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Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 147–153

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DFT calculation for stability and strength of iron borides

H.H. Huang a, Xiaofeng Fan a,⇑, G.M. Yang a,d, David J. Singh c, W.T. Zheng a,b
Key Laboratory of Automobile Materials (Jilin University), Ministry of Education, and College of Materials Science and Engineering, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
State Key Laboratory of Superhard Materials, Jilin University, Changchun 130012, China
Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Missouri, Columbia, MO 65211-7010, USA
College of Physics, Changchun Normal University, Changchun 130032, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The structural stability and mechanical properties of FeBx have been investigated by first principles meth-
Received 1 November 2017 ods with semiempirical model. With the analysis of the mechanical properties in both elastic and plastic
Received in revised form 12 December 2017 regions, it is found that the hardness of FeBx becomes higher by following the increase of B content up to
Accepted 14 December 2017
FeB2. From the stress-strain curves with the semiempirical model about hardness, the hardness of FeB2 is
about 31 GPa and similar to that of FeB4. It is expected that these results can give some light on the appli-
cations of FeBx with high B content, such as the boronizing of iron surface.
Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
First-principles methods
Superhard materials
Stress-strain curves
Ideal strength

1. Introduction rior electronic properties, such as the typical superconductive

MgB2 with a Tc of 39 K [19].
Superhard materials are of tremendous interest in both techno- With the structure search, iron-based borides FeB4 (op10-FeB4)
logical applications and fundamental science. Due to the superior were considered to thermodynamically stable and predicted to
mechanical and physical property, they can be used in a variety have the phonon-mediated superconducting characteristic,
of industrial applications such as cutting tools, hard coatings, and recently [26]. Subsequently, the route for the FeB4 synthesis with
abrasives and are synthesized by the design [1–4]. Among the pressure was suggested [27] and it was synthesized experimen-
superhard materials, the borides are expected to have the excellent tally at a pressure above 8 GPa and high temperature by Gou
properties [5,6]. For example, boron can combine with other light et al. [28] The results of magnetic susceptibility and heat capacity
elements, such as C and N to form the superhard alloys BC5 [7– demonstrated the superconductivity below 2.9 K. In addition, it
9], BC3 [10–12], BC2N [13–15], and so on. These materials with was found that the new phase FeB4 had the highly incompressible
the strong covalent bond network have fine mechanical properties. with a nanoindentation hardness of about 62 GPa [28]. The
However, their preparation condition is harsh and the increased reported anomalous high hardness more than 60 GPa is considered
production costs prevent them from being used in industry [6]. to be a strong deviation from that of the well-known transition
Recently, another category of borides with the combination of metal borides. The stability of FeB4 with different crystal structure
boron and transition metals, such as Cr, Re, W, Os, Fe, etc were was studied [29] and the hardness derived by the semiempirical
found to have the ultra-incompressible and expected to have good method was shown to be lower than the experimental result, not
mechanical properties [6,16–24]. For example, ReB2 was synthe- exceeding the superhard threshold of 40 GPa. Moreover, Li et al.
sized under ambient pressure and with a hardness of 48 GPa [30] investigated the ideal strength of FeB4 using first principles
[16], which was comparable to that of cubic BN [25]. OsB2 was methods to analyze the contribution of the stress response. The
shown to have an ultra-incompressible hard behavior [6]. The stress-strain relations under different loading conditions showed
strength of WB4 was reported to reach up to 46 GPa [17,18]. In the indentation strength of FeB4 was about 17 GPa [30] and its
addition to high hardness, these borides also possibly exhibit supe- Vickers hardness was estimated to be about 25 GPa [31]. As we
know, the detailed understanding of the stability and mechanical
properties of Fe-B alloy system is still limited, though that of
FeB4 may be analyzed well [32–36].
⇑ Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (X. Fan).
0927-0256/Ó 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
148 H.H. Huang et al. / Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 147–153

