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❣️But He replied, It has been written, *Man shall not live and be upheld and sustained by
bread alone*, but by every word that comes forth from the mouth of God. [Deut. 8:3.]
Matthew 4:4 AMPC

❣️A very Profound statement made by our Lord Jesus (after a 40 days and Nights fast)
about our Sustenance here on earth.

❣️One which requires great attention, because if I cannot be sustained by bread alone but
by God's Words, then I must of necessity practice how to live on the word.

❣️Fasting is one of the beautiful spiritual disciplines that pulls you away from all that will
distract so you can press into God.

❣️The first time we see it being mentioned is when God called Moses to give him His
commandments, statutes and ordinances for Israel. Exodus 24:18, 34:28.

❣️After, we notice later that as part of the Law, Only One fast was prescribed by God for
the Israelites. Lev. 23:27-32
Which was to be engaged during the Great day of Atonement.

❣️The Israelites however later developed their own 4 specific fasts in commemoration of
significant events (all calamities) that had taken place regarding Jerusalem.
Zechariah.8:19, Zechariah 7:5-6.

❣️However, many others in the old and new testaments fasted for several reasons as well
which would look at later.

❣️And later in the New testament in Jesus' days, we notice it had actually now evolved Into
two fasts per week - Mondays and Thursdays as part of their religious customs, making it a
total of 104 fasts per year.

🔰Notable is the fact that although the Israelites had increased the frequency of their fasts,
For some it had degenerated into an outward show with selfish motives rather than a true
deep spiritual exercise that seeks God. Zechariah. 7:5 , Matthew 6:16-18, Luke 18 :9-14 ,

🔰In order that we engage in our fast with understanding, it is imperative we re-visit some
Key things about fasting again.

My Prayer is that by the time we are through, our understanding will be deepened and
our lives of fasting will be refined even better.🙏
Absolute or Partial abstinence from food as a spiritual exercise to help you press earnestly
into God with no/minimal distractions.

🍊 Absolute: No food and Water.

● Esther 4:15-17 Queen Esther
● Acts 9:9-19 Apostle Paul
● Exodus 34:28.,Deut. 9:9 Moses
●1 Kings 19:8 Elijah Etc
Jonah 3:5-10 Nineveh. Even Animals were made to f a s t 😬 🫢 ●

🍏 Partial : Abstain from choice food,meat and wine.

● Daniel 10 :1-3 Daniel

Nb : There are some who fast avoiding just food but not
water. Some call that A Complete Fast.

Category 1

TRUE FASTING (God Approved) &

FALSE/Hypocritical/Selfish FASTING (God Rejected)

1saiah 58
Matt. 6:16-18
Luke 18:9-14
Zechariah 7:5-6,8:19
1 Kings 21:5-16

Nb : Customary Fasting by Israelites over the death of Kings/Nobles

1 Sam. 31:4-13,
2 Sam. 1:12, 3:35
1 Chron 10:12

Category 2
🔰 Group/National Fasting :
Israel : Ezra 8 :21 -
23 Jews : Esther 4:15-
Nobles and Elders of Jezreel : 1 Kings 21:5-16
Prophets and Teachers : Acts 13:1-3

🔰Individual Fasting
Jesus : Matthew 4:1-11
Ezra : Ezra 10:6
Ahab : 1 Kings 21 :27
Darius : Daniel 6:18
Prophetess Anna : Luke 2:37 Etc etc

❣️A True Fast may be done at Group/National or Individual levels and likewise
a False Fast

🍊 TRUE FASTING has at its core, a genuine desire to seek God and His will.
🍊It is Always accompanied with prayer.
🍊It is done in a Spirit of Humility, Acknowledging and receiving God's mercies.

Daniel 9: 3 - 4 & Almost all scriptures quoted associated with fasting.

🍊It also stems from a heart and life that is genuinely repentant from any way that is
unpleasing to the Lord.
Is 58, Jonah 3, 1 Kg 21:27-29, Joel 2:12-15, Deut 9:18 -21 etc


🍏 WORSHIP, PRAISE, THANKSGIVING. Nehemiah 9:1-38, Acts 13:1-3

🍏 PRAYER/INTERCESSION - All scriptures stated on fasting.

🍏 WORD STUDY - Daniel 9:2-4, Nehemiah 9:1-38

🍏 AVOIDING USUAL PLEASURES including sleep and delicacies. Daniel 6:18, Daniel
Other eg.s
● Surfing one or more forms of Social Media leisurely for long hours?
● Long hours of siesta or sleep
● Unhealthy eating habits and choices???
Too many sweets, fast foods, fatty meals, too much dom3do 😄etc


Zechariah. 7:8-10
Isaiah 58 : 6-10
1. Allowing people enjoy freedom spiritually and physically. Don't hold them in
bondage through unforgiveness, bitterness, anger or physical burdens.
● Free those Wrongly imprisoned (figuratively can also mean people imprisoned in your
● Undo Heavy Burden
● LET the oppressed go free

● Remove the chains that bind people

● Be compassionate

2. Helping those in Need

● Share your food with the hungry

● Reach out to the poor/shelter for the homeless

● Give Clothes to those in need

3. STOP ACCUSING MEN & Rather Encourage them

● Stop the finger pointing

● Stop speaking vanity/spreading vicious rumors

● Don't think Evil about others

● Satisfy the afflicted Soul. Feed their souls.


