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2008 IEEE Transactions on Power Apparatus and Systems, Vol. PAS-99, No.

5 Sept/Oct 1980


D. L. Garrett, Member, IEEE Dr. H. J. Holley, Member, IEEE

Southern Company Services Al abama Power Company
Birmingham, Alabama Birmingham, Alabama

Abstract - Recent papers have provided equations segments from the self and mutual resistance matrix and
for calculating the self and mutual resistances of the the grid potential rise, the input resistance of the
individual conductors in a grounding system. However, groundi ng system must fi rst be found.
the overall grid resistance, or input resistance, is One method of determining the input resistance of
found only after the currents in each component of the the grounding system from the resistance matrix involves
grid are found. Since the input resistance is neces- the use of equation (1) under the assumption that the
sary in order to calculate the grid potential rise, it grounding system is at the same potential everywhere.
appears beneficial to develop a technique for directly The current vector can be computed from equation (1) by
calculating the input resistance from the self and equating each element of the voltage vector to unity.
mutual resistances before solving for the currents. The input resistance is then obtained by taking the
This paper develops such a technique. This technique reciprocal of the sum of the elements of the current
is valid for both uniform or multi-layered soil models. vector. Once the input resistance is determined, the
grid potential rise can be calculated and used to scale
INTRODUCTION the elements of the current vector to their correct
With continuing increases in the cost of copper In this paper, a direct method of calculating the
and other conductors commonly used in grounding sys- input resistance is described. The method does not
tems, it has become necessary to accurately model the require knowledge of either the voltage or the current
grounding system in order to design the most economical on the grounding system, other than making the assump-
grounding system that will insure equipment and person- tion that the potential on the grounding system is the
nel safety. Numerous past papers and texts (1, 2, 3) same everywhere. The method manipulates the resistance
have developed simple equations for the resistance of matrix to reduce the matrix to a single quantity, the
uniformly shaped grounding systems and usually describ- input resistance. In general, manipulating the resist-
ed methods for applying these equations to irregularly ance matrix in this manner is more economical in compu-
shaped grounding systems. While the accuracy of these ter time than dealing with the complete matrix as
equations has been adequate in most cases for the required by the method described above.
uniformly shaped grounding systems, it has been found
that calculated values for irregularly shaped grounding BUILDING AND REDUCING THE
systems have differed greatly in some cases from the RESISTANCE MATRIX
actual values of resistance.
More recent papers (4, 5, 6) have developed equa- The equations for the self and mutual resistances
tions for the self and mutual resistances of the indi- of the components of a grounding system, including both
vidual conductors in a grounding system. These equa- grid conductors and ground rods, can be used to compute
tions approximate the resistance of each conductor the elements of a resistance matrix of the grounding
segment by calculating the average of the potential at system. Since a number of publications present the
each point along the conductor segment. The grid equations necessary for computing these self and mutual
potential rise is assumed to be a known quantity, thus resistances (3, 4, 5, 6, 9), the equations are not pre-
allowing for the calculation of the current in each sented here.
conductor segment using the following matrix equation: The dimension of the resistance matrix is equal to
the number of individual components of the grounding
I== V (1) system. For a large substation, the resistance matrix
can be of very high dimension. Therefore, it is bene-
where I is a vector consisting of the currents in each of ficial to use techniques which are economical in compu-
the conductor segments, Vis the voltage on each of the ter time and storage when evaluating a number of alter-
conductor segments, and R is a matrix consisting of nate grounding systems for a large substation. Since
the self and mutual resistances of the conductor all the components of a grounding system are intercon-
segments which make up the grounding system. Then the nected, and since the conductivity of earth is much less
input resistance is found by dividing the grid potential than that of the components of the grounding system, the
rise by the sum of the currents in each segment. assumption that the components are all at the same
In actual practice, however, the grid potential potential is valid.
rise is found as the product of the total maximum fault A system of four mutually coupled conductors is
current in the grounding system and the input resistance used to explain how this assumption can be used to
of the grounding system. Therefore, in order to efficiently determine the input resistance. Equation
calculate the currents in the individual conductor (2) gives the relationship between the four conductor
currents and the four conductor voltages of the ground-
ing system. The resistance matrix of equation (2) is
actually symmetrical, but for clarity in the following
analysis, it is dealt with as an unsymmetrical matrix.

