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Pablo J. Atria, Isabel Lagos, Camila S. Sampaio

In vitro evaluation of surface roughness, color stability, and color

masking of provisional restoration materials for veneers and

Abstract treatment1. Sometimes, especially in complex cases, these

provisional restorations can be used as a diagnostic tool that
Aim: To evaluate surface roughness (SR), color stability (CS), can help to determine the size, shape, location, and color of
and color masking as assessed through the relative translu- the final restoration and its relationship to the surrounding
cency parameter (RTP) of different provisional restoration ma- soft tissue1. Many provisional materials are currently available
terials before and after water thermocycling (TC). on the market, although some of the newer materials lack sci-
Materials and methods: Four different provisional materials entific background reporting regarding their esthetic and
were selected: acrylic resin, bis-acryl resin, polymethyl meth- overall functional performance over time.
acrylate (PMMA) CAD/CAM blocks, and 3D-printed provision- With the advancement of the digital dentistry workflow
al resin. Samples of 0.6- and 1.3-mm thickness were obtained, and the many different options of intraoral and extraoral
and SR, CS, and RTP were determined before and after the scanners, milling machines, and 3D printers, a wide variety of
samples were submitted to 6000 cycles of TC. A rugosimeter materials have been developed by several manufacturers. In
was used to assess SR. Color was determined on white and addition, numerous applications have been proposed for
black backgrounds before and after TC, and color masking these new materials and technologies, ranging from surgical
was assessed through RTP. CS was determined using a spec- guides to splints, orthodontic models, and implant-support-
trophotometer with the CIEDE2000 formula, before and after ed as well as tooth-supported provisional restorations2. The
TC. rapid emergence of hardware and materials occurred soon
Results: SR values before and after TC ranged from -0.01 to after the expiration of certain patents that had protected var-
0.28 for 1.3 mm, and from 0.00 to 0.38 for 0.6 mm, respect- ious 3D-printing methods and manufacturers3.
ively. CS (∆E00 values) ranged from 0.53 to 4.38 for 1.3 mm, 3D-printing technologies can be classified according to
and from 0.70 to 5.66 for 0.6 mm, respectively. The highest their fabrication process4, the most relevant for dental appli-
value was obtained for 3D-printed resin. Finally, for RTP val- cations being additive manufacturing (AM), as opposed to
ues, the difference before and after TC ranged from -0.036 to subtractive manufacturing (SM)5,6. AM is the process of creat-
2.66 for 1.3 mm, and from 0.52 to 2.57 for 0.6 mm, respect- ing objects from 3D model data by depositing a material
ively, with the PMMA CAD/CAM block being the material with layer upon layer. There are several methods of 3D printing of
the lowest values in both cases. polymers, including fused deposition modeling (FDM),
Conclusion: Values of SR, CS, and RTP varied among different stereolithography (SLA), digital light processing (DLP), selec-
materials and thicknesses. The overall performance of tive layer sintering (SLS), and PolyJet technology5. DLP corre-
3D-printed resin was inferior to that of the other materials. sponds to a vat polymerization technique, similar to SLA, that
The PMMA CAD/CAM block obtained the overall best values uses a digital mask projection to create a particular pattern6.
for the conditions tested. DLP has become the most popular technology for 3D printers
used in dentistry because of its compatibility with a wide
Keywords: CAD/CAM, color science, dental materials, digital range of commercially available resins.
dentistry Among other provisional materials available, the most
popular ones are based on autopolymerizing polymethyl
methacrylate (PMMA), bis-acryl, and micro-filled resins7,8. This
Introduction variety of materials can be used for short- or long-term provi-
sionalization, depending on the objective of the treatment
Provisional materials are needed to maintain sound tissue plan. Extended wearing times (more than 6 months) for these
structures and acceptable esthetics during prosthodontic provisional restorations are indicated for a variety of treat-

