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June 5, 2023 June 6 , 2023 June 7, 2023 June 8, 2023 June 9, 2023

(Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)



A. References
a. Teacher's
K-12 CG p.90, TG, pp. 217-219
Guide Pages
b. Learner's
K to 12 Grade 2 Filipino Learners Material pp. 308-311
Material Pages
c. MELC Pages MELC page 149
d. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resource PowerPoint Slides, larawan, at iba pa
A. Reviewing Hayaan ang mga bata na sagu- Balikan ang Gawain na Hayaan ang mga bata na sagutin Balikan ang Gawain na Balikan ang Gawain
previous sinagutan ng mag-aaral ang pambungad na Gawain. sinagutan ng mag-aaral na sinagutan ng
tin ang pambungad na kahapon. kahapon. mag-aaral kahapon.

lesson or
presenting the
new lesson

B. Establishing a Tatalakayin na nag guro ang sagot ng Maaring magbigay ang guro Tatalakayin na nag guro ang sagot Maaring magbigay ang guro Maaring magbigay an
purpose for the mga bata. ng ibang halimbawa. ng mga bata. ng ibang halimbawa. guro ng iban
lesson halimbawa.
June 5, 2023 June 6 , 2023 June 7, 2023 June 8, 2023 June 9, 2023

(Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)



A. References
a. Teacher's
K-12 CG p.67, TG, pp. 320-324
Guide Pages
b. Learner's
K to 12 Grade 2 ENGLISH. Learners Material pp. 318-323
Material Pages
c. MELC Pages MELC page 131
d. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resource PowerPoint Slides, pictures, etc.
A. Reviewing Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Review on yesterday’
previous given activity. pupils activity. given activity. pupils activity. pupils activity.
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson

B. Establishing a Teacher will now discuss the Teacher may give additional Teacher will now discuss the pupils Teacher may give additional Teacher may giv
purpose for the pupils answers. activities/examples. answers. activities/examples. additional
lesson activities/examples.
Teacher will give the Digital Game for will Teacher will give the Digital Game for ils Answer:
Independent Practice or may give other Independent Practice or may give
disy will
s. other activity. erday
Teacher together with pupils cuss
Give s. ss
G. Finding their answers on yesterda them ir their
practical freedom to express the on their idea Teacher together with pup
application given answers. s discuss their answers on yest
of concepts Give them freedom to expre
and skills in ideas on their given answers.
daily living

Teacher may give the

Performance Task:
H. Making
ns and
about the
Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher will give assessment to pu pils. Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher will give assessment to p upils.