F 80 255-0 A paper recommended and approved by the

R12 14 1I
IEEE Substations Committee of the IEEE Power e2R2 R22 R24 (2)
Engineering Society for presentation at the IEEE PES
Winter Meeting, New York,, NY, February 3-8, 1980.
e3 -
R31 ''32
Manuscript submitted August 27, 1979; made available e4 R41 R42 4343
for printing November 26, 1979.

0018-9510/80/0900-2008$00.75© 1980 IEEE

It is helpful to express equation (2) as four individual e1 R11 R12 R13 R14- R13 i1
equations. That is,
2 21 R23 R23 R23 i2 (10)
e = R1 i + R12 i2 +R13 i3 + R14 i4 e3 R31 R32 R33 R34- R33 i3
R21 i1 +R22 i2 0 R41-R31 R42-R32 R43-R33 R44+R33
e2 +R23 i3 R24 i4 (3)
-R34 R43 i4
e3 R31 i1+ R32 i2 +R33 i3 +R34 i4 Note that the resistance matrix of,equation (10) is
obtained by first subtracting the third column of the
original matrix of equation (2) from the fourth column,
e4 R41 i1 R42 i 2 +R43 i3 R44 i 4 and then subtracting the third row of the resulting
matrix from the fourth row. -This is easily programmable
At this point the fact that all the conductors of the on a digital computer. In general, for an n x n matrix,
system are interconnected has not been taken into the (n-1)th column of the original matrix is subtracted
account. Suppose that conductor #4 is connected to from the nth column. Then the (n-1)th row is subtracted
conductor #3 as shown in Figure 1. The connection is from the nth row of the resulting matrix.
accounted for mathematically by equating the voltage e4 Note also that equation (10) is in a suitable form
to the voltage e3 in equations (3). for eliminating the last row and column by Kron's method
for eliminating short-circuited meshes (7, 8). This
procedure is best explained by writing equation (10) in
From Figure 1 it is seen that compound matrix form to obtain
i3 i3 i4 (4) e aa R aa R ab ia

Substituting equation (4) into equations (3), with e4

equated to e3, gives
where ba bb b
e1=R 1i1+R 12 i2+R 13 i3+(R 14 -R13 )4
i ) where

eC,=R,llil+R9,i +R91i z+(R9A-R9')iA (6) F11 R12 R13

Raa = R R22 R23
e3=R31i1+R32i2+R33i3+(R34-R33)i4 (7)
R32 R33

e3=R 41i +R42i2 +R43i 3 (R44 R43)i4 (8)

Rab R14 - R
If equation (7) is subtracted from equation (8), the
result is
R2 - R2
R34 - R33
0=(R41-R31)i1+(R42-R32)i2+(R43-R33)i3 R42-R32 R43-R37
Rba =
(R33 R44 R34 R43)i4 (9)

Equations (5), (6), (7), and (9) can be expressed I in

Rbb = LR33 + 44 -
R3 -
matrix form as

#2 \I

#3 3

#4 4
+ + +
L * >
el 2

Figure 1. Circuit with four mutually coupled conductors

with conductors #3 and #4 interconnected.
resistances, the reduction to a single element repre-
Rab R14 R13 sents the reduction of these resistances to the input
resistance of the grounding system.
R34 R33
Rba = [R41-R31 R42-R32 R43-R33] R an 3 8 5 (16)
L4 6 9
Rbb = 33 + R44 R34 R4
Then subtracting the first row and column from the third
row and column, respectively, results in the following:
7 1 -5
ea = [0] la{:]2 lb [i4] 7 1 2-7
3 8 5-3 = 3 8 2 (17)
Equation (11) may be written as L4-7 6-1 9-4-2+7 -3 5 10
ea = Raa ia + Ra b (12) Eliminating the resulting third row and column yields

e Rbai bbib (13) 3) F77 ~(-3)(-5)