International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350 343


ments, including changes to vertical dimension, palliative cific parameters are paramount and need to be taken into
prosthodontic treatment in cancer patients, exploring the account when selecting a provisional material8,15. Different
survival potential of abutment teeth with an unclear progno- factors can have a detrimental effect on CS such as incom-
sis, among others9. plete polymerization16, water sorption177, and SR18,19, among
The oldest and most popular materials used for provi- others8.
sional prostheses are autopolymerizing PMMAs, commonly Therefore, the aim of this study was to provide important
known as acrylic resins. The main advantages of these mater- information regarding relevant characteristics of these mater-
ials are their low cost and ease of repair. On the other hand, ials: SR, CS, and color masking assessed through the relative
their high exothermic properties and high shrinkage are two translucency parameter (RTP) of four provisional restoration
major disadvantages, which have led to the development of materials of two different thicknesses: 0.6 mm (for veneer
improved PMMA variants7. Bis-acryl resins are also commonly provisionalization), and 1.3 mm (for complete crown provi-
used provisional materials and present good clinical perfor- sionalization). The null hypotheses tested were that SR, CS,
mance due to their lack of exothermic properties, good fit, and RTP would not be affected by either the material, its
moderate color retention, and strength7. thickness or water thermocycling (TC).
Nowadays, high-density PMMA CAD/CAM is one of the
most widely used provisional materials due to its high
strength and good color stability (CS) over time, and also Materials and methods
because provisional restorations manufactured from PMMA
blocks designed for CAD/CAM application are relatively easy Four different provisional restoration materials were tested
and quick to obtain6. CAD/CAM PMMA materials are often (n = 10 for each selected thickness): acrylic resin (Marche 66
indicated when a long-term provisional restoration is need- shade; Marche, Santiago, Chile), bisacrylic resin (Protemp A2
ed, eg, in full-mouth and implant rehabilitations. shade; 3M ESPE, St Paul, MN, USA), PMMA CAD/CAM block
On the other hand, the newly introduced material, (TelioCAD A2 shade; Ivoclar Vivadent, Shaan, Liechtenstein),
3D-printed resin, is becoming increasingly popular due to and 3D-printed resin for provisional restorations (Raydent
several advantages related to its fabrication compared with C&B for temporary crown & bridge; 3DMaterials, Seoul,
conventional techniques, including ease of learning and fast Korea). Different thicknesses of 0.6 and 1.3 mm were deter-
acquisition of the digital files, avoidance of material waste mined, and materials were assigned into groups as follows:
due to the AM method, and the ability to obtain multiple res- G1: Marche 1.3 mm, G2: Protemp 1.3 mm, G3: TelioCAD
torations without increasing their production time2,10. How- 1.3 mm, G4: Raydent 1.3 mm, G5: Marche 0.6 mm, G6: Pro-
ever, 3D-printed resin also presents some disadvantages, one temp 0.6 mm, G7: TelioCAD 0.6 mm, G8: Raydent 0.6 mm.
of them being that some manufacturers do not provide clin- Both the conventional acrylic resin and bis-acrylic samples
icians with sufficient information regarding manipulation and were fabricated using individual molds with specific dimen-
post-curing processing and times, which directly affects the sions (1 mm, 1.7 mm, and 17.8 mm2) for each one of the
immediate and long-term results11. desired thicknesses (0.6 or 1.3 mm). Molds were fabricated
Material thickness, CS over time, roughness, and translu- 1 mm thicker, since samples underwent a polishing process
cency are key parameters that need to be taken into consid- to obtain the desired final dimensions. PMMA CAD/CAM
eration when executing definitive and provisional restor- blocks were cut with a slow-speed diamond blade (IsoMet
ations. Long-term provisionalization offers advantages for Diamond; Buehler, Düsseldorf, Germany) in a slicing machine
clinicians because it allows for the evaluation of new esthet- (Mecatone T180; Presi, Eybens, France).
ic and functional parameters. For this reason it is important 3D-printed samples were designed using open source
to note that, according to reports, color change of the provi- software (Autodesk MeshMixer) prior to 3D printing. Samples
sional material compromises the acceptability of the restor- were saved as .STL files and exported into the 3D-printer soft-
ation12, which is closely related to surface roughness (SR), ware (ANYCUBIC Photon Slicer) with the following para-
which also compromises the material’s biocompatibility. meters: Layer thickness 0.1 mm, normal exposure time 9 s,
This means that a rough surface not only modifies the mate- bottom exposure time 60 s, and off time 6.5 s. This resulted in
rial’s optical properties, but also might be a bacteria niche a total of 159 layers. Several prints were performed in order to
that can compromise the predictability and final outcome of determine the correct orientation of the samples, which
the fixed restorations13,14. It is for this reason that these spe- resulted in the samples being oriented completely vertically

