AuspiciousBeginnings DTRPG

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A Tutorial Adventure for the Wuxia Action System

Triumph of the Sword Princess

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6
A Free Supplement for the

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

An introductory adventure for Weapons of the Gods

Jye Nicolson
Ben Leong, Brad Elliott
Ben Leong
Eric Brennan and crew
Dylan Humphries, Lap Nguyen, Louise Zanon, Scott Vandervalk
Special thanks to:
Rebecca Orth and Louise Zanon for putting up with us!

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Ta b l e o f C o n t e n t s 1. Introduction 3
2. Only Two Devils 6
3. Wulin 13
4. The Contest 17
5. The Adventure Loresheet 23
6. Militant Scholarship 26
7. Political Aggression 29
8. Wisdom of the Elders 33
9. The Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion 36
10. Auspicious Complications 41

Additional Material:
Mountain Chung, Warrior 52
Emerald Zilong, Warrior 53
Tan Dong, Courtier 54
Clever Li-Li, Scholar 55
Black-Saber Jin, Warrior 56
Pretty “Hark”, Warrior 57
Fei Hsiao, Courtier 58
Doctor Jang-Lu, Scholar 59
Empty Hand Lieutenant 60

All Weapons of the Gods comics material - logos, illustrations, character concepts and story
et al - are copyright 2005 Jade Dynasty Publications Ltd. The Weapons of the Gods Roleplaying
Game, all text, concepts, game mechanics and presentation copyright 2005 Eos Entertainment LLC.
Reproduction without the written permission of the publisher is expressly forbidden, except for the
purposes of reviews and for blank character sheets and specific Lore sheets, which may be reproduced
for personal use only.
The mention or reference to any company or product in these pages is not a challenge to the
trademark or copyright concerned.
This adventure uses fantastical and supernatural elements in its setting, for its characters, their
abilities, and themes. All such elements are fiction and intended for entertainment purposes only. This
adventure contains mature content and reader discretion is advised.
Check out Eos Press Online at !

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1. Introduction rivals in the Wulin also entering the tournament, and
three powerful residents of Prosperous Devil whose

1 . In t ro d u c t i o n
Welcome! Auspicious Beginnings is a tutorial sponsorship for entrance is being vied for. This scene
adventure for Weapons of the Gods, designed to teach takes place in the chaotic and lawless squalor of Unruly
the game to new players over a single 3-4 hour session Devil District, in contrast to the opulence of the rest
of play. We’ve included pre-generated characters, of the game.
handouts, an adventure Loresheet and a fast-paced After the Tournament, the players are presented
adventure following the player characters through with their first Loresheet: a free Lore covering the
the exotic Six Devils City: everything you need for a setting and destiny of the adventure. They are given
one-shot, demo, or a pre-campaign warm up! free Destiny to spend on this sheet, introducing the
Auspicious Beginnings is also suitable for concept of Lores and the fun of buying plot twists
campaign play for Rank 4 characters. You can expect through the Secrets of Destiny. While the structure
players who know the Weapons of the Gods system of the adventure (a total of three encounters) remains
to chew through the material presented here very static, the content is dictated by the players’ choices
quickly though, so be ready to follow and embellish on this Loresheet. As a group, they choose which of
any hooks that interest the players. the three sponsors takes their group into the district,
dictating the second scene: a task performed for that
In order to fit within a single-session timeframe,
sponsor. Individually, they choose which wondrous
the events of Auspicious Beginnings are fairly
object they are seeking,and what their motives are for
linear, with a fixed series of encounters. However,
doing so. This informs why they’re working with the
the adventure introduces the concept of Loresheets
other players. Finally, any spare destiny can be spent
in such a way as to give the players a great deal of
on entanglements with NPCs – either immediately,
control over the context and aesthetics of play, as well
or saved for when it’s appropriate in-game.
as the destiny of the PCs and NPCs alike!
The second scene varies based on the sponsor
The Adventure selected by the players, but by default it’s a set-piece
While far from the heart of Shen Zhou, Six Devils battle against inferior but numerous opponents,
City is brimming with young members of the Martial where the PCs’ non-combat objective is violently
Arts World, eager to gain fame. It is not the stark opposed by some of their rivals from the Tourney
beauty of the walled city rising out of the northern and minions of their rivals’ sponsor. This gives the
deserts that draws them, nor the volatile mix of players a chance to really flex their kung-fu for the
mercenaries, merchants and scholars that so often first time, while keeping the focus of the scene on
leads to opportunities for displaying kung fu. No, it something Scholar and Courtier characters will do
is the many wonders for sale in the city’s fabulous well at.
markets and back-alleys that draw the fighters of the The big finale is in the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion
Wulin like so many flies to honey, for it is said, “If it – the great marketplace of Prosperous Devil – as the
was lost in war, go to Six Devils with a full purse to heroes attempt to seize the wonders they’ve come so
find it!” far for! Of course, their rivals from the Tourney are
The heroes are seeking the very rarest and most equally keen to have the treasures, and the nature of
spectacular of wonders, each for their own reasons, the wonders – from the hyperactive Wind Monkey
and have come to Only Six Devils looking for them. to the large and fragile Mirror of Ying Zheng –
However, their purses are not full (or for their own complicate things yet further. This spectacular fight
reasons they don’t care to empty them), and these scene wraps up the adventure, and should hopefully
magnificent wonders are behind the walls of the have your players begging for more wuxia action!
exclusive Prosperous Devil district.
The PCs enter a contest to gain entrance to the
district and its legendary markets. This opening
scene acts first and foremost as a tutorial, walking
the players through the core rules concepts. It also
introduces the major NPCs of the adventure: eight

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Advice for the Sage • Don’t be stingy with Joss.
Not only is this adventure written for first-time Giving Joss for cool or in-genre behaviour at a fairly
1 . In t ro d u c t i o n steady rate helps players feel that trying to be cool
Weapons of the Gods players, it’s quite likely that
this is your first Weapons of the Gods game too! The and in-genre is worthwhile, without making them
feel that painful over-acting is required! You don’t
system isn’t particularly complex, but mechanics
need to award Joss for every single action or turn,
such as the stacking rules and “Too Many Cooks!”
but this adventure isn’t supposed to be difficult – it’s
may be quite different from other games you may
supposed to be fun and fast, so don’t be afraid that
played, so it doesn’t hurt to give the players a heads you’ll give too much. Also, remind the players that
up that you’re learning just as they are. they can each give one point of Joss to another play-
• Read the adventure thoroughly beforehand. er, once per session.
It’s quite short, so one or two read-throughs • If you have time...
won’t take you long. This isn’t to memorise Check out the many other Weapons of the Gods
the adventure, but to familiarise yourself with resources online – there are plenty of combat ex-
it so that you can confidently make your own amples, rules summaries and other resources to give
decisions about events in play without needing to you that extra bit of familiarity before running the
refer back to the text. game. If you have any specific questions, try posting
• Describe NPCs and locations naturally. them to the Eos Press forums or the forums
We’ve given you handy cheat-sheets for each – you’re sure to get plenty of advice!
scene, but you’ll give a better atmosphere by
giving descriptions in your own voice rather “Uh, only two players showed up.”
than reading from the text. It’s OK if you No problem. With less than four players, just
miss a few details that way – the events of the make sure you have at least one Warrior, and one
adventure don’t require the players to forensically Courtier or Scholar, and you should be OK. You
analyse your every word! should generally try to make sure they face fewer
• Don’t treat the adventure as an authority. Ranked opponents than their own numbers in
Nothing is more important than your combat – don’t sweat numbers of Minions too
judgement on what will make the game more fun much, since they’re limited in how many can at-
for the players. Make changes on the fly if you need tack a single target anyway. Just make sure the
to, including breaking out of the adventure’s three- Minions run off if it’s appropriate rather than
encounter structure if that’s what the players want. fighting to the death.
It’s generally no fun to ‘railroad’ the players into a
pre-determined story if that’s not what they want.
However, it’s also fair to ask players to ‘play along’ in “…actually, no, their four friends were
order to meet some real world constraint. If you’re just a little late. Help!”
running Auspicious Beginnings as a once-off, public
5-6 players will be a little tricker, mostly be-
transport, game-store closing times or the length of
cause we haven’t given you that many detailed
a convention session might make the fastest path
PCs. However, we HAVE given you a whole lot
the most satisfying.
of stats and descriptions for 4th rank NPCs – just
• Be familiar with the adventure Loresheet. mix in some of the rivals as potential PCs, and you
Players with spare Destiny can change the destiny should be fine. Ask the player to fill in any gaps
of an NPC mid-session if they choose, so be pre- in personality if need be. If you end up running
pared to deal with that. Just remember to make the short of NPCs in game as a consequence of this,
consequences fun and fair for the player: 3 Destiny just re-use the stats of an existing NPC with a new
spent on a plot twist should be just as valuable as 3 description.
Destiny spent on Iron Fists. If you aren’t confident
about dealing with on-the-fly plot twists, ask your The thing to watch out for is time – extra
players to spend all their destiny on the Loresheet players will make the session longer. Try to use
straight after the tourney. Send them on a more Minions rather than extra Ranked fighters,
ten-minute snack run while you jot and try to cut short table chatter to keep everyone
down some notes... focused.

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

“I want to play my own character!”
You might have a player show up with their own Weapons of the Gods character ready to go. The adventure

1 . In t ro d u c t i o n
doesn’t require the pre-generated characters, but there are a few things you should look out for:
• Too many/too few Warriors. The adventure to a lesser extent Lores) may find themselves a
has a lot of combat – while it’s not hard, a bit disadvantaged. Players wanting Courtier or
group without any warriors may find it a bit of Scholar concepts will probably find the pre-
a struggle. There is also a fair bit of emphasis generated characters more successful in this
on skills like Learning, Grace and Awareness – a adventure.
group entirely consisting of Warriors might find • Require the character to work with the others.
they can beat their opponents but not complete The pre-generated characters have no real reason
their objectives. not to get along, but Nan or Bei clan characters
• God Weapons. The adventure isn’t meant to could easily feel that they are enemies of Xiao-
be difficult, but a God Weapon would make it a Li Pai or Feng Guo for using their clan’s secret
walkover. Best avoided. techniques. It’s fair as the Sage to require that
• Secret Arts. The adventure is very short-term. the players come up with reasons why their
New characters with lots of Destiny sunk into characters work together, even if it seems
long-term investments like Secret Arts (and contrived.

“OK, here’s the plan: we play through

Auspicious Beginnings, then buy Heaven’s Crystal from Tian.”
There are few places in Shen Zhou as obnoxiously justification for spending Destiny on the Wealth
wealthy as Prosperous Devil. Many players will advantage. However, if a player does not do that,
quite reasonably decide that their characters the wealth isn’t part of their destiny, and they fritter
deserve a piece of that action, and acquire valuables it away on good rice wine, courtesans, random acts
or money through fair means or foul. It’s not even of Kuan, good lodgings and other such things. It’s
particularly difficult! customary to burn joss sticks for good (or gullible)
There is a difference between scooping up customers in Shen Zhou, however, so if a player is
jewellery from a merchant’s stall and becoming in this position, give them a few points of joss to
rich, though, especially when you’re trying to take the sting out of it. You might also point out
convert goods to wealth in a place like Unruly that spending the wealth on transitory advantages
Devil. Playing Auspicious Beginnings and making such as bribes, mercenaries or gifts is a good way to
an effort to gather valuables is automatically avoid this problem!

Tips for the Sage: Loresheets and Auspicious Beginnings

• Encourage your players not to ponder the • ‘Random good luck’ or ‘random bad luck’ alone
adventure loresheet too long. While they do need won’t win an encounter but it could easily give the
to decide on Sponsors up front, Splendours and opportunity to do so. Good examples in combat
Motivations can be put off until just before the final include upgrading a successful attack to a critical
scene, and everything else can simply be bought in (including critical effects that the attacker doesn’t
play. There’s no need to spend all 5 destiny straight have), having events cut an enemy off from his
away, and certainly no need to spend half an hour friends for a turn (leaving him alone with the
calculating the best possible way to do so. PCs), filling or emptying the River of a character
etc. Out of combat could be a one-time bonus
• It’s OK if the players don’t really care
(or penalty) on a roll, a minor character turning
about their rivals at this point. While it’s preferable
out to be an old friend from childhood, or similar
for them to be engaged with the people they’ll
beneficial coincidence. If you’re not confident
be beating up, it’s not a disaster if they’re not
of coming up with something on the fly, just
– especially since they can buy plot twists later
give the PC a couple of points of Joss and
if they become more interested in a given NPC.
let them make their own luck.

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

2. Only Two Devils is filled with rich people and well-paid mercenaries.
Who wouldn’t come here if they wanted to sell
2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s An exotic and striking frontier city filled with something?”
wealth and savagery, Only Six Devils is an iconic Midnight narrowed her eyes and frowned at all
city for Weapons of the Gods, filled with all kinds of the sand. “I’m smarter than you, which is why that
delicious mystery. doesn’t make sense to me. It’s too simple – it’s all very
You’ll forgive us, then, for saving a proper well once it gets going, but how did it get started?
treatment of the subject for a later supplement Which mad merchant was the first to cross the
rather than this short adventure! Nevertheless, we’ll bandit-riddled desert to buy loot from blood-crazed
certainly give you more than enough material to run mercenaries?”
an exciting adventure, and enough hooks to come up Kai smiled, the smell of dumplings from the street
with many more in the City of Six Devils. hawkers of Unruly Devil already filling his nostrils.
Please note the following Lore is not the Loresheet “You think too much, cousin! Only Six Devils has
for the adventure – it’s not necessary for the players been here longer than there’s been a country of Xia
to read it beforehand, and its primary purpose is to – who would care more about how it earned its first
familiarise the Sage with the setting of the adventure. coin than how it can help you earn your next one?”
However, the material is presented in Loresheet The City (Discussion)
format for use in further games, for experienced
groups likely to play the adventure, or indeed for Only Six Devils is the capital of the country of
groups not playing through Auspicious Beginnings Xia, the seat of the mysterious Iron Shadow Warlord,
at all! and the only part of his domain where outsiders
are allowed. Given Xia’s somewhat inexplicable but
The Time of Chaos undeniable economic importance, there’s no shortage
Six Devil City: “With a full purse” of outsiders, meaning the business of the entire nation
Rarity acquisition in the City of Six Devils is compressed into this one frenetic city!
Destiny Cost: 2 Fortunately, all the loot taken by Xia’s mercenaries
Study Difficulty: Politics 20 in their many wars makes its way back to Six Devils,
“If it was lost in war, go to Six Devils with a full and the mercenaries have cultivated a taste for the
most valuable and spectacular of salvage over the
purse to find it”
years. This (along with the many parties of highly
“Hmph!” Midnight grumped with an varying virtue who take advantage of the unique
uncharacteristic lack of grace as their horses crested market conditions) makes the city the single best
the rise. Only Six Devils, blue walls gleaming against place to find rarities and wonders in all of Shen
the harsh mountains of Xia behind it and the expanse Zhou, as well as the most likely place for a trip to the
of the northern desert before it, was undermining her markets to turn into a kung-fu brawl.
complaints about the journey by being stubbornly
Only Six Devils is quite inaccessible overland,
majestic. Even the great Yellow River seemed to flow
requiring a trip through hard desert or harsh
past only to pay its respects! “Very well, so it is pretty!
mountains, both of which are plagued by bandits. The
But it’s still in the middle of nowhere – why is it
Yellow River is the most popular means of reaching
crawling with people?”
the city, especially since joining Xia mercenary boats
“It’s a plunder-based economy!” Kai offered on their way home tends to discourage pirates!
helpfully. “Everyone knows that Xia has the best Anyone seeking complete safety on a journey to the
mercenaries, so they’re hired for every war worth city is advised to look like they carry nothing of value,
mentioning. Things go missing in every battle, so it’s or obtain a ‘Good-health Flag’ via sizeable bribes to
not surprising that many of those things go home the agents of Unruly Devil District’s Governor Chen,
with the mercenaries. They don’t bother taking who has arrangements with many of the bandit
anything cheap, so the city is filled with gangs.
valuables! Wealthy people come to
buy the treasures, so the city

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Outsiders are usually told the city’s colourful name “Genius!” exulted the hawker, turning happily to
refers to its six districts, all of which bear the name Kai. “You there – I’ll give you ten taels if you can

2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s
Devil (Unruly Devil, Prosperous Devil etc) – or at get me fifty ducks and five courtesans before anyone
least the six District Governors, who are regarded as arrives from the docks!”
quite devilish in practice if not in fact. Most outsiders Kai blushed furiously, mouth agape, while
guess that this is a conversational tactic meant to Midnight sighed. “Cousin Kai, since you’ve obviously
gauge their gullibility. gotten us killed in the desert, could you please tell
Only the laws declared by the Iron Shadow Warlord me how we ended up in the Hell of Preposterous
apply to the whole city, but the Governors have (and Madness?”
cheerfully abuse!) similar authority within their
Unruly Devil (Discussion)
own districts. Most laws seem to stem from Legalist
philosophy: they are absolute with punishments Unruly Devil is the largest of the city’s districts by
and rewards, and quite ineffable in motivation. The a considerable margin, and the district through which
most important laws apply to freedom of movement: every traveller passes. In fact, many have come and
while it is widely held that Only Six Devils is the gone from the city without realising that the other
only place in Xia where you may come and go freely, five districts were there, having mistaken Unruly
in truth it’s just that the Warlord’s laws concerning Devil for the city as a whole. As a result, Only Six
personal freedom don’t apply to the City – the Devils’ reputation in Shen Zhou has been somewhat
Governors themselves have varied but very strict laws coloured by the district’s unique nature.
on the subject. Luckily, the discerning shopper only Cleaver Chen, the District Governor, is a most
need concern themselves with two districts and their enthusiastic Legalist – indeed, it is rumoured
Governors: Unruly Devil and Prosperous Devil. he practices Legalist Secret Arts that confound
Festival Day Daoist and Confucianist alike. Unlike the other
Kai had not been in the city for a minute when a governors, he has some practical constraints on
flock of ducks exploded out of shanty-style shacks to the laws he can pass – the district’s nature as the
his right, flying into a lavish merchant compound to gateway to Only Six Devils and Xia as a whole makes
his left with an old peasant woman in hot pursuit. As it difficult for him to restrict movement into or
chaos ensued within, his attention was seized by the within the district. Thus, Unruly Devil is in fact the
spectacle of a Chengan Lord in splendid silks arguing only place in Xia that anyone can enter or leave as
with his washerwoman neighbour about the laundry- they please – Chen doesn’t tell you where you can go.
lines hanging into his property. All the while, a Zan He just tells you where you can live.
monk and a Daoist stared impassively at each other The location of every house and business in
from opposite sides of the street, enough sand and Unruly Devil is chosen by Chen or his subordinates,
dust upon them to show that they had been there for not by their owner. If you take in a guest, business
several days at least. partner or even a pet, Chen may decide to move
“You’ve never actually been here before.” you. By default, he arranges the district in the most
Midnight’s accusation was measured, her voice quiet staggeringly inappropriate fashion possible – the
and terse. Kai couldn’t do much but shrug. effect would remind you of a normal city picked
“Uncle San said it was a little rowdy, but…” up and shuffled, if not for the amusing cruelty of
many placements. Many enterprising merchantstake
A hawker, just finishing setting up his stall slightly bets on the placement of newcomers, but wouldn’t
to the left of the Daoist, peered past the two young offer odds on a contingent of Daoist nuns, since
fighters and towards the river in the distance. they’re virtually guaranteed to end up between two
“Hmm... good crowd off the docks today. We’ll brothels.
need a festival.” He squinted at the screeching lord and This extraordinary urban planning technique
washerwoman. “Hey! Today’s a festival day, right?” takes up a sizeable portion of Chen’s time, but
The Lord cleared his throat irritably. “How should he seems to profit from, or at least enjoy,
I know? It could be Woman-Chases-Duck Festival the resulting chaos. While many get
for all I care!” around the problem with

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

bribery, trickery, or being more frightening to their you’re asking would only feed a village for a year.
neighbours than Chen, the scheme is successful Why not raise your price and get two or three years
2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s enough that the district as a whole is rigorously of security?”
unpredictable, notoriously difficult to navigate, and “The whole market would laugh at me! Everyone
multicultural to an extent seen nowhere else in Shen has already seen the flute and sneered at it – Emperor
Zhou. Rich rub shoulders with poor, turning an Hu’s buyer called it a forgery to my face! I fought
alley can land you in a fifteen-sided brawl over silk Hell Clan to get it, and it’s brought me nothing but
tapestries and cows, and every festival known to man shame.”
is celebrated in its streets. So great is the variety of
festivals and celebrations that no-one can keep up – “It is a forgery. The flute of legend you fought for
instead, most residents have grown used to throwing never really existed, or if it did, Heaven has taken it
themselves into every opportunity to celebrate, real for itself... however, two hundred years ago, a man
or fabricated, and then going back to arguing with named Pretty-hands Xiangyu grew so tired of hearing
their neighbours. the legend of the Thrice Jade Flute that he made one
of his own, far greater, to drown the legend with
The one thing everyone in Unruly Devil agrees another. How sorrowful that his craft was so great,
upon is money – they want more of it, as quickly and yet his legend unknown! Double your price.”
as possible. The district is a fabulous place to make
or lose money, with sums large and small risked “That will not be necessary, Governor.” Emperor
in schemes on every street corner. The markets are Hu’s man waddled over swiftly, clearing his throat.
large and numerous, filled with a dazzling variety of “I’ll pay triple what the boy asks for.”
merchandise and the most determined hawkers in “How sad for you!” interjected another. “Zheng
Shen Zhou. Anyone can find something they want Bei will pay four times the price to have it for his
there, but the true connoisseur wants only one thing daughter.”
– to get out of Unruly Devil and into Prosperous Sapphire Miang, Governor of Prosperous Devil,
Devil, whatever it takes. smiled and slipped away as the chaos began.
Market Forces Prosperous Devil (Discussion)
The golden statue of Nüwa gazed beneficently Many find it difficult to believe that Unruly Devil
over the stately yet bustling market, but with her eyes and Prosperous Devil share the same city, let alone
gazing forward she could not see the man at her feet! that a mere gate and stretch of wall separates the
A young warrior, tired and nursing wounds, knelt two. Prosperous Devil is serene, quiet, and endlessly
amidst the splendour. A magnificent flute of jade and opulent. Where Unruly Devil is open to any, merely
silver lay at his feet. Surrounded by opulence and entering Prosperous Devil is a difficult task!
wealth, his air was of a man poor and dejected, his
hopes fading as the luminaries of the markets turned Sapphire Miang, Governor of Prosperous Devil,
their noses up in distaste. believes that there is a level of dizzying wealth in
commerce where pointedly turning away ninety-nine
“You’re asking too little – you should at least customers will leave the hundredth in a frenzy to
double the price.” The first friendly voice in hours have your exclusive merchandise. It is difficult to test
brought the warrior’s eyes up – but surely she was whether this principle has any general merit, but it
mocking him! The speaker was a beautiful woman has succeeded flawlessly in Prosperous Devil. Miang
who bore her middle years nobly, her hair caught up forbids any to enter Prosperous Devil unless they are
in sapphires, a gentle smile upon her lips. the guest and responsibility of a property-owning
“Please do not mock me! I am tired and wounded; resident, and she levies an extraordinarily punitive tax
I have fought hard to get here, and for nothing! I’ll on the sale of property. As a result, only the wealthiest
get no silver for this... I’ll take a flute back to my can afford to own property in the district, and these
village and be cursed, for we can’t eat it!” few realise that their control over entry to the district
(through extending their hospitality) is of enormous
“Now, now, you can’t eat silver either, value. Entering the district is entirely dependent on
so you’ll need to deal with merchants pleasing a demanding patron who understands that
either way! And the amount demand is well in excess of supply.

