America Never Profit

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America Will Never Profit from the Assassination of Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki

If you are looking for the signs of the death of Democracy, then look no further than the actions of its global exporter, America with its assassination of Imaam Anwar AlAwlaki. Look carefully at America's claim of justice, freedom, liberty and fair trial and contrast this with its actions globally and you will come to realise that Americas claim of democracy is nothing but an empty claim. Indeed, for over a decade the consecutive American regimes have been promoting a particular call to the Muslim world, follow the American freedom, the American way of life, the American dream and this will give you success in life, life in your economy, life for your women and children, life for your aspirations and dreams Allaahu Mustaan (to Allah alone is the complaint)! How many people were deceived by these false calls, and as a consequence partook in the crime of inviting the American regime into the Muslim lands (i.e. Somalia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Saudi, Kuwait etc)? These deceived individuals in the Muslim lands (leaders, clerics and their followers) became allies with America in their crime of preventing the establishment of the Shariah and helping in spreading all kinds of corruption of the west into the Muslim lands via the TV, Internet and various other means. All for the sake of living the America dream. Men like Sayyid Qutb and more recently, Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki had lived the so called American dream, the American freedom and found that it was nothing but a nightmare. With great eloquence and command of the English language, Anwar AlAwlaki became one of the leading Muslims scholars who warned the Ummah of America's hypocrisy, sorcery and injustice. He said to the Muslims for how long will you people sleep and dream, whilst the thundering sounds of tomahawk and cruise missiles are above your heads, for how long will you sleep to the sounds of B-52 bombers and screams from your wives and children? For how long will you watch the best of your sons sent to Guantanamo, whilst the tyrants wine and dine in the White House? For America this was an embarrassment, because Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki was a well educated American citizen who was a scholar in Islamic as well as secular education

and had lived and grown up in America, so he understand the culture and was fully aware of the hypocrisy of the government and its manifestations abroad (i.e. in their Foreign Policy). So when he spoke, the Muslim world listened and this angered Obama and America because they saw it as a challenge and danger to their hegemony over the Muslim lands. Hence, they had to silence him by any means necessary but at what price? Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki by his actions and words challenged the American state with a simple challenge, you say you believe in freedom, liberty and justice, then I will speak the truth about your oppression and corruption, I will challenge your oppressive hegemony over the Muslim lands, I will expose your puppets in the region to the world, but I know you will never be able to hide your ugly face forever behind the mask of freedom. So America was given two choices To allow Awlaki the freedom to expose our oppression of Muslims and our double standards to them or To slaughter our god called freedom before the whole world

So with a fading economy, disunited political entity, multi quagmires abroad (Iraq & Afghanistan), Obama and his gang decided to slaughter freedom in front of the whole world once again. They did so many times before in Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Iraq War, assassination of Shaykh Usama Ibn Ladin. So, how could America profit from the anger of Allah, when the greatest profit is the pleasure of Allah? How could America benefit from the assassination of such a noble figure when they have just exposed their hypocrisy before the world? How could America profit from this assassination when they have angered the moderate as well as the extremist Muslims of the whole globe? America will never profit from the assassination of Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki. This is because the Muslim Ummah is inspired by the death of its scholars. Our castles are built upon the ink of our scholars and the skulls of our martyrs, until these castles reach the loftiest height and our Ummah is able to see the dawn of victory in the horizon - a victory Allah has been preparing us for! America will never profit from the assassination of Imaam Anwar Al-Awlaki!

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