All Tasks One File 1 MANUEL ARDITTO

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Develop exercises 1 and 2 in the image

Exercise 1

1 c

2 d

3 a

4 e

5 b

Exercise 2: Discuss and be ready to share your ideas when back to main session
Task 2
Rewrite the COMPLETE conversations. Complete them by using the affirmative or
negative past tense of be.

Conversation 1 How was the drive?

The traffic was really awful. There were so many cars on the

Too bad were you alone?

My brother was with me.

Conversation 2 My flight was a little late

Were there a lot of people on the plane?

No, there were not

Conversation 3 Where were you last week?

We were on a cruise.

How was it?

It was pretty short

Conversation 4 How were your parents’ trip? / How was your mother’s trip?

It was too great

Their train was 4 hours late

So, they were really tired

Task 3

1 The cruise was terrific.

2 The shops were quite nice

3 Our room was really small

4 There weren’t many family activities

5 There were a lot of friendly people

6 The flight wasn’t very long

1 Was your bus trip long? / No, it wasn’t

2 Was the movie theater open? / Yes, it was

3 Was the weather Good? / No, it wasn’t

4 Was there a movie on your flight? / No, it wasn’t

5 Were there many people on the train? / Yes, they were

1 Hey, Marty Where were you last weekened?

2 Really? How was it?

3 Oh yeah? Where was the resort?

4 Wroxton? That’s rather far. How long was you drive?

5 Nice! And how was the weather?

6 Sounds wonderful. How long were you there

Task 4
Rewrite the complete the postcard by filling in the blanks with the past forms of the

1. The flight WAS nice

2. It WAS NOT too long

3. I SLEPT the whole time

4. We WENT swimming

5. We ATE fresh seafood

6. And DRANK cocoanuts milk

7. We HAD a wonderfull dinner

8. The service WAS great

9. The waiters WERE really nice

10. A reggae band PLAYED

11. We MET some very nice people

12. We DID NOT LEAVE until after midnight

13. We HAD such a good time

14. We WALKED into the town

15 And BOUGHT postcards

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