Unit 5

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Part of
No. Word Pronunciation Meaning
1 Add v /æd/ Thêm vào
2 Bone n /bəʊn/ Xương
3 Broth n /brɔːθ/ Nước hầm xương
4 Cooking oil n /ˈkʊkɪŋ ɒɪl/ Dầu ăn
5 Chili n /ˈtʃɪli/ ớt
6 Cuisine n /kwɪˈziːn/ Ấm thực
7 Dish n /dɪʃ/ Món ăn
8 Fragrant adj ˈfreɪɡrənt/ Thơm
Flavor n /ˈfleɪvə(r)/ Hương vị
Bitter adj /ˈbɪtə(r)/ Đắng
Sweet adj /swiːt/ Ngọt
Salty adj /ˈsɔːlti/ Mặn
Spicy adj /ˈspaɪsi Cay
Sour adj /ˈsaʊə(r)/ Chua
10 Flour n /ˈflaʊə(r)/ Bột mì
11 Fizzy drink n /ˈfɪzi drɪŋk/ Nước ngọt có ga
12 Fork n /fɔːrk/ Dĩa
13 Garlic n /ˈɡɑːrlɪk/ Tỏi
14 Heat n, v /hiːt/ Nhiệt, đun nóng
15 Ham n /hæm/ Thịt xông khói
16 Ingredient n /ɪnˈɡriːdiənt/ Nguyên liệu, thành phần
17 Juice n /dʒuːs/ Nước hoa quả
18 Lemonade n /ˌleməˈneɪd/ Nước chanh
19 Lettuce n /ˈletɪs/ Rau xà lách
20 Mixture n /ˈmɪkstʃə(r)/ Hỗn hợp
21 Omelette n /ˈɑːmlət/ Trứng ốp la
22 Pancake n /ˈpænkeɪk/ Bánh xèo
23 Pepper n /ˈpepər/ Hạt tiêu, ớt chuông
24 Pork n /pɔːrk/ Thịt lợn
25 Prepare (for) v /prɪˈper/ Chuẩn bị (cho)
26 Recipe n /ˈresəpi/ Công thức nấu ăn
27 Rice paper n /ˈraɪs peɪpər/ Bánh đa nem
28 Sweet soup n /swiːt suːp / Chè
29 Shrimp n /ʃrɪmp/ Tôm
30 Spring roll n /ˌsprɪŋ ˈrəʊl/ Nem, chả giò
31 Sauce n /sɔːs/ Nước sốt
32 Stew v /stjuː Hầm
33 Snack n /snæk/ Đồ ăn nhẹ
34 Sticky rice n /ˌstɪki ˈraɪs/ Xôi
35 Sausage n /ˈsɔːsɪdʒ/ Xúc xích
36 Scallion n /ˈskæliən/ Hành lá
37 Spice n /spaɪs/ Gia vị
38 Tofu n /ˈtəʊfuː/ Tàu hũ, đậu hũ
39 Turmeric n /ˈtɜːrmərɪk/ Nghệ
Exercise 1. Find the word which has a different sound in the underlined part.
1. A. one B. bottle C. coffee D. pot
2. A. morning B. what C. problem D. yogurt
3. A. talk B. salt C. sausage D. cause
4. A. pork B. flower C. cow D. flour
5. A. noodle B. food C. soon D. cook
Exercise 2. Find the word which has a different stress from the others.
1. A. cooking B. chili C. bamboo D. fragrant
2. A. cuisine B. flavor C. salty D. spicy
3. A. garlic B. lettuce C. pancake D. prepare
4. A. sausage B. tasty C. appear D. colour
5. A. consider B. carpenter C. delicious D. ingredient
Exercise 3. Circle the correct answers.
1. I need to buy some new (furniture /furnitures).
2. My mother gave me a cute (puppy /puppies) as a birthday present last week.
3. Peter, could you lend me some (money / moneys)?
4. There are twenty (girl/girls) in my class.
5. My dad usually has a cup of (coffee /coffees) every morning.
6. I’m looking for some (information /informations) about coronaviruses (CoV).
7. After dinner, I have some (homework / homeworks) to do.
8. How many (book/books) are there on your table?
9. Mom, we ran out of (sugar /sugars). Can you buy some?
10. I have just bought a lot of (cherry/cherries). Would you like some?
Exercise 4. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the nouns.
1. I need some (apple) __________ for this recipe.
2. There’s some (water) __________ in the bottle.
3. There are a lot of/ lots of (person) __________ in the room.
4. She likes coffee with a lot of/ lots of (sugar) __________.
5. How many (pen) __________ do you have?
6. How much (butter) __________ do you need?
7. We need two (tablespoon) __________ of cold water.
8. Have you got any (money) __________?
9. I have some (friend) __________.
10. A lot of (student) __________ are studying in the library.
Exercise 5. Fill in the blanks with “How much” or “How many”.
1. __________ members are there in your family?
2. __________ sugar do you need?
3. __________ time do you spend playing games every day?
4. __________ times have you been to Phu Quoc?
5. __________ cousins do you have?
6. __________ is this clock?
7. __________ water should I drink daily?
8. __________ bowls are there in the cupboard?
9. __________ bottles of water are there in the fridge?
10. __________ salt is there?
Exercise 6. Fill in the blanks with “some” or “any”.
1. Can I have __________ more milk, please?
2. Has Jane got __________ brothers or sisters?
3. I haven’t got __________ work to do.
4. Is there __________ news about the new project?
5. I’ve got __________ news for you.
6. There isn’t __________ information on the computer about this.
7. Would you like __________ help?
8. Could you get me __________ stamps, please?
9. We went out with __________ friends last night.
10. Is there __________ wine left?
Exercise 7. Complete the sentences with: “a/ an” or “some/ any”.
1. I need __________ sugar.
2. I haven’t got __________ money.
3. This is __________ very good diet.
4. You need __________ oil in your diet, but not a lot.
5. I’ve got __________ information for you.