I. Evaluating
Teacher will give additional activitie s for Teacher will give ample time for Teacher will give additional activi ties for
homework/assignments. homework/assignments.
pupils to finish the activity. .
Additional Teacher will give ample time for
activities pupils to finish the activity.
n or
ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ____ __% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _______ CPL: _____% ML: _______ CPL:
IV. REMARKS NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _______
NI: _______
A. No. of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% bove ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned % ___ of Learners
learners who above a above 80 above who earned 80%
earned 80% above
in the
B. No. of ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require onal ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require tional ___ of Learners
learners who additional activities for additi activities for remediation additional activities for addi activities for remediation who require
require addi- remediation remediation additional
tional activities for
activities for remediation
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___N
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners ____ of Learn
caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up who caught u
No. of
learners lesson the lesson the lesson
caught up
with the
D. No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners ___ of Learn
learners continue to require who continue to who continue to who continue
who remediation require remediation require require
continue remediation remediation
to require
Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used Strategies used
well: work well: that work well: that work well
___ Group collaboration ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group
___ Games collaboration collaboration collaboration
___ Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving ___ Solving ___ Solving
w ___ Puzzles/Jigsa Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
Answering w ___ ___ Answering ___ Answering
preliminary Answering preliminary preliminary
activities/exe preliminary activities/exer activities/exerc
rcises activities/exer cises ises
___ Carousel cises ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Diads ___ Think-Pair- ___ Think-Pair
___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share Share (TPS) Share (TPS)
Paragraphs/ (TPS) ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading
Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of
___ Differentiated Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/
Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated ___ Differentia
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated
___ Discovery Method Instruction Instruction
Instruction ___ Role ___ Role
E. Which ___
of my Lecture ___ Role Playing/Drama Playing/Drama
teaching Method Playing/Drama ___ Discovery ___ Discovery
strategies Why? ___ Discovery Method
worked Method Method
___ Complete IMs ___
well? ___ ___
___ Availability of Lecture Lecture
Why did Method
these Materials Method Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Why?
work? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs
learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete
___ Availability of
___ Group member’s ___ Availability of ___ Availability
Cooperation in Materials Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness
doing their tasks ___ Pupils’ ___ Pupils’
to learn
eagerness to learn eagerness to le
___ Group member’s ___ Group ___ Group
Cooperation in member’s member’s
doing their tasks Cooperation in Cooperation in
doing their doing thei
tasks tasks
__ __ Bullying among pupils __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Colorful IMs __ Bullying __ Bullying __ Bullying
Bullying __ Unavailable Technology among among among
among Equipment (AVR/LCD) pupils __ pupils __ pupils __
pupils __ __ Science/ Computer/ Pupils’ Pupils’ Pupils’
F. What
Pupils’ Internet Lab behavior/a behavior/a behavior/a
behavior/ __ Additional Clerical works ttitude __ ttitude __ ttitude __
es did I
encount attitude Colorful Colorful Colorful IMs
er __ IMs IMs __ Unavailable
which Colorful
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable Technology
my IMs
principa Technology Technology Equipment
__ Unavailable Technology
l or Equipment Equipment (AVR/LCD)
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
supervi (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/
sor can
Internet Lab __ Science/ __ Science/ Computer/
me __ Additional Clerical Computer/ Computer/ Internet La
solve? works Internet Lab Internet Lab __ Additional
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical works
works Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Planned

__ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations: Innovations:
__ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books __ Localized Videos __ Localized
G. What
innovatio views of the locality views of the locality from __ Making big
__ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Videos
n or views of the locality books from
be used as Instructional Materials __ Making big
localized __ Recycling of plastics
Instructional Materials __ local poetical composition views of books from
materials to be used as
did I __ local poetical the locality __ views of the
Instructional Materials
use/disco composition Recycling of locality __
__ local poetical
ver which plastics to be Recycling of
I wish to composition used as plastics to be
share Instructional used as
with Materials Instructional
__ local poetical Materials
? composition __ local poetic
June 5, 2023 June 6 , 2023 June 7, 2023 June 8, 2023 June 9, 2023

(Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)


A. References
a. Teacher's
K-12 CG p 80, TG, pp. 310-314
Guide Pages
b. Learner's
K to 12 Grade 2 Mathematics Learners Material pp. 411-416
Material Pages
c. MELC Pages MELC page 202
d. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resource PowerPoint Slides, pictures, etc.
A. Reviewing Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Review on yesterday’
previous given activity. pupils activity. given activity. pupils activity. pupils activity.
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Teacher will now discuss the Teacher may give additional Teacher will now discuss the pupils Teacher may give additional Teacher may giv
purpose for the pupils answers. activities/examples. answers. activities/examples. additional
lesson activities/examples.
Teacher will give the Digital Game for ith pupils will dis- Teacher will give the Digital Game for ils Answer:
Independent Practice or may give other Independent Practice or may give
activity. on yesterdays. will
other activity. erday
Teacher together w cussGive express
their ideas ers. s. ss
their answers them their
G. Finding freedom to on their given
practical answ Teacher together with pup
application discuss their answers on yest
of concepts Give them freedom to expre
and skills in ideas on their given answers.
daily living

Teacher may give the

Performance Task:
H. Making
ns and
about the
Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher will give asses sment to pupils. Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher will give assessment to p upils.

