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Apple is one of the most popular and widely consumed fruits that is cultivated in many regions
of the world with a versatile history dating back to ancient times. it is a preferred choice for
health conscious individuals as it contains rich amount of beneficial nutrients along with sweet
juicy taste. Apple can be consumed in different ways. We can eat it raw, or can cook into pies,
cakes or can process it into apple juice, sauce or cider.
Apple is round or sperical shaped fruit with a size of about a tennis ball. its diameter ranges from
5 to 10 centimeters and weighs about 5 to 10 ounces. Scientifically, it is a pomeceous fruit
termed as Malus domestica that belongs to Rosaceae family. There are different varieties of
apples. It varies in its colour, size, texture or taste. It can be green, red or yellow in colour and
sometimes a combination of all these with a thin and smooth edible skin that protects the inside
of apple. The flesh may be crispy, firm, sweet or tart depending on the type. Apple contains seeds
in its core that are enclosed in a tough and fibrous capsule.
History, Varieties and Global Production Trends:
It is widely beleived that apples were first cultivated by humans in Central Asia over 4000 years
ago. Originally, they were used to produce cider but with the passage of time, they became
common in Europe, Northern America and eventually to the rest of the world as a food item.
Currently, there is vast producaton rate of apple globally of about 86 million metric tones with
over 7,500 varieties. Today, its production is mostly concentrated in China, USA, Turkey, Italy
and Poland among which China as the largest producer. Some popular varieties include Granny
Smith, Red Delicious, Gala, Fuji, and Honeycrisp.
Typically, apples grow in temperate climates that have warm summers with cool winters as they
are harvested from late summers to early winters. they are cultivated in areas with regular
watering and well drained soil. There are different methods to produce apples. Naturally, they
grow from seeds like many other fruits. They can also be propagated from grafting and cuttings.
Chemical Composition:
The chemical compostion of apple can be listed as;
• Apple is primarily composed of water with 85 percent water contents.
• Along with water, it contains a number of benefecial nutriets including vitamins,
minerals, fibres and carbohydrates.
• Carbohydrates are mainly simple sugars i.e. fructose, glucose, and sucrose.
• The dietary fibers are mainly insoluble, that helps in digestion.
• Apples are good source of vitamin C, that can help boost the immune system as it is a
powerful antioxidant along with Vitamin K nad B6.
• Moreover, it also contains slight amounts of other nutrients such as potassium, calcium,
and iron.
Aditionally, apple contains a rich amount of phytochemicals that have many beneficial health
effects. The two major phytochemical groups found in apples are flavonoids i.equercetin
and kaempferol (inflammatory and anti-oxident), polyphenols i.e chlorogenic acid (reduse risk of
chronic diseases).
Siginificance of Apples:
• Health benefits
Apples are linked with a number of health benefits due to its chemical composition. As already
mentioned, its regular consumption can reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as heart
problems, diabetes and certain types of cancer. It regulates blood sugar level and bowel
movement while reducing inflammation, cholesterol and oxidative stress of the body. They are
low in calories and fat, strengthens immune system function, increases gut health and wound
• Cultural Significance
Along with its health benefits, Apple have been a symbol of cultural significance in many
societes of past and present. For instance, in Greek mythology, apples were seen as a symbol of
beauty, youth and love while the story of Adam and Eve symbolise it as an element of temptation
and original sin. In contemperoray times, Apples are linked with gratitude and affection in many
regions including USA as they make apple pies as a traditional desert on events such as fall or
thanksgiving. In european countries, apples are considered as sumbol of love, goodluck and
fertility and it is there custom to give apples to newlywed couples as a gift.
• Industrial input
In terms of industrial input, apples are use to make apple vinegers, apple ciders or apple sauses.
One of the most significant product in this regard is Apple Skin leather that is a type of sustainble
leather produced from apple skin and flesh which can be used to make bags, shoes and other
products. It is considered as an eco-friendly alternative to traditional animal leather as it is more
durable and biodegradable without any harmful chemicals. The development of Apple skin
leather industry can potentialy revolutionize the overall industrial dimensions.

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