In this work, we investigated the structural stability and The elastic constants were obtained by calculating the stress
mechanical properties of Fe-B alloy by considering the different under small special strain with first-principles methods. For tetrag-
phases including Fe2B and FeB from the previous Fe-B phase dia- onal phases, the bulk modulus and shear modulus with the Voigt
gram, and both FeB2 and FeB4 from the structural research with model can be expressed by the equation [42],
first-principles methods. By following the change of B content,
BV ¼ ð1=9Þ½2ðC11 þ C12 Þ þ C33 þ 4C13 ; and GV
the relative stability of these structures under pressure was ana-
lyzed by considering the formation enthalpy. With the calculations ¼ ð1=30ÞðM þ 3C11  3C12 þ 12C44 þ 6C66 Þ:
of elastic constants and the analysis of shear stress-strain relations,
For the Reuss model, they are expressed as,
the mechanical properties of FeBx with different B contents were
explored. The charge distribution in real space was analyzed in BR ¼ C2 =M and GR
order to get a deep insight into the tendency in mechanical n o1
strength with the content of boron in the Fe-B compounds. ¼ 15 ð18BV =C2 Þ þ ½6=ðC11  C12 Þ þ ð6=C44 Þ þ ð3=C66 Þ :

In these formulas, M and C2 are denoted by,

2. Computational method
M ¼ C11 þ C12 þ 2C33  4C13 ; and C2 ¼ ðC11 þ C12 ÞC33  2C213 :
For orthorhombic phases, the bulk and shear modulus with the
We carried out the first-principle calculations with the accurate Voigt model can be expressed by the equation,
frozen-core full-potential projector augmented wave (PAW)
method as implemented in the Vienna ab initio simulation package BV ¼ ð1=9Þ½C11 þ C22 þ C33 þ 2ðC12 þ C13 þ C23 Þ; and
(VASP) [37,38]. The calculations performed were based on density
functional theory with the exchange and correlation effects GV ¼ ð1=15Þ½C11 þ C22 þ C33 þ 3ðC44 þ C55 þ C66 Þ  ðC12 þ C13 þ C23 Þ:
described by the generalized gradient approximation (GGA) of Per-
dew, Burke, and Ernzerhof (PBE) [39]. A place wave basis with an For the Reuss approximation, they are expressed as,
energy cutoff of 500 eV was used. The Monkhorst-Pack grid [40] BR ¼ D½C11 ðC22 þ C33  2C23 Þ þ C22 ðC33  2C13 Þ  2C33 C12
with a k-point spacing of 0.02 Å were chosen in the Brillouin zone
for the total energy convergence at the 1 meV/atom level. The þC12 ð2C23  C12 Þ þ C13 ð2C12  C13 Þ þ C23 ð2C13  C23 Þ1 ; and
energy convergence criterion was 106 eV and the Hellmann-
Feynman forces were relaxed to below 0.01 eV Å1. The spin- GR ¼ 15f4½C11 ðC22 þ C33 þ C23 Þ þ C22 ðC33 þ C13 Þ þ C33 C12
polarization effect is considered due to the partial occupations of C12 ðC23 þ C12 Þ  C13 ðC12 þ C13 Þ  C23 ðC13 þ C23 Þ=D
3d-orbitals of Fe. In addition, to consider the strong correlations þ3½ð1=C44 Þ þ ð1=C55 Þ þ ð1=C66 Þg1 ;
from 3d_Fe, the GGA + U was tested and the Hubbard parameter
U didn’t result in the obvious effect on mechanical properties of where D = C13(C12C23  C13C22) + C23(C12C13  C23C11) + C33(C11C22
FexB.  C212).
From the structural research about binary alloy FeBx [26], there The shear modulus and bulk modulus are derived from the
are four possible single-phases for the different contents of B Voigt-Reuss-Hill average value. In terms of the Voigt-Reuss-Hill
including x = 0.5, 1, 2 and 4. For the four phases Fe2B, FeB, FeB2 approximations [41], the shear modulus G and bulk modulus B
and FeB4 (op10-FeB4), the corresponding possible stable structures are expressed as, G = (GR + GV)/2 and B = (BR + BV)/2 with Young’s
are with space groups I4/mcm, Pnma, Pnma, and Pnnm [26], respec- modulus, E = 9BG/(3B + G). The shear strengths are related to the
tively. In addition, the energy-favorable structure (tp10-FeB4) of plastic deformation and obtained from stress-strain curve. The
FeB4 under high pressure is found to be with P42/nmc. These struc- stress-strain curve along a direction in some planes was obtained
tures are plotted in Fig. 1. by straining the structure with the way of step-by-step from