I. Evaluating
J. Teacher will give additi onal activities for Teacher will give ample time for Teacher will give additional activi ties for
Additional homework/assignmen ts. homework/assignments.
Teacher will give ample time for pupils to finish the activity. .
for pupils to finish the activity.
n or
ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _______ CPL: _____% ML: _______
IV. REMARKS NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _______ _____%

NI: _______
A. No. of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who e arned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned % ___ of Learners
learners who above above above 80 above who earned 80%
earned 80% above
in the
B. No. of ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require tional ___ of Learners
learners who additional activities for activities for remediati additional on additional activities for addi activities for remediation who require
require addi- remediation remediation additional
tional activities for
activities for remediation
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___N
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners ____ of Learn
caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up who caught u
No. of
learners lesson the lesson the lesson
caught up
with the
D. No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners ___ of Learn
learners continue to require who continue to who continue to who continue
who remediation require remediation require require
continue remediation remediation
to require
Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used Strategies used
well: work well: that work well: that work well
___ Group collaboration ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group
___ Games collaboration collaboration collaboration
___ Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving ___ Solving ___ Solving
w ___ Puzzles/Jigsa Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
Answering w ___ ___ Answering ___ Answering
preliminary Answering preliminary preliminary
activities/exe preliminary activities/exer activities/exerc
rcises activities/exer cises ises
___ Carousel cises ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Diads ___ Think-Pair- ___ Think-Pair
___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share Share (TPS) Share (TPS)
Paragraphs/ (TPS) ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading
Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of
___ Differentiated Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/
Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated ___ Differentia
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated
___ Discovery Method Instruction Instruction
Instruction ___ Role ___ Role
E. Which ___
of my Lecture ___ Role Playing/Drama Playing/Drama
teaching Method Playing/Drama ___ Discovery ___ Discovery
strategies Why? ___ Discovery Method
worked Method Method
___ Complete IMs ___
well? ___ ___
___ Availability of Lecture Lecture
Why did Method
these Materials Method Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Why?
work? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs
learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete
___ Availability of
___ Group member’s ___ Availability of ___ Availability
Cooperation in Materials Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness
doing their tasks ___ Pupils’ ___ Pupils’
to learn
eagerness to learn eagerness to le
___ Group member’s ___ Group ___ Group
Cooperation in member’s member’s
doing their tasks Cooperation in Cooperation in
doing their doing thei
tasks tasks
__ __ Bullying among pupils __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Colorful IMs __ Bullying __ Bullying __ Bullying
Bullying __ Unavailable Technology among among among
among Equipment (AVR/LCD) pupils __ pupils __ pupils __
pupils __ __ Science/ Computer/ Pupils’ Pupils’ Pupils’
F. What
Pupils’ Internet Lab behavior/a behavior/a behavior/a
behavior/ __ Additional Clerical works ttitude __ ttitude __ ttitude __
es did I
encount attitude Colorful Colorful Colorful IMs
er __ IMs IMs __ Unavailable
which Colorful
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable Technology
my IMs
principa Technology Technology Equipment
__ Unavailable Technology
l or Equipment Equipment (AVR/LCD)
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
supervi (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/
sor can
Internet Lab __ Science/ __ Science/ Computer/
me __ Additional Clerical Computer/ Computer/ Internet La
solve? works Internet Lab Internet Lab __ Additional
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical works
works Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Planned

__ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations: Innovations:
__ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books __ Localized Videos __ Localized
G. What
innovatio views of the locality views of the locality from __ Making big
__ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Videos
n or views of the locality books from
be used as Instructional Materials __ Making big
localized __ Recycling of plastics
Instructional Materials __ local poetical composition views of books from
materials to be used as
did I __ local poetical the locality __ views of the
Instructional Materials
use/disco composition Recycling of locality __
__ local poetical
ver which plastics to be Recycling of
I wish to composition used as plastics to be
share Instructional used as
with Materials Instructional
__ local poetical Materials
? composition __ local poetic
June 5, 2023 June 6 , 2023 June 7, 2023 June 8, 2023 June 9, 2023

(Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)


