2.01 Project Charter Template

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Project Charter for MIS application development General Project Information Project Name Exposure MIS system USER

Risk Department Project Manager Abhinay Deo Project Leader Ajit Bakshi Project Developer Manish Chourasiya and Alok Kothalekar Process Owner Chetan karnik Organizational Unit BSG Process Impacted Monthly MIS and Data extraction activities Expected Start Date July 23, 2011 Expected Completion August 14, 2011 Date Expected Savings Rs. 0.00 Estimated Costs Rs. 30,400.00 Describe the Problem or Issue, Goals, Objectives, and Deliverables of this Project MIS related to IT Exposure from verious systems viz. FINACLE CBS, CFS FT and REST, CAM, Problem or Issue IRAC, Pref Shares etcwith senior leadership regarding the for MIS purpose. in for Exposure MIS. To address concerns is to be made available to the user integrity of data The manual Purpose of Project This project will attempt to provide a data pool to the RISK department other departments. Currently the RISK department provides verious monthly MIS to veriousof Bank, which will To Business Case achieveand develop a complete set of from veriousaddress root causes throughthe impairment Design the same compilation of data solutions to systems manually, behind excel, is Goals / Metrics of actual loss of data in manual processing. At the highest level, this to Quality Characteristics, Project Charter, Stakeholder Analysis, Thought Process Map, Critical involves three data Expected Deliverables Attribute Measurement System Analysis, Root Cause Analysis, Hypothesis Testing, Statistical Define the Project Scope and Schedule This project is limited to availing data in in a uniform format,validation of data and providing a Within Scope tool to user notextract MIS. source data from underlying systems. Data from the verious Project will to update any Outside of Scope sources will be uploaded as 'it is' from the base files without modification/alteration.Checking Key Milestone Start Complete Form Project Team / Preliminary Review / Scope 7/23/2011 Finalize Project Plan / Charter / Kick Off 7/23/2011 Define Phase 7/31/2011 Measurement Phase 7/5/2011 Tentative Schedule Analysis Phase 7/6/2011 Improvement Phase 7/8/2011 Control Phase 7/12/2011 Project Summary Report and Close Out 8/14/2011

Tentative Schedule

Define the Project Resources and Costs Alok Kothalekar and Manish Chourasiya support has been budgeted at one-full time FTE for Project Team the life cycle of the project. staff will provide some administrative help. Projects that are Project Management Office Support Resources reviewed may get tasked to help with data gathering and collection. verious systems. The The project will need programming support to extract data from two Special Needs Crystal report and licences thereof may be required. Cost Type Labor Labor Labor Miscellaneous Vendor / Labor Names Ajit Bakshi (PL) Alok Kothalekar Manish Chourasiya Touring to tower, food expences (50*2*2*5+100*2*5) for 5 days Rate Rs. 250.00 Rs. 150.00 Rs. 150.00 Hrs 32 56 80 Amount Rs. 8,000.00 Rs. 8,400.00 Rs. 12,000.00 Rs. 2,000.00

Total Costs Rs. 30,400.00 and Customers The RISK Department Officer owns the overall process over MIS project. Each Project Manager must make sure they follow a set of procedures for capturing and reporting actual All personnel assigned to MIS application developement, including Project Manager, Project Leader, Project developers Risk Department Bank officials. Less variations and inconsistencies in how risk MIS reports actual exposure and other figures. Fewer distortions between the actual exposure of companies vs. what gets reported as actual Describe Basis of Estimate Est Benefit Less rework and correction of errors - 10 projects x 30 hours x $ 50 = 1 Rs. 0.00 month not applicable Rs. 0.00 Easier to process data, quicker cycle times, etc. - 10 projects x 10 hours x Rs. 0.00 $ 35 Compliance with Agency Policies, Avoid Penalties and Budget Cuts Rs. 0.00 IT Portfolio Management is greatly enhanced - $ 5 million x 30% distortion Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00 Rs. 0.00 Describe Project Risks, Constraints, and Assumptions 1. Changes to Project Scope - Project needs to stay focused on root causes behind the source Risks data and not can not be project into developing system personnel due to monthly with 1. Resources expand the constrained to four full time FTErequirements for problems data Constraints extraction. data will be available before proceeding the 1. All latest Lack of additional resources for this project. kick start. Assumptions 2. Data taken is the audited one. Define the Project Benefits Process Owner Key Stakeholders Final Customer Expected Benefits Type of Benefit Specific Cost Savings Enhanced Revenues Higher Productivity (Soft) Improved Compliance Better Decision Making Less Maintenance Other Costs Avoided

Prepared by:

Ajit Bakshi


August 2, 2011

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