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Harminder Gill
Final Work
Nombre: _____Justine_____ Cédula: __8-999-1368__
Fecha: ___16-07-22_______ Puntaje: ____________
Important: Carefully read the instructions for each activity. Please
complete all activities. All activities carry equal points
except activity 16 (4 points).

Activity 1: Watch all videos from Module 1 and decide if the following
expressions are more formal or less formal. Use the words from
the vocabulary bank.

yes, yeah, hello, hi, thank you, thanks, how are you, how are you doing, I’m fine,
ok, fairly good, good, good-bye, bye, see you, see you later

Place the words in the following categories.

More formal Less formal
Yes. Yeah.
Thank you. Thanks.
Hello. Hi.
How are you? How are you doing.
I´m fine. Ok./ Fairly good / Good
Good bye. Bye.
See you./ See you later

Activity 2: Go to the following site and complete the following activities.

What is the problem in the conversation?
 The man didn't do his homework.
 The man can't find his book.
 The man missed his grammar class.

What is Brittany's phone number?

 It's 870-0090
 It's 870-0019
 It´s 870-0099
James' phone number is ______.
 614-4080
 614-1418
 614-1480
The man wants Audrey's phone number because ____.
 wants to find his computer
 he needs the homework
 he likes her
What is Audrey's phone number?
 558-6010
 558-1660
 558-6016
Activity 3: Go to the following video. .

Now, do the following activities. Only write the answers from 1 to 10.
1. __Etinpurth____2. __glasgow___3. __Aberdeen___
4. __Dundee___ 5. __cartiff___ 6. __Swansea___

7. ___Newport______ 8. __Belfast_____
9. ___Manchester_______ 10. __Leeds___

Activity 4: Create your ID card in English. Include the following information

in your card. Be creative.
first name, last name, sex, e-mail, date of birth, blood type
Use this space for your ID Card
ID card

Sex: F
Date of birth: August 09, 2003
Blood type: O+

Activity 5: Put the following questions in order.

1. name is your what ?

What is your name?

2. ? last is what your name

What is your last name?

3. you do live where ?

Where do you live?

4. address your what is ?

What is your address?

5. phone is what your number ?

What is your phone number?

6. have you do email an address ?

Do you have an email address?

Activity 6: Complete the following survey. Ask the following questions to four
students, and then write their names.
 What´s your complete name? (first name, last name)
 What´s your email address?
 What´s your cellphone number?
Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4
Michelle Sabrina Marcela Sara
Ortiz Torrez Smith Muñoz


Activity 7: Go to and spell the following names in ENGLISH.

 R-A-C-H-E-L-L
 G-E-O-R-G-E
 K-A-T-H-R-I-N-E
 R-I-C-H-A-R-D
 A-L-E-J-A-N-D-R-A
 M-A-R-L-I-N
 R-E-B-E-C-C-A
 M-O-N-T-E-N-E-G-R-O
Activity 8: Go to the following site. Listen to the conversation. Later, do the
following activities.

A. Choose the correct word to complete the sentences.
A.1 Lucy’s surname is ...
a. More
b. Moor
c. Moore
A.2 She’s in class ...
a. 1C
b. 1B
c. 4B
A.3 Lucy is ...
a. 13
b. 14
c. 15
A.4 The librarian asks for Lucy's ...
a. address
b. photo
c. passport

Activity 9: Complete the following short dialogues.

Dialogue 1.
A: Hello. _I am_____ Pablo.
B: Hi. Nice to meet you. _I am__ Katherine.
A: Nice to meet __you____.

Dialogue 2.
A: Hello, Carlos. Let me introduce you to my classmate. __I am__Martin.
B: Nice to meet you, Martin. What´s your ____last_____ name?
A:5 My ___last_______ name is Martin Sosa.
Dialogue 2.
A: Good morning. I am here for an interview.
B: Great! What’s your ____first_____ name?
A: Well, my ___first____ name is Carla.
B: Wonderful! What´s your ___last____ name?
A: My ___last____ name is Hernandez.
B: Thanks for the information. Please wait here.
A: Sure. No problem.

