BS EN 353-1-2014 - Parte3

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BS EN 353-1 :2014

EN 353-1:2014 (E)

Annex B

Significant technic,al chan1ges between this E,uropean Standlard andl the

previous edition EN 3,53-1:2002

Table B,.1- Si,gnifi,cantt,echnicalchanges

,cIau se/ pa rag rap h/ta bie/fi g ure Change

Introduction This standard is based on the philosophy that a

guided type fa.Uarrester including a rig1idanchor line
is rated to sustain the maximum dynamic load
generated in a faU fro1ma height by the· m1assof one
person~, incllud1ing any e,quip1ment carried. This
European S,tandard provides requirem1ents and test
methods for guided type fall arresters,, 1including a
rigid anchor line, used in persona.Ill faU protection
systems in accordance with EN 363 ..
Clause 1 Scope This Europ,ean Standard applies to rigid ancho1rlines
which ar,e 1intended to be iinstalle,d vert1icallly and/or
with a cam bi nation of forward-leaning angl,e and/or
side·ways lleaning1angle betweer, the true vertical and
the vertical +15°.
Clause 2 Normative references Updated. Refereuce to EN 361, EN 10264-2,
EN 13411-5 and EN ISO 9227 added. References
to EN 3S4 and EN 355 del eleda

Clause 3 Terms and definitions Ne:w·definiit1ionsadded for the follllowing:

Energy dissipating element, arrest distance,, locking1
distance, connecting1 el ement, stop, device, stop, typ,e

A, stop type 1B,maxim1um rated load, m1inimum rated

load, top bracket, botto1m bracket, ,guiding bracket
and joint.
Clause 4 Requ1ire1ments Breaking tenacity of 0,6 IN/texadded for fibr,e ropes,
•4.1.1 Materi1als webb,1ingand sewing threads.
•4.1.2.Construction Prevention a,gainst incorrect orientation of the guided
type fall arrester added .
.4_4 Static strength
Connecting ele1ments are now required to be
•4.3 Dynamic performance· and function
penmanently attached to the guided type fan arrester.
4.3,.2 !Performance t est1

When attached to the, ri1gid anchor ,guided type fall

4. 3.3 Functions tests arre,sters are now requir,ed to, accompany the user in
an upwards and downwards dire,ction w·ithout
manual intervention.
Stop d,evices re·quire operation via a deliberate
manual a,cti1on,,be self-closing and not removable
frrom1the rigid .anchor line.
A top t,erminaUon usiing U-bolt clamps are no longer
Non-m,etaUic matenials intended to re,main
permanently instaUed are now required to have static
strength of 22 kNI.
A 2 kN p1re-loadino requirement for the enero~

BS EN 3S3-1:2014
EN 353-1 :2:014(:E)

dissipating element added.


New requirem ent for stop type A to hold a load ,of


2 kN added~
New requirem ent for stop type, B, to hold a load ,of

12 kN added.
The performance test is now carried out wiitlhthe
rigid anchor line p ositioned vertically with a tol erance
1 1

of± 1°.
Functions tests replace original Locking tests.
Function tests iinclude low temperature,, minimum
distance, fall baclk, on a guiding bracket, sideways,
fall and side,ways leani ngI anchor Iine tests. r·ests are

conducted using either a) minimum and maximum

rated loads or b) the, maximum rated load. In the
case of the low tem1perature tests this is conducted
using a 100 kg rigid steel test mass.
Clause 5 Test methods New test m1ethod iintroduced covering1 movement of
the guided type fall arrester in an upwards and
downwards direction.
New function t.est methods introduced coveriing low
t.emperature,, minimum distance,, fall back, on a
guiding bracket, side·ways fall and sideways leaning
anchor Une tests (see Tabl~e1).
Clause 6 Marking The guided type fall arrester now requir es the 1

m1inimumand maximum rated loads to, be, mark ed ,on 1

~he device.
Clause 7 IInfoirmation supplied by the manufacturer New cla.use added specificaUy covering the
7.2 Installation i nstaUation of the of the rig id anchor Iine including
tJhe,guided type fall arresteL
7.3 Instructions for use
lnformatiion on the m1inimum tension of 0,25 kN for
an anchor line· made of wiire rope added.
New clause adde,d specificaUy covering the
instructions foir use which includes inforimation now
re quired in addition to that covered by EN 365.