6. We don’t need __________ more white paint.
7. Shall I get __________ melon for dinner?
8. I’ll get __________ butter while I’m at the shop.
9. Would you like __________ apple?
10. We need __________ bars of chocolate for the party.
Exercise 8. Complete the sentences with “a, an, some, any, much, many” or “a lot of/ lots of.
1. I have to go to the market now. There isn’t __________ food for our dinner.
2. How __________ bottles of orange juice are there in the fridge?
3. Would you like __________ sugar for your coffee?
4. How __________ butter do you need for your pancakes?
5. There are __________ trees in our village, so the air here is very fresh.
6. How __________ chairs does Minh need for the party?
7. I’m very busy, I have __________ things to do today.
8. We have only __________ bottle of fish sauce.
9. We didn’t have __________ beef left, so we had __________ fish for lunch.
10. He was munching on __________ apple.
Exercise 9. Circle the best answers.
1. __________? - There's some meat and some rice.
A. What's for lunch B. What's lunch
C. What's lunch for D. Where's lunch for
2. Coffee is __________.
A. favourite my drink B. my favourite drink
C. drink my favourite D. my drink favourite
3. What would you like? - __________.
A. I like some apple juice. B. I'd like any apple juice.
C. I'd like some apple juice D. I'd like an apple juice.
4. My hobby is __________.
A. cooking B. cook C. to cook D. cooked
5. We hate __________ the dishes.
A. wash B. to washing C. washed D. washing
6. I do not have __________ oranges, but I have__________ apples.
A. any/any B. some/any C. any/some D. a/some
7. What is there __________?
A. drinking B. drink C. drank D. to drink
8. There is __________ fruit juice in the fridge.
A. any B. some C. a D. many
9. There is __________ tofu, but there aren’t __________ sandwiches.
A. some-some B. any-any C. some-any D. any-some
10. How many __________ do you need?
A. cartons of yogurt B. packet of yogurt
C. carton of yogurt D. yogurt
11. Can you tell me __________ this dish?
A. to cook B. how to cook C. cooking D. how to cooking
12. What __________ do I need to cook an omelette?
A. food B. material C. menu D. ingredients
13. In Viet Nam, spring rolls are served __________ at a family gathering or anniversary dinner.
A. most B. almost C. most of D. mostly
14. “What is your __________ dish for breakfast? - “It’s beef noodle soup”
A. favourite B. most C. best D. liking
15. How many __________ do you eat every day?
A. orange B. milk C. apple D. apples
16. Cakes in Viet Nam are made __________ butter, eggs, and flour.
A. in B. from C. of D. by
17. Lan’s brother is a __________ working at Metropolitan Restaurant.
A. cooker B. cooking C. chief D. chef
18. What __________ drink do you like most?
A. nation B. foreign C. foreigner D. favourite
19. “Do you want to __________ this new dish of noodles I have just cooked?”
A. like B. drink C. try D. make
20. The eel soup that your father has just cooked tastes very __________.
A. delicious B. best C. healthy D. well
Exercise 10. Find and correct the mistakes.
1. She teaches in an nice big school. _________
2. How many book do you have? _________
3. If he needs any more moneys, please let me know. _________
4. Let’s have noodles with some beefs or pork. _________
5. Among the much special dishes in Ha Noi, pho is the most popular. _________
6. How many water do you need? _________
7. He can have any orange juice instead of milk. _________
8. How many sandwich are there in your bag? _________
9. There’s some rices left from lunch. _________
10. Pho have a very special taste. _________
Exercise 11. Reorder the words/ phrases to make correct sentences.
How to make the perfect pancake
1. and / the / eggs / Beat / with / sugar, / flour / milk. / together
2. oil / the / in / heat / medium / Heat / over / a / frying / pan.
3. Pour / about / 1/4 cup / of / into / pan / mixture / the / time. / at / a / the
4. Cook / golden. / until
Exercise 12. Rewrite the second sentence using the given word(s) so that it has a similar meaning
to the first sentence.
1. How many plums would you like to buy? (want)
2. I like orange juice best. (My)
3. How much was your jacket? (How much/ What)

4. This is the oldest house in the street. (No)

5. Fried chicken is my son’s favourite food. (My)
6. Does your sister cook well? (Is)
7. Would he like to eat some bread? (Does)
8. It’s easy for Ann to arrange flowers. (finds)
9. Her new apartment is more modem than the old one. (Her old)
10. Huong is Ms. Van’s niece. (Huong’s)

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