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10. Functions of plant growth promoters and plant growth Sol. Human urine shows the presence of IAA which is a
inhibitors are given here in a jumbled-up manner. type of auxin. It is the main auxin in plants. The
Select the option that correctly segregates these ‘bakanae’ (foolish seedling) disease of rice seedlings,
functions. was caused by a fungal pathogen Gibberella
i. Cell division ii. Cell enlargement fujikuroi. The active substances were later identified
iii. Pattern formation iv. Tropic growth as gibberellic acid. Cytokinins have specific effects
on cytokinesis and were discovered as kinetin (a
v. Flowering vi. Fruiting
modified form of adenine, a purine) from the
vii. Seed germination viii. Response to autoclaved herring sperm DNA. Ethylene is a simple
wounding gaseous PGR. It is synthesised in large amounts by
ix. Response to stresses x. Dormancy tissues undergoing senescence and ripening fruits.
of biotic and abiotic Abscisic acid inhibits protein and RNA synthesis and
origin causes the destruction of chlorophyll. As a result, the
senescence of leaves is stimulated.
Functions of growth Functions of growth
promoters inhibitors 12. Which one of the PGRs would be used by farmers if
(a) i, ii, vii, ix iii, iv, v, vi, viii, x they are asked to?
(1) Induce parthenocarpy in tomatoes
(b) viii, ix, x i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii
(2) Hastens fruit ripening in tomatoes and apples
(c) i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii viii, ix, x
(3) Induces flowering in mango
(d) i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, ix, x viii
(4) Elongation and improvement in shape of apple
Ans. (c)
(5) Promote nutrient mobilization
Sol. Growth promoters are the chemicals produced by
plants to regulate and influence every phase of (a) 1-auxins, 2-ethephon, 3-ethylene, 4-GA,
development in plant. Their functions include cell 5-cytokinin
differentiation, flowering, and pattern formation. (b) 1-ethylene, 2-GA, 3-auxin, 4-ethephon,
Plant inhibitors are the chemical substances which 5-cytokinin
inhibit or retard the biological and chemical activity of (c) 1-auxin, 2-ethephon, 3-cytokinin, 4-ethylene,
the plant processes. They play a major role in 5-GA
dormancy, respond to wounding and stressful
(d) 1-cytokinin, 2-auxin, 3-GA, 4-ethephon,
conditions experienced by plant species.
Ans. (a)
11. Match the columns.
Sol. Auxins induce parthenocarpy, e.g., in tomatoes.
Column I Column II Ethephon (source of ethylene) hastens fruit ripening
A. Human urine i. Cytokinin in tomatoes and apples. Ethylene induces flowering
B. Gibberella ii. Auxin in mango. Gibberellins, cause fruits like apples to
fujikuroi elongate and improve their shape. Cytokinins
promote nutrient mobilization which helps in the
C. Herring fish DNA iii. Ethylene
delay of leaf senescence. Hence, the correct answer is
D. Ripening fruits iv. Abscisic acid Option (a).
E. Aged leaves of v. Gibberellins
plants 13. If an etiolated stem could first be saturated with
(a) A-ii, B-v, C-i, D-iii, E-iv auxin by spraying and then exposed to a streak of
(b) A-ii, B-iii, C-iv, D-v, E-i light from one side, it will
(c) A-i, B-v, C-iii, D-iv, E-iii (a) Bend towards the light
(d) A-v, B-iv, C-iii, D-ii, E-i (b) Bend away from the light
Ans. (a) (c) Grow straight upwards
(d) Be prevented from growing