Fig. 1. Crystal structures and coordination numbers for different single-phase structures of FeBx including Fe2B (a), FeB (b), FeB2 (c), ambient pressure phase FeB4 (op10-FeB4)
(d) and high pressure phase FeB4 (tp10-FeB4) (e).
H.H. Huang et al. / Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 147–153 149

ground state [43,44]. In each step of a given strain, the in-plane lat- the mixing binding per Fe atom is calculated for the four single-
tice is free for relaxation. In order to obtain the enthalpy of com- phases. As shown in Fig. 2(c), with increasing of B composition,
pounds and the term PV of pressure effect, the cell was the mixing binding of Fe is increased since the number of B atoms
optimized under a fixed pressure. near each Fe is increased. However, after the ratio of Fe/B more than
1/2 (such as FeB4), the mixing binding is not increased obviously.
3. Results and discussion This implies the number of B atoms nearby Fe for neighbor should
reach to the maximum with FeB2 phase.
3.1. Structural stability of FeBx

3.2. Mechanical properties of FeBx

The calculated lattice parameters are shown in Table 1. The lat-
tice parameters are in agreement with the reported theoretical and
To better understand the mechanical properties, we calculate
experimental value [45,46].
the elastic constants which can reflect the response of the crystal
The formation energy is calculated based on the ‘mother’ com-
to external stress in elastic region, as listed in Table 2. Based on
pounds, bulk bcc-Fe and a-B. It is found that all the formation ener-
these elastic parameters, these structures of four single-phases
gies for four phases, Fe2B, FeB, FeB2 and FeB4 (op10-FeB4) are
about FeBx are found to be satisfied with the criteria of mechanical
negative. This implies that B can be dissolved into the lattice of
stability [42] and this indicates these structures are mechanically
Fe to form the compounds of FeBx.
stable, as reported previously.
In order to consider the effect of pressure, the enthalpy is calcu-
From Table 2, it is found that the C11 values of FeBx are very
lated by the formula, H = E + PV. The formation enthalpy of FeBx
large with the exception of B-rich phase op10-FeB4. It is indicated
can be calculated by the formula,
that these compounds are incompressible along a axis. The large
1  x y 
DHFex By ¼ HFex By  HFe  HaB12 ; ð1Þ values of C11 and C33 for the B-rich high-pressure phase show
xþy 2 12 tp10-FeB4 is with the high incompressible. The elastic constant
where HFex By , HFe and HaB12 are the enthalpies of FexBy, bulk bcc-Fe, C44 is an important criterion to determine the shear modulus.
and bulk a-B [47], respectively. The calculated C44 of tetragonal Fe2B is the lowest among these
As shown in Fig. 2(a), among these compounds, the formation compounds which means that the shear modulus of Fe2B is possi-
enthalpy of FeB is the smallest. This indicates it is the most stable bly the lowest.
structure and is agreed well with the experiments that the FeB Both bulk modulus B and shear modulus G are two basic mod-
phase is the easiest one to be synthesized. It is also found that ule to demonstrate the mechanical properties. B describes the
the other phases, such as Fe2B and FeB2 with negative formation capacity of incompressibility and G presents the ability of lattice
enthalpies are possible to be synthesized, especially under the plastic deformation against shear stress. They can be derived on
pressure with suitable thermal conditions. the basis of the elastic constants with the Voight-Reuss-Hill
Since the FeB phase is synthesized easily, we can calculate the approximation. To understand the intrinsic hardness of FeBx in
mixing enthalpy based on the FeB and a-B (or bcc-Fe). As shown term of elastic properties, the empirical model, Hv = 2.0(k2G)0.585
in Fig. 2(b), the mixing enthalpy of Fe2B, FeB2 and low-pressure  3.0 [48], where k is the ratio of G to B, can be used to estimate
phase FeB4 (op10-FeB4) is lower than that of FeB. This implies the hardness value. The calculated results are summarized in
the phases Fe2B and FeB2 can be synthesized with the proper ratio Table 2. The calculated hardness of FeB2 (31 GPa) is the largest
of Fe to B without the phase separation into FeB. For op10-FeB4 one. The hardness value of Fe2B (3.6 GPa) is very small and is
phase, it has a trend to separate into FeB2 and this implies that it agreement with the small C44. Moreover, the value of B/G ratio
is difficult to be synthesized. It is also noticed that FeB4 (op10- reflects materials brittleness and ductility. If the value is smaller
FeB4) will become the new phase tp10-FeB4 under high pressure than 1.75, the material is brittle and has high hardness. As shown
about 60 GPa, as reported before [33]. in Table 2, the larger B/G values imply Fe2B and FeB are with metal-
By the formula, lic ductility, while the smaller B/G for FeB2 and FeB4 means the
possible higher hardness.
1 x y 
In order to analyze the plastic deformation under larger shear
DHFex By ¼ HFex By  HFe2  HaB12 ; ð2Þ
x 2 12 stress, we can calculate the shear stress-strain relationships in