Is 58:13 -14
● Honour the Lord’s Gatherings and meetings

SPEAK honorably and delightfully about such meetings and be careful how you handle
● Honoring God with your life and pursuing His Purposes not your pleasures


Matthew 6:16-18
1 Samuel 7:6-10
Have you ever thought of giving a special offering to God during or at the end of a fast???
It is one of the beautiful things you can do in Thanksgiving to God for all that transpired
during the period of the fast.


Fasting that is done to ●Please oneself and that has at its core an unrepentant
heart/lies/Wickedness/disobedience to God’s Will
Zechariah 7:5-7,8-14
Zechariah. 8:19
Jer 14:10-14
1 Kings 21:5-16
Is 58 : 3-5

● Appease your own conscience or merely as a religious act to show off/out of pride/self -

righteousness Matthew 6:16

Luke 18:10-14


1. 🍇 God will of a surety answer your prayers if its a true fast and so your joy
would be made complete.

Study all scriptures previously stated: Every Prayer lifted from a genuine heart of
repentance or humility was answered; both personal prayers and Intercessions.

2. 🍇 You will be transformed Spirit, Soul and Body.

● Spirit: You would grow Spiritually.

Your Revelation of & Love for God and People will deepen as He reveals different
dimensions of Himself - His Love, Mercies, Grace & Expressions of Power etc etc
1 Samuel 7:6-12
Spiritual gifts, Spiritual eyes and ears & the Power of the Spirit would be heightened
bringing about visions, prophetic dreams, prophetic directions, miracles, healings, strong
faith etc

Eg. Daniel 10; 11;12 , Jesus Luke 4:1-14, Acts 10 : 30- 32, Mark 9: 17-29

● Soul :

Certain carnal ways of thinking, expressing your emotions and your will Power would
be dealt with. In their place, The fruit of your recreated human spirit is stirred up.
♤••• Humility : Psalm 35:13, Psalm 69:10

♤••• Confidence/Courage : Esther 4:1-17, 5:1-2

● Body : Ps 109:24 You may lose some weight. Natural Slimming Course.

❣️🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾Physical exercise has some value, but *spiritual exercise is valuable in every way,*
because it promises life *both for the present and for the future*.
1 Timothy 4:8 GNT

6. WHEN and WHY do we FAST???

🍓On specific days/period consistently assigned as a spiritual discipline and as
Worship. Luke 2:37, Acts 13:2, Luke 18:12, 2 Cor. 6:5, 11:27, 1 Cor. 7:5

🍓 When Appointing Leaders : To stay focused to hear the Spirit's Leadings

clearly. Acts 13 : 1-5, Acts 14:23

🍓 When commencing a new ministry assignment/phase : To stir up the boldness and Power
of the Spirit.
Matthew 4:1-17, Acts 9:8 - 20
🍓 In Intercessions : To plead God's Mercies. Ezra 10:6 , Daniel 6:18, Deut.
9:18- 29, 2 Samuel 12 :16-18

🍓 In Challenging Times : To receive

1. The Lord's leadings & Healing. Acts 9:8-19, Ezra 8:21-36

2. The Lord’s Comfort and

preservation/deliverance. Acts 27:14-33,

Ezra 8: 21 - 36, Ps 69:7-14
3. The Lord’s extraordinary Grace , Courage and

Wisdom. Esther 4:15-17 , 5:1-3

Nehemiah 1:1-11
4. Strong Faith for supernatural

Ministration Matthew 17:20 -21/Mark


🍓 In seasons of genuine re-consecration involving repentance from revealed errors : To

access God’s Mercies.
Jonah 1:17 ;2;3:5-10 , 1 Kings 21:17 - 29 , Neh. 9:1-38

🍓 In Seasons of (perceived) Great temptations : To receive

1. Strength to stand on the Word and having done all,

to stand. Matthew 4:1-11.

2. To receive Grace to remain

Humble. Ps 35:11-16
Is it Biblical???


1. 🍎 The Firstmost instructions/scenarios that demanded fasting in the old testament came

from God. Exodus 24:18, 34:28

Lev. 23:27-32
And Concerns about whether it was being done rightly always came as a word from
God Himself. Is 58. , Zechariah. 7:5-6, etc etc

2. Jesus being also God in flesh re-iterated the above. He fasted Himself‼️(Matthew 4:1-11)

and Taught on it as stated below.