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Most who wish to enter simply can’t. The wealthy joss, although whether this is just Governor Miang
sometimes enter with sufficient bribery (‘fitting gifts keeping up the legend of Prosperous Devil is difficult

2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s
for their hosts’), or conduct business in the markets to say.
through multiple layers of go-betweens. Most of the The markets themselves – the Ninefold Prosperity
servants and guards of the residents are drawn from Pavilions – are the backbone of this system of
those willing to sell their independence in return for a monstrous wealth. Only the finest and rarest of
place in the wondrous district. Members of the Wulin wonders are sold here: masterworks, antiquities, and
potentially have the easiest route in – when enough items of legend. The markets are a world away from
seek entrance, a few of Prosperous Devil’s most the tents and stalls of a bazaar, instead a majestic
prominent residents will hold a Contest in Unruly array of permanent pavilions and pagodas built to
Devil (usually seen as an excuse for an impromptu the standard of a palace. The merchants are relatively
festival by the residents of that district), and will few, but between their staff and the retinues of the
welcome those they deem worthy into the district buyers, it is by far the most crowded place in the
as their guests... asking little more than a favour in district. It bustles self consciously – everyone strives
return. to be dignified, although it’s difficult to keep one’s
While tiny in comparison to Unruly Devil, the composure when tens of thousands of taels are on
district feels more spacious. Its mansions and estates the line! Sales can be quite tense – the merchants
are widely spaced, arranged in an artfully planned stand to make amazing profits, but are also at risk
pattern around the central hub of the markets. A of losing a great deal, for they compensate the
considerable amount from the purses of Miang mercenary companies who ‘recover’ the items very
and the residents alike goes to greening the district, well indeed, and must sell quite high to break even.
making it a splendid garden amongst the harsh With virtually every item on sale a one-of-a-kind,
landscape surrounding the city. The low population haggling is a challenging affair and there’s no real
adds to the spacious feel – there are fewer people in appeal to precedent or standards.
the entire district than the average block in Unruly The Pavilion is the most prestigious formal market
Devil. in Only Six Devils but it’s not quite true that you
Governor Miang likes to keep up the myth that can buy anything there. Between the Bei clan’s huge
the district is utterly serene and entirely safe, but in operation in Fierce Devil and the very slim chance
actual fact, violence and confrontation are extremely that a mercenary captain would give up such a thing,
common. The essential problem is that only a handful it’s almost impossible to buy weapons, particularly
of people in the district are actually independent God-Weapons. Likewise, if it is truly possible to
– the rest are beholden to a powerful property- buy souls in Only Six Devils, it is not done under
owner, keenly aware that Unruly Devil is brimming Sapphire Miang’s gaze.
with others eager to take their place. As a result each
property owner has a virtually inexhaustible pool of Secrets of Destiny: “With a Full Purse”
disposable underlings. When conflicts arise between Only Six Devils
prominent citizens, they think nothing of hurling [Fortune]
their minions against each other. This brings an
unspoken tension to living in Prosperous Devil, as DESTINY COST:
none of the property owners ever seem quite content 2 Discovery: As long as it isn’t known to be
with their lot: something spurs them against each elsewhere, an item you are searching for is found
other, each determined to gather just a little more to be for sale in Six Devil City.
wealth. Most suspect the hand of Governor Miang in 2 Victory: One of the potentates of Prosperous
this, especially since the tumults never quite seem to Devil turns out to be someone you impressed
upset the district’s reputation or the operation of the earlier in your career, and they invite you into
markets. their home.
Conversely, and to the surprise of many cynics, 1 Victory: You obtain a ‘Good-health Flag’ – your
Prosperous Devil’s reputation as a beacon of hope is not journey to Only Six Devils is uneventful
entirely unjustified. Those in true need who struggle from the border of Xia onwards.
their way into its gates seem to have remarkably good If you weren’t destined

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to be attacked in the first place, you manage to Sheathed-Blade Empty-Hand
sell the flag at a modest profit. Prosperity Society
2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s
Prosperous Devil and the Ninefold [Secret Society]
Prosperity Pavilion Many mercenaries of Xia never leave Six Devil
[Location] City, finding ample employment within its walls.
DESTINY COST: This is true even in Prosperous Devil, where there is
so much of value to be guarded – but one company
1 Entangled Destiny: An item from the market reigns supreme within that district, for they not
that you can’t afford will cross your path again. only sell their services at a premium, but they own
1 Discovery: You discover an item in the markets outright their extensive barracks, making them a
is a forgery! power in Prosperous Devil.
2 Victory: You find a buyer for a wonder that Ironhand Nan is their master, a skilled
you’re seeking to sell, and make a reasonable swordsman who departed his clan after the death
profit on the item. This will not prevent the of Yi Nangong, rowing furiously with Hong Dong
buyer seeking revenge if you’ve swindled them! and vowing to make his own fortune. He has
1 Fortune: A single character of your choice in taught his foremost lieutenants a style he developed
Prosperous Devil has either the trivial Kuan or to cover the weaknesses of the Nan sword-arts: a
Si Inspiration imposed by the district inflamed technique allowing them to strike with the force of
to a minor Inspiration hyperactivity or weakness their blade with fist, foot or flick of the hair, even if
(your choice) with Recovery 20. By default this their weapon is sheathed or taken from them! Thus
condition affects Jade Breath. did the Sheathed-Blade Empty-Hand Prosperity
2 Fortune: A single character of your choice in Society earn its name.
Prosperous Devil has either the trivial Kuan or The Sheathed-Blade is the company most
Si Inspiration imposed by the district inflamed trusted by Sapphire Miang and the merchants to
to a major Inspiration hyperactivity or weakness guard the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion, and goods
(your choice) with Recovery 30. By default this delivered to or taken from there. This responsibility
condition affects Jade Breath. is so critical that Ironhand and his men have little
difficulty leveraging an excuse to be wherever they
Special Rule:
wish in the district, acting as a de-facto police force.
Anyone entering Prosperous Devil instantly and Sometimes they seem altruistic, intervening in
automatically contracts a trivial Kuan Inspiration trouble with a righteous spirit; at other times, they
and a trivial Si Inspiration. Both are Recovery 18, seem only too happy to take any excuse to stick
Interval 1 scene, Duration 3. their noses into the business of other property-
If either inspiration ends, or is recovered from owners.
or cured, the character immediately re-contracts This attitude extends beyond the gates of
it while in this district. It’s possible that someone
Prosperous Devil. As the Society is frequently
accomplished in the Secret Arts could protect
hired to guard precious items to and from the
themselves from these conditions, but since
docks, they consider the winding road through
they’re trivial (having literally no mechanical
effect), nobody seems to bother. The inspirations Unruly Devil to the docks to be part of their turf,
immediately end if the character leaves Prosperous and they delight in staging ‘dry runs’ to lure out
Devil – however, if Secret Arts have modified them and slaughter bandits with more greed than sense.
they may remain at the Sage’s option. This behaviour has earned them the enmity of
many gangs, and deeply irritated Governor Chen.
Ironhand himself is no typical Nan – much
larger than most and uglier than almost any other,
ten years of opulent surrounds have utterly failed to


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soften him. His size, heavy black armour, perpetually or to step back and use the beauty of a student if
sheathed blade, and steel-like grey hair render it is more suitable. Ling is exceptionally intelligent

2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s
him distinctive. He is gruff, but far slyer than he and well educated, able to give even hardened
appears: the observant will note his dry sense of old scholars pause with her eloquence, and very
humour giving him away. He is generally focused obviously driven. Her ambition appears oddly
above all else upon profit and strengthening his altruistic – however, perceptive observers might
company, but every so often, despite himself, he conclude that she means to gain fame by being the
does something terribly noble and decidedly Nan. mentor of half the prominent women within Shen
DESTINY COST: Zhou within twenty years, rather than attaining
high position herself.
1 Discovery: You discover that Ironhand and
Hong Dong never truly argued – Ironhand is in Red Lotus is less attached to the markets
fact her agent in the markets, an arrangement themselves than most of the potentates of
both have profited from handsomely! Prosperous Devil, but considers them a vital part
2 Fortune: Either Ironhand Nan accepts you as of her students’ education. With the finest goods
a student in his Empty-Hand style, or you get a in the world arrayed before them, Red Lotus finds
good opportunity to steal his technique manual. her students properly motivated to learn the finest
techniques in the field of getting what you want.
Blossoming-Towards-Crimson Academy Conversely, the Academy is important to the
[Secret Society] district because the girls’ parents are some of the
A school specifically for girls is a rare thing. few in Shen Zhou who are wealthy enough to shop
However, even in a time of chaos there are wealthy in Prosperous Devil on a whim, and the school
families who do not want their daughters underfoot, itself is training up a small legion of power-hungry
want them properly prepared for marriage, and are potential customers.
willing to solve the problem with silver. With a
cunning grasp of economics, Red Lotus Ling has DESTINY COST:
further enhanced the desirability of her school by 1 Victory: You convince Red Lotus to take a
making it as exclusive as possible – it is far from young female relative as a student, either from
the centre of Shen Zhou, in a place that one must charity or considerable compensation. You will
be ludicrously wealthy to even enter. There is no receive an opportunity to leverage this as a con-
greater concentration of eligible young women in nection with the parents of another student.
all Shen Zhou than those of the Academy! 2 Entangled Destiny: Red Lotus hires you as a
tutor at the school; no matter how brief this time
Ostensibly this is all to train the girls as perfect is, you will find yourself running into former stu-
wives, and that is exactly what the average student dents for the remainder of your career!
will end up being. The most gifted, however, are
prepared for lives in court or the Wulin: to struggle Guild of Gentleman Appraisers
for power, never be dominated, and come out of [Secret Society]
it all with perfect grace! Her habit of taking in An essential problem of conducting business in
wandering bands of heroes fits in with this agenda the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion is the difficulty of
(as well as the specific tasks she wants accomplished) assigning a price to an item there. After all, what is
- fraternising with the heroes is strictly forbidden, the Mirror of Ying Zheng worth? Perhaps it has a
hence the school’s quiet reputation as “the Academy place on some hierarchy of mirrors, but in practical
of not getting caught”. terms it can’t be compared with anything! Most
Red Lotus Ling is ambitious and relatively people in Shen Zhou wouldn’t have much sympathy
young. She wears magnificent red dresses that leave for those unable to decide what atrociously huge
observers unsure whether she is a bride herself, price to ask for their antiquities, but somebody
or the mother of a young bride. She cheerfully has to decide whether the mirror is
encourages whichever interpretation suits her best worth fifty thousand taels or
and is happy to use her own beauty to get her way, one hundred thousand.

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Luckily, there is a society of scholars ready to DESTINY COST:
help! 1 Entangled Destiny: An object in the possession
2 . On l y Tw o De v i l s
Unfortunately, they’re a collection of cynical, of a rival draws Gongsun’s greedy eye.
corrupt and greedy old men and women, determined 2 Victory: You convince the Appraisers to make a
to get as much as possible for the smallest effort, cheap copy of a text you’re seeking.
and with years of experience in doing so. The Guild (-1) You’re caught by the text’s owner, and have
of Gentleman Appraisers (who, despite numbering to flee the district with your copy.
several female savants, are too conservative to
consider a name change), are scholars of particular
accomplishment. They are devoted to the study of
physical artefacts, historical and novel alike. The
Guild is generally the only third party trusted to
positively identify and value the extremely varied
stock carried by the markets.
Their conduct in this role is reasonably corrupt
– that is, they are precisely as corrupt as they
believe Sapphire Miang will deem reasonable.
Their compound is dominated by a prodigious
library, a significant proportion of which was
misappropriated in the course of their work. Even
when they do not concoct means to steal, swindle
or cheaply obtain the works that their insatiable
scholarly appetites long for, they remain in the
appraising process for as long as is necessary to
study, copy or sabotage the item.
Razoreyes Gongsun is the ancient, decrepit
and incredibly acerbic head of the Guild. As he
approaches the end of his life, his fierce intelligence
has not been dampened in the slightest, but his
lust for new things has become voracious. He still
has enough respect for his society and the district
to not cause egregious damage on a whim, but
he is becoming very cheerful indeed about using
members of the Wulin as expendable intermediaries
when he truly wants something and knows the
other potentates will strive to prevent him having it.
Gongsun is becoming a touch sentimental, and will
occasionally commit an act of apparently random
kindness on the strength of some half-forgotten
association between someone he encounters and
the companions of his youth.


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3. Wulin Xiao-Li Pai
Invincible Sword Princess, 4th Rank Warrior

3 . Wu l i n
This chapter details the four pre-generated Xiao-Li is the most straightforward combat
PCs and eight NPC Wulin rivals at the heart of character – tactically speaking, it’s almost impossible
the adventure’s conflict. Statistics are presented to do badly with her. She is the typical “Invincible
in the handouts chapter towards the end of this Sword Princess” – she hits often and is rarely hit
document. Note that the NPCs are presented as herself, but is a bit fragile when she does get hit.
both full Rank 4 fighters and 5th Rank disciples, Anyone familiar with Zhang Ziyi’s character from
depending on how you want to use them in play. Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon will know what
The default story for the PCs joining together they’re in for here.
in their quest to reach the Ninefold Prosperity In terms of personality, Xiao-Li is defined by
Pavilion is that they shared a boat with many filial piety, living her life to please the ghosts of
other passengers journeying up the Yellow River to her dead parents: a father who wanted her to be
reach Only Six Devils – a boat without a “Good- humble and virtuous and a mother who wanted to
health flag.” Unsurprisingly, the Devil Cloud gang see her boldly dominate the Wulin!
attacked them, and the bandits, incensed by their
initial defeat, turned the boat trip into a running Feng Guo
battle! Over the course of multiple clashes with the Honourable Fist, 4th Rank Warrior
Devil Clouds, the PCs grew to admire each others’ Feng has a more straightforward personality
prowess, and the effectiveness with which they than Xiao-Li (he’s the honourable, stubborn
fought as a band. Soon they confessed to each other peasant hero), but mechanically he takes a little
their reasons for travelling to Only Six Devils, and more tactical finesse. As an unarmed fighter, he’ll
seeing that they aligned so closely, resolved to fight normally hit less often than his sword-wielding
together! companion, and be hit more often. This is deceptive,
While mildly contrived, this background should however, as his kung-fu gives him excellent Critical
suffice for a one-shot game. If you instead plan to effects and armour, so with a little care he can be
use Auspicious Beginnings as part of campaign devastating and endure longer than the relatively
play, work with your players to create sturdier fragile Sword Princess. We’d probably hire Jet Li to
conditions for the characters banding together! play him in the movie.
Pre-generated Player Characters: Feng’s personality is centred around his quest to
make things right with his strength, and prove his
The following short descriptions are all you’ll worthiness.
need to keep in mind while reading the adventure,
but you’ll want to read through the full character Liang Shui
descriptions and statistics in the handouts section Dashing Literati, 4th Rank Courtier
before play. The PCs are within a few Destiny Unsurprisingly for a Courtier, Liang is very
points of normal starting characters. They would socially-focused, and relies on excellent skill ratings.
all be perfectly viable characters in an ordinary He does have potentially powerful ranged kung-fu,
campaign, but don’t have any traits that aren’t but is unlikely to be a dominant force unless in
relevant to a single-session game. VERY tactically capable hands. However, between
the numerous opportunities for him to use his
skills and his easy-to-use Extraordinary Courtier
Techniques, any player should do fine with him.
His visual reference is Takeshi Kaneshiro (Jin from
House of Flying Daggers).
Liang’s personality highlights the
celebrated, somewhat sexy


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nature of the literati in Chinese history. He’s a It is the sad fate of many bands beginning their
devilish charmer that believes righteous hard work life in the Wulin to have names decided on by a
3 . Wu l i n should be balanced with indulgent relaxation. committee – hopefully in this case the name is strictly
Patience Meng
Mountain Chung (Warrior)
Daoist Genius, 4th Rank Scholar
This Zan monk earns his name! Who has ever
Mechanically, Patience is very similar to Liang seen such a giant, and with shaved head and prayer
Shui, only with a sorcerous bent in place of a social beads, no less? Quiet as a mountain, and normally
one. His skill ratings are excellent, he has great ability gentle, he’s worse than any earthquake when enraged!
to tactically control a scene with his Extraordinary His fist skill is good, but his greatest asset is sheer
Daoist Techniques, and he has enough kung-fu to toughness, added to the strength of his faith.
have a lot of fun in combat. There’s plenty of potential
there for a clever player, but his abilities are generally Emerald Zilong (Warrior)
straightforward. Patience’s visual reference is Tony In his gleaming green armour, and with his swift
Leung (Broken Sword in Hero). dragon-spear, who can defy this young hero? Merry
at heart and bearing no grudges, he fights valiantly,
Patience is the very ideal of a wise old mountain
looking ever for a Lord worthy of his service! Sadly
hermit – apart from the small problem that he’s still
for them, the young ladies of Unruly Devil have
in his twenties. He’s patiently trying to experience the
failed to attract his eye, for his devotion is strong and
world in order to gain the wisdom needed to leave it,
lies elsewhere…
and tries to keep the others together, as they seem to
provoke auspicious (or at least lively) experiences. Tan Dong (Courtier)
A splendid soldier-bureaucrat, in his middle years
NPCs - Heroic Rivals he’s left the army of the Jin Emperor to follow his clan
Note: The descriptions of these NPCs are in the Wulin. His hair is grey, but his eyes are fierce
deliberately short and punchy, mostly calling and wits keen – and who would not fear his spear
attention to their manner and appearance. This is to skills? He fights to reunify the land, and though the
make it easy for you to remember all eight characters, battle will not be won in his lifetime, his calculated,
and keep them flexible enough to serve as either even ruthless moves bring things together, not tear
colourful but disposable combat fodder, or allies and them apart.
rivals moulded to the story needs of PCs who spend Clever Li-Li (Scholar)
destiny on entangling them. Just have a good handle
Li-Li was a little plain, so her village didn’t pay
on their visual distinctiveness so that everyone can
as much attention to her as they should have. If
easily tell them apart, and then use whichever of
they had, they might have noticed that she always
them seem to engage the players the most.
seemed to know what fate held in store… a talent the
The Righteous Devil-Smiting Bandit- clever young girl soon realised would be wasted on a
Crushing Wickedness Punishing Society* sleepy little village. It’s lucky she’s so clever, since her
(*name pending revision) combination of naiveté and ambition is a big danger
in Only Six Devils, but her thick country accent can’t
These four fierce and brave souls only met hide her brilliance from discerning eyes.
yesterday at the Pearl Moon teahouse, but already
they’ve sworn to enter Prosperous Devil together!
Their instant camaraderie is inspiring, and they’re
very loyal to each other despite the short period
of their acquaintance. Indeed, the only source of
tension so far is over the name of their band, which
they all agree needs at least six less syllables, but no
compromise can be reached on which six!


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The Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion! Pretty ‘Hark’ (Warrior)
A group of strident non-conformists, these bold Dressing up as a boy to prove that girls are every

3 . Wu l i n
members of the Wulin have, much like the other bit as good at kung fu is a time-honoured tradition,
but it helps if you’re not so stunningly pretty and
two bands, only very recently met, and have more-
incredibly fervent about proving girls’ equality that a
or-less fallen together out of despair of meeting
blind man can see what you’re up to! ‘Hark’ is a good
anyone else who will have them. Luckily, they
person at heart, but she’s carried away with proving
seem to share a common taste for mayhem, even something to people that have long since accepted it
if they do tend to phrase that desire in virtuous – the Wulin is well aware of the deadliness of women
terms! So far they’ve come together beautifully fighters! Hark has long hair that she conceals very
when in action, even if they spend the rest of the poorly under a cap, and a figure that resists being
time bickering incessantly… hidden.
Black-Saber Jin (Warrior) Doctor Jang-Lu (Scholar)
This shaggy-haired but roughly handsome This brash, yet impeccably groomed young man
warrior looks like he’d be far more at home on a wears a doctor’s clothes, and indeed is well-versed in
horse than the streets of Unruly Devil, but in truth the arts of medicine... but seems to take a warrior’s
he knows the city far better than the other heroes. tack. He likes to claim that he has coldly decided
Jin was the master of the Thousand Sabers bandit to treat the illness of the world by cauterising the
gang, but his fortunes tumbled when the Hell Clan wicked (killing bandits saves them from needing
warrior Glasseye Yan moved into the area. He’s doctoring, and saves doctoring the injuries they
out for revenge, both on Yan and on Governor cause), but he does seem to take a great deal of
Chen, who left Jin and his men to die. Despite joy from any excuse to use his powerful kicking
this melancholy fortune, Jin keeps up a cheerful style and superior intellect to get the best of an
appearance, his natural love for mayhem and battle opponent. He’s easily recognisable by his medicine
keeping him joking and laughing as he fights his bag and long braid.
way to Prosperous Devil!
Fei Hsiao (Courtier) That guy’s awesome, why can’t I play him?
There is no shortage of dispossessed southern It’s possible that a player might prefer one of
nobles angry at Emperor Hu, but not many of them their eight rivals to the character they initially
become so enraged that they stop distinguishing chose - not in the least because many of them are
between him and other questionable rulers! Fei is kung-fu film archetypes. If so, you might want
a beautiful woman in her thirties with stark white to let them swap at the end of the tourney scene
hair, wielding a magnificent kwan dao, and with if you feel it won’t be too disruptive. Just hand
an endlessly brilliant approach to conversation. the player the character’s fourth-rank stats, and
She seems to have a contingency plan for any take back their PC. Don’t do this if you feel it will
eventuality, prepared for anything that comes across skew the balance of the party too greatly – instead
her path – a strange counterpoint to her unbridled promise the player they can create a character just
fury at corrupt governance, and her determination like that when you start up a campaign...
to topple every corrupt regime everywhere!


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Unfurling Crimson Banner Sisterhood Zhong Yao is the most awkward of the girls, and
the least skilled in kung fu, but has the most naturally
3 . Wu l i n The most elite of Red Lotus’ students, these girls
brilliant mind, and a natural, unaffected prettiness. A
are all 5th Rank Wulin already! Aged from sixteen to
rarity amongst the Red Lotus girls, she’s actually a
eighteen, each has already successfully manipulated
Scholar, and already an excellent doctor in her own
their way out of several arranged marriages. They
right! The other girls cherish her not only for her
are by default very loyal to each other as well as Red
naturally sweet personality, but her important role
Lotus, intending to form a Wulin society between
in patching up the after-effects of kung fu practice!
them when they have left the school – however, who
Zhong wears distinctive hairpins sharp enough
can say what interaction with PCs will do to that
to work as emergency acupuncture needles, and
eyeglasses depending on your taste for anachronism.
Naturally, she excels at Medicine.
Each girl is noted as being proficient in a Tiger Xi is the tallest of the sisterhood, fiercer even
particular Genius skill – this is for the convenience than Ai! Tiger is not of pure Han descent, having
of GMs running the Wisdom of the Elders chapter. features obviously influenced by Indian ancestry.
Otherwise, the girls will generally not directly Between her friends’ social skills, her own beauty
oppose the PCs and are not considered ‘Wulin and her sword skills, however, she generally has no
Rivals’ – in the context of this adventure, that reason to tolerate prejudice, and will run more-or-
phrase explicitly refers to the two bands above. less roughshod over it. Hopefully she will have the
good luck not to encounter a powerful bigot. She
is a promising Warrior, studying the rudiments
Ai is a pale, pretty girl with long white hair, but
of Unfolding Glory alongside Ai. Trained in the
she’s not related to the Nan – her only family is her
beginnings of her clan’s weapon forging techniques,
older sister Snow, a powerful Wulin warrior who
Tiger very skilled with Crafting.
enrolled her in the school several years ago and then
vanished. Ai strives to emulate her sister, studying Mei-Zhu hails from the Heaven Sword Clan, and
Unfolding Glory with the spear, and trying perhaps is the most serious of the girls, for the hopes of the
a bit too hard to be ladylike (within the context of Eight-Way Alliance seem to rest on her shoulders.
the Wulin) and refined. Ai is the loneliest of the girls, She’s at the school owing to a pooling of funds
and probably the most likely to fall for one of the amongst the Alliance, part of a project to ensure the
characters. On the other hand, she’s also more likely Alliance owns the loyalty of the very cream of the
to have unreasonable expectations, and will take crop of the next generation of Wulin. Obsessed with
perceived rejection poorly. Ai is particularly skilled at becoming every bit an equal of the Great Clans, Mei-
Tactics. Zhu masters every traditional art and historical lore
she can, appropriating the culture of Shen Zhou to
Lien-ying Dong is a short and slender girl, entirely
give herself legitimacy. She’s always the best-dressed
graceful except for her habit of nervously braiding
of the girls, and though no prettier than her friends,
her hair. Lien-ying is already a clever Courtier – she
is far more skilled at drawing attention to herself and
deduced the nature of the school before arriving, and
her ‘noble cause.’ Though a Courtier, no-one can
convinced her parents that sending her to be trained
fault her skill at Learning!
as a powerful member of the Wulin was a better
idea than marrying her off young. They’ve since
become less certain of the wisdom of this move, but
are finding it increasingly difficult to control their
fiendishly clever daughter. Lien-Ying is skilled in


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4. The Contest The nature of the contest
The contest isn’t a regular series of kung fu battles

4. The Contest
OK, you’ve gathered your players, given them with the winner taking the prize – it’s more in the
the primer sheet to read, let them choose their nature of an extended audition. The hopefuls engage
characters, and answered any questions they have. in a series of challenging tasks set by the sponsors,
Time to start the game! This chapter details the first some alone, some in direct competition with a fellow
scene – a contest held in the dusty streets of Unruly contestant. Finally, a grand melee is held where the
Devil, with the prize being entry into the Prosperous hopefuls contest against waves of mercenary troops,
Devil District. just to see if they can handle themselves. The contest
This scene should be a fast, exciting and fun weeds out those who haven’t cultivated their chi,
introduction to the Weapons of the Gods system. and gives plentiful opportunities for the sponsors
Play up the amazing wuxia abilities of the characters, to judge the prowess of the contestants, after which
the awe of the crowd, and feel free to draw in the they choose who to sponsor based on what jobs they
atmosphere of your favourite Kung Fu movies and have for Wulin fighters, rather than who apparently
comics. Don’t waste an opportunity to hit your ‘won.’
players with coolness from the first moments and get Of course, today, there are three bands of Wulin
them really excited about the game. Mechanically, and three sponsors, so essentially the tourney is a
however, this scene has a great deal in common with done deal – it just remains to be seen who ends up
tutorial levels from videogames – it introduces the with whom! It is a requirement that the tourney and
game’s mechanics one by one in a structured fashion, sponsorship of Wulin into Prosperous Devil be done
slowly escalating to the normal gameplay experience. at the level of a band of fighters – Sapphire Miang,
Feel free to explicitly tell your players such – most rightly or wrongly, feels this cuts down on antisocial
roleplayers are familiar with videogames, so they’ll baneful warriors making trouble.
understand the situation immediately.
Today, as there are three sponsors, each challenger
All the major NPCs for the session are in this scene will face three challenges before the grand melee.
– specifically the three potential sponsors (Ironhand These challenges are detailed below.
Nan, Red Lotus Ling and Razoreyes Gongsun), and
the eight Wulin rivals to the PCs. Introduce each The Contest for the Sage
character during this scene, but don’t dwell on them on a Schedule
too much. Just hit the really distinctive points of
Unlike the rest of the game, the Contest scales
their appearance and manner and leave it at that. You
in linear fashion with the number of players.
won’t be using all 11 NPCs, so it’s fine if the players
Cycling through the challenges for every player
don’t remember them all – it’s intended that you let
adds time, and it can get rough on the Sage
the ones that don’t connect well with the group drop
creating more and more challenges on the spot!
out of the story.
If you have more than four players, or simply
Make all dice rolls for this scene out in the open,
want to get through this part of the game as
and explain carefully what you’re doing on each one,
quickly as possible, try splitting up the tasks
at least for the first few times you do any sort of roll.
between players. Let half the PCs tackle the first
Every player’s turn should be an opportunity for the
round, and the other half the second. For the
whole table to learn the mechanics!
third round, have half the players roll for their
PCs, the other half for the NPCs opposing them.
Progress with the fourth round normally.
In playtesting we found as long as each
challenge is demonstrated once, most people will
grasp the system, so don’t be afraid to cut
the tutorial right back.


