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Private Security Quiz Total points 36/44


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1.The t erm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refers t o some who is effect ive, organized *1/1

and compet ent .

A. Deportment

B. Stereotype

C. Bias

D. Professional

E. None of the above

2.The t erm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ is underst anding and displaying moral dut ies and *1/1
obligat ions.

A. Professionalism

B. Ethics

C. Discrimination

D. Values

E. All of the above

3. What are t he t hree st eps in t he incidence response process? * 1/1

A. Assess, negotiate, act

B. Access, plan, act

C. Assess, plan, act

D. Plan, act, assess

E. None of above
4. The agency t hat issues securit y worker licenses is * 1/1

A. Work safe BC

B. Langley RCMP

C. Ministry of social services

D. Security programs and police technology division

E. Canada revenue agency

5. Securit y provided for int ernal use of company is * 1/1

A. Contract security

B. In house security

C. Public security

D. None of the above

6. Int ernalized inaccurat e beliefs about people is t ermed * 1/1

A. Stereotype

B. Ethics

C. Problem-solving approach

D. Diversity

7. t he way public conduct s t hemselves is called: * 0/1

A. Stereotype

B. Bias

C. Deportment

D. Professional

Correct answer

C. Deportment

8. The SPs main responsibilit y while dealing wit h t he media is t o prot ect 1/1
t he int erest of t he SPs client or employer

A. True

B. False
9. What are t he t wo t ypes of privat e securit y? * 1/1

A. In-house and proprietary security

B. Contract and fee-for-service security

C. Contract and in-house security

D. Mobile and bike security

E. None of above

10. The t erm "public securit y" refers t o * 1/1

A. Contract security

B. In-house security

C. Federal or Municipal police

D. All of the above

E. None of the above

11. If an SP observes unet hical or illegal act s by a co-worker, SP must : * 1/1

A. Try to forget what they saw.

B. Confront and then arrest the co-worker

C. Ask another co-worker their opinion.

D. Inform the appropriate authorities

E. None of above

12. The t erm_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ refers t o act ivit ies t hat t he SP can perform *1/1
from a fixed locat ion.

A. Patrol

B. Hazard identification

C. Static

D. Rick prevention

E. None of above

13. a set of fact s is called reasonable ground * 0/1



Correct answer

14. Racial profiling is considered discriminat ion * 1/1



15. SPs have t o report possible hat e crimes t o t he police * 1/1



16. Public securit y provides service t o * 1/1

A. a client with multiple sites

B. a specific client

C. all municipal corporations

D. all members of the public

17. t he police may ent er a privat e propert y while * 1/1

A. executing a search warrant

B. executing a warrant to arrest

C. responding to a crime in progress

D. all of the above

18. The effect ive, organized, compet ent and business like pracit ioner is *1/1

A. Stereotype

B. Profesional

C. Bias.

D. Deportment

19. SP must produce t heir securit y worker licence only if request ed by a *0/1
police officer or a personnel of a regulat or agency



Correct answer

20. how should SPs begin encount ers wit h a subject ? * 0/1

A. By describing the course of action that the SPs would like the other person to

B. By correctly identifying themselves including their function and main concern

C. By showing the subject whos boss through a display of strength and


D. (A)and (B)

Correct answer

B. By correctly identifying themselves including their function and main concern

21. Recognizing ones moral dut ies and obligat ions is called * 1/1

A. professionalism

B. professional standard

C. ethics

D. good behaviour

22. According t o et hical st andards t he people should act in a manner as *1/1


A. The interest of others

B. Their personal interests

C. Understanding of legal authority and professional responsibilities and a

careful consideration of the facts of the situations

D. None of the above

23. Element s of a cust omer service orient at ion are * 1/1

A. Multiculturalism

B. Appearance

C. Demeanour

D. (B) and (C)

24. The securit y provided by companies who sell t heir services t o client is *0/1

A. public security

B. environmental security

C. in house security

D. none of the above

Correct answer

D. none of the above

25. When prot ect ing against hazards die t o human act ions one t hing an SP 1/1
can do is t o assist police wit h informat ion during t he invest igat ion



26. When prot ect ing against environment al hazards, t he SPs main role is *1/1
t o keep police informed about t he st at us of t he locat ion



27. Examples of environment al hazards * 1/1

A. Espionage

B. Crimes against property

C. Civil disobedience

D. None of the above

28. "St at ic dut ies" are t he act ivit ies t hat an SP performs wit hin a building *0/1
or complex



Correct answer


29. What is t he correct order of st eps in incident response process? * 1/1

A. plan, assess, act

B. assess, negotiate, act

C. assess, plan, act

D. negotiate, assess, act

30. The SPs should const ant ly re-assess a sit uat ion t o which t hey must *1/1

A. To postpone having to take action

B. To detect changing risks and potential problems

C. To create an opportunity for the situation to resolve itself

D. (B) and (C)

31. What should t he SPs do at an incident scene? * 1/1

A. Ask for public help to look for evidence

B. Walk through the area to look for evidence

C. Avoid sizing or touching evidence

D. Collect all the evidence before the police arrives

32.What should an SP not ify in an emergency? * 0/1

A. The SPs supervisor

B. The client

C. The local emergency response services

D. All of the above

Correct answer

C. The local emergency response services

33.Represent at ives of regulat ory agencies may ent er privat e propert y *1/1
under cert ain condit ions



34. An example of an environment al hazard would be: * 1/1

A. Civil disobedience

B. Riot

C. Crime against property

D. None of above

E. (A) AND (C)

35. SPs can cont inue t o keep t heir securit y worker licences even aft er *1/1
t hey st op working in t his field



36. The publics percept ion of t he SP and t heir company is an element of: * 0/1

A. Presence

B. Communication

C. Physical control

D. Weaponless impact

Correct answer

A. Presence
37. which of t he following must SPs do when dealing wit h represent at ive *1/1
of regulart ory agencies?

A. Document the interaction

B.Identify themselves as Sps

C.Avoid interfering with agency's process and function

D.All of the above

E.[B] AND [C]

38.The public's percept ion of t he SP and t heir company is an element of: * 1/1

A. Presence

B. Communication

C. Physical control

D. Weaponless impact

39. The regulat ory agency responsible for invest igat ing public complaint s *1/1
against SPs or securit y agencies is

A. WorkSafe BC

B. Ministry of Security services

C. Security Programs Division, Ministry of Justice

D. Municipal government

40. The core funct ion of SP is t o To prot ect people and propert y from *1/1
various t ypes of hazards.

A. True

B. False

41. Which of t he following are examples of assignment s t hat SPs could *1/1
t ake on?

A. Door Supervisor

B. Loss Prevention

C. Static Site Security

D. All of the above

42. The st andards for professional conduct encompass several areas. *1/1
What are t hey?

A. Knowledge, Skills and Qualities

B. Government requirements

C. Professional appearance and deportment

D. [A] and [C]

43. Which agencies provide emergency medical response services? * 1/1

A. WorkSafe BC

B. BC Ambulance Service

C. Fire Department

D. [B] and [C]

44. All int eract ions wit h emergency services must be document ed in t he *1/1
SP’s not ebook. The SP should make
part icular effort t o record his or her assessment of t he level of service
provided by t he agency.

A. True

B. False

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