Activity 10: Complete the dialogue with the words from the word bank.

spell, number, surname, address, thanks

CARLOS: Good morning.

MARIA: Good morning. What´s your name?
6 Hi! My name is Carlos.
MARIA: Hi! Carlos. What your ___surname____?
Activity 11: List at least ten classroom objects. First, write the word and then
write the singular and plural forms of it.

# Word Singular Plural

1 Pen Pen Pens
2 Chair Chair Chairs
3 Table Table Tables
4 Book Book Books
5 Paper Paper Papers
6 Eraser Eraser Erasers
7 Sharpener Sharpener Sharpeners
8 Rule Rule Rules
9 Backpack Backpack Backpacks
10 Board Board Boards

Activity 12: Form the questions and answers based on the following
pictures. There is an example for you.

What’s this?
It’s a pen.

A: What´s that?
B: It´s a cell phone.

A: What´s that?
B: It´s a notebook.

A: What´s this?
B: It´s a pencil.

Activity 13: Julia is a teacher. She is looking for her things. Help her

answer where her things are.

Information Position Reply (Prepositions)

Where´s my pen?

Where´s your
notebook? Under

Where´s his
highlighter? On the right

What´s this?
_It´s an headphones.__________

Hello. Are these your keys?
_No, they aren´t.______________

Excuse me. Is this your watch?

_ Yes, it is. ___________________

Activity 15: First, fill in the blanks. Use the words from the vocabulary
bank. Then, practice with your partner by asking the following
questions. Ask classmates, “Is this your ___?” or “Are these your ____?” while
pointing to a picture.

What ___is this_____? Is _this__ your __pencil__?

___This is a pen_______ _No, this isn´t_________
Are __these__ your _sunglasses__
Yes, __this is___.

Is _this___your _cell phone___?
Is _this_ your __scissors__? What´s this?
No, __this isn´t________.
__Yes, this is_____________ _This is a notebook__________
Activity 16: Create a dialogue “Ask and say where things are in the room” (8 sentence
Use prepositions of place (on, in, in front of, under, next to, and beside) in your dialogue

. Remember: Check your spelling and punctuation and use these expressions in th

 Pardon me, I did not catch that.

 I´m sorry. I do not understand.
 Can you repeat that please?

- Hello. How are you?

- Hi. I'm fine thanks.
- Where are the books?
- They're under the tables.
- Oh thanks!
- I'm
11 sorry and the pens and pencils?

- Yes, on the table.

- Thanks, finally you have seen my green backpack
- Yes. Beside the door.

Activity 17: Paste the pictures of your TWO favorite celebrities. Then, describe them
briefly. (10 sentences each)

Sadie Sink was born in Texas, United States, on April 16, 2002. She is 20 years old. She
is an actress. She is a very beautiful person. She is tall, athletic and mature. She likes to

dance and sing. She likes to go out with her friends to eat.

Maya Hawke is an actress. She was born on August 14, 2000. She is very famous. She often
wears extravagant looks. Her hair is short and light. She is short and fair-skinned. She has a fun
personality. She studies in the United States. Her favorite color is pink. She likes to cook
Mexican food.

Activity 18: Draw/insert images about your FIVE-FREE-TIME ACTIVITIES. Then
write a complete sentence to describe them. Use the following words
(time expressions and adverbs of frequency) in your answers

Sometimes, usually, often, never, hardly ever, always, once a

week/month/year, twice a week/month/year, every day, on the weekends,
in the evening/morning/afternoon, at night, before breakfast, after class
There is an example for you.

I usually read books in my free time.

I on weekends I play video games.

Sometimes at night I watch series.

I almost always make cookies in the afternoon.

I sometimes talk to my friends.
I usually write poems at night.

Activity 19: Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.

Where is the map?

It's next to the door.

Where are the watches?

It's under the clocks.

Where is the TV?
It's to the right of the board.

Activity 20: Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.
Remember to use contractions.

Where is he?

He is in the office.

Where are they?

She is in the park.

Where is she?

She is in the park.

Activity 21: Look at the following pictures and answer the questions.

Q: Is she sick?
A: Yes, she's sick.

Q: Are they in class?

A: Yes, they're in class.

Q: Are they in a gym?