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The Opening Ironhand is, of course, pointing at one of the PCs,
preferably a Warrior. Launch straight into round one
4. The Contest It’s best to start the game with a short, evocative
without pause!
description of the situation, and then leap straight
into the action. In this case, that’s starting with one Round One – Simple Skill Roll
of the PC’s challenges in the first round! Here’s an
example of a narration you might use to start the Each character will be asked in turn to perform
game: an impressive-looking single task in their area of
expertise. The task is of Moderate (20) difficulty, and
“Gongs, firecrackers and shouts ring through the should be in a skill that the character will roll 5 dice
dusty streets of Unruly Devil, and people come running in – that is, 3 dice + 1 specialty die + 1 talent die for
from all directions as the shout goes up – “A contest having their skill + specialty equal or less than their
is on!” Like every other event of note, the people of Attribute. Count out these dice for the player each
Unruly Devil take this as an excuse to celebrate, and time, so that by the time each player has their first
why not – the mighty men and women of the Martial turn, they’ll understand the basics of how many dice
Arts world are about to struggle against amazing odds to roll! Each character gets a single attempt.
to enter the fabled luxury of the Prosperous Devil
These tasks should be set by an appropriate
district! Soon, a thronging crowd has gathered around sponsor (Ironhand for Might and Speed skills, Red
the contest field just outside the massive jade and gold Lotus for Presence and Genius, Razoreyes for Genius
gates separating the two districts. They are abuzz with and Wu-Wei), and be fairly impressive-looking, even
conversation – each of the fighters ready to compete has though they’re not that tough. Make sure people’s
some fame in the Wulin, and those who know of their first impression of the game is that Wulin characters
deeds quickly fill in any of their ignorant neighbours. do amazing things, and when they fail, they fail
Street hawkers set up stalls, performers breathe fire narrowly, and because they were trying something no
and tumble in a desperate effort to grab a few coins normal person could do! Don’t go overboard and ask
before the tourney starts, and children squeal with someone to snap Tiger Soul with a difficulty of 20, but
delight at the spectacle! don’t put the characters in a position of potentially
Raised above the Contest Field is the judges’ pavilion, looking like incompetents in the very first turn! It’s
covered in rich blue silk canopies and crowned with OK for characters to fail, but the players should still
one hundred fluttering flags. By law, only the elite few feel good about their characters.
land owners of Prosperous Devil district can extend If someone rolls a critical success, make sure you
invitations to enter the market paradise, and three are describe their success as extra special, and tell them
here today to extend their hospitality to the worthiest that it’s a critical success – that has no mechanical
warriors. Ironhand Nan, renegade member of the impact at the moment, but it’s a useful concept, and
clan of swords and foremost mercenary of Prosperous a set of three on five dice is worth celebrating!
Devil looks down grimly, a huge and harsh-featured
Clever or observant players may have already
man in black armour. Red Lotus Ling, mistress of figured out things from their character sheet that
the Blossoming-Towards-Crimson Academy for Girls, would give them bonuses on these tasks (or make
smiles slyly at the assembled Wulin, a rare beauty whose them trivial, like Lightfoot). Ask them to just be a
red silk dress calls one’s mind instantly to weddings. little patient for those, and tell them that they’ll very
Though old and crooked of back, Razoreyes Gongsun, soon be hurling about minions with their full suite of
master scholar of the Guild of Gentleman Appraisers, powers.
lives up to his name and vocation, his gaze seeming to
The following page describes some recommended
take each fighter apart and reassemble them once he
challenges for the pre-generated characters:
has their measure!
The appointed time comes. Ironhand Nan strides
forth, and points at the hero who will be first to
face the challenges!”


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Xiao Li Pai: Round Two: Modifiers, Stacking
Ironhand hurls down a small forest of ten-yard and Complex Skill Rolls

4. The Contest
long spears, razor-sharp tips pointing to the sky, and
challenges her to leap over them! If she fails, narrate After the first challenge, the sponsors are confident
that she has to grab one of them while vaulting over, that they’re dealing with people who have cultivated
rather than making the jump cleanly. their chi – time to see what they’re really made of!
Skill: Athletics (Leaping) Each character is asked to perform a more difficult
and complex task in the same vein as their first, with
Feng Guo: a number of helpful and unhelpful circumstances
Ironhand throws down a four hundred pound attached. Specifically, this is a complex skill roll
Melon Hammer – it shakes the ground! He demands consisting of a Moderate (20) and a Hard (30) task,
Feng throw it back up to him; if he misses, narrate it with one +10 modifier, one +5 modifier, and two
bowling over a group of soldiers, so great is the force –5 modifiers. Since only the highest positive and
with which it’s hurled! negative modifier apply, that’s a net +5 (+10 –5).
Skill: Lift (Throwing) Explain the stacking rule to the players using the
Liang Shui: example of what they’ve been asked to do, and also
Red Lotus rolls out a ten-yard long white banner, explain complex skill rolls, and the fact that if you’re
and one of her students hands Liang a great brush trying something difficult, there’s no reason not to
dripping with red ink. He’s asked to paint the throw in easier flourishes to your action. It’s probably
character for “beauty” in a single motion! If he fails, he worth pointing out that it handles multifaceted tasks,
accidentally spells out what he was thinking, instead though, not multiple actions, so it’s not actually a
– a rather racy suggestion... such terrible luck! cheap way of getting multiple attacks!
Skill: Learning (Calligraphy) Go around the table in the same turn order you
Patience Meng: used for the first round, but go around a second time
Gongsun orders the young Daoist blindfolded, to give anyone who failed the Hard task a second roll.
and hurls five prayer strips into the air, scattering Remember to describe the reaction of the crowd.
them all over the huge tourney field! Patience must Example tasks for the pregenerated characters:
catch them with his staff before they reach the ground,
by hearing alone! If he fails, it is because he gets the Xiao-Li Pai:
first four but pauses for just a split second trying to The forest of spears is still in place – Ironhand
hear the last one, and an errant duck from the crowd challenges her to leap to the tip of the spears, then
seizes it just before he moves. leap another ten yards up to catch a flag being trailed
Skill: Senses (Hearing). by an arrow that he fires! This isn’t two actions, but
a single action with a number of complications.
Take the time to describe the reactions of the Reaching the spear tips is a Moderate (20) difficulty,
crowd after each roll. Even in a crazy place like Unruly being a ten yard vertical leap. The extra ten yards
Devil, you simply don’t see amazing feats like this push it up to Hard (30) – the difficulty to cover 20
every day – even the failed attempts are impressive! yards by leaping – but if she rolls between 20 and 29
There’ll be lots of noise, cheering, and street hawkers she still makes the first stage of the jump. Jumping
claiming to be selling locks of the martial artists’ hair! from spears is troublesome (-5) and the arrow’s flight
Not only should this make people feel like they’re is erratic (-5), but making the jump in two stages lets
playing important characters, but the more noise her correct her course if need be (+5) and the arrow
and chaos you can introduce around the edges of is very slow with a flag weighing it down (+10).
the tourney, the better the contrast between Unruly Skill: Athletics (Leaping)
Devil and Prosperous Devil will be.
Feng Guo:
Don’t bother rolling out or describing the
Ironhand tosses back the Melon Hammer, but
challenges faced by the NPCs at this stage – just
has his mercenaries set up a thousand-pound statue
mention there’s two bands of four, and that they
of an enthroned Emperor Hu, challenging
move through with mixed success. Call out a few of
Ironhand to hurl the hammer so
the more distinctive ones if your players ask, but keep
that it knocks down the
things moving.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Unrighteous Emperor! Throwing the four hundred Round Three – Initiative, Opposed Rolls
pound hammer is Moderate (20), but putting in and River
4. The Contest enough force to move a thousand pounds is Hard
(30)! The hammer isn’t really weighted properly for Satisfied that their potential guests are capable
throwing (-5) and the Emperor’s throne is quite stable of striving towards the most fiendish of tasks, the
(-5), but his fat face makes a natural target (+5) and sponsors try a different tack – direct competition! The
the statue is tall enough that if you hit it high, it’ll tip contestants are paired off with someone of similar
easily (+10). skill, and set a task – the first to complete it wins!
Skill: Lift (Throwing) There are two variants to this challenge – where
Liang Shui: Initiative is rolled to get first shot at the task, and
Red Lotus has one of her students hand Liang an where the roll is simply contested.
exceptionally fine brush, dripping with ink, and then • Challenges involving Initiative have a Hard (30)
throws two handfuls of white petals into the air! She task, without bonuses or penalties,
challenges him to write the character for “beauty” • Contested challenges require a critical success
on every one before they hit the ground, and ensure
over the opponent’s roll.
they together form the character for “wisdom” when
they do so. Writing “beauty” so many times quickly is If a character’s Initiative score is poor, give them
Moderate (20), but guiding the fall of the petals with a contested task, otherwise use Initiative! The reason
your writing is Hard (30)! The constant movement for this is that rolling a 30 or more on 5 dice virtually
of the petals is trouble (-5), as is the sloppiness of the requires the use of the River, so a character with poor
ink (-5), but the petals fall slowly (+5) and the brush Initiative wouldn’t face the tough decision of flowing
is of magnificent quality (+10). dice or having the first shot at the task – they’d just
Skill: Learning (Calligraphy) never be able to flow dice from Initiative, and lose
Initiative anyway!
Patience Meng:
Blindfolded again, Patience is surrounded by While you won’t use all eight rivals in this part,
fifty gongs in a variety of sizes, made of steel, gold it’s a great place to introduce them. When one of the
and silver. The silver and gold gongs are struck NPCs strides forth to face a PC, have his companions
simultaneously by Razoreyes’ lackeys, and Patience cheer and shout encouragement, drawing attention to
is challenged to quiet the silver and not the gold themselves! Likewise, have them offer commiserations
with his staff. Meanwhile, Razoreyes hurls a single or congratulations after the matter has been decided.
silver tael that ricochets off five of the steel gongs Make sure you show clearly how the NPCs use the
– Patience must strike those five in the same order! River – teaching the players this concept is the most
To compound matters, one of the Appraisers throws important part of this round!
some firecrackers at his feet. Following the pattern of Roll until there is a victor for each PC’s challenge
the tael is Moderate (20) but quieting just the silver in turn (rolling initiative every turn for initiative
gongs is Hard (30)! The firecrackers are a nuisance challenges). While it would be nice to resolve the
(-5) as is the irregular sizes of the gongs (-5), but the challenges via normal turn order, they’ll be easier to
gongs hit by the coin represent the five elements (+5), follow if each is resolved fully before moving onto
and the silver gongs are arranged in the pattern of the the next.
stars of Xu, the constellation of Emptiness (+10).
Skill: Senses (Hearing) For contested challenges, reduce the NPC’s pool
to 4 dice, and give them only one River slot. This
hands an easy win to the PC, but greatly reduces the
time needed to get a critical.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Liang Shui:
“And two zeros makes 20…”
“A beautiful woman with long flowing white hair

4. The Contest
Introduce Joss when it comes up naturally, approaches you, fierce determination burning in her
that is, when someone uses 0s on a roll (or has eyes! She’s armed with a magnificent kwan-do, but
the option to). Joss makes some of the tasks here sets it aside to produce a flute – how lucky, you’re
much easier (dropping a couple of corrupt joss on being serenaded! But no, she’s in fact your opponent
a rival is just nasty!), but that’s OK. – Red Lotus challenges you to each attempt to make
the other weep with the beauty of your music! Waiting
Examples for the pregenerated characters: for their own challenges, two from her band – a fierce
Xiao-Li Pai: desert bandit, and a very pretty girl doing an awful
“A lantern is hung twenty yards from the ground, job of being a boy – applaud!”
and Ironhand Nan challenges you to put out its flame This is an opposed Perform (Music) roll, but it
with your sword! But what’s this? An extraordinarily takes a Critical success to make your opponent weep!
pretty young girl steps forth to challenge you, wielding
Patience Meng:
a viciously spiked staff nearly three yards long! She is
“Razoreyes Gongsun notes shrewdly that many
dressed clumsily as a boy, and seems to be trying to
lackeys of the three sponsors, not to mention a few
pass herself off as one – could this be Pretty Hark?
spectators, have been incidentally injured as a result
A roguish desert bandit and an impeccably dressed
of flying melon hammers, shards of broken stone,
doctor, also competitors, cheer her on!”
crushing by statue, random arrow-fire and other
Cutting the lantern is trivial for these girls – don’t accoutrements of a tourney. What an opportunity to
bother rolling. But which is quick enough? Who see who has the finest medical skill! He calls upon both
makes the leap (a Hard (30) Athletics roll)? Roll you, and a plain girl obviously new to the city, but
initiative! with fiercely brilliant eyes, to compete in giving the
Feng Guo: wisest advice for recovery. Could this girl be Clever
“Ironhand Nan calls you forth to challenge a Li-Li, the farmgirl prodigy?”
mountain – a huge Zan monk with gentle demeanour Giving competing advice to the wounded is
but massive muscles! A plain village girl with an opposed Medicine (Advice) roll, though only a
enchantingly clever eyes and a noble young warrior critical success is decisive.
in green armour applaud – obviously they are his
companions. The task? Be the first to shatter an ice Too difficult?
statue of the Enchanted Demon by hurling Melon The challenges here do give the PCs a
Hammers!” significant chance of failure, from 30% in the first
The statue is set up far enough away that it’s a challenge to 50% when striving against an equal
Hard (30) task to hurl a four hundred pound hammer opponent. However, players may not feel that
that far (Medium range) with a Lift roll, but at least they’re playing appropriately awesome martial
it’s fragile enough to shatter if hit. Otherwise, it’s a artists if they’re failing simple skill rolls out of the
contest of speed – roll initiative! gate. As an option, reduce the difficulty of each
task by one step (from 20 to 18, 30 to 20 etc.),
“Tutorial? Where’s the skip button?” and give the NPCs only 4 dice to roll and a single
slot in their river. If they later prove to have better
If a player can prove to you that they understand
stats than that, well, obviously the cunning foxes
the relevant rules concept by explaining it to you
were holding back!”
correctly, they can skip a challenge. They also get
to narrate their victory however they like! This is
probably particularly helpful in the third round if
everyone’s keen to keep moving.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Round Four: Combat of opportunity to use the scenery for dramatic
kung-fu coolness themselves – ideally, they should
4. The Contest Now, enough arbitrary challenges – as the
be doing most of the description, but of course as
grand finale, Ironhand Nan graciously lets the
Sage, it falls upon you to set a good example.
Wulin heroes beat the stuffing out of some of his
soldiers with his lieutenants shouting orders from When enough minions have been battered
the side. around, it’s time to have the three sponsors call
proceedings to a close... and freeze the action just
This isn’t particularly complex – the mercenaries
as they’re about to declare who they’ll offer their
are Gang fighters, and each lieutenant has a squad
hospitality to. Time to pass around the Auspicious
of 20 that he sends in from the sidelines (meaning
Beginnings adventure Loresheet!
they have a Rating of 5). The lieutenant doesn’t
participate in the fighting, but grants the benefits
“I didn’t think you could roll that
of his Presence (3) and Tactics (3 dice). One
such minion squad will attack each Wulin band low on five dice!”
at a time, dividing between opponents normally. By default, we haven’t mentioned Critical
Lieutenants do not attempt to enhance the attacks Failures so far in this chapter. Essentially, it’s
of their squads. For simplicity the lieutenants up to you if you want to introduce the concept
always have an Initiative of 15, which is when their in this scene or not, but you should probably
minions act. make sure that if you do use it, you offer a bribe
meaningful in the course of a single session game,
This means that against a band of four PCs, the and interacting with concepts you’ve already
mercenaries will divide into four groups of five. introduced – a full river is great, but it’s no good
Each group will have a Base Value of 8 (5 minions to someone who doesn’t know what the River is!
+ 3 Presence), rolling 5 dice + 8 for attack, and 3
dice + 8 for defence. Each PC is attacked twice per
Death and Auspicious Beginnings
Let the PCs gloriously smash these minions,
Unlike many roleplaying sessions, the PCs
experimenting with their kung fu, learning about
in Auspicious Beginnings don’t have enemies so
defences, and generally cutting loose. If the minions
much as rivals. By default, no-one dies in this
go down too quickly for everyone to have a decent
adventure. All of the Wulin Rivals have on their
go at exercising their kung fu, throw more minions sheet a point marked at which they will give up
in! the fight, fleeing or retreating as the situation
Note: Remember that bonus damage dice from warrants. Likewise, they generally won’t try to
kung fu are literally bonus result dice and will actually kill the PCs, instead exhorting them to
take out minions accordingly. If any other rules leave if they beat them down to Staggering or
difficulties come up, rule in favour of the PCs and Last Legs.
keep moving. With Minions, of course, the matter is a little
The important thing is to keep the fight fun more immediate, and particularly relevant in the
and exciting... one of the easiest ways to do that Challenge. Explain to the players that they can
is remember to use the other Wulin fighters, the choose what happens to a minion they take out
– whether they are killed, subdued, flee etc. Point
crowd, and the left-overs of the previous challenges
out that killing Ironhand’s soldiers right in front
(toppled statues, gongs, spears, white banners) as
of him is a bad idea, but otherwise let them do
part of the scenery! Spice up attacks and defences
what they like throughout the game. The PCs’
by having minions go flying into things, trip over rivals will react poorly to such needless ferocity,
things as they try to get away, have the other but otherwise they are just minions, so there’s
Wulin challenge a PC to beat the size of little other consequence to doing so.
their pile of unconscious minions
etc. Give the players plenty


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

5. The Adventure Loresheet calm the monkey – everyone else has to put up
with its constant capering. Wind Monkey has

5 . T h e Ad ve n t u re L o re s h e e t
many powers attributed to it by legend, and
The Time of Chaos: perhaps you are acting on behalf of someone who
Six Devil City, Prosperous Devil District desperately needs those powers – but for you, and
the merchant trying to sell him, he’s nothing but
Auspicious Beginnings
Cost: 0 1 Entangled Destiny: Ying Zheng’s Mirror. It’s
hard to say whether this is truly the First Emperor’s
Secrets of Destiny: Auspicious Beginnings mirror – though it’s certainly old enough! Most
* Bonus: You gain 5 free Destiny to spend on this important, however, is its marvellous property
Lore. You may keep some or all of this to spend – it reflects an ancient palatial bedroom, filled
later in the adventure, but you may not spend this with scrolls and classics carved into stone slabs.
destiny on anything other than Secrets of Destiny Of course, the script is reversed and difficult to
from this Lore. This Destiny does not contribute see (it’s a large bedroom – the texts are far away!),
towards the character’s running total – ie it is not but it seems each one is a text lost forever during
tracked for the purpose of Rank. Ying Zheng’s reign. The Mirror provides a +10
modifier to any Learning roll, if and only if there
The Eight Splendours of the Markets is no other way in Shen Zhou to get a bonus to
[Treasure] that roll. It’s also extremely fragile!
You must purchase one of the following treasures 1 Entangled Destiny: The Marvellously
as your objective – it’s the reason you’re in Only Six Inappropriate Censor. This remarkable incense
Devils! The cheaper the treasure in terms of destiny, burner never stops burning, which is miraculous
the less useful to a member of the Wulin and the in of itself, but still more amazing is that it
more inconvenient to obtain it is; easy to obtain or always gives off a perfectly inappropriate scent
useful Splendours are more expensive! for the occasion at hand! Any social rolls within
Only one character can be entangled with each six round’s distance suffer a –5 modifier, which
Splendour. A character can entangle themself with would be much more useful if the object wasn’t
more than one Splendour, but that’s generally just so blatantly obvious! A –15 modifier applies to
buying trouble! Note that these are Entangled any attempt to be surreptitious or sneaky with the
Destinies, not Victories – you’ll have to work to get Censor.
them, and they may pass through your hands soon 2 Entangled Destiny: The Catalogues of the
after... Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion. Scrolls detailing
the wonders currently gracing the Pavilion are
DESTINY COST: everywhere in Prosperous Devil – but they are poor
0 Entangled Destiny: Statue of Huang Di. The copies at best. The originals are created by a blind
pride of an otherwise humble country was a great artist-savant, who uses a magnificent Formless
golden statue of the Yellow Emperor which had Technique to capture the wonders perfectly in
stood untarnished over the centuries, seeming minature with his paints. Catalogues stretching
to dispense good fortune on all who lived there. back years are kept in the market – even a handful
However, war blew past like a terrible wind, and are as good as a library of legends and esoterica!
with it mercenaries of Xia – no shock then, that The catalogues provide +5 to any Learning roll to
the statue would appear in the markets of Only identify an item.
Six Devils. The poor nation has suffered terrible
misfortune since the statue vanished!
0 Entangled Destiny: Wind Monkey. A strange
little monkey spirit and legendary companion
to Daoist immortals, Wind Monkey capers and
dances with the swiftness of a storm, and is nearly
as destructive. Only the most serene of souls can


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

2 Entangled Destiny: The Wedding Dress possession, as it flows towards you as naturally as
of Lady Zhou. This magnificent dress is some water flows downhill.
5 . T h e Ad ve n t u re L o re s h e e t of the finest silk-work ever known! It provides 1 Fortune: A Jade destiny! You seek the
+10 to Grace rolls on your wedding day if worn, Splendour for someone whose need is greater than
and makes a superlative gift. the merchant’s need for silver – either selflessly
3 Entangled Destiny: The Black Mandrake. risking your good name for others, or putting
This small, gnarled root is a thing of legend, one yourself first because you want it! At the start of
of the most powerful sources of Jade Chi in all the final scene, you gain 3 points of joss (either
Shen Zhou! Ingesting a sliver provides a +15 kind), that must be spent during that scene.
bonus to five consecutive recovery rolls to recover 2 Fortune: Your destiny is that of fire. You are
from a major Sick or Dying condition inflicted here not for yourself, but out of loyalty to another
by poison or disease. However, so potent is the who desires the splendour. Their motives may
root that anyone not so afflicted who comes into be pure or corrupt, but either way your oath to
contact with it, even through cloth or wood, will recover the treasure drives you – gain +10 to any
immediately contract a major Kuan inspiration rolls during the final scene to bring it into your
(Jade Breath, Recovery 40, Duration Five Scenes, possession.
Interval One Scene), and lose their breath in
Crimson, Gold, Silver and White chi until they The Three Sponsors
recover from the inspiration. [Destiny]
4 Entangled Destiny: The Porcelain Maid. As a group, decide which of the three Sponsors
This marvellous creation is a living girl, made chooses your band for admittance to Prosperous
of porcelain through use of ancient Secret Arts Devil District. Your Sponsor will shower you with
long thought lost! She longs for her freedom from hospitality and offer unique aid in your quest to
the merchant who is trying to sell her, and will recover one of the Splendours! However, as good
actively aid in any attempt to rescue her. guests, naturally you’ll complete one small task before
that aid materialises...
The Five Motivations
[Destiny] While each Sponsor belongs to a different
Archetype, the favour they ask will demand a wide
Choose one of the following to explain why your spread of abilities.
character has come to Shen Zhou and decided to steal
one of the Eight Splendours! Does your righteous DESTINY COST:
character see this as a just, necessary act, or does your 0 Entangled Destiny: Ironhand Nan, master of
scoundrel exult in such a bold robbery? the Sheathed-Blade Empty-Hand Prosperity
Society. This fierce warrior, a renegade member of
the Nan clan, is master of the foremost mercenary
0 Fortune: An Earth destiny drives you – you are
company in Prosperous Devil, and responsible for
in Only Six Devils less to have the Splendour
most of the security of the Ninefold Prosperity
than to show that you can take it. What did the
Pavilion. If he extends his hospitality to you,
merchant do that you need to defeat them so?
you can expect less armoured troops preventing
0 Fortune: Your destiny is white – the Splendour you from taking away the Spendours! He is also
belonged to someone who is now a ghost, and concerned about the corruption of the Guild of
you grieve for them. It is your intention to send Gentleman Appraisers, and will likely ask you to
the Splendour into the afterlife with them! raid their library in order to recover rare texts and
1 Fortune: The Splendour was taken from return them to their rightful owners.
someone close to you unjustly, and you mean to 0 Entangled Destiny: Red Lotus Ling,
rectify this by returning it through any means Headmistress of the Blossoming-Towards-
necessary. Shen Zhou itself aids this attempt Crimson Academy. This beautiful Courtier runs
to restore balance – during the final one of the most exclusive educational facilities in
scene, gain +5 to any roll to all of Shen Zhou: a school training the world’s
bring the item into your most eligible young ladies for a life of marriage


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

and motherhood! Strangely, though, many of make the match, and drags her influential parents
the girls seem to turn out to be fierce courtiers into helping her paramour, despite their objections.