344 International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350

Atria et al

(Fig 1). After the samples were successfully printed, they were
washed with water according to the manufacturers’ instruc-
tions and placed into an ultraviolet (UV) light polymerization
device (Startec; ADJ, Shenzhen, China) at 405 nm and 38 W, at
room temperature (25˚C) for 30 min, making sure that the
object received the light from all angles to achieve uniform
polymerization. The final dimensions of the 3D-printed sam-
ples were 0.9 and 1.7 mm.
All specimens from the different groups underwent pol-
ishing under running water with sandpaper for 20 s each
(FEPA P500, P1000, P2500, and P4000), obtaining a final thick-k
ness of 0.6 and 1.3 mm. Thicknesses of the obtained speci-
mens were measured using a digital caliper. Specimens were
stored in 37˚C distilled water for 24 h, then baseline measure-
ments for all analyses were performed. Lastly, TC took place,
which included 6000 cycles in a water bath between 5˚C and
55˚C, with a dwell time of 30 s in each bath. After TC, the
Fig 1 Final design of the samples before 3D printing. Note the
analyses were performed once more. printing parameters (on the right), and the different thicknesses
For baseline and after 6000 TC cycles, the SR of the speci- to achieve the desired final specimens.
mens was assessed using a rugosimeter (SRT1200; PCE Instru-
ments, Meschede, Germany). The cutoff value was set at
0.08 mm (Gauss filter). This procedure was repeated three
times at three different locations – parallel, perpendicular,
and transverse to the finishing and polishing scratch direc-
tions. The average of these readings was used for each sam-
ple. The SR was characterized by Ra (μm), which is an arithme-
tic average of the peaks and valleys of the specimen surface
and is recorded as absolute values within the evaluation which is similar to the ∆E00 formula, but ∆L*, ∆a*, ∆b* values
length. It is generally expressed in units of height. were obtained as following:
For each specimen, the color was determined on white ƒ ∆L* = (∆L*B ∆L*W)
and black backgrounds before and after 6000 cycles of TC. A ƒ ∆a* = (∆a*B - ∆a*W)
commercially available spectrophotometer (Vita EasyShade; ƒ ∆b* = (∆b*B - ∆b*W)
Vita Zahnfabrik, Bad Säckingen, Germany) was used to obtain
the color coordinates, and the color was obtained from the The subscripts B and W correspond to the values obtained on
center of each sample. CS was assessed against the white the black and white background20,21.
background by comparing the color coordinates for baseline The Shapiro-Wilk test (P < 0.05) was used to determine
and after TC, using the following CIEDE2000 color difference normality of data distribution. The two-way analysis of vari-
formula, as previously described20: ance (ANOVA) test was used to determine the difference in
mean distribution of SR and CS values. If this analysis demon-
2 2 2 strated statistical significance (P < 0.05), the Tukey post-hoc
∆E00 =
√ ( K∆L*S ) + ( K∆C*S ) + ( K∆H*S )
+ RT ( K∆C*S ) ( K∆H*S )
C C H H test was used to identify specific significances between thick- k
nesses and materials (P < 0.05).
A repeated measures ANOVA was used to analyze
The parametric factors KL, KC, and KH are corrections for varia- between-subject effects of the material and thickness, and
tion under experimental conditions and were set to 1.0. the within-subject effect of TC (P < 0.05). Clinical acceptability
Color masking (RTP values) were determined by calculat- and perceptibility thresholds were determined according to
ing the differences between color measurements over the the CIEDE2000, being 2.25 ∆E00 for clinical acceptability and
black and white backgrounds using the RTPCIEDE2000 formula, 1.30 ∆E00 for perceptibility, as previously described22.

International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350 345


Table 1 Means and standard deviations (± SE) of the surface 0.6 Baseline
roughness (SR) measurements (μm) of the provisional materials
After TC

Surface roughness [μm]

tested at baseline and after TC as well as the difference between
them for the different thicknesses 0.4

SR means (± SE)
Materials Baseline After TC Difference

G1: Marche 1.3 mm 0.22 (0.01) 0.31 (0.02) 0.09 (0.02)B 0.0
a Marche Protemp TelioCAD Raydent
G2: Protemp 1.3 mm 0.18 (0.01) 0.23 (0.01) 0.05 (0.02)BC 0.8

Surface Roughness [μm]

G3: TelioCAD 1.3 mm 0.20 (0.02) 0.19 (0.01) -0.01 (0.02)C
G4: Raydent 1.3 mm 0.26 (0.03) 0.54 (0.03) 0.28 (0.02)A*