A. References
a. Teacher's
K-12 CG p 80, TG, pp. 315-317
Guide Pages
b. Learner's
K to 12 Grade 2 Mathematics Learners Material pp. 417-421
Material Pages
c. MELC Pages MELC page 202
d. Additional
Materials from
Resource (LR)
B. Other Learning
Resource PowerPoint Slides, pictures, etc.
A. Reviewing Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Review on yesterday’
previous given activity. pupils activity. given activity. pupils activity. pupils activity.
lesson or
presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Teacher will now discuss the Teacher may give additional Teacher will now discuss the pupils Teacher may give additional Teacher may giv
purpose for the pupils answers. activities/examples. answers. activities/examples. additional
lesson activities/examples.
Teacher will give the Digital Game for ith pupils will dis- Teacher will give the Digital Game for ils Answer:
Independent Practice or may give other Independent Practice or may give
activity. on yesterdays. will
other activity. erday
Teacher together w cussGive express
their ideas ers. s. ss
their answers them their
G. Finding freedom to on their given
practical answ Teacher together with pup
application discuss their answers on yest
of concepts Give them freedom to expre
and skills in ideas on their given answers.
daily living

Teacher may give the

Performance Task:
H. Making
ns and
about the
Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher will give asses sment to pupils. Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher will give assessment to p upils.

I. Evaluating
J. Teacher will give additi onal activities for Teacher will give ample time for Teacher will give additional activi ties for
Additional homework/assignmen ts. homework/assignments.
Teacher will give ample time for pupils to finish the activity. .
for pupils to finish the activity.
n or
ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _______ CPL: _____% ML: _______
IV. REMARKS NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _______ _____%

NI: _______
A. No. of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who e arned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned % ___ of Learners
learners who above above above 80 above who earned 80%
earned 80% above
in the
B. No. of ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require tional ___ of Learners
learners who additional activities for activities for remediati additional on additional activities for addi activities for remediation who require
require addi- remediation remediation additional
tional activities for
activities for remediation
who scored
below 80%
C. Did the ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___N
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners ____ of Learn
caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up who caught u
No. of
learners lesson the lesson the lesson
caught up
with the
D. No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners ___ of Learn
learners continue to require who continue to who continue to who continue
who remediation require remediation require require
continue remediation remediation
to require
Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used Strategies used
well: work well: that work well: that work well
___ Group collaboration ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group
___ Games collaboration collaboration collaboration
___ Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving ___ Solving ___ Solving
w ___ Puzzles/Jigsa Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
Answering w ___ ___ Answering ___ Answering
preliminary Answering preliminary preliminary
activities/exe preliminary activities/exer activities/exerc
rcises activities/exer cises ises
___ Carousel cises ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Diads ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Diads ___ Think-Pair- ___ Think-Pair
___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share Share (TPS) Share (TPS)
Paragraphs/ (TPS) ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading
Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of
___ Differentiated Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/
Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
Poems/Stories ___ Differentiated ___ Differentia
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated
___ Discovery Method Instruction Instruction
Instruction ___ Role ___ Role
E. Which ___
of my Lecture ___ Role Playing/Drama Playing/Drama
teaching Method Playing/Drama ___ Discovery ___ Discovery
strategies Why? ___ Discovery Method
worked Method Method
___ Complete IMs ___
well? ___ ___
___ Availability of Lecture Lecture
Why did Method
these Materials Method Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Why?
work? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs
learn ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete
___ Availability of
___ Group member’s ___ Availability of ___ Availability
Cooperation in Materials Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness
doing their tasks ___ Pupils’ ___ Pupils’
to learn
eagerness to learn eagerness to le
___ Group member’s ___ Group ___ Group
Cooperation in member’s member’s
doing their tasks Cooperation in Cooperation in
doing their doing thei
tasks tasks
__ __ Bullying among pupils __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Colorful IMs __ Bullying __ Bullying __ Bullying
Bullying __ Unavailable Technology among among among
among Equipment (AVR/LCD) pupils __ pupils __ pupils __
pupils __ __ Science/ Computer/ Pupils’ Pupils’ Pupils’
F. What
Pupils’ Internet Lab behavior/a behavior/a behavior/a
behavior/ __ Additional Clerical works ttitude __ ttitude __ ttitude __
es did I
encount attitude Colorful Colorful Colorful IMs
er __ IMs IMs __ Unavailable
which Colorful
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable Technology
my IMs
principa Technology Technology Equipment
__ Unavailable Technology
l or Equipment Equipment (AVR/LCD)
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
supervi (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
__ Science/ Computer/ __ Science/
sor can
Internet Lab __ Science/ __ Science/ Computer/
me __ Additional Clerical Computer/ Computer/ Internet La
solve? works Internet Lab Internet Lab __ Additional
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional Clerical works
works Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Planned

__ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations: Innovations:
__ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books __ Localized Videos __ Localized
G. What
innovatio views of the locality views of the locality from __ Making big
__ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as Videos
n or views of the locality books from
be used as Instructional Materials __ Making big
localized __ Recycling of plastics
Instructional Materials __ local poetical composition views of books from
materials to be used as
did I __ local poetical the locality __ views of the
Instructional Materials
use/disco composition Recycling of locality __
__ local poetical
ver which plastics to be Recycling of
I wish to composition used as plastics to be
share Instructional used as
with Materials Instructional
__ local poetical Materials
? composition __ local poetic
June 5, 2023 June 6 , 2023 June 7, 2023 June 8, 2023 June 9, 2023

(Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)


A. References
a. Teacher's
K-12 CG p 115 TG, pp. 320-322
Guide Pages
b. Learner's
Material Pages K to 12 Grade 2 Music Learners Material pp. 287-289
c. MELC Pages MELC page 248
d. Additional
Materials from Learning
(LR) portal
B. Other
PowerPoint Slides, pictures, etc.
Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Review on yesterday’
given activity. pupils activity. pupils activity. pupils activity.
A. Reviewing given activity.
previous lesson
or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Teacher will now discuss the Teacher may give additional Teacher will now discuss the pupils Teacher may give additional Teacher may give additiona
purpose for the pupils answers. activities/examples. answers. activities/examples. activities/examples.

Teacher will give the Digital Game for Independent will Teacher will give the Digital Game for ils will
Practice or may give other activity.
disys. Independent Practice or may give other erdays
Give activity. . ss
Teacher together with pupils
ir their
G. Finding cuss their answers on ideas Teacher together with pup
practical yesterda them freedom to discuss their answers on
application of
express the on their given yest Give them freedom to
concepts and
skills in daily answers. expre ideas on their given
living answers.

