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In 21th century technologies just changed our life and now we cant imagine our normal day without

chatting with fiends, video calls or computer games.

In 2020 we start using internet for study, it was hard time and it was really difficult to learn online
platforms for study were we had online desk and online hand ups but lets be honest, it was so easy for

Now, after covids pandemic we continue using teams for presentations, conferences where students
from lots of cities unite and also we have online grades magazine. It is so great that we can search lots of
interesting information we are interested in.

But actually we know that everything positive have also negative sides. Teenagers use internet not only
for study they spend all days with play online games, scroll tik tok videos or ig posts and ext. They
become addicted and just don’t want to go out, hang out with real friends or read books, everything
become unimportant for them without wi-fi.

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