G5: Marche 0.6 mm 0.26 (0.02) 0.31 (0.02) 0.05 (0.02)b 0.4

G6: Protemp 0.6 mm 0.20 (0.02) 0.25 (0.02) 0.04 (0.02)b

G7: TelioCAD 0.6 mm 0.20 (0.02) 0.20 (0.01) 0.00 (0.01)b

G8: Raydent 0.6 mm 0.21 (0.02) 0.60 (0.03) 0.38 (0.03)a 0.0
b Marche Protemp TelioCAD Raydent
Means followed by different superscript letters (uppercase in vertical
Fig 2 The means and standard deviations (± SE) of the surface
refers to different materials in 1.3-mm thickness; lowercase in vertical
refers to different materials in 0.6-mm thickness) differ from each other roughness (SR) measurements [μm] of 1.3-mm –thick provisional
[within the same group of cycling] (P < 0.05). materials tested (a). The means and standard deviations (± SE) of
* Different thicknesses differ within the same material (P < 0.05). the SR measurements (μm) of 0.6-mm–thick provisional materials
tested (b).

Results different within each other. Also, G4 was the only group
that showed values above the determined clinical accepta-
Table 1 and Figure 2 summarize the mean (± SE) for SR at bility threshold, corresponding to the material with the
baseline and after TC of the different materials and thickness- lowest CS. The two-way ANOVA between the SR and CS
es. Statistically significant differences were found among the values demonstrated an interaction between these two
different thicknesses (P < 0.05). variables (P = 0.032).
When evaluating 1.3-mm thickness, G4 showed the high- On the other hand, for the 0.6-mm thickness, G5, G6, G7,
est SR difference when compared between baseline and after and G8 were all significantly different between them
TC, being statistically significantly different from G1 (P < 0.05), (P < 0.05). G8 was the only group that showed values above
G2 (P < 0.05), and G3 (P < 0.05). On the other hand, G3 showed the determined clinical acceptability threshold, similar to the
the lowest SR, also statistically different from G1 (P = 0.010) evaluation for the 1.3-mm thickness of this material. G5 and
and G4 (P < 0.05). G6 both showed values above ∆E00 = 1.30. The most color
When evaluating the 0.6-mm thickness, G8 showed the stable material at 0.6-mm thickness was G7.
highest SR values, being statistically different from G5, G6, Table 2 summarizes the mean (± SE) for RTP of each com-
and G7 (P < 0.05). G5, G6, and G7 showed no statistical differ- bination of material and thickness. For the 1.3-mm thickness,
ence between them (P > 0.05). G4 showed the highest RTP difference values (2.66), being
Figure 3 summarizes the mean ΔE (± SE) of the provisional beyond clinical acceptability, and statistically different from
materials tested, comparing colors at baseline and after TC, all the other groups for both baseline and after TC (P < 0.05).
according to the CIEDE2000 values, corresponding to the CS G1, G2, and G3 showed values below the determined percep-
of the different materials. G4 showed the highest difference tibility value (1.30).
in ∆E00 units for 1.3-mm thickness, being statistically signifi- When evaluating the 0.6-mm thickness, G8 showed val-
cantly different from G1, G2, and G3 (P < 0.05), which were not ues (1.41) above the perceptibility threshold, and G6 showed

346 International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350

Atria et al

values above 2.57, which is the clinically acceptable thresh- 8

old. Once again, G8 presented the highest RTP values, which
were statistically different from all the other groups (P < 0.05). a 1.3 mm
0.6 mm

∆E00 means
2 c
According to the results of the present study, the null hypoth- B* B* B d
eses were rejected, since the material, its thickness, and its TC 0
affected the SR, CS, and color masking of provisional restor- Marche Protemp TelioCAD Raydent
Fig 3 ∆E00 measurements and standard deviations (± SE) of
Among all the materials tested, TelioCAD presented the provisional materials tested, comparing colors at baseline and
lowest values for SR after TC and CS, and also the most after TC. Uppercase and lowercase letters indicate how the
acceptable RTP, being within the perceptibility threshold. materials differ from each other (P < 0.05). The asterisk (*)
This means that it was the most stable material out of all indicates how different thicknesses differ within the same
material (P < 0.05).
those analyzed in this study. On the other hand, Raydent C&B,
specifically designed for 3D-printing methods, presented the
highest values of SR, as well as the highest ∆E differences for
both CS and RTP. These results were consistent among both 3D printing has great potential for modern dentistry, and
thicknesses tested. one of the procedures that benefits greatly from this techno-
According to the literature, the color difference at which logy is the fabrication of provisional crowns and bridges, due
50% of participants would remake a restoration due to color to the continual improvements in materials and equipment,
mismatch is 5.5 ∆E12,23. All the materials tested performed which can lead to standardized workflows, diminishing
successfully when considering this parameter, except for the obtention times11. Mechanical characteristics of crown and
3D-printed resin of 0.6-mm thickness, for which a value of bridge 3D-printed resins have been reported, but there is still
5.66 was observed when CS was evaluated. insufficient information in the literature regarding their per-

