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Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum

Day Topic Course Content Details

Mentor Introducing
About Shikhbe Shobai Course Curriculum
Freelancing and Marketplace
Why choose This Career
Day 1 Oriantation Ice Breaking Session
Question answer Session
Student's Introduction
Class Rules
Brand Yourself , Video Introduction

Introduce HTML,
How it works,
The Basic Structure,
Day 2 Basic HTML CSS Introduct about website, and Basic Concept how to use HTML as a Web Language.
Introduce with CSS (Inline CSS, Style Tag CSS, External CSS) and configure HTML with CSS.
simple page using html, css, List
Concept of HTML Block
Tag , Element, Attribute , CSS Property & Value
Web Page Layout Design, Float, Padding, Margin, Block Element, Float, Simentic Markup (Section, header, footer, etc)
Why Layout is Important for a Website.
Day 3 Layout Design Creating Website layout using HTML & CSS
CR Selection, UI / UX
Account Creation, Linkedin, Twitter, Github"
Signup form design
Form tags
Day 4 Form Design Signup or Registration Form Design
Form attributs
Basic Layout Design

Understanding Complex Layout System, Menu, Font Family, Icon Integration, Hover Effect
Day 5 Real Project Design Simple Website Design HTML5 Elements like Header, Footer, ASidebar and much more need to introduce.
Need to Start CSS with most useful property.
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

Important CSS Properties,

Day 6 Real Project Design Modern Page Design Multipage Concept,
Position Property
Media Query Basic Idea

Bootstrap File Hyrarchy

Media Query (5 Types of Device and their Width)
Day 7 Bootstrap class 1 Introduction of Bootstrap 5
Bootstrap Grid System
Responsive classes

Real Project Design,

Where project designed by Navbar, Slider, Button, Card, Footer, Forms
Day 8 Bootstrap class 2 Responsive Website Design Bootstrap Utilities, Components
Media Query, Responsive
Important Bootstrap Components

UI/UX Concept
Use of Photoshop with Pixel Perfect Design
Discussion about Figma, AI, XD
Photoshop Tools
Day 9 Bootstrap class 3 PSD to Bootstrap 5
Image Cropping,
Text, fonts
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

UI/UX Concept
Use of Photoshop with Pixel Perfect Design
Discussion about Figma, AI, XD
Photoshop Tools
Image Cropping,
Day 10 Bootstrap class 4 PSD to Bootstrap 5
Text, fonts

UI/UX Concept
Use of Photoshop with Pixel Perfect Design
Discussion about Figma, AI, XD
Photoshop Tools
Image Cropping,
Day 11 Bootstrap class 5 xd to Bootstrap 5
Text, fonts

Javascript Intro
Javascript Syntax
Javascript Variable
Day 12 Javascript Intro of Javascript and Simple Topics
Javascript Expression
Data Type
if else loop function
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

What is Dom
Day 13 Javascript DOM and Small Project Branching
Javascript Problems solving
Click Event,
Day 14 Javascript Data, Loop, BRANCHING, Variable Slider , Modal, Tab and jQuery Intro

Integration jquery
Day 15 jQuery Intro jQuery jQuery UI
jQuery Events, Fadein fadeout, addclass, removeclass

Owl Carousel
Swiper Js
Aos / WOW Js
Day 16 jQuery Plugin Implementation Parallax js
Page Loader
Scoll Effect Plugin
Nav, Counter Plugin

Owl Carousel
Swiper Js
Aos / WOW Js
Day 17 jQuery Plugin Implementation Parallax js
Page Loader
Scoll Effect Plugin
Nav, Counter Plugin
Day 18 Work Presentation Project Presentation Students will present their portfolios with powerpoint and live link
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

Why Wordpress
About Server, Prgramming language
Day 19 Wordpress Wordpress Setup and Dashboard domain wordpress Setup, 1 click Installation ,
Dashboard introduce
Post Page Creation

Select a Theme for Blog Website

Post, Categories, Tags
Page Creation and Setup
Menu Setup
Day 20 Wordpress News / Magazin website Widgets Setup
Theme Customization
Home and Blog Page settinga
customizae Date times, Slug
Full Website Done

Theme Setup
Required Plugins Instalations
Ocean Wp / Astra / Neve Theme Installation and
Demo Import
Day 21 Wordpress Elementor
Introduc of Elementor Page Builder
One Page Creation using Elementor
Theme Customization
Full Website Done

Day 22 Wordpress Elementor Design Page using Elementor Page Builder

Header, Footer
Day 23 Wordpress Betheme Theme Setup
Day 24 Wordpress Betheme js composer
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

Intro of DIVI Theme

Day 25 Wordpress Divi Page builder Demo Import
Design a Page

Woodmart Theme Setup

Required Plugin Installation
WP-Bakery Page Builder Active
HTML Blocks
Ecommerce Website with Woodmart Theme part
Day 26 Ecommerce Website Header Footer customization
Theme Setup
Demo Import
Woocommerce Plugin Setup
Product Adding
Woocommerce Addons

Woodmart Theme Setup

Required Plugin Installation
WP-Bakery Page Builder Active
HTML Blocks
Ecommerce Website with Woodmart Theme part Header Footer customization
Day 27 Ecommerce Website
2 Theme Setup
Demo Import
Woocommerce Plugin Setup
Product Adding
Woocommerce Addons
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

Pop Up Plugins
Contact Form 7
Day 28 Wordpress Plugin WP Pluings
Revolution Slider

SEO / Migration / Security / Website Optimization

Day 29 Wordpress Plugin SEO / Migration / Security

Day 30 Presentation Project Presentation Students will present their portfolios with powerpoint and live link
Day 31 Freelancing Fiverr Portfolio & Branding
Day 32 Freelancing Fiverr Keyword Searching, Thumbnail Creation
Day 33 Freelancing Fiverr Keyword Searching, Gig Creation
Day 34 Freelancing Fiverr How to Bid, Client Management, What is Regulation , Client Comunication
Day 35 Freelancing Upwork Profile Creation, Service Creation
Day 36 Freelancing Upwork Client Management, Hourly Job, How to Bid
Day 37 PHP basic PHP Basic Topic Data Type, Loop, BRANCHING, Variable
Day 38 PHP Basic Dynamic Form Form Creation, Data Management with php
Day 39 Crud mysql Dynamic Form, Data Query Form Creation, Data Management with php
Project Blog Site / Library Management System
Day 40 Project Class 1 Dynamic Dashboard customization with php and mysql. Dynamic Blog site
(Crud / database management)
Day 41 Project Class 2 User Role / session / cookie
Day 42 Project Class 3 Category / Tags for blog site
Day 43 Project Class 4 Project Blog Site / Library Management System
Day 44 Project Class 5 Project Blog Site / Library Management System
Day 45 Project Class 6 Project Blog Site / Library Management System
Full Stack Web Development Cource Curriculum
Day Topic Course Content Details

Day 46 Project Class 7 Project Blog Site / Library Management System

Day 47 Project Class 8 Project Blog Site / Library Management System
Day 48 Project Class 9 Wordpress Theme Dev Select A theme and Convert to Wordpress, Theme Setup
Day 49 Project Class 10 Wordpress Theme Dev Post Management, Single Page Design,
Day 50 Project Class 11 Wordpress Theme Dev Functions.php , Hook, Menu , Sidebar
Day 51 Project Class 12 Wordpress Theme Dev Page template Page Template Design, Custom Field
Day 52 Project Class 13 Wordpress Theme Dev Page Template Redux Redux Framework, Option Tree Framework
Day 53 Project Class 14 Wordpress Theme Finishing

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