5 . T h e Ad ve n t u re L o re s h e e t
and members of the Wulin themselves... If Red 2 Fortune: One of your rivals will be using a Bei-
Lotus offers you her hospitality, you will be able forged Quality Weapon suited to your fighting
to mingle with these clever girls, and sneak into style.
the markets as part of the retinues of their wealthy
1 Fortune: Random bad luck befalls a rival of
parents. She is concerned, however, about the
your choice!
tendency of the Sheathed Blade mercenaries to
interfere with the business of the school, and will 1 Fortune: Random good luck befalls you!
likely ask you to petition the Governor to ban
them from the grounds – a move the mercenaries
will resist with debate and violence.
0 Entangled Destiny: Razoreyes Gongsun, head
of the Guild of Gentleman Appraisers. This
wizened and acerbic old man remains a brilliant
Scholar, head of a guild of similarly ancient and
knowledgeable savants. They are the only party
trusted to appraise and identify the wonders of
the market, and thus know more about what is
in the market where than any others – if they
sponsor you, you’ll have excellent information
with which to develop a plan of attack! Razoreyes
is also affronted by the profound risk Red Lotus
is taking with the reputation of the district: she’s
having her students offer to appraise and identify
wonders at a bargain price! It’s beneath the dignity
of the elderly to bandy words with the young, so
you’ll have to prove these girls ignorant in a test
of wits – and likely defend yourselves from their
burgeoning kung-fu abilities!
Rivalry, Love and Luck
1 Entangled Destiny: Your destiny is linked with
one of your rivals from the tourney, and you are
guaranteed to encounter them again.
(+1) Fortune: They are destined to meet defeat at
your hands and suffer a –5 modifier on any contested
roll with you.
(+2) Victory: You’re destined to be fast friends
or lovers! You will win them as an ally.
1 Entangled Destiny: A character of your choice
is romantically entangled with one of Red Lotus’
(+1) Fortune: The relationship turns out badly,
causing major inconvenience.
(+1) Victory: It’s love! She becomes an ally of her
(+2) Victory: It’s love, and she’s determined to


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

6. Militant Scholarship the Guild of Gentleman Appraisers, your players
may want to do some in-character chatting between
6 . Mi l i t a n t S c h o l a r s h i p Run the events in this chapter if your PCs choose themselves or with Ironhand Nan. Try to strike a
Ironhand Nan as their sponsor. Note that this balance between allowing the players to have fun
chapter and the following two are quite similar – this playing with characterisation, and moving the action
is intentional as the three tasks set by the sponsors of the game along. Make sure that combat scenes
are structurally similar despite their aesthetic are also filled with talking – play up the NPCs
differences. personalities as they fight, and the players are bound
to respond. Ironhand is quite direct, and difficult to
“My train leaves in 90 minutes and hold in extended conversation. He’ll be very helpful
we’re only a third of the way through!” – giving the PCs pretty much any information that
At this point, you should think seriously about they ask for, so long as he knows it.
pacing if you’re on any sort of time schedule. Ironhand begins to walk towards the gates to
Ideally you want about two hours remaining by Prosperous Devil, gesturing for you to follow him
this point. If you have less, save time where you – clearly not a man for extended ceremony. As he
can by cutting as quickly as possible to the action approaches, the ostentatious jade and gold gates of the
in the Library. If you’re really short on time (say district swing open, and a small army of servants in
you’ve only got an hour) you could jump straight sapphire blue livery scuttle forward, wielding peacock
to the market – tell the players you’re short on
feather brooms! The servants brush furiously to keep the
time, and just ask them to quickly come up with
dust, sand and trash of Unruly Devil out of Prosperous
something cool their characters did while at the
Devil, and as you pass by them, it’s instantly obvious
Even if you have plenty of time, the game is
unlikely to suffer from moving it along at a good Prosperous Devil is beautiful. Not ten yards from
pace. Don’t drag players to the fight scenes if the dust and cramped streets of Unruly Devil, enormous
they’re having fun with whatever they’re doing, green rolling estates are bordered by perfectly laid stone
but it is a wuxia game – not only are the scenes roads. Healthy trees abound, goldfish idle in ponds,
filled with kung-fu especially exciting, but there’s and lanterns hang from gold thread across the roads.
no particular reason not to have the characters There are few buildings but each is like a palace, with
talk just as much when fists are flying as when high walls enclosing bamboo gardens, ornamental
they’re sitting down for tea. pagodas, and sumptuous ancestor shrines. There is a
serenity to it that seems strange but welcoming after
Suggested opening narration: the chaos outside – fewer people walk the streets of
the entire district than any single alleyway outside the
As the last of his soldiers crashes unconscious to the gates!
ground, Ironhand Nan steps forward, scratching at
his stubble. Only one thing could create such a paradise
amongst desert, rugged mountains and a sprawling
“Quite a display,” he rumbles, “but a waste of time.
mass of a city that only a devil could love – money.
The names Xiao-Li Pai, Feng Guo, Liang Shui and
More silver than the legendary Perfected Abacus of
Patience Meng have long been known to me. How
Covetous Xi could count in ten thousand years! The
could I ignore such talent? I offer them the hospitality
source of that unparalleled wealth dominates the heart
of our barracks in Prosperous Devil.”
of the district, like the axle of a wheel – the Ninefold
The important thing here is that Ironhand knows Prosperity Pavilions. This magnificent marketplace
who the characters are, and is familiar with their treads a fine line between refined majesty and truly
deeds. One of the nice things about playing an up- obnoxious displays of wealth. These markets are your
and-coming hero in Shen Zhou is that people tend target, for therein are the wonders you travelled so far
to know that you’re up and coming. to claim, but first, there is the matter of repaying your
Between now and their host for his generous hospitality...
arrival at the Library of


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The barracks of the Sheathed-Blade Empty-Hand Metal Gear Wuxia
Prosperity Society may be the least opulent compound

6 . Mi l i t a n t S c h o l a r s h i p
Of the three tasks asked by the sponsors, this
in the entire district, but they are far more comfortable
is the most likely to provoke a group into tackling
than any mercenary quarters you have seen before.
it like a paramilitary infiltration team, especially if
Its walls are solid but brightly painted, giving every
they’ve played of certain popular cyberpunk games.
indication of both security and success. Inside are signs
of hard training, but the spears, sabers, hook swords, While the default assumption is that the group
wolf-tooth staves and the like on display show no will make a more overt display of their kung-fu
signs of wear – obviously they are of excellent quality, prowess, it’s fine for them to take this tack. They
frequently replaced, or both. will face a couple of problems, however:
• Razoreyes Gongsun is extremely observant,
You are quickly settled in to a guest pavilion
and considerably smarter than Ironhand Nan.
overlooking a bamboo grove – spartan accommodation,
The Appraisers know that the PCs are coming,
but spacious and comfortable. The more astute soon having deduced why Ironhand brought them into
realise, however, that you will not rest there until the district. Excessive snooping about may get the
you have paid for your hospitality – especially when old man’s attention too, though he won’t make
Ironhand calls around with some rice wine. the first move.
“Please forgive me for burdening you with my • Ironhand really wants this done as soon as possible.
troubles,” he says, in a voice that makes it clear he Wulin have a tendency to cause trouble and get
cares little for forgiveness from anyone. “There is a thrown out by the Governor – he has no objection
to that, but wants to make sure his business is
problem that concerns me deeply, and there’s not much
taken care of first. Anyone with decent Awareness
I can do about it myself.” will pick up on this impatience easily – this is a
“In the past five years, nine of the Ten Forbidden Simple (15) Awareness task.
Old Texts have passed through the market – and • Most of the pre-generated characters are far
Razoreyes Gongsun has stolen them all! Naturally, he from stealthy.
has covered up his crimes as legitimate pursuit of his Other than that, they have every chance of
business. I’d like to see that the merchants he swindled sneaking away with the texts unnoticed if they make
have their texts returned, that they may be then sold appropriate rolls in line with their plans. If you’re
to reputable scholars. How else will the good name pressed for time, you may want to abstract a lot
of the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion be maintained? of the cautious set-up common to this style of play
Of course, were I to move against him openly, as a using a few Tactics rolls, giving +5 modifiers for
good quick rundowns of the PCs’ plans.
property owner I would face the Governor’s wrath –
she strives to keep the peace between residents, to avoid
blood-feuds. So here I am, stuck with my rice-wine, The Library of the Guild of
while the texts sit not three li from here in his fabled Gentlemen Appraisers
Library. Such a tragedy, my friends...” The Guild’s compound is circular, with long
The message should be clear, but if need be, dragon designs and displays of calligraphy winding
Ironhand will become more explicit. Of course, around its outer wall. Inside, the various homes of
the players bought into this task, so they should be the Guild members ring the much larger edifice of the
already ready to go! Library, almost a microcosm of the way the district
itself rings the markets. Forty mercenaries guard the
compound, mostly to assure customers that their
Ironhand Nan’s Motives
goods are will remain secure while the Appraisers do
Ironhand Nan intends to return eight of the nine their work. The guards are competent, but not of the
texts to the merchants they were stolen from. What
calibre of Ironhand’s men.
he wants the ninth for is in the Sage’s hands.
The Library is a broad, circular four-
level tower of wood and stone, forty
yards in height and 20 yards


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in diameter. Razoreyes uses this height to hang long Using the setting
banners bearing enormous but exquisite calligraphy
6 . Mi l i t a n t S c h o l a r s h i p extolling the virtues of knowledge, wisdom and old
You can’t swing a fist in the Library without
knocking over a scroll stand, and there will always
age –advertising his Guild’s learning, and reminding
be someone just about to grab a text over the other
observers to respect their elders and betters.
side of the tower. Scrolls and paper should be flying
The interior is a single great room, with the centre everywhere. Big pots of ink should be spilling
dominated by grand tables where the Appraisers – clever players or NPCs might use them to create
meet, study and practice calligraphy. Each of the an unbalancing slick! Lightfoot leaps up, down and
three upper levels is a balcony filled with scroll racks, across levels should be happening constantly – not
chests and shelves. These are the domain of the Little to mention armoured minions crashing through
Brother Appraisers: men and women anywhere from wooden balconies and scattering scrolls with the
fifteen to sixty, judged not yet old or cynical enough impact!
to be true Appraisers! There are 10-20 Little Brothers The key is to have the NPCs make use of the
in the Library at all times. The interior also has many scenery, and describe their actions as impacting on
banners of the type hanging outside – both kinds it every time. It’s pretty clear the NPCs are weaker
give a +5 modifier to Climb the tower. than the PCs, so the players should get the message
that they can go even further!
Finding one of the Nine Texts is a Moderate
(20) Learning task. Critical success makes this a free Use the 5th Rank statistics provided for the two
action. The Texts are distributed throughout the Wulin opponents. Pick a Warrior and a Scholar: the
Library: you can’t repeatedly search a shelf until nine Warrior will lead the minions while the Scholar looks
scrolls fall out, you need to move at least ten yards tofor texts and interferes with PCs. If the Warrior or
a new area and renew your search after finding a text. his minions look like they’re in trouble too early, the
You cannot search in an area where another character Appraisers will reluctantly send in the rest of their
has found a Text. mercenaries. Both Wulin opponents are convinced
The Little Brothers have instructions to secure that the Appraisers have every right to the Texts,
the Texts if unknown Wulin break into the Library. and that Ironhand is conducting blatant thievery – a
They know the Library much better than the PCs, point they debate enthusiastically.
gaining a +10 modifier to their Learning rolls. They Victory!
each have 4 dice of Learning and no access to the
If the PCs escape with five or more texts, Ironhand
River. Five will attempt to secure texts upon seeing
is pleased and will assist them in their attempt to raid
the PCs while the rest attempt to get help, generally
the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion. Otherwise, he is
flail about, or valiantly try to push scroll stacks over
displeased. While he won’t withdraw his hospitality, he
onto the characters. If a Little Brother succeeds in
offers no further assistance. However, the opposition
grabbing a Text, he will run off with it at 10 yards
really isn’t up to the PCs’ calibre, and the encounter
per round. By default, re-securing a Text is a Finesse
will end in victory in the vast majority of cases.
roll resisted by the Little Brother’s two Dodge dice.
However, players may come up with more creative
ways to get texts away from them. Fire! Fire!
Of course, the big danger in a library is fire.
Razoreyes has instructed two of the Wulin he Scattered, torn or even ink-splodged scrolls are just
sponsored into the district to protect the library, and more work for the Little Brothers, but fire will send
given them 20 mercenaries to do so. Choose which everyone into a panic... generally the Little Brothers
band Razoreyes gave hospitality to – preferably, those will drop everything to put it out.
the players seemed least interested in, saving the
Setting the library ablaze, particularly likely with
other band for the finale. It’s also a good idea to have
use of Holy Fire, will earn Razoreyes Gongsun’s
anyone the PCs have entangled as potential allies/
eternal enmity – he will become a Hated Foe of those
love interests show up as well! The Library might get responsible. Clever PCs may wish to use flammable
a little crowded, but crazy fight scenes are an scrolls etc to provide Tactical Opposition to fire-
element of wuxia well worth indulging using foes.


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7. Political Aggression Only one thing could create such a paradise
amongst desert, rugged mountains and a sprawling

7 . Po l i t i c a l A g g re s s i o n
Run the events in this chapter if your players choose mass of a city that only a devil could love – money.
Red Lotus Ling to sponsor their characters.Note that More silver than the legendary Perfected Abacus of
the discussions on timing and characterisation time Covetous Xi could count in ten thousand years! The
at the beginning of the last chapter are just as relevant source of that unparalleled wealth dominates the heart
to this one! of the district, like the axle of a wheel – the Ninefold
Suggested opening narration: Prosperity Pavilions. This magnificent marketplace
treads a fine line between refined majesty and truly
A satisfied smile crosses Red Lotus’ lips as the last of obnoxious displays of wealth. These markets are your
Ironhand Nan’s soldiers crashes to the ground.
target, for therein are the wonders you travelled so far
“Well!” She exclaims, standing gracefully, languidly to claim, but first, there is the matter of repaying your
fanning herself against the heat of the desert city. host for his generous hospitality...
“That was certainly an entertaining way to spend an
A lavish garden of ponds and waterfalls surrounds
afternoon. My thanks to the honourable master Nan
the Blossoming-Towards-Crimson Academy. Beautiful
for his efforts in arranging this tourney.
red buildings sit within the garden, clearly various
The fan clicks shut. pieces of manor houses, temples, palaces and other
“However, I must regretfully suggest that it was places that a married noblewoman would be expected
for no purpose other than entertainment. As mistress to be well at home in. Unlike most other estates in the
of the Blossoming-Towards-Crimson Academy, I am district, the Academy is not walled, and you can see
trusted to bring young women to their day of wearing the students at within the grounds. Most of these girls
red in all proper virtue. The ghosts of my ancestors seem either docile, silly or both, products of sheltered
would be shamed were I to invite any less than the and spoiled lives. However, others watch you with
most noble of heroes to share a roof with those girls. sharp eyes that betray keen minds, and you catch a
How could I invite any other than Xiao-Li Pai, Feng glimpse of at least a few training with weapons –
Guo, Liang Shui and Patience Sima?” perhaps even the beginnings of the Unfolding Glory
She nods to you gracefully and moves with practiced style you saw Pretty Hark use at the tourney.
elegance to the gates. The implication that you should Red Lotus bids you farewell for a short time while
follow her is unmistakeable! you are settled into quarters. Oddly enough, while
As she approaches, the ostentatious jade and gold your rooms are opulent, they are attached to a kung-
gates of the district swing open, and a small army fu training hall! The hall is in the centre of a small
of servants in sapphire blue livery scuttle forward, lake in the heart of one of the thickest peony groves on
wielding peacock feather brooms! The servants brush the estate, and has no bridge – it is necessary to use
furiously to keep the dust, sand and trash of Unruly Lightfoot to reach it!
Devil out of Prosperous Devil, and as you pass by Unsurprisingly you are figures of great interest
them, it’s instantly obvious why. to the girls, and many find excuses to be by the lake
Prosperous Devil is beautiful. Not ten yards from – calligraphy practice, reading poetry and the like.
the dust and cramped streets of Unruly Devil, enormous Most can barely contain their giggling, but a few seem
green rolling estates are bordered by perfectly laid stone interested but not unsettled by your presence – a few
roads. Healthy trees abound, goldfish idle in ponds, gazes of such calculating appraisal are directed your
and lanterns hang from gold thread across the roads. way that you feel like you’re about to be sold in the
There are few buildings but each is like a palace, with Pavilions yourself!
high walls enclosing bamboo gardens, ornamental
Realistically, you won’t actually get through that
pagodas, and sumptuous ancestor shrines. There is a
much narration. However, the above should give
serenity to it that seems strange but welcoming after
you plenty of details to use moving the
the chaos outside – fewer people walk the streets of
characters along from the tourney
the entire district than any single alleyway outside the
to the Academy and hence

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

to their task. Most likely, they will wish to interact Some less sophisticated members of the community
with Red Lotus and possibly the girls of the academy, take this as license to indulge in petty bullying,
7 . Po l i t i c a l A g g re s s i o n which unless you’re extremely pressed for time should assuming that any escalation on the part of those so
be encouraged. Red Lotus is a refined but somewhat assaulted will draw the Governor’s displeasure. Such
playful courtier, who has no particular secrets to hide an unworthy dog is Ironhand Nan and his Empty
from the PCs. She’ll happily explain that her most Hand Society. He claims the constant presence of
talented students receive a proper education, training his followers on the borders of my Academy’s estate
them to dominate both the courts and the Wulin! is charitable protection of the vulnerable young girls
She will answer any questions the PCs about the here – an excuse lighter than silk and not one hundredth
district to the best of her ability, though of the three
as strong! They are spying and bullying, frightening
sponsors she has the least actual knowledge of the
the girls with their leers and recording the movements
markets themselves.
of their parents when they come to visit.
If the players have shown any interest in the
girls of the Academy (including but not limited to Naturally, as I act in the role of their mother, I
entangling themselves with them), make use of the have a Confucian duty to reciprocate the devotion of
Unfurling Crimson Banner Sisterhood detailed in the my girls by protecting them from such things – how
Wulin chapter. These girls might provide a retinue can I teach them filial piety if I do not respect it
for Red Lotus on the way to the Academy through myself? Yet I cannot go directly to the Governor to
Prosperous Devil, or otherwise be bold enough to petition her to ban the soldiers from our grounds, for
approach the PCs in their quarters via Lightfoot - then it would appear that I am the one bearing a
they are also the girls who can be seen practicing the grudge! It’s especially mortifying as so many of the girls’
beginnings of Unfolding Glory. If any entanglements parents will be arriving this evening. I hope you can
are formed, some or all of the girls may insist on sympathise with my difficulties.”
accompanying the PCs on their mission, acting as
Red Lotus’ language is flowery, but her point
“witnesses” against the Empty Hand Society before
is blunt: the PCs are to petition the Governor to
the Governor.
keep the Empty Hand Society from the grounds of
However, if the players are just waiting for the the Academy. If the players don’t get this instantly,
chance to bust out the wirework violence at the next characters with decent Awareness (particularly Liang
opportunity, don’t belabour the schoolgirls too much Shui or Patience Meng) will grasp it instantly, along
– get straight to the task at hand! with the implication that it must be done before the
After an hour or two happily drinking in the parents arrive.
serenity and beauty of the Academy - a welcoming The Audience Chamber of Sapphire Miang
change after the hard journey on the Yellow River and
The palaces of the District Governors of Only Six
your time in the manic Unruly Devil - your hostess
Devils tend to be quite unusual – a combination of
comes to take tea with you. In a comfortably appointed
the rather unique personalities of those six worthies
chamber bedecked with jade decorative weapons and
and the necessity of showing off their importance
red ornamental scrolls, she confides in you a difficulty without looking like they are placing themselves
she’s facing. above the Iron Shadow Warlord. Sapphire Miang has
“Anyone can see, dear guests, that you are wise the additional agenda of demonstrating that she is
people, possessing great wu-wei! Surely you will have not the hub of the district – for all her authority, it is
noticed how this district seems to revolve around the the silver tael that truly rules Prosperous Devil. As a
markets - indeed, for all the noble appearance of result, the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion remains the
our estates, we are one and all servants of the silver heart of the district, and by far the most impressive
tael. Governor Miang is concerned first and foremost edifice. Miang instead maintains five estates in a ring
with the maintenance of the district’s prosperity; as a about the markets, quite eloquently declaring that
result, she frowns upon direct disputes between she controls access to the markets, if not the markets
landowners, ensuring there is no soil from themselves entirely.
which grudges might flower.


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Today the Governor is receiving petitioners in her precise rate of flow of the Yellow River. Whether
Water Palace, southwest of the markets. Unlike many she was born with beauty is unknown, but in her

7 . Po l i t i c a l A g g re s s i o n
Governors this is a restful time for her, as she has middle years she has obtained a poise and aura of
so few independent citizens that petitioners are quite accomplishment that many find beautiful. Her hair is
rare (by contrast, Cleaver Chen would never dream of greying, but the sapphires arranged artfully through
inviting petitioners without requiring massive bribes it are most flattering. Of course, it is her keen eyes
from them, just to keep the situation manageable). and very sharp wit that the observant fixate upon,
As a consequence, she is somewhat bored, and the and others overlook to their peril.
characters will have little trouble getting in to see True to the nature of the Water Palace, the
her. Governor is in a mood dictated by stasis. She will
The Water Palace is dominated by a long, mostly receive the PCs with few words, using the smallest
flooded courtyard. Wulin are encouraged to Lightfoot gestures to invite them to begin stating their case.
across to the palace building proper, but massively Have each PC make a Grace roll at Everyday (18)
overgrown blue lotus flowers act as a compromise difficulty to impress her with their manners – good
between bridges and boats for those who have not descriptions can earn a +5 bonus. Success ensures
cultivated their chi. A long and broad stairway leads the Governor is well-disposed to their proposals –
up to the audience chamber, lined with Miang’s add 5 yards to the final distance the Empty Hand
personal guards. Forty guards are present, although mercenaries must stay from the school (see below)
they will not involve themselves in combat unless the for each successful roll. Add 10 yards for a Critical
Governor is attacked. Inside, the hall is extremely Success. Subtract 5 yards for each failure – there’s no
long, with draping blue silk banners and curtains middle ground!
on either side of a central pool, stretching the length After this roll, as the PCs begin to present their
of the hall, in which thousands of blue candles float argument, have them make Everyday (18) Senses rolls
and cast an eerie light. Wulin can Lightfoot easily – with a success, they realise that shafts in the roof
amongst them, whereas others must gingerly wade (more for the movement of air than light) allow access
to the Governor. Blue paper lanterns amidst the to the hall – and that Ironhand’s soldiers are about to
hangings add to the strange lighting. drop in! If they fail, they are technically Surprised
The Governor kneels upon a raised platform, as two Wulin and 40 soldiers jump down through
practicing calligraphy in blue ink on an exceptionally the silk hangings (many dropping in the water and
long scroll that her servants move past her at the sending candles flying!). However, their foes do not
attack on the first turn as they are recovering from
“A most auspicious argument, worthy sir. the drop.
Please allow me to retort with my Choose one of the two bands to be the one
Thousand Scythe kick.” Ironhand gave hospitality to – preferably, make it the
Many players will assume that social actions one the players seemed least interested in, saving the
and kung-fu will generally not happen in the same other band for the finale. However, it’s probably a
scene. good idea to have anyone the PCs have entangled
This is your chance to disabuse them of that as potential allies/love interests (including Red Lotus
notion in the most enjoyable way possible – by girls) show up in addition to these opponents. Feel
staging a rollicking kung-fu debate. The key to this free to introduce more minions and Wulin for any
will be the NPCs, who will act like discussing the allies to fight, but it should act purely as background
finer points of customary law with someone while colour. Use the 5th Rank stats provided for the two
kicking them in the face is the most natural thing in Wulin chosen by Ironhand to “present his case”
the world. Be appropriately elastic with tactical time – by default, this should be one Courtier and one
– it doesn’t seem odd in a well choreographed movie Warrior. The soldiers are Gang fighters divided into
or comic that fighters always seem to have plenty two groups of 20, one following each Wulin, with a
of time to natter on about their love triangles or
Rating of 5.
uniting all under heaven, and Weapons of the Gods
games can benefit from having a similar feel.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

As this occurs, the Governor will smile with an Victory!
obviously brightened demeanour. “Ah!” she says. “A After 5 rounds, tally the result of the debate:
7 . Po l i t i c a l A g g re s s i o n debate! Excellent!” subtract the opposition’s result dice from the PC’s
Her servants roll out fresh paper for her, and total, after adding any bonus from the initial Grace
she places five characters on it – one for each of roll for minding their manners! Each result dice
the elements. “Please present an argument for each contributes 10 yards to the final distance to which the
element. I will make my decision based on how Empty Hand Society may approach the Academy.
auspicious they are overall.” Without hesitation, If the total is 60 yards or more, Red Lotus will
Ironhand’s advocates attack, even as their Courtier be overjoyed and assist the PCs in their assault on
begins to debate, and their Warrior demands the market. If less, she is unhappy and will not assist
respectful silence! them, but does not revoke her hospitality. If somehow
the total is negative, Red Lotus is furious and will
Sapphire Miang not allow the PCs back on the grounds (Ironhand’s
The Governor has excellent Kung Fu and men probably taunt them by offering to go in and get
numerous guards, but it’s unlikely anyone will offer their gear).
her violence directly. If she comes in danger from
the environment she will activate Lightfoot and The Governor announces the total in a ringing
move (scroll and all) to a safer position, without tone, and proclaims it law that mercenary companies
breaking the flow of her calligraphy. She will not may approach no closer than that to the Academy.
act like the combat in her audience chamber is in In the unlikely event any of Ironhand’s advocates are
any way unusual or undesirable. standing, they flee at this point, swearing revenge.

