Module 4 Asgn - Product Cases

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Module 4 Assignment: Product Cases

Case 11.1

1. Is the impossible burger a convenience product, a shopping product, or a specialty

product? What are the implications for marketing this meatless burger?
The Impossible Burger may qualify as a specialty product if its plant-based, meat-like qualities
are used to position it as such and it appeals to a specific market that actively seeks out such
goods. In actuality, the classification may change based on the viewpoint of the customer and the
environment in which the product is promoted based on how and where it is marketed as well as
how customers view and buy it.

2. What are the advantages and disadvantages of marketing a meatless burger under the
Impossible brand?

Brand awareness is one benefit. Already, plant-based food product innovation is linked to the
Impossible brand. Marketing a plant-based burger under the Impossible brand capitalizes on
the brand's current awareness and optimistic connotations. A drawback is that consumers
who are particularly interested in plant-based or alternative protein choices might find the
Impossible brand more appealing. This can restrict the product's possible market reach.

3. How do you think Impossible Foods’ decision to introduce its meatless burger through
restaurants first influenced the product adoption process?
It gives the impression of exclusivity to introduce the meatless burger to eateries first. It adds to
the excitement and expectation surrounding the product by creating buzz. Customers may
become more curious and willing to give it a shot as a result. Impossible Foods hopes to
generate interest in their meatless burger among customers who might not have otherwise tried it
by launching it in restaurants.

Case 11.2
1) Which branding strategy is Hilton using? Why is this appropriate for Hilton?

Hilton Worldwide has a strategy of multiple branding. The corporation oversees a broad
range of hotel brands, each of which serves a distinct market niche and range of consumer
tastes. Hilton Worldwide has a number of brands, including full-service brands like Hilton
Hotels & Resorts, focused-service brands like Hampton by Hilton, and luxury brands like
Waldorf Astoria and Conrad.

2) How does the state of competition among hotels indicate where this category is in the
product life cycle?

The level of rivalry among hotels indicates that the hotel sector is probably nearing the end
of its product life cycle, either at maturity or saturation. Since there is fierce rivalry in mature
markets, businesses prioritize setting themselves apart through branding, superior customer
service, and customer loyalty initiatives above launching completely new product

3) Is Hilton's product mix deep as well as wide? Explain your answer.

Hilton provides a wide range of items under each brand, resulting in a deep product mix. For
instance, there are various iterations and tiers under the Hilton Hotels & Resorts brand. With this
depth, Hilton can meet a variety of unique needs and tastes of each brand's customers. Hilton's
product mix is broad as well, encompassing a large range of brands that cater to various market
niches. Hilton offers a wide range of services to suit the needs of its clients, from specialized
services to luxury.

Case 12.1

1. How has Cutco used quality to differentiate its products?

Cutco has deliberately made quality a point of distinction for its goods. The company's main goal
is to manufacture premium knives that are renowned for their precision, sharpness, and
longevity. Cutco places a strong emphasis on quality for a number of reasons. A crucial element
is paying attention to details. Cutco knives go through a rigorous production process that
involves hand-finishing procedures. The company places a strong emphasis on craftsmanship
and precision to guarantee that the knives meet high standards.

2. How does Cutco add value to its products through the “Forever Guarantee”?

One of the main components of Cutco's value proposition is their "Forever Guarantee". This
guarantee covers free Sharpco knife sharpening and repair at any time, no matter when or how
the knives were damaged. Cutco's goods are significantly enhanced by this assurance in a
number of ways. Customers are reassured by the Forever Guarantee that they are investing in a
high-quality product for the long run. Free sharpening and repair is one way Cutco shows how
dedicated they are to providing excellent customer service.

3. Does the direct selling channel help position Cutco’s high-quality knives in the marketplace?

Cutco's use of the direct selling channel is essential to how its premium knives are positioned in
the market. Ways to complete this include a teaching-based marketing. Cutco personnel have the
chance to interact directly with consumers through direct selling. They can offer product
explanations, showcase the superior qualities of Cutco knives, and give demonstrations. This
individualized approach aids in highlighting the products' worth and quality of production.

Case 12.2

1) In terms of product differentiation, why does Taco Bell test market its new products
for months before deciding whether to introduce them in a wider area?

"Taco Bell was able to evaluate customer reaction to the Quesalupa through test marketing,
and, more importantly, ensure that the new product could be prepared to look and taste as it
should, every time customers placed an order," the case discussion states. Likewise, the
company evaluated its ability to obtain enough supplies for a major product launch, should
the product be selected for commercialization. Therefore, they aim to optimize the product's
performance and ensure that all supply chains are set up to ensure a smooth launch and
maximum profit from future launches.
2) What are the advantages and disadvantages of Taco Bell introducing a product
simultaneously in all outlets nationwide rather than in stages thorough a rollout?

The phases method has it’s advantages. Additionally, each stage test that is successful
increases the confidence that the product will succeed. It makes management feel more
comfortable taking significant chances with advertising. Consequences include potentially
missing out on optimal market timing for a new product, losing out on potential earnings
from a deeper national launch, and incurring additional costs and effort for all the additional
testing phases.

3) Which product attributes or features does Taco Bell appear to be using to position the
Quesalupa, and why?

Customers consistently choose things that are crunchy and cheesy, but Taco Bell needs to come
up with new and inventive methods to satisfy their cravings in order to keep them intrigued and,
ultimately, coming back for more. Otherwise, they risk remaining unchanged. Taco Bell's new
product has likewise been hidden in a great deal of mystery, which has only increased consumer
demand for it. It appears Taco Bell has found out how to entice customers to return for more.

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