(3 5 11 -(5)(5)
1 - 5.5 3.5-(18)
Solving equation (13) for ib and substituting the result -3 (-3)(2) 8 - (2)(5) L 3.6 75]
into equation (12) gives
Repeating the procedure on the resulting matrix of (18)
ea = (Raa Rab Rbb Rba)i a (14) gives
The resistance matrix of equation (14) completely 5.5 3.z-.5+.5 -2.L0
5. 5
represents the system of Figure 1 even though its (19)
dimension is one less than the dimension of the original 3.6-5.5 7-3.6-3.5+5.5 -1.9 5.4
resistance matrix. Since R is a one-dimensional
matrix, no matrix inversion i's required. Furthermore, and
the elimination of the row and column of the resistance
matrix is easy to program on a digital computer. Let R.. [. 5- (-2.0)(-1.9)] = [4. 796] = R input
represent any element of the n x n resistance matrix.
Let R'.. represent any element of the (n-1) xt n-1)
resista1n6e matrix obtained by eliminating the n showsrow Comparison of Results
and column of the original matrix. Equation (14)
that It is beyond the scope of this paper to derive equations
for the self and mutual resistances of the components of
R'. = R.. - R A/R nn (15) the grounding system. These equations have been
ij ij nj presented in the literature. However, for comparison
purposes, the technique described in this paper is
where compared to the resistance of various grounding systems
as determined by previous methods, and the results
i= 1, 2, 3, ...n-1 summarized in Table I. These grounding systems are
shown in Figures 2-5.
j = 1, 2, 3, ...n-1
Table I. Comparison of Test Cases - Matrix Technique
After the nth row and column of the original resistance vs. Existing Methods
matrix is eliminated, the procedure is repeated on the
remaining (n-1) x (n-1) matrix to obtain an (n-2) x (n-2)
matrix. This procedure is repeated until the n x n Case Matrix Dwight Schwartz Laurent Gross &
matrix is reduced to a 1 x 1 matrix. The element of this No. Technique (1) (2) (10) Associates (12)
1 x 1 matrix is the input resistance of the grounding
system. 1 2.12Q 2.12Q 1.66Q 1.85Q -
The original resistance matrix of the groundi'
system is symmett'cal. After subtracting e (n-i) 2 2.01Q 2.01Q 1.83Q 2.27Q -