Using the environment

Each round, choose an element, and have the
Between the pool, candles, lanterns, silk
Governor’s brush hover near it. As a full action, a
hangings and Sapphire Miang’s servants, you
character can make a Persuade skill roll to present
have no shortage of props to go flying. Make sure
their case, gaining a +5 modifier if the argument is
the NPCs’ actions create appropriate turbulence,
appropriate to that element. A character can sacrifice
have servants desperately throw themselves on
their full action to oppose this roll with an argument
candles or splashes of water that might mar the
of their own, rolling Persuade in the same fashion:
calligraphy scroll, and describe the plight of
the opposition Courtier will do this on any round in
Ironhand’s soldiers, forced to splash about without
which they lose initiative. Otherwise, the roll is made
at Moderate (20) difficulty, with a critical success
making the argument a Free Action. The Governor By default, none of this will cause mechanical
only records the first argument from each side each trouble, but it should make the scene more vivid
round – further attempts are useless. Even if the - especially for anyone who’s seen the similar
PCs (as is likely) destroy their opposition within less (though dryer) hall in Hero, and may be leveraged
than five rounds, the Governor will expect five total by clever players for tactical opposition, or even
arguments to be made, so continue rolling for until circumstance bonuses. The key is to play up the
all five elements are done! NPCs’ impact on the scenery, so the players aren’t
shy about knocking it about themselves!


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8. Wisdom of the Elders the chaos outside – fewer people walk the streets of
the entire district than any single alleyway outside the

8 . Wi s d o m o f t h e El d e r s
Run the events in this chapter if the PCs choose gates!
Razoreyes Gongsun and the Guild of Gentleman Only one thing could create such a paradise
Appraisers as their sponsor. As with the previous amongst desert, rugged mountains and a sprawling
chapter, the notes on timing and characterisation
mass of a city that only a devil could love – money.
in Militant Scholarship are just as applicable to this
More silver than the legendary Perfected Abacus of
Covetous Xi could count in ten thousand years! The
Suggested opening narration: source of that unparalleled wealth dominates the heart
As the last of the mercenaries is slammed into the dust of the district, like the axle of a wheel – the Ninefold
of the tourney grounds, Razoreyes Gongsun’s patience Prosperity Pavilions. This magnificent marketplace
finally snaps. He rises to his feet with as much speed as treads a fine line between refined majesty and truly
his advanced years allow. Narrowing beady eyes at the obnoxious displays of wealth. These markets are your
assembled Wulin, he visibly shakes with rage! target, for therein are the wonders you travelled so far
to claim, but first, there is the matter of repaying your
“You impious rascals, do I look like I have long
host for his generous hospitality...
left to live? How dare you waste my time with such
incompetence! I will soon be with your ancestors, and The compound of the Guild of Gentleman Appraisers
they will haunt you to your dying days when they hear is circular, with long dragon designs and displays of
how atrociously you have treated your elders. Imagine calligraphy winding around its outer wall. Inside, the
leaving a respected citizen such as myself sitting out various homes of the Guild members ring the much
here in the dusty hell of Unruly Devil without so much larger edifice of the Library, almost a microcosm
as showing me one thing worth seeing! Only Xiao-Li of the way the district itself rings the markets. The
Pai, Feng Guo, Liang Shui and Patience Sima have Library itself is a broad, circular four-level tower of
merit as heroes, and I knew that the moment they wood and stone, forty yards in height and 20 yards in
stepped onto the docks!” diameter. Long banners with enormous but exquisite
calligraphy extolling the virtues of knowledge, wisdom
The ancient scholar begins to stalk off towards the
and old age hang down its walls, yet more evidence of
gates. After a moment, he gazes back at the four of
Razoreyes’ determination to make sure no-one forgets
you with the eyes of an angry falcon. “Well? Are you
to honour their elders.
coming or not? We should have left hours ago... to
think I missed the appraisal of the Duke of Zhou’s You are pointedly herded away from the Library and
pipe to see those eight fools prance uselessly!” towards rather comfortable quarters near the Guild’s
mercenary barracks. Your needs are well catered for,
As he approaches, the ostentatious jade and gold
and though the furniture of your rooms is far from
gates of the district swing open, and a small army
gaudy, it is of exquisite quality and decorated with
of servants in sapphire blue livery scuttle forward,
wielding peacock feather brooms! The servants brush antiques that would anywhere else be considered the
furiously to keep the dust, sand and trash of Unruly pride of a collection. You suspect Razoreyes gets away
Devil out of Prosperous Devil, and as you pass by with his foul humour for more than Shen Zhou’s
them, it’s instantly obvious why. respect for the elderly – vast wealth speaks louder than
an old man’s wheeze.
Prosperous Devil is beautiful. Not ten yards from
the dust and cramped streets of Unruly Devil, enormous As with the other scenarios, don’t expect to get
green rolling estates are bordered by perfectly laid stone through all the narration – presumably the players
roads. Healthy trees abound, goldfish idle in ponds, will want to interact with their surroundings or
and lanterns hang from gold thread across the roads. NPCs, and should be encouraged to do so. Just use
There are few buildings but each is like a palace, with the above as inspiration for your own introduction
high walls enclosing bamboo gardens, ornamental of the players to Prosperous Devil and the
pagodas, and sumptuous ancestor shrines. There is a Guild’s compound. Unlike the other
scenarios, however, this one
serenity to it that seems strange but welcoming after


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

sports a rather irascible and sour old man, who is and accomplished – lower ourselves to argue with
much more difficult to engage in conversation than little girls in the street? No, there’s only one thing to be
8 . Wi s d o m o f t h e El d e r s the straightforward Ironhand Nan or the amiable done… They are holding an appraisal session in about
Red Lotus. The best way of handling this is to an hour. You must go down there and demonstrate
have Gongsun’s lackeys – ‘Little Brothers,’ junior their ignorance with superior learning. You’re close to
Appraisers judged not yet elderly and cynical enough them in age, so it will be no shame for you, and no
by the geriarchy – to be obviously pained and doubt it will give you an opportunity to give some
panicked by the old man’s treatment of such powerful of your rivals from the tourney a proper thrashing.
warriors. The Little Brothers will rephrase Razoreyes’ Perform to your capabilities and I’ll ensure you have
words in the most diplomatic way they can, and
an easy time of it when you seek to liberate your goals
fall over themselves to help the mighty Wulin with
from the markets.”
any questions they may have about the District or
the Guild. If the PCs ask any questions not found While it’s blatantly obvious that Razoreyes wants
in this module, just make up an answer that seems to maintain his monopoly over appraisal in the
appropriate (and jot it down for future reference if district, it is true that the market is unlikely to be
you plan to run more games in Only Six Devils!). helped by amateur competition. Why go all the way
to Only Six Devils when the goods in the markets
Eventually a sharp knock at your door heralds the are appraised by schoolgirls? You may as well stay in
return of Razoreyes Gongsun. While you’re not exactly Thrashing Minister City!
pleased to see him, the thought of repaying your
implicit debt to him is rather appealing. He creaks his “Um, we’re supposed to punch schoolgirls?”
way over to a chair slowly, irritably waving away the The central message of last chapter bears repeating
‘Little Brothers’ trying to assist him. here: talking and kung fu can not only share a scene,
“Some claim I’m an irritable, mean-spirited old they enjoy considerable synergy.
man.” He pauses, almost as if setting a trap of silence That said, the point of the scene is NOT to skewer
to catch any in his retinue who are simply toadies. schoolgirls, but to debate them. While the Unfurling
“Strictly speaking, that’s as accurate as if Huang Di Crimson Banner Sisterhood have some kung-fu
himself had said it, but that’s beside the point. You’re skills, the violence will be provided by mercenary
intelligent looking for a pack of Wulin ruffians, so troops and the PCs’ Wulin rivals. Feel free to make
that clear to the players as soon as necessary, though
you’ll have surmised straight away that I wouldn’t
since the girls will not by default offer violence,
be nearly as successful if I hadn’t consistently pleased nobody should feel put into the position of having to
the Governor by turning my considerable gifts to the give a teenage girl a decidedly unheroic pummelling
wellbeing of the community. (well, other than Pretty Hark).
So, you will grasp that I do not say this solely out of
an old man’s sourness: Red Lotus Ling is throwing the The Blossoming-Towards-Crimson Academy
reputation of the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion into The appearance and grounds of the academy are
the dirt! Her ignorant students give away appraisals of described at length in Political Aggression, but this
goods for the markets for but a handful of silver coins, scene does not take place within the school proper.
and too many gullible merchants are falling for it! The Unfurling Crimson Banner Sisterhood have set
Even the few girls who have some native intelligence up a small appraisal fair at the edge of the estate,
don’t have the experience to tell the sword Tiger Soul amidst a bamboo grove dominated by silver statues of
from an aphrodisiac. Imagine the humiliation we’ll all the most legendary sages and scholars of Shen Zhou’s
endure when their errors inevitably ruin the markets’ history. Statues of Huang Di, the youthful features
reputation! of Bufon Ju, and the shrouded figure of the Wulin
Of course, there’s nothing I can do about it. The Sage gaze down upon the proceedings! Razoreyes
Governor forbids direct conflict between the Gongsun is rather pointedly absent from the august
land owners of the district. Even if she metal assemblage.
didn’t, how could we – a respected The Sisterhood has mercenary guards: twenty
organization of the elderly Gang fighters and two Wulin from the tourney.


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Choose which of the two bands the Red Lotus • A fiendishly clever silver puzzle-box, wrought to
gave hospitality to – preferably, make it the one the resemble a tangle of thorns (Relevant Skill: Crafting)

8 . Wi s d o m o f t h e El d e r s
players seemed least interested in, saving the other • An embarrassingly explicit scroll speaking eloquently
band for the finale. Feel free to have anyone the of the events of a certain court during a certain Emperor’s
PCs have entangled as potential allies/love interests reign, but with identifying details changed to protect
the guilty (Relevant Skill: Politics)
(including Red Lotus girls) show up as well. You can
introduce more minions and Wulin for these allies to • An intricate clockwork Go table apparently trying
to give rather specific military advice in highly obscure
fight, but these should only be background colour,
fashion (Relevant Skill: Tactics).
and their actions don’t need to be rolled out. Use 5th
Rank stats for the two Wulin assigned to guard the Make sure you inform the players which ability is
Crimson Banner girls – preferably a Warrior and a to be rolled!
Scholar (the Warrior leads the mercenary troops). While this is going on, a furious Kung Fu battle
A large number of wealthy individuals (most should be in progress. The Scholar opponent will do
with their own mercenary guards) have come to their best to rebut and ridicule the PCs’ appraisals –
have items appraised – mostly friends and business this has no mechanical effect, but should keep people
contacts of the girls’ parents. They will act as an talking. Meanwhile, the Warrior will lecture the PCs
audience, and their troops will not intervene in the on bullying little girls – a somewhat uncharitable
inevitable violence except to extricate their clients interpretation that the PCs will be in their rights
from immediate danger. For their part, the clients to refute with words, fists or both! It’s reasonably
will make appreciative noises at the unfolding drama likely the PCs will defeat their opponents before the
as appropriate. appraisal is over – if so, the appraisal continues over
the crumpled forms of their foes!
There are five artefacts waiting to be appraised. If
challenged in any way, the Crimson Banner girls will If the PCs succeed on three or more of the
indignantly demand that their challengers compete appraisals Razoreyes will be overjoyed (perhaps going
with them to offer the superior appraisal, while their so far as to give the PCs an approving nod), and will
Wulin protectors will simultaneously attack. The PCs assist them with the markets. Otherwise, he has to be
must meet both challenges at once! Each round, one convinced by the Little Brothers not to try to have
of the girls will hold up an item for appraisal. them turfed back into Unruly Devil!

Competitive appraising involves creating a name Using the environment

and short history for the item, and then making a Bamboo groves are a staple of the kung-fu
contested roll of a skill relevant to the item. This is a genre.Even an entirely random group of players
full action, or a free action on a critical success. The should have a pretty good grasp of what they’re for,
girls roll 4 dice, and enjoy a +5 bonus for having been but don’t hesitate to have the NPCs demonstrate!
pre-informed of which items would be brought to Bamboo should slide apart and fall in the aftermath
them, but they have no River to use. The contested of sword cuts, constantly rustling and bending as
roll is made when a PC chooses to do so, on their fighters jump about from stalk to stalk, and leaves
initiative. Only one PC can do this each round, and should be falling everywhere!
if the round ends with no roll being made, the girl Meanwhile, the silver statues are there for a single
automatically wins. PCs can gain a +5 bonus for purpose – to fall over, as catastrophically as possible.
coming up with clever or entertaining ideas for the The Crimson Banner girls have a red silk tent from
secret history of the items – there is no default “truth” which they conduct their appraisals – it should be
as to what they are; rather any explanation made in torn up and collapse at the first available moment.
combination with a winning roll. Wealthy folk should end up running about in a
panic, their finery becoming stained as the dirt of
The items are:
the forest floor is churned up by their running.
• A scroll with particularly fine calligraphy. However,
each character is written backwards, and the text Simply put: the fact that success in this scene is
apparently making no sense (Relevant Skill: Learning) determined by academic victory should not
• An ossified organ of some kind, glowing with a faint in any sense lessen its action element!
red light (Relevant Skill: Medicine)


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9. The Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion “Did anyone else realise Zhou Dynasty
9 . T h e Ni n e f o l d Pro s p e r i t y Pa v i l i o n architecture was so... big?”
Run the events in this chapter after the PCs
complete the task set them by their sponsor. In Weapons of the Gods, you can encounter
Alternatively, run them at any time they decide to anyone from a humble rice farmer to baneful
kung-fu warriors who can split mountains with
storm the markets in a fit of Wulin impetuousness!
their hands. So too do the locations range from
rustic shacks to spectacular palaces you couldn’t
The Home Stretch build today, let alone in the early fourth century!
Having finished the second major scene of the Only Six Devils is one of the best places in Shen
adventure, you should ideally have about an hour Zhou to see this contrast, from the mad warren of
remaining. If you have more, great – luxuriate mismatched buildings that is Unruly Devil, to the
in the final fight scene, adding whatever detail Cold Fortress of its master (depicted on page 60
seems fun, or finish up early and spend some time of the main rulebook).
discussing the game and system with the players. Even in Prosperous Devil this gradient from the
If you have less than an hour but more than familiar to the fantastic is evident. The compound
half an hour, you should be fine as long as you pay of the Guild of Gentleman Appraisers and the
attention to pacing and keep the scene moving at Blossoming-Towards-Crimson Academy are
a good clip. remarkably well-appointed, but neither would be
If you have less than half an hour, realistically out of place in historical China. Sapphire Miang’s
you’re not going to get through the scene. Your palaces are extraordinary, but would not be jarring
best course of action is to begin it, and then use in an epic kung-fu movie. The Ninefold Prosperity
the appearance of rival Wulin looking for the Pavilion, however, is a rival to the Cold Fortress –
same Splendours as the PCs as a cliffhanger (it vast, fantastic, and far more elaborate than even the
might be best to omit the sponsor’s warning about economy of Prosperous Devil can justify. It is most
their rivals from the setup for this scene). If you properly at home in the comics.
can arrange another session, begin with the market By default, you should play up this escalation
scene, and flesh out the rest of the session with plot of locations throughout the adventure. The more
hooks from the next chapter. spectacular the market is, the less the players are
likely to feel they’re indulging in petty theft, as
The Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion is the characters’ opposed to an act of heroic daring. If they’re fans
of kung-fu comics, leaping around enormous and
objective, and forms the final - and hopefully most
strange locations with Lightfoot is probably part of
exciting – scene of the adventure.
the appeal of the game in the first place!
Ideally, this scene should take place after the However, if your players are looking for an
players have completed their task for their sponsor. experience more authentic to historical China or
Run a short bridging scene between that encounter popular kung-fu epics like Crouching Tiger, Hidden
and this – it will give the sponsors a chance to react Dragon or Hero, feel free to scale back the markets
appropriately to the PCs’ success (or lack thereof ), to be appropriate to that level of fantasy – the action
and give them impetus to head to the markets. If of the scene should function exactly the same!
(as is most likely), the PCs were victorious, the
sponsor will praise them (or get as close to praise as
The sponsor will warn the PCs that while the
Razoreyes can manage, if they chose the Appraisers),
Wulin they fought earlier will probably lay low for a
and explain to them the assistance they’ll be offering
little while, those guested by the third Sponsor (Red
them at the market (see the callout below). If the
Lotus if the PCs are with Ironhand, Razoreyes if they
PCs failed, they’ll be lectured, but pushed towards
chose Lotus, or Ironhand if they chose Razoreyes)
the markets regardless – of course, in this case, it’s
have been most active – gathering up catalogues,
because the sponsor wants to get rid of them!
questioning locals on the markets, and generally
watching the Pavilion from afar. It’s clear they’re
planning something soon!


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The focus on the Wulin rivals is important – apart The central tower is the widest (they are largely
from the complications inherent to the Splendours equal in height), its walls apparently carved from solid

9 . T h e Ni n e f o l d Pro s p e r i t y Pa v i l i o n
chosen by the PCs, their Wulin rivals are the primary sapphire. The eight other towers, mostly constructed
challenge of the scene. Realistically, there’s little a of fine woods and white marble, are spaced equally
merchant (no matter how wealthy) can do to stop around it, and surrounded themselves by much
determined Wulin from making off with his goods smaller wooden structures. All of the structures are
– normally they rely on Ironhand Nan to prevent extremely open and airy, letting light and air stream
this, but today he’s either secretly backing the thieves, into the markets within.
or determined not to get involved. You might want The market is quite crowded when compared to
to conceal the group’s rivals until the Splendours are the rest of the district. Particularly busy is the central
almost in their hands, but by default, the players tower, serving as the main gathering place and social
should feel the need to keep the pace up! nexus of the Pavilion. Relative to the actual size of
The Pavilion the markets, however, they are incredibly sparsely
The Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion is one of the populated – most merchants have an enormous
most spectacular structures in all of Six Devil City, amount of space to themselves, and only the bottom
only definitively eclipsed by the Cold Fortress of the level of each tower is used for commerce. The
Iron Shadow Warlord. However, it does not reveal its market is beautiful, but its size relative to the actual
true majesty until one draws close – from a distance, requirements of its function is nothing less than
the markets seem a majestic series of pagodas and appalling.
pavilions, but nothing particularly remarkable in The central tower is entirely hollow, and it is a
scale. This is an illusion: the markets are set in a deep rare person who remains unimpressed when standing
depression, and less than half their height is visible within that vast sapphire cylinder. Dim blue paper
from outside! The walls of the depression are circular, lanterns subtly enhance the natural lighting, and
vertical, with a vast diorama of Nüwa’s battle against bright white lanterns join them in the evening. The
the River Lord and his minions to create humanity circular hall is dominated by a great statue of Nüwa,
carved into them in bas-relief. Five stairways to the under which gather those who have come to the
markets spiral down in a mandala pattern, waterfalls market to sell a single wonder, waiting for the buyers
arcing out from strategic places in the bas-relief to to heed them. The buyers themselves – representatives
pass over the stairs! of the wealthiest and most powerful men and women
As the walls are fifty yards high (or, more correctly, in all Shen Zhou – gather in groups in the centre.
deep), it’s quite an experience merely to walk down to They whisper fiercely, attempting to get the better of
the market! Of course, on the edge of the Northern each other, but prevent the merchants from exploiting
Desert, having thirty waterfalls merely for decoration their rivalry. Brokers and lesser merchants scuttle up
is not mere opulence, it’s obscenity beyond even the to these professional buyers, as well those visiting the
vast waste of water keeping Prosperous Devil green, market, hoping to tempt them into a lucrative deal,
exciting both desire and loathing in the inhabitants or sell them luxuries to ease the stresses of dealing in
of other districts! the market.
At the bottom of the depression is a lake of clear Empty-Hand Society troops patrol the market.
water, in which sits a carefully manicured garden Many merchants keep other troops with their goods,
island. The pavilions and pagodas (towers, when but in general they are few in number and less fierce
revealed at their full height) rise from the island, than Ironhand’s soldiers.
linked by white stone bridges. The clever will quickly The principle merchants of the district (arguably
deduce the reason for the lowered position of the the principle merchants of Only Six Devils, or as they
market – it keeps such tall towers from exceeding would have it, Shen Zhou) occupy the surrounding
the height of the Cold Fortress! Everything else structures, which the buyers typically move to and
about the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion displays from via the sapphire hall. In this particular case,
staggering hubris, but its builders were not so foolish each of the Splendours is with a merchant
as to challenge the Iron Shadow Warlord in even the in a different tower.
smallest way.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Statue of Huangti: Luckily, this three yard tall,
Assistance from the Sponsors
solid gold statue of the Yellow Emperor is miraculously
9 . T h e Ni n e f o l d Pro s p e r i t y Pa v i l i o n If the PCs succeeded on the task assigned to lighter than one would expect. Sadly, the Immortal
them by their sponsors, they receive the following Emperor has no patience for sloth. Heaven has
assistance in their raids: not made his Yellow counterpart easy to carry, just
• Ironhand Nan: The master of the Empty- possible... it takes a Legendary (40) Lift roll to pick
Hand Society gives strict orders that the PCs up the statue, after which an awkward shuffle will
are not to be interfered with. The Empty-Hand take you five yards per round (it effectively weights
soldiers ignore the PCs, effectively halving the about 1,500 pounds). There’s no particularly obvious
number of Minions the PCs need face. or easy way to get the damn thing out of the market,
• Red Lotus Ling: Many of the parents of the but you should be receptive to any ideas the players
Red Lotus girls are visiting – it’s no trouble to may come up with – the player hasn’t bought active
have the PCs integrated into their shopping trips! hindrance, just a general lack of help.
Hiding amongst the rich and powerful families Wind Monkey: This monkey is not just
and their retinues gives a +5 modifier to Stealth hyperactive, it’s actively mischievous. Wind Monkey
rolls, but more importantly, who would dare risk unlock ed its cage several hours ago, but decided to
hurting them and starting a feud? If a family and hang around in order to make trouble. Once the
retinue is present, a PC can use them to tactically PC (or a Wulin rival) arrives, the monkey will burst
frustrate their rivals, allowing a Confidence, from its cage and bolt for it, leading them on a merry
Grace or Inspire roll as a Tactical Opposition chase throughout the market and its surrounds.
Free Action. Add a +5 modifier if the PC is Wind Monkey resists all attempts to seize it with
romantically entangled with the Red Lotus girl Dodge (6 dice, +10 modifier), or Athletics (6 dice,
in question, +10 if they purchased the one-point +5 modifier) as appropriate. It moves 20 yards a
love Victory, and +15 if they purchased the two- turn as its normal move, and is considered to have
point version. Make sure the players are aware of Lightfoot to Headlong Flying Leap, with effectively
this ability – it’s not a secret for them to discover. infinite chi to fuel the techniques. Once caught, only
• Razoreyes Gongsun: The Guild of Gentleman a Hard (30) Awareness roll to show supreme serenity
Appraisers can provide exceptionally detailed will quieten the monkey – otherwise it’s a constant
information on the Splendours. Explain to the struggle!
players the exact mechanics for the complications
The Mirror of Ying Zheng: The key problem
for obtaining the Splendours (as detailed below).
with the Mirror is its fragility. Whenever a character
Any time the players can relate information given
carries the mirror in combat or moves faster than 5
to them by Gongsun to a roll to interact with a
yards in a round, they must make an Everyday (18)
Splendour, they benefit from a +5 modifier.
Finesse roll at the end of the round. The Sage may
The Splendours also elect to make this roll if particularly spectacular
violence occurs near the Mirror while it’s at rest, in
Each of the Splendours has a degree of awkwardness
which case a single die is rolled. If the roll is failed,
associated with it, inversely proportionate to the
the Mirror begins to vibrate alarmingly, on the verge
amount of destiny spent to entangle it. As a result,
of breaking. Roll again at the end of the next round
acquiring the Statue of Huangti or Wind Monkey
(regardless of conditions during that round) – if the
are the most difficult tasks in the adventure, while
roll succeeds, the Mirror is steadied. If it is failed, it
the Porcelain Maid is on the cusp of rescuing herself
breaks. During the round in which it vibrates, any
character can attempt to steady the Mirror as a full
Each Splendour is in a different merchant action with an Everyday (18) Finesse roll.
stall – while the merchant will protest the theft of
A character carrying the Mirror may always
their goods, there’s not much they can do beyond
defend for it with their Dodge or Finesse skills. Any
appealing to Ironhand’s troops. If the player successful attack breaks the Mirror.
has concocted a history between their
character and the merchant, play


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

The Marvellously Inappropriate Censor: With Rivals, Allies and Minions
the constant cloud of incense billowing out of this Besides the inherent complications for each