Ans. (a) Sol. Spraying sugarcane crops with gibberellins increases

Sol. Etiolation is a process in flowering plants that are the length of the stem, thus increasing the yield by as
grown in the partial or complete absence of light. This much as 20 tonnes per acre. Kinetin does not occur
process is characterized by long, weak stems; smaller naturally in plants. Search for natural substances with
leaves due to longer internodes; and a pale yellow cytokinin-like activities led to the isolation of zeatin
color (chlorosis). from corn kernels and coconut milk.
If an etiolated stem could first be saturated with auxin
by spraying and then exposed to a streak of light from 16. Find the correct statements.
one side, it will bend towards the light. This is i. Causal organism of foolish seedling disease is a
because auxin accumulates on the darker side of the source of gibberellin.
plant causing the cells there to divide, multiply more ii. Abscisic acid is a growth promoter.
rapidly, and grow larger than corresponding cells on iii. Ratio of auxin to cytokinin controls
the lighter side of the plant. This produces a curving differentiation.
of the plant stem tip toward the light, a plant iv. Bolting of cabbage can be induced by treatment
movement known as phototropism. with IAA.
(a) i, ii, iii correct (b) i, ii correct
14. Which one of the PGRs would you use if you are (c) ii, iv correct (d) i, iii correct
asked to? Ans. (d)
i. Induce growth in axillary buds
Sol. Gibberellins were first isolated from the fungus
ii. 'Bolt' a rosette plant Gibberella fujikuroi, the causative agent of the
iii. Induce immediate stomatal closure in leaves foolish seedling disease. Abscisic acid (ABA) mainly
(a) i-cytokinin, ii-GA, iii-ABA inhibits growth and metabolism, and enhances
(b) i -auxin, ii-GA, iii-ABA degradative changes, as in ripening and senescence.
(c) i-auxin, ii-ethylene, iii-GA Hence, it is not a growth promoter. The ratio of auxin
(d) i-cytokinin, ii-ethylene, iii-ABA to cytokinin controls differentiation. Bolting of
Ans. (a) cabbage can be induced by treatment with
Sol. Cytokinins help overcome apical dominance by gibberellins.
inducing the growth of lateral buds. Gibberellins
promote bolting (internode elongation just prior to 17. What would happen to the tissue culture of
flowering) in beet, cabbages, and many plants with parenchyma cells if auxin and cytokinin were present
rosette habit. ABA stimulates the closure of stomata in equal quantities?
and increases the tolerance of plants to various kinds (a) undifferentiated callus
of stresses. Therefore, it is also called the stress (b) Shoot buds develop from the callus
hormone. Hence, the correct answer is Option (a). (c) Root develop
(d) All of the above
15. Fill in the blanks. Ans. (a)
i. Spraying sugarcane crop with …a … increases the Sol. When cytokinin and auxin are present in equal levels,
length of the stem, thus increasing the yield by as the parenchyma cells divide to form an
much as…b … tonnes per acre. undifferentiated callus. A higher ratio of cytokinin
ii. …c… does not occur naturally in plants. induces the growth of shoot buds. On the other hand,
iii. Search for natural substances with cytokinin-like a higher ratio of auxin induces root formation.
activities led to the isolation of …d… from corn
kernels and coconut milk. 18. Rohit purchased a box of apples. He kept all the
(a) a-Auxin, b-10, c-NAA, d-Zeatin apples in the box for a week. One apple in the box
(b) a-Gibberellins, b-20, c-Zeatin, d-Kinetin was overripe. And that apple spoiled all other apples.
(c) a-Gibberellins, b-10, c-Zeatin, d-Kinetin Which of the following hormone was responsible for
(d) a-Gibberellins, b-20, c-Kinetin, d-Zeatin this?
Ans. (d) (a) Auxin (b) Gibberellin
(c) Ethylene (d) Cytokinin

Ans. (c) Thinning of fruits means an increase in the rate of

Sol. Ethylene is a simple gaseous PGR. It is synthesized in abscission of fruit abscission or fruit drop. Ethephon
large amounts by tissues undergoing senescence and a commercial preparation of ethylene
ripening fruits. Ethylene is highly effective in fruit promotes thinning of fruits in cotton, cherry, and
ripening. Hence, ethylene is produced by the overripe walnut.
apple in large amounts. Being a gaseous hormone, Cytokinin helps in lateral shoot growth. It is a plant
ethylene diffuses from the overripe apple to the other growth promoter that overcomes apical dominance
apples in the box resulting in spoilage of all other which is a process whereby the growing apical bud
apples. So, the correct answer is Option (c). inhibits the growth of the lateral (axillary) buds.

