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About Time

Here I am, realizing the inescapable fact that we all are running out of time,
The panic from that single thought alone tingles and shoots fear throughout my spine….
Fear, the one shitty emotion within that just stuck around to hold me back.
It took a while to completely see but no more does it control me with the strength that I lacked.
As my life’s film kept rolling, I noticed bits and pieces of me were either fading away or missing all
But I didn’t care to be concerned or try to search because they were probably lost and never meant
to be found.
The day came when I decided enough was enough and that it was time to build myself up again.
About time that I became confident in my rising as I embraced self love as my best friend.
About time that I came through strolling, head held high and proud throughout my ongoing journey
whether seen or unseen.
About time that I genuinely experienced life in its true moment without being bombarded by
dreadful thoughts about what it’s supposed to mean.
But how will I know that I arrived at peace and reached nirvana at last?
Will the former hauntings of my nightmares and horrors of my psyche return or will they infinitely be
Seems like forever lingers on and on as I ultimately internalize lessons that life stays tossing at me…
But it’s about time nigga, to conform into what I avoided when all this time, it was meant to be.

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