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J. Essent. Oil Res.

, 17, 66-70 (January/February 2005)

Variation in the Amount of Yield and in the Extract

Composition Between Conventionally Produced and
Micropropagated Peppermint and Spearmint

A. Aflatuni*
MTTAgrifood Research Finland,North OstrobothniaResearch Station, FIN-92400 Ruukki, Finland
J. Uusitalo and S. Ek
University of Oulu, Laboratoryof Mass Spectrometry, Departmentof Chemistry, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland
A. Hohtola
University of Oulu, Departmentof Biology/Botany, FIN-90014 Oulu, Finland

The quality and quantity of oil obtained from three different peppermint Mentha x piperitaL. origins and the
spearmint Mentha spicata L. were compared in micropropagated and conventionally propagated plants in northern
Finland (64°40'N) in 1997-1998. Each block comprised M. piperitapeppermint plants from three different origins;
namely, the United States, Bulgaria and Egypt (Black Mitcham), and a spearmint, M. spicataof Egyptian origin. The
micropropagated plantlets and conventionally propagated plants were transferred to the experimental field in June.
In the first year, there were no differences in the dry leaf yield between the micropropagated plants and their
conventionally produced counterparts, although the former had a higher leaf/stem ratio. In the second year, the dry
leaf yield of micropropagated plants, which were left in 1997 in field and developed from the underground stolons,
was higher than that of conventionally propagated plants.
The percentage of oil was higher with conventionally propagated plants, but only in the first year. Significant
differences were observed between mint origins in the different propagation methods. Moreover, conventionally
propagated plants showed a higher menthol percentage. There was no significant difference in the isomenthone
content of the plants.
In spearmint, the dry yield was higher in the second year with micropropagated plants, but there were no signifi-
cant differences in the percentage of carvone between the two propagation methods.

Key Word Index

Menthapiperita,Menthaspicata,Lamiaceae, essential oilcomposition, menthol, menthone, propagationmethods,
in vitro propagation.

Introduction Thepropagation material, used mostlyinthe multiplication

of peppermint, consists of stolons grown in the soil (green) or
There are many reasons for the vegetative propagation of on the surface (white). The satisfactory development ofstolons
mint. As a hybrid, peppermint seldom produces seeds that are during intensive cultivation is hindered by several known and
ableto germinate. As aconsequence, itis propagated exclusively unknown factors. The mass of the root system increases with
from its vegetativeparts, i.e., green shoots, underground stolons the age of the plant, whereas the quantity of living stolons
and rooty turions. In addition, high costs and the plant's high decreases. In the cold climate conditions of northern Finland,
demand for manual labor disallowlarge-scale propagation with the best method for the conventional propagation of mints is
green cuttings, which is appropriate only for the fast propaga- to cut stolons from the field before frost in autumn and store
tion of improved clones. Plantations are usually established them in a cool storage in moist peat during winter. Towards
using underground stolons, although the peppermint also is the end of April they are transferred to a greenhouse for pre-
propagated by means of 8-10 cm high turions, developed from liminary growing. The plants are transplanted into a field as
underground stolons (1). early as possible after the frost is over (2).

*Address for correspondence Received: November2002

Revised; March 2003
1041-2905/05/0001-0066$6.00/0-© 2005 Allured Publishing Corp. Accepted: April 2003

66/Journal of Essential Oil Research Vol. 17, January/February 2005

Peppermint and Spearmint

Table I. Differences between conventionally and micropropagated peppermint and spearmint origins in dry matter
Dry matter kg/ha
1997 1998
Peppermint origin Conv. Microp. SEM P-value Conv. Microp. SEM P-value
Egypt 3035 1919 165 <001 4201 6780 1076 0.11
Bulgaria 2214 1505 165 <.01 2339 4747 1076 0.13
United States 2644 1601 165 <.001 2903 5680 1076 0.08
Spearmint 3758 2482 165 <.001 1270 5382 1076 0.01
Mean 2913 1877 116 <.001 2678 5647 931 0.01