9 . T h e Ni n e f o l d Pro s p e r i t y Pa v i l i o n
infernal silver burner, it’s tough to breathe while Splendour, the major difficulty the PCs will contend
carrying it! Anyone carrying the Censor loses their with in this scene is their Wulin rivals. Now is the time
breath in two colours of chi (their choice), though to bring out anyone the players entangled as rivals, or
the breath is regained as soon as they set it down. at the least seemed to have a greater connection with,
Wrapping a scarf around one’s mouth or taking other as well as anyone and everyone they spent destiny on
measures to prevent inhaling the incense directly that hasn’t surfaced yet.
lowers this to one colour of chi.
By default, the PCs will face two 4th Rank Wulin
The Catalogues and the Wedding Dress of Lady rivals from the band you didn’t use in the second
Zhou: Neither of these Splendours involves any task, preferably one Warrior and one other. They will
special complications; even the blind savant painting be accompanied by a number of minions, depending
new catalogues doesn’t care about the old ones being on which sponsor the PCs chose:
stolen out from under his nose – he’s only interested
in the next one! Ironhand Nan: If the PCs succeeded in Ironhand’s
task, they face one group of 20 Gang fighters hired
The Black Ginseng: Kept in a porcelain pot, it’s by Red Lotus Ling. These are lead by the Warrior
relatively safe to handle the Ginseng. However, if a Wulin rival. If they failed, they also face a unit of
combat value of 20 is directly applied to the pot it Empty Hand Society troops – 20 Gang Fighters lead
will break, and then there’s trouble! The character by a 5th Rank disciple of Ironhand!
does have a powerful connection with the Ginseng,
though, and gets a +5 modifier to any attempt to re- Red Lotus Ling: The PCs face 20 Gang Fighters
contain it or otherwise spirit it away safely. working for Razoreyes Gongsun, lead by the Warrior
Wulin rival, as well as 20 of Ironhand’s men - Gang
The Porcelain Maid: This beautiful girl has Fighters lead by a 5th Rank disciple.
porcelain skin and long hair made from extraordinarily
thin and strong black glass, which she brushes while Razoreyes Gongsun: The PCs face two groups of
waiting for an opportunity to escape. She has chosen 20 Gang Fighters, all Ironhand’s men! One group is
the name Ci Zhuan for herself, and has a literally lead by the Warrior Wulin rival, the other by a 5th
musical voice – since she can’t breathe, her voice is Rank disciple.
produced by infinitely complex clockwork similar to Regardless, the minions will divide themselves
a music box. Ci Zhuan has excellent Awareness and between PCs as normal, even if the PCs are scattered
instantly grasps the connection between herself and all over the market! Unless the players are rather
the PC who entangled her. She will happily go with clever about it, their rivals will be at the market at
the PC, resisting any attempts to prevent her from roughly the same time they are, leading directly to
doing so. She rolls 5 dice for all skills. a confrontation. If the players attempt to stake out
the markets and try to wait for an opportunity to
“OK, you got the dress. Now for another spirit the treasures away with no opposition, feel free
ten exciting minutes of Feng chasing to have their rivals head straight in and leave with
Wind Monkey!” the Splendours! The characters will still have every
Buying the cheaper Splendours buys you trouble, opportunity to chase down or ambush their rivals to
NOT extra screen time. Make sure that picking a claim the prizes, but the pace of the game will be
mechanically boring option like the Wedding Dress kept brisk.
of Lady Zhou doesn’t mean the scene is boring for These foes are after the same prizes the PCs are
that player. They invested the destiny in an easy ride, – choose which Splendour the Wulin rivals will
so they should look good doing it and get a chance head after first, either based on entanglements or
to bask in the camera’s gaze a bit. randomly. Obviously, this means that some of the
PCs will have an easier time than others: they will
be fighting through only minions, while
their companions battle rivals equal
to them in mastery of Kung


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Fu! This is an excellent opportunity for PCs to earn Finally, one speaks.
deeds of Kuan, Zhong, Hen or Si by helping or “By the nine tails of the Irrepressible Thieving
9 . T h e Ni n e f o l d Pro s p e r i t y Pa v i l i o n abandoning their friends. Monkey, they stole those things from the markets! They
In general, their rivals will NOT fight to the must be heroes beloved of heaven! We need rice-wine,
death, much preferring the ‘run off, swearing drums and firecrackers, this is a moment worthy of
revenge’ approach. Before they resort to this, make festival!”
sure you keep up the talking – pick a motivation for
the NPC to be after the Splendour, and have them And so the adventure ends, with the characters
debate their right to it enthusiastically! A PC might becoming unlikely folk heroes of Unruly Devil.
even end up agreeing – a possible deed of Kuan, Xia
or Yi! Remember that you chose these characters “The markets are quite crowded?”
because you judged them to be more interesting to Of course they are - my players entangled
the players. Think about why you made that choice, half of Shen Zhou!”
and then use them to the hilt to make this an exciting
scene involving interesting rivals, rather than a It’s almost certain that the events of your game
straight heist with kung-fu wielding speedbumps. will not turn out exactly as described above.
For a start, since any destiny entanglements not
Finishing it Off completely resolved in the second scene should
Once the PCs have dealt with their rivals and seized be dealt with here, chances are there’s going to
the Splendours they’re after, their most sensible course be a much bigger crowd of characters than those
of action is to leave the markets. The Empty Hand indicated above.
Society will acknowledge their victory and attempt to
While you can introduce extra enemies for any
herd them out rather than actually apprehend them
assortment of allies the PCs end up with to fight
(unless the PCs were allied with Ironhand, in which
or otherwise deal with, remember that Secrets
case they’ll get explicit congratulations and a friendly
of Destiny are intended to be interesting and
suggestion that it is an auspicious time to retreat!).
worthwhile, not purely aesthetic. Make sure that
Outside the market the PCs will find their sponsor any allies bought with destiny do provide tangible
waiting, along with a hefty force of their followers mechanical aid to the PCs – though of course
and troops. Even if the PCs failed their task in the that shouldn’t mean overwhelming numerical
second encounter, have the sponsor enthusiastically advantage. Feel free to have the allies fighting off
congratulate the characters – they should feel the feat minions and other minor nuisances most of the
they just achieved was impressive, even if they did time, and then give the PCs a hand when they
it easily (in fact, it might be worth giving everyone need it. Allowing PCs to use their allies to provide
a deed of Ba at this point!). However, the sponsor Tactical Opposition is also an excellent way of
will indicate that the Governor will NOT be pleased, handling the matter.
and that it’s time to make themselves scarce. They’ve
bribed the gate guards to let the PCs out of the As for the aesthetic element, you’ll have to rely
district – if they go now, they’ll have a clear run. The on your judgement as Wulin Sage as to how to
sponsor has brought with them the PCs’ effects from handle all these characters interacting with the
their rooms back at the sponsors’ compound, and if PCs during their big scene. It should flow from
necessary, an ox-cart to give any poor sap who chose the events so far in the game and the personalities
the Statue of Huangti or the Mirror of Ying Zheng a of the PCs as expressed by your players, more so
break. than what we’ve written on the character sheets.
If the players accept this, the gates to Unruly We will note, however, that it’s quite amusing
Devil swing open as they approach, and the small to have a Red Lotus girl wanting to discuss
legion of peacock-feather-broom sweepers rush out marriage with a PC while they’re fighting for their
to keep the dust from Prosperous Devil. As they life and trying desperately not to break the Mirror
emerge into the crowds, heat and chaos, of Ying Zheng!
many of Unruly Devil’s residents will
stare at them long and hard.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

10. Auspicious Complications Further Complications
Hopefully, by now your players are raring for

1 0 . Au s p i c i o u s C o m p l i c a t i o n s
This chapter presents a number of ideas for more. If so, it’s probably best to start a campaign of
further complicating the lives of your heroes –during your own devising, and let the players create their
the events of Auspicious Beginnings, or after they’ve own characters. If you want to tide them over for a
re-emerged into Unruly Devil. while, here are a few ideas on what to try next:
During the Adventure • Local Heroes. The characters become something of
This adventure was specifically designed to for a small phenomenon in Unruly Devil, as stealing from
one-shot games for new Weapons of the Gods players. the Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion is an impressive feat!
If you’re running it for experienced players or over Everybody from street peddlers to Governor Chen is
multiple sessions, there simply might not be enough keen to take advantage of this. Soon the players have
their choice of a dozen or more challenges in the form of
material. Here are some ideas to extend the adventure
job offers, earnest pleas for charity, marriage proposals,
in Prosperous Devil:
bandit gangs looking to prove themselves against the
• Too Easy? The core factor keeping the three heroes, and political machinations of powerful Unruly
substantial scenes of the adventure from overwhelming Devil potentates.
the available time is that they’re actually quite easy.
• Runaway Blossom. A girl the players recognise
Despite there being many minions in each scene, in
from the Academy approaches the characters in some
terms of real power, the PCs vastly outgun their foes.
distress. It seems her parents decided the school did
With experienced players or extra time, that doesn’t
nothing other than encourage the girls to make eyes at
necessarily have to be the case. Adding an extra Wulin
the Wulin and pulled their daughter out. She’s desperate
rival or two will greatly extend the scenes.
to continue her training in kung fu, however, and has
• Running off the Rails. We’ve tried to give the players run away from her parents in an attempt to return to
lots of choices, largely because the core adventure is the school. If they can get the girl back into Prosperous
quite linear in order to meet the strict time goal. In Devil somehow, the characters will be in Red Lotus’
the absence of that goal, feel free to remove some of good graces. Otherwise, they can return the girl to her
the explicit structure. You have five locations, three parents, and probably be rewarded.
factions filled with mutual animosity, and (counting
• Shared Circumstances. The PCs’ Wulin rivals are
both versions of the rivals) stats for sixteen Wulin rivals!
also likely to be turfed, politely or otherwise, from
That’s a lot for you and your players to work with! As an
Prosperous Devil. Having failed in their quests, they
interesting twist, the Governor might offer to cut a deal
may try to induce the PCs into helping them out – for
with the PCs – getting them the Splendours they want
example Jin might try to entice the PCs into helping
if they can keep their rivals at each others’ throats.
him fight Glasseye Yan’s bandits and Governor Chen,
• Defend your sponsor! You’ll probably note that while Fei might try to get them to travel south and
each of the tasks given by the sponsors is aggressive in depose Emperor Hu. Other NPCs may have changed
nature: go somewhere else, fight two of the enemy, and circumstances – Pretty Hark may have been approached
achieve some objective. But where are the other two by the Jade Dragon Society and become involved in the
fighters from the opposing band? Making an aggressive fierce feud between them and Red Lotus.
move of their own, of course... Running a defensive
• Mercenary War. Inevitably, the PCs were either
scene where the PCs are on “home ground” could make
Ironhand’s allies, or dealt him a stinging blow. That
a nice counterpoint to the second encounter.
has earned them allies and enemies amongst the older,
• Exploring the Market. The market is extremely more traditional mercenary companies of Xia, who have
strange. Even the massive amount of wealth that flows very divided opinions on the renegade Nan. Wulin are
through it every day couldn’t pay for the water it wastes! often the wild card that can make or break a company’s
Obviously something is going on – the PCs might find fortunes, and so the PCs may end up sucked into this
something very strange or sinister lurking beneath the fierce competition, giving them the opportunity to
pretty face of the district! travel Shen Zhou with the various companies, and
• More Destiny. Simply giving the players a little more involve themselves in conflicts all across the
bonus destiny to spend on the Adventure Loresheet will land.
complicate the plot by its nature!


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Wulin Rivals Assume these powerful characters roll 5-7 dice
for skill rolls, have the finest quality gear, and one
No t e s o n N P C s Note that the NPCs for this adventure have been or more Uncommon kung-fu styles. Ironhand Nan’s
given statistics in line with those for the PCs – ie sword, Hidden Razor, is a Class III god-weapon,
they are specifically oriented for short-term play. As while the others have an extensive complement of
a result, they’re short on social advantages, Lores, Secret Arts. Sapphire Miang likely has a God Weapon
Secret Arts and other traits useful for campaign play. of her own, and possibly knows a Rare style.
If you intend to use them in longer-term games, you
may want to redistribute their Destiny accordingly. Likewise, there are a number of minor characters,
named and unnamed, not likely to enter into direct
The eight Wulin rivals of the PCs are presented conflict with the PCs outside or their roles in the
in two versions – a Fifth Rank version and a Fourth previous chapters – such as the Little Brother Appraisers
Rank version. The Fifth Rank is the top half of the or the Unfurling Crimson Banner Sisterhood. These
page, the Fourth Rank the bottom – we suggest after characters will more or less recognise that the PCs
printing out the page you cut it in half, as a half-page outclass them, and are happy to let the PCs’ rivals take
character sheet is much more convenient to work the brunt of the fighting. Additionally, keeping such
with in play. characters out of direct conflict gives you a bit more
All NPCs in this section use the Revised Kung-Fu flexibility – if one of the players becomes interested
Web Extra versions of kung-fu styles where relevant enough in a Crimson Banner girl that she becomes a
(see major campaign fixture, having her as high 5th Rank
Feel free to replace these with the standard versions of or low 4th might be better for your purposes.
kung-fu from the main rule book, but as a download- Generally assume these characters roll 3-5 dice for
only product, this adventure assumes you have access skill rolls (or 1 in areas they’re not interested in) and
to the latest errata and web extras. have a single Common kung-fu style if they have any
kung-fu at all.
None of these NPCs have the skill I need!
Auspicious Beginnings often calls for contested Is this a heist game or a beauty contest?
skill rolls. However, you won’t know who your PCs It’s true that Auspicious Beginnings is not exactly
are in contest with until you’ve played through the light on attractive characters, with attractive
first scene! As a result, you might want to use an female characters enjoying a majority due to the
NPC in a situation where they’re called to make skewing effect of the Unfurling Crimson Banner
skill rolls when they’ve only got one die or so. Sisterhood. This isn’t particularly uncommon
That’s okay – you can either fudge the numbers in the genre, and helps increase the odds of a
a bit to get them up to 4 or 5 dice if it seems romantic element to play.
reasonable (a good plan in the tutorial), or simply To the extent that the proliferation of beauty is
let the contesting PC cruise in for the win. a problem, it might be worth only emphasising
one or two of the Red Lotus Girls, and possibly
By default, the other NPCs of the game will fleshing out some male NPCs, such as Ironhand’s
not enter into conflict with the PCs, and thus no lieutenants, as being attractive.
statistics are offered for them here. Sapphire Miang Regardless, you should narratively emphasise the
is too powerful to be defeated by starting characters attractiveness of appropriate PCs where possible
within the available timeframe. Likewise, Ironhand – Quality Good Looks may be disproportionately
Nan, Red Lotus Ling and Razoreyes Gongsun as common amongst these characters, but it’s Xiao-Li
3rd Rank characters are all vulnerable to defeat by Pai and Liang Shui that will be on the cover of the
the PCs, but are powerful enough to make that comic or the movie poster – the Red Lotus Girls
quite time consuming. With their large supply of would be lucky to get a group shot! Even Pretty
lieutenants and lackeys, they don’t have much Hark’s Perfect Good Looks are there mostly to
reason to risk direct confrontation anyway make her disguise ridiculous – not to overshadow
– they’ll almost always defer in Xiao-Li Pai’s sword princess role!
favour of their underlings.


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Welcome to Shen Zhou! Sapphire Miang, Governor of Prosperous Devil,
forbids any to enter her district unless invited by

C h a r a c t e r Sh e e t Pr i m e r
Shen Zhou, or “Land of the Gods”, is an epic one of the wealthy magnates who dwell there.
and fantastic vision of fourth-century China, and Luckily, those magnates often have need of brave (or
serves as the setting of Weapons of the Gods. You foolhardy) fighters to aid them in their feuds. On
play young, up-and-coming heroes of the Wulin: the this very day, three such nobles are holding a tourney
Martial Arts world. Whether Warriors, Courtiers or to gain their favour. How lucky for you – you can
Scholars, your characters are already well-known for run on water, split stones with your fists, and count
their heroic deeds, and are able to focus their chi in the drops of rain as they fall... how can you fail?
spectacular displays of martial-arts power. Seeking
challenge, fame and power, you struggle against Which of these four bold heroes will you be today?
other martial artists, armies and even monsters in an Xiao-Li Pai
attempt to have your name known throughout the A loyal daughter and fierce Warrior, her virtue
land! and ambition soar to the skies, and her sword skill is
Today, you are playing one of four bold young higher than the clouds!
heroes who have travelled to the far edges of Shen
Zhou, seeking the infamous Only Six Devils to Feng Guo
seize some of the most famed splendours in all the A young Warrior who may not be wise, but is
land. Only Six Devils is a mighty city set between stronger than an ox with honour that knows no
harsh mountains, the great Yellow River, and the bounds, and fists like iron!
fierce Northern Desert. The personal domain of the Liang Shui
mysterious and terrifying Iron Shadow Warlord, it A Courtier of unparalleled dedication, he breaks
has no law other than his word, and the eccentric hearts with his smile and poetry, and breaks bones
whims of his six District Governors – powerful men with his sound-based kung-fu!
and women whom locals claim to be the titular Six
Devils. The city is famed for two things: the ruthless Patience Meng
professionalism of its mercenaries, and the splendour A brilliant Scholar, tragically too young to retire
of its markets. It is said that you can buy anything to a mountain and contemplate the Dao. His wise
within the walls of Only Six Devils. advice seems almost magical, his Daoist spells
confound the strongest foe, and he can still crack
However, you have no intention of buying
heads with his staff!
anything. Your motives may be as noble as righting an
injustice to your homeland or as selfish as increasing
your fame with the boldest of thievery, but you are Never played Weapons of the Gods before?
here to take one of Shen Zhou’s greatest treasures! Not a problem – the adventure you’re about
You have banded with other brave members of the to embark on serves first and foremost as an
Wulin who also seek a treasure only Six Devil City introduction to the game. In particular, the first
can provide, having fallen together and forged a fast scene serves explicitly as a tutorial, making sure
bond of friendship fighting the Devil Cloud gang on you understand the basic rules concepts before
your journey! However, even for such a mighty band, you launch into the full frenzy of kung-fu battle!
the markets do not give up their splendours easily.
You begin in the chaotic madness of Unruly Devil
District, the most densely populated place in all of
Shen Zhou. The treasures that you seek lie in the
exclusive serenity of Prosperous Devil District, on
sale in the legendary Ninefold Prosperity Pavilion!


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Xiao-Li Pai ambitiously show your martial might. You’re polite,
Invincible Sword Princess, 4th Rank Warrior gracious and cheerful, but strike at the unrighteous with
X i a o - L i Pa i uncompromising power. Try your best in every situation
Fame: “You’ve never heard of Xiao-Li Pai, the to please the shades of both parents by increasing
Orphaned Princess Blade? How embarrassing for you! your fame while showing the greatest virtue! Current
Quickly, friend, let me tell you all about her – her fame members of the Nan clan may cause you difficulties as
is growing, and you don’t want to look foolish when they take extreme exception to your use of their style,
your friends are talking about her! Her sword skill is but as a filial daughter, you can’t ignore your mother’s
peerless, her filial piety matchless! Every young man in wish that you use it to rise to glory in the Martial Arts
Shen Zhou sees her grace and beauty and is lovestruck; world! Luckily there are plenty of other renegades ever
every mother hears of how she avenged her slain parents since Hong Dong rose to power over the Nan, so you’re
against the cruel soldiers of Emperor Hu and wants her far from the only one in such a position.
to marry their sons! Young she may be, but as she
travels north her heroic deeds mount to the skies, and After a long journey, you’ve reached Only Six Devils
tales of her virtue not far behind! in search of a fabulous treasure. Luckily along the
way you’ve fallen in with a band of righteous heroes.
Oh, you’ll know her if you see her – she looks small, Working together you’re sure to recover the treasures
fragile and demure, but her eyes sparkle with you seek within the day!
fearlessness! She wears her hair long, smiles often, and
of course Pleasant Duty, her longsword, is nearly as tall ORIGIN: Dispossessed Noble
as she is!” PASSION: Obsession - Filial Piety
REGION: The Jin Empire (Nan Territory)
History and Heart: Daughter of a noble and virtuous
official of royal blood in the Jin Empire, you were ATTRIBUTES & SKILLS
raised amidst opulence but took your father’s lessons (All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted)
in propriety and virtue utterly to heart. Your difficulty, MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4
however, was with the virtue of filial piety, because Athletics 3 [leaping 1]
your parents had extremely different ideas of the sort Fight 3 [kicks 1]
of young woman you should be! Despite your father’s Hardiness 3 [regaining chi 1]
many qualities, your mother eschewed his humility and SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 5
lack of ambition, wishing for greater wealth and status. Initiative 3
Their arranged marriage had always been a burden upon Dodge 3 [projectiles 1]
her, and she was determined that you would choose Finesse 3
Melee 3 [sword 1]
your own path in life – becoming a power in your own
right. She arranged for you to be trained in the ways of PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 1
the sword by a renegade member of the Nan clan, even Confidence 3 (no bonus)
Grace 3 [city 1] (no bonus)
learning the clan’s secret Heart Moves the Blade style!
Conversely, your father wanted you to lead a quiet and Learning 1
serene life of virtue, filled with humility and acting for WU WEI (SILVER/METAL CHI) 4
the slow yet steady betterment of the world. Caught Awareness 2
between the extremes of humble official and ambitious Senses 2
wife, your dedication to filial piety was a hard road, CHI AURA: 2
but while they lived you managed to find compromises RIVER: 2
that kept them both happy. However, calamity struck HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 15
when your father’s humane policies irritated Emperor ARMOUR: 5 points
Hu. Now your parents are gone from this world, and Quality Good Looks: You have a +5 modifier to skill
there’s no tricking ghosts! You properly avenged them
rolls (usually Presence skills) where your good looks are
against the Emperor’s soldiers with your Heart Moves
a factor.
the Blade, but now you have to try to live a life that
Overwhelming Passion: Your dedication to the shades
would keep them both happy. Has a sixteen-year-old of your parents knows no bounds! If your Filial Piety
girl ever had such trouble? causes you real trouble, you gain a point of Destiny.
You travel Shen Zhou trying to both Possession: ‘Pleasant Duty,’ Quality Longsword.
humbly better society, and Speed +5, Strike +15, Damage +5


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Lightfoot Heart Moves the Blade
Common Any Chi Uncommon Silver Chi (Artful: Swords Only)

Ku n g Fu a n d Ex t r a o rd i n a r y Te c h n i q u e s
Lightfoot is the ability to defy the rules of the world Critical: Disarm or Maim
as you move! Every member of the Wulin has this The peerless sword skill of the Nan Clan, focusing all
kung-fu – it’s so universal that you can spend any the passion and virtue of a warrior into an invincible
colour of chi to fuel its techniques! movement of the blade!
1. Surefoot. Using this technique lets you run on 1. Ambition: Soaring Blade. Apply a +10 modifier
water, climb at your running speed, cling to walls like a to both the Strike and Damage of your sword for one
spider, and take no damage from falling. Cost: 1 chi of attack or defence. You may draw your sword as a Free
any colour. Action to make this attack or defence. Cost: 1 Silver
2. Run Like a Deer. This technique lets you Cover chi
Ground as a Free Action (i.e. you can run without losing 2. Brutal: Speed Blade. Activate this technique at the
the opportunity to attack). You also gain a +5 modifier beginning of the round to apply a +10 modifier to your
to any Dodge roll that you describe well. Cost: 2 chi of sword’s Speed, gain a Secondary Attack, and win ties
any colour. when blocking for the round. Cost: 2 Silver chi
3. Headlong Flying Leap. You can make enormous
Weapon Initiative Attack/Block Damage
leaps as a Free Action – roll Athletics at difficulty 18,
Pleasant Duty 4d + 5 5d + 15 Result dice + 5
travelling ten yards per result die. You gain a +10
modifier to Dodge skill rolls that are well described. Kick 4d + 15 5d Result dice - 5
Cost: 3 chi of any colour.
Dragon Saber
Common Crimson Chi (Artful) Xiao-Li is a typical example of a sword-focused
Critical: Disarm or Maim warrior. Her attacks and blocks are excellent even
without spending chi, and when she uses Strike
A fierce yet precise sword style, Dragon Saber leaves
bonus techniques some opponents won’t be able to
crimson echoes of your blade behind your cut!
cope! However, she’s very vulnerable if disarmed, and
1. Flash of Steel. Add +10 to your sword’s Strike for a is quite fragile, so be careful!
single attack or defence. You may summon your weapon
Ambition: Soaring Blade is your primary technique
to your hand from up to 5 yards away as a Free Action
to make this attack or defence. Cost: 1 Crimson chi
– use it every round on your attack, supplementing
it with Submission to the Earth when you really
2. Dragon Speed. Invoke this technique at the want it to hurt. Moon Covered By Clouds is a very
beginning of the round to gain a +10 modifier to the strong defence, and you should use it whenever you
weapon’s Speed, and reduce the first defence rolled can, but remember it burns Jade chi faster than you
against you this round by 1 die. Cost: 2 Crimson chi regain it. Use Brutal: Speed Blade on your first
3. Submission to the Earth. If you successfully attack turn to pressure your opponent, and then once more
with this technique, your opponent is knocked down, during a battle to finish an enemy off. Use Flash
and you do +2d damage! Cost: 3 Crimson chi of Steel for defence and recovering from Disarm,
or to improve your Secondary Attack from Brutal:
Cloud Mastery Speed Blade.
Common Jade Chi
This style focuses your jade chi to conceal your
fighting spirit from your enemy!
1. Phantom of the Clouds. Add a +10 modifier to your
weapon’s Speed for the round. Cost: 1 Jade chi
2. Moon Covered by Clouds. Using this technique
applies a –10 modifer to the Strike of any attacks made
against you this round. Cost: 2 Jade chi


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Feng Guo wicked Lucky Tusks (amongst other pirates and bandits)
and casting down corrupt tax-collectors. You quickly
Fe n g Gu o Honourable Fist, 4th Rank Warrior
became a local hero, and more and more of your time
Fame: “Feng Guo? Of course I’ve heard of him, do was taken up as word of injustices was brought to you.
you take me for some sort of country bumpkin? That’s
You were away when the Bei clan came for your master.
exactly what Feng started out like himself – a humble
You left your home after burying him, determined to
woodworker out in the wilds of Chenghan. Suddenly
gain fame in the Wulin and prove that he was a man of
everyone in the country was talking about him when he
virtue, and right to teach you the way of the Iron Fist!
crushed the Lucky Tusks gang single-handedly, and threw
You don’t seek to destroy the Bei, only force them to
the wicked tax collector of the region into a pig-sty!
acknowledge their error... and perhaps get revenge on
He’s in Only Six Devils, is he? Oh, yes, he’s easy enough his killers. Your quest to increase your fame has brought
to spot. Not much to look at – medium height and you to Only Six Devils, where you have fallen in with a
short hair – but though he’s wiry, those muscles are like band of heroes all determined to recover treasures from
steel and his hands are calloused all over. They say he the markets of Prosperous Devil District. You feel much
used to cut down trees with his hands and carve the stronger fighting alongside such good people, so fame
wood with his fingers! Usually goes bare-chested, too, should not be far away!
which the girls love far more than his face.
ORIGIN: Peasant
Feng Guo is a virtuous young hero all right, but I’ll tell PASSION: Obsession - Prove Master’s Virtue
you this: if he thinks you’re in the wrong, swallow your REGION: Chenghan (Xi Territory)
pride. He’s as stubborn as they come when he thinks it’s
a matter of honour!” ATTRIBUTES & SKILLS
(All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted)
History and Heart: Your birth was as humble as they
come – your family were peasant woodworkers, spending MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 5
most of their time fashioning cheap tools for those who Athletics 3 [smashing stuff 1]
tended the farms. You never had much of an education, Climb 3
but as you grew you always had an instinctive sense Fight 3 [palms 1]
Hardiness 3 [regain chi 1]
of right and wrong. Your mother laughed and called
Lift 3 [throwing 1]
you her “little Confucius,” but in truth neither of your
parents encouraged you to do much other than work. SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4
Initiative 3 [palms 1]
Fortune smiled upon you when your village played host
Dodge 3
to a runaway member of the Bei clan, who claimed he
had fled after clashing with his lord’s son. The warrior PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4
defended your village from bandits, and was rewarded Confidence 3 [acting honourably 1]
with a place to sleep, and such food as could be spared. Inspire 3 [fear 1]
He admired your natural nobility and powerful GENIUS (WHITE/WATER CHI) 1
physique, and made you his student. He taught you to Crafting 3 [woodwork 1] (no bonus)
cultivate your chi, and eventually passed on his powerful
Bei Fist technique.
You have never thought yourself wise but you know
right from wrong, and you can’t be dissuaded when
you think your strength can set something right. You’re
ARMOUR: 5 points
not stupid; you know you’re not ready to strike down
Emperor Hu or overturn the bizarre laws of Only Six Status 1 (Local Hero). You’re a long way from home,
Devils, but you value your simple code above any law but if you can convince the Sage that an NPC is from
or standard of conduct, and you would throw away near your village, they’ll be well-disposed to you!
everything else to serve it if the matter was serious Iron Fists: You can block sharp weapons without
enough. suffering any damage, and your fists have +5 Strike
So, despite your master’s wishes, as you entered rather than +0
your late teens you began to flourish your Robust: You gain 2 Health for each point of Jade Chi
martial prowess: slaughtering the you spend to heal.