Table 1
Formation energy per atom DE (eV), lattice constants a, b and c (Å) and the shortest distances of Fe-B and B-B (Å) for different single-phase structures of FeBx with various space

Phases Space groups DE a b c Fe-B B-B

Fe2B I4/mcm 0.32 4.94 4.21 2.125 2.106
5.11a 4.25a
4.95e 4.20e
FeB Pnma 0.38 5.20 3.09 3.90 2.088 1.850
5.51a 2.95a 4.06a
FeB2 Pnma 0.31 4.82 4.81 3.74 2.033 1.737
4.82d 4.81d 3.74d
FeB4(op10) Pnnm 0.18 4.53 5.29 3.00 2.0 1.709
4.52b 5.28b 3.00b
4.48f 5.25f 3.00f
FeB4(tp10) P42/nmc 0.07 3.63 5.14 2.117 1.813
3.64c 5.16c
Ref. [45].
Ref. [35].
Ref. [33].
Ref. [26].
Ref. [46].
Ref. [29].
150 H.H. Huang et al. / Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 147–153

Fig. 2. Formation enthalpy per atom (a), mixing enthalpy (b) and mixing binding (c) for different single-phase structures of FeBx, including Fe2B, FeB, FeB2, op10-FeB4 and
high-pressure phase tp10-FeB4. Note that the formation enthalpy is calculated based on solid a-B and bcc-Fe with the formula, DHFex By ¼ xþy1 y
HFex By  2x HFe2  12 HaB12 , the
mixing enthalpy is calculated based on FeB and a-B (or bcc-Fe), and the mixing binding is calculated with the formula, DHFex By ¼ x HFex By  2 HFe2  12 HaB12 .
1 x y

Table 2
Elastic constants Cij, bulk modulus B (GPa), shear modulus G (GPa), the ratio of B to G and hardness value (GPa) from the empirical model for different single-phase structures of

Phases C11 C22 C33 C44 C55 C66 C12 C13 C23 B G B/G Hv
Fe2B 463 266 123 97 242 258 283 85 3.33 3.6
228a 143a
Fe2Bb 455 302 96 129 231 274 301 87
FeB 556 459 434 180 154 115 172 249 249 309 137 2.26 10.7
287a 138a
286f 140f 2.05f 12.5f
FeB2 584 725 574 271 200 222 181 154 137 312 231 1.35 30.9
311a 231a
FeB2f 590 719 570 273 202 222 179 154 131 310 232 1.34 31.4
FeB4(op10) 402 751 445 217 138 225 164 159 151 274 184 1.49 23.4
274a 187a 24.4f
FeB4(op10)c 408 754 448 219 141 229 165 160 154 277 186 1.49
FeB4(op10)e 379 761 466 226 152 233 136 143 144 263 194 1.36
FeB4(tp10) 658 764 126 379 245 50 307 216 1.42 27.9
FeB4(tp10)d 683 782 153 394 248 46 290 203
Ref. [27].
Ref. [46].
Ref. [35].
Ref. [33].
Ref. [29].
Ref. [32].

