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Eliminating Bias in the Workplace

Able managers should be able to detect and address workplace prejudice, as it damages

professional relationships. Affinity bias arises when people automatically interact with others

who share similar characteristics. It happens because the brain is programmed to regard these

individuals as similar and relatable, and humans have been discovered to aspire to connect with

those with whom they can relate (McCormick 10). This prejudice clouds one's judgment about

which individuals are most suited for interaction. Attribution bias is another example, and this

occurs by evaluating others. Individuals constantly ascribe their successes to their abilities while

accrediting their misfortunes to others. This prejudice causes people to attach errors done by

others to their characteristics, reducing engagement with them (Johnson 1528). The others have a

beauty bias. Individuals tend to assume that the most attractive people are successful. That is to

say; individuals tend to appraise the professionalism of others based on their looks. This

prejudice may limit prospective talks with others by creating the impression that people who are

not attractive have unconstructive ideas. As a result, there are methods for eradicating workplace

prejudice. First, company managers may ensure that employees understand the base of

stereotyping, which is the foundation of prejudice creation. Directors should also facilitate

communication procedures, ensuring that staff has the time and space to understand one another

truly. The other option is to provide bias training, which would benefit the workforce by

providing knowledge and pacifying people who may feel excluded from workplace debates

(Carvalho-Freitas et al. 256). Due to the methods above, workplaces eradicate any forms of

prejudice, encouraging a neutral workforce that interacts freely without being adversely bound

by foundations built by biasness. Minimizing workplace prejudice ensures that employees have

open minds while interacting with others.

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