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Contemporary Issues of Public Administration In Pakistan

Corruption in Pakistan

Submitted By:
Uzair Fareed
Roll No. 49

Submitted To:
Ma'am Dr. Zermina Tasleem

Department of Political Science

Bahauddin Zakaria University, Multan

Corruption refers to the misuse of entrusted power for personal gain or to gain an unfair
advantage, often through dishonest or illegal means.

Current Impact of Corruption on different Public Sectors in Pakistan:

Corruption is a major problem in Pakistan, affecting all sectors of society, including the public
sector. It has a significant negative impact on the economy, governance, and social

In the public sector, corruption can lead to a number of problems, including:

1. Misallocation of resources:

Corruption can lead to the misallocation of resources, as corrupt officials may award contracts
to unqualified companies or individuals in exchange for bribes. This can lead to delays and cost
overruns in projects, as well as the delivery of poor quality goods and services.

2. Reduced efficiency:

Corruption can also lead to reduced efficiency in the public sector, as corrupt officials may be
more interested in enriching themselves than in serving the public. This can lead to long delays
in the provision of services, as well as poor quality services.

Rate of Corruption in Pakistan:

According to Transparency International's Corruption Perception Index 2022, Pakistan ranks
140th out of 180 countries, with a score of 27 out of 100. This means that Pakistan is perceived
to be one of the most corrupt countries in the world.

Corruption in Pakistan: A Major Problem:

There are a number of factors that contribute to corruption in Pakistan, including:

1. A culture of impunity:
There is a widespread perception in Pakistan that corrupt individuals will not be punished,
which further encourages corruption.

Many government activities are shrouded in secrecy, which makes it difficult to detect and
prosecute corruption.

2. High levels of poverty:

Poverty can make people more susceptible to corruption, as they may be willing to accept
bribes in order to survive.

The Impact of Corruption on Ordinary Pakistanis:

Corruption has a devastating impact on the lives of ordinary Pakistanis. It can lead to:

1. A decrease in the quality of public services:

When corruption leads to the misallocation of resources or the hiring of unqualified staff, the
quality of public services suffers. This can have a negative impact on people's access to
education, healthcare, and other essential services.

2. An increase in the cost of living:

Corruption can lead to higher prices for goods and services, as businesses may pass on the cost
of bribes to their customers. This can be a particular burden on low-income households.

3. A decrease in economic growth:

Corruption can stifle economic growth by discouraging investment and distorting the market.
This can lead to fewer jobs and lower wages for ordinary Pakistanis.

Remedies for Resolving Corruption:

1. Strengthening the Rule of law:

One of the most important steps in combating corruption is to strengthen the rule of law. This
means ensuring that all citizens, regardless of their social status or political connections, are
treated equally under the law. It also means strengthening the independence and capacity of
the judiciary and other law enforcement agencies.

2. Promoting Transparency and Accountability:

This involves making government information more accessible to the public and ensuring that
public officials are accountable for their actions.

3. Empowering Citizens to Participate in Governance:

This means giving citizens a greater voice in decision-making and creating opportunities for
them to hold public officials accountable.

4. Reducing Poverty and Inequality:

Corruption is often more prevalent in societies with high levels of poverty and inequality. By
reducing poverty and inequality, Pakistan can make it more difficult for corruption to take root.

5. Reforming the Criminal Justice System:

The criminal justice system must be able to effectively prosecute and punish corrupt
individuals. This includes strengthening law enforcement agencies, reforming the judiciary, and
protecting whistleblowers and witnesses.

6. Balance Salary System:

A balanced salary system can help to reduce corruption by ensuring that public officials are
paid a fair wage. This can make them less likely to be tempted by bribes or other forms of

In Pakistan, corruption is a significant issue. Pakistan may achieve great advancements in the
fight against corruption by adopting the required actions to bolster institutions, encourage
transparency, empower citizens, and lessen poverty and inequality.

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