Conv. = conventionally propagated; Microp. = micropropagated

Several papers (3,4) have reported the influence of in vitro April, green stolons were cut from the roots and planted in a
growth conditions on the secondary metabolite biosynthesis plugtrayofthe same size as the micropropagatedplants (55x55
of terpenes. Peppermint is micropropagated for a number of x 62 mm). After a preliminary growing period in a greenhouse,
reasons, including breeding (5) and the rapid multiplication of the stolons were transplanted to the experimental field at the
elite plants (6). Although a number of micropropagation stud- same time as the micropropagated plants. Before transplanta-
ies have focused on attaining a mint yield of high quality and tion, the micropropagated and conventionallypropagatedplants
quantity, only a few have dealt with differences in the yield and were of about the same size. In 1998, crop was developed from
oil quality and quantity between conventionally propagated and the underground stolons left in 1997.
micropropagated mints grown under field conditions. The soil type was fine sand, and the soil was fertilized at
The primary goal of the present study was to assess the the rate of N 40, P 28, K 56 kg/ha before planting. The plot
impact of two specific propagation methods, referred to as size was 1 x 3 m = 3 m2 . The plants were transplanted to the
conventional propagation and micropropagation, on the yield field by a potato planter such that each row comprised 15
and oil quantity and quality ofpeppermint and spearmint after plants at a distance of 20 cm from each other. The number of
the first year of cultivation in the field. Another objective was replications was four.
to establish whether the epigenotic effects caused by tissue In both years, the plants were harvested at the start of
culture observed in first year growth, disappear in the next flowering. In 1997, they were harvested on 13 August; in
generation of growth. 1998, the peppermints were harvested on 25 August and the
spearmints on 9 September.
Experimental After the harvest, the fresh yield was dried (in +40 0C),
and random samples (2 x 200 g) were analyzed to assess their
Plant material: The field experiments were conducted dry matter content, ratio of dry leaves to stems and oil con-
at the North Ostrobothnia Research Station of the Agricul- centration.
tural Research Centre of Finland, in Ruukki (64°40'N) during
Oil Isolation and Analysis
The experimentwas set-up in a randomizedcomplete block
design at two locations with four replications. The randomized To isolate oil, mint leaves (50 g), dried at +30 0C, were mixed
treatments were the propagation methods and the mint origins. with 700 mL of water. The mixture was then hydrodistilled
Two propagation methods, conventional and micropropagation, for 2 h at +100°C at normal atmospheric pressure, and its oil
were investigated. Each block comprised M. piperita(pepper- percentage was measured. Next, 10 monoterpene components
mint) plants from three different origins; namely, the United were identified in the peppermints and five in spearmint. This
States, Bulgaria and Egypt (Black Mitcham), and a spearmint, analysis involved both propagation methods and production
M. spicata, of Egyptian origin. years. Of the identified components, this paper discusses the
Micropropagation: Havingbeen sterilizedin 3.5% sodium seven most common ones (menthol, menthone, isomenthone,
hypochlorite for 10 min, nodal cuttings were propagated on MS neomenthol, pulegone, menthofuran and carvone).
medium (7) with 0.5 mg/L kinetin. The plants were grown at a The constituents ofthe oilwere analyzedusingGC/FID, and
temperature of +22°C (16 h light, 8 h dark) at a light intensity peak identifications were based on studies with GC/MS using
of about 50 W m-2. The shoots were then transferred into MS a Perkin Elmer Ion Trap Detector. Sample components were
multiplication medium supplemented with 0.5 mg/L 6-benzyl- identifiedbymass spectra matchingwith aWileyNBS Registry
aminopurine (BAP) and 0.25 mg/lindole-3-butyric acid (IBA). Mass Spectra Data Base. In addition, the identifications were
Roots were generated on WPM medium (8) containing 0.1 verified by comparing their retention time and mass spectrum
mg/L PIBA. Finally, following a two-month acclimatization in with a reference compound, whenever possible.
a greenhouse, the micropropagated plantlets were transferred Sample preparation: Leaf samples were randomly col-
to the experimental field on June 15. lected from different parts of plants and represented leaves
Conventionally propagatedplants:The roots were lifted of all ages. The fresh samples were stored in a freezer. For
from the field at end of October and stored in a cool store at analysis, the leaves were thawed at room temperature for
a temperature of approximately +10 to -1°C. In the middle of 10 min, then crushed in liquid nitrogen. A crushed sample

Vol. 17, January/February 2005 Journal of Essential Oil Research/67

Aflatuni et al.

