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Complete the following dialogue

Yuwana: Why do you look uncomfortable?
Fira: No, I'm just, I'm not confident to be here among these charming people.
Yuwana: Don't feel that way, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . with that dress.
I. Choose one of the best answer A, B, C or D Fira: Really?
Yuwana: Of course, look at you, you're dazzling. Thank you for lifting me up.
1. Complete the following dialogue A. you look bizarre
Arfan: Good morning everybody, I would like to . . . . . . . . B. you look as usual
My name is Arfan, I'm 16 years old. I study at MA YARO, and I live on Jl. Cendrawarsih no 75. C. you look ordinary
A. tell you some information D. you look beautiful
B. introduce my friend
C. introduce myself
7. He ….. send a text message than make a phone call.
D. meet a new friend
A. Willing
B. Going to
2. Complete the following dialogue
C. Would
Judge: . . . . . . . . . . . . . ?
D. Would rather
Me: Of course. I'm Nathan, I'm 17. I'm a skateboarder, I've been skating since I was ten.
A. What's your name
8. Fauzan : "... My name is Fauzan Afif Yuwana."
B. How are you
Fafa: "Hello. I'm Fafa Al Hasyim"
C. Can you tell me about yourself
A. I don't think we have met
D. Are you a skateboarder
B. I am very happy to meet you
C. Do you want to know me
3. Andy: where do you live? Siska: .....................
D. I don't know you
A. I am an English teacher
B. I have 2 brothers and i sister
9. Jay : Hi Mark, how are you? Did you get a new hair color?
C. I live in Kualasimpang
Mark : Hi Jay, very well. Yes, I changed my hair color yesterday.
D. I have a new car
Jay : ………………..
Mark : Thank you for your words, it’s made me more confident.
4. Dilla: Tessa, I’d like to introduce you to my friend, Agy.
Please, complete the following dialogue to compliment!
Tessa: ..................
a. Wow, it’s really cool and suits on your skin
A. I’m Tessa. How do you do?
b. I think it’s really bad for you
B. Hi. See you tomorrow
c. Better you don’t change you color hair
C. No, I’m not Tessa
d. You look so pale with the new color hair
D. Hi. See you later.
10. Cindy : “Mom, I’ve got the scholarship”.
5. This is my friend, . . . . name is Fatimah Az-Zahra. . . . . is from Indonesia, We can call . . . .
Mother : “Congratulations! ….”
Zahra or Zachan.
A. I’m so proud of you.
A. she - her – her
B. That’s a pity.
B. her - she – her
C. Happy birthday.
C. her - her - she
D. That’s so sweet.
D. she - she – her
11. Martha: “Ratna, I heard you got a scholarship from a prominent university. …” From this dialogue, which includes sentences for expression of surprise and amazement?
Ratna : “Thank you, I’m so happy about it.” a. Where are you going today?
A. Please accept my condolences. b. I wanna go to the swimming pool after eating.
B. I’m proud of your sister. c. Are you serious?
C. You must be very upset. d. I think so
D. Congratulations! I’m proud of you.
16. “My mom is good at cooking everything.”. Turn it into an adverb literally!
This conversation is for questions no. 12-14 A. My mom very good in cooking
Putri : “Happy Birthday, Dita.” B. My mom good cooking everything
Dita : “Thanks.” C. My mom literally good for cooking food
Putri : “(12) ….” D. My mom good for making food
Dita : “thank you for saying so. You look beautiful with that dress, Putri.”
Putri : “Thanks. Look, Echa is coming! (13) …” 17. My English teacher always makes me feel exticed to study. He always has new jokes every
Dita : “She Look so cute with her new haircut.” day. It means he is a ….
Putri : “Yes, you’re right.” A. Humorous
Echa : “Hi, Dita. Happy birthday to you.” B. Shy
Dita : “Thank you so much. And I’d like to (14) … You on winning the first prize of the C. Diligent
photography competition D. Lazy
Echa : “Never mind.” E. talkative
Putri : “I think You’re a genius.”
Echa : “Oh, thank you.” 18. Senja like…….. rather than ………..
Dita : “Anyway, let’s start the party!” A. Reading, writing
B. Read, write
12. A. Is it your red dress? C. To reading, writing
B. You look charming in that red dress. D. To read, write
C. The dress doesn’t suit you.
D. You don’t look cute with the red dress 19 Jake said his Grandmother passed away yesterday. How do I condole him?
A. Happy for you!
13. a. She is so pretty. B. I’m really sorry for you lost
b. She is so ordinary. C. Get better bro
c. Is it really her? D. Glad for you
d. She looks awkward. 20. Flo : “ Eva I like your wallet. It’s lovely .”
e. She looks nervous. Eva : “ It a homemade. My aunt made it “
What type respons is used ?
14.A. welcome A. Showing surprise
B. gratitude B. Happy
C. congratulate C. Returning the compliment
D. thank D. Humorous respone

15. Jhonny : Lisa, where are you going today? II. Essay.
Lisa : I wanna go to the swimming pool after eating. Describe / Tell about Your Tourism Destination At You Village
Jhonny : Are you serious? After eating? You better rest for a while Lisa
Lisa : I think so, you wanna join?

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