Table 2 Relative translucency parameter (RTP) according to CIEDE2000, comparing the baseline (without TC) and final (with TC) colors
in white against black background for different materials

RTP means (± SE)

Materials Baseline After TC Difference Baseline vs after TC (P values)

G1: Marche 1.3 mm 9.59 (0.10)C* 9.97 (0.10)D* -0.38 0.986

G2: Protemp 1.3 mm 11.07 (0.12)B* 10.59 (0.05)C* 0.48 0.903

G3: TelioCAD 1.3 mm 11.75 (0.02)B* 12.11 (0.03)B* -0.36 0.992

G4: Raydent 1.3 mm 17.51 (0.10)A* 14.85 (0.21)A* 2.66 0.001

G5: Marche 0.6 mm 17.70 (0.33)c 16.81 (0.15)c 0.88 0.071

G6: Protemp 0.6 mm 17.33 (0.49)c 14.76 (0.22)d 2.57 0.001

G7: TelioCAD 0.6 mm 20.07 (0.10)b 20.59 (0.04)b 0.52 0.834

G8: Raydent 0.6 mm 24.60 (0.07)a 23.19 (0.10)a 1.41 0.001

Means followed by different superscript letters (uppercase in vertical refers to different materials in 1.3-mm thickness; lowercase in vertical refers to
different materials in 0.6-mm thickness) differ from each other within the same group of cycling (P < 0.05).
* Different thicknesses differ within the same material (P < 0.05).

International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350 347


formance, and how different 3D-printing technologies and adhesion of Streptococcus mutans on the material surface25.
post-curing processes can affect them11,18. Further research should aim to evaluate the mechanical and
One of the possible explanations for the results obtained biologic properties according to different post-curing pro-
for the 3D-printed resins could be that a wide variety of fac- cessing methods, and ideally develop new materials filled
tors can affect the polymerization of resins, such as curing with particles, which could help improve their overall proper-
time, orientation, and post-processing, which can cause ties.
incomplete polymerization, thus affecting the overall proper-
ties of the material11. For example, the higher the degree of
conversion, the higher the elastic modulus, the fewer residual Conclusion
monomers that can evaporate and thereby affect the results
for the overall properties11. The 3D-printed resin used in this This study evaluated the SR, CS, and color masking as
study was unfilled; therefore, the high roughness values can assessed through the RTP of four different provisional mater-
be explained by the lack of filler particles, which makes this ials available on the market in two different thicknesses for
material unsuitable for long-term provisional restorations11. use in crown and veneer treatments. The evaluations were
The 3D printer used (Anycubic Photon) works with DLP performed before and after water TC. The results showed
technology, which operates on the specific UV wavelength of that, among all the materials, CAD/CAM PMMA was the most
405 nm, which is suitable for working with the selected stable material for all the evaluated parameters for both
3D-printed resin. thicknesses. On the other hand, autopolymerizing PMMA and
It is also important to note that the tested resin is ISO cer- bis-acryl–based resin performed well overall in the evaluation
tified (ISO 10993-1), that the manufacturer claims abrasion for SR for both thicknesses, but they performed less well than
resistance, and that the material is therefore suitable for CAD/CAM PMMA for CS and color masking, before and after
application in provisional restorations. In the opinion of the TC for both thicknesses. Finally, 3D-printed resin showed the
present authors, the manufacturers should directly specify least reliable values overall, for all the evaluated parameters
that, besides its use for post-curing processes, the material is for both thicknesses. Manufacturers should focus on giving
intended for short-term provisional restorations, and that for more information for clinicians in order to improve the use of
longer periods of time, clinicians should consider other their 3D-printed resins intraorally.
options available on the market. Within the limitations of this study, the results showed
PMMA-based materials have been tested successfully for that the SR and CS of one commercially available 3D-printed
long-term provisional restorations, achieving a survival rate resin for restorative material obtained by DLP printing
of 90.4%, with a complication-free rate of 88.3% for an obser- decreases significantly over time. It is important to follow the
vation period of 16 months9. PMMA- based materials for CAD/ manufacturers’ guidelines, when provided. The PMMA CAD/
CAM application are high-density polymers based on highly CAM material performed best overall for all the parameters
cross-linked PMMA acrylic resin, which avoids the problem of analyzed, making it suitable for short- and long-term provi-
polymerization shrinkage and residual monomers due to the sionalization.
manufacturing process of these polymers, as opposed to that
of 3D-printed resins24.
As previously mentioned, SR directly affects the color of
the material18,19 and has a direct impact on plaque adher- The authors would like to thank the Fondo Nacional de Desar-
ence, which can result in a deterioration of the esthetic rollo Científico y Tecnológico (Fondecyt Project 11170920) for
appearance as well as gingival inflammation, which in turn their support.
will directly affect the future final restorations14. Moreover, SR
facilitates microbial adhesion, which might affect the quanti-
ty and quality of bacterial accumulation and is difficult to
remove from pits and grooves. The organic and inorganic The authors state that they have no financial interests in the
composition of materials is one of the factors that affect the companies whose materials were used in this study.
roughness property and material wettability13. It has been
reported that fillers and monomers directly influence the

