national equality, non-intervention, peaceful
conflict resolution, and world peace and
international cooperation, the presidents of
Egypt, Ghana, India, Indonesia, and
Yugoslavia founded the Non-Aligned
Movement (NAM) in 1961. Because the
association refused to support the
communist states in Eastern Europe or the
First World capitalist democracies in
Western Europe and North America, it
referred to itself as non-aligned. The NAM
had 120 member nations at its peak. But
the movement never became official and is
still going strong today even though it's not
as passionate as it once was.
 Countries also form regional
 Economic crisis compels
organization to pool their
countries to come together
resources, get better returns for
their exports, as well as expand Finally, the global economic crisis
their leverage against trading forces nations to unite. Following demands
partners. from troubled international banks and
foreign currency speculators that the Thai
The Organization of the Petroleum
government repay its loans, the Thai
Exporting Countries (OPEC) was
economy crashed in 1996. The economy
established in 1960 by Iran, Iraq, Kuwait,
went bankrupt when foreign investments
Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela to regulate the
withdrew quickly. Other Asian nations
production and sale of oil. This regional
experienced a similar crisis as a result of
alliance flexed its muscles in 1970s when its
their currencies depreciating and the hasty
member took over domestic production and
withdrawal of foreign capital. The Asian
dictated cruel oil prices in the world market.
economies stabilized only after the ASEAN
The organization is committed to finding nations, China, Japan, and South Korea
ways to ensure that oil prices are stabilized decided to set up an emergency fund in
in the international market without any major anticipation of a crisis, despite the
fluctuations. Doing this helps keep the International Monetary Fund's (IMF) best
interests of member nations while ensuring efforts to avert the crisis.
they receive a regular stream of income
The crisis made ASEAN more“unified
from an uninterrupted supply of crude oil to
and coordinated”. The Association has
other countries.
come a long waysince it was formed as a
coalition of countries which were pro-
American and supportive of the
UnitedStates intervention in Vietnam.
CONTEMPORARY CHALLENGES TO and Thailand demanded more open foreign
REGIONALISM criticism.

 The resurgence of militant  Different Visions of what

nationalism and populism. regionalism should be for

Militant nationalism- basically means loving Regionalism faces challenges due to

one’s own country and hating the others. differing visions, with Western governments
viewing original organizations as not only
Populism- defined as a political approach economic formations but also political
that strives to appeal to ordinary people who democratization instruments. Non-Western
feel that their concerns are disregarded by and developing societies may hold varying
established elite groups. (Dictionary) perspectives on globalization, development,
and democracy. Singapore, China, and
EXAMPLE: The refusal to dismantle NATO
Russia view democracy as a hindrance to
after the collapse of the Soviet Union, has
economic globalization due to constant
become the basis of the anti-NATO rhetoric
public inquiry and debate, causing delays or
of Vladimir Putin in Russia.
unclear outcomes. Democracy's tedious
 The most crisis – ridden regional procedures must therefore, give way to
organization of today is the efficiency.
European Union.

The continuing financial of the region is

forcing countries like Greece to consider
leaving the Union to gain more flexibility in Regional associations now cover a
their economic policy. Anti immigrant wide range of the world, with countries
sentiment and a populist campaign against joining APEC comprising 37% of the world's
Europe have already led to the United population in 2007. Smaller organizations
Kingdom voting to leave the European include the Association of Southwest Asian
Union in a move the media has termed the Nations, Shanghai Cooperations
“Brexit”( - is an abbreviation of two English Organizations, North American Free trade
words: 'Britain' and 'exit' and refers to the Agreement, Caribbean and Pacific Group of
withdrawal process of the United Kingdom States, and Union of South American
(UK) from the European Union (EU) Nations. Regionalism will evolve with new
global concerns and changes in 21st-
 ASEAN members continue to
century politics.

ASEAN members are currently in

disagreement regarding the appropriate
level of sovereignty sacrifice for regional
stability. The association's link with East
Asia has also been problematic. ASEAN
countries disagreed on China's relationship,
with the Philippines struggling to secure
support from other nations for its
condemnation of China's occupation of the
West Philippine Sea. Cambodia and Laos
favored diplomacy over confrontation due to
significant Chinese investments and
economic aid, leading the opposition.
Previously authoritarian countries
democratized, causing a conflict with
ASEAN's non-interference policy, as civil
society groups in Indonesia, the Philippines,



(Balisco, Elvie Credo)

*According to Monsfield and Milner, economic and political definitions of regions
glo -Regions

investing/102214/why-china-worlds- -Regionalism

factory.asp --------------------------

(Basay, Bea Bentado)
worldhistory2/chapter/nato-and-the- *Countries respond economically and
politically to globalization in various ways:
(Amasula, Sofia Abang, 1-2)
(Ballebas, Ivy Rose Aguilar, 3-4) *Countries form regional association for
brexit/AboutBrexit/Paginas/ several reasons
index.aspx#:~:text=Brexit%20is 1. Military Defense
%20an%20abbreviation%20of,the 2. Form regional organization to pool their
%20European%20Union%20(EU) resources...

3. To protect their independence
countries/ 4. Economic crisis

(Baron,Janriel Sarming)

- The crisis Made ASEAN


(Bantug, Lira Angela, 1-2)

(Abrasaldo, Angelica Mae Raga, 3-4)

*Contemporary Challenges to Regionalism

1. Militant nationalism and Populism

2. Europian Union

3. ASEAN members continue to disagree

4. Different visions of what regionalism

should be for


(Benitez, Kristel Jane)


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