Table II. Differences between traditionally and micropropagated peppermint and spearmint origins in dry leaf matter and leaf stem/
Dry matter kg/ha
1997 1998
Peppermint origin Conv. Microp. SEM P-value Conv. Microp. SEM P-value
Egypt 1305 1270 95 0.80 2052 3063 440 0.12
Bulgaria 869 1031 95 0.24 1213 2157 440 0.15
United States 1040 1101 95 0.66 1421 2782 440 0.04
Spearmint 1654 1566 95 0.52 636 2224 440 0.02
Mean 1217 1242 66 0.80 1331 2557 370 0.06

1997 1998
Peppermint origin Conv. Microp. SEM P-value Conv. Microp. SEM P-value
Egypt 0.8 2.0 0.1 <.001 1.0 0.9 0.1 0.59
Bulgaria 0.6 2.2 0.1 <0.001 1.3 0.9 0.1 0.04
United States 0.6 2.2 0.1 <.001 1.2 1.0 0.1 0.38
Spearmint 0.8 1.7 0.1 <.001 0.9 0.7 0.1 0.40
Mean 0.7 2.0 0.1 <.001 1.1 0.9 0.1 0.12

Conv. = conventionally propagated; Microp. = micropropagated

of 180-200 mg was accurately weighted and 1.0 mL of them easier to handle and plant with a potato or a cabbage
methylene chloride containing styrene (304 ng/l.L) as an planter than the conventionally propagated plants, which were
internal standard was added. The samples were extracted of varying height with abundant creeping shoots.
in an ultrasonic bath for 5 min and filtered. Turbid extracts Dry yield, dry leaf yield and leaf/stem ratio: Although
were dried with anhydrous Na2SO4 before introduction to the dryyield of 1997was significantlyhigherwith conventional
a gas chromatograph. propagation (Table I) than with micropropagation, the dryleaf
GC/FID analysisformints planted in 1998: Gas chroma- yield failedto exhibit asignificant difference (Table II). In 1998,
tographywas performed on aPerkin ElmerAutosystem XL gas however, the dry yield and the dry leaf yield of plants that were
chromatograph usinghelium as acarrier gas in constant pressure micropropagated in 1997 and developed from underground
mode (37 psig). The temperature of the injector and the detec- stolons in 1998 were both higher than those of conventionally
tor (FID, flame ionization detector, hydrogen flow 45 mL/min, produced plants.The significant lower yield of biomass from
air flow 450 mL/min) were 250°C and 300°C, respectively. The micropropagated mints in 1997 could be interpreted as the
column was a fused-silica column coated with RTX-1701 (30 m effect of epigenetic or somaclonal variations caused by tissue
x 0.32 mm x 0.25 lAm). The injected sample volume was 1 jL, culture. The differences were significant in peppermint and
and the split-flow was adjusted to 13 mL/min. spearmint of US origin.
Statistical methods: Randomized complete block designs Randhawa et al. (10) reported that the application of
with four blocks were set-up at two locations. growth regulators (GA) did not increase herb and oil yields in
The measurements were repeated for each plot during the M. piperita, but in the case of M. spicata, a lower concentra-
two-year study. These measurements were correlated and the tion of GA and IAA gave a significantly higher total yield than
correlation was taken into account. The covariance structure that of the control. According to Cameron et al. (11), a sharp
for the repeated measurements was selected after comparing decrease in average fruit size and weight is observed in straw-
all biologically sensible structures using Akaike's information berries when micropropagated plants are used directly for fruit
criterion (9). production. However, research has not established a difference
The assumptions for normality and constancy of error in total fruit production or fruit quality between the progeny
variance were checked by graphical methods; namely, plots of micropropagated and conventionally obtained plants.
of residuals for constancy of error variance and box-plots for The leaf/stem ratio in dry matter was significantly higher
normality of errors. The parameters were assessed by the in the first year, but was reduced to an insignificant level in
REML estimation method using the SAS system for Windows, the second year (p < 0.001). In 1997, micropropagated mints
release 8.2, and the MIXED procedure. of different origin contained more leaves than conventionally
propagated mints, but in 1998 the differences were no longer
Results and Discussion significant (Table II).
Oil content and composition: Conventionally propa-
Transplantedplants:Afterthepreliminarygrowingperiod gated plants had a significantly higher percentage of oil than
in the greenhouse before transplantation, the micropropagated micropropagated plants in the first year (Table III, mean). In
plants were mostly of the same height and very uniform in the second year, however, these differences were considerably
shape. Their growth was vigorous and straight, which made smaller. Similar results have been reported by Holm et al. (12),