19. Senescence as an active developmental cellular 21. Match the following (Column-I with Column II)
process in the growth and functioning of a flowering Column I Column II
plant is indicated in a. Auxin (i) Root hair formation
(a) Leaf abscission
b. Cytokinin (ii) Seed development
(b) Vessels and tracheid differentiation
c. Ethylene (iii) Xylem differentiation
(c) Floral parts
d. ABA (iv) Nutrient mobilization
(d) Annual plants
(a) a-(iii), b-(iv), c-(i), d-(ii)
Ans. (a)
(b) a-(ii), b-(iii), c-(i), d-(iv)
Sol. Senescence is not confined only to whole plant; it may
(c) a-(i), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i)
be limited to a particular organ such as leaf and flower
or cells such as phloem and xylem. Abscission is the (d) a-(i), b-(iii), c-(ii), d-(iv)
natural shedding of leaves, foliage branches, fruits Ans. (a)
floral parts, etc. According to Leopold (1967) Sol. Procambium formation and xylem differentiation are
abscission is a senescence phenomenon. Hence, directed by auxin.
senescence as an active developmental cellular Cytokinins promote nutrient mobilization which
process in the growth and functioning of a flowering helps in the delay of leaf senescence.
plant is indicated in leaf abscission. Root hairs are an extensive structure of root
20. Match the following (Column-I with Column II) epidermal cells and are critical for nutrient
Column I Column II acquisition, soil anchorage, and environmental
a. Weedicide (i) GA3 interactions in sessile plants. The phytohormone
ethylene (ET) promotes root hair growth and also
b. Bolting (ii) Cytokinin
mediates the effects of different signals that stimulate
c. Thinning of cotton (iii) Ethylene
hair cell development.
d. Lateral shoot growth (iv) 2, 4-D Embryonic ABA plays a central role in the induction
(a) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(iii), d-(ii) and maintenance of seed dormancy and also inhibits
(b) a-(iv), b-(i), c-(ii), d-(iii) the transition from embryonic to germination growth.
(c) a-(iv), b-(ii), c-(iii), d-(i)
(d) a-(iii), b-(ii), c-(iv), d-(i) Photoperiodism
Ans. (a) 22. Florigen results in conversion of
Sol. 2,4-Dichlorophenoxyacetic acid is a widespread (a) Root apex  Reproductive bud
systemic herbicide utilized in the management of (b) Reproductive bud Vegetative bud
weeds with broad leaves.
(c) Shoot apex Flowering bud
Bolting is induced by plant hormones of the
(d) Vegetative bud Lateral shoot
gibberellin family and can occur as a result of several
factors, including changes in day length, the Ans. (c)
prevalence of high temperatures at particular stages in Sol. Florigen is a hormonal substance responsible
a plant's growth cycle, and the existence of stresses for flowering. It migrates from leaves to shoot apices
such as insufficient water or minerals. for inducing flowering.

Ans. (c)
Sol. Wheat, barley, and rye have winter and spring
varieties. The ‘spring’ variety are normally planted in
the spring and come to flower and produce grain
before the end of the growing season. Winter
varieties, however, if planted in spring would
normally fail to flower or produce mature grain within
a span of a flowering season. Hence, winter varieties
are planted in autumn, they germinate and over winter
come out as small seedlings, resume growth in the
spring, and are harvested usually around mid-summer.

30. Cabbage is a biennial plant that produces flowers in

the second year of growth. In an attempt to make it
flower in a single year, four potted plants (I, II, III,
and IV) of cabbage were subjected to different
temperatures for several days as given in the table.
Potted plant Temperature
I 50C
II 200C
III 300C
IV 250C
Which potted plant will show flowering?
(a) I (b) II
(c) III (d) IV
Ans. (a)
Sol. There are some plants for which flowering is either
quantitatively or qualitatively dependent on exposure
to low temperature. This phenomenon is known as
vernalization or it refers to the promotion of flowering
by exposing the plants to a period of low temperature.
Biennial plants can be made to flower in a single year
by the process of vernalization wherein the plants are
exposed to a low temperature of 0ºC-5ºC for an
adequate amount of time. ‘Potted plant I’ is the only
plant that is being exposed to this temperature. Hence,
flowering is only seen in ‘potted plant I’.

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