Ed1 PT5

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My Mother and Grandfather

Stage 1: Infancy

When I was an infant, I was raised

by my grandparents and they always
constantly care for me. And according to
my parents, I was distant to my them
when I was an infant because I only
recognize my grandmother. Through my
grandmother and parents, I build a social
strength of hope because they balanced
the trust and mistrust.

Stage 2: early childhood

Around this age, I was in a Daycare

center. My grandparent’s house was near Distance between the center and
at the Daycare center but my Lola is the house in google maps
always with me when we will go to the
center. One day, when we are going to be
late, and my Lola was still at the comfort
room bathing, I decided at my own will to
go to the center by myself. I safely arrived
at the center but when we got home, I
was scolded because I didn’t get the
permission to go by myself. It was
balanced with the autonomy and the
shame and doubt that’s why I have
willpower and determination to any
choices I make in life.
My Family

Stage 3: early childhood

At this time around, I was very playful

and talkative. I always asked a lot
questions to my grandparent and my
parents. My lola will get annoyed and will
scold me however my brothers will
patiently answers all my questions but
sometimes they were just making fun of
me. But these brothers always supports
me in any ways. My mothers will always
talk about how spoiled I was with my
brothers. For example, they will help me
make a kite, help me in my art
assignments and will give me food when I
want to eat. In the end because of them I
developed a sense of purpose

Stage 4: school age

Since on Day care, even in

elementary, I was a constant achiever. I was
always on top, the lowest top was five and
the highest was top two. And because of
this achievements since elementary, my
mother have high standards on me. Its
always not enough, and I always have to
strive harder. She always said that some
people are looking at me because I was the
principal’s daughter at that time. This lines
became my encouragement and at the same
time it made me feel inferior because it
made me feel that its always not enough. In
this trait I sometimes feel that I am at
inertia but I think I am gaining some
competency to strive harder.
Stage 5: adolescense

As a teenage student, I was very independent

and always have a vision for myself. I always
think of what will I do in the future and what
path should I take. I got a confusion when I
want the two roles of my life, being an
accountant or teacher. I had a hard time
choosing between the two. Both have its own
strength and weaknesses. At first I chose
accountancy but I realized in our town there
are no opportunities to get if I will be an
accountant, therefore I chose education since
being a teacher has a lot of opportunities here
in our town. Then at this time I was able to
commit to this profession and now have a
strong sense of identity.

Stage 6: young adulthood

In this stage, I developed a

malignant which is exclusion. Its because I
love to isolate myself. I have few contacts
which is my family and relatives only. I don’t
like to talk to strangers and it will took me a
while to get comfortable to other people. I
also have fear of commitment and
relationships, maybe because of other
people’s experiences. I am observant, and in
our family and community, I realized having
a partner is not for me. And I prefer being
alone and travelling alone. However I found
love in musics, artists, idols and other
people whom I relate or admire the most.

Stage 7: middle adulthood

Stage 8: late adulthood or maturity

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