Teacher may give the

Performance Task:
H. Making
about the
Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher together with pupils will Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher together with pup ils will
cuss their answers on disys. discuss their answers on erdays
yesterda them freedom to Give yest Give them freedom to . ss
express the on their given ir expre ideas on their given their
answers. ideas answers.
I. Evaluating
Teacher will give additional s for Teacher will give ample time for Teacher will give additional ties for
activitie pupils to finish the activity. . activi
homework/assignments. homework/assignments.
Additional Teacher will give ample time for
activities pupils to finish the activity.
ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: __% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _______ CPL: _____ ML: _______ CPL:
____ % _____%
IV. REMARKS NI: _________ NI: _________
NI: _________ NI: _______ NI: _______
A. No. of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who earned bove ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who % above ___ of Learners who
learners who above 80% a above earned 80 earned 80% above
earned 80% in
the evaluation
___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who onal ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who tional ___ of Learners who
B. No. of learners
additional activities for remediation require additi activities for additional activities for remediation require addi activities for require additional
who require addi-
remediation remediation activities for
tional activities for remediation
remediation who
C. Did the ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___N
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners ____ of Learn
caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up who caught u
No. of
learners lesson the lesson the lesson
caught up
with the
D. No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners ___ of Learne
learners continue to require who continue to who continue to who continue
who remediation require remediation require require
continue remediation remediation
to require
Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used Strategies used
well: work well: that work well: that work well:
___ Group collaboration ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group
___ Games collaboration collaboration collaboration
___ Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving ___ Solving ___ Solving
w ___ Puzzles/Jigsa Puzzles/Jigsaw Puzzles/Jigsaw
Answering w ___ ___ ___ Answering
preliminary Answering Answering preliminary
activities/ex preliminary preliminary activities/exer
ercises activities/exe activities/exer cises
___ Carousel rcises cises ___ Carousel
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Diads
___ Think-Pair-Share (TPS) ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Think-Pair-
___ Rereading of ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair- Share (TPS)
Paragraphs/ (TPS) Share (TPS) ___ Rereading
Poems/Stories ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of
___ Differentiated Paragraphs/
Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/ Poems/Stories
Poems/Stories Poems/Stories ___ Differentia
___ Role Playing/Drama ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated
___ Discovery Method Instruction
Instruction Instruction ___ Role
E. Which ___
of my Lecture ___ Role ___ Role Playing/Drama
teaching Method Playing/Drama Playing/Drama ___ Discovery
strategies Why? ___ Discovery Method ___ Discovery
worked Method
___ Complete IMs ___ Method
well? ___
___ Availability of ___ Lecture
Why did Method
Materials Lecture Method
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Why? Method
work? Why?
___ Complete IMs Why?
learn ___ Complete I
___ Availability of ___ Complete IMs
___ Group member’s ___ Availability
Materials ___ Availability of
Cooperation in Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness Materials
doing their tasks ___ Pupils’
to learn ___ Pupils’ eagerness to le
___ Group member’s eagerness to learn ___ Group
Cooperation in ___ Group member’s
doing their tasks member’s Cooperation in
Cooperation in doing their
doing their tasks
__ __ Bullying among pupils __ Pupils’ behavior/attitude __ Colorful IMs __ Bullying __ Bullying __ Bullying
Bullying __ Unavailable Technology among among among
among Equipment (AVR/LCD) pupils __ pupils __ pupils __
pupils __ __ Science/ Computer/ Pupils’ Pupils’ Pupils’
F. What
Pupils’ Internet Lab behavior/a behavior/a behavior/a
behavior/ __ Additional Clerical works ttitude __ ttitude __ ttitude __
es did I
encount attitude Colorful Colorful Colorful
er __ IMs IMs IMs
which Colorful
__ Unavailable __ Unavailable __ Unavailable
my IMs
principa Technology Technology Technology
__ Unavailable Technology
l or Equipment Equipment Equipment
Equipment (AVR/LCD)
supervi (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD) (AVR/LCD)
sor can __ Science/ Computer/
Internet Lab __ Science/ __ Science/ __ Science/
me __ Additional Clerical Computer/ Computer/ Computer/
solve? works Internet Lab Internet Lab Internet Lab
__ Additional Clerical __ Additional __ Additional
works Clerical works Clerical works

Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Innovations: Planned Planned

__ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos __ Localized Videos Innovations: Innovations:
G. What __ Making big books from __ Making big books from __ Making big books __ Localized Videos __ Localized
innovatio views of the locality views of the locality from __ Making big Videos
n or __ Recycling of plastics to __ Recycling of plastics to be used as views of the locality books from __ Making big
localized be used as Instructional Materials
materials __ Recycling of views of
Instructional Materials __ local poetical composition plastics to be used as books from
did I the locality __
__ local poetical Instructional Materials views of
composition Recycling of the locality __
over __ local poetical
plastics to be Recycling of
which I composition used as plastics to be
wish to
Instructional used as
with Materials Instructional
other __ local poetical Materials
teachers composition __ local poetica
June 5, 2023 June 6 , 2023 June 7, 2023 June 8, 2023 June 9, 2023

(Monday) (Tuesday) (Wednesday) (Thursday) (Friday)



A. References
a. Teacher's
K-12 CG p 118 TG, pp. 411-415
Guide Pages
b. Learner's
Material Pages K to 12 Grade 2 Health Learners Material pp. 410-414
c. MELC Pages MELC page 343
d. Additional
Materials from Learning
(LR) portal
B. Other
PowerPoint Slides, pictures, etc.
Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Let the children answer the Review on yesterday’s Review on yesterday’
given activity. pupils activity. pupils activity. pupils activity.
A. Reviewing given activity.
previous lesson
or presenting the
new lesson
B. Establishing a Teacher will now discuss the Teacher may give additional Teacher will now discuss the pupils Teacher may give additional Teacher may give additiona
purpose for the pupils answers. activities/examples. answers. activities/examples. activities/examples.