the n
the n column and then the (n-1) row from
row of the resulting matrix, the result is a 3 .76Q - 0.77Q 0.72Q 0.73Q
symmetrical matrix. Symetry is also maintained in the
elimination of the n row and column. Therefore, 4 0.64Q - 0.68Q 0.63Q 0.62Q
advantage can be taken of this symmetry to reduce the
computer storage requirements to approximately half of
the storage required if symmetry is not considered. 30. 48m diameter = 1.27cm
depth = .457m
Sample Calculation 30. 48m 30.48m p = 100ohm-m
To illustrate the technique described above, a
3 X 3 matrix consisting of random numbers will be 30.48m
reduced to a single element. If a grounding system can
be described by this 3 X 3 matrix of self and mutual Figure 2. Case 1 - Four Point Star
60.96m 8. D. W. Coleman, F. Watts, and R. B. Shipley, "Digi-
A diameter 1.27cm
= tal Calculation of Overhead Transmission - Line -
15.24m depth = .457m Constants." AIEE Transactions (Power Appartus and
v p = 100ohm-m Systems), vol. 77, pp. 1266-68, Feb. 1959.
9. G. F. Tagge, Earth Resistances, Pitman Publishing
Figure 3. Case 2 - Two Parallel Buried Conductors Corp., N.Y., 1964.
10. IEEE Standard 80 - 1976, IEEE Guide for Safety
diameter = 1. 27cm in Substation Grounding, June 1976.
96.38m depth = .457m
p = 100ohm-m 11. D. L. Garrett, "The Average Potential Method of
Calculating the Resistance of Power Substation
96.38m Grounding Systems," M. S. Thesis, University of
Alabama in Birmingham, 1978.
Figure 4. Case 3 - One Mesh Grid
12. E. T. B. Gross, B. V. Chitnis, and L. J. Stratton,
"Grounding Grids for High-Voltage Stations." AIEE
Transactions, Vol. 72, pt. III, pp. 799-810, Aug.
48. 19m diameter = 1. 27cm 1953.
dept = .457m
P = 100ohm-m
48. 19m
48.19 m 48.19m
Figure 5. Case 4 - Four Mesh Grid
SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS David Lane Garrett (S'75-M'76) was born in Birmingham,
AL, on January 10, 1954. He received the B.S. and M.S.
The resistance matrix of a large grounding system degrees in Engineering from the University of Alabama in
is likely to be of large dimension. Since it can be Birmingham (UAB) in 1976 and 1978, respectively.
assumed (without introducing significant error) that all In 1974 he joined Southern Company Services as a
the components of the grounding system are at the same co-operative education student and as an engineer in
potential, a procedure that is easy to program on a 1976. He is presently employed in the Technical Studies
digital computer can be employed to systematically Section of the System Planning Technical Services
reduce the size of the matrix when computing the input Department.
resistance of the grounding system. This systematic Mr. Garrett is a member of the IEEE Power Engi-
procedure requires less computer time than when working neering Society, Omicron Delta Kappa, and the UAB
with the entire matrix and using a matrix inversion Engineering Honor Society. He is a registered Engineer-
procedure. Since symmetrical matrices are dealt with in In-Training in the State of Alabama and is presently a
all cases, the property of symmetry further reduces the member of the IEEE Working Group to revise the Guide for
computer time and storage requirements. Safety in A-C Substations (IEEE 80).
REFERENCES Henry J. Holley was born in Jones Mill, TN, on Au-
gust 1, 1932. He obtained the BSEE degree from the
1. H. B. Dwight, "Calculation of Resistances to Missouri School of Mines and Metallurgy, the MSEE degree
Ground." AIEE Transactions (Electrical Engineer- from the Illinois Institute of Technology, and the PhD
ing), vol. 55, pp. 1319-28, Dec. 1936. degree from the University of Tennessee. He worked as an
electrical engineer for the Tennessee Valley Authority
2. S. J. Schwarz, "Analytical Expressions for the from 1959 to 1968. He has taught electrical engineering
Resistance of Grounding Systems." AIEE Transac- at the University of Tennnessee, the University of
tions, Vol. 73, pt. III-B, pp. 1011-16, Aug. 1954. Kentucky, Texas A&M University, and the Univirsity of
Alabama in Birmingham. He is presently the Manager of
3. E. D. Sunde, Earth Conduction Effects in Trans- Economic and Special Studies at the Alabama Power
mission Systems, New York, Dover Publications, Inc. Company in Birmingham. He is a past member of the IEEE
1968. Working Group on Transient Recovery Voltages and the
Power Circuit Breaker Subcommittee. Mr. Holley is a
4. F. Dawalibi and D. Mukhecdkar, "Optimum Design of registered professional engineer in the State of Alabama
Substation Grounding in a Two Layer Earth Struc- and is a member of Tau Beta Pi, Eta Kappa Nu, Phi Kappa
ture, Part I - Analytical Study." IEEE Transac- Phi, and Sigma Xi.
tions, PAS-94, pp. 252-259, March/April 1975.
5. R. J. Heppe, "Computation of Potential at Surface
Above an Energized Grid or Other Electrode, Allow-
ing for Non-Uniform Current Distribution." Paper
F79-274-2 presented at IEEE P.E.S. Winter Meeting,
New York, N. Y., Feb. 1979.
6. E. B. Joy, A. P. Meliopoulos, and R. P. Webb, "Touch
and Step Calculation for Substation Grounding
Systems." Paper A 79-052-2 presented at IEEE
P.E.S. Winter Meeting, New York, NY, Feb. 1979.
7. G. Kron, Tensor Analysis of Networks, John Wiley &
Sons, 1939.

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