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Lightfoot Fist of Iron
Common Any Chi Uncommon Jade Chi – Brutal (Palms Only)

Ku n g Fu a n d Ex t r a o rd i n a r y Te c h n i q u e s
Lightfoot is the ability to defy the rules of the world Critical: Disorient or Stun
as you move! Every member of the Wulin has this The feared Bei Fist Skill, unrivalled amongst the
kung-fu – it’s so universal that you can spend any bare-handed arts!
colour of chi to fuel its techniques!
1. Living Weapon. Use this technique to change the
1. Surefoot. Using this technique lets you run on statistics of your palms to Speed +15, Strike +5, Damage
water, climb at your running speed, cling to walls like a +10 for the round. Cost: 1 Jade chi
spider, and take no damage from falling. Cost: 1 chi of 2. Body of Iron. Activate this technique to gain a +10
any colour. modifier to your Armour for 3 rounds. Cost: 2 Jade
2. Run Like a Deer. This technique lets you Cover chi
Ground as a Free Action (i.e. you can run without losing 3. Rainbow Stunning Strike. Activate this technique
the opportunity to attack). You also gain a +5 modifier while attacking to change the statistics of your palms
to any Dodge roll that you describe well. Cost: 2 chi of to Speed +15, Strike +10, Damage +10. If this attack
any colour. hits, you opponent loses their breath in a colour of chi
for each result dice. You may also spend Jade chi to add
Eagle Claw damage dice on a one-for-one basis. Cost: 3 Jade chi
Common Crimon Chi – Brutal (Palms Only)
Critical: Disarm or Maim Weapon Initiative Attack/Block Damage
Palms 5d + 15 5d + 5 Result dice - 5
Eagle Claw may be a fist style, but it makes your
fingers slash like knives! Palms 5d + 15 5d + 5 Result dice + 10
(Living Weapon)
1. Quick Rip. Activate this technique when attacking Palms (Rainbow 5d + 15 5d + 10 Result dice + 10
or blocking to gain a +10 modifier to the Strike of your Stunning Strike)
palms. If used for an attack you also gain a +5 modifier
to damage, and +1d damage if your opponent hasn’t
acted yet. Cost: 1 Crimson chi
Feng is a very typical unarmed fighter: he doesn’t hit
2. Flashing Talons. Activate this technique to get a as often as a swordswoman or parry so well, but when
Secondary Attack with your palms. Cost: 2 Crimson he does hit, he hits hard. He can also take quite a
chi pounding.
Golden Temple Bells Fist of Iron is a technique you should be using every
round – not only does it greatly add to your damage,
Common Gold Chi
but when using it, you have access to the powerful
This art, developed by Zan Buddhist Monks, has Disorient and Stun criticals. Because it changes the
spread throughout Shen Zhou. What warrior would statistics of your Palms rather than adding to them, you
not wish to strengthen their flesh with the power of can still add modifiers to those statistics, so you should
their spirit? use Quick Rip to enhance your attacks whenever you
1. Bell-Carrying Sinews. Activate this technique to can. Because you can’t parry as well as a sword user,
gain a +10 modifier to a Lift roll. Cost: 1 Gold chi you should use Body of Iron or Hardness of the Bell
to boost your armour at all times. Flashing Talons
2. Hardness of the Bell. Activate this technique to is extremely useful, but be careful as you can’t afford
gain a +10 modifier to your Armour for the round. it every turn. Save enough Jade chi for Rainbow
Cost: 2 Gold chi Stunning Strike, and when you have a full River, hit
your opponent with a Rainbow Stunning Strike +
Quick Rip to cripple them.


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Liang Shui neither will you ever be a sorcerer, so you employ your
silver tongue to keep a band of heroes around you at all
L i a n g Sh u i Dashing Literati, 4th Rank Courtier
times. The bunch you’ve met on your way to Only Six
Fame: “Who’s Liang Shui? Fool! Three pretty daughters Devils all seem to be there for the same reason – each to
all unwed and you aren’t paying attention to threats to recover a different wonder from the markets there.
their virtue? Best lock them up – no, send them down
Heaven has obviously blessed you with a powerful band
the river – no, send them downriver in a locked box!
of companions, so you’d be a fool to throw it away.
Shui is a prominent literati, excelled on all the exams, You’re determined to keep the band together and ride
but you wouldn’t call him a scholar! He lives for two the wave of fame sure to arise from your heroic deeds!
things: politics and fun, and he throws himself into
To you, the most important field of challenge is in the
both with equal fervour! Why, just last month he
interactions of human beings. This is why, despite your
strode into Three Blessings Town and restored poor old
impressive calligraphy and knowledge of the classics,
Magistrate Kwan’s authority after the mess his corrupt
you don’t consider yourself a scholar. Your learning,
sons and Shen Dong had made of the place... all in
your looks, your kung fu and your music are all tools
one day! It was an act worthy of the courtier-heroes of
of leverage over other people. You are always on the
old, yet Liang Shui decided a day’s hard work deserved
lookout for opportunities to use them for noble ends
a day’s hard celebration, and held a massive feast for
– ends that coincidentally will put you in position to
himself at Kwan’s place - even talking Kwan’s daughters
reap the greatest rewards!
into dancing for him!
He’s a handsome man with clever tongue and a talent
PASSION: Joy - Work and Reward
for music, and his achievements are as high as the
REGION: Southern Liang (Dong Territory)
clouds! You’ll know him anywhere for his long black
hair, green eyes and fine silks, while still being fit and ATTRIBUTES & SKILLS
not soft in the slightest! So you see you can’t trust your (All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted)
daughters within ten thousand miles of such a man!”
History and Heart: Your father was a noted warrior, Athletics 3
and though you never had much taste for his lifestyle, he Fight 3 [palms 1]
passed onto you one indelible trait: a hatred for idleness. Hardiness 1
You don’t even like sleeping! From the youngest age SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1
you filled every moment of your day, whether working Dodge 3 [projectiles 1] (no bonus)
studiously on your education, or playing as hard as you Finesse 1
could in your leisure time. On the same day you gained PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 5
top-marks on your all-important exams, you danced for Confidence 3 [regaining chi 1]
six hours with the women of your favoured tea-house! Grace 3 [city 1]
So you live your life at all times. You work incredibly hard Inspire 3 [extraordinary techniques 1]
Perform 3 [music 1]
for conspicuous and exemplary success in governance,
Persuade 3 [big lies 1]
commerce, and the tasks of a courtier, and you repay
yourself equally with the finest enjoyment to be had. GENIUS (WHITE/WATER CHI) 4
Your works achieve virtuous ends, but it is a foolish Learning 3 [the classics 1, calligraphy 1]
father who leaves you with access to his daughters... Politics 3
You are determined to keep up the proud traditions of WU WEI (SILVER/METAL CHI) 1
the literati – both as political champions of just rule, Awareness 3 [understanding people 1] (no bonus)
and as figures of desire and delight for the women of Investigation 3 [hidden secrets 1] (no bonus)
Shen Zhou. CHI AURA: 2
Your chief motivation at this time is to increase your RIVER: 2
fame in the Wulin. In time, you’ll find a ministry worthy HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 15
of your talents, but for now, you crave the challenge ARMOUR: 5
offered by the Martial Arts world and strive to Quality Good Looks: You get a +5 modifier to skill rolls
improve yourself as much as possible. Your (usually Presence skills) where your good looks are a
Kung Fu is excellent, but you know factor.
it will never be the best and


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Lightfoot Extraordinary Courtier Techniques
Common Any Chi You may use any of the following Techniques as a full

Ku n g Fu a n d Ex t r a o rd i n a r y Te c h n i q u e s
Lightfoot is the ability to defy the rules of the world action. Liang must quote or reference Confucius, Meng
as you move! Every member of the Wulin has this Tzu or some other great sage in order to use any of
kung-fu – it’s so universal that you can spend any these techniques (it doesn’t have to be a real quote, but
colour of chi to fuel its techniques! it helps if it sounds wise). Alternately, you may spend
two chi of the same colour to gain a +5 modifier to your
1. Surefoot. Using this technique lets you run on Inspire roll to activate one of these techniques.
water, climb at your running speed, cling to walls like a
spider, and take no damage from falling. Cost: 1 chi of Anger Inspiring Technique: Make a Moderate (20)
any colour. Inspire roll, opposed by your opponent’s Confidence. If
you succeed, they suffer a –10 modifier to all actions due
2. Run Like a Deer. This technique lets you Cover to blinding anger, until someone (including themselves)
Ground as a Free Action (i.e. you can run without losing takes a full action to resolve the anger.
the opportunity to attack). You also gain a +5 modifier
to any Dodge roll that you describe well. Cost: 2 chi of Instant Inspiration Technique: Spend a Free Action in
any colour. addition to a Full Action to activate this technique – you
use the Free Action to demonstrate your superiority
3. Headlong Flying Leap. You can make enormous through proper behaviour! Add a +5 modifier to your next
leaps as a Free Action – roll Athletics at difficulty 18, action.
travelling ten yards per result die. You gain a +10
modifier to Dodge skill rolls that are well described. Exploitation of Sorrows Technique: Make a Moderate
Cost: 3 chi of any colour. (20) Inspire roll, opposed by your opponent’s Confidence.
If you succeed, they suffer a –10 modifier to all non-
Cloud Mastery defensive actions for a round in their misery!
Common Jade Chi Fear Inspiring Technique: Make a Moderate (20) Inspire
This style focuses your jade chi to conceal your roll, opposed by your opponent’s Confidence. If you
fighting spirit from your enemy! succeed, they suffer a –5 modifier to all actions opposing
you for five turns.
1. Phantom of the Clouds. Add a +10 modifier to your
Note: These Techniques are not the end of Liang’s Courtier
weapon’s Speed for the round. Cost: 1 Jade chi
abilities. In longer term games, a Courtier can apply the
2. Moon Covered by Clouds. Using this technique Secret Arts of Intrigue to manipulate the emotions of
applies a –10 modifer to the Strike of any attacks made friend and foe alike, creating and twisting inspirations
against you this round. Cost: 2 Jade chi and passions!
Music of War Strategy
Common Gold Chi Liang doesn’t look like much of a fighter, but used
Critical: Disorient or Stun carefully he can be devastating. It’s quite dangerous
1. Single Note of Pain. Activate this technique to for him to be in close combat, so try staying back and
make an attack by playing your flute (a Performance roll using your Extraordinary Techniques to confound
at 5d) at a target up to 10 yards away. Since you’re not your foes and give your allies an easier time. When
using a weapon, you gain no Speed, Strike or Damage you can fill your river, hammer a vulnerable foe with
modifier, but the attack ignores armour! Cost: 1 gold Threnody of Torment! While you have more dice for
chi Block than Dodge, you’re still generally better off using
2. Agonising Melody. As Single Note of Pain, but up Dodge and boosting it with your Lightfoot. Make sure
to 50 yards range, and with +1d damage. Cost: 2 gold to use Moon Covered By Clouds in any turn where
chi you expect to be attacked by named characters, or if
3. Threnody of Torment. As Single Note of Pain, but you have spare Chi and want to make sure Minions
up to 100 yards range, +2d damage, and causes your have no chance.
opponent to lose their breath in their Favoured Chi for Instant Inspiration Technique doesn’t look like much,
a round. Cost: 3 gold chi but it’s your best friend for non-combat actions
Weapon Initiative Attack/Block Damage where such modifiers are rare.
Palms 1d + 15 5d Result dice - 5


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Patience Meng you face its many challenges, and generally keep you
busy while the years drag on so very slowly.
Pa t i e n c e Me n g Daoist Genius, 4th Rank Scholar
You seek out challenge with an open heart, looking
Fame: “Ah yes, I recall Patience Meng. Young ‘Longing-
to find the correct balance of wisdom and virtue to
for-the-mountain,’ yes? One of the finest minds of all
solve every problem. Where necessary, you act yourself
Shen Zhou, but quite literally a man before his time! If
– breaking heads if they need it – but you also give
you’ve ever wondered what the greatest sages do before
exceptionally good advice. Even your most obscure or
they retire to the mountains as old wise men, and
strange suggestions often turn out for the best, so you
actually begin their careers as great sages, well, this is it.
try to share your wisdom when you can. You have fallen
They enter the Wulin and wait as patiently as they can
in with a band of heroes on your way to Only Six
for the years to turn their hair appropriately white!
Devils, and you can sense that being with them will
He’s hardly idling, though. As sad as it is for him to
bring challenge to constantly – you’re quite grateful
be a young man, and not yet a wizened old master,
and will do your best to keep them together! You’re not
he’s putting his genius to work in the world to learn
motivated by worldly desires but you realise you must
wisdom! You can’t fault his kung-fu, but it’s his advice
experience the world, so it’s valuable to be a part of
that does the greatest good... why, it was his plans that
this heroic band! You do your best to keep them from
won the Broken Sword Battle, that won the heart of
getting into too much trouble, of course...
Ice-hand Jen for Firehair Shen, and won the Foolish
King Wager! Such a humble young man, too, always ORIGIN:
seeming grateful for the chance to test out his wisdom, PASSION: Obsession - Wisdom
almost like he fears it will go rusty while he waits for REGION: Western Yang (Xi Territory)
Is that him there? Why it must be – three ring staff, (All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless otherwise noted)
the best beard he can muster, an old man’s clothes still
too new to need patching. You couldn’t mistake that MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 1
Fight 3 [kicks 1] (no bonus)
earnest serenity or those sharp eyes – Patience Meng
Hardiness 1
has come to Unruly Devil!”
History and Heart: A wise child, the youngest of a Initiative 3 [advice 1] (no bonus)
large brood of minor nobles, you quickly realised that it Dodge 2
was your destiny to be a wise old man of the mountains. Finesse 1
Then a moment of perfect horror hit you: you were Melee 3 [staff 1] (no bonus)
only ten, and old age was at least fifty years away! PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 2
Confidence 2
You comforted yourself with the knowledge that
Grace 3 [advice 1] (no bonus)
you were not yet educated. A decade later, you had
devoured every available scrap of knowledge, and your GENIUS (WHITE/WATER CHI) 5
Learning 3
father was beginning to make noises about exams
Medicine 3 [advice 1]
and gainful employment! Forty years of government Tactics 3 [advice 1]
service, you judged, would not make you wise so
much as exceptionally cynical. While close, it was not WU WEI (SILVER/METAL CHI) 5
Awareness 3
exactly right for your destiny. You resolved to become
Investigation 3
a sorcerer, and set out into the wilderness to learn from Senses 3 [hearing 1]
the great Daoists.
Of course, they could see your destiny too. They taught RIVER: 2
you a few things, but found your quest amusing. “How HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 15
can you leave the world if you’ve never been there?” ARMOUR: 5
they’d say, which apparently passes for a joke of greatest
hilarity if you’ve been on a mountain long enough. Weapon Initiative Attack/Block Damage
Taking their wisdom to heart you took up a staff Kick 3d + 15 4d Result dice - 5
and entered the Wulin, hoping that the Three-Ring Staff 3d 4d + 15 Result dice + 10
tumult of the Martial Arts World
will teach you wisdom while


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Lightfoot Terrible Rising Water Technique: Make a Moderate (20)
Common Any Chi Learning roll, opposed by your target’s Awareness. If you

Ku n g Fu a n d Ex t r a o rd i n a r y Te c h n i q u e s
Lightfoot is the ability to defy the rules of the world as you succeed, they are unable to approach within 15 yards of
move! Every member of the Wulin has this kung-fu – it’s someone or something of your choice for the next round.
so universal that you can spend any colour of chi to fuel Sheltering Water Intercession: Make a Moderate (20)
its techniques! Learning roll. If you succeed, only those who beat your
1. Surefoot. Using this technique lets you run on water, Learning roll with your Awareness can look at you – to
climb at your running speed, cling to walls like a spider, everyone else, you’re invisible for the next five rounds.
and take no damage from falling. Cost: 1 chi of any
Summoning the Earth’s Folly Technique: Make a
colour. Moderate (20) Learning roll, opposed by your target’s
God of Wind Kick Awareness. If you succeed, they suffer chi flow loss in the
Common White Chi – Brutal (Kicks Only) colour of your choice until they commit an act of folly
Critical: Maim or Stun – something plausible but stupid.
This fierce style channels the power of your genius to kick Secret Art of Genius
at the most vulnerable places on a foe with the speed of Your sheer brilliance allows you to make the finest
the wind! plans! When trying to make a brilliant plan, roll a skill
1. Earthly Spirit Kick. Activate this technique at the appropriate to the plan’s nature (Initiative for effective
beginning of the round to gain a +10 modifier to the timing, Medicine for health, Tactics for military matters,
Speed of your kick, +1d damage for your first attack, and Grace for social matters) at a Moderate (20) difficulty. You
the ability to leap 20 yards as a free action to make that gain a +5 modifier for your particular genius for tactics.
attack. Cost: 1 White chi Normally this roll can only take place between scenes –
making a plan in a single turn applies a –10 modifier.
2. Heavenly Deity Kick. As Earthly Spirit kick, but
with a +5 modifier to Strike. The damage modifier is now If you succeed, you may spend a point of Joss to make the
+2 dice, and leaping distance becomes 30 yards. Cost: 2 plan efficacious. You may have two such plans running at
White chi once. When making the plan, choose one of the following
effects to benefit anyone actively following your plan:
Waves Like Water
Common Silver Chi: Artful/Brutal (Long weapons only) • +5 modifier to appropriate skill rolls
• 2 points of chi regeneration in an appropriate
Critical: Disarm or Maim
colour per round rather than one.
This style uses the length and flexibility of your staff to
• +1 bonus to an appropriate Attribute (also
create a blurring shield around you, snaking through your
raising the corresponding chi)
opponents’ defence!
Note: These Techniques are not the end of Patience’s
1. Sliding Strike. Activate this technique at the beginning Scholar abilities. In longer term games, a Scholar can
of the round to apply a -10 modifier to the opponent’s apply the Daoist Secret Arts to manipulate the luck and
defence when attacking.. Cost: 1 Silver chi destiny of friend and foe alike, creating and changing
2. Fierce Flexible Fence. Activate this technique to gain curses and blessings!
a +10 modifier your weapon’s Strike for all blocks for the
round. You may defend against Ranged attacks without Strategy
penalty. Cost: 2 Silver chi Patience is the weakest fighter of the pre-generated
3. Rolling Wave Attack. Activate this technique to gain characters, but by no means the least dangerous. Don’t
a +10 modifier to your weapon’s Strike for all attacks and get involved in the thick of combat too lightly – stay
blocks this round, and ignore 5 points of armour on any back, using your Extraordinary Techniques to con-
successful attack. Cost: 3 Silver chi found and manipulate opponents until you’ve filled
your River. Then leap in with a God of Wind at-
Extraordinary Daoist Spells:
tack, following up with a River-fuelled Rolling Wave
You can use one of these Techniques as a Full Action.
You must also spend a Free Action to use them – this is
Attack! Try to lay clever plans before going into
the cost of the ritual finger gestures needed to work the battle – don’t sweat the details, as the bonuses given
spell! Alternately, you may instead pace the pattern of by the Secret Art of Genius simulate good planning.
constellations and gain a +5 modifier to your Learning roll Improved Attributes and Chi Regeneration are more use-
– this prevents you from Covering Ground this round. ful than a +5 modifier in combat, but that modifier
Great Benison of Fire: If you succeed on a Moderate (20) can be a big deal for non-combat skills where
Learning roll, you apply a +10 modifier to an ally’s next such modifiers are rarer.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
This Zan monk earns his name! Who MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 recover from Downed
has ever seen such a giant, and with shaved Athletics 3 [breaking things 1]
Fight 3 [palms 1] Golden Temple Bells: (Gold)
head and prayer beads, no less? Quiet as a 1: Bell-Carrying Sinews. +10 Lift
Hardiness 3 [regain chi 1]
mountain, and normally gentle, he’s worse Lift 3 [throwing 1] 2: Hardness of the Bell. +10 Armour/round

5th Rank
than any earthquake when enraged! His fist
SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4 Holy Fire: (Crimson)
skill is good, but his greatest asset is sheer
Initiative 3 1: Flame Strike. +10 Strike, +1d damage
toughness, added to the strength of his faith.
Dodge 3 2: Seven-Fire Fist. +10 Strike, Int. 2
Confidence 3 COMBAT
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 1 Iron Fists (Quality): Initiative: 4d + 15
Learning 3 (no bonus) Attack/Defence: 5d + 5 Damage: Result
Awareness 2 May block weapons unarmed
Senses 2
ARMOUR: 5 Points
RIVER: [ ]


GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
This Zan monk earns his name! Who MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 recover from Downed
has ever seen such a giant, and with shaved Athletics 3 [breaking things 1]
Golden Temple Bells: (Gold)
head and prayer beads, no less? Quiet as a Fight 3 [palms 1]
1: Bell-Carrying Sinews. +10 Lift
mountain, and normally gentle, he’s worse Hardiness 3 [regain chi 1]
2: Hardness of the Bell. +10 Armour/round
than any earthquake when enraged! His fist Lift 3 [throwing 1]
Holy Fire: (Crimson)

4th Rank
skill is good, but his greatest asset is sheer SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4
1: Flame Strike. +10 Strike, +1d damage
toughness, added to the strength of his faith. Initiative 3
2: Seven-Fire Fist. +10 Strike, Int. 2
Dodge 3
Subtle Hand (Silver, Down/Stun)
Confidence 3
1: Feint. Attack at +10 Strike. Result dice
Inspire 1
added to next defence roll rather than doing
Learning 3 (no bonus) 2: Pause for Thought. Attack at +10 Strike.
WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 4 Stun on standard success
Awareness 3 COMBAT
Senses 3
Iron Fists (Quality): Initiative: 4d + 15,
ARMOUR: 5 points Attack/Defence: 5d + 5, Damage: Result
CHI AURA: 2 Dice –5
RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] May block weapons unarmed


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
In his gleaming green armour, and with MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 3 recover from Downed
his swift dragon-spear, who can defy this Athletics 3 [leaping 1] 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
young hero? Merry at heart and bearing no Fight 2 Action. +5 Mobility
grudges, he fights valiantly, looking ever for Hardiness 1
Dragon Saber (Crimson, Disarm/Maim)
Lift 2 [armour 1]

5th Rank
a Lord worthy of his service! Sadly for them, 1: Flash of Steel. +10 Strike, summon
the young ladies of Unruly Devil have failed SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4 weapon from 4 yards as Free
to attract his eye, for his devotion is strong Initiative 3 [spear 1] 2: Dragon Sword. +10 Speed, -1d from first
and lies elsewhere... Dodge 3 opponent’s defence
Finesse 3
Waves Like Water (Silver, Disarm/Maim)
Melee 3 [spear 1]
1: Sliding Strike. -10 to opponent’s defence
PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 2 2: Fierce Flexible Fence. +10 Strike for
Confidence 2 blocks, defend normally against Ranged, 1
Grace 2 [city 1] (no bonus) round duration
Tactics 3 [small unit 1] (no bonus)
Kick: Initiative: 4d +15, Attack/Defence: 3d
WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 4 Damage: Result Dice –5
ARMOUR: 10 points Long Spear: Intiative: 5d + 10, Attack/
CHI AURA: 1 Defence: 5d +5, Damage: Result Dice +10
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX]
Good Looks (Quality)


GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
In his gleaming green armour, and with MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 3 recover from Downed
his swift dragon-spear, who can defy this Athletics 3 [leaping 1] 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
young hero? Merry at heart and bearing no Fight 2 Action. +5 Mobility
grudges, he fights valiantly, looking ever for Hardiness 1 3: Headlong Flying Leap. Cover Ground or
a Lord worthy of his service! Sadly for them, Lift 2 [armour 1] Leap as Free Action. Everyday (18) Athletics

4th Rank
the young ladies of Unruly Devil have failed SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 5 to leap 10 yards per result die. +10 Mobility
to attract his eye, for his devotion is strong Initiative 3 [spear 1] Dragon Saber (Crimson, Disarm/Maim)
and lies elsewhere... Dodge 3 1: Flash of Steel. +10 Strike, summon
Finesse 3 weapon from 4 yards as Free
Melee 3 [spear 1] 2: Dragon Sword. +10 Speed, -1d from first
Kick: Initiative: 4d +15, Attack/Defence:
PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 2 opponent’s defence
3d, Damage: Result Dice –5
Confidence 2 3: Submission to the Earth. Adds Downing.
Dragon Spear: Initiative: 5d + 10, Attack/ Grace 2 [city 1] (no bonus) +2d damage
Defence: 5d +10, Damage: Result Dice +10
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 2 Waves Like Water (Silver, Disarm/Maim)
Tactics 3 [small unit 1] (no bonus) 1: Sliding Strike. -10 to opponent’s defence
WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 5 2: Fierce Flexible Fence. +10 Strike for
blocks, defend normally against Ranged, 1
ARMOUR: 10 points
round duration
3: Rolling Wave Attack. +10 Strike for
RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX]
round, ignore 5 points of armour
Good Looks (Quality)


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Courtier otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
A splendid soldier-bureaucrat, in his MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 recover from Downed
middle years he’s left the army of the Jin Fight 2 [palms 1]
Heaven’s Thunder (Jade, Knockback/Down)
Emperor to follow his clan in the Wulin. Hardiness 2
1: Dragon Wind. +10 Speed, double
His hair is grey, but his eyes are fierce and Lift 2 [armour 1]
running speed.