Teacher will give the Digital Game for th pupils will dis- Teacher will give the Digital Game for
Independent Practice or may give other activity. Independent Practice or may give other
n yesterdays.
Teacher together wi cuss Give xpress
their ideas rs.
their answers o them
G. Finding freedom to e on their with pupils will
practical Teacher together
given answe ers on
application discuss their answ
yesterdays. m to
of concepts Give them freedo
and skills in express their n
ideas on their give
daily living answers.

Teacher may give the

Performance Task:
H. Making
about the
Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher together wi cuss th pupils will dis- Teacher will give assessment to pupils. Teacher together with pupils will
their answers o them n yesterdays. discuss their answ ers on
freedom to e on their Give xpress Give them freedo yesterdays. m to
given answe their ideas rs. ideas on their give express their n
I. Evaluating
Teacher will give additi onal activities for Teacher will give ample time for Teacher will give add itional activities for
homework/assignment s. homework/assignm ents.
pupils to finish the activity. .
Additional Teacher will give ample time for
activities pupils to finish the activity.
n or
ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _________ CPL: ______% ML: _______ CP L: _____% ML: _______
IV. REMARKS NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _________ NI: _______ _____%

NI: _______
A. No. of ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners who ea rned 80% ___ of Learners who earned 80% ___ of Learners earned 80% ___ of Learners
learners who above above above who above who earned 80%
earned 80% above
in the
B. No. of ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners who require additional ___ of Learners who require ___ of Learners require ___ of Learners
learners who additional activities for activities for remediation additional activities for who activities for additional who require
require addi- remediation remediation remedia tion additional
activities for
tional activities
for remediation remediation
C. Did ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No ___Yes ___No
____ of Learners who ____ of Learners who caught up the lesson ____ of Learners ____ of Learners ____ of
caught up the lesson who caught up the who caught up Learners who
lesson the lesson caught up the
No. of
learners lesson
caught up
with the
D. No. of ___ of Learners who ___ of Learners who continue to require remediation ___ of Learners ___ of Learners ___ of Learne
learners continue to require who continue to who continue to who continue t
who remediation require remediation require require
continue remediation remediation
to require
Strategies used that work Strategies used that Strategies used Strategies used
well: work well: that work well: that work well:
___ Group collaboration ___ Group ___ Group ___ Group
___ Games collaboration collaboration collaboration
___ Solving
___ Games ___ Games ___ Games
___ Solving ___ Solving ___ Solving
aw ___ Puzzles/Jigsa Puzzles/Jigsa Puzzles/Jigsaw
Answering w ___ w ___ ___
preliminary Answering Answering Answering
activities/ex preliminary preliminary preliminary
ercises activities/exe activities/exer activities/exer
___ Carousel rcises cises cises
___ Diads ___ Carousel ___ Carousel ___ Carousel
___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Diads ___ Diads ___ Diads
(TPS) ___ Think-Pair-Share ___ Think-Pair- ___ Think-Pair-
___ Rereading of (TPS) Share (TPS) Share (TPS)
Paragraphs/ ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading of ___ Rereading o
Poems/Stories Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/ Paragraphs/
___ Differentiated Poems/Stories Poems/Stories Poems/Stories
Instruction ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiated ___ Differentiat
___ Role Playing/Drama Instruction Instruction Instruction
E. Which ___ Discovery Method
of my ___ ___ Role ___ Role ___ Role
teaching Lecture Playing/Drama Playing/Drama Playing/Drama
strategies ___ Discovery ___ Discovery ___ Discovery
well? Why? Method Method Method
___ ___ ___
Why did ___ Complete IMs Lecture Lecture Lecture
these ___ Availability of
Method Method Method
work? Materials
___ Pupils’ eagerness to Why? Why? Why?
___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IMs ___ Complete IM
___ Availability of ___ Availability of ___ Availability
___ Group member’s
Materials Materials Materials
Cooperation in
___ Pupils’ eagerness ___ Pupils’ ___ Pupils’
doing their tasks
to learn eagerness to learn eagerness to lea
___ Group member’s ___ Group ___ Group
member’s member’s
Cooperation in
Cooperation in Cooperation in
doing their tasks
doing their doing their
tasks tasks

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