the relevant slip planes for these single-phase structures to obtain It is in agreement with the theoretical hardness of 3.6 GPa and 10.7
the ideal shear strength. As shown in Fig. 3, the shear strengths GPa from the empirical model for Fe2B and FeB which is much
which is the maximum of stress in shear stress-strain curve are cal- lower than that for the rich-B phases FeB2 and FeB4.
culated for the sliding plane (0 0 1) in the direction of [1 0 0] and For FeB2 and op10-FeB4, there is obvious anisotropy for shear
[1 1 0], (1 1 1) in the direction of [1 1 0] and [0 1 1] and (1 1 strengths. Both phases have the high shear strength (40 GPa) in
0) in the direction of [0 0 1] and [1 1 0], respectively. the (1 1 0) planes along the [1 1 0] and [0 1 1] direction, respec-
Then the ideal shear strength which is the smallest one among tively. However, the shear strength of FeB2 in the (0 0 1)[1 0 0]
these shear strengths along different directions on the different shear direction is decreased to 25 GPa and that of op10-FeB4 in
slip planes can be chosen. It is clear that the obtained shear (1 1 0)[1 1 0] is decreased to 26.8 GPa. The high anisotropy of
strengths for Fe2B and FeB are lower than 40 GPa in Fig. 3 shear strengths may be one important reason that the high hard-
(a) and (b). The ideal shear strengths for Fe2B and FeB are found ness is observed in some experiments [28], while FeB4 is impossi-
to be about 15 GPa in the (1 1 1) sliding plane along [1 1 0] direc- ble to be superhard. For the high-pressure phase (tp10-FeB4) of
tion and (1 1 0) sliding plane along [1 1 0] direction, respectively. FeB4, the anisotropy of shear strength is not very obvious in differ-
H.H. Huang et al. / Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 147–153 151

Fig. 3. Shear stress-strain curves for different single-phase structures of FeBx including Fe2B (a), FeB (b), FeB2 (c), low-pressure phase op10-FeB4 (d) and high-pressure phase
tp10-FeB4 (e) on various shear sliding planes in different directions.

ent directions and the ideal shear strength is about 23.5 GPa. From among the shear stress-strain curves of Fe2B, the curve in shear
these results, it is found that op10-FeB4 has the largest ideal shear direction (1 1 1)[0 1 1] has the sdG in the elastic region. As listed
strength among these single-phase structures of FeBx and that of in Table 3, FeB2 has the largest sdG among these structures.
high-pressure phase tp10-FeB4 is not higher than that of op10- This is consistent with the results of shear modulus in Table 2.
FeB4. In addition, the ideal shear strength of FeB2 is similar to that In the elastic region, FeB2 is harder than that of other compositions.
of FeB4. Based on the theoretical hardness from the empirical model, ideal
We also extract the smallest directional shear modulus (sdG) shear strength, and sdG, it suggests that FeB2 may be the hardest
which is obtained under the small stain (e.g. e = 0.04). For example, phase for FeBx and more amount of B content (such as FeB4)
doesn’t enhance the hardness obviously.
To understand the hardness trend of FeBx further, the charge
Table 3
density differences of five structures are calculated. The redistribu-
Ideal strength (the smallest shear strength along all the directions) of FeBx and the tion of charge in real space are analyzed as shown in Fig. 4.
smallest directional shear modulus (sdG) which is obtained under the small stain (e.g. For Fe2B, the electronic charges are found to be localized mostly
e = 0.04) for the shear stress-strain curves in a special direction. near the boron atom. The charge depletion between Fe and B
Phases Ideal strength (GPa) sdG (GPa) results in the long Fe-B bonds length (2.13 Å), as the charge distri-
bution in (1 2 0) plane in Fig. 4(a). In Fig. 4(b), the charge density
Fe2B 15.2 74.5
FeB 15.4 110.8 difference in the (1 3 0) plane of FeB is shown. It is obvious that
FeB2 25.0 199.8 the hybridized states appear between Fe and B. The bond of B-B
op10-FeB4 26.8 139.8 isn’t formed clearly due to the long distant (1.85 Å) between B
Tp10-FeB4 23.5 119.5
atoms. In Fig. 4(c), it is found that the bond network among Fe
152 H.H. Huang et al. / Computational Materials Science 144 (2018) 147–153

Fig. 4. Distribution of charge density difference of tetragonal structure Fe2B in the (0 0 1) and (1 2 0) plane (a), orthorhombic structure FeB in the (1 3 0) plane (b), FeB2 with
orthorhombic structure in the (0 0 1) plane (c), orthorhombic structure op10-FeB4 in the (0 0 1) plane (d), high pressure phase tp10-FeB4 with tetragonal structure in the (1 0
0) plane (e). (Red color represents charge accumulation, and blue color represents charge depletion). (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the
reader is referred to the web version of this article.)

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