5th Rank
wits keen – and who would not fear his SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1 2: Lashing Torrent. Secondary Attack
spear-skills? He fights to reunify the land. Dodge 1
Though the battle will not be won in his Melee 3 [spear 1] (no bonus) EXTRAORDINARY TECHNIQUES:
lifetime, his calculated, even ruthless moves Fear Inspiring Technique: Moderate (20)
bring things together, not tear them apart. Inspire opposed by Confidence. –5 to target
Confidence 3
opponent’s opposed actions against you for
Inspire 3
five turns.
Persuade 3
Distracting Suggestion Technique:
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 4 Moderate(20) Inspire opposed by
Learning 1 Confidence. –1 to Presence and Genius for
Politics 3 remainder of scene.
Tactics 3 [small unit 1]
Awareness 2 Palms: Initiative: 1d +15, Attack/Defence:
4d, Damage: Result Dice –5
ARMOUR: 10 points
CHI AURA: 1 Long Spear: Intiative: 1d + 10, Attack/
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] Defence: 4d +5, Damage: Result Dice +10


GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Courtier otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls, recover
A splendid soldier-bureaucrat, in his MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 5 from Downed
middle years he’s left the army of the Jin Athletics 2 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
Fight 3 [kicks 1, palms 1] Action. +5 Mobility
Emperor to follow his clan in the Wulin.
His hair is grey, but his eyes are fierce and Hardiness 2 Heaven’s Thunder (Jade, Knockback/Down)
wits keen – and who would not fear his Lift 2 [armour 1] 1: Dragon Wind. +10 Speed, double running

4th Rank
spear-skills? He fights to reunify the land. SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1
2: Lashing Torrent. Secondary Attack
Though the battle will not be won in his Dodge 3 (no bonus) 3: Crashing Thunder. Make Confidence + 10 as
lifetime, his calculated, even ruthless moves Melee 3 [spear 1] (no bonus) 5 yard radius Area Attack. Adds Down.
bring things together, not tear them apart. PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4 Thousand Scythe Kick (Gold, Knockback/
COMBAT Confidence 3 Maim)
Inspire 3 1: Fast Scythe Kick. +10 Speed, +10 Strike
Palms/Kicks: Initiative: 1d +15, Attack/
Persuade 3 2: Sweeping Scythe Kick. +10 Strike, Adds Down
Defence: 5d Damage: Result Dice –5
Long Spear: Intiative: 1d + 10, Attack/ EXTRAORDINARY TECHNIQUES:
Learning 2
Defence: 4d +5, Damage: Result Dice +10 Lassitude, Joy and Love: Moderate (20) Inspire
Politics 3
BACKGROUNDS opposed by Confidence. –10 on initiative until
Tactics 3 [small unit 1] Full Action sacrificed.
Status 3 (Reputable) WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 2 Fear Inspiring Technique: Moderate (20)
Awareness 2 Inspire opposed by Confidence. –5 to target
Senses 2 opponent’s opposed actions against you for five
ARMOUR: 10 points turns.
CHI AURA: 2 Distracting Suggestion Technique:
RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] Moderate(20) Inspire opposed by Confidence. –1
HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 16 to Presence and Genius for remainder of scene.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Scholar otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
Li-Li was a little plain, so her village MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 3 recover from Downed
didn’t pay as much attention to her as they Athletics 2 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
should. If they had, they might have noticed Fight 3 Action. +5 Mobility
that she always seemed to know what fate Hardiness 1
Blizzard Fist (Silver, Down/Stun)

5th Rank
had in store for the village next... a talent SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1 1: Frost-Numbing Fist. Damage inflicts test
the clever young girl soon realised she PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 3 penalties of next level down
possessed, but felt it was wasted on a sleepy Confidence 3 2: Frozen Moon. -5 to opponents’ strike for
little village. It’s lucky she’s so clever, since Persuade 3 [advice 1] (no bonus) round if in personal combat
her combination of naiveté and ambition
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 4 Secret Art of Genius:
is a big danger in Only Six Devils, but her Legendary Genius: +5 to Politics Advice rolls.
Learning 3
thick country accent can’t hide her brilliance
Medicine 3 [advice 1] COMBAT
from discerning eyes.
Politics 3 [advice 1]
Palm: Initiative: 1d +15 Attack/Defence: 4d
WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 4 Damage: Result Dice - 5
Awareness 3
Investigation 3
Senses 3 [sight 1]
ARMOUR: 5 points
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX]


GROUP: The Righteous (etc.) Society (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Scholar otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls, recover
Li-Li was a little plain, so her village MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 from Downed
didn’t pay as much attention to her as they Athletics 2 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
Fight 3 Action. +5 Mobility
should. If they had, they might have noticed
Hardiness 1 3: Headlong Flying Leap. Cover Ground or Leap
that she always seemed to know what fate as Free Action. Everyday (18) Athletics to leap 10
had in store for the village next... a talent SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1
yards per result die. +10 Mobility
Dodge 3 (no bonus)

4th Rank
the clever young girl soon realised she
PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4 Golden Temple Bells: (Gold)
possessed, but felt it was wasted on a sleepy
Confidence 3 1: Bell-Carrying Sinews. +10 Lift
little village. It’s lucky she’s so clever, since 2: Hardness of the Bell. +10 Armour/round
her combination of naiveté and ambition Persuade 3 [advice 1]
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 4 Blizzard Fist (Silver, Down/Stun)
is a big danger in Only Six Devils, but her
Learning 3 1: Frost-Numbing Fist. Damage inflicts test
thick country accent can’t hide her brilliance penalties of next level down
from discerning eyes. Medicine 3 [advice 1]
2: Frozen Moon. -5 to opponents’ strike for
Politics 3 [advice 1] round if in personal combat
WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 4 3: Wounded By Frost. Damage inflicts test
Awareness 3 penalties of next level down. +10 Strike, +2d
Investigation 3 damage
Senses 3 [sight 1] Secret Art of Genius:
ARMOUR: 5 points Legendary Genius: +5 to Politics Advice rolls
RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX]
Iron Fist: Initiative: 1d +15 Attack/
Defence: 4d + 5 Damage: Result Dice – 5
May block weapons unarmed.


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion. (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls, recover
This shaggy-haired but roughly MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 from Downed
handsome warrior looks like he’d be far Athletics 3 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
Fight 3 Action. +5 Mobility
more at home on a horse than the streets
of Unruly Devil, but in truth he knows the Hardiness 3 Heart-Breaking Blade (Crimson, Disarm/

5th Rank
city far better than the other heroes. Jin was SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 5
the master of the Thousand Sabers bandit Initiative 3 [hooked sabres 1] 1: Killing Spree. +5 Strike, +2d damage, Free
gang, but his fortunes tumbled when the weapon draw
Dodge 3
2: Lightning Killing Spree. +10 Speed, +5 Strike,
Hell Clan warrior Glasseye Yan moved into Finesse 3 [thievery 1] +2d damage, Free weapon draw
the area. He’s out for revenge, both on Yan Melee 3 [hooked sabres 1] 3: Killing Frenzy Spree. +10 Speed, +5 Strike,
and on Governor Chen, who left Jin and Ride 3 [horse 1] +3d damage, Free weapon draw, Area Attack 5
his men to die. Despite this melancholy PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 1 feet radius
fortune, Jin keeps up a cheerful appearance, Confidence 1 BACKGROUNDS
his natural love for mayhem and battle
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 1 Good Looks (Quality)
keeping him joking and laughing as he Weapon Training (Hooked Swords)
fights his way to Prosperous Devil! WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 4
Senses 3 COMBAT
Stealth 3 Palm: Initiative: 4d +15, Attack/Defence:
ARMOUR: 5 points 4d, Damage: Result Dice -5
CHI AURA: 1 Paired Hook Swords: Initiative: 5d + 10,
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] Attack/Defence: 5d +10*, Damage: Result
*+5 only for single blade


GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion. (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls, recover
This shaggy-haired but roughly MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 from Downed
handsome warrior looks like he’d be far Athletics 3 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
Fight 3 Action. +5 Mobility
more at home on a horse than the streets
Hardiness 3 Heart-Breaking Blade (Crimson, Disarm/
of Unruly Devil, but in truth he knows the
city far better than the other heroes. Jin was SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 5 Maim)
Initiative 3 [hooked sabres 1] 1: Killing Spree. +5 Strike, +2d damage, Free

4th Rank
the master of the Thousand Sabers bandit
Dodge 3 weapon draw
gang, but his fortunes tumbled when the
Finesse 3 [thievery 1] 2: Lightning Killing Spree. +10 Speed, +5 Strike,
Hell Clan warrior Glasseye Yan moved into Melee 3 [hooked sabres 1] +2d damage, Free weapon draw
the area. He’s out for revenge, both on Yan Ride 3 [horse 1] 3: Killing Frenzy Spree. +10 Speed, +5 Strike,
and on Governor Chen, who left Jin and +3d damage, Free weapon draw, Area Attack 5
his men to die. Despite this melancholy Confidence 3 (no bonus) feet radius
fortune, Jin keeps up a cheerful appearance, Inspire 3 [fear 1] (no bonus) Cloud Mastery (Jade)
his natural love for mayhem and battle 1: Phantom of the Clouds. +10 Speed
keeping him joking and laughing as he Tactics 3 [small unit 1] (no bonus) 2: Moon Covered By Clouds. -10 to Strike on
fights his way to Prosperous Devil! attacks against you for round
COMBAT Senses 3 Yellow River (Silver, Disarm/Knockback)
Stealth 3 1: Perilous Rapids Meditation. +10 Speed,
Palms: Initiative: 4d +15, Attack/Defence: summon weapon (5 yards) as Free Action.
4d, Damage: Result Dice -5 ARMOUR: 5 points 2: Broken Stones Prayer. Melee attack at Short
Paired Hook Swords: Initiative: 5d + 10, CHI AURA: 2 Range (10 yards). –1d from defence if they
Attack/Defence: 5d +10*, Damage: Result RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] attempt to close
*+5 only for single blade Good Looks (Quality)
Weapon Training (Hooked Swords)


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion. (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
Dressing up as a boy to prove that girls MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 recover from Downed
are every bit as good at kung fu is a time- Athletics 3 [leaping 1]
Waves Like Water (Silver, Disarm/Maim)
honoured tradition, but it helps if you’re not Fight 3 [staff 1]
1: Sliding Strike. -10 to opponent’s defence
so stunningly pretty and incredibly fervent Hardiness 1
2: Fierce Flexible Fence. +10 Strike for

5th Rank
about proving girls’ equality that a blind SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 2 blocks, defend normally against Ranged, 1
man can see what you’re up to from three Initiative 2 round duration
countries away! “Hark” is a good person at Dodge 2
Universal Blow (Jade, Knockback/Down)
heart, but she’s carried away with proving Finesse 2
1: Flowers in the Fog. +10 Speed
something to people that have long since PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4 2: Hail of Blows. Secondary Attack,
accepted it – the Wulin is well aware of the Confidence 3 Universal Blow Only
deadliness of women fighters! It’s possible Grace 3
there are oppressive parents she’s rebelling Perform 3 COMBAT
against... she seems to very much enjoy Palm: Initiative: 3d +15 Attack/Defence: 4d
causing the destruction that she thinks is a Damage: Result Dice – 5
Learning 1
natural part of being a boy. Hark has long
Politics 1 Wolf-Tooth Staff: Initiative: 3d, Attack/
hair that she conceals very poorly under a
Tactics 1 Defence: 5d +15 Damage: Result Dice +10
cap, and a figure that resists being hidden.
Awareness 3 Good Looks (Quality)
Investigation 3
ARMOUR: 5 points
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX]


GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion. (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Warrior otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls, recover
Dressing up as a boy to prove that girls MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 4 from Downed
are every bit as good at kung fu is a time- Athletics 3 [leaping 1] 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
Fight 3 [staff 1] Action. +5 Mobility
honoured tradition, but it helps if you’re not
Hardiness 1 3: Headlong Flying Leap. Cover Ground or Leap
so stunningly pretty and incredibly fervent as Free Action. Everyday (18) Athletics to leap 10
about proving girls’ equality that a blind SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 2
Initiative 2 yards per result die. +10 Mobility

4th Rank
man can see what you’re up to from three
Dodge 2 Waves Like Water (Silver, Disarm/Maim)
countries away! “Hark” is a good person at
Finesse 2 1: Sliding Strike. -10 to opponent’s defence
heart, but she’s carried away with proving 2: Fierce Flexible Fence. +10 Strike for blocks,
something to people that have long since PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4
Confidence 3 defend normally against Ranged, 1 round
accepted it – the Wulin is well aware of the duration
Grace 3
deadliness of women fighters! It’s possible Inspire 2 Universal Blow (Jade, Knockback/Down)
there are oppressive parents she’s rebelling Perform 3 1: Flowers in the Fog. +10 Speed
against... she seems to very much enjoy 2: Hail of Blows. Secondary Attack, Universal
causing the destruction that she thinks is a Learning 1 Blow Only
natural part of being a boy. Hark has long Politics 1 Unfolding Glory (Gold, Down/Maim)
hair that she conceals very poorly under a Tactics 3 (no bonus) 1: How Swift Thy Weapon. +10 Speed, +1d
cap, and a figure that resists being hidden. Initiative, Free Weapon Draw.
BACKGROUNDS Awareness 3 2: Willow Stance. +10 Strike to Blocks, +10
Good Looks (Perfect) Investigation 3 Dodge, +1d to defences. Round duration.
ARMOUR: 5 points Channel: 2 Silver
RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] Palms: Initiative: 3d +15 Attack/Defence:
HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 15 4d, Damage: Result Dice – 5
Wolf-Tooth Staff: Initiative: 3d +5, Attack/
57 Defence: 5d +15, Damage: Result Dice +10.

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion. (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Courtier otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
There is no shortage of disposed MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 1 recover from Downed
southern nobles angry at Emperor Hu, but Athletics 1 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
not many of them become so enraged that SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4 Action. +5 Mobility
they stop distinguishing between him and Dodge 3 Holy Fire: (Crimson)
1: Flame Strike. +10 Strike, +1d damage

5th Rank
other questionable rulers! Fei is a beautiful Finesse 3
woman in her thirties with stark white Melee 3 [kwan dao 1] 2: Seven-Fire Fist. +10 Strike, Int. 2
hair, wielding a magnificent kwan dao, Burning
and with an endlessly brilliant approach Confidence 3 [majestic surety 1] EXTRAORDINARY TECHNIQUES:
to conversation. She seems to always have Grace 3 [city 1] Anger Inspiring: Moderate (20) Inspire
a contingency plan for any eventuality, Inspire 3 [love 1] opposed by Confidence. –10 on all actions
prepared for anything that comes across Perform 3 [flute 1] until any character sacrifices a full action to
her path – a strange counterpoint to her Persuade 3 [clever debate 1] resolve anger
unbridled fury at corrupt governance, and Instant Inspiration: +5 to a mundane roll
her determination to topple every corrupt Exploitation of Sorrows: Moderate (20)
Learning 2
regime everywhere! Inspire opposed by Confidence.–10 to all
Politics 3
non-defensive actions for one round
Awareness 2
Palms: Initiative: 1d +15 Attack/Defence:
ARMOUR: 5 points
1d Damage: Result Dice –5
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX] Kwan Dao: Initiative: 1d + 5, Attack/
HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 15 Defence: 5d +5, Damage: Result Dice + 15


GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion. (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Courtier otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
There is no shortage of disposed MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 1 recover from Downed
southern nobles angry at Emperor Hu, but Athletics 1 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
not many of them become so enraged that SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4 Action. +5 Mobility
they stop distinguishing between him and Dodge 3 Holy Fire: (Crimson)
other questionable rulers! Fei is a beautiful Finesse 3 1: Flame Strike. +10 Strike, +1d damage

4th Rank
woman in her thirties with stark white Melee 3 [kwan dao 1] 2: Seven-Fire Fist. +10 Strike, Int. 2
hair, wielding a magnificent kwan dao, PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4 Burning
and with an endlessly brilliant approach Confidence 3 [majestic surety 1] Golden Temple Bells: (Gold)
to conversation. She seems to always have Grace 3 [city 1] 1: Bell-Carrying Sinews. +10 Lift
a contingency plan for any eventuality, Inspire 3 [love 1] 2: Hardness of the Bell. +10 Armour/round
prepared for anything that comes across Perform 3 [flute 1]
her path – a strange counterpoint to her Persuade 3 [clever debate 1] EXTRAORDINARY TECHNIQUES
unbridled fury at corrupt governance, and Anger Inspiring: Moderate (20) Inspire
her determination to topple every corrupt opposed by Confidence. –10 on all actions
Learning 3
regime everywhere! until any character sacrifices a full action to
Crafting 3
resolve anger.
COMBAT Politics 3
Instant Influence Technique: +5 to a
Palms: Initiative: 1d +15 Attack/Defence: Tactics 3
mundane roll
1d Damage: Result Dice –5 WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 3 Exploitation of Sorrows: Moderate (20)
Kwan Dao: Initiative: 1d + 5, Attack/ Awareness 3 Inspire opposed by Confidence. –10 to all
Defence: 5d +5, Damage: Result Dice + 15 Investigation 3 non-defensive actions for one round.
ARMOUR: 5 points Secret Art of Genius
RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX]

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Scholar otherwise noted.)
1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
This brash yet impeccably groomed MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 1 recover from Downed
young man wears a doctor’s clothes, Fight 3 [kicks 1] (no bonus)
Thousand Scythe Kick (Gold, Knockback/
and indeed is well-versed in the arts of SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1 Maim)
medicine... but seems to take a warrior’s Dodge 3 (no bonus) 1: Fast Scythe Kick. +10 Speed, +10 Strike

5th Rank
tack. He likes to claim that he has coldly Finesse 3 [fine manipulation 1] (no bonus) 2: Sweeping Scythe Kick. +10 Strike, Adds
decided to treat the illness of the world by PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4 Down
cauterising the wicked, but he does seem to Confidence 3
take a great deal of joy from any excuse to EXTRAORDINARY TECHNIQUES
use his powerful kicking style and superior Grievous Act of Metal: Moderate (20)
Learning 3 [calligraphy 1]
intellect to get the best of an opponent. He’s Learning roll opposed by Awareness. Full
Medicine 3 [injuries 1]
easily recognisable by his medicine bag and action. –10 modifier to the action of
Crafting 3
long braid. opponent.
Instant Influence Technique: +5 to a
Awareness 3
mundane roll
Investigation 3 [hidden secrets 1]
Senses 3 [touch 1] Summoning the Earth’s Folly: Moderate
(20) Learning opposed by Awareness.
ARMOUR: 5 Points
Opponent suffers chi flow loss in one colour
until they do something objectively foolish.
RIVER: [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] [XX]
Kicks. Initiative: 1d +15, Attack/Defence:
4d, Damage: Result Dice -5


GROUP: Four Fierce Flames of Rebellion (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
RANK/ARCHETYPE: 4th Rank Scholar otherwise noted.) 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls, recover
MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 1 from Downed
This brash yet impeccably groomed
Athletics 3 (no bonus) 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
young man wears a doctor’s clothes, Action. +5 Mobility
Fight 3 [kicks 1] (no bonus)
and indeed is well-versed in the arts of 3: Headlong Flying Leap. Cover Ground or Leap
medicine... but seems to take a warrior’s SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 1
Dodge 3 (no bonus) as Free Action. Everyday (18) Athletics to leap 10
tack. He likes to claim that he has coldly Finesse 3 [fine manipulation 1] (no bonus) yards per result die. +10 Mobility

4th Rank
decided to treat the illness of the world by PRESENCE (GOLD/EARTH CHI) 4 Drunken Monkey (Silver)
cauterising the wicked, but he does seem to Confidence 3 1: Monkey Capering. +10 dodge
take a great deal of joy from any excuse to GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 5 2: Monkey Roll. +10 Armour, escape from tight
use his powerful kicking style and superior Learning 3 [calligraphy 1] spot
intellect to get the best of an opponent. He’s Medicine 3 [injuries 1, kung fu 1] Thousand Scythe Kick (Gold, Knockback/
easily recognisable by his medicine bag and Crafting 3 Maim)
long braid. WU WEI (SILVER/WATER CHI) 4 1: Fast Scythe Kick. +10 Speed, +10 Strike
Awareness 3 2: Sweeping Scythe Kick. +10 Strike, Adds Down
EXTRAORDINARY TECHNIQUES Investigation 3 [hidden secrets 1]
Wisdom of the Seven Gates (White)
Grievous Act of Metal: Moderate (20) Senses 3 [touch 1]
1: Pain-Negating Method. Full action, Medicine
Learning roll opposed by Awareness. Full ARMOUR: 0 skill roll. Each Wound level treated as a degree of
action. –10 modifier to an opponent’s CHI AURA: 2 difficulty (Battered = 10, Injured = 15, Wounded
action. RIVER: [ ] [ ] [XX] [XX] [XX] = 18 etc). Success erases wound penalties.
Instant Influence Technique: +5 to a HEALTH POINTS PER LEVEL: 15 2: Disturb the Jade Leaves. Medicine roll as
mundane roll attack. Success shuts down a single specialisation,
BACKGROUNDS a critical two specialisations, for 3 rounds.
Summoning the Earth’s Folly: Moderate Superior Specialty: +5 to Medicine kung-fu rolls 3: Pruning the Jade Branches. On Attack, if
(20) Learning opposed by Awareness. Genius higher than opponent’s, adds Stun, and
Opponent suffers chi flow loss in one colour COMBAT they must skip one action per two result dice.
until they do something objectively foolish. Kicks. Initiative: 1d +15, Attack/Defence:
4d, Damage: Result Dice -5

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

RANK/ARCHETYPE: 5th Rank Warrior (Note: All Skills have +1 die to their rating unless Lightfoot: (Any chi)
otherwise noted.)
These bright and disciplined young men 1: Surefoot. Run across water, up walls,
are the future of Ironhand Nan’s mercenary MIGHT (JADE/WOOD CHI) 3 recover from Downed
Athletics 3

5th Rank
company, and they’re well aware that they 2: Run Like a Deer. Cover Ground as Free
Fight 2
carry the pride of their Society wherever Action. +5 Mobility
Hardiness 1
they go! Lift 2 [armour 1] Dragon Saber (Crimson, Disarm/Maim)
Use these stats whenever you need a SPEED (CRIMSON/FIRE CHI) 4 1: Flash of Steel. +10 Strike, summon
quick character to lead Minions. Initiative 3 [sword 1] weapon from 4 yards as Free Action
Dodge 3 2: Dragon Sword. +10 Speed, -1d from first
ARMOUR: 5 points
Finesse 3 opponent’s defence
CHI AURA: 1 Melee 3 [sword 1]
Palm: Initiative: 4d +15 Attack/Defence:
Grace 1 [city 1] 3d Damage: Result Dice –5
GENIUS (WHITE/METAL CHI) 2 Longsword: Initiative: 5d+5, Attack/
Tactics 3 [small unit 1] (no bonus) Defence: 5d+10, Damage: Result Dice +10

Blank Minions sheets: use these to keep track of the groups of followers encountered in the game.
An example sheet has been pre-filled for twenty Gang Fighters, led by the Empty Hand Lieutenant detailed above.

Followers Rating _______ Example: Followers Rating _______

Gang Fighters Empty Hand Troops Gang Fighters Force

20 Leader’s
Present Presence Present Presence
1: ______________
Xiao-Li Pai 1: ______________
Base Value 7
2: ______________
Feng Guo 2: ______________
(unit of 5)
3: ______________
Liang Shui 3: ______________
2: 3: 4: ______________
Patience Meng 2: 3: 4: ______________
Base Value 7 Base Value 7
(unit of 5) (unit of 5)
5: ______________ 5: ______________
6: ______________ 6: ______________
4: 5: 6: 4: 5: 6:
Base Value 7
(unit of 5)

Followers Rating _______ Followers Rating _______

Gang Fighters Force Gang Fighters Force

Number Leader’s OPPONENTS Number Leader’s OPPONENTS
Present Presence Present Presence
1: ______________ 1: ______________
1: 1:
2: ______________ 2: ______________
3: ______________ 3: ______________
2: 3: 4: ______________ 2: 3: 4: ______________
5: ______________ 5: ______________
6: ______________ 6: ______________
4: 5: 6: 4: 5: 6:


Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

Sylvain Durand (free product) 6

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