68/Journal of Essential Oil Research Vol. 17, January/February 2005

Peppermint and Spearmint

Table IlIl. Effect of traditional and micropropagation methods on the oil percentage of the various peppermint and spearmint
Oil % in 1997 Oil %in 1998
Peppermint origin Conv. Microp. SEM P-value Conv. Microp. SEM P-value

Egypt 2.2 1.3 0.11 <.005 2.0 2.0 0.09 0.84

Bulgaria 2.1 1.5 0.11 <.005 2.0 2.5 0.09 <.05
United States 1.8 1.7 0.11 0.23 2.1 1.7 0.09 0.02
Spearmint 1.8 1.3 0.11 0.01 1.6 1.5 0.09 0.32
Mean 2.0 1.6 0.10 0.02 1.9 1.9 0.04 0.99

Conv. = conventionally propagated; Microp. = micropropagated

who foundthatthe oil content ofconventionallypropagatedpep- year. In the second year, however, the amounts were about
permint ranged from 1.1-2.6%, while the corresponding figures the same.
for micropropagated peppermints varied from 0.9-1.9% in the Pulegone was not detected in isolated oils. In this study,
first year. According to Ravishankar and Venkatarman (13), in the oil content of the various mints was determined only from
the rapid multiplication ofpeppennint, the oil content of original the leaves. This serves to explain the low menthofuran content
plants and those grown in vitro were found to be 0.85% on a and the absence of pulegone, as these substances are usually
freshweightbasis. Alsoplants raisedintissue culturehaveshown found in high amounts in flowers, sometimes comprising over
an oil proffle similar to that of the parent plant (14). 50% of flower oil (15).
Significant differences in oil content between the various In conclusion, the results of the experiment have clearly
mint origins and the two propagation methods were observed establishedthatinthe firstyeartherewere no differences in the
in 1997 and 1998 (P = 0.04 and p < 0.01). In both years, the dryleafyieldofmicropropagatedandconventionallypropagated
conventionally propagated peppermint of US origin contained plants, although the leaf/stem ratio of micropropagated plants
a higher oil percentage than micropragated. was significantly higher. In the second year, however, the dry
In experiments conducted by Holm et al. (12), micro- leaf yield of micropropagated plants was higher than that of
propagated peppermints had a higher menthol content dur- their conventionally propagated counterparts.
ing the first year. In the second year, however, the results This study establishes that the quality and quantity of
obtained by the two methods were practically identical. peppermints grown by the conventional and the micro-
The amount of menthone, menthol and carvone in plants propagation method depends on the origin of the plants
regenerated from the protoplasts of M. piperita vulgaris and varies from year to year. The quality of conventionally
decreased when compared with the control. On the other propagated plants was significantly higher in the first year,
hand, an increase has been observed in the carvone levels of but the difference was reduced to an insignificant level
all protoplast-derived plants (5). The present study showed during the next year.
no differences between the various propagation methods Micropropagation is a feasible method when rapid multi-
in the carvone percentage of spearmint (in 1997, P = 0.25, plication is of essence, for example, when there is a shortage
and in 1998, P = 0.40). of plant material or elite plants. In northern conditions, poor
There was no significant interaction between the study overwintering may occasionallyproduce an insufficientnumber
years and the propagating methods in the percentage of iso- of seedlings. Thus, micropropagatedplants, beingmoreuuniform
menthone (P = 0.16) and neomenthol (P = 0.44). Also, mint in size and shape, are easier to transplant than conventionally
origin failed to produce a significant difference (isomenthone propagated ones.
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70/Journal of Essential Oil Research Vol. 17, January/February 2005


TITLE: Variation in the Amount of Yield and in the Extract

Composition Between Conventionally Produced and
Micropropagated Peppermint and Spearmint
SOURCE: J Essent Oil Res 17 no1 Ja/F 2005
WN: 0500108202022

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