Clause 8 IPa.ckaging Clause now makes re,ference to EN 36 5 1

Annex A New informativ e Annex A add ed.

1 1

Annex B New informativ e Annex 8 added.


AnnexZA Annex ZA revised and updat ed. 1

BS EN 353-1 :2014
EN 353-1:2014 (E)


Relationship between this European Standard andl the Essential

of E,UD irective 89/686/E,EC 1
1 1

·rhis Europ,ean Standard has been pr,epared under a mandate given to CEN by the European Co1mmission

and the Eu1ropean !Free r·rade Association to provide a means of confonming to Essential Re·quirements of
the New Approach Directive 89/686/EEC.

Onoe this standard is cited in the ,Official Journal of the European Union unde,r that Directive .and has been
impl,em1ented as a naUonall standard in at !least one Member .state, compliance with the clauses of this
standard ,given in Table ZA~1 confers, within the !limits of the scope· of this standard, a presumption of
conformity with th,e corresponding1 Esse·ntiall Requirem1ents of that Directive and associated EFTA

Table ZA.1 - Co,rresp,ondenc,e

between this Europ,eanStan,dardand Dire,ctive8'9/686/EEC 1

Clause,(s)/sub,- Ess,ential Requirements (ERs) o,f Qualifyin,grema.rks/ Notes

clause(s) 1


,ofthis EN

4.1.2.,6 1.1.1 Ergonomics

4.1.2 ..1, 4.1.2 ..2, 1 ~2.1 Absence of risks and other
4.1.2 ..3, 4.1.2 ..4, ''inherent' nuisance factors
4.1.2 ..5, 4.1.2 ..6,
4.1.2 ..7, 4.1.2 ..8,
4.1.2 ..9, ,4.1.2..10

4 .1.1.4 1..2.1..1 Suitable constituent materials

4.1.1 ..5 Satisfactory su1rface condition of
au PPE parts in contact with the
4.1.2 ..6 1..2.1.3, Maximum permissible· user
impedim1ent,, 1.3.2 Lightness and d,esign strength
4.1.1 ..3, 4.2.2!,4.2.3,
4.5 1.4 Inform.ation supplied by the
4.4, 4.5 2 ..4 P'PE subject to ageing 4 ..5 refers to Clause 7! which by
reference to EN 365 addresses this ER

4.5 2.8 PPE for use 1n very dangerous 4.5, refers to the inforimation r,equired in
situations ,cIause 7
4.5 2 ..9 PPE incorporating components 4.5, refers to the infonmation r,equired in
wh1ich can b,e adjusted or Clause 7

removed by the use1r

4.5 2 ..12 P'PE bearing one or 1more 4 ..5, refers to the information r,equired in
ide ntificat i,on or recognition Clauses 6 and 7

BS EN 3S3-1:2014
EN 353-1 :2:014(:E)

marks directly or indirectly

re,lating to health and safety

4'"2.2, 4.2.3, 4 ..3,.2, Preventiion of faUs from hei,ght To QIIV8 conf orm1ity with this ER for the

4~3.3!4.5 wlholle fan arrest system the guid ed type


fall arrester inclluding its rigid anchor line

shall! be combiined with a suitable fuU
body harness

WARINING - Other requirem1ents and other EU Diirectives may be applicable to the product(s) falliing within

the scope of this standard.

BS EN 353-1 :2014
EN 353-1:2014 (E)

[1] ENI363,,Personal fall protection equipment -· Personal fall protection systems


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