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Workplaces have a significant impact on people's lives. Many individuals spend most of

their waking hours at work; thus, it is critical for members of any company to feel supported by

their peers, managers, and subordinates. In light of Methot et al. (1789), poor interpersonal

interactions, a lack of employee-respecting policies and practices, and other psychosocial

hazards connected with an institution's culture are key contributors to workplace stress. Positive

social connections between employees are how work is done, but prolonged exposure to these

psychosocial dangers is linked to increased psychiatric and psychological health complications

(1790). Psychologists have long recognized the need for connection with other people as a

fundamental human need. This suggests that interpersonal relationships significantly influence

mental and behavioral health and mortality risk. Positive social connections have a greater

impact on the physiological systems of humans (Levinson 39). The use of reflexive brain

functions for social thinking creates specific biological structures that may protect against the

negative effects of stress, and close connections are linked to health. According to Fineberg and

Ross (19), oxytocin, a powerful hormone linked to trustworthiness and the desire to assist others

in the workplace, is also released by social contact. When people endure social pain in the

workplace due to feelings of isolation, for example, the part of the brain initiated is similar to if

the person had encountered physical pain (Levinson 40). Equally, when connections within the

workplace are branded with cooperation, trust, and fairness, the reward part of the brain is

initiated, which encourages future connections that enhance employee trust and confidence.

Positive social interactions at work have also proven beneficial for the body’s physiological

procedures. In other words, positive social interactions bolster physiological ingenuity by

strengthening the cardiovascular, immune, and neuroendocrine schemes via immediate and
lasting reductions within cardiovascular reactivity, enhanced immune responses, and healthier

hormone patterns. In other words, when employees experience healthy connections at their

workplaces, the body's aptitude to build, uphold, and repair itself is enhanced both within and

outside the workplace.

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