When you fast not if??? It was not an option.

And Taught them how to do it rightly.
Matthew 6:16-17
Luke 18 :9-14

He spoke of how His disciples would fast when He was

taken. Matthew 9:14-15. And we are His disciples too.

He mentioned how certain situations require prior Prayers with fasting to deal with them
victoriously. Matthew 17:20-21
3. The Church including their leaders Fasted. Acts 13:1-3

Acts 9:8-20 , Acts 27:14-33

And encouraged it to be done when

needed. 1 Cor. 7:5


🍊People fasted for various lengths in the bible but with the exception of a few extraordinary
fasts that extended beyond a day, *Most regular Bible fasts lasted a day.

● One Day : Judges 20:26; 1Samuel 14:24; 2 Samuel 1:12;

1 Samuel 7:6-12 Israel

2 Sam. 3:35 King David

I Kings 21:27-29 King

Ahab Nehemiah 9:1-38
Lev. 23: 27-32 Israel etc.

● Daily but for a period/on particular days/as a lifestyle of

Worship/Serving: Luke 18:9-14 Jews

Luke 2:37
Prophetess Anna
2 Cor. 6:5, 11:27 Apostle Paul

● Could Also last ONE NIGHT - Dan 6:18 . King Darius

Special cases‼
● 3 Days : ESTHER 4:15-17 Esther and

the Jews Acts 9:8-12 Apostle Paul

Jonah 1:17,2 Jonah

● 7 Days : 1 Sam. 31:13; 1 Chron 10:12

At the burial of Saul, the fast by Jabesh-Gilead.

● 7 Days: 2 Sam. 12:16-18

David's fast when his 1st child (with Bathsheba) was ill

● 14 Days : Acts 27:33-36 Apostle Paul, The Centurion with the group of prisoners.

● 21 Days( Partial fast) Daniel 10:1-3


Exodus 34:28; Deut 9:9 Moses

1Kings 19:8 Elijah
Matt 4:2; Luke 4:2 Jesus.

*CAUTION* ‼️‼️‼️
❣️Under Normal circumstances, Any Absolute fast that extends beyond 3 days begins to
become harmful to the body.
❣️If you are going to go beyond that, you are encouraged to start taking some water and not
extend beyond 7-14 days. (NB: if you would attempt this, Kindly do this under supervision
with your Pastors in the Known)
Not recommended unless otherwise instructed by God. ‼️‼️‼️
❣️Fasting beyond certain lengths are harmful to the body and not encouraged. Acts 27:33-37
❣️NB: Note how All situations of 40 days fasts were under extreme supernatural influences‼️‼️‼️
OTHER KEY 🔑 POINTS to note during a Fast.

1. 💪🏽👊🏼 *WARFARE*. DANIEL 10:12-13

Some Warfare may take place during fasting.
Be on your Guard. Keep on the full armour of God . Ephes. 6:10-17 and guard your heart
with all diligence. Prov 4:23

2. 😈 *TEMPTATIONS*. Matthew 4:1-11

The devil didn't tempt Jesus until He was ending His Fast.
And he came tempting Him with some of the very things the fasting had stripped off and
he knew may look attractive to Him then.

Be Watchful. Sometimes the very spiritual disciplines you are focusing on in a fast, could
be the very ones the enemy will tempt you greatly with.

3. 😓Whilst fasting, *You may feel*

● Some WEAKNESS: Acts 9:19, Ps 109:24
● HUNGER : Matt 4:2
It's natural . Don't stop because of this. Choose to Stay disciplined to the end.
To break the fast, you are encouraged to do so gradually, not heaping in loads of foods at a
● UNCHEERFUL. but be joyful in the Holy Ghost. Don't wait for food to
make you cheerful. Acts 27:33-36

*NB* : All Cautions previously stated apply.

4. 🍎Like other aspects of your Christian walk, *ENDEAVOUR to make Progress in this
spiritual exercise of fasting* as well.

5. ● Every Fast should Change you and your Revelation about God. Always Engage in a
Fast in Faith that you will see God.
Heb. 11:6
6. 💫 *Maintain the height you ascended to by the Help of the Holy Spirit.*
Any Spiritual discipline the Holy Spirit draws your attention to develop during a fast is
not to end with the fast. It is to become a part of your daily living.
Whatever height you ascend to in the Spirit, you need to maintain it by engaging in the
things that helped you ascend there.
*You shouldn't end a fast, and return to your old ways*. ‼️‼️‼️‼️
There must be a definite change.❣️

Let GOD remain at the Centre of EVERY FAST.
Go through every FAST with a heart of Total Faith that you will see God and your life is
being lifted to another degree of Glory.

But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe
that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.
Hebrews 11:6 kjv

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