A: No, they're in the office.

Q: Is she in a park?
A: No, she's in the class.

Activity 22: Watch the following video and do the exercises.

1. Where does she live?
 Santa Barbara, California
 San Diego, California
2. What time does she usually wake up?
 6:30
 7:30
3. What does she do before getting ready for school?
 She takes her dogs for a walk
 She feeds her dogs
4. What time do her classes start?
 8:30
 3:30
5. What does she do after school?
 She chats with her friends.
 She plays video games.
6. What does she do after dinner?
 She finishes her homework and watches TV.
 She helps her brother do the dishes.
Activity 23: Complete the sentences using the words below.

get usually ready weekday dressed

from do finish never

1. Here’s what I do on a typical

2. In the morning I __usually__ wake up at 7:30.

3. I __get__ up and feed the dogs.

4. After that, I get ___dressed____ for school.

5. I wash my face, have some breakfast, brush my teeth, and get

6. My online classes are __from___ 8:30 to 3:30.

7. After school, I exercise __do___ homework and text with my friends.

8. After dinner, I ___finish___ my homework and then watch TV before going

to bed.

9. My days are ___never____ the same, but that’s what I usually do on weekdays.

Activity 24: Go to the following site and do the following activities.

Where is Pancho from?

a) Paraguay
b) Portugal
c) Peru
How many brothers and sisters does Pancho have?
a) 11
b) 12
c) 13
What is his father's job?
a) taxi driver
b) police officer
c) dentist
What does his mother do?
a) She runs a small family store.
b) She owns a beauty salon.
c) She works at a bread shop.
Who works at the family business?
a) family

b) friends
c) neighbors
Activity 25: People are talking about their families. Listen and number the

A._____4_______ B. _____1_______ C.______6______

D._____2______ E. ____5______ F. ______3______

Activity 26: People are talking about their families. How many brothers and
sisters do they have? Listen and write the numbers.

Older Younge Older Younge

brothers r sisters r

s (herman
os (herman as
mayors os mayores
) menore )
0 0 3 0

2. Donna 1 0 0 2

3. Bob 0 0 1 0

4. Rosie 0 2 1 1

5. Tina 0 0 0 0

Activity 27: Listen again. Circle the correct answer.

1. Stephanie would like to have …………….

a. brothers
b. sisters
c. cousins
2. Donna’s brother is a …………….
a. teacher
b. student
c. professor
3. Bob’s sister ……………. bosses him around.
a. never
b. sometimes
c. always
4. Rosie’s friend would like to come from a ……………. family.
a. small
b. big
c. medium size

5. Tina is ……………… child.
a. an only
b. lonely
c. one

Activity 28: People are talking about themselves and other family members.
Which family member is the speaker most like? Listen and check
the correct answer.


1. Wen-ping ◻ ◻  ◻

2. Michael ◻  ◻ ◻

3. Justin  ◻ ◻ ◻

4. Susan ◻  ◻ ◻

5. Robert ◻ ◻ ◻ 
6. Beth ◻  ◻ ◻

Activity 29: Listen again. How is each family member different from the speaker?
Write the letter.
a. a
a. Wen-ping’s brother …. a. likes sports. b. f
b. Michael’s brother …... b. likes reading and music. c. d
c. Justin’s sister …... c. is taller than the father. d. a
d. Susan’s father …... d. prefers to play cards. e. b
e. Robert’s sister …... e. hates flying. f. e
f. Beth’s father …... f. isn’t interested in music.

Activity 30: A woman is talking about her family members. What is their relationship
to her? Listen and circle the correct answer.

1. He’s my …………...
a. uncle
b. grandfather
c. brother
2. She’s my …………...
a. niece
b. cousin
c. aunt
3. He’s my …………...
a. nephew
b. brother
c. cousin

following paragraph.

I´m a full-time student. I like my career. It’s interesting and challenging. It’s

my passion. I admire my classmates too. They’re supportive and friendly.

I’m in good company and the university environment is not stressful.

Moreover, it´s an extremely healthy and engaging environment. Besides,

my teachers are nice and helpful. They´re open-minded and encouraging.

Thank you!

Best wishes!!


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