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Azure Container - Basics

1. Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)

● Overview: A managed Kubernetes service that facilitates the
deployment, management, and scaling of containerized applications
using Kubernetes, an open-source container orchestration system.
● Use Cases: Building and deploying scalable containerized
applications, microservices architecture, continuous integration and
deployment pipelines.
2. Azure Red Hat OpenShift
● Overview: A fully managed OpenShift service, jointly operated with
Red Hat, offering enterprises Kubernetes and containers with an
integrated developer experience.
● Use Cases: Enterprise-level container orchestration, building and
deploying open-source applications, facilitating DevOps workflows.
3. Azure Container Apps
● Overview: A service that allows developers to build and deploy
modern applications and microservices using serverless containers,
which automatically scale according to the workload.
● Use Cases: Developing scalable microservices, building modern apps
with automated scaling, event-driven architectures.
4. Azure Functions
● Overview: A serverless solution that lets you run event-triggered code
without having to provision or manage servers, automatically scaling
depending on the workload.
● Use Cases: Building event-driven applications, automating workflows,
integrating systems and data pipelines.
5. Web App for Containers
● Overview: A service that allows for the easy deployment and running
of containerized web apps on both Windows and Linux platforms.
● Use Cases: Web applications development, RESTful API services,
quick deployment of web apps through containers.
6. Container Instances
● Overview: Enables the running of Docker containers directly within
Azure, without the need to manage any underlying servers.
● Use Cases: Quick deployments of containerized applications, testing
containerized apps, batch jobs and workflows.
7. Service Fabric
● Overview: A distributed systems platform that facilitates the
packaging, deployment, and management of scalable and reliable
microservices and containers.
● Use Cases: Developing scalable microservices, orchestrating
containers, building and operating always-on, scalable, distributed
8. Container Registry
● Overview: A service to store and manage container images and
artifacts in a scalable and secure way across all types of Azure
● Use Cases: Storing and managing Docker container images,
facilitating continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD)
9. Azure Kubernetes Fleet Manager
● Overview: A service that assists in the seamless management of
Kubernetes clusters at scale, providing centralized management and
operational capabilities.
● Use Cases: Managing large-scale Kubernetes deployments,
centralized monitoring and management, facilitating enterprise-grade
container orchestration.
10. Azure Kubernetes Service Edge Essentials
● Overview: An on-premises implementation of Azure Kubernetes
Service (AKS) that automates the process of running containerized
applications at scale, facilitating edge computing scenarios.
● Use Cases: On-premises container orchestration, facilitating edge
computing scenarios, managing containerized applications in
environments with limited connectivity.
Using these services, developers and businesses can streamline the
development, deployment, and management of containerized applications,
leveraging the scalability, flexibility, and efficiency that containerization and
serverless computing offer.

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