348 International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350

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In-vitro-Untersuchung der Rauheit, der Farbstabilität und des Maskierungsvermögens

provisorischer Veneer- und Kronenmaterialien
Schlüsselwörter: CAD/CAM, Farbmetrik, dentale Materialien, digitale Zahnmedizin

Ziel: Ziel war eine Untersuchung der Rauheit, der Farbstabilität und des als relative Transluzenz gemessenen Maskierungs-
vermögens verschiedener provisorischer Restaurationsmaterialien vor und nach thermozyklischer Alterung im Wasser.
Material und Methoden: Es wurden vier Provisorienmaterialien ausgewählt: Acryl-Kunststoff, Bis-Acryl-Kunststoff, CAD/
CAM-Blöcke aus Polymethylmethacrylat (PMMA) und 3-D-gedruckter Provisorienkunststoff. Hieraus wurden Proben von
0,6 und 1,3 mm Dicke hergestellt und die Rauheit, die Farbstabilität und das Maskierungsvermögen vor und nach Alterung
der Proben in 6.000 Thermozyklen bestimmt. Die Bestimmung der Rauheit erfolgte mit einem Rauheitsmessgerät. Zur
Bewertung des Maskierungsvermögens wurde vor und nach der Alterung die Farbe vor einem weißen und einem schwar-
zen Hintergrund gemessen und hieraus die relative Transluzenz berechnet. Die Farbstabilität wurde mithilfe eines Spektral-
fotometers sowie der CIEDE2000-Formel aus den Werten vor und nach der thermozyklischen Ermüdung berechnet.
Ergebnisse: Die Werte für die Rauheit vor und nach der Alterung lagen für die Probendicke von 1,3 mm im Bereich von
-0,01 bis 0,28 und für die Dicke von 0,6 mm im Bereich von 0,00 bis 0,38. Die Farbstabilität (∆E00 -Werte) reichte für die
1,3-mm-Proben von 0,53 bis 4,38 und für 0,6 mm von 0,70 bis 5,66. Der höchste Wert wurde für 3-D-gedruckten Kunststoff
beobachtet. Die Differenzen der Werte für die relative Transluzenz vor und nach der Alterung bewegten sich für 1,3 mm
im Bereich von -0,036 bis 2,66 und für 0,6 mm zwischen 0,52 und 2,57, wobei die CAD/CAM-Blöcke aus PMMA in beiden
Fällen das Material mit dem geringsten Wert bildeten.
Schlussfolgerung: Die Werte für die Rauheit, Farbstabilität und relative Transluzenz unterschieden sich zwischen den
untersuchten Materialien und Materialstärken. 3-D-gedruckter Kunststoff war den anderen Materialien insgesamt unter-
legen. Die besten Werte bei den untersuchten Parametern erreichte das CAD/CAM-PMMA.

Pablo J. Atria, DDS, MSc Isabel Lagos, DDS

School of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, School of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes,
Santiago, Chile Santiago, Chile

Camila S. Sampaio, DDS, MSc, PhD

School of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes,
Santiago, Chile

Pablo J. Atria

Address Dr Pablo J. Atria, School of Dentistry, Universidad de los Andes, Monseñor Álvaro de Portillo 12455, Santiago, Chile;

350 International Journal of Computerized Dentistry 2020;23(4):343–350

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